I OREGoN STATE UNIVERSITY, OCTOBER 1966 VOLUME XV - NUMBER4 Incorporating Trifluralin in Bean Plantings Oregon Horticultural Society Plans November 16-18 Meeting • The 81st annual meeting of the Oregon Horticultural Society will be on November 16, 17, and 18 on the Oregon State Uni­ versity campus, Corvallis. Plan to attend. " Vegetable crops sessions are scheduled for November 17 and 18. There will be a Joint meeting of the Vegetable Crops and Small Fruits sections on the morning of November 18. General sessions, a banquet, and a business meeting will also be held. , • I 1. 74u 1ueee # # # Page Incorporating Trifluralin in Bean Plantings. • . . • . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • . • . . .• 1 Oregon Horticultural Society Plans November 16-18 Meeting •.•...•.•.•... 1 Mutants in Snap Beans •...•.•.•.•••.•.•. 4 Blond Peas -­ Progress Report •••...•.•. 6 The herbicidal activity of trifluralin is considerably enhanced by incorporating the chemical with a surface layer of soil. Mixing to a depth of about three inches is generally recognized as the most effi­ cient method, although this may depend on soil moisture conditions and the depth at which weed seeds are germinating_ The rec­ ommended incorporation procedure includes the use of a double disc operated in two directions (cross disced) or a power-driven rotary tiller. The use of a power-driven rotary tiller will accomplish the most thorough incorporation, but this is an ex­ pensive operation for large areas. The study reported here was designed to compare several methods of incorpora~­ ing trifluralin in a planting of bush snap beans in order to obtain the best poss~ble mixing of the herbicide and soil by use of an operation requiring low power. Also, herbicide applications timed before plant­ ing were compared with applications made after the beans had emerged, an operation not feasible with the equipment recommended for preplant or postplant incorporation. Trifiuralin was applied at application rates of 1/2 and 3/4 pounds actual material per acre. Equipment used for incorporation included: (1) a power-driven rotary tiller operated at depths of approximately one (Continued next page) 2 Bean Plantings • •• (Continued from page 1) inch and three inches; (2) Mix-A-Product, a ground-dr1.ven rotary tiller; (3) a tine tiller with an action similar to a spike-tooth harrowj (4) a Buddingh In-Row Weeder, another groun4-driven rotary tiller; and (5) a special sprayer which provided some soil penetration by directing close-spaced, high pressure, high volume spr~ jets into the soil. Incorporation of the herbicide was carried out either prior to or after planting or, with some treatments, about one week after the beans had emerged. The treatments are listed in Table 1 on page 3. Weed control evaluations were made about five weeks after the 'plots were planted and established. Following this evaluation, the total plot area was weeded and main­ tained weed free until harvest. Prevalent weed species included redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), mustard (Brassics rapa), and groundsel (Senecio vulgaris). As can be seen in Table 1, the rate of 374 pound per acre usually 'resulted in better weed control than the rate of 1/2 pound per acre. Equipment that provided the most thorough mixing of the herbicide with the 80il, 'such as the rotary tiller, gave the best weed control. Where comparisons can be made, in­ corporating the herbicide after planting resulted in slightly better weed control than preplant incorporations, although this is probably not a significant effect. The post-emergence application and incorporation with the Buddingh In-Row Weeder provided acceptable weed control at the zero appliaation rate of trifluralin, but part of this effect can be attributed to the mechanical removal of weeds by the equipment. High­ pressure spray application as a post~emergence treatment was ~satisfactory. .......;, Yield data were obtained from a single complete harvest of 25 feet of row from each plot. An analysis of this information showed no differences in yields of plots when compared at the 5% probability level, although there appeared to be some.relation­ ship with the degree of weed control obtained. This was indicated by yield reductions· in plots with poor weed control and was apparently due to weed competition during the first five weeks of the experiment~ It can be concluded from this, study that a thorough and moderately deep mixing of trifluralin with the soil will result in the best weed control, although a shallow pos't-emergence incorporation treatment may be satisfactory; also, increasing the effectiveness of the herbicide by proper soil incorporation does not jeopardize the selectivity of/trifluralin on beans. --Garvin Crabtree Horticulture Department --G. E. Page Agricultural Engineering Department (Continued page 3) Oregon Vegetable Digest is. pUblished four times a year by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Ore­ gon State