Course Evaluations -- Administrative Computing Service -- Un...

Course Evaluations -- Administrative Computing Service -- Un...
course evaluations
University of Utah
Course and Instructor Evaluation Written Comments Report
Fall 2007
College of
College/School: Science
Course 1210 Mathematics
Calculus I
Print Date: 04-Jan-08
Enrollment: 145
List two things about the course content, materials or design that were effective for
your learning, or make constructive suggestions for improvement.
this course was really hard for me. before calc i enjoyed math and i was pretty
good at it. when i came to this class i ended up not liking math and always being
so confused. i was able to do the homework and understanding it which is key
but when it came to the test is seemed as if i did not know what i was doing. i
would study so hard for a test and come back with a mediocore test score. the
tuesday homework help seccsion were way helpful.
tuesdays were days to talk about the homework, and able to learn in a good
I wasn't crazy about webwork, I think doing assignments out of the book might
have helped with comprehension. Calculus is pretty neat.
First, the teacher was great; he knew all our names( a feat to say the least!), did
funny and unexpected things to help us with the concepts, etc. He made it
interesting for everyone. Second, its math! Its logic based!
We didn't really use the book at all. I maybe referenced mine once in the
semester. It should be listed as optional if they aren't going to use it.
the webwork program was great and very helpful. also, the problem sessions
were great.
The homework is much more advanced than the class and makes it hard to learn
what was taught in class. The teacher is a lot of fun and made the lectures easy
to follow.
Excellent teacher. Its to bad he might not be teaching here in the future. I
definitly think he is a great asset to the Math department. He loves his job and
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you don't get many teachers at this University that actually care.
It was nice having someone so enthusiastic about calculus. I felt like i was
learning in the class, but when I went to do the homework I had a hard time of it,
but that's probably just me and has nothing to do with the teacher. Some of the
problems on the homework were a bit too brutal(referring to the ones that took
over half an hour to do)...but maybe I just need to try harder.
The material wasn't overpowering or too much. But we learned at a good pace
which helped the learning process. The exams and homework were all well
structured to the lectures.
-liked how it was taught -learned alot
I liked the way he taught, it really helped me visualize calculus in my brain
this was agreat experience. I struggled through some of the material, but that
was my own fault.
the course was very well organized
I liked webwork, I thought it was easy to use and was very convenient. I did not
use my textbook. I had however already taken calculuc in high school.
I enjoyed the casual classroom and the webwork as a means of homework.
he kept calculus interesting. He was there for those who needed help and he
was helpful when it came to homework.
This course was extremely organized and was carried out in an almost exact
manner. It made learning very easy.
H.W. was a great help in learning, and tests were fair with pertainent information.
I am not a fan of math, to be honest, but professor margalit was very clear about
expectations, homework, tests, etc.
I liked how we only had one assignment per week but we would discuss the
assignment throughout the whole week. I believe this was very effective for
The order in which the material was presented was logical which helped me gain
a deeper understanding of the concepts. I liked how the webwork was utilized.
Textbook and lectures were very effective.
hard content but fun class
Content was effective. Design was effective.
Course didn't utilize textbook very well=led to confusion.
Great course with a very informative book. Online homework(webworks) was
great and challenging for hw but was also a great study tool.
I strongly dislike web work it is more problem then the actual math. Something
was missing
The atmosphere created and the enthusiasm that Prof. Margalit exuded for the
subject was inspiring and the step by step organization and explanation was
easy to follow even at the seemingly rapid fire pace the class ran at.
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already took calc in high school but it wasa good review
Dan made learning the new concepts fun even though they were hard. He
interacted with the class which helps build confidence to ask questions.
It sometimes seemed as if the homework was not representative of what we were
learning. I would prefer to have more homework problems that are easier and
clearly show the concepts that I am supposed to be learning. It seemed that I
would get so caught up in the minutia of overly difficult problems that I would
miss what I needed to learn just in order to get the problem finished.
The course was very organized and went through the contents very clearly.
I was not a fan of Webwork The amount of time spent on the basics of
derivatives compared to the amount spent of the basics of integration was a bit
The book helped. Teacher was really good.
The multitude of examples was greatly helpful. The designated discussion day
helped a lot with things I didn't quite understand.
The content was formulated to take you throught the steps of learning calculus.
The transistions between the concepts made it easier to tie everything together
in the end.
I really liked how the course was organized, and how new knowledge built off of
older things we learned.
My only prolem is with the tutoring center
dan is a cool person but not the best teacher, he skips a lot of steps
The class was amazing. The constant use of examples was extremely helpful,
and the organization of notes (step by step) and of lectures was perfect, and
easy to follow.
this class was the bomb.
Discussion section; lecture structure.
would take small breaks in class and talk. was a fun teacher
He is a really nice guy. But he needs to teach and not just ask for the answers
from the students. teach the concepts.
I benefited from seeing problems simplified into basic steps.
