+(J '_ABORATORY U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Servic e FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y In cooperation with the University of Wisconsi n MADISON, WISCONSIN MINIMIZING SHRINKING AND SWELLING O F WOOD BY REPLACING THE WATER WIT H NONVOLATILE MATERIAL S By ALFRED J . STAM M Chemis t and L. A . HANSE N Senior Scientific Ai d June, 1935 The antishrink treatment described in thi s report is not a "cure-all-ills" process . It i s limited in application to dimension stock ; it i s expensive and has not been sufficiently tested fo r recommendations regarding its use . It gives anti shrink protection exceeding that obtained by direc t impregnation over relatively short relative humidity change cycles, but whether the additional protectio n warrants the additional-expense is also as yet unknown . Further experimentation is now being carrie d on with the hope of finding a cheaper, more generall y applicable method . The extremely high adsorptiv e power of wi;44 fax water makes the solution of thi s problem a difficult one . MINIMIZING SHRINKING AND SWELLING OF WOOD B Y REPLACING THE WATER WITH NONVOLATILE MATERIALS By Alfred J . Stamm, Chemis t and L . A . Hansen, Senior Scientific Ai d i Forest Products Laboratory,- Forest Servic e U . S . Department of Agricultur e Synopsi s When either green or dry wood. is i i,egnated wit h -a water-insoluble oil, or molten wax or resin, the 1mr regnating material merely enters the microscopically visibl e capillary structure . Water in the fine swollen structur e of the cell wall can, however, be replaced by a liquid whic h is completely miscible with water ... This liquid if also a solvent for waxes and resins can be replaced by the latte r at temperatures above the melting point . This procedure ha s been used for getting water-insoluble waxes, oils, and resin s into the intimate Structure of the cell wall, using cello solve as the intermediate solvent . Only a partial shrinkag e of the wood from the green condition occurs and t• subsequent dimension changes with changes in equilibrium relativ e humidity are materially reduced . The process can thus serv e as a coaab .ned seasoning and antishrink impregnation treatmen t for refractory species,., Data obtained by the ordinary impregnation method, and data obtained by impregnating dr y wood ith the waxes and resins dissolved in wood-swellin g solvents are given for comparison . -Presented before the Colloid Division, American Chemica l Society, Kew York, April 22, 1935, and submitted to th e Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry for publication . ?Maintained at Madison, Wis ., in cooperation with th e University of Wisconsin . R1062 J r.1t r Odtr tOlt t : : Treatmeis for mini .iis ,ng t fFt W r)!T't .ent change s and accompanying shrinking and . ue:l.Ung of woos6 that hav e bean wAther proposled o$ suAcces Lly applied ..fall into twro 441) .io Lsture-e clu.si tie,atr .en ,s :a cl (2) moistur retent ion treatments . The former class may be f .. +ther 4bdivided into coatinc~4 pod intrafiber treatroe ts . Co!iin . 'taiaatments can t e . Jill further subdivided .to extern-a l - *oatings and 'Petal ur f ace Co. in ; ,r External surface coatings have received •the • iiao 8 intensive study . Coatings that show a moisture-excludin g effectiveness as high as 98 percent as compared to untreated controls when a1 r r iat ily exposed to relative humidities o f 97 to 100 perce'-t or two weeks, 60 Descent . relative -r~ariidit y fear two weeks, -and weather exposure for 'six weeks 'Or ptiri.od s . of over a year have been developed at the Forest i i'ti'o4cta Laboratory (1, 2, 3) 'these consist o f coati.4s of a re ' leaf between c . is of other material g. such ae paints w)d . varnishes . Coatings of varnish, enamel, or . int cont a aluminum powder give a noisture-excluding effectiveness of 90 percent and better . Bituminous paints, granular pigmen t pailiti,y : and spar varnish as well as synthetic resin varnishe s all show a good moisture-excluding effectiveness (50 to 9 0 percent) ,hen a number of