Texa Tech University

Texa Tech University
The Faculty Senate
ecember 5, 1979
Members of the Facul y Senate
FROM: Gary S. Elbow, Pres]. ent
SUBJECT: Agend& for Meetin #19, December 12, 1979
The Facult Senate wil meet on Wednesday, December 12, 1979
at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate oom of the University Center.
The agend
as follows:
Minutes of the November 14, 1979 meeting
Resolution regarding th establishment of alternate positions or the
University Faculty Dev lopment Committee and the Tenure and Pri ilege
Resolution establishin three standing study committees of the
Faculty Senate
Resolution establishing a Faculty Senate Standing Committee on
Academic Programs
Other Business
Excerpts from the m flutes of the Academic Council meeting of
November 12, 1979
Communization with nterim President Graves regarding a sta
publishad policy on perquisites of Emeritus faculty status
Hearings of theState House of Representatives Subcommittee o
Academiz Tenure, Od ssa, December 1, 1979
Responsa to a lette to Dan Williams, Interm Vice President
for Finance and Adm nistration
Remarks on Presiden ial Selection
Communication from rank Wright, Executive Director TACT
Lubbock Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656
, Page 1.
II. Resolution regardirg the estab ishment of alternate positions on the University
Faculty Development Committee d the Tenure and Privilege Committee.
This resoluticn authorizes
the appropriate adninistrative
of the above-named committees t
would be able to represent thei
resentative of that school or c
his duties as a mewber of the c
the need to elect wid-term repl
the time during whi2h a committ
college or school may be unrepr
Committee and the Faculty Senat
the President of the Faculty Senate to c)ntact
fficial (s) for the purpose of modifying the charges
allow for the election of alternate men.)ers who
school or college in event that the regrlar repliege resigns or is otherwise unable to lischarge
mmittee in question. This procedure wil_ eliminate
cements for resigned committee members, :hus reducing
e may be unable to function at full strength and a
sented. It will also reduce the work of the Elections
Office, which must conduct the elections.
Procedure for selecting al
for a position on each of these
individual receivin; the larges
be declared the regilar member.
of votes shall be tle alternate
Elections Committee shall deter
of drawing lots, a 1..oin flip, o
ernates: The three namesreceivingthemost nominations
committees shall be placed on the ballot, The
number of votes for election to the comlittee shall
The individual receiving the second hieest number
member. In the event of a tie, the Facif_ty Senate
me the winner (regular member or alternr_te) by means
some other random procedure.
III. A Resolution Establiahing Three
the following charge.
tanding Study Committees of the Faculty Senate with
Committees A, B, and C, sta
with receiving, studiing, and re
to them by the Agenda Committee.
referred to them by the Agenda C
written reports, res)lutions, or
deem appropriate. Brsiness subm
for action will be smt to the A
subsequent meeting. Action on a
can be taken only by the Senate
ding committees of the Faculty Senate, are charged
ommending action by the Senate on questi.7,ns referred
Committees A, B, and C shall consider b_siness
mmittee and shall study the question and submit such
recommendations for action by the Senate as they
tted from any of these committees to the Senate
enda Committee and placed on the agenda cf a
question submitted to any of these committees
t a regular meeting or a special called neeting.
Each committee will have a
terms. No more than three membe
least four colleges nust be repr
appointed by the Agenda Committe
semester. If this reEolution is
appoint members to these committ
embership of seven Senators, who will serve one year
s may be reappointed to successive terms and at
sented on each Committee. Committee members will be
prior to the first meeting of the Senate each fall
assed by the Senate, the Agenda Committee will
es before the January 1980 meeting.
Page 3.
VI. Announcements
The minutes of the Academic Council are on file in the Faculty Senate Of
A . Excerpts from the NDvember 13, :979 meeting of the Academic Council.
1. Dr. Hardwick outlined the financial view for the coming year, wit
of slight student vowth and onLy 5.1% greater appropriation for FY81 ov
being a significant factor. It was noted that budget development for 19
need to be accompli-ihed in the winter of 1979 since biennial legislative
aration will occur _n the Spring of 80. There was discussion which indi
for budget developmmt within existing levels of fulltime equivalent fac
to work within those limitations and to provide maximum increases for fa
ideas were developed.
These included attention to the levels of rank of
new to the institutl_on, tightening of released time for various institut
possible use of more teaching assistants, allowing flexibility of funds
fte within colleges and develorment of a base fte with any reductions b
to go to the college for additicnal salary increases.
