PFC/JA-83-12 X-RAY LINE INTENSITIES FOR IONS OF THE HELIUM ISOELECTRONIC SEQUENCE IN HIGH TEMPERATURE PLASMAS E. Kaillne, J. KaIllne, and A. Pradhan Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 January 1983 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. X-ray Line Intensities for Ions of the Helium Isoelectronic Sequence in High Temperature Plasmas E. K1une and 1. K[11ne Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA and A.K. Pradhan University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Abstract Measurements are reported for the He-like X-ray spectra of in a deuterium tokamak plasma with N = 1-2 x 1014 cm-3 and T results are interpreted with the help of computed available atomic data. The plasma sensitivity excitation argon obtained = 1-2 keV. rates and The other of line intensity ratios is discussed as well as the Z-dependence based on earlier observations of He-like S and Cl. 1977 PACS numbers: 32.30.Rj, 32.70.Fw, 52.70.-m Page 2 The X-ray n=2 to n=1 spectrum of ions in the helium iso-electronic sequence consists of four principal lines conventionally labelled w, x, y, and z. are associated with the n=2 states 2 Pip 2 23P state has no ground state two-photon emission) (see Fig. 1). are mainly populated through 2 1, and transition 23 S, and respectively 21 0 the these Owing to life time of the 23 S1 state, the collisional excitation 2 S and P are calculable functions of together a rate presence abundance ratio For ion charge states in corona equilibrium, the nH:nH:nLi ratios nH:nHenLi. emission. The long Li-like charge states in the plasma gives rise to recombination and ionization contributions in proportion to the ground state temperature the P, with 3 P-->2 proportional to the electron density N,, must also be considered. H-like states impact excitation of the ground state 1 1S0 with cascade contributions from higher exited states. of (the state decays by In a high temperature plasma, electron These T relative J with the ratio to the T /T expressing (Tm) of maximum resonance-line = temperature Excitation rates have been calculated by with available relative intensities for conditions. In defines the line data the for w, other x, y, order to express the T intensity z and N combinations Pradhan processes and G = the ema lines et electron al. 3 ,4) which have been used to derive for different plasma dependences in the spectrum one (x+y+z)/w and = R z/(x+y), respectively, to which X = x/y can be added as the third plasma independent line ratio. lines Auxiliary information on plasma to the He-like resonance conditions transition electron in the 2p or 2s orbitals (see Fig. 1). dielectronic recombination and sd/w is a sensitive function of T independent due is provided to states with a spectator The 2p states by are satellite formed the satellite to resonance intensity ratio D in a limited temperature range for TeTm of the ion-charge state balance. = but The 2s states are formed by inner shell excitation so the line ratio I = s /w reflects the abundance ratio in by lLi /nHe the region of the He-like ions against which the corona equilibrium ratio at Page 3 P can be compared 5 ) given The intensities of both principal and satellite lines in the He-like spectrum are critically sensitive to the nuclear charge Z since the rates of the radiative transitions depend on Z and since the ion varies with Z through = Tm sensitivity of the line ratios consideration for plasma TM(Z). will As state distribution a consequence the plasma parameter change diagnostics charge with Z. applications This is an important where it is desireable to maximize the response in the measured line ratios, for instance, dR/dN , dG/dTe, etc., or for atomic rate studies in which case the plasma condition sensitivity might preferably be kept small. category where the M2 The X-ratio is an example of the latter rate of the ground state transition (line x) increases rapidly with Z (in the context of excitation rates that are slowly varying Z) to become equal between 18 and 196). to the El rate of the competing branch 23 P2->23S., for Z For Z >20 the departure from pure LS manifest itself in the excitation rate for the 23 P entails branching weights decay astrophysical and rates. the the fine structure begins to The present Therefore, all 23 P components according to ratio x = x/y is entirely fixed by the radiative Although