coats are applied . Although thi s means of excluding moisture in many cases is very effective , it has the distinct disadvantage of being dependent upon th e coating remaining perfectly intact . It is thus unsuitabl e for use where the wood is subject to considerable mechanica l ;veal and tenets to lose its effectiveness under severe weathering conditions . Subsequent cutting and nailing of the woo d immediately subjects it to moisture sorption . I w•ou..1,d seer preferable to give the wood a treatment that woa d . .coat or . '~►,j l el the e .n .llary structur e as well as to coat the external suieace . Milfortunate.ly , aluminum power and ok f granules $gments wises 'f th e basis far l is-as, 4saxi-te•u pretectfiG_ ; coatingp a 0oo coars e to penetrate the fibe-r v\lPities bcatYo h c inicating openings between ta,e ft.b • eavit ie tango. rom abou t 0 .02 to 0 .-4 microns n diaxetet (4), s Impxeg%k he,v~a bee i i g vaxio oil ; rss,, '• x% egavert inn o ;1 00 . Zvi,-t-,ia i ~•ed nap • in gasoline, molten beeswax, 4Pr~, zloseo = varnish under alternate vacuum and -Pr, .*,t gav}c ` ~ ' r moisture-excluding efficiencies over all l n ' 55, and 63 perc U i merely surface coated wigiANP brush coatings, better mTAOIMOf by impregnating with the of sue': face coatings are less thoroughly formed than the surfac e coatings . One perfectly intact thick film seems to be superior to innumerable less complete thin films . The foregoin g moisture-excluding efficiencies of impregnated wood are als o liable to be considerably less over longer exposure periods . MacLean ,l immersed paraffin-impregnated blocks of wood in wate r '-MacLean, J . D . Unpublished Forest Products Laborator y report 8-4 M22W (1928) . and followed their dimension changes and increase in weigh t with time over a period of more than a year . In all case s the treated specimens swelled as much as the controls but i t took 3 to 4 times as long to attain equilibrium . Some work has also been done on minimizing dimension changes of wood by retaining rather than excluding th e moisture . Treatments with sugar solutions (3) and with concentrated salt solutions are of this type . One of the author s has shown (5) that wood impregnated with strong salt solution s ti.vQ h:uaidoes not start to shrink until the prevailing r dity is equal to the relative vapor pressure in equilibriu m with the salt solution . For example, if a block of wood i s impregnated with a solution of magnesium chloride of a concentration that will attain saturation before the wood i s dried to the fiber-saturation point, shrinkage will not occu r until the equilibrium relative vapor pressure of the syste m falls below 33 percent . In many localities this may neve r occur so one right say that this treatment affords complet e antishrink protection . This is, however, not the case as a t high humidities the block will absorb so much water that i t will tend to drip from the surface and carry salt with it . This may continue until virtually all of the salt has bee n lost . The block then loses its antishrink properties whe n again dried . This difficulty could be avoided by originall y drying the block to a moisture content slightly below tha t at which shrinkage commences and applying a surface coatin g that would be pervious to water but not to salt and whic h would not loosen from the surface under the osmotic actio n which would result . It is questionable, however, if such a coating material exists . Treating the wood with a les s hygroscopic salt, such as sodium chloride, would materiall y R106 reduce the dripping tendency at high relative h zmi=di i :es.. A sodium chloride treated specimen would, however, start t o shrink at 75 percent relative humidity, so that the anti .shrink protection would also be reduced : When wood is treated with water-solu :kple a ter i such as salts and sugar, the solute diffuses into the water in the fine capillary structure of the wood within whic h swelling takes place, thus gi r .ng an intrafiber treatment . A salt solution will, in fact, attain concentration withi n the