3 FY 80
0-81 will
budget prepated the need
In order
ulty, several
those employed
onal purposes,
ther than
low that base
2. The state approach to classified personnel reduction was discusse • It was
noted that clarificLtion of definitions is needed and is expected from t e state level.
The Higher Education Management Effectiveness Council, headed by Preside t Max Sherman
of WTSU, is currentLy looking into the legislative requirements and is e
ected to
provide statewide guidelines.
3. Dr. Gully appeared beforE the Council to discuss the roles of res
nators and research in the mission of the university. He noted that res
integral part of the institutior and suggested a substantial role for th
coordinators in each college or school.
rch coordirch is an
Comments were requested about major points in a position paper on research
development with the assistance of the research coordinator in each coll
e. Dr.
Hardwick indicated what he would invite Dr. Gully back to continue discu sion at
another meeting of the Council.
F. Correspondence
Interim Presidert Graves asking for a copy of the Annual Financial P an of the
university for the Senate files
Olga Harvill, Professor at Lamar University, in reply to inquiry abo
faculty report forms and recommendations
Dr. Charles Harcwick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the r Dort of
the ad hoc Van Committee
Dr. Charles Har6qick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the r 3olution
concerning long-range campus radio broadcast planning
Letters to Dan Ienson, School of Law; B. L. Allen, College of Agricu
Cain, College of Business Administration; Monty Strauss, College of
Stephen Thomas, College of Education; Raffi Turian, College of Engin
Ruth Volz, College of Home Economics informing them of the Senate's
the resolution creating a Select Committee to Investigate the Status
and Related Matters and of their appointment by the Senate to serve
t annual
ture; William
:s &Sciences;
aring; and
Dproval of
Df Salaries
• this corn-
Texa Tech University
The Faculty Senate
ecember 5, 1979
Gary S.
f the Facult Senate
lbow, President
SUBJECT: Agenda for Meeting #19, December 12, 1979
The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, December 12, 1979
at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate om of the University Center. The agend
as follows:
I. Minutes of he November
, 1979 meeting
II. Resolution regarding th establishment of alternate positions on
University aculty Development Committee and the Tenure and Pri
III. Resolution establishin
Faculty Se late
three standing study committees of the
Resolution astablishing a Faculty Senate Standing Committee on
Academic Pr agrams
Other Busine 3S
A. Excerpt
from the m flutes of the Academic Council meeting of
12, 1979
B. Communi :ation with nterim President Graves regarding a stan
publish ad policy on perquisites of Emeritus faculty status
Hearing 3 of the Stat House of Representatives Subcommittee o
Academi : Tenure, Od ssa, December 1, 1979
Respons a to a lette to Dan Williams, Interm Vice President
for Fin ance and Adm nistration
Remarks on Presiden ial Selection
Commun' cation from
Corresp andence
rank Wright, Executive Director TACT
Lubbock Texas 794091(806) 742 - 3656
Page 1.
II. Resolution regard! g the estab ishment of alternate positions on the Un
Faculty Developmen Committee
d the Tenure and Privilege Committee.
This resoluti n authorizes
the appropriate ad inistrative
of the above-named committees t
would be able to r resent thei
resentative of tha school or c
his duties as a me er of the c
d-term repl
the need to elect
the time during wh h a committ
y be unrepr
college or school
Committee and the F culty Senat
the President of the Faculty Senate to
fficial (s) for the purpose of modifyin
allow for the election of alternate me
school or college in event that the re
liege resigns or is otherwise unable to
mmittee in question. This procedure wi
cements for resigned committee members,
e may be unable to function at full str
sented. It will also reduce the work of
Office, which must conduct the electio
the charges
ers who
lar repischarge
hus reducing
gth and a
the Elections
electing al
ch of these
the larges
lar member.
e alternate
shall deter
oin flip, o
ernates: The three namesreceiving thew
committees shall be placed on the ballot
number of votes for election to the corn
The individual receiving the second hig
member. In the event of a tie, the Facu
me the winner (regular member or altern
some other random procedure.
t nominations
ittee shall
est number
ty Senate
te) by means
tanding Study Committees of the Faculty
enate with
Procedure for
for a position on e
individual receivin
be declared the reg
of votes shall be t
Elections Committee
of drawing lots, a
III. A Resolution Establi hing Three
the following charge
Committees A, B
with receiving, stud
to them by the Agend
referred to them by
written reports, res
deem appropriate. B
for action will be
subsequent meeting.
can be taken only by
and C, sta
ing, and re
he Agenda C
lutions, or
siness subm
nt to the A
Action on a
the Senate
ding committees of the Faculty Senate, a
ommending action by the Senate on quest!