University, Corvallis, G. Burton Wood, Director. Address correspondence to the author con­ cerned or to the Department of Horticulture. Material may be reprinted providing no endorsement of a commercial product is stated or implied. Please credit Oregon State University. To simplify technical terminology, trade names of products or equipment sometimes witt be used. No endorsement of products named is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned. 3 Bean Plantings ... (Continued from page 2) Table 1. Weed control and response to trif1uralin applications with several methods of soil incorporation Rate of trifluralin Lbs. active/A Type of application 0 Untreated check Surface Surface Rotary tiller (shallow) Rotary tiller (shallow) Average yield Lbs./plot Pre-plant Pre-plant Pre-plant Pre-plant 5·7 6.0 7·7 8.0 13·9 17·2 14·9 17·2 16.1 Post-plant Post-plant Pre-plant Pre-plant Pre-plant 8.2 9·0 1·5 9·7 9·7 15,,5 17·7 14.4 16.0 21·3 3/4 1/2 Mix-A-Product Mix-A-Product Mix-A-Product Mix-A-Product Tine tiller Pre-plant Pre-plant Post-plant Post-plant Pre-plant 6.0 7·0 6.7 8·7 4·5 17·8 18.8 14.4 19·2 14.8 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 1/2 Tine Tine Tine Tine High Pre-plant Post-plant Post-plant Post-plant Post-plant 6.0 0·5 7·0 6·5 5·5 :L7·2 15·2 16·9 19·5 16'.2 3/4 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 High pressure spray High pressure spray High pressure spray Buddingh In-Row Weeder Buddingh In-Row Weeder Post-plant Post-emergence Post-emergence Post-emergence Post-emergence 6.0 2·5 5·0 4.5 6·5 16.1 13·3 14·7 17.8 15·1 3/4 Buddingh In-Row Weeder Post-emergence 7·7 12·5 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/ 4 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 ,~ Timing Average weed control rating1 !I Weed Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary tiller tiller tiller tiller tiller (Shallow~ (shallow (deep~ (deep (deep) tiller tiller tiller tiller pressure spray 1.2 control ratings are average of four replications. o = no effect, 10 = complete control of all weeds. AAA ~ 11~1ttJte~ ~ ~ Optimum growth of tomato seedlings was obtained when the phosphorus containing fertilizer band was placed 2 inches directly under the seed, according to G. E. Wilcox of Indiana. (Proc Amer. Soc. Hart. Sci., 88s 521-526, 1966.) e 4 Mutants in Snap Beans Within any 8wecies of living things--plant or animal--mutations of varied kinds occur and then breed true in sUbsequent generations. Mutations are now believed due to certain biochemical "accidents'· primarily in the chromosomes; once occurring, they are capable of faithfully repeating themselves. For a given kind of mutant, frequency rate varies with the organism and with the environment within which the organism exists. Rate of mutation can be partially controlled by man--especially via radiation of various types and via certain ch~m1cal agents. £om~ day we may be able to manip­ ulate, at will, the biochemical systems of the inheritance units (the "genes" on the chromosomes). We have no such exacting control today. Most mutations are harmful to organisms, and many of the mutants in crop plants are undesirable as far as man is concerned. In the snap bean several kinds of mutants are troublesome to breeders, seedsmen, processors, and consumers. The most common of these mutants in round pod beans are: (1) small flat, (2) large oval, (3) stringy, and (4) small, round, fibrous "pea bean." In Blue Lake pole beans the small flat mutant has long been known. The mutants are borne on plants which pro­ duce normal, round pods. When seeds of the flat mutants are planted, they produce flat pods only. The large oval, stringy, and "pea bean" mutants seem to be less common, but all must be carefully rogued from stock seed plantings. The impact of enVironment, especially very high or very low temperatures, on mutation rate in beans has not been thoroughly explored. Some beans tend to develop oval pods when temperatures are relatively low; for example, during nighttime tem­ peratures of 40-50° F in late fall in Oregon. Several years ago 08U797, a fairly promising bush bean derived from Blue Lake pole, was essentially round podded when maturing in August, but became uniformly oval when maturing in early October. No mutation was involved in this case. Yet observations over several years have indi­ cated that a relatively large nUmber of small flat pod mutants may occur in the low temperatures of late fall in western Oregon. Theoretically, it should not be sur­ prising to note higher than average mutation rates at temperatures deviating well from the normal requirements of a given species. (Continued page 5) i!f/~ 1tKe, , , ~' In a study of mulches on muskmelons in New York, Schales and Sheldrake found that early season soil temperature (I-inch depth) was increased about 10 0 F by clear plastic and petroleum mulch, 50 by clear plastic/black plastic, 3-5 0 by black plastic, and none by white plasttc. straw and peat moss decreased soil temperatures 8 to 12°. Plant growth was most rapid, fruit set was earliest, and yields highest with plastic mulches. (~. Amer. Soc. Hart. Sci., 88: 425-430. 