May 11, 1977 Meeting # 85 Executive Committee Faculty Council MINUTES The Executive Committ the Board Room with Cha' Stewart, C. Bell, Cummi Strauss, Tereshkovich, President for Academic tives David Sterrett, V President for External faculty accompanying th of the ad hoc committee Pearson, recently elect e of the Faculty Council met Wednedsay, May 11, 1977 in man Collins presiding. Members present were: Burford, , Davis, Keho, Kimmel, McPherson, Mogan, Nelson, Smith, rrell, Vines and Wilson. Present as guests were: Vice fairs, Charles S. Hardwick; Student Association reptesentae President for Internal Affairs; Ronnie Bobbitt, Vice fairs; Dr. Paul Woods, member of the ad hoc committee on football team to out-of-town games; Ben Newcomb, member n Faculty Charter Revision; Helen Brittin and Neale members of the Executive Committee. Ch. Collins called t meeting to order at 2:13 p.m. and welcomed the guests. I. MINUTES OF THE APRIL Smith moved approval McPherson seconded. Th 3, 1977 MEETING f the minutes of the April 13, 1977 meeting as circtiated. motion passed. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM T CHAIR a. Two letters were ritten to Dr. Mackey: the first, informing him of the Faculty Council election and the election of the Executive Committee officers; another informing him of the recommendations of the Committee on Committees re20.rding changes in Unive sity Committees and Councils. b. A letter was wri ten to Mr. Bill Barnett, President of the Ex-Students Association than ing him for that organizations recent contribution tc Texas urteous acknowledgment was received. Tech; and a most c. Letters have now Council election een written to all candidates participating in the Maculty d. Letters were wri ten to committee chairpersons thanking them for their Annual Reports or remin ing them that such reports were due. Annual Reports aave now been receive from all committees. business of the Academic Council meeting of April 26, 1977 e. One item from t may be of partic lar interest to this group and that is Faculty Development re asked to consider guidelines such.that a college would not Leaves. Deans" be eligible for eaves in consecutive years. proposed guidelines for determining the eligibility of Discussion of t those who are c sidered for Faculty Development Leaves arose and Ne]son is committee's feelings should be made known by their vote suggested that llowing statement: "No one should be disqualified from to endorse the applying for Fa lty Development Leave on the basis of leaves being awarded previou ly to members of his or her department or college and all applications ou t to be judged simply on the basis of their inherenr merit and the ability of the person to fulfill the task that he or she is p7ojecting or proposing, d partment or college not-withstanding." The endorsement f the statement passed, with some members dissentingl Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 2. May 11, 1977 Meeting #85 f. In complying with an earlier request from this committee that the che_rman gather additional information on the Teaching Effectiveness Committee, Ch. ollins reported tht he had talked with Charles Hardwick, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Mary Owens, Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences & Prof fessor, Physical Education; and to Duane Hoover, Associate Professor of Business Admilistration and Chairman of the ad hoc Teaching Effectiveness Committee. The fitst discovery was that there is no inherent relationship between the proposed Teaching Effectiveness Committee of the University and whatever Teaching Effeci:iveness Committees there may be in the colleges. Recently the committee applied for a government grant but was turned down. It felt that one of the reasqns the grant was not obtained was the committee's lack of official status wi:h the University. This prompted the recommendation that it be put on an Oficial basis. At this point it seems likely that the President may act to plake this an official University Committee. g. Ch. Collins announced that the Faculty Council Office will move next 'creek (probably on Monday, May 16th) to the basement of the west wing of Ilq_den Hall. h. Other Announcements 1. The position of Director of Admissions & Records will, it appearq, be filled relatively soon. Several members of this committee have been inlited to interview applicants. 2: President Mackey has yet to deal with the possible change in the Grievance Committee Charge. Again, he said that he would do this as soon ea the semester is over. 3. Haskell Taylor, Chairperson of the Retired Faculty and Staff Comlittee, has written a letter to the President resigning from that position. Ch. Collins received a copy of that letter and in it Dr. Taylor expressed hie hopethhet the committee would continue to function. Ch. Collins asked for a directive from this committee to write ajetter of appreciation to Dr. Taylor thanking him for his work on that cata*Lttee over the past several years. Cummins moved that this committee authoiLze Ch. Collins to write such a letter. Kimmel seconded and the motion ptssed. 