Committees A, B, and C shall consider b
mmittee and shall study the question and
recommendations for action by the Senate
tted from any of these committees to the
enda Committee and placed on the agenda
question submitted to any of these commi
t a regular meeting or a special called
e charged
ns referred
submit such
as they
Each committee
terms. No more than
least four colleges
appointed by the Age
semester. If this re
appoint members to t
ill have a
three membe
ust be repr
da Committe
olution is
ese committ
embership of seven Senators, who will se
s may be reappointed to successive terms
sented on each Committee. Committee memb
prior to the first meeting of the Senat
assed by the Senate, the Agenda Committe
es before the January 1980 meeting.
e one year
nd at
s will be
each fall
Page 3.
VI. Announcements
The minutes of the Academic Council are on file in the Faculty Senate Of
Excerpts from the November 13, 1979 meeting of the Academic Council.
1. Dr. Hardwick outlined the financial view for the coming year, wit
of slight student growth and only 5.1% greater appropriation for FY81 ov
being a significant factor. It was noted that budget development for 19
need to be accomplished in the winter of 1979 since biennial legislative
aration will occur
the Spring of 80. There was discussion which indi
for budget development within existing levels of fulltime equivalent fac
to work within those limitations and to provide maximum increases for fa
ideas were developeL.
These included attention to the levels of rank of
new to the institutLon, tightening of released time for various institut
possible use of more teaching aEsistants, allowing flexibility of funds
fte within colleges and develorment of a base fte with any reductions b
to go to the college for additicnal salary increases.
r FY 80
0-81 will
budget prepted the need
In order
ulty, several
those employed
•nal purposes,
ther than
ow that base
2. The state approach to classified personnel reduction was discusse . It was
noted that clarification of definitions is needed and is expected from t
state level.
The Higher Educatiot_ Management Effectiveness Council, headed by Preside t Max Sherman
of WTSU, is currentLy looking into the legislative requirements and is e • ected to
provide statewide gLidelines.
3. Dr. Gully appeared beforE the Council to discuss the roles of res
nators and research in the mission of the university. He noted that res
integral part of the institution and suggested a substantial role for th
coordinators in eacl_ college or school.
rch coordirch is an
Comments were requested about major points in a position paper on research
e. Dr.
development with the assistance of the research coordinator in each coil
Hardwick indicated that he would invite Dr. Gully back to continue discu ion at
another meeting of the Council.
F. Correspondence
Interim Presidert Graves asking for a copy of the Annual Financial P
university for the Senate files
n of the
Olga Harvill, Ptofessor at Lamar University, in reply to inquiry abo
faculty report forms and recommendations
_ annual
Dr. Charles Harcwick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the r
the ad hoc Van Committee
Dort of
Dr. Charles Har6aick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the r
concerning long-range campus radio broadcast planning
Letters to Dan Ienson, School of Law; B. L. Allen, College of Agricu
Cain, College of Business Administration; Monty Strauss, College of
Stephen Thomas, College of Education; Raffi Turian, College of Engin
Ruth Volz, College of Home Economics informing them of the Senate's
the resolution creating a Select Committee to Investigate the Status
and Related Matters and of their appointment by the Senate to serve
ture; William
:s & Sciences;
aring; and
Dproval of
Df Salaries
n this corn-
Texas Tech University
The Faculty Senate
Eecember 5, 1979
Members c f the Faculty Senate
FROM: Gary S. I lbow, President
SUBJECT: Agend. for Meeting #19, December 12, 1979
The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, December 12, 1979
at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Room of the University Center.
The agend- is
as follows:
Minutes of
e November 14, 1979 meeting
egarding the establishment of alternate positions on the
aculty Development Committee and the Tenure and Pri ilege
Resolution establishing three standing study committees of the
Faculty Se late
Resolution astablishing a Faculty Senate Standing Committee on
Academic Pr )grams
Other Busine 3S
Announcemen _S
Excerpt 3 from the mlnutes of the Academic Council meeting of
Novembe : 12, 1979
Communi :ation With :nterim President Graves regarding a stan ard,
publish ad policy on perquisites of Emeritus faculty status
Respons a to a letter to Dan Williams, Interm Vice President
for Fin ince and AdmLnistration
Remarks on Presidential Selection
Communi ation from ?rank Wright, Executive Director TACT
Corresp pridence
of theft:ate House of Representatives Subcommittee o
Tenure, Odessa, December 1, 1979
Lubbock Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656
Page 1.