-Didnt like webwork -Overall good math
A very manageable coursework load packed into the semester. I'm glad that
students weren't overloaded with calculus.
more math lab opportunities or awareness
The main thing that helped was the review chapter in the book. I made several
references to it when I was confused about something. Another thing that was
effective in my learning was the resources was we have as students. Both the
TA and math lab were great sources of help.
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I didn't like how the textbook explained things, I thought it was actually more
detrimental than helpful.
the way he listed all the upcoming events on the board. very helpfull at office
I like how we followed the outline of the book and each section was clearly
organized. I liked not having to rely on the book, because the book can be
PRESZLER,JASON ISAAC: List two things about this instructor that were effective for
your learning, or make constructive suggestions for improvement.
he was a good teacher, he always full finished the problems even though they
wree super long, that was way helpful.
don't really know the instructor well enough to judge
Jason knows his stuff. When he skipped a step or did something somebody
didn't understand he explained it well.
Well I didn't go to many of the reviews, so I do not know him that well. He
obviously knew the material, and knew how to teach it well. So that is enough in
my book.
Jason did a great job with the problem sessions. The times that he lectured in
class were more difficult to understand when compared to Dan. But I think this
was also a result of the material he covered and not just his teaching style. He
should work on mking his writing more clear. We oftened had to ask what exactly
he had written because we couln't read it on the board.
he knows his stuff, but he often times goes too in-depth answering questions
and because of that we often ran out of time before getting to all the material.
He was very helpful when questions were asked and made the Q and A
sessions very helpful
I don't have much say here, I was never at the question answer sessions.
Overall, this instructor was a very effective teacher; however, though I could tell
he understood the subject, his explanation was not as clear as it could have
Sometimes Jason would throw things in that would confuse me, but his methods
of explaining were clear and helpful. Jason encourages great participation as did
-sometimes went into to much detail -helped out very much
I think he shouldn't change a thing about his overall teaching style!
Jason was a great help with the course.
jason he was a smart guy, he really knew his stuff... and he always had a cup o'
Very helpful during review sessions. Extensive knowledge of subject matter.
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Jason was always prepared for class and helped out a lot with questions that our
class had. He is cool.
Was very effective, problem solving techniques made the class work a lot more
bearable, if not for the problem sessions my grade would have been hopeless.
Thank you. Also was very easy to ask questions too, and to be honest with
when we didn't understand. Margalit went a little quickly for some of us who
hadn't just graduated high school and moved into the dorms.
it was nice that he filled in for prof. Margalt, but when he did it was very hard to
unstand what he was saying. I mean he tought us what we needed to know but
it was in math terms, and most of us have no idea what they mean.
He was always there to answer questions and he presented all of the information
in an easy to learn way.
Didnt explain things that well
I have mixed feelings about jason. he seems like he is knowledgable about the
subject, but he has poor teaching skills. i think it was hard for him to teach us
though because we were so use to professor margalit's teaching style. he was
always willing to help and answer questions though.
I think that maybe he could have talked with different tones of voice sometimes.
It would began to get really boring when he would talk with a monotone voice
the whole period.
He always encouraged us to visit him during his office hours if we had any
questions. I thought he knew the content but I didn't feel it came across
Very clear lectures, always open to questions.
very funny and entertaining
Jason was always available for consultation. Jason demonstrated thorough
knowledge of the subject.
Needs more practice teaching.
Good teacher, great for one on one help. On problems session days he would
stay 30-60 minutes after class helping people, he's very dedicated and
Only saw him on Tuesdays to help us with homework sets but when he was
there he was helpful and always walked through the problems until we
understood them.
Dan is funny and teaches difficult topics in a simple way
I could see he knows the contents and really wanted to show us how to solve
the problems. What he did was instead was to solve the problem much more
difficult then it can be. But he was kind enough to try all the problems we asked
Erratic with explanations.
An overall good job on the part you did teach. You could've gone through some
of the examples at a bit of a faster pace.
1. Teacher made class a very strong learning environment by making it
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entertaining also. 2. Teacher made sure that he knew every single person in the
Jason Was allways there to help. Every tuesday when i was struggling to get my
assignments done Jason would go over the harder problems in class and help
me through them.
He understood the topics very well, and could explain them pretty good. Try to
keep things simple in the ways that you answer questions. Explain things without
skipping any steps, unless the student tells you...skip on to such and such a
all fine
Very helpful and always open/available to help in order to make sure that
EVERYBODY understands.
very good at what he was doing, knew a lot about calculus.
Clearly explained solutions to problems; alternative means of answering
Example problems were great.
-Good teacher -Very knowledgable
The instructer was fantastic
Great job! Very thorough knowledge and a desire to help students learn.
good TA however we would only get through several problems during a
homework review could work on possibly covering more ground during review
Jason was a great teacher. His problem sessions really helped with any
confusion that I had. He also stayed after class for as long as we needed him for
help. Both of these things really helped my learning experience.
learning everyones names. making sure that you got the concepts.
Jason did a great job conducting question sessions and teaching for Dan. He
was good to answer questions.
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