Texas Tech University LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79409 / (806) 742-3656 The Faculty Senate March 3, 1978 TO: MEMBERS OF TEE FACULTY SENATE FROM: Clarence A. Jell, President SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #4, March 8, 1978 The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, March 8, 1978, at 3:30 p. in the Senate Room iL the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes II. Announcements a. Academic Council Minutes b. Elections Committee - New Appointment c. Report on Resolution Concerning Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning d. Report of a meeting of Presidents/Chairpersons of Faculty Senates/Councils of State Universities in Texas III. Election Resul:s and Determination of Lengths of Terms - Dr. Claren e Bell IV. Request by Pres_dent Mackey for a General Faculty Meeting - Dr. Clar V. Report of Tenure Review Committee - Dr. Jacquelin Collins VI. Faculty Merit R Uses - Dr. Charles Hardwick VII. Report of Comm ittee on Committees - Dr. Darrell Vines VIII. Consideration of Faculty Retirement Policies - Dr. Gary Elbow IX. Other Business Encl. (2) nce Bell Announcement for Meeting N . 4, March 8, 1978, of the Faculty S 1. Academic Council Mi tes - from Meeting No. 8, February 14,1978: The council a regard to the grade app eed to a brief statement for the Undergraduate Cata is policy There was a 1 issues and constraints salary budgets within t was that of improving t other major institution The question with a concomitant incr existing numbers of fac discussed. There were input form faculty and in the very near future Information w various aspects of facu data were incomplete, information system to p for suggestions for imp Merit increas indicated that as much be used in the selectio to use peer and student that it is not obligato It was indica of the nine month base and the maximum average determined how many FTE Deans were as salaries with the chair A positive no the state will pay a po borne by individual emp $16,500.00 if an employ increase will be taxabl gthy discuspion of budgeting for 1978-79. A number ere considered, including the need to develop facult e appropriated amount for 1978-79. Another idea dis e relative position of faculty salary at Texas Tech in the state. f whether it would be preferable to increase salarie ase in teaching loads or whether to attempt to maint lty with no improvement in relative salary status wa uestions regarding process including methods of obta hairpersons. il Deans were asked to meet with chairper to obtain widespread input. s distributed from the Academic Affairs Office regar ty load and salaries. It was pointed out that while is the first attempt of developing an automated aca ovide various productivity indices. Deans were aske ovement of data. s for faculty were discussed at some length. Dr. Ha vidence and justification as can be made available s in the merit process. He indicated that it is desi evaluation within the merit increase consideration b y for this y ear if the process has not already been ed that the range for merit increases would be from alary. Not every faculty member can receive an incr by department or college cannot be established until are to be utilized for the coming year. ed to discus the various budgetary options for facu ersons and to meet again on Friday, February 17. e in relati n to faculty salaries is the fact that i tion of the social security costs with have previous oyees. This amount is expected to be 5.85% of the f e receives salary in that amount. It is likely that as any other income ssed th ing ns ng he mic wick uld ble itiated. to 8% se t is 1978-79 been St his 2. Elections Committee ittee, On February 20, 19 8, Dr. John Reichert, Chairperson of the Elections C of the resigned from his posit on on the cOmmittee. Dr. David Draper, another memb committee, was named Ch irperson and Professor Margarette Harden was appoint d to fill the vacant position. 