II. Resolution regardi g the estab ishment of alternate positions on the U
Faculty Developmen Committee nd the Tenure and Privilege Committee.
This resoluti
the appropriate ad
of the above-named
would be able to r
resentative of tha
his duties as a me
the need to elect
the time during wh
college or school
Committee and the
n authorize
committees t
present thei
school or c
er of the c
id-term repl
h a committ
y be unrepr
culty Senat
Procedure for
for a position on e
individual receivin
be declared the reg
of votes shall be t
Elections Committee
of drawing lots, a
electing al
ch of these
the larges
lar member.
e alternate
shall deter
oin flip, o
the President of the Faculty Senate to c ntact
fficial (s) for the purpose of modifyin the charges
allow for the election of alternate me ers who
school or college in event that the re lar repllege resigns or is otherwise unable to ischarge
mmittee in question. This procedure wi
cements for resigned committee members,
hus reducing
e may be unable to function at full str gth and a
sented. It will also reduce the work o the Elections
Office, which must conduct the electio
ernates: The three names receiving the
committees shall be placed on the ballot
number of votes for election to the co
The individual receiving the second hig
member. In the event of a tie, the Facu
me the winner (regular member or altern
some other random procedure.
III. A Resolution Establi hing Three tanding Study Committees of the Faculty
the following charge.
t nominations
ittee shall
est number
ty Senate
te) by means
enate with
e charged
ns referred
submit such
as they
Committees A, B
with receiving, stud
to them by the Agend
referred to them by
written reports, res
deem appropriate. B
for action will be s
subsequent meeting.
can be taken only by
and C, sta
ing, and re
he Agenda C
lutions, or
siness subm
nt to the A
Action on a
the Senate
ding committees of the Faculty Senate, a
ommending action by the Senate on questi
Committees A, B, and C shall consider b
mmittee and shall study the question and
recommendations for action by the Senate
tted from any of these committees to the
enda Committee and placed on the agenda
question submitted to any of these commi
t a regular meeting or a special called
Each committee
terms. No more than
least four colleges
appointed by the Age
semester. If this re
appoint members to t
ill have a
three membe
ust be repr
da Committe
olution is
ese committ
embership of seven Senators, who will se e one year
s may be reappointed to successive terms nd at
sented on each Committee. Committee memb rs will be
prior to the first meeting of the Senat each fall
assed by the Senate, the Agenda Committe will
es before the January 1980 meeting.
Page 3.
VI. Announcements
The minutes of the Academic Council are on file in the Faculty Senate Of
A. Excerpts from the November 13, 1979 meeting of the Academic Council.
1. Dr. Hardwick outlined the financial view for the coming year, with anticipation
of slight student growth and only 5.1% greater appropriation for FY81 ove r FY 80
being a significant factor.
It was noted that budget development for 198 0-81 will
need to be accomplished in the uinter of 1979 since biennial legislative budget preparation will occur :n the Spring of 80. There was discussion which indic ated the need
for budget development within existing levels of fulltime equivalent facu lty.
In order
to work within those limitations and to provide maximum increases for fac ilty, several
ideas were developec.
These included attention to the levels of rank of those employed
new to the institut:on, tightening of released time for various instituti mai._ purposes,
possible use of more teaching assistants, allowing flexibility of funds r ather than
fte within colleges, and development of a base fte with any reductions be Low that base
to go to the collegE for additional salary increases.
2. The state apyroach to classified personnel reduction was discussec . It was
noted that clarification of definitions is needed and is expected from th a state level.
The Higher Educatior. Management Effectiveness Council, headed by Presiden t Max Sherman
of WTSU, is current:y looking into the legislative requirements and is ex ected to
provide statewide gtidelines.
3. Dr. Gully apyeared before the Council to discuss the roles of rese arch coordinators and research in the mission of the university. He noted that rese arch is an
integral part of thE institution and suggested a substantial role for the research
coordinators in eacl college or school.
Comments were requested about major points in a position paper on research
e. Dr.
development with the assistance of the research coordinator in each coll
Hardwick indicated that he would invite Dr. Gully back to continue discus sion at
another meeting of the Council.
