Minutes Meeting #8, October 11, 1978 Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, October 11, 1978 at 3:30 p.m. in t Room of the University 3enter with Margaret Wilson, President, presiding. S present were: Adamcik, Alexander, Allen, Aycock, Brittin, Chamberlain, Chris Dale, Davis, Eissinger, Elbow, George, Higdon, Hunter, Jebsen, Keho, Kellogg L. Luchsinger, V. Luchsinger, McDonald, McGlynn, McGowan, McLaughlin, McPher Michael, Mogan, Morris, Nelson, Newcomb, Oberhelman, Owens, Pearson, Reicher Sanders, Sasser, Stoune, Tereshkovich, Troub, Vines, Walkup, Williams, and W Senators absent wee: Dixon, Gilles, Mann. Smith, Sowell, Wade, e Senate nators ian, Cummins, Lee, on, Mehaffie, , Rylander, ight. nd Wagner. Guests included Dr Jerry D. Ramsey, Associate Vice President for Acade lc Affairs; tudent Marsanna Clark, Univers ...ty Daily; and Jeanie Field, External Vice President, Association. SUMMARY OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED THE SENATE: 1) heard Margaret Wilson report on a meeting between herself and representa the Registrar's Office detailing the problems of that office. ves of 2) forwarded to the Adnissions and Registration Committee a recommendation 7th Freshman Conference be eliminated. at the 3) heard a lengthy exp:anation of the Institutional Resource Allocation pro dure. 4) heard a report from the ad hoc Committee on Invocations 5) heard an interim rerort from the ad hoc Committee on the Academic Excell ce Fund. 6) heard an iterim repert from the ad hoc Retirement Investigation Committe 7) heard a final report from the ad hoc Committee to Review Tenure Policy. 8) moved the appointment of an ad hoc committee to develop a policy for fi ing temporary vacancies on the Faculty Senate. 9) moved the acceptance of committee appointments as recommended by the Corn on Committees. Wilson called the meeting I. to order at 3:35 p.m. and recognized the guest MINUTES OF THE SEPTEABER 13, 1978 MEETING: Minutes corrections: the name Ron Invocations, II. ttee of the Septuaber 13, 1978 meeting were approved as distributed w (1) on page 4, under excerpts from the Academic Council Minutes, Schoen was corrected to Rod Schoen, and (2) on Page 5, item IV, the sentenc "The motion carried" should be added at the end of th two number 10, eport on aragraph 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF GE ERAL INTEREST A. Wilson suggeste that, beginning with the November 1978 Faculty Senat meeting, the minutes reflect those senators present, those absent, and those who re absent because of other U versity business. There being no objection voiced t this proposal, it will b implemented as presented. Meeting #8, October 11, Faculty Senate Page 2. B. Report on Inv ations Policy Statement - Dr. Margaret Wilson "As many of you p bably did I ran to the office to look up I, 4.7 in t e Red Book following our I met with Vice Pr was to Freda Pierc of all Regents mat any policy for the to the President. other than the Red that President Mac Mrs. Nelson assure policies of this n Manual or in some Agenda and Announc last Senate,meeting. Upon finding that there was n sident HardIvick and he too could not find it. My n , Secretary of the Board of Regents, who keeps an i ers. Mrs. Pierce readily volunteered her services t Senate. I next talked with Sharon Nelson, Executive We reached a conclusion that the I, 4.7 applied to s Book. Both Vice President Hardwick and Mrs. Nelson ey is presently looking at University and Board poli me she would express my concern on behalf of the Se ture should be either in the Operating Systems & Pro ther location readily accessible to faculty." Fac ents, October 4, 1978. I, 4.7 t visit exed file look up Secretary me document eported ies. ate that edures lty Senate During the Senate Agenda and Announc one copy of policy Manual in the offi be the only copy o eeting Wilson added that, subsequent to the printing ments concerning the reference to prayer at football I, 4.7 had been found in the Operating Systems & Pro e of Dr. Marilyn Phelan, General Counsel. This appe this policy extant aside from the Regents files. of the games, edures rs to C. Wilson stated thanking him for h regret that other on this committee, giving them a copy he had written two letters, one to Reverend Dudley S s past work on the Invocations Committee and express ommitments make it impossible for him to serve furth and another to members of the ad hoc Committee on Eq of the resolution and appointing a temporary chairpe amn s, on. D. A memo from Vi .e President iRobert Ewalt states that he has taken th 1 advice of the New Student Orientation Committee and is abolishing the group. E. Report on Meet ng with Registrar and Staff - Dr. Margaret Wilson Mike "ad September 28 I et for two hours with D. N. Peterson, Don Wickard, a computer Smith. I expresse the concerns of the Faculty Senate re inaccuracies system in notifyin faculty of student status. From this meeting I re ived the following informat n of which I believe you should be aware:" (1) Vice President ardwick, as you have been notified by letter, has b n put in charge of the C puter System as it is concerned with academics; (2) The last day t drop a class for a summer session is one week befor final exams. By the tim the Registrar's Office has worked the drop-add slip and the Computer Service h keypunched the final printout it arrives at the sa time as your grade sheets o slightly later; (3) Students can wi hdraw from the University on the last day of class o during finals if the Deans sign