tfliSISOM, TEXAS 79409 I (WS 742-3158 the Faculty Senate January 10, 1979 Members of the Faculty Senate TO: FROM: Margaret Wilson, President SUBJECT: Agenda for Meeting #11, January 17, 1979 The Faculty Senate wil]. meet on Wednesday, January 17, 1979, at 3:30 p.m. in tae Senate Rom of the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes of the December 10, 1978 Senate meeting II. Grievance Paiel - Dr. Cecil Mackey III. Invocations - Dr. CecilIMAckey IV. Report of ad hoc Committe on Retirement Investigation - Dr. Bru e Kramer V. Report of ad loc Committ4 on Raising Retirement Age for Faculty VI. Announcements A. Roster o! Presidentslof Faculty Governing Bodies in Texas B. Faculty Attending 0u-of- Town Football Games C. Resignat.on of Senattin. Herschel Mann D. Interim Report of ad:hoc Committee on Equus E. Opinion of Attorney eneral F. Response to Carillon Resolution G. Appointment to Convo¢ations Committee H. Forms Used on Campus I. Excerpts from Board J. Excerpts from Academic Council Meeting K. Excerpts from Minutes of Standing Committees L. Correspondence from 4culty Senate Office VII. Other Business ck Regents Meeting Dr. Harry Jebsen • • ANNOUNCEMENTS A. We have received a 1st of the presidents of faculty governing bodies, councils, and assem lies, for the universities where TACT has a chapter was compiled by Fra k Wright and is on file in the Senate Office. . senates, The list B. Grace has the list f faculty who went on out-of-town football games th on file in the Sena e Office if anyone wishes to look at it. year C. It is with regret t Administration Sena Director of Account best interest of hi position on the Sen e I accepted the resignation of Dr. Herschel Mann, or. Profesaor Mann will be assuming the position o ng Programs effective 1 January 1979 and believes i College, the Senate, and the University to relinqu te. D. Chairperson Jim How a final report at t reports that the ad hoc Committee on Equus will b February ukeeting. ready with E. At the request of t e Senate I asked for a legal opinion as to who coul opinion of the Offi e of the At4orney General. If I interpreted correc reference Jim Eissi ger sent me ,I the regents would have to request the request an y the ling. F. Vice President Hard the original schedu 12:05 TT, and 5-6 p appropriate individ G. siness Acting in the h his ick replied by letter, dated 15 December 1978, stat g that e for playii4g the carillon, i.e., 12:25-12:35 MWF, 1 :55m. M-F, sti 1 applies and has been recently reaffi d to als of the Department of Music. Dr. Hardwick has as ed Dr. Gary D. Kelley, Business Administration, to s rve on the Convocations Commit ee. He will complete the term of Dr. Robert Steadma which ends in 1979. H. Vice President for lanning Barlett has requested that all department he a form indicating w t forms are used in each department, other than tho strictly for intern 1 operations. The objective of this exercise is to what information is eing collected and to establish the most effective securing appropriat informationi about the University. ds fill in e used iscover ethods of I. The minutes of the .ard of Regerits are on file in the Senate Office for wishes to read them. anyone who December 1, 1978 • 1. Adopted a resol 2. Mr. Snyder soli legislative sess 3. Dr. Kelsey anno established an dulCollege of Ag 4. Authorized estab with particular 5. Approved a state authorized by th for scholarships the policy state be granted to f ion honorin head football coach Rex Dockery. ted the help of each member of the Board during the on. ced that the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Assoc dowment in the amount of $100,000 to support new sc icultural Sciences. ishment of pwo endowed chairs for the conduct of re phasis on ILivestock and farming. ent of gene al policy governing the granting of sch 65th Legis ature and that $35,460, appropriated an for 1978-79 be allocated to "Tuition Scholarships. that award shall be based primarily on financial 1-time stud nts in the amount not to exceed $50/sem coming tion has olarships in earch projects arships budgeted In essence, eds and shall ster. Page 2. Announcements 6. Approved a reso Code and House Class Report an the Small Class 7. Authorized the effective Decem 8. Mr. Pfluger app the Board Polic to the Board pr 9. Authorized the P for Phase II re 10. Accepted a bid 11. Accepted the bi addition to the 12. Approved the re 13. Authorized proc for campus bull 14. Recorded Septem Laboratories-Lu 15. Recorded Novemb Residence Hall, 16. Heard a report Conference Foot ution that, in keeping with requirements of the Tex Education ill 510, th Board