Texas Tech University LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79409 / (806) 742-3656 The Faculty Senate February 19, 1979 To: Voting Faculty From: Faculty Senate Committee on Committees Re: Nominations f p r University committees and councils and Senate comm _ttees The Faculty Senate nominates and President Mackey and/or administrative staff members appoint faculty to serve on University committees and councils. The Senate Committee on Committees prepares the slate of nominations for the Faculty Senate. Enclosed is a list of vacancies for University committees and councils nd Faculty Senate comnittees. Also enclosed is a form on which you may in icate your willingness to serve and nominate others. Please realize that sin ere attempts are made :o have representatives from all colleges on the committees and councils and many nominations are needed. If you would like :o know more about University committees and councils i. e., the charge for a c)mmittee, you could refer to the University Directory of Councils and Commi:tees. Copies of the Directory are available in Depa tment Chairperson's offi2es and the Faculty Senate office. The campus direct ry also lists the memlers of the 1978-1979 University councils and committees. Please return the 2ompleted form to your College Representative on the Senate Committee on Committees by Monday, March 5, 1978. Faculty Senate Committee on Committees Helen Brittin, College of Home Economics, Department of Food and Nutrit on Chairperson, Committee on Committees Paul Dixon, ColleIe of Education James Eissinger, S2hool of Law Vincent Luchsinger, College of Business Administration George Tereshkovic:c., College of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science Roger Troub, Collee of Arts and Sciences, Department of Economics Darrell Vines, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Enginee ing 219 6(Ar / 1TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY ,A1)\ \ ' The Faculty Senate Azt u To: Committee on Committees 1 From: Helen Britt n, Chairperon Date: February 22 1979 Re: Appointment two ad hoc committees As you know, at that two ad hoc for the Van Commi suggestions for t February 27, if yo do not approve of person for a comm The mailing to al committees should person by another need to get a nom the forms are due nominations). Add office for this p e last meeting on February 14 the Senate passed reso: utions mmittees be formed. Gary Elbow gave me the following suggestions tee and Marglaret Wilson and other Senators gave me th a following e Academic ?freedom Committee. Please let me know by T uesday, have additional suggestions for committee members or if you any of the plersons suggested. As usual, before sugges ting a ttee please 'obtain his agreement to serve. voting facUlty from our Committee soliciting nominat ions to have reached you by now. If you receive a nomination for one person (i. e., at the bottom of the nomination form, fou will nation form completed for the person between March 5 (when to you) and iMarch 12 (when our Committee meets and pl ans tional nomOation forms are available in the Faculty 3enate rpose. Thank you for you help. Aid hoc Van Committee David Northington Biology Claud Davidson, G ography Oscar Francke, Bi • logyiEntomollogy Richard Zartman, lant & Soill Science gineering Charles Burford, Ad hoc !Committee on Academic Freedom Roger Schaefer, P litical Sci4ice Bill Stewart, Arc tecture Charles Dale, Bus ess Administration v'cc: Margaret Wils Report (4 the Committee on Committees TO the Faculty Senate March 14, 1979 By Helein C. Brittin, Chairperson The Committ(e on Committees nominates the following persons to ad hoc comm:ttees on vaos and academic freedom: Ad hoc N SE ve on an Committee David Ncrthington, Biological Sciences Claud DLvidson, Geography Oscar Flancke, Biological Sciences/Entomology Richard Zartman, Plant and Soil Science Charles Burford, Engineering Ad hoc ( OM 'ttee on Academic Freedom Roger Sc haefer, Political Science Bill Stt wart, Architecture Charles Dale, Business Administration Robert I avidow, Law On February 19, the Committee on Committees mailed letters to vot ing faculty soil citing nominations for University and Senate CommittE as and Council . Nominations were due by March 5. On March 12 from 4:00 to 6:3( P.M., the Committee met in the Faculty Senate Office and planned the preliminary slate of nominations. The Committee will meet on Marc h 26 to finalize the slate. The slate of nominations will be circ ulated with the agenda for the April 11 Senate meetin • On April 11. the Senate will nominate the persons to fill vacanci es on Universit y and Senate Committees and Councils for 1979-1980. cc: Senate President Senate Secretary vSenate Office Secretary Committ ee on Committees (7)