4. From the minutes of the Tenure & Privilege Committee dated May 4 1977, Ch. Collins read an update on an interpretation by that committe; , which he ding reads noted in the Executive Committee meeting of March. The updated as follows: "The phrase 'all years of full-time past service at Cexas Tech University' refers only to past service in a tenure-acquiring poE Ltion, whether or rot such service is interrupted by periods of non-emplc yment at Texas Tech University. This interpretation of Item B-3 is subjec : to the exception provided for persons employed by Texas Tech University. In a visiting prcfessorial rank in accordance with the Committee's Ru] ing of February 21, 1977". Ch. Collins reported that he has information which suggests that the President is considering the appointment of an ad hoc committee to undertelta the following: a. To make recommendations regarding the procedures by which teuire is granted. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 3. b. May 11, 1977 Meeting # 85 To revie the current Tenure Policy. c. To deter me the function of the Tenure & Privilege Committe Membership of t and one other and one other Academic Affair administration. Executive Commi member from the - 11 II Nelson made a setting up the could appoint a erations and d motion to incl amendment fail 8 for, 5 again 110 Kimmel made a ad hoc committee passed. tion that the Executive Committee urge the President in ommittee to ialite AAUP to recommend a delegate whom he a member of that committee to take part in its del isions. Smith seconded. Strauss moved to amend th Nelson e "and TACT" wherever AAUP occurs..: Mogan seconded. t The by a vote of 6 for, 7 opposed. The Nelson motion Oassed, Z .Z.11 III. REPORT OF AD HOC FOOTBALL TEAM ON is proposed committee would probably be the Chairma mber of the Tenure & Privilege Committee, the ChaiLllfn bar of the Executive Committee, the Vice President .or , and one other representative of the University It was assumed by consensus that the Chairman of t tee would, when it becomes appropriate, choose the Executive Committee. IM O MMITTEE TO DETERMINE HOW FACULTY WILL BE SELECTED Tq ACCOMPANY T-OF-TOWN GAMES - KIMMEL 11• The report and tion that the Executive Committee accept the report Lof this d approve the recommendations. Wilson seconded. Thp.-: motion ecommendations as revised by the committee members dlows: 1. RATIONALE ems the practice of inviting university faculty to E .;:tend outThe Committee mes as being a gesture of good will extended by theragn's of-town foolball Athletic Departme t to the faculty of this University. Inasmuch asAh invitation comes from the Men's Athletic Department; the role of the "ad hoc" •'1 ittee is to facilitate the selection process. . MECHANICS FOR SELECTION PROCESS (a) On March 1 of request that the C appoint an ad hoc to attend, or who each year, the Chairman of the Men's Athletic Council will airperson of the Executve Committee of the Faculty C:uncil ommittee to suggest names of faculty who have either requested ave been recommended to attend out-of-town games. (b) The appointed ad hoc committee will be composed of faculty from thE. various colleges and Schoo of Law, with at least one representative from the Men's Athletic Council. (c) The ad hoc co ittee will suggest two names of faculty and two alternates (in the event the aculty named first are unable to attend) for each ov_.-oftown game, depend t upon space available for guests; the completed list will Men's Athletic Department in order that invitations may be submitted to t be extended by th Athletic Director. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 4. May 11, 1977 Meeting #85 3. CRITERIA TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE SELECTION PROCESS. (a) Only faculty who have not previously been guests of the Men's Athl Department will be considered each year to attend out-of-town games. tic (b) Alternates who have not attended an out-of-town game previously wil considered first the year following. (c) Representative faculty from all colleges and the School of Law, as minority groups, w_11 be given equal consideration, except that faculty seniority in years of service to Texas Tech University will be given sp consideration. IV. ell as ith ial PEER EVALUATION FOR MERIT RAISES Ch. Collins introdtced this agenda item by saying that a number of peopl expressed concern about the way departments are going about soliciting peer ev of faculty members in their department preparatory to the recommendation for s increases. This originated last year when a resolution of this committee (May was sent to the Academic Vice President. The original intent of this recommeu for peer evaluation was Do provide some way for getting faculty input on the u salary increases: that department chairmen should seek, and department chairme deans should have availaEle to them the recommendations of peers prior to the mination of salary increases. have luation lary 1976) ation rit and eter- Hardwick agreed with Wilson's statement that peer evaluation covers a v area and that peer evaluation and faculty input are not synonymous. The quest to what extent will there be faculty input in the determination of who gets me increases. Systems are different: some elaborate, some non-existent. But deav considered the resolutior and have been instructed to direct their chairpersor faculty input should be sought in their evaluations. At this time it is too q to try to evaluate. The deadline for implementation of this system is suppos academic year. ry broad on is: it have that rly ly this Vines brought up the question of the availability of funds for raises, Hardwick replied that there is confusion in interpretation of the legislative now being considered, but it appears that 3.4% or 5.1% across-the-board, plus merit increases, are undr consideration. o which ills light Mogan moved that the Chairman of this body refer to the appropriate co in the Fall the task of elvaluating the process of peer evaluation. Smith sec The motion passed without opposition. ittee ded. V. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FACULTY COUNCIL CHARTER REVISION - BELL Discussion on the proposed Constitution lasted unitl 5:30 p.m., at whi Cummins moved to recess until 7:15 p.m. and to reconvene the meeting in the Room of the Law School. McPherson seconded. The motion carried. When the meeting reconvened at 7:15 all of the members of the Committe above as being present in the afternoon were again present, with the excepti and Strauss who had unavoidable conflicts. time nference Si noted of Nelson Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 5. May 11, 1977 Meeting # 85 After lengthy discussion, Cummins moved to accept the report and recommand the Constitution as amended to the faculty for its consideration. The motion was seconded and carried: 13 votes f pr, 1 against, with no abstentions. The faculty should expect open hearings On this Constitution early in the fall; a reconsideration by the .:ommittee, with a final report including faculty rec...endations where appropriate; recoasideration by the Executive Committee; and the pres.,tation of the proposed Constitution to a meeting of the faculty sometime during the FaLl semester. A copy of the propo3ed Constitution as amended by the Executive Committal& is enclosed with these minutes. Tha debate on the issues is on tape and may be reviewel in the Faculty Council Offices. VI. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES -SMITH a. Nominations Wilson moved that the pr&sent members of the Women's Athletic Council le nominated to serve another year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. After discussion and minor changes, Smita moved the list of nominees be forwarded to the offtee of the President. Vines seconded. The motion passed. b. Charges Smith called attention to the charges. remaining to be considered by tills committee. Wilson moved that the structure of the Athletic Council Charge be written sd that males and females are given equal representation. To do this three amendments wele proposed. Each amendment was voted on separately, and each carried. The motion passed !--.o forward these additional charges to the President. c. Annual Reports Cummins moved to accept the Annual Reports and forward them, together Tk_th a commendation of the Libeary Committee, to the President. This motion was dlnided into parts and voted on separately. The first motion, to accept and forward the committee reports to the President carried, with one negative vote. The sedond motion, one of commendation of the Library Committee passed without oppositlon. It is the consensus of the committee that we are instructing the on Committees to bring forward recommendations regarding the various committee4 at the first meeting in the fall. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Ch. Collins recognized those committee members who will be leaving thq committee at the end of this academic year. Mogan recognized and commended the officers who served this academic )1ear. He then proposed the following Resolution: Whereas the AA Ho- Library Committee Report (April, 1970) recommended the availability of an outside book drop in the vicinity of the library; and Whereas the Institutional Self-Study 1971-73 Report of the Committee la Library indicated the students' request and need for this book drop (pp. 40, 43-44);1 and Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 6. May 11, 1977 Meeting #85 Whereas the Library Committee of 1975-76 again discussed the desirabil y of a book drop in a meeting with the Dean of Library Services (Minutes, March 1, 1976); and ri.1 abstention Whereas the Library Committee of 1976-77 voted (5 fo recommend an outside b)ok drop (Minutes, November 23, 1976)i; and Whereas this boot drop has not yet been provided in spite of the fac repeated requests and insistence and the faculty's utilization of all its resources to obtain this book drop; ty's ailable Be it resolved that: A letter be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, with a the President of the Uaiversity, requesting him to recognize the desires o faculty and students by implementing their request to obtain an outside bo in the vicinity of the library. py to the drop 1 " The Committee stressed that it (the book drop) was now the respons of Dean of Library Se ices to implement the recommendation. The Committe arrived at a decision, can no longer spend its time in discussing either t of book drops or the u-ans of obtaining book drops. The Committee's posit that further responsibility is the Library's" (Minutes, November 23, 1976) ility , having . merits n is Motion to approve the resolution passed without opposition. Vines moved the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m ctf mitted, ill * ,Iip trapvt, William A. Stewart, Sec etary Executive Committee Faculty Council 5/18/77 /gf For the next several weeks the secretary will be out of the Faculty Counci Office. If anything is needed please contact Jacquelin Collins at 742-3761 or 795- 194. CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY SENATE OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Article I. NAME The name of this or;anization shall be the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University. Article II. ORGANIZATION Section 1. The Facilty "Senate shall be composed of senators representing the voting faculty of Texas Tach University. The voting faculty shall consist of All persons under full-time contract who have completed a residence of one year at this University and who are teaured or who hold appointments that make them eligibe for tenure. Section 2. The voting faculty of each college and school, excladingtW Graduate School, shall elect one senator for each twenty voting faculty membelis or fraction thereof but not fewer than two senators. The voting faculty of the University shall elect nine additional senators at-large. Section 3. The Faulty Senate shall elect a President, Vice President, hand Secretary from its membership td serve for A term of one year. Article III. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. Each Spring the voting faculty members shall nominate and elect members to the Faculty Senate to take office on the first day following the 41 of the Spring term during wlich the election is held. The Faculty Senate shall 4onduct the election through an appropriate committee. Section 2. Prior to each regular election, the Faculty Senate shall redetermine its composition so that the election will, to the extent possible, bring the mposition of the Faculty Senate into conformity with Article II, Section 2. A previous_y elected senator shall not, howevLr, be removed from office before the expiration of h..6 or her term because of a declinLng constituency. Section 3. Nominations for college, school, and at-large senators shali, be requested from voting facuty members. If a person is nominated for more than One senatorial position he or she shall indicate the position for which he or she wilt ._appear as a candidate. The two persons receiving the highest number of nominations or each senatorial position shaL_ be designated as the candidates to stand for electiFn to the Faculty Senate. Section 4. Member; of the Faculty Senate shallbe elected from among thie candidates determined in the nomina:ing process. Voting members of each college and schltol shall vote for senators from tleir respective college or school and all voting facuaty shall vote for at-large senato:s. Tie votes shall be resolved by a special electiot. If a senatorial va:ancy occurs, the Faculty Senate shall conduct a spedtal election to fill the vacancy from the appropriate constituency. The special]' elected senator shall complete the unexpired term of the senator originally elected. Section 5. Qualification for election to the Faculty Senate shall be lembership in the voting faculty, except that administrators serving one-half time or more in administrative positions shall not be eligible. Department chairpersons may be elel:ed to the Faculty Senate if tl-ey are otherwise qualified. (Article III. Cont.) Section 6. The term of office for each member of the Faculty Senate (4Lbject to Article VII hereof) shall. be three years. A member may not be re-elected without a oneyear interim unless he o: she was elected by special election to fill an unlexpired term of one year or less. Section 7. To the extent possible, one-third of the senators from each constituency will be ele:.ted each year. Article IV. JURISDICTION Section 1. The Faculty Senate shall act on behalf of the faculty and srall serve as an advisory body to ele President of the University and may consider all utters of university concern. Section 2. Any member of the university community may bring a matter 9i university concern to the attention of the Senate. Section 3. The Seaate may make recommendations to the President of thel University concerning the academic functions of the University and other matters pertainlng to the welfare of the Universit", particularly those of special interest to the faculty. Section 4. Should the President of the University choose not to follov4a recommendation of the Faculty Senate, the President shall inform the Senate in wriking of the reasons therefor and, upon request of the Seli.ate, the President shall meet with the Senate for discussion of the matter. Article V. RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. The Faculty Senate shall establish its own rules of procedure and bylaws. Section 2. The Faculty Senate shall meet at least monthly during the Tthgular academic year, as provided Ln the bylaws. Section 3. The Faculty Senate may establish such Senate committees as t deems appropriate. The members and temporary chairpersons of the Senate committee shall be named by the Faculty Senate and at their first meeting of each year the memb4s of each committee shall select tleir own chairperson and such other officers as may ba appropriate for the effective functicning of the committee. Section 4. The PrEsident of the University may establish and define cotposition of ad hoc or standing committees or councils of Texas Tech University, Texas 7ter. University School of Medicine, and the Museum of Texas Tech University, or joint committees or councils of the above, and may determine if members are to be elected or appointed. .q.xas Tech University faculty membels appointed to these standing (but not ad hoc) committees or councils shall be selecOd from a list of nominees for each committee or coun41 provided by the Faculty Senate. The President of the University may specify the numbet of nominations to be supplied b) the Faculty Senate for each such committee or counc4 position. The positions of tie chairperson of Men's Athletic Council and the Womea's Athletic Council of the Universit) shall not be open to nomination by the Faculty Senat2. (Article V. Cont.) Section 5. The Faculty Senate shall regularly report its activities toiJie faculty of the University and distribute the minutes of each meeting. Section 6. The Faculty Senate shall call a meeting of the voting faculAy when requested to do so by the President of the University, or when petitioned by ry fifty members of the voting faculty, or when it deems such e Meeting necessary. Th President of the Faculty Senate shs11 serve as Presiding Officer at a meeting of :.the volLng faculty. In the absence of the President, the Vice President or the Secretary shall prOide, in that order. No decision, recommendation, or advice shall come from the votinl faculty except when one of the atove is presiding. Article VI. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 1. An amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate may t? proposed by a petition to the President of the Faculty Senate signed by at least fifty4lembers of the voting faculty, by a two-thirds vote of the senators then present and voti-Ig, or by the President of the University. Section 2. A propcsed amendment to this Constitution shall be distribu ?d to the voting faculty at least Lour weeks prior to its consideration at a called mee 1hag of the voting faculty. No acticn on amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty S4nate may be taken unless at least one-fifth of the voting faculty is present. Passage ofilny such amendment shall be by a two-thirds vote of the voting faculty then present anC voting. Upon passage, -an amendment shall become effective after ratification by the POsident of the University and approval by the Board of Regents. Article VII. INITIAL COMPOSITION The initial composition of the Faculty Senate shall consist of the eleciOd members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council. At its first meeting the 4rd Faculty Senate shall arrange for the special election of additional members to bring rle membership into conformity, to the extent possible, with its constitutional size an4 composition. At its next meeting the Faculty Senate shall determine terms of the additional members by lot in accordance with Article III, Section 7. Article VIII. ADOPTION AND RATIFICATION The Constitution of the Faculty Senate shall become effective when-adopi?d by a majority of the voting fsculty'then present and , voting at acalled meeting of ..he faculty and after ratification b) the President of the University and approval by th&3oard of Regents. Upon the Constitution's becoming effective, the Faculty Senate and its Constitution shall substitute nunt pro tunc for the Faculty Council and its ChLrter. ONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY SENATE OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Article I. NAME The name of this o University. anization shall be the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech Article II. ORGANIZATION Section 1. The Fa voting faculty of Texas persons under full-time University and who are t tenure. lty 'Senate shall be composed of senators represent g the ch University. The voting faculty shall consist of all ntract who have completed a residence of one year this ured or who hold appointments that make them eligi e for Section 2. The vo ing faculty of each college and school, exclddinvt Graduate School, shall e ect one senator for each twenty voting faculty memb fraction thereof but not fewer than two senators. The voting faculty of the University shall elect n e additional senators at-large. s or Section 3. The Fa lty Senate shall elect a President, Vice President, and Secretary from its membe ship to serve for a term of one year. rticle III. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. Each S members to the Faculty S the Spring term during w the election through an ring the voting faculty members shall nominate and nate to take office on the first day following the ich the election is held. The Faculty Senate shall ppropriate committee. ect d of onduct_ Section 2. Prior its composition so that of the Faculty Senate in senator shall not, howev term because of a declin o each regular election, the Faculty Senate shall r he election will, to the extent possible, bring the o conformity with Article II, Section 2. A previou r, be removed from office before the expiration of ng constituency. etermine omposition y elected s or her be reSection 3. Nomina ions for college, school, and at-large senators sha1 ne senaty members. If a person is nominated for more than quested from voting facu : appear tonal position he or sh shall indicate the position for which he or she wi as a candidate. The two persons receiving the highest number of nominations for each senatorial position shal be designated as the candidates to stand for elect on to the Faculty Senate. Section 4. determined in the vote for senators vote for at-large Member of the Faculty Senate shallbe elected from among t nomina ing process. Voting members of each college and sc from t eir respective college or school and all voting fac senato s. Tie votes shall be resolved by a special electi e candidates col shall _ty shall n. If a senatorial va ancy occurs, the Faculty Senate shall conduct a spe Lai election to fill the vac ncy from the appropriate constituency. The special / elected senator shall complete he unexpired term of the senator originally elected Section 5. Qualif the voting faculty, exce trative positions shall the Faculty Senate if th amber ship in cation for election to the Faculty Senate shall be t that administrators