INTRODUCTION A History of Excellence: The University of Northern Iowa

A History of Excellence: The University of Northern Iowa
Founded in 1876, the University of Northern Iowa has been known for much of its history
primarily as a teacher preparation institution. Over the last several decades, the University
has evolved into a multi-purpose institution that offers specialized, accredited graduate
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programs and a wide range of accredited undergraduate programs.
The University’s commitment to excellence during the past decade has been
demonstrated through higher admissions standards (see UNI Catalog 2000-2002, p. 14), as
well as through standards for faculty tenure and promotion that support intellectual vitality
and excellence. The past ten years in particular have seen exceptional physical growth,
including the construction of new facilities for residence, industrial technology, recreation,
environmental education, and the performing arts. Major renovation of and addition to the
library, as well as classroom and office space in three campus buildings, has prepared us to
meet the needs of record enrollments (13,774 in Fall 2000).
The University of Northern Iowa is one of the nation’s finest public centers for learning
and in Iowa is widely recognized as a leading comprehensive university. For several years
running, U. S. News and World Report has identified UNI as second among the best
comprehensive public universities in the Midwest. As the premier public undergraduate
university in Iowa, UNI strives to ensure that its mission and efforts reflect the primary
wishes and concerns for education of the people of this state. As it approaches its 125th
anniversary, the University can look forward with great confidence in its ability to continue
to meet the needs of its students and its community for many years to come. Our mission
statement, which follows, reflects our commitment to that purpose:
The University of
Northern Iowa is one of
the nation’s finest
public centers for
learning and in Iowa is
widely recognized as a
leading comprehensive
"The University of Northern Iowa is a comprehensive institution committed
to providing a diverse, dynamic learning environment, founded on a strong
liberal arts curriculum and characterized by excellence in teaching,
scholarship and service. The University focuses both on undergraduate
education that emphasizes a personalized learning environment and on
selected master’s, doctoral and other graduate programs that provide
students with specialized educational experiences. UNI programs incorporate
scholarship and service to individuals, communities and organizations
throughout the state, the nation and the world."
Major Initiatives and Current Issues
The University of Northern Iowa has made a continuous and concerted effort to create
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and maintain the nation’s finest learning environment. As we consider our progress over the
past ten years and look toward the future, several issues are worthy of brief review,
specifically the nature and needs of Iowa and our student population and more generally the
needs of society as a whole, as they relate to the University’s ability to fulfill its mission.
Ninety-three percent of UNI’s students are from Iowa, and 74 percent of our graduates
remain in Iowa after graduation. While we may expect that percentage to drop over time, for
the foreseeable future, UNI is an institution created and sustained to meet the needs of
Iowans and Iowa. Therefore the University is responding to increasing pressures and
opportunities to contribute to Iowa’s economic development efforts.
UNI’s ability to successfully accomplish its strategic priorities is directly tied to the
economy of Iowa, the synergistic relationship between the University and the State, and the
willingness of the State of Iowa to continue its historically strong funding of University
To assess and respond to the needs of students and the State of Iowa, UNI has
The University is
responding to increasing
pressures and
opportunities to
contribute to Iowa’s
economic development
undertaken several initiatives since the last NCA study:
• Center for the Enhancement of Teaching. The Center (
provides leadership and support for teaching through faculty, instructional, and
organizational development initiatives. The Center director conducted an in-depth
needs assessment in spring 1993 to design Center programs and services that respond
to faculty, department, college, and university aspirations for teaching excellence. The
Center offers a range of voluntary opportunities that collectively stimulate and engage
the entire faculty to continue to develop their teaching knowledge and skills and to
improve student learning. In addition to individually designed projects based on
particular needs and objectives, the offerings of the Center reflect the qualities of
collaboration, collegiality, community, inclusion, and networking as core values. UNI
faculty from all academic departments—as well as professional staff, administrators,
and students—use Center resources and participate in Center activities, which are
overviewed in Criterion III, Section F. Recognition for the quality of Center activities
also is indicated by the acceptance of, and awards received for, peer-reviewed
presentations by UNI faculty at professional meetings such as the annual conference of
the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education.
• Qualities of an Educated Person. UNI faculty, staff, and students engaged in a threeyear "Qualities of an Educated Person" project that undertook a careful analysis and
campus dialogue focused on the qualities desired of UNI graduates. Recent national
studies confirm that those qualities we believe characterize an educated person are
also those most highly desired for a 21st century workforce. Through this process, we
have identified the knowledge, skills, and values we think are necessary for students
to live thoughtful, free, and productive lives.
• Experiential Learning. Since 1996, with an infusion of over $300,000, UNI faculty have
made the formal commitment and connections to ensure that students have valuable
experiential learning opportunities. The spring 1998 Graduating Senior Survey showed
that more than 90 percent of graduating seniors had at least one experiential learning
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activity; more than 30 percent had as many as ten experiential learning opportunities.
• Campus Technology. Technology is viewed as a means by which the University can
better advance its strategic initiatives and mission and as a basic literacy for students,
faculty, staff, and administrators in many facets of university life (see UNI 2001-2006
Strategic Plan). Since the last NCA review the University has undertaken a major
communications infrastructure upgrade, completely reorganized technology services,
and committed itself to taking advantage of new possibilities offered by technology.
These changes in direction and new priorities culminated this year in the University’s
receiving "Honorable Mention" in the prestigious EDUCAUSE awards for "Excellence in
Campus Networking" (
• Program of Study. Developed at UNI and now in its pilot phase, the Program of Study
(POS) is a cutting-edge computer program that will help students schedule courses and
will change the way this university, and presumably others, will approach the task of
course planning in the future. The Program of Study is designed to give incoming
students the ability to see what courses they need to graduate in their major and plan
when they want to take those classes. It will allow students to better plan their
progress toward a degree and help the University more efficiently predict the demand
for courses. The POS system provides tools to enhance the planning and advising
The University has
undertaken a major
upgrade, completely
reorganized technology
services, and committed
itself to taking
advantage of new
possibilities offered by
process that are easily accessible from one location, the POS Web site, The site currently provides online access to degree
requirements and individual student degree audits, including the capability to request
hypothetical degree audits based on proposed major changes.
