PFC/JA-82-18 X-RAY DIAGNOSTICS OF TOKAMAK PLASMAS E. Ksllne and J. K9llne Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 September 1982 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. Ry acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledoes the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. I X-Ray Diagnostics of Tokamak Plasmas Elisabeth Killne and Jan Kline Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, MA 02138 USA 1.- INTRODUCTION In this review, we will venture into a new for arena work in atomic X-ray spectroscopy which we can dub tokamak X-ray spectroscopy diagnostics (TOXRASD). exciting, but Not does is the experimental development explore areas of atomic and plasma measurements the inaccessible physics which have been however, only until recently. just This, not mean that spectroscopy of highly ionized atoms is lacking tradition; on the contrary, the pioneering work in this goes back to the 40's and the soft X-ray studies of spark generated Even though much of the present experimental effort plasmas /1/. oriented towards H-, effort He-, has and ions X-ray with emission the for purpose extending highly charged heavy ions, such as attracted under interest. Here we laboratory and the diagnostics, shall focus the molybdenum, neon-like reviews Several which ions are has also have appeared describing the experimental programs and we will merely refer the /2-5/. the However, the emission from their ground states excited. and utilizing our understanding of the relationship between X-ray line emission and the plasma conditions formed of diagnosing astronomical plasmas or with the aim of developing i.e., well. gone into the study of few electron systems, i.e., Li-like characteristic is obtaining a TOXRASD for fusion conditions, the new results touch upon some very basic atomic physics questions as Much area reader to these the discussion around results of the latest vintage from the TOXRASD project at the Alcator C tokamak at MIT. 2. The plasma source can PLASMA SOURCE be characterized by the radial and temporal dependencies of the main parameters such as temperature (Te) and densities (Ne,Nz) of electrons and ions. The plasma source is I Page 2 confined by a toroidal magnetic field. interactions, impurity ions consists are introduced to determined by ionized e.g. can be and distributed equilibrium transport phenomena. conditions The spatial characterized in emission and plasma volume coronal) of these and impurity shells of the individual ionization Radial profiles from different ionization stages (see Fig. dependent on plasma parameters /6-8/. C115+ which The impurity ions the distributions by plasma, (e.g. stages separated or overlapping in the plasma. the the mainly of hydrogen, deuterium or helium. successively ions are However, through plasma-wall In Fig. 1 the of 1) will be profiles of C11 4 + at Te = 1.4 keV are shown as predicted from coronal equilibrium and from a transport code /8/. The radial profiles of Te and Ne are also included. Attempts to predict the distribution of ions in the plasma are made on the assumption that the ions are in coronal equilibrium, i.e. ionisation and recombination knowledge of the radial processes and balance temporal each distributions density and temperature, it is possible to predict the distributions from rate equations. the walls The impurities of electron impurity ion are transported and a steady state distribution is achieved after a time comparable to the energy confinement ions With It is therefore crucial to know the atomic cross sections involved. from other. time (20-30 msec). The are assumed to be excited and ionized from their ground states. Atomic processes of importance are ionization from electron processes investigation for possible excitation and the ground state followed by radiative transitions, dielectronic and radiative recombination. these impact processes for certain TOXRASD. such plasma The relative importance of conditions Furthermore, as the is a influence point of of other proton excitation, charge exchange and ion-ion collisions need to be further investigated. 3. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES Probing the plasma conditions by means of the emitted photons in the X-ray region is performed with mainly four different techniques: X-ray imaging /9,10/, X-ray continuum measurements /11,12/, survey Page 3 X-ray spectroscopy /2,13/ and high resolution, broad band line spectroscopy /14-17/. A typical time evolution of a plasma Alcator in Fig. 2; C 10 ms. is shown shot in each division along the abcissa is The fast rise of electron density (N.) and plasma current (Ip) is followed by a stable period in which the plasma parameters are probed. The characteristic X-ray emission discussed in this paper this is observed apparently during this stable time period. quiet period, there are However, during internal instabilities developing with minor disruptions in the core of the plasma which can be imaged with the filtered X-ray technique, major m=1 diode (cos (me) arrays symmetry (SBD). in With poloidal magneto-hydrodynamical instabilities (so-called sawteeth) observed /18/. Furthermore, X-ray information for major disruptions discharge) and can these disruptions. give solid state temperature height thus on of the analyzing determined. the continuum been plasma (terminating the information on the origin of continuum. bremsstrahlung continuum emission superimposed have Emission from a pure plasma is dominated pulse is angle) imaging can provide precursory microscopic bremsstrahlung-recombination this It can detectors be by the measured with and the electron Departures from the pure hydrogen occur and because of line emission because of effects in the high energy tail of the electrons causing non-Maxwellian These two X-ray diagnostic methods thus shape /19/. an electron give information on the position, homogeneity and impurity content electrons, etc. region during as well as presence of radial single plasma Z elements, ionization of medium stages studied /20/. fourth energy discharges, a the run-away X-ray fast scanning crystal With this diagnostic such Z as elements, The first comparisons with oxygen, and from technique which of X-ray is in diagnostics use at lower such as iron, have been predicted distributions, transport effects, have shown general good agreement. spectroscopy, /14-16/. high of of distribution and the temporal evolution of emission from highly ionized low including stability To detect a wide wavelength range in the soft spectrometer has been developed at PLT /13/. the distribution is high The resolution several major tokamak machines Mainly two different geometries have been used, focussing I Page 4 Rowland circle and cylindrical van Hamos geometry. the latter approach is shown in Fig. 3 /15/. results recent A schematic of We shall discuss some obtained from the latter instrument at the Alcator C tokamak at MIT and their implications for future work. ALCATOR RESULTS .4. The TOXRASD experiment has been taking data for about a year and the efforts AX/A - The data have been directed towards good wavelength resolution 1/3000, large bandwidth, high sensitivity and high count rate. presented here was taken with a 10 cm long single wire proportional counter which limited the bandwidth to about 5% and count rate to about 20 kHz. Much augmented spectroscopical and diagnostical performance can be achieved which we shall discuss later. by Our trace element concentrations wavelength region 4.3-5.3 A. detector settings show in Fig. 4. from S13+, from detector improvements, measurements of S, C1 and Mo impurities in the Alcator C tokamak /21/ at (where these elements of about This region can 10-5 Ne) be in covered plasma. thousand the three which a composite spectrum can be formed as This spectrum shows characteristic X-ray emission C11 4 +, and C11 5 + as indicated and a host of lines S14+, were occur cover from molybdenum between 28+ and 32+; the plasma conditions discharges the such as to enhance the From the extensive data material discharges, we shall of these Mo concentration in the of spectra from several select a few examples to illustrate some poignant features of the results. LINE IDENTIFICATION OF FEW ELECTRON SYSTEMS 4.1 H-Like resonance Spectrum. The at positions 4726.1, 4731.4 spectator transition 2S1/ 2 - 2P1 /2 , 3/2 lines satellite lines ls2p'P 1 - 2p2 Fig. 5) is-2p D2 . consistent 4783.6 mA and 1 and WH) We observe these rise to the and dielectronic for S14+ (see with the predicted wavelengths of /22,23/. Other satellites with a in a higher orbit, i.e., transitions of the type electron lsn -2pn, n13 are also indicated as energy side of the (WH gives 2 a small foothill S1 /2 -2 p1 /2 resonance line. on the low Page 5 He-like Suectra. and Cl The He-like spectrum was measured for (see examples in Figs. 6-9). 2 both S These spectra are dominated by the 1s -ls2p resonance line (w) lSo-lPl, the spin forbidden and lSo- 3 P 2 , (y and x, will here both be the intercombination line referred to as intercombination lines). with letter Appendix). 