3. Following your acti letter to President Mac improving the heating, enclosed the resolution for establishment of a recommendation for a Ch Mr. Kenneth Thompson, V e at the Fe ruary meeting of the Faculty Senate, I w ey urging h m to place highest priority on the matte entilating 4nd air conditioning of university buildi passed by t e Senate. In the letter were specific r uitable comalittee to study the problem as well as a irperson fo# the committee. A copy of this letter w ce President for Administration. ote a of gs, and commendations pecific s sent to Announcements Page 2. Two days prior to Mr. Thompson named a co Dr. Jerry Ramsey and th Wehmeyer and Mr. M.S. B Upon learning He stated that he had b concern about this prob preparing to recommend the Senate would be kep committee. I believe tha the administration and initiation of activitie he transmittal of this letter, and without my knowledge, ittee for this same purpose. The committee is chaired by members are Dr. Duane Jordan, Dr. Don Gustafson, Mr Fredric ckberry. f the existence of this committee, I contacted Mr. Thompson. come aware, partly because of Senate action, of strong faculty em and acted to meet the problem without knowledge that I was he establishment of a similar committee. He assured ne tht informed of all official actions and recommendations of the 4. On February 24, 197 meeting of Presidents o universities in Texas. This meeting was the fi participants. Many mat another meeting of Pres , in Austin,i Texas, as your Senate Ptesident, I attented a Chairpersons of Faculty Senates or Councils at state Representatves of 28 universities were invited and NO attended. st such meeting to be held, to the best knowledge of the ers of mutua1 interest were discussed and it was decided to hold dents or Chairpersons next year. the will of the Senate has been perceived and understood by hat the establishment of Mr. Thompson's committee is a proper toward an alleviation and possible solution of the problem. TERMS Representation A:-Large OF OFFICE OF NEW SENATORS NO. of Senators Term begins, Term ends, 1978 May 3 May 14 1981 1 2 March 8 March 8 1980 1981 MS 7 8 6 1 March 8 March 8 March 8 May 14 1979 1980 1981 1981 BA 1 1 March 8 March 8 1980 1981 El 1 1 1 March 8 March 8 May 14 1979 1980 1981 Eng. 1 2 2 March 8 March 8 March 8 1979 1980 1981 H.3. 1 1 March 8 March 8 1979 1981 Lax 1 March 8 1979 Ag ''EXAS TECH UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE 1978-79 MAR ARET E. WILSON, PRESIDENT Joe Adamcik (Chemistry) 19 0 'I Clara McPherson (Food & Nut ition) 1981 Theodor Alexander (German/ lavic Lang.i 1979 B. L. Allen (Plant & Soil Herschel Mann (Business Adm nistration) 1981 ** Shamus Mehaffie (Education) 1981 ciences) 19$0 Wendell Aycock (English) 180 Marion Michael ( English) 1 79 Helen Brittin (Food & Nutr tion) 1980 Joe Mogan (English) 1979 Valerie Chamberlain (Home conomics Ed cation) 1979 Robert Morris (Classical/Ro ance Lang.) 1981 Duane Christian (Education 1979 Otto Nelson (History) 1979, Vice President David Cummins (Law) 1979 Ben Newcomb (History) 1979 Dale W. Davis (English) 199 Harley Oberhelman (Classica /Romance Lang.) 1980 Mary Owens (HPER) 1979 **Charles Dale (Business Law 1981 Paul Dixon (Education) 198 Neale Pearson (Political Sc ence) 1980 James R. Eissinger (Law) 1 80 John D. Reichert (Electrical Engr.) 1979 Gary Elbow (Geography) l98, Secretary Michael K. Rylnader (Biological Sciences)1980 &ward George (Classical/R mance Lang. 1980 Darryl Sanders (Entomology) 1981 John Gillas (Music) 1980 Elizabeth Sasser (Architect Leon Higdon (English) 1981 Henry Shine (Chemistry) 198 John R. Hunter (Range & Wi dlife Mgmt. 1980 ) 1980 Milton Smith (Industrial En r.) 1981 Harry Jebsen (History) 197 Virginia Sowell (Education) 1980 Cliff Keho (Civil Engr.) 179 Michael Stoune (Music) 1981 Charles Kellogg (Mathemati ) 1981 George Tereshkovich (Plant Rong Y. Lee (Ag. Economics 1981 Roger Troub (Economics) 198 **Louise Luchsinger (Marked. g) 1981 Soil Science) 1979 Darrell Vines (Electrical Esr.( 1979 Vincent Luchsinger (Manage ent) 1980 Charles Wade (Business Admi istration) 1979 James R. McDonald (Civil E g .) 1981 Fred Wagner (Engr. Technolo y) 1980 Richard McGlynn (Psycholog ) 1980 John Walkup (Electrical Eng .) 1980 Illichard McGowan (Music) 190 Thomas McLaughlin (Mathema ics) 1980 **' At-Large Senators Peggy Williams (HPER) 1981 Ruth Wright (Political Sci -Ice) 1979