Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University
The Faculty Senate
April 4, 1979
Members of the Faculty Senate
Margare: Wilson, President
SUBJECT: Agenda for Meeting #14, April 11, 1979
The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, April 11, 1979, at 3: 0 p.m.
in the Senate Room of the UnLversity Center. The agenda is as follow
I. Minutes of ne March 14, 1979 Senate meeting
II. Nominations for Councils/Committees - Dr. Helen Brittin
III. Election oZ Officers
IV. 1980 Fall Schedule
August 20-2_ (W-Th) 2nd SS Finals
August 22 (7) Grades due
August 28-24 (Th-F) Registration
December 15-19 (4-F) Final Exams
December 20 (Sat.) Final Grades due
Conduct of Senate meetings
Excerpts from Standing Committee Minutes
Excerpts from Academic Council Minutes
Letter from Representative Nolan Robnett
VI. Other Business
Following the March neeting I ha both phone calls and letters from Senat
dissatisfaction with the meeting. I must take a great deal of the blame
conduct of that or ary Senate me ting. However, I do ask that each of yo
future speak concise]y and to th point and, as one Senator pointed out,
attempt to keep our ciscussions rom becoming "repetitious and cumulativ
time do I wish to prevent a Sena or from giving input germain to the disc
can help me by giving careful co sideration to the remarks which you wis
If I should seem liki a - school t acher lecturing to a class, forgive me;
die hard. I shall tty, with you help, to make our last two meetings bot
and expeditious.
B. Minutes of the folloving committ es are in the Faculty Senate Office for
if you so desire.
rs voicing
or the
in the
et us all
" At no
ssion. You
to make.
ld habits
our use
Library Committee
February 20, 1979:
Rare Book Collection subcommitte
ment had been sent to Dr. Hardwi
Office. Them an out_ay or desig
expressed that ultrowiolet-prote
present rare book area although
mended that the Vice President f
facility for the rarl book colle
would be made of the second floo
giving more space to display of
were discussed. Cop7ing Service
received on question-mires conce
be presented at the -mxt meeting
on this campus conce:ning any re
which may be leased )r purchased
and the manager of tie Sevin con
Campus Security and
: Mr. Janeway reported that his progra
kolho had forwarded it to the appropria
and cost-estimate will be made. Conce
tive light sleeves had not been install
hey are now available in the Library.
r Development seek funds for the develo
tion. Discussion also centered on the
space when the rare books removed
urrent periodicals and better ways to d
: Seven replies out of twelve requeste
ning copying services. A full, written
Prior to the next meeting enquiries w
trictions placed on the makes of copyin
with State funds and non-State funds.
ession will be invited to the next meet
for developPlanning
in the
was recoment of a
e which
Ways of
play them
have been
eport will
1 be made
. Bill Dean
Annual Report
The committee review-ad procedure for handling natural and man-made disa
The Emergency Operations Plan fo TTU and TTUSM was reviewed and updated
significant changes gere noted i cluding installation of a new 480 stati
phone alerting systedl which repl ced the 40 station system. In the even
watch, warning or otaer emergenc condition the new system can now notif
tional areas. A letter explaini g the Telephone Alert System and the ac
by the person receiving the call was distributed to all departments conn
system. The Committee expressed concern that the existing siren could n
outside the building. Bill Payn , Civil Defense Director for Lubbock, i
the city is seriously considerin phasing out siren warning systems. Th
campus is used primarily to warn persons outside of buildings. Since it
effectively, the committee reco ends no additional sirens be added. 0
1979 a test of the Entire emerg ncy alerting system was conducted. "Th
cations link betweer Texas Tech and the City of Lubbock's Emergency Ope
Center, the Telephore Alert Sys em, the siren, the classroom bell syste
residence hall alarm system wer [Sic] checked to assure that they were
The film,"Tornado" vas shown in the UC on closed circuit TV that same d
February 20, 1979 the staff of nvironmental Health and Safety distribu
posters with tear-olf cards pro iding instructions on appropriate actio
in the event of a tcrnado. The UD, KTXT-TV and KTXT-FM will continue t
information relative to severe eather watches and warnings during the
ters on campus.
group teleof a tornado
many add iion required
cted to the
t be heard
dicated that
siren on
can be heard
February 28,
and the
d tornado
to be taken
xt few months.