adsorbed water virtually the sarne,fn the bulk water ('2) , When the water is evaporated the salt will depoeit in the cell wall, cutting down the total shrinkage to twee oven-a y condition by are k . to the volume of atilt deposite d (5) . If a water-insoluble material could be depot} ted w=itl n the cell walls in . a similar manner, it would very lilely have an appreciable effect upon the subsequent shrinking and swelling and should have none of the inherent disadvantage s introduced by wotAg 'ekatt ai_ luble materials . Ir pxegnati.on of either green or dry wood with water-insoluble matetial :s , however, results merely in the penetration of the microscopically visible capillary structure . Water-ira_, otmbl e materiels which don well wood tnw A . cell walls of wood only by diffusio, inIe wood-swelli n solvent which is adsorbed by the w©oda o ly the metho d replacement in•which water is replaced by a oes&ft _ in succession each of which is completel y following liquid (6) . Exile ' + nl :l - ' Le ' This paper is an introductory surrey of i t ,Pbfiber treatment of wood with water-insoluble materials usin g the replacement and diffusion methods . The effective'nes s of retarding the shrinking and swelling of wood obtaane : with these treating processes is compared with the ffle'ctivenes s of total surface coatings obtained by direct i,rri,Vre•nation . The treatments were made on small wood blo ,e3 o f white pine heartwood approximately 9 by 2 by 2 cma T ht Fon g dimension was in the tangential direction . A 4044 :d4tm alision in the fiber di eetic was chosen in order t4 e1 .r .iw factor of penett tiox . The results thus shell, €ilim eff (Ft, under complete it pelegn ,tion conditions . Them ge . , ,r at least . in their present state of development, a.. e r :a* s-p. e4**8 e able for treating large specimens of ref afcte effectiveness of reducing the shrinking and . }1 a g of rloeTLY p R1062 - .- a less . forms of dimension stock might ve-117 e_ll be co+ sti . *h than the values given in this 4er t most 3 vow:. drastic treatmen_td• .. End--gr-aia laaak flooring and ,ethe r similar forms of Mall diensotaak, l owever, fall TAM: within the realm of treating by these methods . Air-dry wood with a moisture content of 16 pE*:uen t was chosen as the starting material . The swel .l *g of tt . blocks given in all the following tables ale' s c~ dition . r Replacement Proces s In order to make the replacement p=re a s?nupl e as possible, it is desirable to use a single inta -tle c t o replacing liquid whic;ii is completely mis. ible with Water a%d with the water-insoluble material that is to be depcisite d within the cell wall . The liquid should al*'o 12,4il above t.d boiling point of water to facilitate its re0:41nt nt o f water . Cellosoive (ethylene glycol monoethyl e-tlile was to found to be an ideal solvent for this purpose I(bsu,. 136° C .) and was hence used for all . the xOP100utO giWE is this paper . It is completely miscible with w*t at . U temperatures and with various waxes, oils, ai .• ' 's wt only reasonably elevated temperatures . Table 1 v temperature above which the various impregnatizIg a ,t6 i.+ : used form a solution with cellosolve in any pr ar y l® .:s . The effect of adding small amounts of water to solut -omo o f beeswax in cellosolve was determined . Complete miseii ,lit y was obtained when 3 percent of water was added to a solutio n of 5 percent beeswax in cellosolve . Separation into two. layers resulted when 5 percent of water was added . The lei water tolerance of the system thus makes it imperative tha t the replacement of water by cellosolve be quite complate . lla° 0 e .The blocks were weighed to 0 .01 gram and t sions determined with a micrometer caliper with a4 bceE alo y of from 0 .002 to 0 .003 cm . The blocks were the* s-o• i i n tl e water in a vacuum desiccator, the air being removod Tro blocks by alternate evacuation and releasing of the ra uAm . This procedure brought the moisture content considerabl y above the normal green condition . This was done to make th & replacement conditions uniform and as severe am r kit *PINS '4 , g be encountered in practice . The blocks were them wcAef measured, and soaked in cellosolve, the volume of cellosolv e used being about twice that of the water contained in th e blocks . After soaking for about a week the water was distilled off under a vacuum of about 60 cm . of mercury (temperature 40° to 45° C .) . Table l .