Faculty Senate February 8 1978 Meeting #3 INUTES - - The FacultyYSenat Administration Buildin were;. Burfor Sasser, Smith, Strauss were unable to attend Charles Hardwick, Vice Chemistry; Stewart Dye Klock°, Director of Pe Daily. - - . met Wednesday, February 8, 1978, in the Board Room of the with Clarence Bell, President, presiding. Members present , Collins, Davis, Elbow, Keho, McGowan, Nelson, Pearson, Tereshkovich, Vines and Wilson. Eissinger and Kimmell ecause of other university business. Guests included President for Academic Affairs; John L. Kice, Chairperson s, Assistant to the Director of Library Services; Mr. Richard sonnel Relations; Kim Ho yden and Karen Thom of the University Bell called the m eting to order at 3:30 p.m. and recognized the guests. I. Minutes of the Ja uar 18 1978 Meeting Wilson moved appr val of the minutes as distributed. Davis seconded. The motion passed. II. Announcements A. Academic Coun il Minutes Reading from the items: 1) Dr. Hardwic This topic will be dis discussion of the tenu indicated that some of promotion to full prof and noted the need for particularly in the se activity in relation t mutes of the January 16, 1978 meeting Bell noted two announced brief plans for a series of departmental reviews. ussed at the next Academic Council meeting. 2) There was a e and promotion process for the current year. Dr. Hardwick the more complex considerations had to do with the request for ssorship. He emphasized the importance of this promotion step evidence of sustained as well as distinguished activity, vice and productivity areas. The criterion of sustained recommendations for merit increases was also noted. Bell continued by attention to three ite to be made during the Deans were of the opin same time, those depar decided to present onl regarding the filling the President would li Vice President regardi Deans were asked to sc as positions come open to be subject to the a was discussion of the developed in this area for Administrative Aff for services beyond th illustrations of cases usual teaching arrange salary amounts and per eading from the minutes of the January 24, 1978 meeti qg and called s. 1) A discussion was held of department and area reports pring of 1978. A draft schedule was distributed for discussion. on that if two departments were to make presentations at the ments should be from the same college. (It was subsequently one department report per session.) 2) There was discussion f chairperson vacancies. Before search committees ara formed e to discuss the vacancies with the Dean and the Academic g the needs of the department and the kind of search ander way. edule those appointments through the Academic Vice President The appointment of assistant or associate deans was indicated proval of the Academic Vice President and President. 3) There 100% rule" for faculty. It was agreed that policy should be The Academic Affairs Office is to work with the Vice President irs to attempt to arrange a procedure for payment of faculty usual requirements of a position. Dean Bradford distributed in which faculty might be asked to provide services beyond ents. A revision of contractual arrangements with specified entage of time allocation as circumstances change was suggested. Faculty Senate Page 2. B. February 8, 1978 Meeting #3 Senate Electiols The nominating ele:tions have been completed, nominees have been notifiLd and asked to supply information which will be sent out to the voting faculty, along with the ballots. Hopafully, the general election will be completed before the next Faculty Senate meting. A question was raised concerning the numbers on the nominations ballots. In a general discussion slveral persons voiced opposition to this p-4.actice. Placing numbers on the nominatl_ons ballots wasa scheme by which the election commi:tee hoped to prevent fraudulent votes irom being cast, and no record was kept of who got what number and,therefore,there wasno way to determine who cast a certain ballot. C. Bylaws Committee This committee met and elected Dr. David Cummins, School of Law, as chairperson and arranged for future meetings. D. Invocations Committee Dr. Robert Davidow, School of Law, an expert in the area of constitutional law, has agreed to serve on this committee as chairperson. The other two members are Dr. Murray Havens, Chairman of the Department of Political Science, who is also president of the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union; and the Reverend Dudley Strain, a longtime Lubbock minister. This committee will meet for the first time on February 10, 1978. III. Resolution on Heating and Codling of Buildings - Roland Smith Smith said that extremely hot and cold classrooms in his own building, plus hearing the same complEint again and again from many faculty, staff, and stulents, prompted him to take a quick unorganized survey ,ef the temperatures maintained in several buildings. As a result of this survey, he circulated, very briefly, the following petition: PETITION- TO THE FACULTY SENATE The undersigned faculty, staff, and students hereby request that the Fact.lty Senate exert all the irfluence it can to cause major changes in the heating and cooling system of this campus to become an item of highest priority. The cur:ent system is both erratic and inadequate, causing major dislocations in all aspacts of academic endeavors. Signatures of 340 rersons were ecured in a very short time, mentioning 34 buildings in which heating and coo4ng is inadequate to say the least. Two guests, John L. Kice and Stewart Dyess, came at Smith's invitation tc tell the Senate of the heating and cooling situation in their particular building 3 and to inform it of their Epecial problems. Dr. Kice from the Chemistry Deportment felt the problem in his building was not so much one of simply teating and cooling, but a matter of spending annually around Faculty Senate Page 3. February 8, 1978 Meeting #3 $48,000.00 extra, whi on at night and on we period of time and it to $4,000.00. Then it handling system is off system. A new fire se $10,000.00, or a more in the saving on elect budgeted, it apparentl new fire sensor system is the cost of electricity to keep the air handling systems ends. The Systems were turned off during those times for a as concluded that the savings per month on electricity amounted was discovered that the fire sensors did not work when the air because they are located in the air ducts of the ventilating sor system, at a cost of between a conserative figure of han adequate system costing around $30,000.00, would result icity. Although the university has the cost of utilities does not have the funds needed for the installation of a Dr. Dyess, from th same as with other bui cold in