Minutes Meeting # 12, February Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate Room of the University present were: Adamcik, Davis, Dixon, Eissinger L. Luchsinger, V. Luchs Oberhelman, Owens, Pear Tereshkovich, Troub, Wa Christian, McGlynn, and pressing personal matte 1979 met on Wednesday, February 14, 1979 at 3:45 p.m. in le Senate enter with Margaret Wilson, President, presiding. Se lators lexander, Allen, Aycock, Brittin, Chamberlain, Cumin. 2 Dale, Elbow, George, Gillas, Higdon, Jebsen, Keho, Kellogg 2 Lee, Newcomb, nger, McDonald, McGowan, McPherson, Mehaffie, Nelson 1, Stoune, on, Reichert, Rylander, Sanders, Sasser, Smith, Sowel nt were: e, Wagner, Walkup, Williams, and Wright. Members abs iness or Shine. Members absent because of other University b S. s: Hunter, McLaughlin, Michael, Mogan, Morris,and Vi harles Hardwick, Vice President of Academic Affairs; Guests included: Registrar; Gene Medley, Associate Director, Admissions and Records; James D. Henry C. Thomas, Physic ; and Rod McClendon, University Daily. Don Wickard, Howze, Art; SUMMARY OF BUSINESS TRA SACTED The Faculty Senate: I. Accepted the Rlport of the ad hoc Committee on Equus. II. III. I. Created an ad oc committee to study academic freedom and its applic ation at Texas Tech Uni ersity. Voted to forwa d to President Mackey as findings of the Senate a por don of the Report of he ad hoc Committee on Equus. Heard a supple entary report from the ad hoc Committee to Study Face 1ty Employment Contracts. II. Moved to form n ad hoc committee to investigate the use of Universi ty motor pool vehicles. III. Heard the final report of the ad hoc Committee on Raising Retiremem. Age of Faculty. VII. Heard a report from the Committee on Committees. VIII. IX. X. Passed a resolLtion calling for the establishment of a manual pre-re ;istration plan. Moved to reque t a change in the 1979-80 University calendar. Voted to delet4 a portion of the charge of the Academic Affairs and Committee. Status Senate President, Margaret Wilson, called the meeting to order at 3:45 p .m. and welcomed the guests. I. MINUTES OF THE JANU RY 17, 1979 SENATE MEETING Hearing no correct ons or additions, President Wilson declared the minu as distributed. s accepted Page 2. Meeting # 12, February Faculty Senate , 1979 II. REPORT OF THE AD H C COMMITTEE ON E UUS - James Howze Howze moved that t gate the Cancellation o committee report contai 1. A committee sh freedom and its app to developing a be the protection of 2. Every effort s to raise the statu appreciation for a For example, the t designed to enable freedom. In addit freedom when neces in its pursuit of to explain to the freedom. e Senate accept the report of the ad hoc Committee to InvestiEquus as distributed. The motion carried. The lengthy ed the following recommendations: uld be appointed by the Faculty Senate to study academic ication on this campus; special attention should be directed ter understanding of the various activities that fal. within he concept. ould be made by faculty, administration and Board of Regents of academic freedom on this campus and to cultivate an ademic freedom in the community served by Texas Tech University. ree groups should each undertake a program of self-education them to better understand, protect and interpret academic on, faculty members should be committed to testing aoademic ary; administrators should be prepared to support the faculty cademic freedom; and the Board of Regents should be rrepared egislature and their constituency the importance of academic 3. The Board of R gents and administration of the University should accept the policy that each a ademic area has the responsibility for selecting the content of the offerings i its discipline so long as its decisions are consistent with sound practices of scholarship and ethics as defined by the discipline es a whole. 4. The Theatre Ar s Division should be able to schedule Equus or any ocher play so long as the sel ction is in accordance with sound practices of scholership and ethics as defi ed by the theatre arts discipline as a whole. Following prolonge discussion of the ad hoc committee's report Sasser 'roved that an ad hoc committee of he Faculty Senate be formed to carry out recommendation #1 of the Equus Committee. T e motion carried following further extended debate. Lee then moved tha discussion of Committee recommendations #2, #3, and #4 be postponed until the ad hoc ommittee created by the Sasser motion reports to the Senate. and to Adamcik moved to d vide recommendation #2 from recommendations #3 and The motion to divide the recommendations for considEration consider it separately. carried. The portion of the motion to postpone the consideration of recommendati(n #2 carried, but the motion to postpone the consideration of recommendations #3 -snd #4 failed. Reichert then move to divide recommendation #4 from recommendation #3 consider it separately. The motion failed. _1,_ nd to Adamdtk moved to i struct the