PFC/JA-83-35 Influx and Sources of Medium and High Z Intrinsic Impurities in the Alcator C Tokamak J. E. Rice, E. S. Marmar, B. Lipschultz, J. L. Terry Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 October 1983 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. INFLUX AND SOURCES OF MEDIUM AND HIGH Z INTRINSIC IMPURITIES IN THE ALCATOR C TOKAMAK J. E. Rice, E. S. Narmar, B. Lipschultz and J. L. Terry Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract The influx of heavy impurities determined as a function trinsic impurities, impurity diffusion in the Alcator of plasma parameters C tokamak has been from observations of in- in conjunction with an empirically derived anomalous model. The influx of molybdenum as electron density is found to decrease dramatically as sity is raised above 1 x 1014 cm- 3 . a function of the electron den- Sputtering (by neutrals, ions and im- purities) is probably the dominant molybdenum release mechanism in ohmically heated discharges. 1. Introduction Heavy impuritiy densities must be minimized in fusion reactors due to the radiation cooling they would cause. long impurity the very While confinement time predicted by neoclassical theory is generally not observed in reasonably clean, ohmically heated tokamak discharges, it would be desirable not to have impurities in the first place. ability to control the impurities at their source. source, In order to limit the the physical origins at the plasma edge must first attempts made to understand the mechanisms eration there. This requires an be located, and responsible for impurity gen- In plasmas with strong auxilliary heating, long impurity 2 confinement times are sometimes observed [1]. able, it If these cases are unavoid- becomes extremely important to reduce the impurity influx. It is the purpose of this study to utilize observations of instrinsic impurities in the Alcator C tokamak to obtain a better understanding of the plasma-wall interactions and the resultant impurity generation and influx into the hot core of tokamak plasmas. If the transport which takes impurities from the edge to the interior plasma is understood, then their source can be characterized from obser- vations of these impurities in the plasma. An empirical impurity transport coefficient, determined from a series of trace impurity injection experiments, and a computer code used to model these results, Observations section 2. as well as predictions 3. The deduced in section 4, of intrinsic molybdenum, are reviewed in chlorine and sulphur, from the transport model are presented in section scalings of the influx of these impurities are presented comments about the effects of changes in edge plasma parameters are given in section 5 and some speculations about the mechanisms which remove the impurities from the walls and limiters are offered in section 6. 2. Review of impurity injection experiments on Alcator C A series of impurity injection experiments has been performed on the Alcator C tokamak [2] in order to determine the nature of impurity transport. The results of these injections were found to be inconsistent with the predictions of pure neo-classical impurity transport [3]. vations were, however, The obser- well described by a model which includes only the effects of self-diffusion. The density of a particular ionization state 3 can be found from anj a 1 -at - - - r + (rrj) + nelsj-lnj-i - sjnj + ajnj+1 lj1nj] - ar source (1) with the flux given by anj j - -d - (2) ar Sj is the ionization rate from, and aj is the and dielectronic) rate to the jth state. recombination (radiative Code predictions (Eqs. 1 and 2) use a delta function source to model the injection process. time histories of particular diffusion coefficient, d, The observed charge states yield the anomalous whose scalings with plasma impurity parameters were found to be 2300 aL qL d(cm 2 /sec) = amb R.75 m b (Zbg/Zeff) aL and R are the minor and major radii (in cm), (3) qL is the limiter safety factor, Mbg is the background ion mass (in amu), Zbg is the background ion charge and Zeff impurities. is the effective charge of the plasma due to intrinsic This diffusion coefficient is independent of electron density, provided there are only low levels of MlD activity. In addition, coefficient does not depend on the charge and mass of the impurity, vided the impurity's parameters. taken as strict presence does not disturb the macroscopic the pro- plasma While the dependences on major radius and Zeff should not be scaling laws, lished empirically. the other variations are quite well estab- 4 From a known transport thus source and measured emission, the impurity given the impurity Alternatively, determined. has been impurity transport and measured impurity emission, the source of intrinsic impurities can be characterized. 