• International Opportunities. Since so many of our students come from Iowa, the
University acknowledges special responsibility for providing to them a global
experience. UNI provides a variety of opportunities, including study abroad and Camp
Adventure (, for students to gain international
experience. As a result of the increased emphasis on this learning experience, UNI was
ranked in 1999 by The Chronicle of Higher Education as first in the nation in its
category (regional universities) for the number of students having an international
The University of Northern Iowa has a long-standing reputation for excellence. We intend
to deliver a 21st-century education to the students of Iowa in preparing Iowa’s workforce –
from teachers to social workers to business leaders – and Iowa’s global citizens. The liberal
arts education provided by UNI’s General Education program continues to be the foundation
of its undergraduate programs.
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Some of the current issues are:
• Promote the appreciation and integration of a liberal education to an increasingly
vocation-oriented student body.
• Maintain our traditional focus on full-time professors in the classroom while
experiencing ongoing enrollment growth.
• Expand learning opportunities through distance education where appropriate and
• Build on the progress we have made in enhancing the diversity of students, faculty and
Central to addressing these initiatives and issues is a high-quality faculty. UNI has
historically prided itself on offering students full-time professors in the classroom. Indeed,
our 2001-2006 Strategic Plan calls for 75 percent of all classes (currently at 65 percent) to
be taught by tenured and tenure-track faculty, with an 80 percent target for classes in the
major. We believe it is fundamental to our students’ education to be mentored by experienced
UNI has historically
prided itself on offering
students full-time
professors in the
professors who are active in their chosen fields.
UNI is no longer "Iowa’s best kept secret." Students have been enrolling in record
numbers each of the last several years, and UNI has grown nearly 8 percent in the last five
years. At the same time, UNI has experienced a sharp increase in faculty turnover, due in
large part to the retirement of those who were hired when the "baby boomers" entered
college. Without significant increases in tenure-track faculty lines, we needed either to
increase class size or to hire more low-cost, part-time instructors. We chose to maintain
average class size without increasing the number of large classes by seeking out the bestqualified adjunct faculty available. The downside is the increased reliance on part-time
instructors (though few are graduate assistants). Further exacerbating the situation, the
salary bill allocations in the 1999-2000 legislative session were inadequate to fund fully the
salary policy and increased benefits costs, forcing the University to use its tuition increase
to fulfill these salary requirements. This precluded the normal dedication of tuition increases
to quality initiatives in our Strategic Plan.
In 1995, the University had 619 tenure-track faculty. To maintain class size, given the
enrollment growth, we would presently need 667 tenure-track faculty. In fact, during 19992000, as we reported to the Board of Regents, we had a total of only 593. In Fall, 2000, we
are back up to 616. The reduction of tenure-track faculty provided the funds to maintain class
size by hiring greater numbers of full-time temporary and adjunct faculty. As a consequence,
we now offer 65 percent of our classes by tenure-track faculty, well short of our goal.
The University has identified fully-funded salary increases as well as the addition of 65
critical faculty positions (at a cost of $3 million) as its primary initiatives in the 2000-2001
Legislative Session as well as an argument for significant tuition increase. The funding
environment, however, is not expected to be generous, due to many competing state needs.
It is already clear that increasing K-12 teacher salary levels will be a top priority in the 2001
We have proposed creating new tenure-track faculty positions in high-demand areas.
Well-documented needs compel us to augment teacher education, early childhood education,
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and the professional development of school principals and superintendents. We will expand
in areas of business, computer science, natural sciences, and various areas of the humanities
and social sciences, such as communication.
We expect that the addition of tenure-track faculty will contribute to several key areas.
More tenure-track faculty will help us enhance the quality of education across the University,
improve retention and graduation rates, increase collaboration between the liberal arts and
professional programs, increase students’ responsibility for their own learning, enhance
student learning through experience, and increase the technological sophistication of all
To continue to build on the University’s reputation for providing the highest quality
education for our students, UNI has embarked on its largest capital campaign in its history.
Success in this campaign will provide more scholarships for more students, move programs to
higher levels of excellence, and add much-needed facilities in key areas. Further, the
University has aggressively sought to increase financial support through federal funds. UNI
achieved record-high levels of funding from federal sources this past year. All of these
The expected addition
of tenure-track faculty
will enhance the quality
of education across the
initiatives will help ensure that the University accomplishes its mission.
Previous NCA Reports
In 1991 the University of Northern Iowa faced different circumstances from today’s. Ten
years ago the NCA visitation team reported two concerns requiring progress reports: (a)
resource allocation, implementation, and evaluation of the new general education program
initiated in 1988; and (b) progress and further development of the affirmative action policies
and procedures. Each of these two concerns is discussed in greater detail below along with
institutional responses to them. Additional, less-emphasized comments raised in the 1991
site visit report but not requiring progress reports are discussed in the following section.
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General Education
The NCA staff analysis of the 1991 Team Report summarized concerns for the UNI General
Education program in the following respects:
" . . . inadequacy of the resources allocated to the general education program
and the resultant failure to implement the full program. Specifically, the
team noted that requirements such as courses in writing and oral
communication skills had been deferred, and a capstone course had
‘apparently been implemented only in mathematics.’ The Team also noted a
‘backlog for other required courses.’ Additionally, the Team report cited the
absence of provisions for monitoring and evaluating the general education
program" (Cecilia L. Lopez, Staff Analysis of Institutional Report, August 29,
1994, p. 1).
This same staff analysis report noted the following University comments to the resource
allocation and implementation concerns for general education:
• A detailed description of the General Education Requirements, which includes a total
of 47 semester hours distributed across courses in the social sciences, non-western
cultures, fine arts, philosophy and religion, natural sciences and technology, and
UNI has embarked on
its largest capital
campaign in its history.
economics. The common core of 22 semester hours consists of courses in humanities,
writing, oral communication, mathematics, personal wellness, and a two-credit
Capstone course entitled "Environment, Technology and Society," which requires junior
• A plan to implement the General Education program fully in fall 1994.
• A plan for mandated, internal, periodic reviews of each of the six areas of the
curriculum, with each area reviewed once every six years. The purpose of these reviews
would be to apprise the General Education Committee of the program’s operation, to
promote collective adherence to the philosophy of general education, and to identify
areas of concern.