President of the Senate to forward to Prelident Mackey as being the fin ings of the Senate the following statementftnm the az. hoc committee report: Even if all the e ents that led to cancellation are construed in a lighz most favorable to the U iversity administration it can still readily be demonstrated that an atmospher restricting academic freedom was created. Restrictions on academic freedom n exist and are just as harmful even where there is not an overt act, series of acts or fault on the part of any individual to point to Page 3. Meeting #12, February 1 , 1979 Faculty Senate Report of the ad hoc Committee on Equus continued as having created the condition. At the suggestion of the Dean of Arts and Sciences Equus was cancelled by the director of theatre arts with the approval of the faculty and subsequently Curse of the Starving Class was cancelled by the director of theatre arts with the approval of the faculty; these plus had little in common except that they both contained a nude scene. The preEent state of affairs indicates that there is a general prohibition against producing any play with a nude scene in it, no matter what the play's educational value to the campus comm nity or its literary worth. The Senate has con the Board of Regen Affairs, Dean of A faculty of Theatre of the academic fr Arts on this campu luded that this general prohibition whether it be by s, President of the University, Vice-president of AcEdemic ts and Sciences, Director of Theatre Arts or the collective Arts, (or any combination of these) constitutes a vitiation edom of individual faculty members and students of Theatre and this is intolerable. The Board of Regen policy that each a tent of the offeri with sound practic a whole. s and administration of the University should accept the ademic area has the responsibility for selecting the congs in its discipline so long as its decisions are corsistent s of scholarship and ethics as defined by the discipline as The Theatre Ants Di ision should be able to schedule Equus or any other clay so long as the sel ction is in accordance with sound practices of scholarship and ethics as defi ed by the theatre arts discipline as a whole. Adamcik's motion c rried. Wilson expressed t e Senate's appreciation for the ad hoc committee's wcrk. III. SUPPLEMENTARY REP ORT OF AD HOC COMMITTEE TO STUDY FACULTY EMPLOYMENT 4NTRACTS Ruth Wright The ad hoc committ e received copies of the Gaston bill, studied it, an agreed unanimously that the ef ect is the same as that of the two bills studied pre%iously (Clayton bills): the ab ogation of tenure. The committee finds this bill to also be unacceptable. IV. USE OF TECH VANS - Gary Elbow Elbow called atten motor pool which was di the Faculty Senate be f Elbow reported that the which, presumably, were of the University. In for April weekends foun have been denied becaus ion to the report on the use of vehicles in the University tributed to Senators and moved that an ad hoc committee of rmed to further investigate the use of these vehicles. Athletic Departments are monopolizing the use of vehLcles purchased primarily for the use of the academic departments anuary faculty members seeking to schedule the use of vans that none were available and many requests for use of vans they are already rented. Hardwick agreed th t problems do exist in scheduling use of vehicles in the motor pool and expresse a willingness to work with an ad hoc committee to try to resolve them. He also tated that two more vehicles are currently on order. Page 4. Meeting # 12, February 14, 1979 Faculty Senate Use of Tech Vans contimed Elbow's motion carried without opposition. V. FINAL REPORT OF AD 11.0C COMMITTEE ON RAISING RETIREMENT AGE OF FACULTY The final report o Since that report was w Regents to revise Tech guideline. The adminis by considering policies between ages 65 and 70, those years. arry Jebson this committee was mailed to the Senators with the a enda. itten the administration has been instructed by the h Dard of policy regarding mandatory retirement, using age 70 as a ration has gone even further than the Committee reco endations that will encourage half time or one-third time teach ing with a variety of other options for continued service within VI. REPORT FROM COMMIT EE ON COMMITTEES - Helen Brittin a slate Brittin outlined t e schedule of the Committee on Committees in obtaini of nominations for the enate to send to President Mackey for use in filling vacancies on University Committee /Councils for next year. Mail in The inf a. The fil b. The c. Any d. Spa qua February 19, 1979 ormation and nomination forms to all voting faculty. rmation and forms shall contain: name of each committee for which vacancies are to be ed. number of vacancies to be filled on each committee. special requirements for nomination to each committee es for the faculty to nominate and to supply ifications of the nominees. March 5, 1979 d forms for nominations of faculty to University Co Comp let