Executive Gommittee Faculty Caftiicil February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 MINUTES The Executive Commi..:tee of the Faculty Council met Wednesday, February 9 1977 in the Board Room w:..th Chairman Collins presiding. Members present were Burford, Stewart, C. Bell, R. Bell, Cummins, Davis, Keho, Kelly, McPherson, M nley, Mogan, Nelson, Smith, St7auss, Vines, Wade and Wilson, Kim Cobb, of the Univ rsity Daily; Len Ainsworth, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Rich rd Klocko,.Director of Personnel Relatior.s, were present as guests. Ch. Collins called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. and welcomed the gu sts. I. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19 1977 MEETING C. Bell moved that the minutes be accepted as published. The motion was seconded and passed. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM -HE CHAIR a. Letters to the following were written by Ch. Collins: 1. Mr. Wekmeyer, Associate Vice President for Administrative S rvices 2. Dr. Parsley, Director of Public Affairs Both letters expressed our appreciation for their participation in last meeting. ur b. There was not a meeting of the Academic Council between the las meeting on January 19th and this meeting. c. The Election Committee is ready to function when needed. There will be Faculty Council nomLnations and elections; the ballots will go out late February. Walter CAlvert is Chairperson of this committee; other member are June Henton and Gar:. Elbow. III. REPORT FROM C. BELL OF AD HOC COMMITTEE ON FACULTY COUNCIL CHARTER REVIS ON Bell reported that this committee met twice with President Mackey a Vice President for Academic . Affairs Charles Hardwick 'since the last meet. ing of the Executive CoMmiztee.and will meet with theasagain. 'Mere is some dif erence of opinion about . the role of the faculty in universitgovernment and thg difference of opinion is being C'iscussed. However, he is not optimistic bout this document being ready for Faculty Council action at the Spring meeti g as he is more concerned with proper process than with meeting any sort of t metable. R. Bell inquired about the possibility of including a summary of th:. of considerations, tistificatiors, intended goals and alternatives as a this report. C. BeLl responded that the minutes of each _meeting, .which in the Faculty Council Office and available for all to read, should be su but a summary will be considerec. history art of re on file ficient; Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 2. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 IV. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ONCUMITTEES BY ROLAND SMITH Ch. Collins prefaced the report by saying that several months ago th , Committee on Committees was charged with lcoking at the committee structure and wit • developing recommendations for 7ationalizing it. This is a preliminary report and n t a final report of recommended actions, bt...t rather an indication of the direction f their thinking at this time. Smith called attention to the handout passed out earlier which docum thinking of the Comta_ttee on Comnittees, the President and Mr. Morganti, of vice presidents who have major roles in committee structure, and a few and present members of the Executive Committee. He said that he had been that President blacker is in favor of doing away with the present committe and using one similar to the one used at the University of South Florida. this is not official. Smith described the committee structure at South F a highly rationalizec structure, but one which includes features not espe appropriate here. nts the couple past told structure However, orida as ially Smith emphasize( tht the reetructuring process will take more time a d it is important that this ( ommittee work on nominations for next year under the present committee structure. Strauss asked at out committees with a large number of non-faculty mothers on them -- such as ti e University Benefits Committee. Smith responded that the Administration will c ffer some clarification and that there are details that have not yet been worked c ut. Ch. Collins indicated that prior to the next meeting the Executive Committee could expect to receive from the Committee on Committees a packet of papers whibh would be the equivalent of rewriting the substance pages of the Committee Directory. At the next meeting the Executive committee will be asked to approve and to recommend the adopticn of the proposals or td-make,specifiCr:changes in them. To begin the process of debating the issues Ch. Collins suggested that the Executive Committee go through the preliminary report an item at a time. Section L. Item I. A. ad the implication that the functional relationship of commiSttteenrisq: 7.;trri th an officer of the