--Temperaturesabove which the impregnatin g materials aresoluble in ' cellosolve in all proportion s Material Spermaceti Paraffin Beeswax Stearin Stearic acid Halovax Rosin Linseed oil Tung oil : Approximate ▪: Temperature o f complete : melting ▪ miscibilit y f point : ; 13 57 68 58 58 90 85 : 50 87 70 5 60 90 19 5 0 ---20 1Soluble at room temperature, minimum point o f complete miscibility not determined . R1062 _6 - The distillation was carried out in a number o f steps, each a day apart, in order to insure complete outwar d diffusion of water and inward diffusion of Gellosolve .; About 20 to 30 percent of the total volume was distilled of f each time and an equal volume of fresh cellosolve added . The water content of each of the succeeding distill .' e:s for a batch distilled eight times was 58, 41, 19, 5, 1,6 , 1.3, 1 .0 , and 0 .4 percent as determined from the refraettVe .,., cpy di€-After the last distillation two of the blocks were tilled on a steam bath and the water content of the tota l distillate determined . On the basis of the dry weight o f the wood it was approximately 0 .2 percent . The possibilit y of a small amount of volatile extractive material in the wood distilling over with the cellosolve and water mode thi s determination of the residual water by refractive index a little uncertain . For this reason a similar repla, e .ent o f the water in cotton linters alpha cellulose by cellosolv e was made . The residual water in this case was foulld to b e less than 0 .1 percent . Virtually all the free -and a ;ds :orbe d water in wood can thus be replaced by cellosolve .. This: replacement was made without any shrinkage occurring ; in fact, there was a slight increase in dimensions resrult .iag from soaking of the water-swollen blocks in cellosol qe. Although a slight shrinkage accompanied the removal o . water, the dimensions in the dry cellosolve in general Te e mained slightly greater than the original water-soaked di :mensions (fig . 1) . :4 Subsequent replacements of the water with cello solve in blocks at a moisture content just below the fiber saturation point of the wood (average moisture content 25 :-1 • percent) were carried out by heating the blocks in cello solve to 700 C . under a vacuum which just caused continu o distillation . The total distillate obtained in 24 hour s contained 20 percent -water, and the blocks still retaine d 3 percent of water as determined from the dry distillatio n of the blocks . The total distillate obtained in 48 hour s under the same conditions contained 6 .S,' percent water an d the blocks but 0 .25 percent water, . It is thus possible t o replace the water with cellosolve much faster than th e replacements used in the regular measurements if the initia l moisture content of the wood is at the fiber-saturatio n point or less . Continuous distillation and the use o f higher temperatures and less vacuum are also advantaoG at, :y Preliminary measurements made by R . O . Rounds a t the Forest Products 4 :aborat ory indicated that th,a i epla e ment of a water-soluble intermediate replacing agent by a Rl&62 Figure 16--Volumetric swelling of white pin e blocks from the air-dry conditio n to different stages of the replacement and direct impregnation processes with stearin and after a series of alternate 2-week exposures to 90 and 30 percent relativ e humidities together with the corresponding values for the control . a I I 90 30 90 30 90 30 90 30 9 0 RELATIVE HUM/O/Y I I I I I nonpolar liquid cannot be made so efficiently from th e standpoint of constancy of dimensions as the original re placement (table 2) . These replacements, with the excwtion of the acetone-toluene replacement, ' were, made in a continuous