The August 29, 1994, staff analysis report requested UNI to submit another report in one
year and (1) provide data showing increased funds specifically allocated to the General
Education program, (2) clarify what individual or group is charged with conducting the
periodic reviews of the General Education program, (3) state the standards to be used in
evaluating General Education courses in each area, (4) provide information regarding the
results of reviews already implemented, and (5) address how expected outcomes for student
learning in General Education will be measured.
In a report dated May 30, 1995, the University responded to each of the five items
identified above. A brief summary of the types of information presented for each of these
responses follows:
• The number of faculty and funds allocated to General Education in the three Colleges
of Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
• The General Education review policy and procedures used by the General Education
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Committee, a standing committee of the University Faculty Senate.
• The questions (standards) used in the review of each of the six components (areas) of
the General Education program.
• The results of four of the six component reviews completed as of spring 1995 and the
schedule of upcoming reviews.
• A list of goals and competencies associated with each of the six components of General
Education and a range of course syllabi reviews, student interviews and questionnaires,
faculty interviews, and graduating senior surveys for assessing the General Education
The May 1995 General Education report was accepted by the NCA, and no further reports
were required prior to the 2001 comprehensive evaluation.
Since 1995, progress on General Education has continued. All categories are fully
implemented. Programs are reviewed periodically, and the faculty has developed innovative
pedagogies, ranging from experiential learning to use of new technologies. (See also the
All categories of the
General Education
Program are fully
discussion of General Education in Criterion III.)
Affirmative Action
The staff analysis of the 1991 Team Report summarized the following concerns about
UNI’s affirmative action policies and procedures:
"The Team report requested ‘progress and further development of affirmative
action policies and procedures.’ It noted that despite ‘an elaborate
affirmative action committee structure’ and clear expectations from the Board
of Regents, total number of minority hires over previous years ‘show little
change.’ The Team called for stronger efforts to improve minority faculty
retention and to improve ‘the campus and university environment for both
students and faculty’" (Cecilia L. Lopez, Staff Analysis of Institutional
Report, August 29, 1994, p. 3).
This same staff analysis report also acknowledged (p. 3) that: "the University is to be
commended for the evidence of its efforts to increase minority faculty and to improve
diversity and human rights on its campus. Data were provided revealing steady progress since
the 1991 team visit in the recruitment of minority faculty and students. . . . " The NCA staff
report also pointed out the following two weaknesses in the University’s responses to the
recommendations of the visiting team:
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"Since the University did not provide data on the total new faculty hired nor
the total continuing minority faculty retained, it is not clear what factors
account for the nearly 2 percent increase in minority faculty over a two-year
period. Additionally, the University did not respond to the Team’s call for
stronger efforts to improve the campus and community environment for both
minority students and minority faculty" (Cecilia L. Lopez, Staff Analysis of
Institutional Report, August 29, 1994, p. 3).
This same staff analysis report noted the following University responses to other
affirmative action concerns:
• steps to improve conditions for physically challenged persons on campus.
• attempts to provide simple and useful means of handling charges of sexual misconduct.
• adoption and clear articulation of policies and grievance procedures addressing sexual
harassment and consensual relationships, including "an ambitious training program"
regarding harassment and discriminatory behaviors.
In a report dated May 30, 1995, the University noted two goals in its strategic plan to
strengthen the commitment to affirmative action: (1) the recruitment and retention of highquality faculty with special support for minority and women faculty; and (2) the
Significant progress has
been made in recruiting
and retaining minority
students, faculty and
staff over the last
encouragement of minority students by developing programs supporting the students’ unique
educational objectives. Specifically, the University identified progress in:
• minority student recruitment
• campus accessibility for faculty, students, and staff with disabilities
• improvement of all services to the campus community
• distribution of a brochure, "University Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment,"
throughout the University
The May 1995 affirmative report was accepted by the NCA, and no further reports were
required prior to the 2001 comprehensive evaluation.
Significant progress has been made in recruiting and retaining minority students, faculty
and staff over the last decade. Current minority student enrollment is a record high of 4.84
percent, greater than that of the state’s population but less than our goal of 8.5 percent.
Minority faculty and staff employment exceeds the targets set in our performance indicators.
(See also the discussion of Affirmative Action in the following section, in Criterion V, and in
Appendix E-1).
1991 UNI-NCA Visiting Team Report Evaluative Comments
In this section, the institution reports the progress made and initiatives undertaken to
address evaluative comments raised by the Visiting Team in 1991.
Page references are to the 1991 NCA Visiting Team Report.
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Affirmative Action (P. 10)
The location is not conducive to hiring or recruiting minorities. The number of minority
students now exceeds the percentage of minorities in the population of the state,
approximately 2 percent. Some Black faculty have left because of their uncomfortable
social situation and some minority students complain about their lack of comfort and
welcome in social situations. They have no complaints about their academic treatment.
Systematic recruitment in New Orleans for the psychology graduate program seems to be a
successful initiative.
Clearly ordinary efforts will not bring about either diversity or successful retention.
Stronger efforts, extraordinary efforts, will be needed for real progress with more emphasis
on improving the campus and community environment for both students and faculty. The
Affirmative Action Council, which are also responsible for issues related to the
handicapped, are aware of needs, and have set goals, but there is no evidence of change.
The University has made a serious commitment (see data below, Figure 1 and 2, as well
as responses in following sections and Strategic Plans, Appendix C) to recruiting and
Concerted recruitment
efforts by academic
programs and other
administrative units are
beginning to pay off
and have resulted in
increased numbers of
minority and women in
all segments at UNI.
retaining minority and women faculty, staff and students. Concerted recruitment efforts by
academic programs and other administrative units are beginning to pay off and have resulted
in increased numbers of minority and women in all segments at UNI, as the following figures
and tables demonstrate.
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Figure 1: Number of Minority Students
Over 100 African
American students have
been recruited in the
last ten years from
Southern University at
New Orleans, Dillard
University, and Xavier
Figure 2: Growth in Minority Enrollment
Over 100 African American students have been recruited in the last ten years from
Southern University at New Orleans, Dillard University, and Xavier University. Approximately
70% have completed their graduate degrees from UNI. Three years ago, UNI joined the
Graduate Feeder Scholars Program at Florida A&M University. Over 25 African American
students have been recruited from FAMU University in the past three years. The percentage
of graduate minority students is now 7.2%.
