, Executive Committee Faculty Council September 1-, 1976 Meeting #77 MINUTES The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council met September 8, 1976 at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room with 3hairperson Jacquelin Collins presiding. The followirg members were present: Collins, Burford, Stewart, C. Bell, R. Bell, Cummins, Davis, Yello, Kelly, Kimmel, McPherson, Manly, Mogan, Nelson, Smith, Strauss, Tereshkovich, TerrEll, Vines, Wade, and Wilson. President Cecil Mackey and Academic Vice President CharleE Hardwick represented the Adminis:ration. Also present were: Dean Arnold Gully and Um Cobb of the University Daily. Ch. Collins called for approva: of the Minutes of the May 5, 1976 and also of the July 26, 1976 meetings. Prof. Strauss moved approval, Prof. Vines seconded, and the motion passed. I. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIR 1. Dr. William Jolnson recommended to President Murray that the change recommended by the Grievan:e Committee should be approved, or if that is not poEsible, the charge should :emain as now written in the Policies and Procedures anual. A copy of the Executive Comm_ttee comments on the change of the charge will be forwarded to P:esident Mackey for his information and action. 2. On May 25, 1975, the Academic Council approved the following statement on merit procedures: Effective September 1, 1976, each department and college will C'evelop and Procedures shall also be developed within each college/school for making faculty advice and recommendations available to the chairman and dean for their use as they formulate thei: recommendations. use crite:ia for the awarding of merit raises. 3. Dr. Charles Ha:dwick, Academic Vice President is working on the Financial Exigency Plan. 4. Ch. Collins read a report from Mr. Strawn concerning the payment of insurance premiums durin the summer months. The present system seems to be the best. 5. The Board of Ragents has requested that all faculty fill out a form indicating all outside em?loyment in which they are involved. This form is not specifically intended to reluce outside employment. There is some concern being expressed among faculty members regarding accounting for outside employment tAey are involved in on 1,7ekends. It is felt that outside employment during tle week is pertinent information of interest to the University, but that beyonc that, it is personal. 6. The Faculty Coincil Charte- has been ammended and has been approved by the Board of Regents. The Charter az it appears in the new Faculty Handbook up-to-date and correct. 7. Agenda items f p r the Facul=y Council Executive Committee meetings are due in the Faculty Council Office no Later than 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the meeting on the following Wednesday. , Executive Committee Min tes II. REPORT OF THE CO 2 September 13, 1976 ITTEE ON COMMITTEES A. Consideration of University Committee Annual Reports by Prof. Max Manley 1. Universit Student Appeals Committee -- Ch. John Garcia. The cpmmittee held four eetings. The first meeting was to review the committee's charge, structure procedures and mechanics relative to the appeals prcaess called for in th Code of Student Affairs. Mr. Lewis N. Jones, Dean cE Students, chaired t e meeting, briefed the committee, and answered questi)ns pertinent to commit ee responsibilities. The other meetings were to reviaw student appeals. With one exception, the Committee upheld the Discipline Committee's decision. 2. Admission twice dur tine busi one with currently made that performan this be d and Retention Committee -- Ch. William Cain. The Committee met ng the academic year. The first meeting consisted of fairly rouess. At the second meeting the committee members votad, four to e abstention, to recommend that entrance standards ramain as stated in the University Catalog. A second recommendation was increased attention needs to be given toward monitoring academic e rather than raising entrance standards. It was sugested that ne at the Department level. 3. Student F ancial Aids Committee -- Ch. Thomas A. Musiak. The :ommittee held thre meetings. The committee felt that their meetings shluld be held earlier i the year, as they experienced some difficulty in get:ing various faculty m Z. bers to the meetings. Several issues were reviewed: (1) that $65, 00 be requested from the General Property Deposit Fund for the Texas Tec University Scholarship Fund; (2) that the distribution of the Texas Tec University scholarships be equal (41) for each class; (3) that the amoun of the scholarships be $400.00. Some committee members expressed c cern that they were not really sure where these recommendations went upon leaving the zommittee. Question was raised as to whe:her or not the Execu lye Committee should offer feedback on recommendation. 11 4. Universit Discipline Committee -- Ch. Betty Tevis. The commit:ee heard sixteen c ses as of March 6, 1976. Other cases are pending. Examples of the heari s include: obscene language, physical abuse, theft or damage, violation f probation, etc. The committee tried to individualize each case in a 10 ositive way, including counseling for those who had serious cases brought a inst them. The committee suggests the following: Viet the word19 of the Code of Student Affairs (Section on alcohol) be changed ing on Pa for clani icat ion. 5. Code of S • dent Affairs Committee -- Ch. James R. Eissinger. The committee met six t es during the past Spring semester. They made quite an extensive e feasibility of changing the Code of Student Affair 5. In their study on ce one sentence is change, it runs into problems because of the opinion, preceding aragraphs. They do feel that a serious effort needs to be undertaken to e-write the Code of Student Affairs. A budget in the amount of $3,509 ha been developed. The committee feels that this amoun: is needed to undert e the re-writing of the Code of Student Affairs. Executive Committee Min tes Prof. Kimmel move Committee. Prof. McPhe itemized and that commi them. *Prof. Manley fav Committee has received Ch. Collins requested P recommendations. The m B. Grievance Co Last spring, to the Grieva nominated Wil nominee, Kath Gerald Skoog, Executive Co Committee and C. Bell secon cerning the n for that posi that this not feels that th persons shoul to chairperso this, and dec letter of co cated to thei chairperson. 