PFC/JA-84-3 Energy Confinement of High Density Pellet-Fueled Plasmas in Alcator C M. Greenwald, D. Gwinn, J. Parker, R. Parker, S. Wolfe, M. Besen, F. Camacho, S. Fairfax, C. Fiore, M. Foord, R. Gandy, C. Gomez, R. Granetz, B. LaBombard, B. Lipschultz, B. Lloyd, E. Marmar, S. McCool, D. Pappas, R. Petrasso, P. Pribyl, J. Rice, Y. Takase, J. Terry, R. Watterson Plasma Fusion Center, Mass. Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 S. Milora, D. Schuresko Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. March 1984 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. - 1 - ENERGY CONFINEMENT OF HIGH DENSITY PELLET-FUELED PLASMAS IN ALCATOR C M. Greenwald, S. Wolfe, Foord, R. Gwinn, B. S. F. Besen, Gandy, Lipschultz, Petrasso, Terry, R. D. M. C. Milora(i), Gomez, Lloyd, P. Pribyl, Watterson' S. Camacho, E. J. R. D. Parker, Granetz, Marmar, Rice, J. Fairfax, S. B. McCool, Parker, M. LaBombard, B. D. Schuresko(i), R. Fiore, C. Y. Pappas, R. Takase, J. Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract A series of pellet-fueling out on the Alcator penetrate to C tokamak. within a experiments has been carried High hydrogen few centimeters speed pellets of the magnetic axis, raise the plasma density and produce peaked density profiles. Energy confinement is observed to discharges fueled only by gas puffing. values of electron density, increase over similar In this manner record plasma pressure, and Lawson number (nT) have been achieved. (i) Address: 37830 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. - puf- is by gas tokamaks fueling of The standard method 2 - fing, which supplies particles to the plasma edge in the form of neutral densities, Fueling of not may which density profiles broad with optimal to respect the mechanism which carries part- Secondly, energy transport. be for the relatively produces fueling Edge following reasons. problematic then becomes plasmas density particle the source is concentrated at the discharge boundary. large high into far penetrate cannot line-integral large plasmas with neutrals Since atoms. icles up the density gradient to the center of the plasma is it thus not understood, carries particles in Alcator C, is energy confinement plasma the into responsible for anomalous energy loss. may be occurring into Finally, there is the possibility that the reactor regimes. mechanism which extrapolate to difficult is is core Some of these problems where at high plasma densities considerably worse than what be would expected from the TE - ne scaling observed at lower densities 1)1. (Fig. Injection of high speed frozen hydrogen pellets has been proposed as and in an alternate recent years method pellet for fueling injectors fusion devices capable of fueling 3 current generation of tokamaks have been developed . ments on pellet and the effects being studied on describe effects penetration of several on devices 4 ,5,6, of pellet , the Experi- into plasmas have been performed fueling pellet 2 fueling on plasma 7 . properties In this letter energy confinement are we in - 3 - Alcator C. The pneumatic injector used in the experiments described here was designed built at MIT. at It the Oak fires pellets with velocities appropriate changes Ridge four National Laboratory independently-timed between 8 in operating and 9 x 104 procedures it tubes prevents the and helium radius). 80 and tral 3 for propellant Each pellet contains 6 2 x 1014 cm- provision x hydrogen cm/sec. With can also fire deuterium pellets at slightly reduced velocities. with guide A beamline differential from and reaching pumping the plasma. 1019 particles corresponding to <ne> = in Alcator C (16.5 cm minor radius and 64 cm major Standard operation is with a toroidal field between 120 kG and plasma currents electron temperatures plasma densities are are in the from 400 to 800 kA. from 1400 to range 2 to Cen- 2000 eV. 6 x 1014 Target cm- 3 , line averaged. The pellets last for 100 to 150 of temperature discharge. and density that prevail inside the Alcator At the pellet's nominal velocity this corresponds to penetration of 8.5 to 13 cm. magnetic axis plasma. psec under the conditions but do Penetration shielding model 8 . scattering are is in less than 500 Usec. a multi-chord deposit their fuel in rough agreement Density initially The pellets do not reach the profiles hollow, as deep inside with the measured but become the neutral by Thomson centrally peaked Scattering measurements and those of interferometer show profiles with peak to - average ratios of about 4 - two. In contrast, profiles without pellet injection are flatter, with peak to average ratios of 1.2 to 1.4 (Fig. 2(a)). By injecting more than one pellet it is possible to double or triple the density without disrupting the discharge. Line averaged densities up to 1 cm- 3 have been achieved with central densities near 2 x Following injection to the density falls, original value in 50 to 150 msec (Fig. time appears to increase with returning 3). 