ex s Tech University M,EMORANDUM

ex s Tech University
LUB OCK, TEXAS 79409 / (806) 742-3656
October 20, 1976
Members of th2 Faculty Co ncil
Jacquelin Collins, Chairprson
Faculty Council Executive Committee
SUBJECT: Fall Faculty 2ouncil Mee4ng
The Fall Faculty Council meeting wi I be held on Thursday, October 28, 1976
3:15 p.m., in the University Center Ballroom. The agenda is as follows:
1. Minutes of the Spriag 1976 FaculLty Council Meeting
2. Pass-Fail Policy (c)py of reco
endations attached)
Travel funds for th2 presentati n of research at professional meetings Prof. Eugene Korkow-ski (copy of resolution attached)
Faculty attendance at Commencem n -- Prof. B.H. Newcomb (copy of resolu ion
Ex-Officio voting mambers on th Tenure and Privilege Committee -- Prof. Briggs
Twyman (copy of res p lution atta hed)
Other Business
Fall Faculty Council M
1. Undergraduate stud
degree requirement
Courses specified
and courses taken
13-hour restrictio
ting Agenda
Octob t. 20, 1976
ts may take up to 13 semester hours toward satisfyin 4
in which thy will be graded on a pass-fail basis.
the catalog as available only with pass-fail gradin g,
excess of degree requirements are not included in t he
2. No more than 9 hour of course work used to satisfy general degree requi zements may be taken ass-fail. A student may be restricted by his colleg e
or department from aking a course pass-fail which is a pre-requisite fo
a course or courses in his major field.
3. No student on proba ion will be allowed the pass-fail option.
4. A student must decl
the last day on whi
dropped. A student
quently change to a
first day of final
re the inte t to take a course pass-fail no later t
h a grade of "W" is automatically given for courses
who has chosen to take a course pass-fail may subseletter graded basis no later than 30-days prior to t
xaminat ions
5. The names of studen s taking a course pass-fail will not be made known t
the instructor.
6. Courses taken in th declared major or minor shall not be taken by passfail unless require by the department. The department of the major or
minor will decide w ether courses taken under the pass-fail system, befo
a student has decla ed a major or minor, shall count toward satisfying
the degree requirem nts.
The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council moved to send the above six r commendations to the Faculty Co ncil. By a majority vote, the above recommendations carry the
endorsement of the Exec tive Committee of the Faculty Council.
FAll Faculty Council M
ting Agenda
RESOLUTION... (Presente
by Eugene K rkowski, Assistant Professor, English)
It is demoralizin
University that travel
have been frozen at pr
the increased amount o
to the facu ty within the academic departments of Texas Tech
unds for th presentation of research at professional. meetings
ious years' levels and have become inadequate to prcvide for
research th s faculty has generated.
October 20, 1976
The presentation o faculty re earch at professional meetings enhances all phases
of educational quality t this Univ rsity. Such research improves the preparedness in
teaching of the indivi al professo , of his department, and of the Universi=y as a
whole; presenting such esearch ilk wise increases the visibility and reputation of the
individual professor, o his depart ent, and of the University as a whole.
Present levels of
volvement in research r
who hesitates to publis
will be the logical pro
search activity will ve
ravel fundi
quiring tra
, knowing h
uct of pres
y likely re
g, however, serve as a negative incentive for inel to professional meetings. The facult7 member
cannot afford to travel to present his research,
nt travel-funding policies, and this drop in reuce the excellence and prestige of the eatire
Therefore, we, the Faculty Cou cil, are resolved that Texas Tech University should
appropriate adequate le els of tray 1 funding to maintain excellence in research within
the University's academ c departmen S.
We also resolve th t the distr bution of travel money for presenting research
should be equitable, ac ording to d monstrated research output, among academLc departments.
* **
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RESOLUTION...(Presented by B.H. New omb, Associate Professor, History)
WHEREAS, without c nsent of th faculty, departments have been instructLd to recruit a specified quota of their fa ulties to attend Commencement, and to fulnish the
names of those so recru ted;
RESOLVED, (1) tha the requir
sidered by the administ ation; (2)
by the obtaining of not ble speaker
government, literary, o scientific
in the awarding of any onorary deg
* **
RESOLUTION...(Presented by Briggs
d attendance by faculty at Commencement reconthat the faculty be encouraged toattend Commencement
from the highest levels of the academic, business,
communities, and by the seeking of faculty consent
* * * * * * * * *
yman, Assistant Professor, History)
WHEREAS, the Presi ent and Vic President for Academic Affairs are ex-officio
voting members of the T nure and Pr vilege Committee;
RESOLVED, that the Tenure and
cooperation with the Of ice of the
voting members.
rivilege Committee be requested to investigate, in
resident, the desirability of having ex-cfficio