3. Observed scalings of molybdenum, chlorine and sulphur Intrinsic impurity emission from Alcator C is routinely monitored with a flat crystal x-ray spectrometer employing a PET crystal (1 A < x < 8 A) and with a 1 m. The dominant sulphur, medium grazing incidence monochromator (40 A < X < 550 A). and high Z chromium and iron [4,5,61. chlorine, molybdenum, Data have been collected under a wide 60 kG < Bt < 120 kG; in hydrogen, gases; and are 1013 cm- 3 < Re < 10 15 cm-3; 200 kA range of operating conditions: 700 kA; impurities < I < deuterium and helium working with three limiter configurations (10 cm molybdenum, 16.5 cm molybdenum and 16.5 cm graphite). A typical density is scaling of molybdenum emission as a function of electron shown in fig. 1. The state brightness steady the middle of a quasi-continuum of lines due to charge [7,81 is plotted for a sequence of 200 kA, In this case, and the at 77 A, states near Mo 2 5+ 120 kG deuterium discharges. the minor radius was 10 cm, defined by a molybdenum limiter, wall-to-limiter distance was 9 cm. The molybdenum brightness rapidly increases with decreasing electron density below about cm- 3 . A similar depicted in fig. 5.2 A (2p-3s in situation is 2. inferred The brightness, transition [6,9,10] 2 x 1014 from the x-ray observations, with the background in M032+) is shown subtracted, as a function as at of electron density for a series of discharges at 415 kA and 80 kG in deuter- 5 ium. In this the minor example, radius was 16.5 cm the limiter and material was graphite, indicating that the source of molybdenum was either the walls (r = 19 cm) or the virtual limiters (r = 17.5 cm). 3 years of operation with molybdenum limiters were installed after about limiters. Again, there is a marked below electron densities of increase in molybdenum 14 2 x 10 The graphite cm- 3 brightness This increase is accompanied . by rapid increases in total radiated power [11], Zeff and electron temperature as shown in fig. 3. The electron temperature was measured with a Si(Li) detector and pulse height analysis system. The behavior of chlorine is somewhat different. of He-like are the time histories line-averaged electron density chord soft x-ray brightness chlorine (hv 1 fig. 4(b) Contrast the case for a similar (the to track the of 3 /fringe) keV). The and the central chlorine brightness He-like next) sulphur discharge. (5.039 A) 350 ms. shown in Here the emission seems soft x-ray signal (also the molybdenum signal), monotonically until chord and is nearly constant between 150 seems to follow the electron density, and 375 ms. the central (4.44 A), x 1014 cm- (.58 Shown in fig. 4(a) increasing The atomic processes of these two adjacent ions are similar, and the transport has been shown to be independent of same, since the source The physical impurity species. signal levels of both of impurities may be the these sulphur and chlorine dropped a factor of 8 or so when the limiter was changed from molybdenum to graphite. The difference in the time histories of their He-like emissions must be due to differences in the mechanisms the same surfaces. The scaling of responsible for their removal from the He-like chlorine signal with electron density is shown in fig. 5 for deuterium discharges with a 10 cm molybdenum limiter. Toroidal magnetic field and plasma current have been 6 kept constant over this scan. density In contrast molybdenum to the scaling, the chlorine brightness increases nearly linearly with electron density for ffe > 2 x 1014 cm- 3 . It is difficult to measure emission from He-like chlorine below this density since there are molybdenum lines at In contrast, there are no molybdenum the same wavelength which dominate. 101 4 scaling data above 2.5 x cm- 3 , since molybdenum radiation is unde- tectable above the x-ray continuum. The variation of the x-ray molybdenum brightness at 5.2 A as a function of plasma current is shown in fig. 6 for a series of 100 kG, deuterat ium discharges strong increase density of an electron as brightness in the molybdenum from 250 to 600 kA. 1.4 x 1014 the cm -3. There current is a is raised It should be noted that as the current is increased, the central electron temperature, the electron temperature profile width As before, and the impurity confinement time all increase. the limiters were 16.5 cm graphite. 