distillation-extraction apparatus in which th e blocks were kept continuously submerged in the distillate r .Thiswanecrystheplacingqudsbolatfew e temperatures than the liquids replaced . The last valu given for the percentage retention of the sw8lli-g in weste r was determined under the most dr .stic replacement conAitiox.s and is perhaps a more representative value than the others . In all cases t}a values are practically constant for th e replacement with the different nonpolar liquids, using various replacing agents . Although all the water held below , the fiber-saturation point (29 percent for ttae white ytd-Nfe ) can be replaced by water-soluble intermediate rri.la.cinc agents without accompanying shrinkage, about 19 pier sn , o f the replacing agent corresponding to a moisture 'content o the wood of 5 .5 percent cannot be replaced by a nompola4' ' liquid, although it can be removed in the preswappe of t nonpolar liquid with accompanying shrinkage . It is interesting that this moisture content corresponds closely wit h the moisture content at the inflection point in the moister a content-relative vapor pressure curve which, in turn, i s believed to correspond to the initial surface-bound mono molecular layer of water (7) . This surface-bound wate r can apparently be replaced by swelling agents which have a n affinity for the wood but not by nonpolar liquids which themselves show no affinity for wood and cause no swelling . After replacing the water with cellosolve th e regular test blocks were placed in oils, molten waxes, am d molten resins and held at temperatures slightly in eA .aea s ce of those given in table 1 for more than a week to a : .mow t outward diffusion of cellosolve and the inward diffusion off ' the treating material to take place . The cellosolve wa a then distilled off under a reduced pressure at these ternperatures in the presence of an excess of wax . A Numbe r of distillations several days apart were made to insuxq complete removal of the cellosolve . In all of these distillations only cellosolve distilled over so that ea,c-i dis tillation was continued until no more visible condensate ' could be collected . The blocks were then weighed an d measured an,d- placed in a 90 percent relative humidity roo m at 80° F . All of t .e determinations were made in duplicate . One block was kept in the 90 percent relative humidity roo m for 20 weeks and the other for 2 weeks . . 'The latter wer e next placed in a 30 percent relative humidity room at 80° F . R1062 -8- •p. #b •R .--Retention of the external volumetric dimension -` change swelling of white pine in water result ink; from the replacement of the water wit h nonpolar liquids Replacing material 10araOnik Pt e : ri --~ : i Retention o f swelling i n water resulting from th e replacemen t Percen t Toluene Alcohol-acetone 1. Petroleum ether . . . . :Cellosolve (boiling point : 20 0 . 40' C .) Benzene : Do . : :Diacetone alcohol . . . : :Cellosolve 83 . 9 84 . 8 83 . 0 .8 84 83 . 5 84 . 5 81 . 3 85 . 0 81 . 3 85 . 5 86 . 3 185 . 7 ' All but this value were taken from the preliminar y, stud y made byyR . C . Rounds at the Forest Products Laboratory . In the case of the last value, the authors carried o n the extraction for three weeks . The residual cello- . solve was less than 0 .5 percent as determined from th e refractive index and from dichromate oxidation tests . R1062 for 2 weeks and then returned to the 90 percent relativ e humidity room . These blocks were put through five complet e cycles after which they were placed in the 90 percent relative humidity room for 6 to 8 weeks . The blocks that wer e held for 20 weeks in the 90 percent room were then place d in the 30 percent relative humidity room for 6 to 8 weeks . The dimensions of each block were determined every 2 week s for the first 20 weeks and then again at the completion o f the humidity tests . The retardations of the shrinking an d swelling occurring between 30 and 90 percent relative humidity referred to the control (volume change of contro l minus the volume change of the treated block divided