Document 11324190

Please note that this syllabus should be regarded as only a general guide to the course. The instructor may have changed
specific course content and requirements subsequent to posting this syllabus. Last Modified: 14:12:55 08/25/2013
Program in Linguistics
Slavic & Eastern Languages & Literatures / English / Sociology
Fall 2013
Language in Society
SL362.01 / EN122.01 / SC362.01
Tuesday & Thursday 1:30–2:45
Lyons Hall 207
Margaret Thomas
Lyons Hall 210i; Ext. 2-3697
Mon 3:30–4:30; Wed 10–11:00; Fri 2–3:00
(TA) Matt Destruel
Lyons Hall 201
Office hours TBD
1. Course description
SL362 / EN122 / SC362 is an introduction to sociolinguistics, that is, to the study of language in
its social context. We will examine a number of classic issues in sociolinguistics including
varieties of language associated with social class, ethnicity, and locale; bilingualism; pidgin and
creole languages; proposals about the relationship of language, thought, and culture; and the
structure and role of discourse in different cultures. The course concludes by investigating
several sociolinguistic issues of contemporary interest: language and gender; the ‘U.S. English’
controversy; language and public policy.
Student responsibilities include attentive reading and preparation for class discussion; three short
papers; a research project in which students gather and analyze original sociolinguistic data;
midterm and final exams. Previous course work in linguistics is not required. Undergraduates
receive Cultural Diversity credit.
2. Course materials
One textbook is required, and is available at the B.C. Bookstore under SL362: Ronald
Wardhaugh’s An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 6th edition (2009, Blackwell). Many
additional materials will be available through Blackboard, or on Reserve at O’Neill Library.
3. Grading
Three written assignments
Research project
Midterm exam
Final exam
See attached schedule for dates
Due Wed., 11 Dec., by 2:00 PM
Thurs., 10 Oct. in class
Tues., 17 Dec., 12:30–2:30 PM
Final course grades are those described in the Boston College Bulletin 2013–14, p. 39. In general: a grade of A
≥ 97%; B = 86 to 89%; C = 75 to 78%; D = 64 to 67%; F ≤ 59%. ‘Plus’ and ‘minus’ grades fall in between.
4. Student Responsibilities
Regular attendance and careful preparation for class are essential
The dates for exams and submission of the final project are fixed. Please don’t ask for special accommodations
Late work: Please submit assignments by the announced deadlines. The grade for work turned in late (due to
illness, absence, etc.) will be reduced by one-half point for each day it is delayed. That means an assignment
that would otherwise have earned an 7.5 (out of 8 points) due on Tues. which is handed in on Thurs. receives a
grade of 6.5; a 7.0 assignment received 3 days late receives a grade of 5.5, etc. No credit is available for work
turned in more than four days late, including Saturdays and Sundays
Academic integrity: Students must be thoroughly familiar with College-wide policies regarding academic
integrity. Refresh your understanding of how to use sources by taking a quiz developed by the Political Science
Dept. at Seek clarification of anything unclear
No laptops in class, please; however, I strongly urge you to take notes on paper
5. Tentative course schedule and outline of assignments
Assign. due / test scheduled
(Complete readings BEFORE class)
Tu 9/3
Th 9/5
Introduction to course
Kinds of linguistic variation; Assign. #1
Skim Chapter 1; Read 2
Tu 9/10
Th 9/12
Pidgin & creole languages
Chapter 3
Chapter 4; ASSIGN. #1 DUE
Tu 9/17
Th 9/19
Code-switching/mixing; Assign. #2
Speech communities
Do you spk. Amer.? clip
Chapter 5
Tu 9/24
Th 9/26
Regional variation in US; Assign #3
Case studies in language & social status:
NYC; Martha’s Vineyard; ancient Rome
Chapter 6; ASSIGN. #2 DUE
Chapters 7
Tu 10/1
Th 10/3
Language variation & language change
Register; slang; euphemism/dysphemism
Chapter 8
Pp. 249–52
Tu 10/8 Australian mother-in-law languages; Review
Tu 10/15 Research project
Th 10/17 Language & thought: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Chapter 9
Tu 10/22 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, con’t.
Th 10/24 Ethnography of speaking: speech & silence
Chapter 10; LIT REVIEW DUE
Chapter 11
Tu 10/29 Ethnography con’t.: power, politeness, solidarity
Th 10/31 Research project, con’t.; structure of discourse
Chapter 12
Tu 11/5
Th 11/7
Discourse, con’t.: conversation & cooperation
Language & gender
Chapter 13
Tu 11/12 Language & gender, con’t.
Th 11/14 Language & gender, con’t.
Tu 11/19 Language planning
Th 11/21 Case studies in language planning: ?Ireland;
Chapter 15
Tu 11/26 ‘U.S. English’: pro and con
Chapter 14
Tu 12/3
Th 12/5
Chapter 16; re-read Chapter 1
African American English
U.S. educational policy & language
Tu 12/10 Summary & review of the course
Wed 12/11 [Drop off hard copy in Lyons 210 BY NOON]
Tu 12/17 Final exam (12:30–2:30 PM)