4. Determination of the molybdenum and chlorine influxes Since impurity brightness of provided the is transport independent of electron the chlorine might be expected to increase linearly with ne, chlorine source is also This is just what is predicted by independent the transport of electron is shown in fig. diffusion coefficient, d, 5 by the solid line. from eq.(3), was density. code described assuming a steady state impurity source independent of Re* ed brightness density, The predict- In this 1100 cm2 /sec. above, case, the The chlorine influx was taken to be independent of electron density and the measured changes in the electron temperature were included. 7 6. Contrast the case of molybdenum shown in fig. in is (3) eq. Since the anomato the limiter proportional lous diffusion coefficient safety factor, the impurity confinement time increases with plasma cur- It might be expected that the molybdenum brightness should corres- rent. Although this notion is qualita- pondingly increase with plasma current. tively similar to the observations of fig. 6, a slight variation of the molybdenum influx with plasma current is required to achieve quantitative agreement. By scaling the diffusion coefficient with current in accordeq. ance with (3), electron temperature been adjusted to the and incorporating and profile in eq. appropriate (1), comply with the data of the molybdenum fig. in changes the source has The result for 6. the variaton of the influx as a function of plasma current is shown in fig. 7. There is a slight decrease in the influx with increasing current but, as will be significant within this model. of molybdenum this magnitude of changes later, shown considered The conclusion here is that the increase with increasing brightness are not plasma current can be mostly accounted for by the increase in impurity confinement with plasma current in accordance with eq.(3). of molybdenum influx on electron density can be ob- The dependence tained from the data of fig. 1 or fig. 2 by following a similar procedure above. to that described electron density in fig. The molybdenum influx 8, shown as a function is obtained from the data of fig. 2. of There is a strong decrease in the molybdenum influx as electron density increases from 1 x 101 4 cm- 3 to 2 x 1014 cm- 3 . Above this density, of molybdenum radiation is less than the background. over of the molybdenum taken too seriously, influx as effects below 3e - 1 x 1014 the magnitude The apparent turncm-3 should not be of this magnitude may be due to changes I 8 in edge conditions similar situation of fig. 1. and is It is molybdenum limiter trends in figs. source for fig. uncertainties obtained shown in fig. results 8 from and 8 was 9 from are in the the 10 temperature cm profile. molybdenum limiter data 9 along with some additional x-ray the observations. same, although the vacuum chamber walls The the A 16.5 cm qualitative location of the and/or virtual limiters, while in fig. 9, the source was mainly the limiter. The overall level of molybdenum emission, in otherwise similar discharges, is a factor of ~ 20 greater with molybdenum limiters than with graphite limiters. When the background gas was changed from deuterium to helium (with ne = 2.4 x 1014 cm- 3 , I, M 300 kA and Bt = ness at 5.2 A increased by a factor of 4. 80 kG), the molybdenum brightAccounting for the enhancement of impurity confinement as the background ion mass is increased (Eq.3), (as well as the slight increase in electron temperature) the predicted increase in signal is about a factor of 6, in rough agreement with what is observed. This indicates that the molybdenum influx is not dependent on the background ion, in changing strongly from deuterium to helium. 5. Effects of edge assumptions The above conclusions concerning the impurity influx are uncertain by about a factor of 2 because of uncertainties in the edge plasma conditions. Changes in the edge electron density and temperature profiles affect the shape of the deposition profile of the incoming neutral impurities. A typical case for molybdenum ionization rates for MoI from ref. is shown in fig. 10, where the 12 have been used in conjunction with probe measurements of the edge electron density and temperature profiles 9 This spatial distribution of the singly ionized impurity (which is [13]. also a function of initial condition initial profile the energy distribution for the transport of the (eq.(1)). code changes subsequent to reasonable incoming is an Mol) Variations of this in edge conditions can lead to deviations in the central impurity densities of up to a factor of 2. While this could account for the scalings with plasma current deduced in fig.