3 September that the r ports of the committees be accepted by t son seconde . Prof. Cummins suggested that recommen tees be not fied that the Executive Committee will f rs a system that advises committee chairmen that the he recommen ations and indicates the action taken or of. Manley o give him an itemized list by committee tion passed. 1976 Executive tions be how-up on Executive anticipated. p f their ittee Nomin tions Report from Prof. Smith college mistake wa made in nominating someone from the wro ce Committe . To rectify that error, the Committee a Committees Another iam Petty f om the College of Business Administratio rifle Evans, has retired. In her place the Committee nominated the from the Co lege of Education. Prof. Smith moved th ittee nomin te Prof. Petty and Prof. Skoog to the Gr vance forward the names to the President for his ratificat pn. Prof. ed, and the motion passed. Prof. Kelly raised a que ion contification f committee chairpersons that they had b : n selected s office ion. It ha been decided in the past by the Preside UM it tee fication wa not feasible. However, the Executive C s decision hould be reconsidered, and that at least he chairbe notifie . President Mackey agreed that a letter should go s. Ch. Col ins asked the Committee on Committees to look at that a de if somet ing could be done. Prof. Manley suggest be communiendation, d* rected to committee chairpersons, and to 0 II" it tee committee embers, should come from the Executive C III. FACULTY FOOTBALL RIPS The committee app inted by Ch. Collins to select faculty to accompany team to out-of-town foo ball games as submitted a list to Ch. Collins. Thi distributed at the Exec tive Commit ee meeting. Prof. Davis moved that the cepted. Prof. McPherso seconded, nd the motion passed. IV. REPORT OF THE AD OC RECREATI NAL FEE COMMITTEE Copies of the rep schedule was approved b listed are now being ch the same. The ad hoc c felt that at such time available, then the fee two separate sets of fe use fee. These should distributed a brochure Sports Department. It schedules, and news fro rt were dis the Board rged. The mmittee fel s the recre schedule wi schedules. ot be confu ntitled, "L ffers info the Recrea ributed. Prof. Cummins reported that th f Regents at their August meeting and th ee schedule for Recreation Facilities ha it unfeasible at this time to raise the tional facilities are improved, or new f I be revised. Prof. Burford commented t There is a $10.00 towel and locker fee, ed with the Recreational Fee Schedules. isure Scene" which is published by the T ation relating to upcoming events, time ional Sports Department. e football list was mes be ac- fee fees remained fee. It is cilities are at there are plus a $5.00 Prof. Burford Recreational chedules, fee .. Executive Committee Min tes V. REPORT OF THE AD Copies of the rep before the Executive Co Executive Committee had are acceptable and othe asked to go over the re briefly explained the S the Objectives of the C Here a question was ra Prof. Cummins explained was meant to remove str knowledge. Dr. Gully w Based Upon Student Acad that either all require courses should be taken ad hoc committee study, Gully then briefly went Fail Grading on Admissi Pass-Fail at Other Univ restrictions recommende 4 September 13, 1976 OC SELECT CCMMITTEE ON PASS-FAIL GRADING rt were distributed. Prof. Wade questioned why the report was ittee. Ch. Collins answered that it was his belief that the the option of either approving, denouncing, or saying some parts s are not. Dr. Gully, chairman of the ad hoc committee was ort briefly, and point out the highlights of the report. He ary of Pass-Fail Restrictions, found on Page 1 of tae report; mmittee Studies, Page 2; Rationale for Pass-Fail Grading, Page 3 sed by Prof. Nelson regarding "closely-graded work" ia item 3. that this did not constitute an excuse for laxity, but rather ss that comes from trying to "make a grade" rather than to gain nt on to briefly explain the Evaluation of the Pass-Fail System mid Records, on Pages 4-11. Prof. Smith expressed the conviction courses should be taken pass-fail, or that none of tae required pass-fail. Dr. Gully stated that this fact did come lp in the and that it would be hard to draw a line on this poi . Dr. into the part of the report that dealt with the Effect of Passn to Professional and Graduate Schools and Certification and rsities: Practices, Policies, Trends. The following are the by the ad hoc Select Committee on Pass-Fail Grading. 1111 1. Undergraduate degree requir Courses spedi courses taken restriction. students may take up to 13 semester hours toward satisfying ments in which they will be graded on a pass-fail basis. led in the catalog as available only with pass-fail grading and in excess of degree requirements are not included in the 13-hour 2. No more than ments may be department fr or courses in me hours of course work used to satisfy general degree requireaken pass-fail. A student may be restricted by his c p llege or m taking a course pass-fail which is a pre-requisite for a course his major field. 3. No student on probation will be allowed the pass-fail option. 4. A student mus declare the intent to take a course pass-fail no later than the last day on w ich a grade of W is automatically given for courses dropped. A student who h s chosen to take a course pass-fail may subsequently change to a letter grad d basis no later than 30-days prior to the first day of final examinations. 