1966.) 5 Mutants • •• (Continued from page 4) In the April 1964 issue of Vegetable Digest three mutants obtained by use of diethyl sulfate were described--dark green, silver, and small leaf. These mutants were used immediately in crosses with bush Blue Lake materials such as OSU 949 in an attempt to reduce- leafiness and sprawllness. No promising selections have been obtained. The three mutants are associated with either small, short pods orlpw yields, or both. They clearly illustrate that simple inheritance units (genes) accounting for a given characteristic, as seen by the eyes of man, may also have an influence on many other characteristics of the organism. From a practical view, constant attention in roguing deleterious mutants is necessary in bean seed stocks. This roguing is no guarantee of complete freedom from flat pods, since such mutants may occur in the field on othe~ise normal, round pod plants. Yet the roguing program is necessary to halt an ever-increasing percentage or ,undesirable plants. --w. A.Frazier Horticulture Department ••• " 11~~", Zahara and Sims reported that on once-over mechanical harvesting for cucumbers in California, spacings of 3 and 6 inches in single rows on 40~inch beds Quty1elded spacings of 1 and 12 inches in the row. -Preliminary studies with other-spacing treatments indicated even higher yields may be obtained with two or four plants per clump at 6-inch spacings between clumpsl using double rows on 40-inch beds. (California Agriculture-, 20: 9-10, 1966.) In western Washington, Tompkins found that broccoli plants produced from large seeds had much higher early yields of center heads than plants from-small seeds. In most cases, total center head production for the entire season was not influenced by seed size. Plants maturing early tended to have smaller center heads than plants maturing at midseason and later. Transplants grown from sized seed were quite uni­ form. ~Proc. Amer. Soc. Hart. Sci., 88: 400-405, 1966.) 6 Blond Peas --Progress Report Observations of pea varieties for blending (light coloration) and other characters were continued in northeast Oregon in 1966. Previous reports in Oregon Vegetable Digest (XIII (4), 1964, XIV (1,2), 1965J and XV (2), 1966) indicated that varietal characteristics were related to the occurrence of blond peas. Twelve varieties were grown within a commercial field in replicated, irrigated plots near Imbler. Blond peas were present in commercial plantings_ Plots were harvested at a tenderometer value of 95-105, washed, blanched, and scored according to USDA standards. Additional samples were frozen for subsequent evaluations. Mean values and observations are presented in Table 1 on page 7­ Following one season in which one replicate of the trial was eliminated (by inadvertent planting on a section of the field previously treated with a residual herbicide) and one season in which all the plots were exposed at least once to a frosty period, yield estimates are based upon only four replicates. Therefore, not all observations could be reduced to numerical values. . OSU 436-1 was again strikingly superior in the intensity of green color, al­ though there were color variations noted in the sample_ 436-1 1s an enation-resist­ ant selection from a cross to Miragreen. Early vine growth of 436..1 was slow~ and pods were concentrated near the top of the plant. Flavor of OBU 436..1 has been rated as insipid, being decidedlylack1ng in sweetness. Small amounts of seed for breeding purposes are available from Dr. J. R. Baggett, Horticulture Department, Oregon state University, Corvallis. Venus was rated best in overall appearance of growth of the commercial lines in the field plots. Dark Skin Perfection, 436-1, 69-F, Scout, Signet, Venus, and Perfected Freezer­ 60 will be included in similar trials in 1967­ --Andrew A. Duncan Extension Vegetable Specialist --Ernest J. Kirsch County Extension Agent --Bud Bier Field Dept., Lamb-Weston, Inc • ••• .. Table 1. No. Variety 1 D. S. Perf. 2 436-1 163-F 3 Mean Values and Observations of Pea Varieties Color evaluations USDA color scores Source Yield of vines and peas 1bs./A (x 1,000) Yield of' peas 1bs./A (x 1,000) Comments on growth habit 19 19 32 35 3·1 3-5 22 2.2 Unevenness in maturity Short vines; pods at top Short pods 18+ 36 5·7 Good, healthy vine growth 18+ 40 4.6 Short pods 19 32 5·0 Rank vines; matures rapidly 17+ 35 3·5 19 28 3·0 Rank vines; large pods and peas Best overall appearance 19­ 37 45 41 5·1 (check) 19+ Western osu , . Valley 4 69-F 5 Sun Valley 6 Scout 7 Signet 8 Venus Perf. Freezer 60 Freezer 661 Freezer 649 Precursor 9 10 11 12 Western Valley Western Valley Western Valley Asgrew Asgrow Rogers Rogers Rogers Clause (check) (check) (check) (France) 18 19 18 27 5·5 3·3 1.0 Good growth; large pods Good growth; large pods Good growth; large pods Extremely uneven