(7), conclusions the of the molybdenum the dependence regarding influx on electron density remain qualitatively unchanged (except for the apparent turnover below Re = 1 x 1014 cm-3 in fig. 8). 6. Interpretations of the instrinsic impurity sources There are several mechanisms (14) which could remove molybdenum from the walls, limiter and virtual limiters. These include evaporation, physi- arcing, sputtering chemical cal and going 900 W/cm 2 at of the limiter Evaporation a substantial portion of the ohmic heating during a shot increases discharge, and neutrals, ions desorption. during deposited there and impurity electron blistering and can occur because plasma by each power The shot. density the is limiter nearly linearly with the electron density of the. from about 250 W/cm 2 at a density of 2 x 1014 at input cm- 3 [11]. More evaporation, 1 x 101 4 and cm- hence 3 to more molybdenum influx, would be expected as the density is raised, in constrast to what is observed in fig.(8), indicating that evaporation due to thermal edge plasma is not the primary molybdenum introduction process, in non-disruptive discharges. candidate process at least Runaway electron induced evaporation is a sometimes a correlation between molyb- since there is denum influx and hard x-ray production for low electron density plasmas. There is not, however, always a good correlation between hard x-ray 10 production and may be Mo flux. Non-thermal in instrumental introducing current drive experiments [15,16]. electrons, generated impurities during by RF waves, RF heating and Processes such as arcing and blister- ing presumably introduce molybdenum in discrete bursts in time, a situaIn fact such "natural tion similar to the impurity injection experiment. injections" are seen to occur, as shown in fig. While these events 11. are occasionally observed, they do not result in a steady level of molybdenum emission, which is the routine state of neutrals is a possible molybdenum release mechanism, neutral flux, at energies electron density > is reduced increases 1 keV, below 2 x 101 4 neutral flux will give rise to more molybdenum influx, Sputtering by affairs. since the observed dramatically cm-3. sputtering This and an in qualitative agreement with fig. 8. [17] as the increase in the increase However, in the since the molybdenum influx did not change dramatically when the background ion was changed from deuterium to helium, it can be concluded that sputtering by neutrals is not the dominant mechanism in this case. The outflux of energetic neutral helium is much less than the neutral deuterium outflux [17]. This would indicate that sputtering be the dominant mechanism. ly increasing functions ture, and presumably by ions and impurities could Molybdenum sputtering coefficients are rapid- of ion temperature. the edge ion temperature, The edge electron temperaincrease as the electron density is lowered. A 1-D edge model [18] has been contructed to explore this hypothesis. The molybdenum sputtering rate due to the flux of background ions to the limiter can be calculated density and temperature, temperatures are assumed given the edge plasma measurements as well as power to the limiter. to be equal. The determination of electron Ion and electron of the sheath 11 potential follows ref. 19 and sputtering coefficients are evaluated for a given ion energy, mass and charge using DSPUT [20]. The calculated shown in fig. molybdenum influx as a 12 for a deuterium function electron density is plasma with a molybdenum influx, deduced from emission at 5.2 impurity transport model calculated curve (fig.9), for deuterium is ions Although the density dependence is shown cm limiter. The A in conjunction with the by incident 16.5 line A. Line B is the on a molybdenum limiter. similar for these two source predic- tions, the discrepency in magnitude cannot be accounted for by the uncertainties in the models. Line C shows the'effect of including self sputter- ing by molybdenum ions. increase of the In this case the agreement is reasonable. molybdenum influx as the working gas is changed The from hydrogen to deuterium to helium may be accounted for by the increase the sputtering coefficient as the ion mass is increased. of The two major uncertainties in this edge model are due to the strong dependence of the sheath potential on the plasma species at the sheath and the assumption of equal ion and electron temperatures at the edge. The location of the graphite limiter must be electron temperature near by background ions source of the virtual these is unlikely. molybdenum when limiters and/or surfaces is