The following table shows that the institution has made important strides toward hiring
and retaining minority and women faculty over the past ten years. (See Appendix E.)
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Table 1: Tenure and Tenure-Track Minority and Women Faculty (Fall 1989 - Fall 1999)
UNI has made
important strides
toward hiring and
retaining minority and
women faculty over the
past ten years.
Under the auspices of the UNI Office of Compliance and Equity Management, the
institution has developed and maintains policies and procedures on
1. Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action (Appendix E)
2. Sexual Harassment (Appendix E)
3. Resolution of Discrimination Complaints (Appendix E)
Established in January 1995, the Office of Disability Services is dedicated to serving the
special needs of students and employees at the University of Northern Iowa. The Office of
Disability Services works with students and employees to ensure that all persons with
disabilities have access to University activities, programs, and services. Specialized services
are provided to enhance the overall academic, career, and personal development of persons
with a physical, psychiatric, or learning disability (see web site for UNI Office of Disability
Services at
Equipment Resources (p. 14)
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Faculty and students in the sciences have indicated that there is a need for more
funding for equipment / instrumentation and to provide for adequate repair, maintenance
and support personnel. While personnel budgets appear to be adequate, there seems to be
some evidence that supply budgets have necessitated reduction in laboratory experiences
for students.
In general, it appears equipment maintenance and replacement is lagging in
comparison to the high level of the physical plant. The university needs formal planning
and procedures to deal with these activities.
In the past 10 years, modest equipment budgets have been established within the
departments of the College of Natural Sciences (CNS). The Department of Industrial
Technology, for example, has received a line in UNI’s budget for Program Enhancement. This
UNI has completely
reorganized its
administration and
service operations for
information technology
on the campus.
year, $44,000 of this line was in Supplies and Services, while $44,009 was in Equipment.
In response to budget proposals from the faculty and administration, a University-wide
matching fund for life-cycle equipment replacement has been established in the Provost’s
Office. Presently the life-cycle equipment budget is at $150,000 per year in addition to an
annual allocation of $75,000 for other equipment and over $500,000 for faculty
Overall, the total amount budgeted this year within CNS and its departments for
equipment is $305,558. The comparable figures in 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 were $51,624.
(This excludes a 1990-1991 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science equipment
budget earmarked for the move into the renovated Wright Hall. The figure did not appear in
the 1991-1992 budget book.)
Also, Supplies and Services budgets in CNS and its departments have been increased,
from $215,021 in 1990-1991 to $309,400 in 2000-2001.
Information Systems and Computing Services (p.15)
There is no formal mechanism in place for coordination of UNI information services.
UNI has completely reorganized its administration and service operations for information
technology on the campus. At the time of the last review, the Center for Educational
Technology (CET) was housed in the Provost’s Office, the Department of Telecommunications
was in the President’s Office, and Information Systems and Computing Services (ISCS)
reported to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. These departments were
merged into a single unit renamed Information Technology Services (ITS), consisting of the
newly created departments of Training Services, Production Services, Network Services, User
Services, and Information Systems. Following the reevaluation of the reorganization last year,
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the Training and Production Services departments were combined into a new single unit
renamed Educational Technology (see also Appendix B).
Since 1996, Information Technology Services (ITS) has been reporting to Academic
Affairs. A new position of Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services,
reporting directly to the Provost, was created. This Associate Vice President is responsible for
technology coordination and collaboration among the colleges and administrative units on
In 1998, the Director of Library Services position was upgraded to the status of Dean.
Both the Dean of Library Services and the Associate Vice President for Information Technology
report to the Provost and serve on the Academic Affairs Council
In addition, the University has created several organizations that serve as a forum to
enhance communications about technology issues.
• The Liaisons group meets at least once a semester and is made up of technology
representatives from every academic and administrative department on campus. It
serves as a mechanism for sharing information about new technologies and directions
and for discussing proposed or desired technology.
The University has
created several
organizations that serve
as a forum to enhance
communications about
technology issues.
• The TechForum group is made up of self-selected, technically-minded staff from
throughout the University and meets informally to discuss technical issues in some
• The Systems Administrators group consists of all the systems administrators on campus
and meets regularly to discuss campus-wide networking and system administration
concerns and issues.
• The Planning and Policy Committee for Information Technology (PPCIT) is made up of
representatives of undergraduate and graduate student bodies, every academic college,
and every division to engage in technology planning and to recommend technology
policies to the President’s Cabinet.
• The Student Computing Advisory Committee (SCAC) is made up of students representing
every college, the library, and student government. The members review technology
issues of interest to students and make recommendations to the PPCIT or the Associate
Vice President for Information Technology Services as appropriate.
• Each college and division also maintains an advisory committee for technology.
• Information Services (IS) maintains several special campus advisory committees to
provide guidance and input to administrative system maintenance and development.
• The Administration and Finance Division Computing Advisory Group (DCAG) meets
regularly with IS staff to discuss issues and priorities of importance to that division.
• The Educational and Student Services Division also meets regularly with IS staff
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through its Student Information Services (SIS) committee to address issues and
priorities of importance to student systems, such as admissions, registration, and
financial aid.
• The Modern Executive Management and Financial Information System (MEMFIS)
steering committee meets to guide the implementation and progress of a
comprehensive financial and human resources package.
Through the collaborative and coordination opportunities these groups provide, UNI has
thoroughly addressed the evaluative comments expressed in the 1991 report concerning
technology coordination.
College of Business Administration (p.19)
Some outcomes of change will bear monitoring: a potential for salary compression, a
CBA has remained
competitive in the
market for new faculty.
possible disjunction between faculty with different levels of preparation, and moderating
the impact of enrollment growth on quality and resources.
The 1991 NCA Visiting Team Report anticipated that a few specific problems might arise
as the College of Business Administration (CBA) worked towards meeting American Assembly
of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation criteria. CBA has since received
AACSB accreditation (1993, reaffirmed in 2000) and has successfully addressed problems
anticipated by the 1991 NCA Visiting Team.