there are a number of laboratory and observations of the line spectra of He-like ions, no experimental study has been done of the systematic variation of nuclear mixing). the spectra of ions below this limit (Z (20). population rates divide between statistical coupling level which becomes enhanced due to interaction with the 21 P1 level (singlet-triplet work with charge. the line intensities with In this paper we present the results of such an investigation based on new measurements for Ar and our earlier measurements for S and similar plasma conditions. Cl for Page 4 The experiment was carried out at the Alcator C tokamak. MIT Plasma Fusion Center counters for the photon detection ; some discharges were observed with the new delay line detector (an example is shown in Fig. of N = 1-2 x 10 14 2). -3 cm and T levels of 10-5 to 10 for the count described in rate ref. 8 of discharges; to concentration The plasma was practically unaffected by measurement plasma could be controlled (in contrast sensitive The deuterium plasma with typical parameters relative to Ne. individual high = 1-2 keV was seeded with argon to the seeding and yet allowing statistics the The X-ray emission from the tokamak plasma was measured with a Bragg crystal spectrometer of the van Hamos geometry using position proportional on previous He-like spectra with good actually, the Ar concentration experiments using the ambient impurity species sulphur and chlorine) and adjusted up to the level permitted by the data rate capabilities of the electronics. GB = 28.0 0 we covered a spectrum lying in the range bandwidth X = of 3.95-4.05 At a spectrometer Bragg angle of 0 = 3.9-4.4 A with the He-like Ar I 1. The plasma conditions were monitored with standard diagnostic methods giving information on N and T . e e In the He-like spectrum of argon (Fig. 2) we see the four w, x, y, and z as well as the lines k and q representing sd and s respectively (see Fig. 1 for definition of letter symbols). satellites (r and a, representing s identified along with satellites due to appearing as foothills near contributions were obtained measured principal k and q lines the from + sd and spectator resonance calculated1 ) satellites, other electrons in Estimates intensity n>3 ratios as references for normalizing sd and s z-line intensity to be determined. orbitals for satellite using the intensities. Hence the j-line intensity can be subtracted from the blended j+z peak the weaker sd intensities) can also be line. 9 Two lines allowing Our measurements thus provide line intensities for the x, y, z, q, r, a, and k lines relative to the resonance line Page 5 for individual plasma discharges with the obtained from other diagnostic measurements. principal An parameters example is shown N e and T e in Fig. 2 which refers to the X-ray emission collected over 100 ms of the constant current (I kA) portion of a plasma discharge. = 450 several hundred discharges. Our data consist of spectra In order to mitigate the shot-to-shot variations (discussed in ref. 7) and to improve counting statistics, we determined line intensities keV. The results on average line intensities results for representing a plasma with N average = 1.5 x 1014 cm-3 and Te = 1.4 for argon (along and chlorine 7 )) are given in Table 1. sulphur from with earlier Comparison is made with theoretical intensity ratios obtained in the following manner. Corona equilibrium calculations for Ar excitation were carried coefficients by Pradhan et al. 3 ,4 ). rate included are excitations and cascades recombination. In addition, along the to with out, employing the The main atomic processes radiative and dielectronic z formula was used to estimate the small inner shell ionization contribution to the z line 4) . Line intensity ratios were = 1.4 keV compared to T = 1.63 keV for Ar. The ratio G is a e m monotonically decreasing function of T in the range Te < Tm due to the decrease calculated in the increase for T recombination in d(ln G)/dT e= contribution, resonance line -0.23 'keV mainly emission for with for our conditions. the triplet states, and the temperature. of which is about d(ln R)/dN e principal lines proportional to N . 