F. Correspondence
Interim Presidert Graves asking for a copy of the Annual Financial P1 an of the
university for the Senate files
Olga Harvill, Professor at Lamar University, in reply to inquiry &Doc
faculty report forms and recommendations
Dr. Charles Harcwick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the re port of
the ad hoc Van Committee
Dr. Charles Harcwick informing him of the Senate's adoption of the re 3olution
concerning long-range campus radio broadcast planning
Letters to Dan Jenson, School of Law; B. L. Allen, College of Agricul ture; William
Cain, College of Business Administration; Monty Strauss, College oftr
Stephen Thomas, College of Education;
Ruth Volz, College of Home Economics
the resolution creating a Select
this cornand Related Matters and of their appointment by the Senate to serve
Texa Tech University
The Faculty Senate
ecember 5, 1979
Members of the Facul y Senate
FROM: Gary S. Elbow, Presi ent
SUBJECT: Agend4 for Meetin #19, December 12, 1979
The Faculty Senate wil meet on Wednesday, December 12, 1979
at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate oom of the University Center. The agend a is
as follows:
Minutes of the November 14, 1979 meeting
Resolution regarding th establishment of alternate positions or the
University Faculty Dev lopment Committee and the Tenure and Pri ilege
Resolution establishin three standing study committees of the
Faculty Seaate
Resolution establishing a Faculty Senate Standing Committee on
Academic Prpgrams
Other Business
Excerpts from the m flutes of the Academic Council meeting of
November 12, 1979
Communiaation with nterim President Graves regarding a sta nd ard,
published policy on perquisites of Emeritus faculty status
Hearings of the State House of Representatives Subcommittee o
Academia Tenure, Od ssa, December 1, 1979
Response to a lette to Dan Williams, Interm Vice President
for Finance and Adm nistration
Remarks on Presiden ial Selection
Communication from rank Wright, Executive Director TACT
Lubbock Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656
Page 1.
II. Resolution regardi g the estab ishment of alternate positions on the Un versity
Faculty Developmen Committee nd the Tenure and Privilege Committee.
This resoluti
the appropriate ad
of the above-named
would be able to r
resentative of tha
his duties as a me
the need to elect
the time during wh
college or school
Committee and the
n authorize the President of the Faculty Senate to ontact
inistrative official (s) for the purpose of modifyin
the charges
committees o allow for the election of alternate me bers who
present the r school or college in event that the re ular repschool or ollege resigns or is otherwise unable to
ber of the ommittee in question. This procedure wi 1 eliminate
id-term rep acements for resigned committee members, hus reducing
ch a commit ee may be unable to function at full str gth and a
ay be unrep esented. It will also reduce the work o the Elections
acuity Senat Office, which must conduct the electio
Procedure for selecting alternates: The three names receiving the
for a position on
ch of these committees shall be placed on the ballo
individual receivi
the larges number of votes for election to the co
The individual receiving the second hi
be declared the re
In the event of a tie, the Fac
of votes shall be
(regular member or alter
Elections Committe
of drawing lots, a oin flip, o some other random procedure.
III. A Resolution Establ shing Three
the following charg •
t nominations
ittee shall
est number
ty Senate
te) by means
tanding Study Committees of the Faculty
enate with
e charged
ns referred
submit such
as they
Committees A,
with receiving, stu
to them by the Agend
referred to them by
written reports, res
deem appropriate. B
for action will be s
subsequent meeting.
can be taken only by
and C, sta
ing, and re
he Agenda C
lutions, or
siness subm
nt to the A
Action on a
the Senate
ding committees of the Faculty Senate,
ommending action by the Senate on quest
Committees A, B, and C shall consider b
mmittee and shall study the question and
recommendations for action by the Senate
tted from any of these committees to the
enda Committee and placed on the agenda
question submitted to any of these commi
t a regular meeting or a special called
Each committee
terms. No more than
least four colleges
appointed by the Age
semester. If this re
appoint members to t
ill have a
three membe
ust be repr
da Committe
olution is
ese committ
embership of seven Senators, who will se ve one year
s may be reappointed to successive terms and at
sented on each Committee. Committee memb rs will be
prior to the first meeting of the Senat each fall
assed by the Senate, the Agenda Committe will
es before the January 1980 meeting.
Page 3.