5. The names of instructor. tudents taking a course pass-fail will not be made known to the 6. Courses taken in the declared major or minor shall not be taken by pass-fail unless requir d by the department. The department of the major or minor will decide whethe courses taken under the pass-fail system, before a student has declared a ma or or minor, shall count toward satisfying the degree requirements. With respect to r Committee members. The reported on a letter gr record will be made by would result in substan here. striction 5, there was some concern expressed by Executive report of the ad hoc committee states that all gradeE should be ded basis, and that the changes to pass-fail for the official he computer. It is felt by some members of the faculty that this ial error, and they prefer that some other method be instituted S Executive Committee Minutes 5 September , 1976 Prof. McPherson moved that the Executive Committee commend Dr. Gully d the ad hoc Select Committee on Pass-Fail Gxading for the work that they have put in • this report. Prof. Nelson recommended that in addition to the commendation being i luded in the minutes of the Execttive Committee meeting, that a letter from the Ch. o the Executive Committee should Le written tc the chairman of the ad hoc committee fo him to pass on to the other members of that committee. Prof. Burford seconded, and the motion carried. II Prof. Strauss movLd that the Fass-Fail proposal be made an item of bus ess at the next meeting of the Executive Ccmmittee. Prof. Wilson seconded, and the motion carried. Ch. Collins indicated that he would invite the Registrar, D.N. Pet son, to be in attendance at the next meeting. Dr. Charles Hardwick, Vice President Dr Academic Affairs stated that since the Registrar's office reported to the Academic Vi e President's office, he would be glac to request that Mr. Peterson attend the next meetin He also stated that the matter cf the grading system and the computer is under study py his office. Prof. Wilson movec that the Executive Committee minutes include a summ y of the ad hoc committee's recocmendations, and that it also be noted that there is copy of the report in its entirety on file in the Faculty Council Office for any fac ty members who wish to see it. Pref. Smith seconded, and the motion carried with one n ative vote. Ch. Collins will contact the Student Association President, Terry Wimmer in gard to the report, and advise Lim that he may have a copy to duplicate for student aformation. VI. CAMPUS ENERGY-CONSERVATION PLANNING Prof. Strauss repc rted on this subject. He read an article from the L )bock Avalanche Journal concex ning the skyrocketing costs faced by Texas Tech Univ rsity. He also stated several pose ible solutions offered by the Administration. His m was that the faculty hac not been included in the decision making process. stated that the Administ ration was aware of the problems that energy-conserv causing in some areas or campus, and assured the Executive Committee that me be taken to meet the nes ds of the faculty within reason. Prof. Strauss move Collins send a letter tc Mr. Wehmeyer advising him that the Executive Commit nizant of the difficulti es involved in this year's utility appropriations, a its concern that the fac ulty should be consulted about any changes that will the use of the utilities at the University which effect the faculty. Prof. seconded, and the motior passed. in concern r. Hardwick don was sures would that Ch. ae is cogexpressing 3e made in . Bell VII. ASSIGNMENT OF LIBLARY CARRELS Prof. Burford suggested that serious study needs to be undertaken conc assignment of library csrrels and of the holding of library books by the fac feels that there is unnecessary difficulty in getting carrels assigned. Pro who is past Chairman of the Library Committee, stated that not all carrels a but that some are held tack as short duration carrels so that several facult could use the same carrtl. Prof. Burford incLcated that be was, in fact, informed after registeri plaint, that there were one or two unassigned carrels, and that if one were needed, he could get on. His feeling is that this procedure should not be but that there should be a system by which carrels should be taken away and if they are not used a minimum number of times per month. ming the Lty. He . Cummins, a assigned, members a cornally cessary, assigned Executive Committee Min tes September 12, 1976 Prof. Mogan state that he ha • written the chairman of the Library Comsittee requesting that a book dr p be situat d in front of the Library. He indicated that nothing has been done concernin this matte Prof. Strauss mov Library Committee with seconded the motion. P Executive Committee sho and ask them to look in three negative votes. d that the roblems and of. Burford ld communic o the matte xecutive Committee direct individuals to the complaints relating to carrels, etc. Prof. Smith disagreed on this point. He feels that the te to the Library Committee that there is a problem, . After some discussion, the motion passed with VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Prof. Mogan inqui established for the Uni informed Prof. Mogan an Action officer and that stated that the records ed where on would go to find out what guidelines have been ersity rega ding the advertising of job vacancies. Dr. Hardwick the Execut ve Committee that Mr. Klocko is the Affirmative guidelines n question are on file in his office. He also are filed i the dean's offices. Prof. Vines reque ted that Ch. Collins appoint someone to investigate administrative policy on acade ic hiring a d to report to the Executive Committee at its next meeting. Prof. Vines moved that the me ting adjourn. Prof. Tereshkovich secondei, and the motion passed. The mee ing adjourn d at 6:03. Respectfully submitted, William Stewart, Secretary Executive Committee :kc