1015 x 1015. the The density decay background density and is longer for deuterium than for hydrogen. A sharp temperature decrease accompanies the density rise (Fig. 3). This is due to the dilution of hot plasma electrons and ions with cold gas from the evaporating pellet. temperature profiles emission (ECE) x-ray pulse are measurements, height profiles regain In from Thomson analysis. scanning Fabry-Perot injection. determined The their Gaussian addition, unchanged although the considerably (Fig. 2(b)). the shape width magnitude of cyclotron scattering, ECE interferometer electron Electron soft a fast instrument, shows that within of and 250 these the temperature psec after profiles temperature is drops The electron temperature recovers to the preinjection level in 15 - 40 msec. The ion temperature as measured by neutron rate and Doppler broadening of impurity lines shows similar electrons and 100 - 200 eV. behavior, overshooting the recovering as pre-injection This is consistent ion coupling at higher densities. with the quickly as temperature the by improved electron - Total plasma current is the long skin by the current profile. expected in The loop voltage increases by about .5 is little the that change is field electric pre- to or below its Calculations of field 40 msec. diffusion suggest no change volt immediately after injection then falls vious value in 15 - of in there because temperature profile, the electron Because few percent. a seen and time perturbed by pellet only slightly falling typically injection, 5 - and current is perturbation larger in the interior of the plasma but lasts no longer than While this transient lasts, that of the surface fields. is high and ohmic heating power reheating shown netism and most of for the rapid is responsible that is observed. A = of The behavior loops is the in p + li/2, Fig . 3. calculations of the seen change changes in ap not of ap obtained in this calculations of Measurements magnetic after li/2. way total plasma values good in of and is time agreement energy. diamag- indicate injection that due to histories with Energy pellet fueled plasmas has been as high as 80 responding plasma diffusion pellet The are Be measured by a set of kinetic content of kJ with a cor- ap of .5 at Ip = 750 kA. MHD activity usually continue is to altered sawtooth by pellet but with injection. increased Plasmas period and amplitude. Sawteeth periods up to 50 msec have been observed compared to 2 - 4 msec seen with gas fueling. The large amplitude of sawteeth seen by the soft x-ray arrays is likely - due to peaked densities density and impurity m = and m = large injection. 6 - These 2 oscillations profiles. At 3 MHD oscillations are probably accompany related density threshold behavior previously reported A variety very high 9 to the . of methods has been employed to calculate the confinement properties of pellet fueled discharges. The TRANSP code provides an excellent method for analysis of time dependent phenomena 1 0 ,'1 . files as a function surface voltage, tions, electron and neutral of TRANSP and ion transport. particle confinement ties as well as time the ficient for TRANSP, along solves the eneryy Outputs times, experimental and magnetic balances, of the particle correcting are rates When be balances which data voltage simple kinetic similar calculations using calculation ap data. can be can be is insuf- by for and allowing for the change in plasma energy, dU/dt. from this using dI/dt Results compared In addition, and diffusivi- calculated loop and equa- energy particle neutron can current diffusion code and values. confinement models, with plasma thermal beta values compared to standard profile Given temperature and density pro- with simulations have been performed using a 0-D time dependent model and time slice modeling with the ONETWO code from GA1 2 . In all cases the confinement times quoted are determined after the plasma has reheated. It is clear that the consistent increase seen in plasma energy at nearly constant input power is the result of improved - 7 TE improvement of some increase between gas is with density, seen. fueled The injection in the saturated regime issue fueled is the comparison The differ- plasmas. 