Page 3.
.Announcements continued .
Agri. Sciences - 1975-77 - 2; 1978-79 - 2; goals - 2; A&S 1976-77 - 12;
-4; Goals-5;
goals - 14; BA - 1975-77-0; 1978-79-0; Goals-0; Educ. - 1976-77-4; 1978Engr. - 1976-77-3;19 7 8-79-8; Goals-6; Home Ec. - 1976-77-2; 1978-79-2; G ls-1; Law 1976-77-0; 1978-79-0; Goals-0. In summary, in 1976-77 there were 664 m e faculty
and 150 women faculty; in 1978-7S - 664 male faculty and 147 women facul
. This 1.6 A
2.7% increase in male faculty from 1976-77 through 1978-79 and a 2% decr
se in female
faculty for the same period. In total faculty minorities other than worn
per se, in
1976-77 there 13 male and 6 female minority faculty members; in 1978-79,
here were 36
male and 6 female miLority faculty members. This represents an increase f 177% in
minority male faculty and 0% in minority women faculty. Another interes ng observation
is that with the exception of Arts & Sciences, the goal for one year is
entical to the
actual count for the preceding year. (editorial comment: Forgive me, b
I must reflect
that if affirmative Lction on this campus as it relates to faculty is no dead,it is at
the least gravely ill!)
D. Status and Goals-Administrat:_ve, Professional & Classified. Under th Administrative
category, the follow ...ng is found VP, Academic Affairs - 1977-78 - 17 ma s, 3 females
15 males,
(actual). The goal for 1978-79 was 16 males, 4 females and for 1979-80
5 females. There was 1 male minority person with the goal for 1978-79 a
being 2 male minority persons. VP, Administration - 1977-78- 31 males,
29 males,
(actual). The goal for 1978-79 was 30 males, 6 females and for 1979-80
7 females. Thre were 0 minority persons with the goal for 1978-79 being
fairs - 1977-78and for 1979-80 being 1 female and 1 male minority person. VP, Student
34 males, 12 females (actual). The goal for 1978-79 was 33 males, 13 fe les and for
male with the
1979-80 is 32 males, 14 females. There were 3 male minority persons, 0
goal for 1978-79 being 4 male anc 0 female and for 1979-80 being 5 male nd 1 female
minority persons. ULder the Professional category, the following is fou : VP, Academic
Affairs - 1977-78 - L8 males, 29 females (actual). The goal for 1978-79 nd for 1979-80
remained the same. There were 0 minority persons with the goals for 197 79 and 1979-80
males, 7
being 0 male and 1 female minority person. VP, Administration- 1977-78There were
females (actual). TLe goal for 1978-79 and for 1979-80 remained the sam
0 minority persons iaLth the goal for 1978-79 being 1 male and for 1979-8 being 1 male
and 1 female minority person; VP, Student Affairs - 1977-78 - 8 males, 5 females
1 male and
(actual). The goals for 1978-79 and 1979-80 remained the same. There w
ale and for
1 female minority pelsons with the goal for 1978-79 being 2 male and 1 f
1979-80 being 3 male and 1 female minority persons. Under the Classifie category, the
following is found: \P, Academic Affairs - 1977-78 - 22 males, 82 female
The goal for 1978-79 was 21 males, 83 females and for 1979-80 it was 20 ales, 84
r 1978-79
females. There were 3 male and •6 female minority persons with the goal
ty persons.
being 4 male and 7 fEmale and for 1979-80 being 5 male and 8 female mino
1978-79 was
VP, Administration-1S77-78- 345 nales, 288 females (actual). The goal f
344 males and 289 fenales and for 1979-80 it was 342 males, 291 females.
le and 126
129 male and 125 female minority persons. The goal for 1978-79 was 131
P, Student
female and for 1979-E0 it was 134 male and 128 female minority persons.