by th e volume change of the control) are given in table 3 for th e average of four 4-week relative humidity change cycles . The first 4-week cycle gave somewhat erratic results for som e of the specimens, presumably because all the cellosolve ha d not been previously completely removed . For this reaso n the averages for cycles numbers 2 through 5 are given . Similar values for the percentage retardation of the shrinking and swelling are given for a long cycle (20 weeks a t 90 percent relative humidity and 6 to 8 weeks at 30 percen t relative humidity) . The volumetric swelling of blocks of white pin e from the air-dry condition to different stages of the proces s of replacing the water with stearin are shown diagrammaticall y in figure 1 together with the swelling occurring at each ste p in the subsequent 2-week exposures to 90 and 30 percent relative humidity . Corresponding data for the control and fo r direct impregnation with stearin are given for comparison . for the retardation o f Data are given in table the shrinking and swelling of wood under various drasti c replacement conditions . The values for no distillation s are for cellosolve replaced blocs soaked in molten oil s and waxes for a week . Subsequent values are for block s from which cellosolve was removed by different numbers o f distillations 2 days apart . Direct Impregnatio n Air-dry blocks were also impregnated directly wit h the oils, molten waxes, and molten resins by immersing the m in the liquid at about 85° C . and alternately pulling a vacuum and releasing until air bubbles no longer appeared . These were put through the same relative humidity cycles a s R1062 -10- O • LCl • O+ • 4)) 0'41 M p■• • • • • KW;• RR • •N • •N •N • N A m o F. m .4 • • ri I . : m • r -1 i OI • . ▪ •rI • • Itl -M m U F : : • rn ••CV r•N • ▪ ▪• C1 ti4 • r- •▪'ft •I'•-40 • • • Ol • r1 ▪ ▪ • 1(% • A•. • •N • N ' • R• ▪ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ▪• N • Ifl CV N ri • N- • . .ti • •ir ---i'. 0 ▪ •ri • ri ri ri N •n 00 00 00 00 .110 .r_ • • ri • ri • ri 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 •,3 OqrnNA0000 tfl•-I W) Ill • • 0 •gy0 0000 00 40 O • 'CO H rl '* M . •ry; •N • 4 • • • Mr-1 -- . 48V, 0 Uv 0 0 co 000000• .4421 q 8 e4) ad 'd 1 I m H C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 I ri I O C) I C•~ • C4' C 1 b F 4'-•I 0 .e I o) 14 .E r H ' ! H C)~ m ea -7; 0 )+'lr+lrl r- Cl r-I CU rnnn ~O entii) 041A • ■ 0 H If1F0 40 N r--r-- M CV r•l MITI 02 - 40 Mt l ti r+M-* Cli Mal W4 .O 4- [- f 00 00 00 .0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 •ri CVCO4O'lo ri . Cu',o NeV40 M0150 • rim IS15.O r-AA ri MO Cll0 . Hi 0 . 04H N •N ri ri ri riri MN Cli ri N ri N ri rIN N 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 •C . If'lI .O 0'.6@ ra 0'lri rem•-O LTI* CV CLt n1 CC' •01140 ro r-.W rew O" 0 0 40 rent-%O' 4- no .--FCOtO\A 40 L ILN•O LC'lI'-W %O N-40•CVrc% 0 00 00 00 00 . . . . . . . r0 -4 • . . . : . . . 00 00 .• p . . . O •▪ . 4 • .d •m • • 0 • •II(s0 m •• •. O 0 • N 4.0++ m .N4 0,0, Id ▪ • O T • . . . • m .i +• 4) • v • +• . i qq •• •al m4 411d • 4) 4) O . . OO .1i • •r♦ H .H .4)VHHr. m ri 0 4 m • ••4 • •O • .i •... m . .4 •O M • i• • •e4) • • 0 0 • m0 0 c +i 0• .Oi U i+I C ok4"01•'d Vb • 0 D• 3 Id4W IdId43 .4C4) mm00 .imm'4)O F 00 Olcm400mm Amm .iT m hHIF0Ild0 .imm6600 WW OH O +'H 14mmmm 04C4i' L00OWa• 4)m m¢.m+>+ p 13 .1 .e Ill .i .i F •r1 w0 cd 1 0' C11 0 0 0 f2 C7 Ci ~ •ri •rl • 1-i a) ▪ +' r~ 0 o rt 'P cd 'd Fi cd +' a, taO bin I f 1 Li •rl r-1 4 a] 0 . -I cd r~ 1 k o I F rO a3 a) CJ I Pa I I •4 f o ro 4-) pica o 3-I bL 4-1 0 o -r{ f~ f~ 0 o •+-+ q• \ H 4) a) cc} a)1_ 0 o+'t-4-N cd A o a) r-i cv a) o-p 4-t rl ) 0-p . rd o m H a) r4 € o a) -t-) oj I H o a) H a) 24 i ,O a) El -I- m o o~- o l P, ~ 4-41 -p a .,--f c) H 41 4. 0 'd wl •▪ ▪ t . . ▪ •▪ A ,~ r., . . . as ▪ ▪ I : • • ° ' • • . • s • aj . 