Executive Committee Faculty Council December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 MINUTES . The Executive Committee of the Faulty Council met Wednesday, December 8, 1976 in the Board Room with Chairman jacqualin Collins presiding. Members present were: Collins, Burford, Stewart, C. Bell, Cummins, Davis, Keho, McPherson, Mogan, NeLson, Smith, Strauss, Tereshkovich, Terrell, Wade and Wilson. Guests included, Kim obb, of the University Daily; Vice Presidelt for Academic Affairs, Charles Hardwick; Terry Wimmer, President, Student Assoziation; and Mr. R. Klocko. Ch. Collins , called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m., recognized thagunst3, and requested that other business to e brought. before the meeting be indicatel at the beginning if possible. I. MINUTES OF THE NOVEMEFR 10, 1976 MEETING Professor Wilson made a motion that the minutes be Accepted. Professor C. Bell seconded the motion. The motion tarried. The minutes were accepted as pOlished. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. 1. Ch. Collins wrote a letter to the Academic Affairs Committee bringing to its attentior: the Executive Committee Resolution regarding the d2velopment of a system for advising students; and the referral for consideration of the suggestion to use pluses and minuses in grading and to operate the bookstore with greater emphasis on academic purposes. 2. A letter was sent to the Academic Status Committee regarding the Executive Committee recuest i that it develop recommendations on tenure and promotion procedures. In a letter responding to this request, Dr. Max Lennon, Chairman of the Academic Status Committee stated in part: "at the December 1 meeting of the Academic Status Committee it was decided that the Executive Committee should re-evaluate the request that the Academic Status Committee develop recommendaticns with respect to evaluation, counseling, and voting procedures on tenure an promotion. Particular attention should be given to the charge to both the kcadeMic Status and Tenure and Privilege Committees. It is our understandinE that we are responsible for policy and the existing request is for procedurad clarification. Please provide additional information with regard to the study desired in order to insure'that credibility o" the recommendaticn is develored." Professor WiLson moved that the Academic Status Committee be rele sed from this charge pending the e.evelopment of procedures by the Academic Vice President's office with the assistance of the Tenure and Privileg Committee. Professor McPherson seconded and discussion followed. Dr. Hardwi k was asked his opl_nion of faculty input in the matter. He replied tha t his intention is to develop a set of procedures and work in conjuncti an with the Tenure and Privilege Committee and that he would consider thi to be faculty inpu:. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 2. December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 He said that he would like to discuss with the Tenure and Privilege Committee questioas which arose in last months Executive Committee meeting; namely with regard to secret ballots, whether tenure vote shc.Ild be taken by secret ballot, whether there should be written comments on the ballot, whether tae ballot sh puld be signed by the faculty members caE:ing the ballots, and 30 forth. Professor Nelson spoke in supoort of the motion on the grounds that tk..e. development of procedure and -Process are essential in the implementation of policy. It is his contention that the Tenure and Privilege Committe has priority in taese conside-:ations, but that the Executive Committee should review any draft before it is finally approved. Professor Stewart spoke againa .r.the motion. He expressed the opinion that the Tenure aad Privilege Committee purview does not include the whole picture of faculty evallation, counseling, and decision making; that, in fact, it only represuits a segment of the decision making pro:ess. He feels that the Academic Status Committee really should take a look at the whole picture in terms of policies and relevant procedures. Professor Cummins stated that he feels there are more alternatives than we realize for appropriate selemes relating to tenure and privilege. le made reference to a committee at work at this time in the Law School. He feels there is a lot to discuss and the Academic Status Committee has a role to play. He would like to see as many committees as have a relationship to this issue consider it with as many different viewpoints as possible. Professor Mogan saggested tha:the Tenure and Privilege Committee could , Work -With Dr. Hariwick to formulate a set of procedures, that the Executive Committee could examine them and send them to the Academic Status Committee, whose job 1.: would he to formulate policy to guarantm the.integrity of these procectires. The motion carried by a voice votean&Ch. Collins agreed to send 4 le ;ter Academic Status Committee of the respcnto Dr. Max ,Lennon releasing sibility at this time. lie also indicated his intention to write a : let:er to the Academic rice Presiden: urging haste with his deliberations in consultation with the Tenure and -Privilege Committee and reminding him that the Executive Committee should review theresulting document pric: to its implementation. 