the withdrawal notice; (4) Deans occasiona ly backdate status change forms; (5) Mr. Wickard has only one person for coding and checking drop-adds; t is persons job is made more di ficult by drop-add slips coming in with non-existant courses and/or sections on hem, two slips coming in with the same effective dat on them with one slip addin the course and the other dropping the course, drop lips for a student not enrol ed in a course originally, etc.; (6) We have the hig est percentage of error in recording grades in our h story taking at the present time the pass/fail policy (instructors not knowing who a course p/f) is on of the biggest reasons. The computer has to interp et the grades and mistakes are being made; Meeting #8, October 11, 1978 Faculty Senate Page 3. (7) Mr. Smith tur d in to the Computer Center this fall's student stat s reports on September 15; h received the printout on September 26 which makes i virtually unnecessary as 12t day class rolls will reach faculty members at appro imately the same time; he three (8) The Computer C nter normally has three keypunch operators. One of is presently on le ve due to die imminent arrival of a baby. Kelly Gir s have been hired, but du to their unfamiliarity with the programs, have made ore than the usual num er of errors; (9) The computer h s been tied up with payroll for some time; payroll h s priority; (1a) Even during re istration, TTUSM has priority over TTU; hence, the s etimes lengthy wait for n w class cards; (Li ) The 7th Freshm n Conference held on the day prior to regular regist tion ties campus up the Registrar's Office (editorial comment: and all the departments o d college using the time to better advantage for departmental when they could be 382 students registered during the 7th Conference; meetings); this fal these (12)Mid-semester" reshman" class rolls will contain some upperclassmen tion transfers. The computer has not received the infor students are usual udents on how many hours ave been transferred in and automatically makes the freshmen; real problem with fall semester grades which are du December 27 (13)There will be oliday. at 2 p.m. On Decem er 22 at 5 p.m. all classified personnel start their The campus post of ice is closed as of that time and, while mail will b delivered their mail. to the campus post •ffice, the Registrar's Office will not be able to g e 27th Therefore, it is s essed: DA) NOT MAIL YOUR GRADES. From the 23rd to West Hall will be cked; it will be open on the 27th; (14)All three gent men asked that I assure the members of the Faculty S nate that they know their ro s, their problems, and our problems and are concern with faculty input. Th ssured stress the need for continued communication. They me that a communiq will be sent to deans and department chairpersons vising them that drop-add lips should be sent to appropriate faculty members a quickly as possible, especi lly those which are section changes for the same cou se. They also assured me tha they will confer with teachers of large classes and find out their special probl MS. ii Item E. was discuss number 10, under item E. sponsible for academic c ment of priorities for c d at length by the Senators. Wilson was directed to call to the attention of Dr. Charles Hardwick whose offic is remputer operations, and to request clarification of t e assignmputer use. Number 11 under ite E. was also discussed. Kellogg moved that the Sena the elimination of the 7 h Freshman Conference. recommend ecommendation Vines offered an am ndment to the Kellogg,- motion, referring the Senate for the abolishment of t e 7th Freshman Conference to the Admissions and Regi tration Committee for action. Vines' amendment ca red. Kellogg's motion caned as amended. F. Excerpts from A ademic Council Meeting Minutes (Minutes on file in Senate Office for a yone to peruse.) September 26, 1978 Faculty 1. "There was discu sion of priority assessment of programs throughout t University. Meeting #8, October 11, Faculty Senate Page 4. 1978 1 "There has been a p oblem in obtaining data on which to develop criteria for the assessment. Proje ted plans a e to provide fall 1977 and fall 1978 dat for use by departments in eviewing their program. There was discussi n of need fclr faculty input into the process in maki g qualitative assessments of pro rams accord ng to criteria. Deans were asked to inv lye chairpersons and facult In the col ege reviews in providing a quartile cate orization of departments. It was indicated t at the Academic Affairs Office would provide guideli es to indicate steps in he process.' -- Item 7, Minutes of the Academic Coun il Meeting of September 12, 1 78. Jerry Ramsey, Asso on the Institution September 12 Acad the resource alloc dinating Board for be used in the eve that faculty input chairpeople. The the first of which middle two quartil to be desi nated f imposed. amsey's of dissati faction establishi g the III. t length iate Vice President for Academic Affairs, commented 1 Resource 41location process noted under item 7 of that ic Council Meeting and quoted above. Ramsey indicat tion was being made in response to requirements from the Coorimplementat'bn of new programs. He discussed the cri ria to uation of ac demic programs at Texas Tech University nd stated ould be mad at the Department level through the de rtmental dministratiop envisions a division of programs into artiles, ould include programs earmarked for increased fund g, the s to receive continued funding at current levels, an the fourth reduced fuilding in