1SO 3Sl. symbols in the 1 So- 3 p, Transitions are referred conventional way /23,24/ (see also The ls-2s transition gives rise to the forbidden line (z) Several satellite lines to the resonance line with an extra (third) spectator electron in the 2s (lines q and r) or the orbits to (lines k and a) are observed. 2p Some other satellite lines including the strongest, j, contribute to the spectrum but are hidden by the main lines (Fig. 8). The principal lines (w, x, y and z) and the satellite lines (q, r, a and k) are seen for both S and wavelengths as predicted. results of Vainshtein /23/. Excellent agreement Cl is found with the Positive identification of these lines is provided by the spectra in Figs. satellite lines so far. states been observed in the spectrum Princeton PLT tokamak /14/ which relative satellite to have escaped They would be spread over a region of some 20 mA on the long wavelength side of the z line /27/. has rise to the w line in our S and Cl spectra, the corresponding satellites of Be-like charge detection latter 6-9. We also note that while the Li-like charge states give significant with intensity of One such satellite Fe from the plasma of the demonstrates the trend that the as Z4 , i.e., a factor of five varies increase between S and Fe when compared at temperatures of maximum emission for each atom. The ls-3p transition in sulphur is expected to produce a line at about 4.30 A which is just outside our range of measurements, but satellite lines to this resonance line (A) fall wavelengths toroidal 14 x 10 /25/. field, 3 cm- , and For 40kG, Te = at somewhat longer certain plasma conditions as in Fig. 6 (low low plasma 0.75 keV), current, we 300 kA, observe a Ne clear 1.5 peak 4.388+0.001 A of a width consistent with that of a single line. at This peak can be identified with the strongest satellite line of the ls-3p transition, probably the transition 1s2 2s-ls2s3p calculated to be at I Page 6 4.3895 A. observe other distinct satellite lines in this region We and we find a remarkable similarity with the spectrum /25/ from the Ne = 1019 cm- 3 and laser Te = produced at plasma conditions 350 ev. LINE IDENTIFICATION OF MANY ELECTRON SYSTEMS 4.2 In the wavelength range 4.3-5.3 A molybdenum from (the limiter conditions (see Fig. 4). the of Mo we observe material) strong under A point of practical plasma certain consequence is that impurity concentration depends strongly on plasma conditions and becomes rapidly important for low Ne-values while emission does not vary very much. the for the identification S or Cl Therefore we can deliberately vary the relative intensities of spectral lines of Mo and S/Cl, crucial emission which is of the weakest S and Cl lines, for instance the J satellite (see Fig. 5). calculated identified 2p-3d, 2s-3p and 2p-3s wavelengths, we have transitions in charge states between 28+ Based and on 'measurements 32+ /26/. and The most interesting components of the Mo emission are the Ne-like spectrum of Mo3 2 +, which strongest is dominated transitions by identifying from dielectronic transitions, each charge state. transitions besides dominant principal contributions 2p1 /2 ,3 /2 -3d in the Mo and the We note that spectrum, some recombination satellites have been identified as well; for instance, the line at 4.837 A of Mo3 1 + /26/. 4.3 LINE INTENSITIES Satellite line intensities (relative Te and lie Dependences. the resonance dielectronic line) depend satellites, on this the electron dependence goes temperature. approximately to For as I;/Iw = '/Te and for inner shell excitation the I;'/Iw ratio follows the abundance ratio NLi/NHe- The NLi/NHe ratio has a temperature dependence which can be calculated assuming a certain equilibrium for the plasma (coronal equilibrium) recombination rates /27,28/. the actual certain ionization and If the temperature Te is known from the I;/Iw ratio or elsewhere, one can determine and from the measured I;'/Iw ratio NLi/NHe ratio which is the calculated NLi/NHe Page 7 ratio for coronal equilibrium at The difference Tz-Te the (ionization) temperature Tz. expresses whether the plasma is in a state of ionization (Tz <Te) or recombination (Tz >Te), i.e., whether the considered ion of charge state Z is superheated or supercooled in the plasma environment of given electron temperature. An example with particularly strong satellites spectrum of C1 Ik = 0.177 + 0.015, statistical error is shown Fig. 6. From the the He-like intensity we determine a temperature of Te = 760 eV with of +50 eV. based on the most accurate calculations in in This determination of temperature is calculations by Safronova /29/, /30/ give slightly lower values, Te = 630 eV. other The thus obtained temperature is