cils are due to the Committee on Committees. and Cou 'ttees March 12, 1979 4-5 p.m Committee on Committees meets to make up a slate of nominations. March 26, 1979 4-5 p.m Committee on Committees meets to finalize the slate of nominations. March 30, 1979 Slate o nominations will be given to Senate Office Secretary to duplicate and cir ulate with agenda for the Senate meeting on April 11. April 11, 1979 The Sen te nominates persons to fill vacancies on University and Cou cils for 1979-80. VII. RESOLUTION ON PRE REGISTRATION - Vince Luchsinger Luchsinger moved t e adoption of the following resolution: Committees Page 5. Meeting #12, February 14, 1979 Faculty Senate Resolution on Pre-Regis ration continued Resolved th the state o Further, it pre-registr mitting the work plans; and re-allo for course t Texas Tech is one of the few universities in Texas that does not offer pre-registration. is contended that students would benefit from tion by the early resolution of schedules perto optimize their semester study, living and and that the administration could better allocate, ate, resources by the early indications of demand !ferings. It is furth conducted a graduate St registratio distant in r noted that several years ago Texas Tech manual pre-registration for upper division and dents that was not without success. Computer preis reported to be years and many thousands of dollar he future. 3 Resolved that Texas Tech administration and faculty investigate the possibility of conducting a manual pre-registration at the end of Spri Semester 1979 for summer an/or fall terms to test the feasibility of manual pre-registration on a continuing basis. According to Hardwick a committee has studied the possibilities of pre-r egistration or a computerized form o registration, but at this time Tech's computer is 1 -ladequate to handle such a system f registration. He hopes that with the installation of a new computer the University will move rapidly toward a computer pre-registrat on system and believes that perhaps some type of manual system of pre-registrati on might be beneficial in t e meantime. Several senators spoke in favor of the resolution and it was ad pted without opposition. VIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senators dicussed Several of the announcements items briefly and action was taken on one, the 1979-80 Univprsity Calendar. The University cale dar proposed for Summer 1979 through Summer 1981 is _s follows: Summer Sessions 1979 - June 4-July 14; July 16-August 25 F nal exams July 12-13 and August 22-23 F nal grades due July 16 and August 24 Fall 1979 - August 30-31 registration December 22 F nal exams December 17-21 Final grades December 22 Sprin 1980 - January 8-9 registration May 10 F nal exams April 30-May 6 S nior grades May 8; final grades May 12 C mmencement May 9-10 Summe Session 1980 - June 2-July 12; July 14-August 23 F nal exams July 10-11 and August 20-21 F nal grades duei July 14 and August 22 Fall 980-August 28-29 registration Decmeber 20 Final exams December 15-19 Final grades due December 20 Spring 1981 - January 13-14 registration May 16 Final exams May 6-12 Spnior grades May 14; final grades May 18 Skimmer Sessions 1981 June 1-July 11; July 13-August Page 6. Meeting #12, February Faculty Senate 1979 Announcements continued Luchsinger moved t recommend to Associate Vice President Of Academic A Len Ainsworth, that the beginning and closing dates of the Fall 1979 Semeste moved one week earlier, keeping December 22, 1979 as the due date for final The motion carried. airs, be ades. Jebsen proposed an alternate recommendation to move the final grade due Fall 1979 to December 2 , 1979 in the event that the Luchsinger recommendati acceptable to Ainsworh nd the Administrative Council. ate for is not Wright moved to ta le the Jebsen motion until after the Senate receives to the Luchsinger reco 1111 endation. The motion to table the Jebsen motion car response ed. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Senators inquired a out the revised Faculty Review Forms. Hardwick assur Senate that faculty memb rs would be receiving instructions concerning the f reports shortly. the ulty The Academic Affair and Status Committee asked the Senate to clarify a made by the old Faculty ouncil, referring to a statement which requested th committee to s udy the p ocedures used for student advising. harge Discussioti suggeste that in the time since this request was made a par charge of the Academic A fairs and Status Committee the University and its C have improved student ad ising at all levels. of the leges Newcomb moved that he committee pursue the charge to study the procedur s used for student advising. N wcomb's motion died for lack of a second. Adamcik then moved hat this sentence be struck from the charge of the Affairs and Status Commi tee. The motion carried. The meeting adjourn d at 5:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gary . Elbow, Secretary Façdlty Senate ademic