VI. Announcements
The minutes of the Academic Cou cil are on file in the Faculty Senate Of ice.
A . Excerpts from the November 13, 979 meeting of the Academic Council.
1. Dr. Hardwick outlined th
of slight student growth and on
being a significant factor. It
need to be accomplished in the
aration will occur Ln the Sprin
for budget development within e
to work within those limitation
ideas were developec. These in
new to the institutLon, tighten
possible use of more teaching a
fte within colleges and develo
to go to the college for additi
financial view for the coming year, wit anticipation
y 5.1% greater appropriation for FY81 ov,r FY 80
was noted that budget development for 1980-81 will
inter of 1979 since biennial legislative budget prepof 80. There was discussion which indicated the need
isting levels of fulltime equivalent faculty. In order
and to provide maximum increases for faculty, several
luded attention to the levels of rank of those employed
ng of released time for various institut:onal purposes,
sistants, allowing flexibility of funds rather than
ment of a base fte with any reductions below that base
nal salary increases.
2. The state approach to cl ssified personnel reduction was discussed. It was
noted that clarification of def nitions is needed and is expected from the state level.
The Higher EducatioL Management Effectiveness Council, headed by President Max Sherman
of WTSU, is current:y looking i to the legislative requirements and is expected to
provide statewide gtidelines.
3. Dr. Gully apreared befor the Council to discuss the roles of research coordinators and research in the miss on of the university. He noted that research is an
integral part of the institutio and suggested a substantial role for the research
coordinators in eacE college or school.
Comments were requested bout major points in a position paper on research
development with the assistance of the research coordinator in each college. Dr.
Hardwick indicated that he woul invite Dr. Gully back to continue discussion at
another meeting of the Council.
F. Correspondence
1. Interim Presidert Graves asking for a copy of the Annual Financial Plin of the
university for the Senate fi es
2. Olga Harvill, Professor at L mar University, in reply to inquiry abou: annual
faculty report forms and rec mmendations
Dr. Charles Harwick informii g him of the Senate's adoption of the re-Dort of
the ad hoc Van Committee
Dr. Charles Har&wick informi g him of the Senate's adoption of the resolution
concerning long-range campus radio broadcast planning
Letters to Dan Ienson, School of Law; B. L. Allen, College of Agricul:ure; William
Cain, College of Business Ad inistration; Monty Strauss, College ofk:s & Sciences;
Stephen Thomas, College of ucation; Raffi Turian, College of Enginearing; and
Ruth Volz, College of Home conomics informing them of the Senate's a?proval of
the resolution creating a S lect Committee to Investigate the Status p f Salaries
and Related Matters and of iheir appointment by the Senate to serve ca this committee.
Texa Tech University
The Faculty Senate
ecember 5, 1979
Members of the Facul y Senate
FROM: Gary S. tlbow, Presi ent
SUBJECT: Agenda for Meetin #19, December 12, 1979
The Faculty Senate wil meet on Wednesday, December 12, 1979
at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate oom of the University Center. The agenda is
as follows:
Minutes of the November 14, 1979 meeting
Resolution regarding th establishment of alternate positions on the
University Faculty Dev lopment Committee and the Tenure and Pri liege
Resolution establishin three standing study committees of the
Faculty Senate
Resolution establishing a Faculty Senate Standing Committee on
Academic Prpgrams
Other Business
Excerpts from the m nutes of the Academic Council meeting of
November 12, 1979
Communization with nterim President Graves regarding a stamard,
published policy on perquisites of Emeritus faculty status
Hearings of theState House of Representatives Subcommittee o
Academiz Tenure, Od ssa, December 1, 1979
Response to a lette to Dan Williams, Interm Vice President
for Finance and Adm nistration
Remarks on Presiden ial Selection
Communication from rank Wright, Executive Director TACT
Lubbock Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656
' Page 1.
II. Resolution regardi g the establishment of alternate positions on the Un versity
Faculty Developmen Committee and the Tenure and Privilege Committee.