consistent with Te=650+ 150 eV measured the X-ray continuum shape /31/. Furthermore, we note from that satellite ratio Ia/Ik of 0.27+0.05 agrees with the calculated one 0.23. a a of Other dielectronic satellites (see Fig. 8) are too small to be measured except for the estimated /29/. from j line whose influence on the z line can be the measured Ik and the calculated ratio Ij/Ik = 1.4 In Fig. 8 we have presented the calculated intensities of strongest dielectronic recombination satellites line with normalization to the observed Ik. and r include Te=Tz=760 eV. from apart the inner shell smoothing excitation of the relative to the k The dotted curves for same raw as data in Fig. 6 is of q line 0.010 and that of inner-shell excitation is 14 = 0.029 /29/. The total calculated intensity of q is 0.039 which 50% The points. calculated contribution of dielectronic recombination to the I4' q contribution assuming The experimental spectrum is the three-point the the measured ratio of Iq = 0.073+0.015. amounts to only The situation is similar for the r satellite where Ik + Ik' = 0.02+0.012 = 0.032 compared to a measured value of 0.053+0.017. /29/ We have thus found that the calculated I'' values are too low indicating that the plasma is ionizing with a nominal Tz of about 420 eV with reservation, however, for possible difference in radial profiles between ions. This is a C11 4 + and C115+ general feature for most of our spectra at lower temperatures that Iq(exp)>Iq(theor) at given Te, indicating that this is a characteristic feature of the plasma we observe or perhaps one should check for theoretical problems with the predicted rates of Page 8 inner shell excitations. Fig. 6 shows but intensities Fig. 7. spectra we is difference. significant Te = 940+80 eV continuum measurements reflected in the the change 1.20+0.14 (compared /31/) are 1.5 to 0.97+0.07 We find this ratio corrections after 1.37 and 0.92 where the for difference collisional population transfer between the long 3 to the satellite The calculated comes lived from the triplet n=2 3 S- P, which is density dependent; the collisional and at comparable are rates radiative the in going from Fig. 6 to 7, which is of interest with and states, i.e. to satellite from interferences as discussed above and shown in Fig. 8. values and overall density in regard to the line intensity ratio R = z/x+y. be satellite Another reason for comparing these particular however, 3.0 x 1014 cm- 3 with determine X-ray difference is, example systematically lower relative level than for a from temperature intensity at Ik/kw, From 1050+150 eV another Ne = 3 x 1014 cm-3 densities /32,33/. With the above two He-like spectra of examples, C1 (and information on Te and Ne. we the demonstrated have same is true for that S) the contain The statistical accuracy with which we can measure the relative intensities of k/w and z/x+y is a matter of data accumulation rate per single discharge, or discharges one can accumulate data. question is that of reproducibility of address shall below. over how constant many In the latter case, the crucial plasma discharges which we regard to the theory, the atomic rates With computed and models used appear to give a good overall description of the plasma dependence observations, except of for the the present satellites (as due well to as of previous) inner shell excitation. Comparison of ls-2y and ls-3u Transitions. for The He-like spectrum sulphur of n=2 upper states appear in the X range 5.03 to 5.11 A and is similar to that of C1 already ls-3p resonance line Since (see Fig. 9). The of the He-line S (0) is located at X z 4.30 A /25/, which is just outside 4.31 A. discussed the spectrometer bandwidth ending at this line is of diagnostics interest we can estimate Page 9 its intensity relative to the observed satellite peak as well the ls-2p as to resonance. 960 eV. We use the results in Fig. 7 obtained at Te = From the observed satellite to resonance intensity of 0.91 in laser plasma at Te = 350 eV and the calculated Te dependence the /25/ we determine the relative satellite intensity to be 0.09 at Te = 960 eV; i.e., the ls-3p resonance line in Fig. 7 should be 11.4 times the satellite measured during line. other Assuming constant S The ,ls-2p resonance line for S was but similar discharges of the same run 0805. emission, we determine is- 3p the to ls-2p intensity ratio to be 0.5+0.2. The Temperature of Electrons and Ions. determined the electron For the run 0303 we have temperature in four ways. Fig. 10 shows the resonance lines of H-like and The spectrum in He-like S; these lines are broader than