The potential problem for salary compression is rooted in the dynamics of the market for
business faculty. Generally speaking, business schools in pursuit of high caliber new PhDs
find themselves hiring new faculty at salaries as high as or higher than those paid to current
faculty. While CBA has remained competitive in the market for new faculty, the College has
addressed the compression issue by allocating substantial funds to market adjustment. As a
result, we have been quite successful in retaining our faculty. Virtually no recent case of
faculty turnover in the CBA is attributable to salary compression. Although salary
compression remains a common problem for business schools, we are pleased with our efforts
to minimize its impact on morale and retention.
Prior to AACSB accreditation, the College of Business Administration encountered some
disjunction between faculty with different levels of preparation. However, as these colleagues
have retired, they have been replaced with faculty who have earned terminal degrees. As a
result, disjunction is actually disappearing. At present, there are only three tenured faculty
in the CBA who do not have a terminal degree.
The 1991 NCA Visiting Team Report raised as a question the impact of growth on quality
and resources, specifically the rising number of classes enrolling over 50 students. Since
1991, we have actually reduced class sizes throughout the College. In the Fall 1991 semester,
roughly 25 percent of our sections enrolled 50 or more students. Currently, in the Fall 2000
semester, the percentage is under 10 percent. We are determined to maintain the
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instructional capacity that is necessary to keep our classes small.
College of Education (p.21)
At present, this body [Council of Teacher Education] does not have curricular review
and approval authority; however, a proposal will be going before the council in the near
future to do so.
The Council on Teacher Education has curricular review authority, but not approval
authority. The Council was never intended to have approval authority. The Council can initiate
and review curricular changes suggested by departments and colleges. Approval authority of
curriculum changes, however, is part of the normal curricular review process and ultimately
The Performing Arts
Center that was
"proposed" in 1991 is
now a reality.
resides with the University Faculty Senate.
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (p.23)
Faculty in Baker note crowding and rehabilitation needs. A new performing arts center
is proposed. The existing music building does not meet fire code (basement egress), has
problems with acoustics and crowding. Equipment needs include an obsolete language lab,
graphics capability for art, and computers in music, in addition to regular replacement and
microcomputers for faculty.
The many and diverse enrollment demands in the Department of Communication and
Theatre Arts might be served better by two separate units.
The number of women in some departments falls far short of the proportion of
doctorally-qualified women in the field.
The crowding of faculty and the "rehabilitation" needs for Baker Hall have been largely
addressed. Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, and Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology
have been relocated within that building to improved and renovated space. The main office
for English Language and Literature has also been renovated, as have most of the faculty and
staff offices. Office spaces in Modern Languages have seen some improvements, but not to
the same extent as in the other two departments. The eight or ten Communication Studies
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faculty who have been housed in Baker will move to Lang Hall when the renovation of that
building is complete, at the end of the Fall 2000 semester.
The Performing Arts Center that was "proposed" in 1991 is now a reality. This has reduced
some of the crowding noted for the School of Music in Russell Hall, a building that suffers
from serious renovation needs, as described in the 1991 report. The University has identified
the renovation of Russell Hall as one of the key elements in its current Capital Campaign.
When Communication Studies moves into Lang Hall, the two computer labs currently
located in the Communication Arts Center (CAC) 115 and 116, each holding 25 computers,
will become language laboratories servicing programs in Modern Languages and TESOL. For
the past year, Modern Languages has had a small but modern language lab (12 computer
stations) in the East Gym.
The concern over graphics capability for Art has been answered via a well equipped
Graphic Design laboratory in the Kamerick Art Building (KAB 250) with 20 computer stations
as well as state-of-the-art peripherals that include scanners and black-and-white and color
The College of
Humanities and Fine
Arts now has seven
departments and one
The concern over computers in Music has been answered via modern computer
laboratories in the School of Music (Russell 116, 117, & 120) with 10 computer stations
devoted to music composition, four to music theory, and one for Advanced Music majors.
Since the last review, the College of Humanities and Fine Arts (CHFA) has also added 50
computer stations for the Department of Communication Studies in two laboratories; a small
computer lab in Theatre; and a 12-station student computer lab in Communicative Disorders
as well as a seven-station clinical computer lab in that department.
Our current schedule calls for all of the computers in the above labs to be replaced on a
three- to four-year cycle, thus assuring that they remain reasonably current.
All faculty in CHFA have the computer of their choice in their office, and all newly hired
CHFA faculty are supplied with a computer system of their choice at the start of their
employment. Also during the past four years, the college has created 16 multimedia, or
"smart," classrooms to allow its faculty access to the most modern technology for use in
The College of Humanities and Fine Arts now has seven departments (rather than six as
was the case in 1991) and one school. Based on the reviewers’ recommendation that the
Department of Communication and Theatre Arts might be better served by two separate units,
the institution split (May 1992) the former Department into the Department of
Communication Studies and the Department of Theatre.
The concern over the number of women in some departments remains a possible problem.
According to the May 31, 2000, report of the UNI Office of Compliance and Equity
Management, two departments (Art and Music) appear to be four female faculty each below
national percentage levels. Two additional departments (English and Modern Languages) are
one female faculty each below national percentages. The remaining four departments have
appropriate numbers of female faculty.
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (p.24)
Majors are steady or growing in all but communication and theatre arts where a recent
sharp drop is noted.
The number of undergraduate majors in Communication Studies has been steadily
increasing since 1996 (see Table 2 below). Overall, the College enrollments in all majors are
very healthy. Additionally, the College of Humanities and Fine Arts continues to provide a
large proportion of General Education courses for the entire University.
The number of
undergraduate majors
in Communication
Studies has been
steadily increasing since
Table 2: Communication Studies Majors and Theatre Majors (1995-2000)
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (p.25)
It appears that a formal equipment replacement program and an earlier distribution
of equipment funds could enhance the effectiveness of the departments.
The problem of equipment replacement has been met well in the past three years via
decentralized budgeting, which has allowed an increased ability for the college to provide
year-end funding for equipment, as well by the Life-Cycle Equipment matching program of
the Provost. Additionally, the Supplies and Services budgets for departments in CHFA have
been adjusted to provide better equity among them.
College of Natural Sciences (p.25)
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
There is a critical lack of contemporary equipment and instrumentation, which is
essential for modern teaching laboratories, as well as for faculty and student research. This
is demonstrated most conspicuously in industrial technology where equipment was reported
to have come from industry gifts and grants.
