Practice Fiiial Exam The aiiswer sheets Naiiw: sCell 011 previous practice exaiiis are omitted iii an effort to save paper. Discrete Math 1. \rit.e (2i2 + 3i) as an mteger in standard form. )j (io) 2. What (lOes tile followmg qinil: 1 + r + -- + ? + 2 3. \\liat is the 129th tvrin in the sqiunce . 1.5. 22. 29.. .7 . - 4. What is the l3rd t cmi in the sequence 2, . ft, . . .7 — 5. \Vha.t is the suiii of t lie first 70 in standard form? teriiis of the Se(lllt’ll(t’ 39. 3.1. 29, 2 1 ... as au it (‘1?,er Cc G - (I . ( ) 90 (i. 1\ti (all i(e—(reaiii Kilol) has 2 11aV( )rs. You Ilese flavors? Volt sV1(’cI (i (‘e(l Io tlvct 12 flavors. In 1io’v nìaiiy ways C2() 7. A office supply store has 15 employees. A (lepaitmelital te in ne ds to be selected with a head illaliager, assist allt iiiaiiager, stock persOli, aiid greeter. In how iiiany ways aii you select these positions? H5! z - 8. The world cllaflipioilshij) of boxing has 61 competitors. How many possible ways are there to rank the (onipetitors froni first to last? 9. You iiee to stop at three places during a road trip. At the first si oJ) there are I gas xtatious, at the second stop there are 15 gas stations, and at the tlmd stop therv are 4 gas stations. How many cli[er nt gas stations an on stop at if V (0 401) at ouie station at each place? Th 10. What is ()‘? Your aHsW< ‘r should h a natural imiiiher in st im lard fort n. A.lgc 1) ra ii Writ ( ratioiial a ‘\25) iiiiiiil cr in st andai’d fonii. q3 - ) 1 12. \\ iii V h_g (S) ) Hi (h’ what ) . HX H 1HtlOIlfll lll111J)C1 111 rational nuinbi’i 13. Ii (1 14. If a > 0. thwii what is log,, (1) as 0, tlwii is a 0 as a a St.HH(lU1d form. In stan(larcl fonn? rational wmibr iii si a 1I(laI(1 CD 15. \Vrit log 1 () ( aS a rat ioiial itiiiiilwr iii st aiI(Ia1(I foriii. 13 loiiii? __ _ __ Iü. Salve mi i wlieij — 3 17. Solve br :r when 4( sc — 18. Solve for :1: Sr t -51oc - X when 2 + loge (:i ) = 7 — log, 1 (_) e 19. If (c) 3 = .L (x) + 2 and —:i’ + 8, then what is (- ,f o a + 20. Find tl1( o 1llV(15(’ of f(.z) 4 (x — 1) + 12. You (H11 (11(’ek your allsw(’r by s’iii if -\ ( H- + 4- -4. Dz ç) 4. + + - H’ _s U-, Lfl u-J cD x I’ 4 •2< 4- ( ‘TN x ‘<I \1 c) -C L51 + cc t’z + t’D + Tj x cD II x JJ + 25. how iiiaii root s lops _:z2 + 14;, — 49 llav(’? - -L Z 26. Find thu roots of 2.r2 + 3.r . .5. (Writu 1)0th root s.) . + 19r2 + 2x 27. Coiiiplutuly fctor V. 7 — il — 3 (Hint: —3 is a root.) 2 r Th 3 LQ ‘. (D 28. (c — Ce -‘L-r\T’ i whun — — 1 ---k t ‘ is thu 1istiiicu butwuuii v1iic1r1\vonunibTs. 29. Solvu for ‘ 5 < 11. - ) Linear Algebra 3. W1iil i I 11( (lVtUlIllilllhIlt ol t lie iiOiI iix 1 )U1OV? ( :3 —1 4 S (- (() 31 Fiiid the 11O(lllCt 1 (2 8 I 12 3 —5N( a÷(-i .± 32. \\‘1iit 1 tl1( illVels(’ of the intrix below? 3 0 (11 ) ( O-’ 1) ( (o) ‘3 \\T V 11 I(’ xyt (1 ii of t lIl(’V li1iVI (‘(1lla1iO11 ill t llrvV 1 Val1H )1VH 1 )V1OW 1S 1 lllHt UiX i( )1 I. :1+ y + 3z = 10 y = 6 = 13 —3:r + 3y + 2z o ( 1 ) / 3 34. Usc that (4 2 (02 0 1 to find r. y. z —u \ i) 1) - / =1 1/1 0 0 —2 1 —1 7/2 —1 2 R if kc + 2J 6z = --4 2-j-- z= 4 — 6 \(Y \ )f J/ 2 X ( \ / )/ 0 -Z <6 L/ J (‘( 35. (rnpli I lie IoIIowin I vu voiiniioii functions: 8 ,:i,:r 2 :r , 3 36. 4 ( n 11)li f: 37. Graph q: 38. Graph [—5.3) —> R where f(:r) { 1,2,3, 4} (‘ 39. Graph —2(:i 40. Graph — — V:r + 4 4)2 —:r + 2. = R where gr) and label its — 1 and E— /J, 1 /.r, I /:,2, = ,.2 aiid y— mt.ercept.s (if there are any). label its vertex. and label its :i— and 7)— iitercepts. 41. Graph p(r). Label all x—mtercepts. p(x) = (:r + 1)(x — 2)(x — 2 + 1) 6)(x 42. Graph ‘i(:z). Label all x—itercepts and all vertical asymptotes. —3(x + 1)(x + 1) (x + 4)(x — 1)(x —4) 43. Graph j’x _ 2 3 1 .1(x)— ifx1 44. Graph jj’ 1 ) 2 if x — —x+4 (—co, 1); ifx[1,5] (‘U’, 1o( (i). :. ) ‘c) o 1 (c (c’, t, (oo) 1/r c’) 1 (, tt’, a) 1og, (x) 37. g 36. f ° 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 _5 3 —2 —1 —1 i \ 3 4 5 —1 —2 —3 —4 —5 e t3,3) 1 2 3 4 0 (‘2---’) (c..yol c_-i + I I I — — I c_-I III,’ Ic_ D (,Q\) :11. p(:i) (2,0) 1- 42. r(:i) —7 43. —6 -5 44. f f 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 (sL) —3 —4 —4 —5 —5