normal because of larger detector contribution at the extreme ends. which implies a We determine the temperature NH/NHe abundance ratio is in satellite ratio in IW/ 1 W = 0.75+0.07, of of Te = 2.1+0.2 keV assuming that the coronal the ratio same equilibrium figure, /35/. one From the determines as Ij/IW = 0.040+0.012 and a temperature of 1.7+0.3 keV. but similar Fig. 9. discharge From this we single temperature discharge with equilibrium. spectroscopic a to judge we be improved to can similar discharges. to a temperature determinations of ion between the four electron temperature. atomic physics The results calculations abundance ratio relative to that of coronal from the At high temperatures, the results on q suggest a plasma closer the case for lower Te. explore the would The intensity ratios and the deduced temperatures are a first attempt to check consistency in and of different to ionization equilibrium between Li- and He-like sulphur than be The Finally, the Iq/Iw ratio equilibrium, i.e., the ionization equilibrium or departure same. determine N1 3 +/N1 4 + abundance ratio of S given by coronal We thus find consistency the error corresponds can be used for testing the underlying and spectrum is 2.3+0.5 keV. is found to be 0.016+.006, which 1.8+0.6 keV another recorded the He-like S spectrum shown in Ik/Iw = 0.014+0.01 and the statistical 0.012+0.007 by adding three consecutive, corresponding From possibilities of TOXRASD. these data For a complete analysis Page 10 the radial distributions of the different ionization stages need to be considered. A parameter of crucial importance for plasma fusion is temperature (Ti) can A be well used separated to determine thermal motion of the ions. for this ion or even more so is information on the relationship between Ti and Te. spectrum the purpose, single line in the X-ray Doppler broadening due to the The resonance line w is a good candidate especially for higher temperatures where the nj3 foot hill satellites are small (see Figs. 9 and 11), and the y and lines can provide complementary information. The z line width in Fig. 9 (from run 0303) is determined to be 7.3+0.3 channels which can be improved to 7.2+0.15 (corresponding to 3.1 mA) using an average of three discharges. subtracted 630 eV. the From this estimated we determine instrumental Ti=1.4+.1 keV resolution corresponding to With this result, we have demonstrated that one can simultaneous spectroscopial having measurement achieve of Te and Ti of sufficient statistical accuracy to see differences between the two temperatures. With reservation for not yet unravelled systematic errors, our results suggest that the thermal coupling between electrons and ions is not 100% effective even for ohmically heated plasmas at relatively high electron densities. Ionization predictable Equilibrium. function The line ratio temperature Knowing the temperature, dependent because of a The ratio G = x+y+z/w is difference in dependence of the triplet and singlet impact excitation has also too. temperature rates would of the He-like chlorine spectrum shown in Figs. 6 and 11. temperature, we find G of G reflect We thus have two line ratios relating to Tz-Te, which we consider for the low and high temperature, Te = 0.7 and 2 keV, value /32/. been predicted to depend on Tz-Te because of the larger recombination contribution to the triplet state, so G Tz-Te a difference between experiment and calculation tells us about the departure from coronal equilibrium (Tz-Te). G is of Te for an ion abundance ratio N1 4 +/N15+ (to choose the Cl case) in coronal equilibrium. the g = Iq/Iw =0.94+.05 compared to the = 0.96 with no recombination. cases At the low predicted /32,33/ As mentioned already, we i Page 11 have determined qexp >qth so both under equilibrium. G=0.59+0.04 a plasma value of prediction, so that high we temperature, determine to the predicted value of 0.45 which increases recombination experimental the At compared to 0.55 if suggest or that the N 1 4 +/N1S+ ratio is larger than that of ionization coronal results these is g both /33/. included (as the in this the case, stated above) is consistent with the g. and G parameters indicate less departure from ionization equilibrium at the higher temperature. The parameters reflecting Tz-Te and their experimental determination are probably closely to related ion diffusion i.e., effects, this transport information has a bearing on the important question of in the plasma and hence confinement times. we identified preliminarily have states from 28+ to 32+ /26/. It from molybdenum in charge lines is wavelength, of On the