The increased expenditures for equipment within the College of Natural Sciences (CNS)
have addressed some of the concerns regarding contemporary equipment and instrumentation
(see also response to EVALUATIVE COMMENT 2). Also related to this is the purchase of
computers for science laboratories from the Student Computer Fee allocations. A recently
received $1,000,000 gift from the Carver Trust will equip the Departments of Biology and
Chemistry in the yet-to-be-constructed $16.9-million McCollum Science Hall Addition. Finally,
the Department of Computer Science has received equipment for a real-time, embedded
A recently received
$1,000,000 gift from
the Carver Trust will
equip the Departments
of Biology and
software laboratory and for artificial intelligence from two corporations, Rockwell-Collins and
College of Natural Sciences (p.27)
Graduate programs in the college do not appear to be strong based on minimal
enrollments and little faculty research. Changes recommended by the Task Force on
Graduate Programs including program review may be helpful in addressing this problem.
The total enrollment in CNS graduate programs grew from 71 in 1990-1991 to 120 in
However, there are still minimal enrollments in a number of graduate programs in the
College of Natural Sciences. This is unlikely to be corrected until the size of the graduate
assistant stipend can be increased dramatically, as the competition for graduate students in
the sciences is intense. For example, the Environmental Science program, which offers
assistantships of $12,480 rather than the campus standard of $6,240, has been able to
maintain a program of respectable size. Another successful program has been the innovative
Masters degree in Middle Grades Mathematics (4-8); its success has depended in part on
foundation funding for stipends for the enrolled teachers.
Four graduate programs that appeared in the 1990-1992 catalog have been closed. These
are the graduate programs in Earth Science, Industrial Technology Education, Physics
Education, and Science.
The expectations for research are clear and are being met, keeping in mind the mission
of the University and the teaching loads that are high relative to those of research
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (p. 28)
There are some exceptions, such as the crowding of office space in the Political Science
Since 1991 the facilities in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (CSBS) have
changed significantly. In 1993 the Department of History moved to a newly renovated and
spacious location in Seerley Hall. This permitted the relocation of Political Science offices to
the third floor of Sabin Hall. During the summer of 1999 these offices were refurbished. There
are additional plans to increase space for the department in the near future. With the move
of History to Seerley, college departments are now located in four buildings
In 1993 the Department
of History moved to a
newly renovated and
spacious location in
Seerley Hall.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (p. 28)
The administration is quite competent. While the head of the Psychology Department
has been in charge of the unit for 18 years, all other department heads have begun their
administrative services within the past five years. The most recent appointment (1990) is
the dean of the college.
There have been new department heads in three college departments since 1991, and a
search is currently being conducted for a head in one additional department. The History
department head has the longest tenure in the college -- 12 years. As in 1991 the most recent
appointment is the dean of the college, Dr. Julia Wallace, head of the psychology department
who was selected following a national search. The dean appointed in 1990 now serves as
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (p. 28-29)
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
Department heads often spoke of the need to respond to increased enrollments with a
conversion of several of their temporary faculty to tenure-track appointments.
Following the NCA review, several temporary lines were converted to tenure-track and
searches conducted. The concerns of the department heads for new tenure-track faculty has
been partially relieved by the addition of 19 new faculty lines since 1991, an increase of 20
percent. In addition, supplies and services dollars in departments have increased by 78
percent during the same period. For the last four years, CSBS has supplemented departmental
supplies and services by providing an additional $300 per full-time faculty member in the
college. These funds are at the individual’s discretion and are primarily used for travel. Finally,
with a new central administration, a more decentralized budget has been institutionalized.
This has meant that salary savings, which have remained in the College, are a major
contribution to the increase in faculty lines.
CSBS has supplemented
departmental supplies
and services by
providing an additional
$300 per full-time
faculty member in the
Graduate College (p. 30)
Faculty express concerns about the standards for membership on the graduate faculty
which now provide for approval for virtually anyone with a terminal degree. This should be
re-examined to include only those with significant involvement in graduate education.
Concerns are also expressed that there are insufficient graduate assistantships available
and the stipends are too low to be competitive. Concerns were expressed about the sparsity
of faculty research and resultant weakness of student theses and dissertations. This was
confirmed by numerous faculty comments and by review of these in the Library.
Requirements for membership on the graduate faculty have not changed. Membership on
the graduate faculty is determined by the Graduate Faculty Constitution. The Graduate Faculty
have voted against proposed changes in these requirements three times since 1989.
The number of graduate assistantships has increased from 132 in 1991 to 167.5 in 2000.
However, the number of graduate assistantships has not increased since 1995. Stipends for
masters students have been increased from $5,800 in Fall of 1991 to $6,000 in Fall 1992 and
did not increase to the current amount of $6,240 until Fall 2000. As of Fall 2000, graduate
stipend increases are now tied to other University staff salary increases.
Faculty hires over the past nine years have resulted in stronger research programs and a
fourfold increase in the amount of external funding. Federal and state funding has increased
from $4,286,672 in 1990-2001 to $18,149,086 in 1999-2000 (see table in Criterion III on
Sponsored Project Proposals and Awards as Reported to the Board of Regents.) Eighty percent
of proposals were funded in 1999-2000.
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
Graduate College (p. 31)
The doctoral programs are marginal and need a greater commitment by the institution
to retain viability.
Many graduate programs and courses have low enrollments and should be reviewed. A
"critical mass" is needed for most quality graduate programs.
It was unclear how oversight is divided between the academic department, Graduate
Dean, and the Dean of Continuing Education and Special Programs. This needs to be clearly
defined and these programs monitored closely by the Graduate College and the academic
The review of graduate programs recommended by the Task Force on Graduate Programs
in 1990 was implemented. Three masters programs (English, Communication Studies, and
Communicative Disorders) were selected for enhancement and received substantial increases
in the number of assistantships and support for faculty travel and research over a five-year
Faculty hires over the
past nine years have
resulted in stronger
research programs and
a fourfold increase in
the amount of external
period. Five programs with consistently low enrollment have been closed. Three new
interdisciplinary masters programs have been introduced since 1991: Public Policy,
Environmental Science, and Women’s Studies. A Masters of Social Work program was recently
approved and funded. Also, a Masters degree in Accounting was approved (March 2000).