This resoluti
the appropriate ad
of the above-named
would be able to r
resentative of tha
his duties as a me
the need to elect
the time during wh
college or school
Committee and the
n authorizeE the President of the Faculty Senate to
inistrative official (s) for the purpose of modifyin
committees to allow for the election of alternate me
present their school or college in event that the re
school or college resigns or is otherwise unable to
ber of the committee in question. This procedure wi
id-term replacements for resigned committee members,
ch a committee may be unable to function at full str
ay be unrepresented. It will also reduce the work o
acuity Senate Office, which must conduct the electio
the charges
ers who
lar repischarge
hus reducing
gth and a
the Elections
Procedure for selecting alternates: The three namesreceiving the
ch of these committees shall be placed on the ballo
for a position on
the largest number of votes for election to the co
individual receivi
be declared the re lar member. The individual receiving the second hi
of votes shall be t e alternate member. In the event of a tie, the Fac
Elections Committee shall determine the winner (regular member or alter
of drawing lots, a oin flip, 07 some other random procedure.
t nominations
ittee shall
est number
ty Senate
te) by means
III. A Resolution Establ
the following charg
hing Three Standing Study Committees of the Faculty enate with
e charged
ns referred
submit such
as they
Committees A,
with receiving, stud
to them by the Agend
referred to them by
written reports, res
deem appropriate. B
for action will be s
subsequent meeting.
can be taken only by
and C, standing committees of the Faculty Senate, a
ing, and recommending action by the Senate on questi
Committee. Committees A, B, and C shall consider b
he Agenda Committee and shall study the question and
lutions, or recommendations for action by the Senate
siness submitted from any of these committees to the
nt to the Agenda Committee and placed on the agenda
Action on a question submitted to any of these commi
the Senate at a regular meeting or a special called
Each committee
terms. No more than
least four colleges
appointed by the Age
semester. If this re
appoint members to t
ill have a membership of seven Senators, who will se ve one year
three members may be reappointed to successive terms and at
ust be represented on each Committee. Committee memb rs will be
da Committee prior to the first meeting of the Senat each fall
olution is passed by the Senate, the Agenda Committe will
ese committees before the January 1980 meeting.
Page 3.
VI. Announcements
The minutes of the Academic Cou cil are on file in the Faculty Senate Office.
Excerpts from the November 13,
979 meeting of the Academic Council.
1. Dr. Hardwick outlined th financial view for the coming year, with anticipation
of slight student growth and on y 5.1% greater appropriation for FY81 over FY 80
being a significant factor. It was noted that budget development for 1980-81 will
need to be accomplished in the inter of 1979 since biennial legislative budget preparation will occur Ln the Sprin of 80. There was discussion which indicated the need
for budget development within e isting levels of fulltime equivalent faculty. In order
to work within those limitation and to provide maximum increases for faculty, several
ideas were developec. These in luded attention to the levels of rank of those employed
new to the institutLon, tighten ng of released time for various institutional purposes,
possible use of more teaching a sistants, allowing flexibility of funds rather than
fte within colleges, and develo • ent of a base fte with any reductions below that base
to go to the col1eg6 for additi nal salary increases.
2. The state apyroach to cl
noted that clarification of def
The Higher Educatiot Management
of WTSU, is current:y looking i
provide statewide gLidelines.
ssified personnel reduction was discussed. It was
nitions is needed and is expected from tha state level.
Effectiveness Council, headed by President Max Sherman
to the legislative requirements and is expected to
3. Dr. Gully apyeared befor the Council to discuss the roles of research coordinators and research in the miss on of the university. He noted that research is an
integral part of thE institutio and suggested a substantial role for the research
coordinators in eacl college or school.
Comments werE requested - out major points in a position paper on research
development with thE assistance of the research coordinator in each college. Dr.
Hardwick indicated that he woul invite Dr. Gully back to continue discussion at
another meeting of the Council.
F. Correspondence
Interim Presidert Graves asieng for a copy of the Annual Financial Plan of the
university for the Senate files
Olga Harvill, Professor at L mar University, in reply to inquiry abou: annual
faculty report forms and rec mmendations
Dr. Charles Hardwick informi g him of the Senate's adoption of the rElort of
the ad hoc Van Committee
4. Dr. Charles Hardwick informi g him of the Senate's adoption of the rE3o1ution
concerning long-range campus radio broadcast planning
Letters to Dan Eenson, Schoo
Cain, College of Business Ad
Stephen Thomas, College of E
Ruth Volz, College of Home E
the resolution creating a Se
and Related Matters and of t
of Law; B. L. Allen, College of Agricul:ure; William
inistration; Monty Strauss, College ofPrts &Sciences;
ucation; Raffi Turian, College of EnginEaring; and
onomics informing them of the Senate's a)proval of
ect Committee to Investigate the Status )f Salaries
eir appointment by the Senate to serve oa this corn-