Affairs - 1977-78 - E9 males, 349 females (actual). The goal for 1978-79 was 88 males,
350 females and for 1979-80 it was 87 males, 351 females. There were 34 ale and 129
female minority perscns. The goal for 1978-79 was 36 male and 130 female and for
1979-80 it was 39 male and 131 female minority persons. Thus endeth the esume of
Affirmative Action Report. Neale Pearson will have the full report at th April meeting
for you to look at or quesion.
Tenure and Privilege Committee
March 6, 1979
The committee discus&ed the statement it was preparing to send to Dr. Mac
the giving of reasons to faculty members who do not receive tenure. Draf
sections will redraft to get format the same.
ey regarding
ers of various
Page 5.
Announcements continued.
5. Academic Affairs
to be considered if
taken. Of concern a
courses, internal pr
matters. The matter
Office was asked to outline the scope and some of t
comprehensive review of the freshman experience sh
e freshman curricular programs, attrition
rates, pl
cesses for advising and assisting students and othe
will also be discussed with the Administrative Coun
id be underement of
6. Dr. Hardwick ask
or coordinator provi
each faculty member
notify Academic Affa
d that before the end of the spring semester each c
e the Dean with certification that an individual in
as taken place as part of the review process. Each
rs Office when the activity has been completed.
rview with
ean will
7. Deans were asked to be ready during April to discuss goals and progr ss of their
units with Dr. Hardw ck.
8. "Texas Tech is p
through the Faculty
are being routed to
it is not evident wh
to them for forwardi
in an attempt_ to pr
response is needed.
materials should be
rerouted or a negati
rticipating in the attempt to answer legislative in iries
nformat ion nd Review Service. Various inquiries f in legislators
acuity with apparent expertise in the areas under q stion. When
ch source s ould be addressed, Deans asked that inq iries be sent
g to approp late faculty members. This is a volunt y involvement
vide info 11: tion to the legislature, but one for wh h prompt
If some of he questions cannot be readily addresse
eturned to he Academic Affairs Office so the query an be
e response an be filed."
March 13, 1979
1. Salaries for emp oyees above the maximum salaries for their classifi
discussed. The Coun il was conc rned about the effect of inflation and
that the ranges shou d be adjust d periodically and that change in class
might be considered.
tion were
nsensus was
diately with their units to develop cri ria for
t increases in salary. Faculty should
erit criteria. This should result in c any
ria for use in the upcoming budgeting p cess.
merit criteria should result in proced ally similar
in a given unit. Budgeting for facult salaries
agreement that the usual increments of 1,000 for
associate professor and $1,500 for tho
hould be provided. Merit increases may e granted
s. Merit increase guidelines were tent ively
t increases above 9% were not authorize . Any
eases above that level must receive pri
11 has not
s Office. Although the appropriations
ation of an increase of approximately 5 in faculty
erstanding that these funds are to be d tributed on
o uniform cost-of-living or mandated in eases for
2. Deans were asked
consideration of fac
in the development o
defined and pub lishe
Procedures for appli
treatment for each f
was discussed. Ther
those promoted from
from associate to ful
in addition to promo
considered to be fro
salary adjustments r
from the Academic Vi
been passed, there i
salaries. "It is th
a merit basis and th
faculty personnel."
to work imm
lty for mer
review of
merit crit
ation of th
culty membe
was genera
assistant t
ion increas
3-9%. Mer
quiring inc
e President
some expec
current un
re will be
3. Copies of the Fa
asked to insure tht
the checklist be fil
a faculty member is
retirement policy.
and then teaching on
attractive alternati
Regents is scheduled
ulty Recrui ment Checklist were distributed to Dean
he procedur checklist was completed for each vacan
d with the 11 ffice of Academic Affairs when the empl
completed. Discussion then centered on considerati
'The possibi ity of long term faculty members taking
a one-third basis while drawing retirement was sugg
e to full-t me employment for some individuals." T
to take act on on the retirement policy at the Marc
who were
and that
ent of
of the
ted as an
Board of
30 meeting.