3. By formal resolution, the Exeautive Committee at its last meeting reqLasted a statement from Dr. Hardwick, in writing, regarding the extent to whi:h the procedure for granting teaure has been altered, especially in regard to the appeals procedure. Ch. Collins stated that he wrote the letter as directed. • • • • Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 5. December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 vation of Energy on Campus rather than Carol of Lights since the primary concern is conservation of energy. He gave examples of energy woof on campus and others of lack of appropriate use of energy, such as cold off ices and classrooms. He indicated that he had responded to the request for sugg astions only to suffer ridicule when the measures taken were managed in a manner tt at produced contradictory results. Professor Strauss asked, "Does Tech have a a energy policy and if not, should it have one?" Dr. Hardwick replied to Prc essor Strauss by stating that Tech is very definitely concerned with the energy F oblem and he gave the committee examples of conservation measures that have alrea ly been taken on campus and outlined ?lans for future conservation and reducti )n in energy costs. Professor Stewart commented that tie above mentioned item and the next item on the agenda are two examples of the issue of adequate faculty input into the area of "physical facilities" +- t'aeir planning, use and maintenance. Prof assor Smith indicated that this was being considered in the new committee structt. re. Professor Strauss suggested that a memo from Dr. Hardtack's office to the faculty telling them that their offices and classrooms are unavailable for their use after hours would make the use of home offices necessary and tin. S justify an income tax deduction for their expense. Dr. Hardwick agreed to look into this matter. V. CAMPUS LOOP, ENTRY STATIONS AND CUSSWALK LIGHTING Professor Burford moved that provisions be made at all entry stations to er. able traffic to bypass vehicles stoppei at the stations. The motion was seconc ad and passed. Ch. Collins was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Wehmeyer informing him of the action of this committee. A motion by Professor Burford that this committee encourage the installatioa of adequate lighting fir the Flint Avenue crosswalks was seconded and carriad. Professor Keho noted the need for rails as safety measures around the Mass Communications Building and Holden Hall and moved that they also be conside red. It was seconded and passed. VI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Ch. Collins read a letter from Dr. Harley Oberhelman, Chairman of the Grievance Committee, stating that he will be off campus during the Sprin Semester. The committee has an elected vice chairmart.,,.:Dr'....WilliaMBOhl 1-4g who will act as chairman during this time. .. 4s•-. t 0.: t to 0 2 1-6 0 0 H. 0) footballa g m g ;11 meetiag 0 1., 41 ,* 9, 2 1_, 2. Professor C. Bell brought up the matter of the recent case of the player who is alleged to have been dismissed from a class for not prerequisites. His question was whether or not the academic freedom of the faculty member had been violated in this case. Ch. Collins stated to 4 11 r r") 0 0) W 0 0 0) 00,0i4 0 14 < 't1 0 CD Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 3. 4. b. On the matter of book which is fo "The Committee o committee -- fro functioning," C members of the T Presidents, Dean and continued pe In partial reply to research, it was con included in an offic Regents and therefor of the Faculty Handb made and are being is no official state procedure outlined i December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 the omissio d on page 2 Tenure and within or o • Collins r ure and Pr , and Depart tinence. of the footnote from the new Faculty Ha of the old Faculty Handbook and reads: rivilege is responsible for appointing tside its own membership -- and for its orted that he has written a letter to a ilege Committee, and to all academic Vi ent Chairmen advising them of Its existe is he above Dr. Hardwick stated that after considerable luded that e footnote in question was at no time al copy of t e Tenure Policy as approved by the Boar should not e stamped in on the undistributed copie ok as was o iginally decided. Many efforts have bee de to clear p these discrepancies. At present ther ent of proc dure for granting tenure other than the the Tenure Policy. Another letter from r. Hardwick communicated the information that the pa fail recommendations acted upon y the Executive Committee and the Facult Council have been fo ally imple ented by the president with one slight alteration to