low ( Sputtering operating the 5 eV) by neutrals with walls. a The so sputtering and subsequent self sputtering by molybdenum is probably the dominant process under these circumstances. sputtering is The calculated molybdenum shown by line D in fig. 12. influx due solely The the walls has been computed using the FRANTIC was assumed to cover 10% of the walls. to neutral charge-exchange flux to [21] code, and molybdenum 12 The apparent independence of the chlorine influx on electron density could be due to a combination of competing processes. In particular, the chlorine source could be due mainly to two processes: thermal desorp- tion, which would increase with increasing heat load to the limiter increases; electron and sputtering, density, since the which would decrease with increasing density. 7. Conclusions Observed intrinsic empirically determined impurity transport emission model in has been order to combined with characterize an the source of impurities in ohmically heated discharges. The influx of molybdenum is found to increase dramatically as the electron density is lowered below 2 x 10 14 sulphur and chlorine which removes cm- 3 . The primary location of the origin of molybdenum, is the molybdenum limiters. The dominant mechanism molybdenum from the limiters is believed to be physical sputtering by plasma ions and self sputtering by molybdenum. 8. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the entire Alcator C group for support and cooperation during these experiments, in particular D. Gwinn and Gandy for electron Parker for operating the machine, S. Wolfe and R. density and temperature measurements, B. LaBombard for edge probe measure- R. ments, C.Fiore for neutral flux information and K.Chamberlain for assistance in the data reduction. 13 Figure captions Fig. 1. at Brightness density, at 77 A (~ constant Fig. 2. Brightness at 5.2 A M025+) as a function current, ( with a 10cm of average electron molybdenum limiter. Mo 3 2+) as a function of electron density, at constant current, with 16.5cm graphite limiters. Fig. 3. The central electron temperature as a function of average electron density. -26 The curve is parameterized by Te - (ne)-0. - Fig. 4. The time histories of helium-like chlorine and sulphur for two sucessive discharges, as well as the electron density and central soft x-ray emission. Fig. 5. Brightness of helium-like chlorine as a function of electron density. The predicted brightness, assuming a chlorine influx which is independent of electron density, is also shown by the solid line. Fig. 6. Brightness of neon-like molybdenum as a function of plasma current, at constant Fig. electron density, with 16.5cm graphite limiters. 7. Molybdenum influx as a function of plasma current inferred from the data of fig. 6. This trend could be due only to changes in edge conditions. Fig. 8. Molybdenum influx as a function of electron density, with graphite limiters, inferred from the data of fig. 2. Fig. 9. Molybdenum influx as a function of electron density, with molyb- denum limiters, from the data shown in fig. 1 as well as from the 14 16.5 cm molybdenum limiter case. Fig. 10. The calculated density profile of Mol+ for typical edge condi- tions. Fig. 11. A benign "natural" molybdenum injection. Fig. 12. Calculated molybdenum influx as a function of electron density. Line A is from fig. 9. Line B is the prediction assuming molyb- denum is sputtered by plasma ions only. Line C shows the pre- diction when molybdenum self sputtering is included. the source from neutral sputtering only. 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C. McCune, S. Tamor, Bull. Am. E -~0 o -o <ro 0 *C * (91[OsqJD) SS.3NiH0189 FIGURE 1 LL.2 0 0 a, 4 0 0 0 80 kG 415 kA 16.5 CM graphite limiter 0 S C', S 3 S. (n, r-~ S S 2 S S 0 I * S S S S 0 I I I 2 Ti ( x 10 4 cm- 3 ) FIGURE 2 3 LUO 00 LUJ D C) 0 C\J () X LUO L L- 0 0 0 0 000 00 ) (A@) ain.lDadweI uoj4oj] FIGURE 3 0 a A~1AfN SBD 15+A 4.44 A b ife SBD I 0 100 200 I 300 msec FIGURE 4 400 5.039 A 5 )0 0 (D 00 0.1 E 0 0 0 CD NLo C~~j V 0 V0 0N (0 (al)s-qaD) (dZ-s I) C\J C Kg IDAOSS3NiH98e FIGURE 5 0 0 0 0 -o E 0 (e oos q.o) ss8u4q~ij9 FIGURE 6 0I 0 0 0 0 ro E 0*- C-) 0 (0 0O N f- X 0 0 0 0 N~) I 0 (eIDOS qjo) 0C-O xn1uI FIGURE 7 oN 0 D2 80 kG 415 kA 10- 4- 0 0 ,I 2 1 re (x 1014 cm~3 ) FIGURE 8 3 I I I I I I I - E 0 I I I I I E 0 / - - E / Cl / rl") N~ FIGURE 9 0 0 0 .) £ E -J IrO 0 IL U, z 0 -o 0 qL a C uJ 0 0 0 0 0 (IDOS qjo FU ) FIQURU 10 0 usuao 0 0 0() IC : n C0 0L 0 00 0:) 0 Co 00 FIGURE 0 10 K II E. 0 1018 r 0 D(a) 4 V~) z 1 0j1 (c) (b) (d) 10 i 16 I --- 1.0 2.0 ne (\10 FIGURE 12 3.0 cm )