serving one-half time or more in adminisot be eligible. Department chairpersons may be ele ed to y are otherwise qualified. (Article III. Cont Section 6. The te Article VII hereof) shal year interim unless he o term of one year or less of office for each member of the Faculty Senate be three years. A member may not be re-elected wi she was elected by special election to fill an u bject to out a onexpired Section 7. To the extent possible, one-third of the senators from eac constituency will be el ted each year. Article IV. JURISDICTION Section 1. The F as an advisory body to university concern. ulty Senate shall act on behalf of the faculty and e President of the University and may consider all Section 2. Any m concern to the attentio ber of the university community may bring a matter of the Senate. all serve atters of university Section 3. The S ate may make recommendations to the President of t University concerning the academic functions of the University and other matters perta ing to the welfare of the Universi , particularly those of special interest to the fac lty. Section 4. Shoul the President of the University choose not to foil mendation of the Facult Senate, the President shall inform the Senate in w reasons therefor and, u on request of the Senate, the President shall meet Senate for discussion o the matter. a recomting of the th the Article V. RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. The F culty Senate shall establish its own rules of proce re and bylaws. Section 2. The F culty Senate shall meet at least monthly during the demic year, as provided in the bylaws. egular aca- Section 3. The F appropriate. The membe named by the Faculty Se committee shall select for the effective funct culty Senate may establish such Senate committees a s and temporary chairpersons of the Senate committ ate and at their first meeting of each year the mem heir own chairperson and such other officers as may oning of the committee. it deems s shall be rs of each e appropriate Section 4. The P ad hoc or standing comm School of Medicine, and of the above, and may d University faculty memb councils shall be selec by the Faculty Senate. nations to be supplied esident of the University may establish and define ttees or councils of Texas Tech University, Texas T the Museum of Texas Tech University, or join commi termine if members are to be elected or appointed. rs appointed to these standing (but not ad hoc) co ed from a list of nominees for each committee or co The President of the University may specify the num y the Faculty Senate for each such committee or cou mposition of as University ees or councils exas Tech ttees or cil provide& r of nomiil position. The positions of he chairperson of Men's Athletic Council and the Wo n's Athletic Council of the Universi y shall not be open to nomination by the Faculty Se te. (Article V. Cont.) Section 5. The Faculty Senate shall regularly report its activities to the faculty of the University and diEtribute the minutes of each meeting. Section 6. The Faculty Senate shall call a meeting of the voting faculty when requested to do so by the President of the University, or when petitioned by ',T.ny fifty members of the voting faculty, or when it deems such a meeting necessary. Tha President of the Faculty Senate shall serve as Presiding Officer at a meeting of the voting faculty. In the absence of the PrEsident, the Vice President or the Secretary shall pteside, in that order. No decision, recommendation, or advice shall come from the votink faculty except when one of the above is presiding. Article VI. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 1. An amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate may '-de proposed by a petition to the President of the Faculty Senate signed by at least fifty members of the voting faculty, by a two-thirds vote of the senators then present and voting, or by the President of the University. Section 2. A proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be distributed to the voting faculty at least four weeks prior to its consideration at a called meaAng of the voting faculty. No action on amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty &nate may be taken unless at least one-fifth of the voting faculty is present. Passage of any such amendment shall be by a two-thirds vote of the voting faculty then present al* voting. Upon passage, an amendment shall become effective after ratification by the Ptesident of the University and approval by the Board of Regents. Article VII. INITIAL COMPOSITION The initial composition of the Faculty Senate shall consist of the elected members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council. At its first meeting the rew Faculty Senate shall arrange for the special election of additional members to bring the membership into conformity, to the extent possible, with its constitutional size an composition. At its next meeting the Faculty Senate shall determine terms of the additional members by lot in accordance with Article III, Section 7. krticle VIII. ADOPTION AND RATIFICATION The Constitution of the Faculty Senate shall become effective when adop:ed by a majority of the voting faculty then present and voting at a called meeting of the faculty and after ratification by the President of the University and approval by the Board of Regents. Upon the Constitution's becoming effective, the Faculty Senate and 1:s Constitution shall substi:ute nunc pro tunc for the Faculty Council and its Ckarter.