4 • dj . . . N 0l0 AA 0 0Q 0a0:1 A •r► a) GQ r1 o . . . . . Y .r1 . .. - : flf l t .1 1 1^- the blocks impregnated by replacement . The retardations o f shrinking and swelling resulting from these treatments ar e given in table 3 on the same basis as for the replacemen t treatments . Diffusion Proces s Oven-dry blocks were also impregnated with solutions e the oils, waxes, and resins, dissolved in wood swelling solvents, cellosolve, methyl alcohol, and acetone . The impregnation was carried on in a similar manner to th e direct impregnation with molten waxes and resins except tha t lower temperatures were maintained . The blocks were heate d in the impregnating solutions for 4 to 5 days at temperatures slightly below the boiling point to promote diffusion of the solute into the cell walls . The volumetri c swelling of wood in the dry solvents relative to its swelling in water are cellosolve 85 percent, methyl alcohol 94 percent, and acetone 63 percent . The treated ()locks wer e dried in a vacuum oven at 45° C . after which they were subjected to similar relative humidity change cycles to thos e used for testing the antishrink efficiencies of the othe r treated blocks . The results are given in table 5 for th e retardation of the shrinking and swelling obtained durin g one 4-week cycle . Discussion and Conclusion s It is evident from table 2 and column 2 of table 3 that the maximum efficiencies of replacement of water wit h a water-insoluble material from the standpoint of retentio n of the water-swollen dimensions of wood is about 80 percent . The value given for rosin is higher than 80 percent but thi s is undoubtedly due to the fact that the residual cellosolv e was not completely removed in the }r.olten rosin . Excessiv e frothing of the . rosin made it practically impossible t o remove the last traces of cellosolve . The relatively hig h hygroscopicity of glyceryl monoricinoleate indicating it s polar nature accounts for the more complete replacement i n this case . Replacement of water with cellosolve alone show s no change in the subsequent equilibrium swelling and shrinkThe replacement of the cellosolve with waxes , ing (table 3) . oil, or resins does, however, decrease the subsequen t R1062 -12- dimension changes . The best results were obtained wit h beeswax, stearin, rosin, and linseed oil and rosin, and linseed oil and beeswax . Rosin alone is not satisfactory, how ever, as it caused rather severe checking of the wood . The efficiencies of the treatments on a weigh t change basis, in general, paralleled those on a volume chang e basis . Treatments with hygroscopic materials such as th e diglycol oleate and glyceryl monoricinoleate, however, gav e negative efficiencies on a weight change basis . The anti shrink effect of such materials is evidently similar i n mechanism to the antishrink effect obtained with inorgani c salts, the water being retained rather than being excluded . The efficiencies obtained by direct impregnatio n with the molten waxes, oils, and resins are less than thos e obtained by the replacement method with the exception o f paraffin in which case the efficiencies are practically th e same . In the replacement with paraffin very little paraffi n entered the cell wall of the wood as indicated by the lo w Thi s retention of water swelling (see column 2, table 3) . will account for the fact that the replacement method ha d no advantage over the direct impregnation method when treating with paraffin . In all cases the efficiencies for retarding th e shrinking and swelling of the treated wood decrease with a n increase in the time of exposure to each of the relativ e humidities . (C.olumn 4 versus 5 and column 7 versus 8 , table 3 . Thij indicates that the retardation of shrinkin g and morel ing is largely a matter of decreasing the rate o f sorption of water rather than a shift in the true equilibrium . Increasing the efficiency of the cellosolve re placement with waxes, oils, and resins materially increase s the retardation of the dimension changes as is shown i n table u- . These data, together with the diffusion data give n in table 5, indicate that it is not enough to get some o f the treating material into the cell wall, but that the whol e structure should be filled to obtain high efficiencies . Fairly good efficiencies are obtained, however, by th e simple diffusion process with beeswax and combinations o f beeswax with other m ,te,xials when 50 percent solutions ar e -A ma ':* w&ltile solvent than cellosolve i s 'Qrstgo A , lb* uss terir'arre'' 1 highly volal$ ziPaligev 441144 2t* ' N-LA 160 Lfl N O). ri '0O rl N 00 OS 00 00 00 0O 00 0-1 LC-■) 0 ■ ti0■.O • • MN • • ri4 ■ •' 00, .oo rl r-f N x) o rl cu r•1 M v-hrh Cil O N r1 tiUl LINGO Al LA ON Iq r1M r1n r1 1`.40 PI•NIsNO .