Faculty hires in both the Doctor of Industrial Technology (DIT) program and in the
College of Education also have resulted in a stronger research emphasis, a substantial
increase in external funding, and an improvement in the quality of doctoral dissertations.
Office of Continuing Ed & Special Programs (p. 34)
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
Concerns are as follows. The need to use regular faculty in locations that are a
considerable distance from the main campus could be a serious problem. With a steady
enrollment growth in many areas, as well as a commitment to a nine-hour teaching load
will invariably lead to larger classes. Pressures to teach off campus may contribute to a
lessening of the quality of offerings on campus as well as a resentment by an aging faculty
cohort who no longer feel the need for the extra income generated by teaching off campus,
as well as the inconvenience. There is no formally adopted policy requiring a systematic
evaluation of off-campus offerings.
With the availability of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) beginning in Fall 1993,
there has been little need for UNI professors to travel great distances to teach students
around the state. The ICN is a live, two-way audio and video fiber-optic system that allows
The Women’s Studies
Program has made
tremendous strides in
the last decade and
now holds a position of
respect and visibility on
the UNI campus.
faculty to teach students on-campus at the same time that students are taking the course at
several remote sites. Most of the ICN teaching is done as part of the faculty member’s regular
teaching load; consequently, overload teaching makes up a much lower percentage of
distance education teaching than it did prior to 1993.
Even with remote sites, the class size is not allowed to exceed the maximums set by the
department/faculty member. Since most of UNI’s off-campus programs are graduate programs,
the on-campus sections are quite small; adding off-campus students via interactive television
does not make them too large, but rather allows them to become numerically viable.
Off-campus courses and programs are typically taught by regular tenured or tenure-track
faculty using the same curriculum as on campus. The UNI’s library services are available to
distance students via electronic communication, and many professors use WebCT to evaluate
their course and instruction.
Women’s Studies (p. 35)
The Women’s Studies Program seems to have a low profile.
The Women’s Studies Program has made tremendous strides in the last decade and now
holds a position of respect and visibility on the UNI campus.
In the 1991 NCA Report, the reviewers commented that the Women’s Studies Program
seemed to have a low profile and that the program was being revitalized as new women
faculty were hired. Additionally, the reviewers suggested the Ethnic Minorities Cultural and
Educational Center and the Women’s Studies Program begin some common programming.
The reviewers were correct in their prediction that the Women’s Studies Program was
being revitalized. Since 1990, the Women’s Studies Program has made some far-reaching
changes as well as more moderate adjustments that have directly increased the profile and
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
visibility of the program on and off campus.
The Women’s Studies Program now consists of two main units, the undergraduate and
graduate programs. The Undergraduate Program offers an undergraduate minor and a broad
array of curricular and co-curricular programming that serve the needs of diverse
students, faculty, staff, and the wider community. It now has two
administrative offices. The Graduate Program offers a Master of Arts degree in Women’s
Studies. With the exception of the CROW (Current Research on Women) forums, the Graduate
Program focuses exclusively on the M.A. degree program and does not exercise a broader
curricular and co-curricular mission. The Graduate Program has six graduate assistantships
and two graduate student offices. The units share a half-time secretary.
Undergraduate Program
The visibility of Women's Studies has been markedly increased through programming
organized through the undergraduate office, particularly during Women's History Month.
Readers are referred to the Annual Reports as documentation of increasing levels of
programming over the course of the past 10 years. In addition to internal funding from many
The UNI campus
violence prevention
project received funding
from the Justice
Department at the level
of $500,000.
departments and colleges on campus, the faculty have worked with other Iowa colleges and
universities in utilizing Stanley Foundation funding to bring international women scholars
and activists to campus.
Most recently the undergraduate office has been extremely successful in bringing
together staff, students, and faculty from diverse sectors of the University to work on
collaborative projects that have resulted in statewide exposure. Our campus violence
prevention project, with funding from the Justice Department at the level of $500,000,
includes participants from high-visibility areas on campus such as the Athletic Department,
Department of Residence, and Public Safety. As a part of this project, we trained violence
prevention mentors from all three Regent universities and helped to plan the first statewide
men's conference focused upon decreasing violence against women. We received extremely
good television, newspaper, and radio coverage on this grant. As a result we have increased
visibility within the student population, community, and state at this time.
Graduate Program
The M.A. in Women’s Studies was instituted at UNI during the 1994-1995 academic year.
The goals and objectives of the Graduate Program in Women’s Studies complement those of
the undergraduate program. However, the Graduate Program has a distinct objective: to
assist students in developing skills that will enable them to make original contributions to
feminist scholarship. The M.A. in Women’s Studies serves the interests of three groups of
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
students: 1) students for whom it is preparation for a PhD program; 2) students for whom it
enhances a career in the private, public, or nonprofit sectors; and 3) students for whom it
satisfies strong intellectual interests and curiosity. The program is academically rigorous (see
University catalog for program description) and develops leaders who make a difference in
their communities and chosen professions. All but one of our 17 alumni are employed in their
area of expertise, and each establishes a strong reputation for the M.A. in Women’s Studies.
(See Women’s Studies website ( for information about
placement of graduates.)
Additionally, the Graduate Program contributes to the increase in profile and visibility of
the Women’s Studies Program by contributing to the missions of two colleges (CHFA and
CSBS) and the University with its emphasis on original research. The CROW forum series gives
faculty an opportunity to spotlight and receive feedback on research in process. The purpose
of this monthly series is to enhance interdisciplinary and campus-wide conversations about
research on gender. There are approximately 43 core affiliate faculty members of the Women’s
The Women’s Studies
program is academically
rigorous and develops
leaders who make a
difference in their
communities and
chosen professions.
Studies graduate program. Awarding graduate assistants to help faculty with research also
enhances faculty productivity and increases faculty visibility. In these ways, the program
furthers strategic planning goals, namely the commitment to intellectual vitality and the
creation and nurture of a diverse community by fostering a critical examination of ideas,
nurturing creativity and scholarship, encouraging reflection and cultivating the free exchange
of ideas within a community that includes those traditionally disenfranchised by virtue of
ethnicity, socioeconomic background, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Faculty
research and faculty visibility have contributed to the increase in the profile of the Women’s
Studies Program.