basis Intensity Variations of Mo Lines, clear that temperature the intensity variation of lines will show the characteristics dependent of the particular charge state involved which can help in the line Assuming that we know the temperature of the plasma identification. in the region of the emission studied, the line ratios can aid in the instead Assuming identification. the line identification is that known, plasma diagnostics information can be data that can Examples of be used in this context are shown in Fig. 12. The J W resonance which satellite line has an intensity relative to Te = 1.6+.4 determines deduced. and the for the cases 12a and 12b. 1.9+0.2 keV The intensity ratio of dominant 2p-3d lines in Mo3 0 + to Mo3 2 + changes and 0.5 between 2. It is clear that the observed variation of the Mo3 0 +/Mo 3 2 + intensity ratio is not consistent with the identification the However, made. temperature given I refers to the plasma by region of maximum emission from the S13+ ions (cf. Fig. 1) which from differ species can the be identification radial distribution the 32 +, can + and the two Mo Therefore, the line for many electron systems such as Mo is a complicated business and the temperature Once for Mo too. separated spatially 30 identification is dependence clear must be used judicially. and a systematic of temperature dependences emerge, we can hope to use these complicated line spectra for detailed radial plasma mapping. Page 12 Intensity Variations of furthermore measured the Fine Structure intensity ratio Components. of the 2 We have fine structure 2 components of the H-like resonance lines for S ( S1,/2- p 1 /2,3/ 2 ) and of the intercombination transition of He-like S and Cl (ISO - 3p,2)The intensities are predicted to split according to statistical weights, i.e., without.preference for angular momentum of the upper state of the transition; the predicted /32,33/ intensity 2pl/2/2P3/2 = 0.5, and ratios are w P2 / P, = 0.52 and 0.65 for S and Cl. Our 3 3 average values for many discharges are generally not far predictions but comparisons. for these drastic variations are observed 3 about typical variation (similar for both S and Cl). up with collisonal a 10% coupling of is the in this do from n=2 ratio we know For the 0.3 to 1.3 assuming proton triplet states /33/. Proton couple 2 H-like ions and hence increase the ratio with increasing proton However, nor Theoretically we have only been able to difference between range collisons have previously been predicted to states here the plasma conditions affecting these ratios. p 2 /3p1 ratio the come explanations It is neither clear which atomic population processes could be at play enough these in shot-to-shot Examples are shown in Figs. 13 and 14 The variations are still at large. from (i.e., also the 2s and 2p p1,/2 /2 P3/ 2 intensity electron) density /27/. the proton effects appear too small to explain the observed variations let alone that the change is only in one direction. Here, we need to make simultaneous measurements of these two ratios to see if the variations are correlated and hence answer the question whether there is a common cause affecting these line ratios. These results are both experimentally clear and interpretationally puzzling and should entice some stretching of the atomic physics imagination. 5. NEXT GENERATION TOXRASD MEASUREMENTS The results from the new TOXRASD experiment tokamak and Princeton information those from tokamak have and touched the well already established yielded at the Alcator experiment valuable C at the diagnostics upon interesting atomic physics questions. However, they also indicate the potential for further development probe the plasma and the atomic processes in greater detail. to For our i Page 13 project the limit hopefully has on the detector side which similar, the Princeton augmented with a new detector. Bragg is 25 cm dominant lines for single than simultaneously (and hence the accuracy line or better ion of The several temperature) and various its line With the many line ratios one can then study simultaneously, ratios. the plasma presents a unique excited atomic physics laboratory where the states involved in the transitions observed are subjected to the same and (partially) controllable medium which is sustained atomic relaxation times. count of width correlation with the electron temperature deduced from ions 0.2 mm Alcator discharges. objective here is to measure accurately the lines new This will allow measurements of high resolution, broad band spectra with an expected statistical for The long and can detect about 0.8 mA of our spectrum (<0.4 mA at 4.4 A). 