Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech
Section 1. The Faculty 'Senate shall be composed of senators representi: g the
voting faculty of Texas lech University. The voting faculty shall consist of all
persons under full-time oontract who have completed a residence of one year at this
University and who are tenured or who hold appointments that make them eligib e for
Section 2. The voting faculty of each college and school, excldding
Graduate School, shall elect one senator for each twenty voting faculty members or
fraction thereof but not fewer than two senators. The voting faculty of the
University shall elect nine additional senators at-large.
Section 3. The Faculty Senate shall elect a President, Vice President,
Secretary from its membership to serve for a term of one year.
Section 1. Each Spring the voting faculty members shall nominate and el ect
members to the Faculty Senate to take office on the first day following the e- d of
e Spring term during which the election is held. The Faculty Senate shall c onduct
he election through an appropriate committee.
Section 2. Prior bo each regular election, the Faculty Senate shall re'
its composition so that the election will, to the extent possible, bring the
of the Faculty Senate into conformity with Article II, Section 2. A previous
senator shall not, however, be removed from office before the expiration of h
term because of a declining constituency.
y elected
s or her
Section 3. Nominations for college, school, and at-large senators shall
quested from voting faculty members. If a person is nominated for more than
tonal position he or she shall indicate the position for which he or she will
as a candidate. The two persons receiving the highest number of nominations E
senatorial position shall be designated as the candidates to stand for electic
Faculty Senate.
be rene senaappear
or each
n to the
Section 4. Members of the Faculty Senate shallbe elected from among thE candidates
determined in the nominating process. Voting members of each college and sch: ol shall
vote for senators from their respective college or school and all voting facul ty shall
vote for at-large senators. Tie votes shall be resolved by a special electioIf a senatorial vaoancy occurs, the Faculty Senate shall conduct a speci al
election to fill the vacancy from the appropriate constituency. The speciall) elected
senator shall complete the unexpired term of the senator originally elected.
Section 5. Qualification for election to the Faculty Senate shall be mE mbership in
We voting faculty, except that administrators serving one-half time or more n administrative positions shall rot be eligible. Department chairpersons may be elect ed to
the Faculty Senate if they are otherwise qualified.
(Article III. Cont.
Section 6. The ter of office for each member of the Faculty Senate (s
Article VII hereof) shall be three yeafs. A member may not be re-elected wit
year interim unless he or she was elected by special election to fill an un
term of one year or less.
ject to
ut a onepired
Section 7. To the xtent possible, one-third of the senators from each
constituency will be elec ed each year.
Section 1. The Fac lty Senate shall act on behalf of the faculty and s 11 serve
as an advisory body to th President of the University and may consider all m tters of
university concern.
Section 2. Any mem er of the university community may bring a matter o
concern to the attention f the Senate.
Section 3. The Sen te may make recommendations to the President of the niversity
concerning the academic f nctions of the University and other matters pertain g to the
welfare of the University particularly those of special interest to the facu ty.
Section 4. Should he President of the University choose not to follow a recommendation of the Faculty enate, the President shall inform the Senate in wri ing of the
reasons therefor and, upo request of the Senate, the President shall meet wi h the
nate for discussion of he matter.
Section 1. The F
Section 2. The Fa
demic year, as provided
lty Senate shall establish its own rules of procedu e and bylaws.
lty Senate shall meet at least monthly during the .
the bylaws.
gular aca-
Section 3. The Fa lty Senate may establish such Senate committees as t deems
appropriate. The member and temporary chairpersons of the Senate. committee shall be
named by the Faculty Sen te and at their first meeting of each year the memb s of each
committee shall select t ir own chairperson and such other officers as may
for the effective functi ing of the committee.
Section 4. The Pr
ad hoc or standing commi
School of Medicine, and
of the above, and may de
University faculty membe
councils shall be select
by the Faculty Senate.
nations to be supplied b
sident of the University may establish and define co
tees or councils of Texas Tech University, Texas Te
he Museum of Texas Tech University, or joint commit
ermine if members are to be elected or appointed.
s appointed to these standing (but not ad hoc) comm
d from a list of nominees for each committee or cou
he President of the University may specify the numb
the Faculty Senate for each such committee or coun
The positions of t e chairperson of Men's Athletic Council and the Wom
•ouncil of the Universit shall not be open to nomination by the Faculty Sen
position of
s University
es or councils
xas Tech
tees or
11 provided
of nomi1 position.
(Article V. Cont.
Section 5. The Fac lty Senate shall regularly report its activities to the faculty
of the University and dis ribute the minutes of each meeting.
Section 6. The Fac
requested to do so by the
members of the voting fac
of the Faculty Senate sha
In the absence of the Pre
that order. No decision,
except when one of the ab
lty Senate shall call a meeting of the voting faculty when
President of the University, or when petitioned by any fifty
lty, or when it deems such a meeting necessary. The President
I serve as Presiding Officer at a meeting of the voting faculty.
ident, the Vice President or the Secretary shall preside, in
recommendation, or advice shall come from the voting faculty
ve is presiding.
Section 1. An amen
by a petition to the Pres
the,,voting faculty, by a
the President of the Univ
ment to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate may be proposed
dent of the Faculty Senate signed by at least fifty members of
wo-thirds vote of the senators then present and votng, or by
Section 2. A propo
voting faculty at least f
voting faculty. No actio
taken unless at least one
amendment shall be by a t
Upon passage, an amendmen
he University and approv
ed amendment to this Constitution shall be distributed to the
ur weeks prior to its consideration at a called meeting of the
on amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate may be
fifth of the voting faculty is present. Passage of any such
o-thirds vote of the voting faculty then present and voting.
shall become effective after ratification by the President of
1 by the Board of Regents.
The initial composi
of the Executive Committe
Senate shall arrange for
ship into conformity, to
At its next meeting the F
lot in accordance with Ar
ion of the Faculty Senate shall consist of the elected members
of the Faculty Council. At its first meeting the maw Faculty
he special election of additional members to bring the memberhe extent possible, with its constitutional size and composition.
culty Senate shall determine terms of the additional. members by
icle III, Section 7.
The Constitution of
majority of the voting fa
and after ratification by
Regents. Upon the Consti
Constitution shall substi
the Faculty Senate shall become effective when adopted by a
ulty then present and voting at a called meeting of the faculty
the President of the University and approval by the Board of
ution's becoming effective, the Faculty Senate and i7s
ute nunC pro tunc for the Faculty Council and its Charter.