of Regents receives a Faculty Wo load and a Small Cl: ss Report for the 1978 Fall semester, a authorizes offerings fl)r the fall semester. ncrease of the Revolving Fund from $400,000 to $1,0 ,000 er 1, 1978. inted a comniaittee (Bucy, Chin., Williams, Formby) to tudy Manual' and make necessary revisions and recommenda ons or to prese*tation for approval. esident to proceed with contract documents and to r eive bids ovation of 8need Residence Hall. or the addition to the Electrical Engineering Build g. for construction of a Utility Tunnel Connection to he new Electrical Engineering Building. eiving of b ds for the renovation of West Hall. eding with Phase II of the renovation of fire alarm 1-ystems ings. er 27, 1978 as the completion date for TTU-Agricult al Field bock County l Phase II. r 7, 1978 al the completion date for renovation of eed Phase I. rom Frank Elliott concerning radio coverage of Sout est all games by the Mutual Broadcasting System. J. The minutes of the cademic Cou cil meetings are on file in the Senate SI fice for 1. ' anyone who wishes t read them. December 14, 1978 1. Research incent $133,000 was di for qualifying 2. Deans were remi before the end 3. Dr. Hardwick di employment cont 4. There was brief previously deve used in this ye 5. Merit increase amounts will be effective Febru is based upon t lowest step in 6. Announcement wa It has been rec January to allo 7. Student Senate and deans were 8. An article rela 9. Ken Thompson le Alternative for fund groups, an ve award bu gets were distributed by Dr. Jones. A .tal of tributed wi h basic grants of $2,000 to each dean p s $1,500 nits. ded that te ure recommendations were due in Dr. Jon4 office f the fall emester. tributed,fIxtinformation only, a pre-filed bill rela ing to acts. discussion cif the need to make tenure assessments wi hin oped criter a since the tenure policy revision canno be r's conside ations. rogram for lassified personnel was discussed briefl . Dollar provided to associate deans next week. Merit increa es became ry 1, 1979. It was noted that recovery of funds for this program e premise t at incoming new personnel will be employ d at the given clas ification. made of co ittee revision of the annual faculty re ort forms. ended tha the deadline for completion of reports e end of faculty mote time for completion. esolutions egarding graduation with honors were dis ributed sked to stu y them and make recommendations at a fut re meeting. ing to eval ating instructional performance was dist ibuted. of year end balances of funds and univ rsity needs. a discussi funding suc things as major equipment needs, the us of different the impact of local income variations were discuss d. 111 11111 Page 3. Announcements • K. Minutes of standing committees re filed as received and may be reviewe wishing to read them. d by anyone Grievance Committee Purpose of the meet_ng was to rhspond to the draft of Grievance Procedu person Weninger out_ined specific grievance procedures at other major u Recommendations were forwarded to the Senate President. s. Chairversities. Faculty Development Committee The committee is receiving applications for development leaves for the academic year with two leaves td be awarded. Applications and substant of recommendation mLst reach the committee by February 16, 1979. Appli may be obtained in the Faculty 8enate Office. 79-80 ting letters tion forms Library Committee Dr. Cutter and Dr. shine met wiqh Dr. Hardwick on November 16. Three po action were settled: (1) Dr. Hardwick will arrange for a conference of and the Office of Planning in otder to make working drawings of the req of the rarebookcollEction, such drawings to be used to arrive at a cost (No guarantee of funds is assumed but proper drawings are necessary to ge (2) Dr. Hardwick will ask Mr. Jsneway to provide in writing the response and timing of puttir.g several pints in the Turner report into effect as by the Library Committee. (3) A way of providing immediate security for valuable items in the Rare Book Collection will be sought, pending provi suitable housing facilities for the whole Collection. Dr. Hardwick confi November 20 that the points had been discussed with Mr. Janeway and th proposed providing suitable housing be accomplished in stages. Mr. Jane that Drs. Cutter and Simmons join him in working out preliminary plans f of Planning; they acz:epted the ihvitation. Mr. Janeway noted that a saf which could accommodate 30-40 books. Designation of "most valuable" will and the subcommittee will work 4th Mr. Janeway on such a designation. copying services a caange from Blasin Sales to the Sable Company