Tex s Tech University
LUI3 OCK. TEXAS 79409 / (808) 742-3858
T e Faculty Senate
April 2, 1979
Helen Brittin
Paul Dixpn
James Eiasinger
Vincent luchsinger
SUBJECT: List of Nominees f
George Tereshkovich
Roger Troub
Darrell Vines
Senate and University Committees and C
The Senate will naminate pers ns to fill vacancies on Senate and Univ sity
Committees and Cornelis at th Senate meeting on April 11, 1979. Enc •sed
is the list of noninees for S nate and University Committees and Coun ils
submitted by the :ommittee on Committees.
s tried to make nominations so that, in so far
The Committee on :ommittees
as is possible:
1. all colleges are repr sented on all committees
2. a person loes not ser e on more than one university committee at a time
3. all persons who indic ated a willingness to serve on universit committees
are allowed to serve.
Please be aware of the proced Ire to be used if you desire to amend the list of
committee nominees. "At the Senate meeting, Senators may amend the li St of
committee nominees only by mo ving to strike a name and substitute anot her"
(Faculty Senate Minutes, May 10, 1978). Because the University Presic ent has
requested a completed nominat ion form for each nominee immediately fo lowing the
April 11 Senate meeting, any Senator who nominates a person at the Ap: il 11
meeting must have obtained th e consent of the person to serve as evide nced by
a completed form. The comple ted form must be given to the Chairman of the
Committee on Committees when the amendment is made. (Forms available in the
Faculty Senate Office)
Please be awart that, althoug h all voting faculty were mailed letters and forms
requesting nominations, in ma ay cases response by faculty was insuffic ient to
fill the vacancies and the Co nmittee on Committees has soliciated nom] nations.
Academic Affairs and Status Committee
1 A&S - Earlene Paynter, Speech Pathology
1 BA - Louise Luchsinge r, Marketing
t appropriate; therefore A&S - Mike Bob
1 Law - cannot get and
Grievance Committee - should have tenure
1 BA - Charles Dale, Business Law
1 Law - David Cummins,
Academic Budget Council
1. Billy Freeman, Agric ltural Economics
2. Monty Strauss, Mathe tics
3. John Cobt, Physical
4. Pat Dunne, Marketing
Athletic Council
1. Margaret Wilson, Hea
2. Clarence Bell, Mecha
3. David Nor thington, B
4. Robert Scieazy, Civil
5. Panze Kimmel, Educat
6. Valerie Chamberlain,
th, Physical Ed. & Recreation
ical Engineering
ological Sciences
Home Economics Education
and Awares Council
Beatrice Alexander, lassical & Romance Languages
R. G. Vern, Architec ure
Stephen k. Rubenfeld Business Administration
Olive Jersen, Art
Academic Publications Polic
1. Oscar FrEncke, Entom
2. Willard I. Robinson,
3. Julian Sfallholz, Fo
4. Jeffrey smitten, Eng
5. Dennis BErp, Mass Co
6. Nina RonEhausen, Edu
Admissions and Kegistration
1. William
2. Donald RLde, English
3, Walter Urtwright, S
4. Danny R. Mason, Heal
5. Gary Blackburn, Educ
logy/Biological Sciences
d and Nutrition
dustrial Engineering
h, Physical Ed. & Recreation
Affirmative Act:_on Committe - I elected by the Senate
1. Neale J. Pearson, Se ate (Political Science)
Artists and Spe&kers Commit
1. ElizabetL Sasser, Ar
2. Wildring Edwards, Ho
3. Paul Ellsworth, Musi
4. Rubin Berez-divin, P
e and Family Life
Nominations for Committees,
age 2
Benefits and Retirement Comm ttee
1. Cliff Kehc, Civil Eng neering
2. Lewis Hill, Economics
3. Harry JebEen, History
4. Eleanor Wcodson, Clot ing and Textiles
Bookstore Advisory Committee (someone with accounting or finance back round
is requested)