General Education (p. 35)
The general education program was revised in 1986 to provide a broadly-based 47-hour
set of requirements including a course in non-Western culture and a capstone course, as
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
well as the skills of writing and oral communication. Because of the lack of resources, the
entire set of requirements is not yet in place. The communication requirement has been
deferred, but is expected to be in place in Fall 1991. The capstone course has apparently
been implemented only in mathematics. There is a backlog for other required courses.
The resource needs are most evident in English and Communication.
The Oral Communication requirement for General Education, deferred until the fall of
1991, is now in place and functioning well. New lines were created for that department
following the 1991 NCA review specifically to meet the increased course demands of this
General Education requirement.
Comments related to a capstone course in mathematics were addressed in the
institutional response to the NCA evaluation team report (see June 17, 1991, Correction of
Errors of Fact, p.3, item 22). There is no such course in the Department of Mathematics. The
Capstone course of the General Education program is Environment, Technology, and Society,
a two-credit course required of every first-degree undergraduate student seeking a bachelor’s
degree. This course demonstrates relationships among science, technology, society, and the
natural environment.
Library (p. 37)
More than 85% of the holdings are now searchable using the system which is called
The Capstone course of
the General Education
program is Environment,
Technology, and Society,
a two-credit course
required of every firstdegree undergraduate
student seeking a
bachelor’s degree,
that demonstrates
relationships among
science, technology,
society, and the natural
UNISTAR. Unfortunately, UNI has chosen the Innovative Interface library system while the
University of Iowa and Iowa State University have both chosen NOTIS. This makes linking
of and access to all three collections by students, from one terminal, highly unlikely.
The library facility, while attractive and well-organized, is nearly out of space. While
the state first approved then delayed funding for the addition of a fourth floor, the
university expects to receive the funding and the library addition remains the first priority.
Innovative Interfaces was selected as the most appropriate system for UNI. UNI
continues to use the Innovative Interfaces integrated library system; the other two Regents
institutions have migrated to different systems from those in place at the time of the 1991
report. Three different integrated systems are now being used at the three Regents
institutions. The Innovative Interfaces system has had almost yearly software updates, to
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
provide current technology and updated options to the faculty, staff and students of UNI.
With the advent of web-based catalogs, there is less concern and less need for easy
connectivity and common sets of command languages for searching.
Space concerns have been alleviated by adding mobile compact shelving space for an
additional 100,000 volumes and by constructing an entire fourth floor.
Educational and Student Services / Ethnic Minority Cultural and Educational Center
(p. 39)
Some additional funding may be necessary for the [Center for Multicultural Education,
formerly the] Ethnic Minorities Cultural and Educational Center to increase programming
Planning has begun for
a $13-million
remodeling project for
the student union that
will also incorporate
relocation and
construction of a new
Center for Multicultural
Since 1991 the Educational and Student Services Division has upgraded the position of
Coordinator of the Ethnic Minorities Cultural and Educational Center to Director of the Center
for Multicultural Education, added a second full-time merit position, and created a permanent
programming budget, currently $24,000. An additional $35,000 is also available for diversity
programming in a special account established by the Cabinet. Plans are also underway to
construct a new addition to the Maucker Union to house the Center for Multicultural
Educational and Student Services / Maucker Union (p. 41)
With increased enrollment, the union is scheduled to near capacity.
Planning has begun for a $13-million remodeling project for the student union that will
also incorporate relocation and construction of a new Center for Multicultural Education. An
architect has been selected. This project will greatly enhance space usage in the current
building and increase square footage available.
Educational and Student Services / Residence Services (p. 39)
Enrollment growth has placed a strain on residence services.
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
Construction of a new multi-suite residence hall for upperclass students was completed
in 1994 at a cost of $9.3-million. The Residence on the Hill (ROTH) complex provides housing
for 384 students.
Purpose and Overview of the Self-Study Process
This self-study began in February 1999 when individuals nominated by their college,
division, or governance group were invited by Provost Aaron Podolefsky to serve as members
of the UNI/NCA Steering Committee (see Appendix A). The University of Northern Iowa selfstudy process involved participants from all facets of the University–Academic Affairs,
academic support, administrative support, and external relations. The Provost appointed
Reinhold Bubser, Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, to chair the
committee and charged the committee on April 28:
"As you may know, the NCA process serves two fundamental purposes:
quality assurance and institutional and program improvement. The
accreditation process offers us an opportunity for introspection – reflection
upon both our recent ten-year history and our vision for the future. By
embracing this opportunity, we will fulfill the requirements for reaccreditation
status as a North Central institution as well as chart a future that enables us
to further realize our own mission."
Construction of a new
multi-suite residence
hall for upperclass
students was completed
in 1994 at a cost of
The Provost urged Committee members to make the self-study a high priority among their
University commitments and distributed copies of the NCA accreditation guide and other
relevant materials, to be read in preparation for committee work.
During the Fall 1999 semester the Steering Committee established a timeline, identified
the categories of data, information, and reports that were needed, and established a process
in which work groups collected data and drafted reports for analysis and synthesis by the
writing committee. The Committee established a website to provide information to the UNI
community on its activities. Individual committee members met with various campus groups
and units to coordinate the work of the Steering Committee with that of the UNI Strategic
Planning Committee, which was simultaneously formulating a draft of the 2001-2006 UNI
Strategic Plan.
In the latter part of Spring 2000, criterion-specific working teams submitted their
reports. Review of these reports led to further questions and requests for additional data and
information; thus the work continued through Summer 2000. Beginning in Summer 2000, a
U n i versity of
Northern Iowa
team of writers in the UNI Office of Public Relations worked with members of the NCA
Coordinating Committee to create a coherent and cohesive document. The entire document
has been enhanced by the critiques and revisions resulting from reviews by the President’s
Cabinet, the Academic Affairs Council, and members of the UNI/NCA Steering Committee.
A working draft of the self-study report was made available to the UNI campus in hard
copy and via the web. A draft was also sent to Dr. Robert Appleson, Associate Director of NCA
and UNI’s liaison to NCA. Comments were solicited from all readers, considered, and
incorporated into the final document.
To the extent that this report is accurate, clear, thoughtful, and thought provoking, it
will have served its various purposes.
The University of
Northern Iowa selfstudy process involved
participants from all
facets of the
Affairs, academic
support, administrative
support, and external