was made insufficient service for copying machines. Bids on providing copying ma appear not to have ben taken. Improvement in service has yet to be see is a severe shortage of coin ope ated machines. More have been promised The library has lost its fringe enefit of free copying for Library purp the original company, Ex-Student Assn. received 22% of the gross sales the new contract it ;ets 10%. A earlier agreement between the Universi (September 1971) con:erning terme of providing copying services had not by the University and therefore *as invalid. A copy of the invalid agre given to each commit:ee member. The current agreement was drawn up on A and a copy has not been seen by he committee. Study will continue. • ts for . Janeway red housing f construction. cost of work.) to the ways recommended the most ion of ed on t Mr. Janeway ay requested 3 the Office was available require time oncerning due to ines since there t not delivered. es . Under come; under and ESA en signed ent was il 7, 1978, Dr. Graves conferred with Mr. Ja eway on October 31. The Core Collectio be an expanded reser-e. Faculty participation and circulation of books increased. Acceptance of the cohcept and faculty use will be a matter o concern. appears to pear to have future Mr. Janeway reported on the Libr rys participation in the Ohio College L (OCLC). Tech was one of the first to join this system of computer infor and retrieval. Tech now has 8 t4rminals connected to OCLC, one of which periodicals area. The committee commended Mr. Janeway and his staff for achievements with OCLC. Mt. Janea y also reported that the staff has giv room hours of instruction in Libi ary use. Because the Southwest Collect responsibility of the University Librarian, the Library Committee should its problems, among them a critical need of space due to the arrival of Mahon papers. Dr. McLaughlin was thanked for his 2.5 years of work on the rary Center tion storage s in the heir 1083 classn is the e aware of uckloads of committee. Page 4. Announcements L. The following corre 1. Lieutenant Gove Mr. E. L. Short 2. Members of ad h committee 3. Charles Scruggs 4. Lee Stafford we 5. Walter Calvert 6. Herschel Mann t 7. Mary Lind Dowel 8. Dr. Cecil Macke 9. Dr. Charles Har concerning Univ 10. Dr. Cecil Macke • pondence ha gone out from the Faculty Senate Offic : nor William Hobby, Governor-Elect William Clements, nd re Regents appointments. c Committee on Raising Retirement Age for Faculty charge to thanking him for service to the University coming him to the Board of Regents e special election to fill senatorial vacancy anking him for service to the Senate re endorsement of Student Senate resolutions re endorseMent of Student Senate resolutions wick and all members of Administrative Council re r olution rsity calendar re comment on draft of Grievance Panel Procedures s Tech University • The Faculty Senate January 4, 1979 Dr. Cecil Mackey, President Texas Tech University Administration Buil-ling Campus Dear Dr. Mackey: Enclosed please find a sum ry of issues to which one or more Sena Ors took exception in tae draft of rievance panel procedures. I must conf ss that I and a number orothers w re disappointed in the draft. Some of the geaeral commen s should be mentioned. Many of us are ery concerned that this document ap ears to do away with the Grievance Comm ttee when, in fact, it was to be the procedure used after the grievant does - ot receive satisfactioa from the G ievance Committee recommendations or the administration does not accept he Grievance Committee recommendations. If hen the intent of the dJcument is ta do away with the Grievance Committee, this is not in accord with what i was discussed at our 8 June 1978 meetin If the above is not the intent bf the document, then some of the proced res are redundant. A second real area of conc rn is that promotion is one of the excltsions. If this exclusion ramains in th document it means there is no recourse for someone who believes he/she has ia grievance for failure to promote. The Grievance Committee has had thi? kind of case in the past. t One group repo-rted that re ctions to the document ranged from skeptical to horrified. Some Senators fe t that use of "legalistic jargon" left the meaning unclear to :he non-lawy r faculty members at crucial points. The attached l_st of spedi ic points will clarify some of the abov e generalizations. 