administration. This becomes more questionable when apt ointments are also approved by the administrative officer. He feels that the fur ctions of these committees should not be just with the administration, but ith the whole university community and especially with the faculty. Smith respc nded that this is a ,part of the President's idea to delegate authority. Having ar operating officer responsible for each committtee does not preclude the possibil ity of the committee sending its reports, and recommendations to other People, but one officer is specifically charged with responding. This pinpoints the responE ibility for responding to committees and at the same time delegates does some of the authorit3 for appointing committees. Burford commented that away with the concept of some of the committees being the faculty's committees; that, in essence, the y all become administrative committees of the university. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 3. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 C. Bell agreed and stggested that the tone of this item implies that committees are servants or underlinEs of a vice president. He feels that the committee Should be listed and then the (facers to uhom the minutes and recommendations are sent listed underneath the name cf the committee, rather than the other way around. Ch. Collins exp/essed concern that we might be over-reacting; pointing out that actions are ususlly taken by administratOrs of the university and not by committees. Strauss agreed that committees are not limited to an advisory role. Ch. Collins stated that the chairman of the Committee on Committees Should feel admonished to rewrite Itemi.. A --/NerTearef011y. Simth responded to a suggestion by R. Bell by noting that, of the two copies Of minutes which go 'to the Faculty Council Office, one goes to the Committee on Committees. Item I. B. Burford asked if this provision should deal with the myth that members of the Executive Commitbee cannot serve on committees. Smith stated that shcild the change be made tc a Faculty Senate the Faculty Senate Standing Committaes would be composed of members of the Faculty Senate only. Nelson suggested :hat expertise from outside the Faculty Senate might be needed. Smith pointed aut that his committee is concerned with Uaiversity Committees and not Faculty Coun:il Committees. Item I. C. Stewart noted again that appaintments by the operating officer is somathing that he has reservati6ns about. '71e would prefer to have the President maka the appointment with guidance by the Committee on Committees and the Executive Committee or Faculty Senate. Cummins suggested that it is unwholesome for the person to whom a report is being mad?. to appoint the people who will be making it. Item I. D. Nelson asked aboat the strict reliance on seniority when choosing a Clairperson. He suggests this should 7. ead "a minimum of one year previous servLce on the committee." Item I. E. It was noted that removal should precede replacement. Burford indica:ed a desire to make attendance reluirements stronger. Manley and Strauss protested that there are too many diEferent conditions. It was noted that the provisions should also apply to students serving on committees. Item I. F. Smith indicated :hat President Mackey dislikes having vice presidents serve on committees. Ex-OfEicio status has been discussed. The President prefers that administrative personael be brought in as consultants, but not to serve as ex-officio members. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 4. Item I. G. No discussion on this item. Item I. H. Burford spoke against limiting students to a one year term on committees. Discussion followed on the manner by Which students are appointed to committees and it was suggested by Cummins that this be kept in conformity with the manner in wlich faculty appointments are made. Section II. R. Bell made a motior everyone take it home thinking on specific would inhibit needed that rather than go over the preliminaryl:report Ateny_item and within the next couple of days communicate to Sir ith their things. The motion was seconded. Nelson protested :hat this dialogue. The motion was :defeated and discussion ccntinued. Item II. A. Discussion was minimal and no chsnge was proposed. Item II. B. #1 Wilson brought out the fact that funding problems must be worked out. C. Bell thought perhaps a um.fied Athletic Council might ease money problems. Wilson replied that on some other campuses it has had negative results. C. Bell favors a unified comr_ittee with 50-50 membership. Cummins asked for a stzaw vote on this issue te find out tIe consensus. The vote was 13 to 1 in fallor of a unified Athletic Ceuncil with ES nearly as possible an equal representation of men and women. Item II. B. #2. Including the security function received favorable comments (Cummins and :urford). Item II. B. #3 It was noted that many issues prcvided support for this 'change. Item II. B. #4. Strauss spoke agains -. absorbing the Retired Faculty and Staff Committee i:.to this L. Bell body. Cummins felt -that, in principle, the combination is appropriate. had worked on this in the past could coLtinue those who expressed the idea ttat advising on a personullbasid, Item II. B. #5. It was brought out in the discussion that visiting speakers do not fall under the Convocation Committe?.. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 5. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 Item II. B. #6. Smith was advised to check with Ir. Ewalt on this matter. Item II. B. #7. Keho questioned whetker or not Radiation Safety was represented on the Em:.rgency and * Security Committee. R. Bell felt that combining these committees mig t result in inefficiency and wondeled if HEW might require separate committ es. He suggested that the technical functions of these committees should be 1 oked into very carefully before they are combined and that sub-committees migh be mandatory. C. Bell (elt that the name, Research Monitoring Committee, im.lies too much; and he proposed. that it be called the Research Safety Committee. Vines made a motion to move Radiation Safety back to Emergency and S curity and leave the others separate. The motion was seconded and passed. Item II. B. #8. Discussion was brief but .the concensus was that the Faculty Development L Committee and the ReLognition Committee should not be combined. ave Item II. B. #9. The Executive Committee was in ccmplete agreement with this proposal. Item II. C. It was suggested that the Red Raider Committee be included with the Athletic Council. Wilson and McPherson orposed this and it was brought out by Ain:worth that funding, as well as the horse and its care, entered into this decision. Item II. D. The Committee expressed agreement with this paragraph. Item II. E. It was noted that the issues of appointment and repotting had already beet discussed. Item II. E. #1. No changes were proposed. Item II. E. #2. Strauss asked why the Executive Vice President should have a special relat ionship with these committees. He made a motion to move them to the Vice Presidz nt For Administrative Affairs. The motion carried unanimously. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 6. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 Item II. E. #3. Burford asked why Fi e Preventio with Emergency and S curity. Th should be a separate committee rather than combined committee seemed to agree with combining them. Ch. Collins tha ked the Cha rman of the Committee on Committees for the report. V. REPORT ON THE ACTIVI OF THE T S LEGISLATURE In the absence he corrected an answ amounts of_salaries could be reduced. B not the legislature that the problem wil bill. 1 Dr. Hardw ck, Len Ainsworth gave a brief report. irst 3 to a ques. ion asked at the last meeting. Proporti3nal 1 faculty m: bers who teach less thantthe required mi Imum load cause of co tracts the matter is complicated and whe her or an overturn these contracts is a question. It is st 11 hoped be taken c. re of by legislative action in the wordi g of the Dr. Mackey was Appropriations Commi and he reports that wording is inadequat teaching in many kin to Texas Tech if pro such things as thesi of very large classe nvited to a. pear before an ad hoc sub-committee of t e House tee, along ith representatives of several other ins itut ions, e was well . eceived. He tried to emphasize that the current : that the f culty work load extends far beyond class oom s of ways. A minimum standard teaching load would b acceptable isions are u ade to allow flexibility within the inst tution for and disser. ation direction, individual study teachi-: g, teaching and so for. h. As a result of r. Mackey's report, he was invited by the chairman of the subcommittee to submit letters to - upplement his presentation. Administrati:n personnel are now in the proce s of writin: draft letters for this purpose. Strauss indicat with the six and nin could not live with six hour loads are a difficult for Tech. Ainsworth agreed wit a teaching load woul has not been changed d his disaga eement with the statement that Texas Tee- could live hour requii ement. He feels that certain segments of the university hat for the reason that there are certain discipline: in which propriate a. ross the country. Recruiting might be nude extremely It might al- o cripple research activity in a number et areas. this, but elt that flexibility to determine What ccnstitutes He added that, currently the Wording of the bill be helpful Ainsworth expre sed the opi ion that reduction in faculty is part of the answer. Any faculty vacancy hich now oc. urs is looked at, not only from the stan7:point of retaining the positi n, but also at the level to which it is to be retainzd. VI. COMMITTEE OF 50 REPO T - DR. AIN' WORTH Dr. Ainsworth d stributed c pies of this report and stated that therE is no priority order to th goals stat : ents. Smith questione the circul tion of the report. Ainsworth responded that it has been distributed to the Boar of Regents, to the committee itself, to the faculty and administrative s aff at Texa Tech, to the Coordinating Board, Legisls.tive Budget Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 7. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82, Board, to heads of other institutions in the sltatwho might be intereste and to various associations and learned societies. Dr. Parsley is distributing opies within the appropria:ions group. The Tech Foundation Board is also distr- but ing copies. Dr. Ainswor:h said a supply is available for further distributi and suggestions by the ficulty would be welcomed. VII. OTHER BUSINESS a. Student Afftirs Code - Manley The Code of Stu lent Affairs Committee, chaired by Dr. Eissinger, is weekly and is charged with making specific recommendations to the Dean of S would then move towa-7d rewriting the code. Due to possible legal complic Dr. Eissinger felt Clt an attorney should draft the document. Dr. Ewalt a preference for the AdministratLon to provide the legal manpower. Dr. Eindicated satisfaction with the results of the committees meetings with D however, he is conce7ned that it may be a year or longer before a recomme be completed. eeting udents who tions, as expressed ssinger has . Ewalt; dation will C. Bell feels net the Code of Student Affairs should not be rewritt Office of the Dean of Students, since that office is charged with the ad of the Code; but the-. a special group with student representationshouldr Cummins stated that the committee!s.original plan has been changed and he about the content of this document as well as the delay. Ch. Collins as normally writes the document and then asked Manley to pursue the issue fu n by the nistrat ion write it. is concerned d who L ther. b. Energy Conservation - Burford Following the last Executive Committee meeting several letters were eceived containing comments about lighting and utilities, which indicate that mor savings are available in non-academic areas than academic. Ch. Collins instructe Burford to send copies of the letters to Mr. Wehmeyer. Keho made a motOn that this committee recommend to the President th t he appoint an and hoc committee chaired by Dean Bradford, to look into and find pra tical suggestions for energy savings on the campus. .The motion was seconded an passed. c. Letter to Registrar - Strauss Strauss moved net the Executive Committee instruct Ch. Collins to s to the registrar, Mr Peterson: (1) thanking him for the computer printou (2) requesting that :11 the future a cover Sheet of instructions for distr and an explanation of the codes used be included; and (3) requesting also send a letter now to all chairmen of departments advising them of the pro disposition of the cmputer printout sheets which they have received. seconded and the mot.on carried. Ainsworth commented that with the new pass/fail policy this matter even more important. nd a letter sheets; bution that he er ith become Executive Committee Faculty Coundil Page 8. February 9, 1977 Meeting #82 d. Ch. Collins noted that in view of the late hour he will postponE the presentation of the reply from the Academic Status Committee regarding f culty participation in thz hiring of 71ew faculty. The motion was nade to adjourn at 6:12 p.m. ect 1 l submitted, William A. Stewart, Sec ary Executive Committee Faculty Council 2/21/77 /gf Attached to Faculty Council Office file copy of Minutes: Committee on Committees ' s recommendations for changes in University CommitteeE dated February 9, 1977 ' Committee on Co ittee 4s. nitial Recommendations for ,Ilange U iversit ommittees Februa, y9 1 1977 . The followi g ccnside ations to apply to all committees unless othe ise spec fled: iversity A, Each c * dttee ach ices an operating officer of the whose t ak will b to respond to the committee reco , ndations, B. Faculty members wj I serve threeyear terms on a co itteet witleap roximatc/e one-third of the members' terms piring • each ye C. All fac iv y member- will be recomnended for committel service y the Faclity Council Executive Committee ( Faculty enate) an appointed by the operating officl r to whom the committee reports. Normally, if there are I hree submitted vacancie on a co ittee, only four nominees will for the hree posi ions. If a single vacancy occurs' two be subm tted. names wi D. Eeeept ere it is specifically noted to be otherwis i each committe will ele . t its own chairperson for the nexl