the event that budgetary limita ons are emarks elicg.ted considerable comment, including sev al indications ith the pro6edure by which data were selected for u in nkings of programs. REPORT FRI AD HO COMMITTEE ON INVOCATIONS - Dr. Robert Davidow This commit games at four sc The practice at invocations are tionality is sti or "policy" bein ned information on the practice of invocations at fo niversities'of Arkansas, Texas A & M, Houston, and T and Texas k& M is to give an invocation before the Houston or et Texas - Austin games. The question of ith the issUe of whether invocations are a matter of al factor. Wilson expr School of Law, e reciation to Davidow, David Cummins, and Bruce Krame om chaired ad hoc Senate committees this year. of the IV. INTERIM REP AD HOC COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FUND - Dr. D id Cummins The committ until evaluation is studying such 31/2 years since t analyzed, the co ble to make recommendations on the Academic Excellen of solicitation efforts and the response to them. T tions and the responses to them by potential donors as established. When this study is complete and the ill make appropriate recommendations to the Senate. Fund committee er the ata V. INTERIM REPO Wilson call d atten Committee which as endl security coverag of tea system. It was oted th tball xas-Austin. ames. No constitu"practice" HOC RETIR ENT INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE ion to Dr. Bruce Kramer's report from the Retirement sed with the agenda. There was a brief discussion o hers and pending legislation which affects the socia t TTU faculty may not be affected by the proposed le nvestigation social security slation Meeting #8, October 11, 1978 Faculty Senate Page 5. which appears to apply only where social security coverage for teachers has been terminated. VI. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE TO REVIEW TENURE Wilson reported thlt the ad hoc Committee to Review Tenure Policy has c:ncluded its work. The final drift of the Ttnure Policy is being prepared for the committee to proof read and ref in before the final policy is sent to President Mackey for action. VII. REPORT FROM REGIS7RAR'S OFFICE The Registrar's Of ice has offered to remain open on Saturday, December 23rd in order that faculty members may submit their grades before Christmas break if enough faculty members want th:_s service. After discussion it was decided that an cttside grade depository might i.e the answer to the problem but that if it could not be arranged, then the Senate would ask that the Registrar's Office remain open an December 23rd. Wilson was instructed to convey this message to the Registrar's Office. VIII. CONSTITUTIONAL AXENDMENTS A need has arisen to decide what is to be done when a Senator is temporarily unable to represent his college or school on the Faculty Senate. There is also a need to update the Constitution since the original docitlint referred to the chairpersons of the Men's Athletic Council and the Women's Atlletic Council, which are now combined into a single unit. Discussion arose over whether or not a constitutional amendment is actually needed to provide a means by which Senate positions can be filled temporarily. It is suggested that this matter could be taken care of by amending the bylaws or by some othar procedure the senators themselves might agreeH upon. Hunter moved the following procedire: If a Senator is absent for two or more senate meetings in succession he should dasignate, in writing to the Faculty Senate PreSident, someone who will attend in his plAce. Vines moved that tha Senate recess for 5 minutes to discuss the matter. The motion failed. Newcomb moved that :he agenda be altered to reflect Hunter's motion. Ne--ecomb's motion carried. Newcomb, Wright, Relchert and Cummins spoke against Hunter's motion. Vi .es spoke in favor of the procedura. Hunter's motion fai_ed. Adamick moved that a committee be appointed to work on a procedure by wh ch temporary Senate vacancies can be !Med. The committee would report at the next Facul y Senate meeting following appointment of its members. The motion carried. Meeting #8, October 11, 978 Faculty Senate Page 6. IX. REPORT FROM THE CO Brittin reported t termination dates for in Margarette Harden, 1980; on Equus were: James R. Physics. Nominated to s Contracts were: Ruth Wr Jacquelin Collins, Histo Economics. These nomina Senate approve the Commi to replace Sujit K. Roy _motion carried. ITTEE ON CO ITTEES - Dr. Helen Brittin at the Committee on Committees unanimously approved bers of the Election Committee: Walter Calvert, 197 Alexis Tan, 1981. Nominated to the Senate ad hoc Co Eissinger, School of Law; James D. Howze, Art; Henry ry e on the $enate ad hoc Committee on Faculty Emplo ght; PolitiCal Science; Rodric Schoen, School of Law y; Bill Cait, Business Administration; and Ruth Volz ions were approved by Senate vote. Brittin moved th tee on Committees' nominee, Bill E. Dahl of Range & f Agricultural Economics on the Grievance Committee. he following it tee C. Thomas, ent ii Home t the ildlife, The The meeting adj our ed at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gary. Elbow, Secretary Fac ty Senate igf Brittin reported, t showed that new faculty a for 1978-79 were from tho of the faculty appointed Committee. at at the raquest of the Senate, a study was made wh ch pointments 110 University Standing Councils and Commi tees e persons nOminated by the Senate, with the exceptio o the Graduate Council and Radiation and Laser Safet