another, with humidity. Plants are but one the library ha The matter is looked i least the situation is solution. library, said the problems in that building were mu:h the dings, simultaneously too hot in one area and uncomfcrtably he additional problem of too much humidity or the lick of ying and bodks are deteriorating. This is not a new problem, had for some time. Complaints are made again and again. to by "someone" and perhaps the problem is corrected or at improved for a time, but there seems to be no lasting It was the feeling the matter, seeking ex outside consultants. problems at hand -- mo be costly. of the Senae that the time has come to do something about ertise from our own people here on campus or by bringing in owever, this presents another side to the solving of the ey. Consultants and their recommendations would no doubt Burford moved to a end the resolution, as distributed by Smith, to incluie the words ventilating and ir conditioning. Pearson seconded. The motion carriad to amend the original res lution. Smith moved the ad carried. The resoluti 11 SI Whereas the Fa involved in op systems which times; at the ventilating an buildings on c frequently ren intolerable. tion of the amended resolution. Vines seconded. TIa motion , as amended, reads: ulty Senate is cognizant of the difficulties rating heating, ventilating and air conditioning ere designed for conditions prevailing at earlier ame time we take note of the fact that the heating, air conditioning systems, even in the newest pus, are producing conditions which all too er classrooms, offices, labs, and practice rooms 11 Therefore, be t resolved that the Faculty Senate find some means of impre sing upon the university administration the necessity of e tablishing, as an item of highest priority, the implementa on of major changes in the heating, ventilating and air condit ning systems. In order to accomplish this purpose, the P sident of the Faculty Senate is instructed to write to the Pr sident of Texas Tech University, stating our view on the mat er, and offering to confer with him concerning possible alter tives to the existing systems. Faculty Senate Page 4. February 8, 1978 Meeting #3 IV. REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE ON 'COMMITTEES - Darrell Vines Vines presented tc the Senate 4 list of four nominees from which they to choose one name to forward to tie Vice President for Student Affairs to vacancy on the Student Publication Committee. Strauss moved that the Sen the name which was reoommended as 00St appropriate by the Committee on Co Pearson seconded. The motion carried. re asked ill the e forward ttees. Vines submitted two nominees for two vacancies on the Grievance Commit moved that the Senate accept the to nominations of the Committee on Consul Smith seconed. The motion carried. V. REPORT FROM THE MEETING ROOM OMMITTEE - Elbow Elbow read a letter received earlier by Dr. Bell from N. H. Longley, Di ector, University Center. Ap3roval for the use of the Senate Room by the Faculty enate for its monthly meetinp has been iranted by the University Center Advisory Board. There will be no charg for this uSe of the room. VI. TENURE REVIEW COMAITTEE - WilSon Wilson reported that the committee continues to meet and are now almost ready to complete their Tenu7e Review Report and present it to the Faculty Senate at its next meeting. VII. SENATE OPERATING PROCEDURES VineS Vines referred to a suggestion he made at the December 14, 1977, meetin of be the Faculty Senate in which he stated that information on agenda items shou printed and distributed well in achiance of meetings so that Senators might tudy the issues, and perhaps do some preliminary ground-work and thus simplify a speed up procedures. With referenOe to the "Operating Procedures" distribu along with the agenda fcr the February 8, 1978, meeting, he suggested that t ary, Senators read it and ta.ke whatever, I if any, action they wish to take. In s Vines proposed that SeLators consider the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Think creatively about Senate operating procedures Represent constituents Debate isEues prior to Senate Meetings Inform Serators with Written motions DistributE written "announcements" Add a timE-to-conduct Ibusiness to agenda Receive written ad hoc committee reports before Senate meeting Be preparEd. A question was raiEed about the possibility of having the agenda of the Senate meeting printed in the Unive sity Daily a few days prior to the meet indicated that he woule check into this means of making the entire faculty of issues to come before the Senat • acuity g. Bell re aware Faculty Senate Page 5. February 8, 1978 Meeting #3 VIII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Faculty Devel At the request of Leave Committee's rul point to which he hear research, and like pro Tech campus. Individu do not require that th take this matter under Faculty Development Le ment Leave tlidelines olleagues, elbow brought the matter of the Faculty D and guidel 'nes to the attention of the Senate. Th objection as that portion which suggests that usu ects should,be conducted elsewhere, rather than 'on t ls who are unhappy feel that they have worthy projec y be off campus and they would like to have the Facu consideratign and perhaps make an appropriate commen ve Committe0. General discussion followed Elbow's s Bell questioned th procedure n this matter and concluded that in his the Faculty Senate doe not have t e power to change the criteria nor does Senate have the propri ty to ask t e Faculty Develpment Leave Committee to elopment particular ly study, Texas s which ty Senate to the atements. pinion he o so. Strauss suggested hat since tlk Faculty Development Leave Committee se s the criteria they should b the ones tq change them. He felt that faculty memb rs who are unhappy should go irectly to the Faculty Development Leave Committee. B. Status of the Bell read a letter group of faculty membe Academic Budget. Such and committees . Bell be agreeable to the Fa to the status of a Uni udget Advisgry Committee from Presid s to partic a group was tated thati ulty Senate ersity Acad nt Mackey expressing the need for an adv sory pate in the review of matters related to he not included in the recent overhaul of c ncils was his understanding that the Presiden would moving its own Budget Advisory Committee ver ic Budget Council. Vines moved that t e charge be referred to the Committee on Committees study and that they be directed to ake a recommendation at the next meetin Faculty Senate. Elbow seconded. T e motion carried. The meeting adj our ed at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitt Roland E. Smith, Secreta Faculty Senate February 28, 1978 /gf r further of the