1 where plasmas which have been fueled are seen the TE - ne rollover can expect to have significantly better While these discharges show some weak saturation confinement. they follow We discharges. even crucial pellet and ence can be seen in Fig. by pellet fueled pellet in energy confinement be curve explained by to ion higher and densities losses at 1 x the neoclassical (Chang-Hinton). Improved energy confinement at high densities allowed us to reach record levels of plasma pressure and Lawson number, ne(o)TE (Fig. 4). Average pressures of achieved with peak pressures in the range .6 - .9 x over 8 1.6 atmospheres atmospheres. 1014 sec/cm3 were measured, the Lawson criterion for thermalized breakevenl 3 . nfl were values in excess of These values were reached at ion temperatures near 1500 eV, giving numbers for nTT above 1017 eV of thermonuclear sec/cm 3 . Additionally, record levels neutron production, 1 - 2 x 1013 /sec, were All of these parameters were achieved simultaneously measured. with 1.6 MW of ohmic heating power. While the results of these pellet injection experiments are clear, the physics underlying the results is not. nations of gories. the improved confinement fall into three Explacate- The first attributes the improvement directly to the peaked density profile. The second line of reasoning blames - 8 - the poor confinement seen in high density discharges on the gas fueling itself. The high edge neutral density associated with strong gas puffing leads to lower edge temperatures through a variety of processes these thus Edge current densities. large in and to lower fluctuations 4 dischargesl . edge are Finally, pressures known edge to fueling detrimental to the plasma in another way as well. plasma does allow not seem since classical particles to mechanisms into the hollow profiles, center then an hollow are at density incapable a rate confinement and all it that need to is observed. be may of Other investigated, and transporting sufficient to 5 avoid work. and, we may for the degradation explanations meanwhile be Since the anomalous process must be at is also responsible very profiles At least one such mechanism has been identified1 speculate that be and may in exist experiments are continuing. In summary, plasmas with pellet high fueling densities experiments and peaked have produced profiles. Energy confinement is better than in comparable discharges fueled by gas puffing. Very high values of plasma pressure were reached and the Lawson criterion for thermalized breakeven was exce- eded. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank PPPL for providing the TRANSP code and assistance; for useful discussions; GA for providing and to the ONETWO; entire Peter Politzer Alcator technical -9- and support staff. This work is supported by U.S. number DE-AC02-78ET51013. Department of Energy contract - 10 - References: Fairfax, et. 1S. Conference on Research 2 al., Proceedings of the 8th International Fusion Nuclear Controlled and Physics Plasma IAEA, Brussels, Vol. 1, pg. 439 (1980). U.S. DOE, Proceedings of the Fusion Fueling Workshop, CONF-771129, (1978). 1491 3S. L. Milora, 4S. L. Milora, C. A. Foster, et. al., Nuclear Fusion, 20, Journal of Fusion Energy 1, 15 (1981). (1980). 5 M. Greenwald, et. al., Proceedings of the llth European Conference on Aachen, Vol. 1, pg. 6S. 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These points follow the scaling law only below densities of 2 pellet fueled discharges are fueled discharges from gas shown x 1014 cm- 3 . by These clearly show higher confinement times. T a ne Data from open the are circles. The solid curve is the energy confinement time calculated by using neoalcator scaling for the electron heat diffusivity and 1 x Chang-Hinton neoclassical ions (BT = lOT, Ip = 750 kA). 2(a). Electron density profiles before and just after pellet injection. 2(b). The pellet was injected at 315 msec. Temperature jection. profiles before and just after pellet in- Although the temperature falls due to the influx of cold electrons and ions from the pellet the shape of the temperature profile is unchanged. 3. Typical pellet fueled discharge. Asingle deuterium pellet is injected into a deuterium discharge at 390 msec. 4. Values of the Lawson product, ne(o) TE are shown as a func- tion of density for pellet fueled plasmas. i 0 50- 0 0 000 OD 40- o Oo 00 0 40 -0 3 0 0 00 20.4I 10 0 Gas fueled 0 Pellet fueled 0 12 3 4 (1GUR 5 6 7 8 9 3) FIGURE 1 a"Z24 i i i co - -- 00 0 E -- 0 (C A01jt) e FIGURE 2 4 Ai. x10] -3 cm 0 1.5 Te (o) keV 0 500 Ip kA 0 V 2 VL 0 2.0 POH MW 0 0.3 rOp 0 Neutrons 0 100 200 300 t (Ms) FIGURE 3 400 500 600 Confinement Parameter I I I I I I I I 0.9 Pellet fueled * Gas fueled o 0.8 0 0.7 'E 0 0 0 og C 0.61- 0 0 Brea keven 000 0.5 0 OoO SO 0.4 0 0 7 0 0.3 0 T 001 0 0.2 0* 0.1 eel?,* I 1 _ I I 2 3 _ I I I I I 4 5 6 7 8 ii(101 4 cri 3 ) FIGURE 4 8527