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 0O 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. .. . . .. .. 1 XO H LLAO\ o cm cr., LAO trio .d' O-0 4-10 O 0 4.2.0 O!0 4.. 0 Q.S LCL~ S ~O Cu MIso H ~O S boo abO ; q H a) 1 R I Ili o of I '~ ~bf) 1 O LAO 1110 LAO LAO LAO LAO 1110 no no LAO irso o ++ o .•I I !-1 N L!1 N Ln cu lCl N LCl cu LA N n cu L[\ N LA N LA N Lfl cm LA oo N It I P4I 0 00 •• •• •• .• 00 0 0 • e • o o •• 0 • • 1 • • • • • • • : • U • • : • • • • • • NA. • • . r~l • . 0 . 0 . . •. CU •. •. C . • • f• ▪ In • • • • • 'be. • 0 • ▪ • . • • LA • • . . . . p F1 • .4 rl ap • r1 • r.1 •▪ .• • • ••• rl • aj •. N • as •• •. • 0 0 • r! • f3 • a$ • •. ▪ It • P4 •• 11 • • 1y •. 0.,.1 • • • .0 . ▪ . • • •ap +a a) 0 ••••• •• • 4 +a • . ▪ •• •• ~• • • • m ,O • 01 • • • • a) • N • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • Lil • ~I • ,i • • ▪ • • • • • • • a) • • No • ,l • H ▪ •• . . . .42 . • . . 0 • 0 • • rI CU • r1 •• • • . • • • • • '.O . \p • • ..i • vi • • • •■ ■ 0 • tap, . Ilk • O • • ,1 O aO0 . 1 40 0 ti0 -d q •'d . 4 0 k 0 00 •O d a) 10 •ri co 'd 'd • • W d ai d ,4 ,d 0 w 'd w 't 1 ' 1 4 I14 ad •• CO a) ,-1•• pp @ a) q . U)• m,-a 01 • ad ▪ m<Cad0 •,-I Cl) • • • w0 m • 0 s a a a 00▪ La• : a o • a • a• x .. .. .. .. .. . . •• 00 00 00 0 0 • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 I . ▪ • . • • • • 11 • • . • . • • 0 •• . • +~ • . • • • • • • • • r1 I • • • • • • o • • . q0 .• • . . . • q I • . • 10 • • •• • • • D 1 O . • • • r1 • 1.4 11 D • • . al 1'4 • • • • • • • • • • a) • • • toq I • • • • 0 • 0 • 0-1 • 1 m • . • • • •• •• • • • • 0 • • •• • 1 0 • p I H A AA AA AA AA AA AA A G dLl 4)A 1 A 0o . ]I N e Lfl N H ■ as H • 1 If more highly moisture-resisting materials could be found that would dissolve in wood-swelling solvents, t.hc amount that would have to . be put into the wood to give goad efficiencies might be materially reduced . Such a material is now being sought . r . The replacement process not only materially d-@ creases the dimension changes but it also causes a retentio n of more nearly the green dimensions of wood than any o gle r treatment (fig . 1) . The replacement process is thus of a s great if not greater value in cutting down the degrade o f wood due to the shrinkage occurring on initial seasoning a s it is in maintaining uniform dimensions . J The replacement process as here described is unquestionably too expensive for general use . It should , however, be of value in seasoning and retaining the dintensions -of small expensive articles made from-refractory woods . In the case of woods, the seasoning degrade of which is . small, the dry wood can be impregnated with a nonaqueou s wood-swelling solvent and the replacement carried on fro m this stage, thus avoiding the expense of replacing the wate r with cellosolve . The simple process depending merely upo n the diffusion of the solute from a wood-swelling solven t into the cell wall is not as yet in a state for recommenda tion . Because of its simplicity, further studies alon g this -line are being made . Impregnations with syntheti c resins under various conditions are also being studied an d will form the material for another paper . 4 1 Literature Cite d r (1) (2) ( ( (5 (6 (7 R1062 Browne, F . L . Ind . 'Eng . Chem . 25 :835 (1933) . Dunlap, M . E . Ind . Eng . Chern . 18 :1230 (1926) . Hunt, G . M . Ciro . 128, U . S . Dept . of Agr . (1930) .. Stamm, A . J . J . Phys . Chem . 30 :312(1932) . J . Amer . Cher. . Soc . 5b :1195 (193 4 ) . ~- Ind . Eng . Chem . 27 :401 (1935) . and Loughborough . W . K . J . Phys . Chem,. 39 :121 (1935) . -14-