'The number fo lowing each item indicates the number o' respondents speaking to each po • We look forward to meeting with you at 3:30, January 17, to discus the draft. If I can be of any assittance prior to the meeting please advis e me. Sincerely yours, Margaret E. Wilson, President Faculty Senate /gf • Encl. • SECTION I 4) Delete: "promotion" - 6 Put a period afte: "faculty numbers" in line 2. Insert: "Grievances are formal complaints by faculty *embers against administrative superiors relating to promo :ion; salary; working conditions; use of facilities, equipment, or support service; and academic scheduling. Grievable actions taken by administrato s may include both omissions and commissions on their part. No charge of : rievance may be brought by one faculty member against another faculty member not acting in an administrative capacity." Exceptions 1), 2) 4 and 3) as stated. - 2 Unless the Tenure and Privilege Committee is given more power to ascertain reasons for denia: of tenure, the faculty member is unable to correct p ersonal or profe!sional shortcomings and perhaps needs this procedure to ascertain why tenure was denied. - 1 What grievances are left after all the exclusions? - B SECTION II A. B. • B. C. C. The panel will corsist of five members and five alternates. No more than one member aid no more tlan one alternate shall be from any one college or school. Alternates shall be designated at the time of elec:ion • as alternate to a particular nember. - 2 Line 2: three yea/ terms. Strike last sentence of section: Add: "The terms at first election shall be staggered by lot so that one member aid one alternate shall serve three years, two of each shall serve two yea:s, and two of each stall serve one year. Members and alternates may not be elected again tntil after ne year from the expiration of their tern." - 2 Overlapping kermPuust be provided. - A enured full-time faculty - 2 1st sentence, 2nd line, add: Why entire Faculty Senate? Why not follow usual procedures of Committ/e on Committees making recommendations, with Senate advice and consent? SECTION III A. A. A. A. A. A. A. B. B. • 30 days is too shcrt a time t allow a grievant to go "through the channels," i.e., department chairperson dean, Grievance Committee, etc.; sugges: a minimum of 90 days - 2 60 days - 1 More flexible time limit - A 4th line, insert: "...days of the grievant having knowledge of the act or omission...." - 3 30 days does not make allowanc e for long-standing, chronic grievances. - 2 "An act or omissian" is too s cific, e.g., what about a faculty membewho is frozen on salary? - 1 All resources within departme t or superior's ability should be exhaus ted before formal proaedures are i stituted. - 3 A copy of the grievance will b presented by whom? - 6 Before grievant starts appeal to the University President, grievant should make clear "through cha nnels" that formal appeal will be reques ted. - 1 Page 2. • C. Grievance Committ e is comple ely left out of routing. - 2 C. Add: The Vice Pr sident for cademic Affairs shall inform the President if the grievance s not settl d. - 2 D. Is there a sectio we did not receive or should E be D? - 2 D. Since there is no D, perhaps ),.t should read: "Failing resolution of the grievance at the evel of Vice President for Academic Affairs, the grievant will then notify he University President that he/she desires a hearing before the panel. - 1 E. Grievance Committ e is anothet "body, board, commission or agency" and therefore has bee done away With. - 2 E. Delete 2nd senten e as absolutely unacceptable. Substitute: "Nothing herein shall prev nt the grie ant from pursuing at any time relief from any body, board, ommission, Or agency outside the university." - 2 E. A faculty member eeds to knoy what actions are alluded to; most, what counts as "a y other bodir"? - C SECTION IV • A. How does the Pres hearing? - 1 A. 4th line, insert settled by the Vi C. When representati selected by the F C. 3rd line, insert C. Delete last line are removed from from the remainin D. 1st line, delete: D. 2nd line, add: "T D. 3rd line, add: ". D. 2nd line, insert: E. Totally unaccepta E. "Repetitious and E. Delete: "... and E. What is repetitio To the non-legal not be bad (twent testimony" appear E. What kind of evid of their professi of research? Gos F. Is there any way F. 1st line, insert panel, declare re F. 2nd line, delete: G. 1st line, substit G. 2nd line, insert I. Should a copy go I. Add: "If the Pres state in detail h of the Faculty Se reports, and his derit Itflow that the grievant wishes to proceed with a fter "President"; "... that the grievance has not been e President for Academic Affairs...." - 2 e and alternate are removed from the panel is the person culty Senate President also subject to recuse? - 1 fter-"servel: "...and vote instead." - 2 ad substitutte: "If both a member