1. Pat Hayes, Finance
2. Don Gustafson, Electr cal Engineering
3. Leon Higdcn, English
4. Thomas Jores, Educati
Security and Emergenc
Lloyd Urban, Civil En
Roger Schaeffer, Poli
Betty JohLson, Educat
Kenneth Wray, Civil
ical Science
Code of Student &Hairs
1. Charles Ei_bany, Law
2. Theodore 7aylor, Economics
3. Kishor MeLta, Civil Engineering
4. Joyce Artarburn, Health, Physical Ed. & Recreation
Convocations Committee
1. Lewis HunS, Mathematics
2. Tom Stenis, Electrical Engineering
3. Ruth Volz Home Economics Education
4. Richard Starkman, Business Administration
5. Larry Hovey, Educatior.
6. Frank lions, Plant and Soil Science
International Education Committee
1. David Simpson, Range and Wildlife Management
2. Marvin Dvcracek, Agricultural Engineering
3. Lorum Stratton, Classcal and Romance Languages
4. HelenFurkitt, Political Science
5. Roberto Br.. . avn-Villarroel, Classical and Romance Languages
6. Julie Jones, Education
Library Committee
1. Ronald Ga_yean, Food Technology
2. Gregory B-ock, Home and Family Life
3. Ralph Ramzey III, Ciw..1 Engineering
4. L. D. Clements, Chemical Engineering
5. Ernest W. Sullivan II, English
6. Murray Colter, Biological Sciences
7. Diane Wood, Classical and Romance Languages
8. L. G. But_er, Educati n
Minority Affairs Committee
1. Lamont Jo%nson, Educa ion
2. Peggy BriOrt, Art
3. Otto Scha:ht, Ag Engi eering and Technology
4. T. J. Pat:erson, Busi ess Administration
Nominations for Oommittees, p ge 3
Parking Violations Appeals Co ittee
1. Rae Harris, Geoscienc s
2. John Miller, Mathemat cs
3. Jeanette Jenkins, Horn: & Family Life
Special Hearing Esnel for Te re and Privilege Committee - 10 senior faculty
elected by the Senate
1. Henry Wright, Range a • Wildlife Management
2. Daniel Berson, Law
3. George Perg, Architec re
4. Robert Swsazy, Civil D gineering
5. Robert G. Venn, Archi cture
6. Kishor Mel-ta, Civil •gineering
7. Robert Bonnington, Ec omics
8. Otis Templer, Geograp
9. Mary Van Appledorn, M sic
10. Joe Cornett, Educatio
Student Financial Aids/Schol rship Committee
1. B. L. Allen, Plant an Soil Science
2. John Craig, Electrica Engineering
Student Publications Committ e
1. Richard Maxwell, Law
2. Yung Tsai, Sociology
3. Jon Wardrip, Mass Conmunications
4. Shirley Kceller, Eduction
University Discit line Commit ee - 4 and 4 alternates
1. George Teteshkovich, lant and Soil Science
2. Jacquelyn Lambert, He lth, Physical Ed. & Recreation
3. Wolodomir Zyla, Germa ic and Slavic Languages
4. Maryanne Eeid, Educat on
1. Harry Walter, Economi s
2. Don Watts, Architectu e
3. John Deetharctt, Speech Communications
4. James Harter, History
University Discitline Appeal
1. Jack Goodwin, Managem
2. David Davenport, Math
3. David Blackner, Chemi
4. C. E. Taste, Engineer
1. Jane Gedexs, Food and
2. Richard Weaver, Theat
3. Max Mille], Food Tec
, Bu
4. ?
Committee - 4 and 4 alternates
ng Technology
e Arts
iness Administration
Nominations for C
ittees, page 4
Ad Hoc Committee f Faculty Senate to Select Faculty To Attend Out-of
Football Games
1. Agricultur 1 Sciences - George Tereshkovich
- Harry Walker
2. Arts & Sci ces
istratim - Lotus Blackwell
3. Business
- Joe Cornett
4. Education
- William Portnoy
5. Engiaeerin
- Martha Logan
6. Home Econo cs
Robert E. Wood
7. Law