year from amo o those lembers who will then be serving tLir third ye r\-011 that committee. If there is no person' then a hairperson will be elected from a ing qua lifie all memb rs who ha • served on the committee. E. ittee men or fails to attend several meetin ust cause the chairperson, after cons ulti with tha member ill determine whether there shoul be in the b 't interas_ of the functioning of the commi ee a replac Itt ,Z nt requeted for that member. If so, he s ould recommeno that tbe ember be replaced. The operati If a co without officer, the memb /pan recee 'ins such a request, will confer th d by and, if he has not resigned: can be the oper in offic r who then shall declare to the appropria e eominat ng body that a vacancy exists, re nominees -s t repla eaant, uesting F. Vice-Preadents will not serve on any committees. G. All committees will send copies of the minutes of the jr meetings (as soon as they are available) and annual t eporti (by April. 1 each year) as indicated: I. copy to the operating officerIS " " University Library " 81 W " any other officer specified in the committee charge 2 copies to the Faculty Council (or Senate) Office H. Student members of committees will be nominated by t Student AssociatLon and appointed for one-year terms by the a perating officer 70 whom each committee reports. II. The following recommendations are made concerning specif ic university and complex committees: A. 1. 2. B. TTU COMPLEX ACADEMIC COUNCIL ENG"...ISH USA3E COMMITTEE That the following committees ; functions be absorbed by other, or new committees: 1. Men' Athletic Council and Women l s Athletic Coun 1. be replaced by an Athletic Council. 2. The Campus Emergency Committee will be absorbed into a Campus Emergency and Security Committee. 3. 4. The Campus 3rounds Committee will become a Campu Facidities Planning and Use Committee. The University Benefits and the Retired Faculty /end Staff committees will be merged into one Benefit 5, and Retirement Committee, The Commencement Committee and the Charter Day C ammittee' wir.. be absorbed into a Convocations Committee, The Student On and Registratio Admissions. On 7. Committees on H Research, and see additions Research Monito on page 4 if desired or n C. That the led Raider a universaty commit to the Dean of the Director ›f Interco That the Venure and Academic Freedom an its functions As de E, That the .ollowing the indicated opera ntation, International Education, Admisa ions committees should be combined into one ntation, and Registration Committee. n Subjects, Warm.Blooded Animal diation Safotty be combined into one ing Committee (with subcommittees cessary). Committee be transferred form sta us as ee to a committee which is respon ible ollege of Agriculture or to the legiate Athletics, Privilege Committee be renamed Tenure Committee, with a change in cribed in #8 on page 4. ommittees AlrammamMOW1.4,4,..amd w report to, ing officers: 10 VaYtaW Prea dent Academic Counci Athletic Counci ICASZLS Coordin tins Council * Academic Freed° Special Hearing Panel *members sel ted jointly by President and faculty as_ in the at 20 iderit Budger Advisory Committee FacilLties Plan ing and Use Committee Benefits and Re moment Committee 3. Vice President or A strative Affairs Affirmative Act on Council Fire Prevention Committee ParkiAg Violati s Appeals Committee Emergency and c unity Committee • 4. yiseLEvaillat jitscitras.atakz, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Convccatione Committee Grade Appeals Committee (if established) Library Commirtee Admissions Orientations and Registration Commitu Teacher Educatien Council Standing Committees of the Faculty Council: ecademi;* Affairs and Status Committee telmiseion -id Ret etion Committee 3rievaace Committee Drientatioe for New Faculty e 5 0 yiss=11 9ildenr for Student Affairs . AppeaLs Committee Artisln and Speekere Committee Code of Seudent Affairs Committee Discipline Committee Financial Aids Committee Minorety Affatre Commie:tee Solicetations Ceemittee Student Publications Committee Student Services Fee Allocation Committee 6. Vice Presidezt for reseeTaAagLareduatgAtudIps Atedemie Publications Committee Graduate Council Retearch Monitoring Ctmmittee University Research Advisory eet,tnot .11,41.41*W .WIWW40 ...... ftW40441.1k1 49$,W+4.10,41 Wwsdoon. M.1, 01 .1000 ... 40,0kIlb ...... Addition: Page 3, Item Bs add: 8c The Faculty Development Leave Committee and the Recognition Committee be absorbed into the committee formerly known as the Tenure and Privile e Committee (proposed new name: Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee) 9. The Fa:ulty Gouncil t s standing committee on Academic Status be dicsolved and its functions absorbed by he Academic Affairs Committees which will be renamed he Academic 'Affairs and Status Committee.