and his or her alternate he panel, the President of the Faculty Senate shall 3elect alternates a panel member to serve and vote." - 2 "shall pres nt his or her own case and" - 2 e grievant r his/her representative has the right t)...." - 2 . has the r ght to compel witnesses to appear, and ...." - 2 "... by a r presentative, including legal counsel.... . " - 2 le: Delete entirely. - 2 umulative t4stimony" does away with Grievance Commit:ee work. - 2 umulative . .." - 3 s testimony. What is cumulative testimony? Why are :hey bad? ye, "repetitious testimony" appears to be something which might witnesses ho all tell it the same way), while "cumuLative downright good (five items of evidence instead of cle). - C ace is it that is "relied on by faculty members in Cle conduct nal affairs'? Is it grades on tests? Judgment of giality ip between c olleagues? - C o appeal the exclusion, by the panel chairperson, of evidence? - C fter "mainta in order": "... and, with majority conse-it of the esses ...." - 2 "as described above" - 2 te "administirative official" for "person". - 2 fter nactione: "... or omissions ...." - 2 o grievant's department chairperson? -1 dent rejects the decision of the majority of the par.A, he shall s reasons for such rejection. He shall submit to t1-?. President ate the report of the majority of the panel, any min)rity ecision thereon." - 1 Page 3. • I. The President sh id be required to give reasons in writing to the pa Ael and the grievant. - 3 (see 28 April 197 minutes of Executive Committee of Faculty Council elow) The ad hoc commit ee composed of Professors Joe Mogan, Clara McPherso , and the David Cummins present d the follo ing recommended changes in the charge o Grievance Committee: 1. The facu University admini exclusive of matt that complaint to circumstances per appropriate perso views and otherwi solution that is Grievance Committ considers himslf should be made to not a hearing wil if the Committee or that, even tho cient import and mit tee grants a re to the Grievance consistent with t Hearing Panel sha persons, to the C Vice President fo appropriate admin the Vice Presiden 2. The appr and the Grievance for his determina 3. A Grieve the Faculty Counc Approved 14 A - Committee report B - Departmental eval C - Departmental eval • ty member who alleges that his rights have been abr dged by the tration or by some individual member of the Univers ty community, rs relating to tenure or failure to reappoint, shou d address the Grievan e Committee which should, in turn, inver tigate the aining to tie complaint, disseminate factual informi tion to the s, mediate etween . the interested persons, concilia e opposite e exercise ts good Offices toward the goal of achi Ey ing a utually sattsfactory to the concerned persons. If, when the e has concladed its efforts, there is any interestel person who ggrieved, he may request an administrative hearing. This request the Gflavante Committee, which shall then determine whether or be granted The Committee shall grant a request f, a hearing etermines e ther that the aggreived person has a ri ht to a hearing gh he does ot have a right to a hearing, the matte is of suffiubstance th t a hearing should be granted. If the rievance Comuest for an administrative hearing, it shall forwar the complaint earing Pane , which shall then afford the administr tive hearing e standards of due process. The recommendations of the Grievance I be in wri ing, copies of which shall be given to the interested airman of tilie Executive Committee of the Faculty Coancil, to the Academic A0airs, to the President of the University, and to the strator (when this administrator is other than the President or for Academic Affairs). priate administrator shall notify in writing the Grievance Committee earing Panel of his determination of the grievance, giving reasons ion relative to the particular grievance. ce Hearing anelshall be appointed by the Executive :ommittee of 1. 1. tion tion 1 Tex s Tech University LU SOCK, TEXAS 79409 1(806) 742-3658 Fculty Senate January 10, 1979 TO: MEMBERS 0 THE FACULTY SENATE FROM: Grace F azior RE: Schedu1 , Spring S ester, 1979 Enclosed s a schedul form for your use in indicating to this office the bes hours for ou as I schedule meetings and consultations. Please indicat on this fo your class schedule and office hours and any other time you are una ailable. Please re urn this fo appreciate you cooperatio Thank you. • to my office as quickly as possible. in this matter. TIME 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 -44-00 4:30 5:00 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY