YOUNG GUNS Interest Form TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY YOUNG ENGINEERING ALUMNI APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Preferred E-mail Address: Preferred Phone(s): Home Address: City: State: Zip Code: EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Current Employer: Position Held: Length of Service: Employer Address: City, State, Zip: Business Phone: Business E-mail: UNIVERSITY INFORMATION & INVOLVEMENT Degree(s) Held: Year(s) Earned: Past University and/or College of Engineering Involvement: LEADERSHIP/COMMITTEE INTEREST Would you be interested in serving on any of the following committees? Membership Committee: Manages the existing membership base and generates ideas on how to increase and maintain our membership. Some of the activities involved may include tracking membership numbers and event attendance to monitor growth and participation, work with Networking Chair to encourage event participation, plan and coordinate membership and recruiting activities, explain membership benefits to members and potential members, and welcome new members to the organization. Events Committee: Coordinates the overall Young Guns events calendar and supports other committees with event logistics and planning. The committee is comprised of five subcommittees for each city there are events (Houston, Dallas, Midland, Austin and Lubbock). Committee members can participate by volunteering at events (e.g. welcoming attendees, distributing surveys/events material) and / or planning events (e.g. brainstorming event ideas, coordinating speakers / venues). Communications Committee: Coordinates communication with Young Guns membership through email, social media and newsletter to make the membership aware of past and upcoming Young Guns events and activities. Alumni Feedback Committee: Responsible for providing feedback to Dean Sacco and the Whitacre College of Engineering regarding alumni experiences and suggestions related to their education background at Texas Tech through means such as surveys and focus groups. Career Development Committee: Organizes professional events that are focused on providing career development guidance and advice from experienced Texas Tech engineering alumni to help Young Guns members develop professionally and learn from industry experts on a variety of technical and soft skills topics. (e.g. panel sessions, professional luncheons and mentoring) Fundraising Committee: Coordinates fundraising events that support the Whitacre College of Engineering and Young Guns activities. Committee members participate in the brainstorming, planning, and implementation of these efforts such as helping with silent and live auction items, event sponsorships, and event marketing. In the past this committee has helped with the Engineering Alumni Homecoming event. (Although Young Guns are encouraged to be involved in philanthropy, your participation on this committee does not require your personal financial commitment.) Please forward this form to CLICK TO SUBMIT