3% has Together with a fast CAMAC data shown in Fig. 4 at an expected resolution of better than now spectrometer acquisition we hope to achieve count rates of 0.2 to 1 MHz. detector we solved with the development of a new fast delay line have x-y detector /36/; been been rates it is hot electrons Once the detector system can handle Thanks to the high expect light of the van Ramos geometry of our spectrometer (and to H. Schnopper /37/ who originated this spectrometer we high natural to probe the time evolution of the line efficiency TOXRASD), and for a long period of time on the scale of emission for single plasma discharges. collection of to achieve idea for 5 to 10% statistical accuracy for strong lines for a time resolution of 10 ms, which can be augmented by increasing the crystal height and the viewing solid angle into the plasma, etc. would With the extended band width and time information, one able to measure the time correlation between the intensity be ratios x/y and W1 /2 /W3 /2 and determine the cause of the variations we observe in these ratios for seemingly constant shots and hopefully reveal the atomic process parameter that affecting and the hidden Results atomic physics (including interpretations) the heating. states varies for seemingly constant plasma shots. of the type presented are important these for and plasmas measurements and realization of time resolved spectroscopy heated by other measures than ohmic The Princeton group has already measured He-like Fe spectra Page 14 for plasmas heated conditions one by neutral surely ion disturbs injection the plasma simultaneous measurements of Ti, Te, and Tz as provides /38/. a are volume. these equilibrium function of and time a real challenge for time resolved TOXRASD measurements and should be of great atomic physics interest, too. atoms Under effective sensores distributed The information is encoded in line-spectra and we are making the rapid over form The highly the of ionized whole plasma characteristic progress in increasing the accuracy of the measurements and finding the formula for decoding the TOXRASD spectra. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We have greatly benefitted from the stimulating support Parker and the sharing recent imaging, Alcator group. data with us, by Ron We also wish to thank M. Bitter for R. Petrasso for results on X-ray and John Rice for providing the results on radial profiles. The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. Page 15 Appendix I Key to 'the main lines and satellites of the' H- and He-like spectra. All satellites are due to dielectronic recombination apart for those marked with an asterick. Spectrum H-like Letter Key Multiplet transition W(P 3/ 2) 2p W(P 1/2 2 ) 3/2 - is 2 1/2 p 21/2 - is 2S 1/2 2p2 1D - ls2p 2 He-like w ls2p x ls2p y z j k P 1 - Is 2 1 S0 1 P2 -'iss2 - 2 S0 1 ls2p 3P1 - is S0 - is ls2s 3S ls2p 2D 5 /2 3/2 2 ls2p2 2D 2p 2 1/2 - Is 22p 2P . s2p 2 2P / - 1s 222p P sp p3/2 - 1s b Is2p 2 2P3/2 C ls2p 2 2P1/2 - is2 2p d ls2p 2 P1/2 q* Is(2s2p 1 )2P3/2 r ls(2s2p IP) 2 P1/2 n Is2p 2 2S1/2 M ls2p - - Is 2p 1/2 2 P 1/2 s2 2p 2P / 1 2 22s 2 1/2 32 S 1 2 s ls(2s2p P) P3/2 t ls(2s2p 3 P)2 - 1 22s 2 S1/2 - is 2p 2P 1 /2 - - ___~1~~.- 2 1/2 1s2 ls2p 2D a P1 1/2 -1 2 2 / 1s6 2 2SP 1/ 2 .2 2 is 2s S1 /2 j Page 16 REFERENCES B. Edlen, Symposium on Production and Physics of Highly Charged Ions, to appear in Physica Scripta, 1982. 2. K.W. Hill et al., AIP Proc. No. 75, 8 (1981) and PPPL-1887, April 1982. 3. N.J. Peacock, AIP Proc. No. 75, 101 (1981). 4. C. deMichelis and M. Mattioli, Nuclear Fusion 21, 677 (1981). 5. Equipe TFR, Nuclear Fusion 18 647 (1978). 6. 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Figure Captions Fig. 1: Radial emissivity profiles for He- and H-like S at Te = 1400 eV and measured radial abundancies equilibrium coronal assuming the Alcator C tokamak are for distributions of Ne and Te. The results atMIT with a plasma limiter of 16 cm radius. Fig. 2: Temporal development of a typical Alcator C plasma hydrogen discharge at 60 kG magnetic field. The traces from top to bottom are plasma current (I, = 325 kA at peak), electron density (Ne = 0.58 x 101 4 cm- 3 /fringe), and the count rates of soft X-ray diode (E >1 keV) and high resolution X-ray spectrometer (at C11 5 + 4.44 1). Fig. 3: Schematics of cylindrical crystal geometry showing slit, crystal and 59.5 cm detector to scale. The crystal used is PET 2d = 8.742 A, f at a Bragg angle of 33.50. Fig. 4: Full bandwidth spectrum composed of three different detector_ settings each being a sum of four similar