take c re of summe school sessions. Professor Strauss mo ed that the Executive Committee of the Faculty Counc copy of the final grade reports (comput request that the reg strar send dicating the grades reported to students printouts) to facult members (i motion carried. ded and the Professor Smith seco c. Ch. Collins reported policy for undergrad and Retention Commit to have recommendati likely.. to be a mored we now have. d. Ch. Collins investig the help of the book the availability of Office t Juwfaculty m completing a Travel that the Ac ates. The ee is curre ns for a ne mite stat demic Council is reviewing the admission eans have received a report and the Admi sions tly looking at the matter. We should ex ect Admission Policy in the near future. I is ent of provisional admission requirement than ted the mat er of Travel Vouchers. He feels that wi ployees' Travel Allowance Guide" and wi et, "State xtra assist nce from Mrs. Patrick in the Travel Serv ces mber has al the information and assistance needed f oucher. e. President Mackey has not yet corn to the Grievance Co ittee. to a decision on the matter of the char e f. A Grade Appeals proc dure is bei g studied and something should be forthc ming from the Academic Af airs Commit ee and the Academic Vice President's offi ce in the near future. Professor Strauss s gested that the Chairman request Dr. Hardwick to bri ecutive Committee before anything final any such recommendat onto the Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 4. December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 done. Discussion followed. Prof there is any activity on the part He replied that the Student Assoc faculty and with Dr. Hardwick to Grade Appeals system and that at than glad to have it completely c ssor Stewart asked Terry Wimmer whether of the Student Association in this area ation is very active in working with the evelop some kind of Grade Grievance or his point the association would be more ntrolled by faculty. Dr. Hardwick said that he had as the Academic Affairs Committee, t ation with regard to some kind of This group And a group of student possibility of an appeals procedu for these two groups to get toget d Dr. Valerie Chamberlain ., Chairwoman oE form a sub-committee to study a recommeadprocedure for setting up an appeals process. will be brought together to discuss the e and at this point Dr. Hardwick is waiting er. Professor Nelson asked Mr. Wimmer to state .briefly the nature of the problem Mr. Wimmer replied that students hould be protected from receiving a grace based on race, creed, or other fo s of personal bias. Professor Strauss asked Dr. Hard ck whether or not his office or a dean's office can direct an instructor t • change a grade. Dr. Hardwick replied that his office has 00 hear appea s and try to resolve the issue, but that he has never told an instructor t change a grade. Ch. Collins asked Dr. Hardwick to find out and info It this committee next month which administrators have the power to change rades and on what occasions. g. Due to the conflict uith registr ion, Professor McPherson made a motion to change the January meeting date fi om the 12th to the 19th. It was seconded and passed. The Executive Committee will meet on January 19, 1977 at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room. III. COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEll Professor Smith reported that the committee has two vacancies to fill: one on the University Benefits Committee nd another on the Charter Day Committee Both are for a term Ording in 1977. His committee nominates two candidate from the Business Administ/ation,Area f Insurance to fill the University Benef ts Committee vacancy. They are Profe sors Bruce Palmer and David Klock. For the nominate Professors Reed Richardson, from Charter Day Committee vacancy, th Animal Science, and RJchard Baldw n, from Speech Pathology, to replace Pro'essor Charles Sassee who ha e left the u iversity. Professor Smith moved the aboxe named persons be nomit,ated by the Executive Committee. The motion was seccnded and passed. Professor Smith reporied that he ad asked Terry Wimmer to provide the comittee with a couple of students to serv as non-voting consultants on the committee during their deliberations on ree ructuring. IV. CAROL OF LIGHTS Professor Strauss sta'..ed that thi agenda item should have been headed Con er- •• V 4,,A, Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 6. December 8, 1976 Meeting #80 that in his opinion an oper me ting of this type, with the press presen was not an appropriate place i which to discuss such a matter. He requested an Executive Ses4on with only invited non-members present i the committee wished to discus this matter. At this point the discuss Lon was dropped. Professor Burford nade a metio to adjourn the meeting. There was a se 2ond and the motion carried. Tle m eting adjourned at 5:45p.m. R spec ui submitted, William A. Stewart, Secreta Executive Committee Faculty Council 1/4/77 /gf