Q A : M

FALL 2004
John M. Zobitz
LCB 305
zobitz@math.utah.edu - please allow a 24-hour response time
Office: 585-1648
Office Hour:
Class Meets:
Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7:30 PM in LS 111
Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 7th Edition, by
Harshbarger & Reynolds
We will cover chapters 9 - 14, preceded by a brief review.
Math 1050 or 1090. I expect you to have a reasonable understanding of algebra.
Grades will be based on homework, three in-class exams, and one comprehensive
final exam. The tentative dates for each of these are listed on the Lecture Schedule
and on the course website. Should you miss class, you are still responsible for the
homework and material presented that day. A missed exam will simply be awarded
zero points. Make-up exams will only be given in extenuating circumstances, and
only if I am notified before the exam.
The breakdown for the coursework will be:
Homework: 35%
Mid-term exams: 15% x 3 = 45%
Final: 20%
Letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
93-100 = A
90-93 = A85-90 = B+
80-85 = B
75-80 = B70-75 = C+
65-70 = C
60-75 = C55-60 = D+
50-55 = D
< 50 = E
Homework will be assigned at each class session. You are responsible to hand in
homework on the days indicated on the lecture schedule when class begins. Late
homework will not be accepted. Should you plan to be absent on a day homework
is due, you are responsible to make the necessary arrangements to turn in your work
before your absence. In consideration of those grading your work, please be legible
and clear. The course webpage will have an up-to-date listing of homework
assignments. At the end of the semester I will drop your lowest homework score.
Extra Credit:
There will be no extra credit.
December 14, 2004 6-8 PM
Mathematics Tutoring Center: The Mathematics Tutoring Center offers free, drop-in tutoring to
students enrolled in Math 1100, among others. They will also arrange group tutoring sessions. The
tutoring center will open September 1, and the hours are: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Monday - Thursday,
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday. The tutoring center is closed on weekends, University holidays, and for
finals. For more help, the University Tutoring Services office in SSB 330 offers inexpensive private
tutoring, and a list of private tutors is available from the math department office.
Drop-in Computer Lab: All students enrolled in a math class have access to the undergraduate
computer lab next to the Tutoring Center. The lab opens August 25, and will be open the same
hours as the Tutoring Center.
Calculators: Scientific calculators (the $10 kind) are recommended in this course. Calculators with
extensive capabilities are not necessary, and those capabilities should not be used. On exams you will
be tested on whether you understand the material and the steps leading up to an answer, rather than
just brute computation. Simply writing down an answer to a complicated problem will result in a loss
of points, even if the answer is correct.
Cell Phones & Pagers: Noise pollution during class is a growing problem and is very disruptive and
disrespectful to both me and your fellow students. Please be sure to turn your devices to silent when
in the classroom. I will ask you to find another section if your device frequently disturbs the class.
ADA Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that reasonable accommodations be
provided for students with physical, cognitive, systemic, learning, and psychiatric disabilities. Please
contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss any such accommodation you may require
for this course.
Disclaimer: Policies stated within this syllabus are subject to change, following verbal
announcement in class. Students are responsible for knowing the current version, always to be found
on the course website.
Welcome to class! I look forward to a productive, engaging, and fun semester.
Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Waterson
MATH 1100-5, FALL 2004
Topic/Book sections
August 26
August 31
September 2
September 7
September 9
September 14
September 16
September 21
September 23
1.6, 2.3, Chapter 5: Review
Finish up review, 9.1: Limits
9.1-9.2: More limits
9.3: The derivative
9.4: Derivative formulas
9.5: Product and quotient rule
9.6-9.7: Using derivative formulas
9.8-9.9: Higher order derivatives and
applications of the derivative
10.1-10.2: Curve sketching
10.5: More curve sketching
10.3-10.4: Optimization applications
11.1-11.2: Logarithmic/exponential
11.3-11.4: Implicit differentiation and
related rates
11.5: Business/economics applications
12.1: Indefinite Integrals
13.2: The definite integral
12.2: Power rule
12.3: Integrals with exponential and
logarithmic functions
13.1: Area under and between curves
13.3: Area between curves
12.4, 13.4: Applications of the integral
12.5: Differential equations
13.7: Improper integrals
14.1-2: Multivariable functions, partial
14.3: Applications of multivariable
September 28
September 30
October 5
October 12
October 14
October 19
October 21
October 26
October 28
November 2
November 4
November 9
November 11
November 16
November 18
November 23
November 30
December 2
December 7
December 9
December 14
9/3: Last day to drop
Homework due, Last day to add
Homework due
Homework due
Homework due
Homework due
10/22: Last day to withdraw
Homework due
Homework due
Homework due
Homework due
Homework due
This schedule is subject to change: please consult the course webpage for the most updated version.