0.13 x 10 -14 3 cm . obtain The ratio R is most sensitive to the plasma parameter N, because of the collisional 23 S1 -->23 P1 rate We transfer, the The plasma sensitivity in this case is The calculated intensities for the are found to agree with the observations (Table 1) which lends support to the underlying theory and particularly the computed excitation rates. Page 6 In earlier works, an the satellite to resonance line ratio was computed using approximate rate coefficient (such as with a gaunt factor) for the resonance line. However, accurate rates have now been computed explicitly by al.3) and therefore Pradhan et we derive, and employ, the following expression for these ratios: g Aft A] e(Eo-Es)/kT Aa + ZAr D = 2.4x10 T y (T) T where w is statistical the Maxwellian weight averaged collision strength factor of the satellite state. and Safronoval), and the D ratio used. The k/w theoretical sensitivity is d(ln D)/dT +150 keV corroborating for ratio charge < Te) in the spectrum With regard ratio We . find ratio is approximate rates calculated to be 0.058 for 0.062; of the temperature of Fig. 2. This result for provides to the I ratio, the calculated q/w is 0.043 for Te = 1.4 keV and hence significantly smaller than If this result were to be interpreted in terms an order apparent to (ionization) equate distribution being a function of flH/nHe by of state balance, the corona equilibrium ratio (nL/nH) cor would have to be taken at T 9,10) al.' et = 1.41 (keV)~- so the statistical uncertainty is, the observed value of 0.061. the computed evidence that the observed emission comes from He-like Ar ions in a plasma of Te = 1.4 keV. intensity the decreased by about 25% compared to earlier calculations Te = 1.4 keV which is close to the observed ratio instance, Ar) yw factor in Eq. 1, which is higher than the because of the previously is is which in the case of Ca and Fe have been found to agree to within a few percent with those of Bely-Dubau that gs In order to calculate D, we used the auto-ionization and radiative probabilities (Aa Vainshtein and would (q/w)cor A Z temperature and = T /T . z m of Tz = 850 eV (i.e., (q/w)obs, with the charge state Using c for 0 determining the decrease the reccombination contributions to the excitation Page 7 rates of the principal lines and subsequently decrease the calculated ratios of Table 1 by about 9%. of the tokamak (see below). ratios have been H-, He- found for are rather various ions in our high tokamak approximations (cf. the rates mentioned above) giving too low values for Li-like Therefore, q/w plasmas results on for relative of sulphur, chlorine and argon. where R is intensity as well as rates to He-like ions. the q/w ratio indicates the need for more accurate In Table 1, comparison can be made between X-ray line regime spatial the He-like ions excitation rates for Li-like ions rather than suggesting that T spectra the suggest to us that the theoretical excitation crude R Li-like ions in a limited size plasma of a The fact, however, that unexpectedly astrophysical plasmas used and and f Tz might be The cause of the difference Te ascribed to charge state balance effects because of differences in distribution G density dependent # T . ratios, for He-like For all three ions we are in a density and (R,, the R low density limit. Theoretically, for fixed electron density, the value of R should increase with Z as it approaches the maximum value R (Z). ratio G .G is Ar. temperature dependence of the is such that for most He-like ions G(Tm) lies in the range 1.0-0.7 and >G(Tm) for T <Tm. G(T) The In the present case, for a temperature of T ~ 1.4 keV, expected to show some increase with Z since T > T for S and T < T ~m ~m We note in particular the Z-dependence for for the principal lineSwhich is predicted to be d(ln R)/dZ = 0.23, d(ln G)/dZ = 0.05 and d(ln X)/dZ = 0.27 for constant plasra conditions. the data in Table 1 typically experimental uncertainties. test, to within This is found to account +15% In order to put the which theory to is a not outside the more stringent the plasma conditions must be better specified, particularly with respect to radial profiles which vary with Z depending on T (Z) relative to m effects for can be assessed and the related T . e These uncertainties in line intensities Page 8 reduced by simultaneously measuring spectra for different ion species where temperature of the discharge is varied around the T -values given. Furthermore, m we note the predicted increase in the X ratio with Z, observed values in the range Z = 16-18. which accounts