plasma discharges at Ne = 2.3 x 101 4 cm-3 and Te -1.4 keV. The Mo emission is enhanced relative to that of S and C1 for these conditions. Fig. 5: H-like spectrum of sulphur showing the ls-2p resonance doublet as well Some n3 as the dielectronic recombination satellite line J. satellites can also be discerned. The solid lines are fits to the The spectrum is a surn of eight similar discharges of peaks. deuterium with Ne = 3.5 x 101 4 cm-3 , Te - 1.25 keV and BT = 80 kG. Fig. 6: He-like spectrum of Cl showing the principal lines w, x, y, and z as well as the satellites q, r, a and k. The spectrum is a sum of twenty discharges in deuterium with Ne w 1.5 x 101 4 cm- 3 , Te ~ 760 eV and BT = 40 kG. Also observed are satellites to the He-like ls-3p resonance in Sulphur the strongest of which lies at 4.388 A. Fig. 7: Same as in Figure 6 but for a sum of twelve discharges in hydrogen the conditions Ne = 2.9 x 101 4 cm- 3 , Te = 940 eV and BT = 80 kG. Fig. 8: The experimental spectrum of Figure 6 with three-point smoothing. The strongest lines of the predicted 2 9 ) satellite spectrum of He-like C1 All are shown with intensities normalized to the measured k line. intensities are from dielectronic recombination except for lines q and r where the added affect of inner shell excitation is shown by the broken line. Fig. 9: Example of He-like spectra for sulphur recorded for a single plasma discharge. The conditions were Me = 3 x 1014cm- 3 , Te W 1.8 keV and BT = 80 kG for a plasma of deuterium. of Fig. 10: Example of detector setting selected to record the H-like and He-like simultaneously. Besides the is-2p resonance lines, one can see the satellite line J and the 2p-3d line of Mo3 2 + at 4.804 A. Plasma discharge in hydrogen with conditions of N = 3.5 x io1 4 MkeV, and BT = 80 kG. e j Fig. 11: Example of He-like spectrum of chlorine from single plasma discharge deuterium with conditions of Ne = 3.5 x 101 4 cm- 3 and BT = 80 kG. Fig. 12: Example of spectrum in the region of the H-like resonance line in sulphur with intensity variation in line Mo-emission. Plasma discharges in deuterium with Ne = 2.3 x 101 4 cm- 3 and BT = 80 kG. The temperature is determined to be Te = 1.6 and 1.8 keV for (a) and (b) as discussed in the text. Fig. 13: Example of intensity variation in the ratio x/y for He-like Cl between nominally similar (single) plasma discharge in deuterium with conditions of Ne 3.4 x 1014cm~ , Te 0 1.4 keV, and BT = 80 kG. Fig. 14: Example of intensity variations in the ratio W(P1 /2 )/W(P / ) for 1 2 H-like sulphur for two consecutive, similar plasma discharges in deuterium of the conditions of Ne = 2.5 x 101 4 cm- , Te 2 1.4 keV and BT = 80 kG. (,,-WO) 9N q~Cj- 0o o to 0 0 0 0 0O (A 9) '1 0 -4 E (0: 0 to 0 0 AIIAISSIV43 0 LO .1 . * A N3 I. * . 0* * )I MA )l I -yr I/I I I J, I /,I/I I I I I . I I I I ........... I I I I I I I I I I * * it * I. * g* N ** * * I II **III ~ SBD TOXRASD I a 0 i i i 200(ms ) 300 100 Figure 2 * * 0 LA Ld 0 <j H) LIZ' j VLOZ' C lois S s~ 101*9 *~ v .Il 990G 0 V90 ~ BSO'9 + I-I yt~~oe~ 906:t, U_______ cr-~ 0L 0r 0l V~l0~ V 699't ts89t9 Yg* 9Z*t G vgg~, +5 - 0 0 0 oLtt 0 0 0o +o1 eC\Jt +_ 1]NNVHtJ/SI f9110 (X)l + N I 0 0 a:, ~LC) %jro .. O ~.1 -j( 0 0 . 0 ... C/) LUJ g. C) z r 0- E LO -S. --j LUI C,) z z -- ~ 0 IT) ~N or C) 0~:- 0 - 0 S. A. I C~.e a. ct a' 0 0 a. a. 0 0 IZ3r 0 0 -13NNVHO/SiNfloo LO. 0< 0 -- J 00 LO 0-_ LfLU 00 00 coN 0 -VH/i~o 0 I I I 0 0 0- 0 0 LO* C> x --- 1~l) co 0 LO 'I o< 0 z 0 QZ E LUi zI z 0 0 IT 00 -0 O -o I I 0 0 rr) ro) '1 Cin) F-J 0 0 0 0 0 IC) 13NNVHD/SINAOD 0) X (mA) 4450 I 300 - I i 4500 I I ALCATOR 0805.8-48(20) He-like Ck 0 0 0 x w -j 200 - 0 z 0 * z n 3 q r a m s t k 0 0 0 0 100 F- 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 .06 IN 0. to* 0 0 0* /~ELA~gr.*a % I 400 500 CHANNEL NUMBERS Figure 8 p 00 0 0 0 c) 0-0 o 'I 0 oN_j E w 0u o 0 zz 00 o0 cl) -(N 0 13NVO/i-o w I + 7,'. . % 0 0 CO 2 0 0 * , .. r() U) aJ :D z o< 1- OD ... 0 0 zI z C\j C) N\ II K) 0 1* r) 0 N~ *2 N~ 0 UI- E [ 0 Co 0 '-4 -LJ 0 ,;- r'O C 0 0 13NNVHO/SINnOo 0 0 'H + 4 *4 U)0 to U) N N to +r~' + cGo 0_ a. U)) LO CC U)l + NP C:c L 0 ++ U) + +0. ~C\J + + U) + '-a + 0. Nino + 0 A (m) 4900 4800 4700 ALCATOR 5000 0305. 26-28 (3) 500 C..4 + 0 C14 5~ CD- WN1 C!O 0 Q Lu z z 0 U +. x2. 67 +* 400 4800 4700 4600 800 HNNEL llJEER A (M) ALCATOR 4900 0305. 41-47 (8) 500 w z zco - b)+ U -. 400 Figure 12 D!AGNEL UtTER 800 LO. 0 0 U') +4 + -I I. 0 0 vc3 6 o 0 0 0, C cJ +1+ 0 0 + In) +. +1+ +i + 8 qt 0U') In C~IJ SI.Nfloo 0 CY) CIO 03 00 ot +1 * L- B 0* + 00 ,C C\J 02 <00 <N0 00 I Ld LO 00 *4 +1 550 I CD* <0j < 0 14 00 0 10 +I 0 0O