Other data10-13) Z<20. for He-like ions with Z Cr, and Fe) tend to show a less pronounced Z signal the coupling onset effects recombination of spin-orbit in contributions with to the The which in importance auto-ionization excitation computed as 20 (for instance, Ca, Ti, dependence coupling. connection for For Z >20, the ratio X would depend on plasma parameters and should be lower than if the ratio were to be for the rates part of intermediate and is would dielectronic presently being investigated14) for ions up to Z=42 using extensive 9-state calculations. In conclusion, our new measurement of the He-like spectra with previous data of argon along on sulphur and chlorine exhibit line intensity ratios of a systematic variation along the helium isoelectronic line for with the help of computed (ab initio) intensities excitation rates calculated rate can be and available for accounted data for atomic sequence. decay The principal rates. Using the the resonance line we derive an electron temperature from the observed dielectronic satellite to resonance line intensity that agrees with the independently diagnosed value. Our results thus support the theoretical atomic rates involving' the n=1 and n=2 He-like states which for X-ray plasmas. other spectroscopic diagnostics of both laboratory In contrast we find that the excitation rate for medium Z atoms) need to be checked and the basis astrophysical Li-like argon (and before the ratio of inner shell excitation satellite to resonance line intensities can be measure furnish used as a reliable of the Li-like to He-like abundance ratio and hence an indicator of the ion charge state balance. Page 9 It group is a pleasure to acknowledge and experiment. for providing for the the support of R. argon Parker and the Alcator seeding of the plasma need for this This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Page 10 Table 1 Intensity ratios for lines in the ile-like spectrum experiment), chlorine and sulphur (from of ref. 7). argon The theoretical values are for plasma conditions of N = 1.5 x 10 4cm-3 and T ee keV in the case of Ar and N e = 3 x 10 1cm-3 and T e Cl S = 1.4 = 1.3 keV in the case of S and Cl. Ar (present x/w y/w z/w G R X Exp. 0.15 0.20 0.41 0.75 1.21 0.79 Theory 0.15 0.19 0.46 0.81 1.30 0.80 Exp. 0.17 0.25 0.39 0.81 1.04 0.69 Theory 0.16 0.24 0.43 0.83 1.08 0.65 Exp. 0.16 0.29 0.41 0.85 0.97 0.55 Theory 0.15 0.29 0.34 0.78 0.77 0.52 Page 11 References 1) L.A. Vainshtein and U.I. Safronova, Atomic and Nuclear Data 21, Tables 49 (1978). 2) U.I. Safronova, Physica Scripta, 23, 241 (1981). 3) A.K. Pradhan, D.W. Norcross, and D.G. Hummel, Astrophys.J. 246, 246 (1981). 4) A.K. Pradhan Ap.J. 263, and J.M. Shull, Ap.J. 249, 821 (1981) and A.K. Pradhan, 821 (1982). 5) A.H. Gabriel, Mon.Not.Astr.Soc. 160, 99 (1972). 6) C.D. Lin, W.R. Johnson, and A. Dalgarno, Phys.Rev. A 15, 7) E. Kllne, J. Kllne, and A.K. Pradhan, Phys.Rev. A, 154 (1977). March 1983, and E. Kllne and J. Kllne, Physica Scripta, Feb. (1983). 8) J. Kllne et al., Nucl.Instr.Meth. 203, 1155 (1982). 9) U.I. Safronova, A.M. Urnov, and L.A. Vainshtein, Lebedev Physical Preprint (1978) (unpublished). 10) F. Bely-Dubau, et al., Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 201, 1155 (1982). 11) C. Jordan and N.J. Veck, Solar Physics 78, 125 (1982). 12) V.A. Bsyzgunov et al., Sov.Phys.JErP 55, 1095 (1982). 13) M. Bitter et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 43, 129 (1979). 14) A.K. Pradhan (to be published). Institute Page 12 Figure Captions Figure 1: Term diagram for the He-like n=2 to n=1 spectrum of argon showing the X-ray. lines seen in this experiment with the wavelengths from refs. 1 and 2. Figure 2: The He-like spectrum characterized by N field being 80 kG and identified by of = 1.7 the conventional argon x 10 for 14 cm current letter a -3 and T 450 kA. symbols wavelength positions marked as predicted '2) lines. single plasma discharge = 1.6 keV the toroidal The (see X-ray text) lines are and their relative to the w and z Is2 p -i Is2p 33P P -- ('P) 2 P Is2p2s 2 Is 2p 2 P- - /2 Is2s 1 S 0 i3 2 T5/2 co N~ N~ (0 0) Y) r~Go co ro r 00) -i n 1s2 Is22p 2P is CN Im C to K5in 0 I , 2s 2S Is2 1 1s ~co (>04 0) ly =2 1 0 s2s 3 S TK I X(A) 'I I 'I I 'I I ARGON I ALCATOR #100182.15 -J LU z z 4.00 3.98 3.96 3.94 qra k z x y 200 0 N. C/) H z D 0 C-) 100 Ldw 400 300 CHANNEL 2 NUMBER 500