Denitrification as a Means of Addressing Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater on Cape Cod, Massachusetts by ARCHINES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOLGY Kenneth M. Motolenich-Salas B.S. Chemical Engineering University of Notre Dame (1995) JUL 02 2015 LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING In Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1997 @Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. Signature of Author Certified by Signature redacted 01F6-Department of Civil and Environ ental Engineering PI 9 May 1997 Signature redacted Harold F. Hemond Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor n Signature redacted Accepted by Joseph M. Sussman, Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Students A MITLibraries 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 DISCLAIMER NOTICE Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. Denitrification as a Means of Addressing Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater on Cape Cod, Massachusetts by Kenneth M. Motolenich-Salas Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on 9 May 1997 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT The residents of Cape Cod face a problem of nitrate contamination of their groundwater (their primary source of drinking water) and their coastal and aquatic environments. Groundwater is the only source of drinking water on Cape Cod and the aquifer is defined as a "sole source aquifer" by the Safe Drinking Water Act. While many activities contribute nitrate (NO 3 -) contamination to groundwater, nitrate contamination from land application poses the greatest threat on Cape Cod. Only a few small areas on Cape Cod are sewered, and the majority of homes and businesses rely on septic systems. Increased urban development has increased the frequency of installation of septic systems. In many locations, the density of septic systems is greater than the natural ability of the subsurface environment to receive and purify system effluents prior to their movement into groundwater. Many of Cape Cod's environmental resources, including coastal receiving waters, marine embayments threatened with eutrophication, endangered wetlands, and Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs), are also threatened by nitratecontaminated groundwater flowing into the coastal waters of Cape Cod, which are extremely sensitive to eutrophication from excess nitrogen loading. In order to address nitrate-contaminated groundwater on Cape Cod, solutions based on biological denitrification should be considered. In this work, these solutions are discussed and explored. First, the major sources of contamination and possible health and environmental effects are discussed. Second, the fate and transport of nitrate in the subsurface environment is analyzed, with a detailed discussion of the factors governing biological denitrification. Third, the current status of groundwater nitrate contamination on Cape Cod is detailed. Fourth, possible options, alternative septic systems and in-situ remedial schemes, which all use biological denitrification as a means of attenuating nitrate in septic system effluent, are presented. Lastly, a proposal for action to deal with nitrate contamination on Cape Cod and suggestions for future study and long-term action for domestic sewage are given, based on my opinion of the scientific and engineering aspects of the circumstances of the contamination. Thesis Superviosr: Harold F. Hemond Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2 Acknowledgments My time here at MIT has had its ups and downs. Throughout it all, I could rely on certain individuals and institutions to provide me with a kind word, good advice, a smile. I would like to first thank the GEM (National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science), based at my alma mater; my sponsoring company, E.I. duPont de Nemours, Inc.; the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT; the United States Navy; and the University of Notre Dame. GEM provided to me the opportunity to pursue a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering. E.I. duPont de Nemours gave me invaluable work experience, an undergraduate scholarship, and, through their benevolent giving, funding for graduate school. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, especially Cynthia Stewart and Pat Dixon, helped me through the tough Summer of 1996. The United States Navy has also provided me with numerous opportunities, including a R.O.T.C. scholarship to Notre Dame, allowing me to enter the Navy debt free, and for granting me a leave of absence to pursue graduate studies immediately after my undergraduate years, so that I did not have a chance to forget all that I had learned. Lastly, I want to thank my beloved alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, for educating me and being more than an exemplary institution of higher learning: Notre Dame continues being a source of inspiration for me. However, my true source of inspiration throughout my life is people whom I love. My mother and father, Peter and Nilda Motolenich, have always provided for me: financially, spiritually, emotionally, and always lovingly. Finally, I owe my happiness in life to the love of my life, my future wife, Anita Varma. Before she 3 came into my life, I was alone walking a journey with no definite destination. With Anita, I have a loving companion with whom I can share all the joys of life. It is to Anita, the woman I love and want to spend my life with, that I dedicate this thesis. 4 Table of Contents Page Abstract Acknowledgments 3 List of Tables 8 List of Figures 9 Chapter 1. Introduction 12 1.1 Scope of the Problem 12 1.2 Sources of Nitrate 15 1.3 Health and Environmental Effects 16 1.3.1 Health Effects 16 1.3.1(a) Methemoglobinemia 17 1.3.1(b) Gastric Cancer 17 1.3.1(c) Other Health Effects 18 1.3.1(d) Cancer on Cape Cod 18 1.3.2 Environmental Effects 19 1.3.2(a) Algal Blooms 20 1.3.2(b) Case Study: Waquoit Bay, MA 20 21 1.4 Conclusions Chapter 2. Nitrate in Groundwater 22 2.1 Nitrate in Groundwater: Introduction 22 2.2 Nitrate Transport 24 2.2.1 Physical Processes 25 2.2.2 Sinks 27 2.3 Microbial Activity in Groundwater 28 2.4 Biological Denitrification 29 5 2.4.1 Conditions Needed for Denitrification 2.4.1(a) Oxygen 2.4.1(b) Microorganisms and Organic Carbon (OC) 2.4.1(c) Nutrients, Temperature, and pH 2.4.1(d) Redox Potential (EH) 2.4.1(e) Depth in Aquifer 2.4.1(f) Depth of Aquifer 2.4.1(g) Losses of Nitrate in the Unsaturated Vadose Zone 2.5 Denitrification Rates in Groundwater Environments 2.6 Conclusion Chapter 3. Nitrate Contamination on Cape Cod 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Cape Cod Nitrate Contamination 3.3 Use of Septic Systems 3.4 Nitrate from Septic Systems 3.5 Groundwater on Cape Cod 3.6 Effects of Nitrate on Water and Environmental Quality on Cape Cod 3.6.1 Water Quality 3.6.2 Environmental Quality 3.6.2(a) Wetlands 3.6.2(b) Areas of Critical Environmental Concern 3.7 Urbanization and Nitrate Contamination 3.8 Conclusion Chapter 4. Remediation Technology 4.1 Introduction: Motivation for Addressing Nitrate Contamination 4.2 Title V 4.3 Zones of Groundwater Protection 6 4.4 Environmental Motivation for Action 76 4.5 Remediation Technology 78 4.5.1 Permitted Alternative Septic Systems 80 4.5.1(a) The RUCK System 84 4.5.1(b) The FAST System 88 4.5.1(c) Ekofinn Bioclere TM 90 4.5.1(d) Recirculating Sand Filter (RSF) 93 4.5.1(e) Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) 95 4.6 In-Situ Treatments 96 4.6.1(a) Daisy System 97 4.6.1(b) Peat 100 4.6.1(c) Reactive Porous Media Barriers 104 4.6.1(d) Bioremediation via Autotrophic, Hydrogen-Oxidizing, Denitrifiers on Cape Cod 106 4.6.1(e) Sulfur/Limestone Denitrification 111 4.7 Conclusion 112 Chapter 5. What Should Be Done For Cape Cod's Nitrate Contamin ation? 113 5.1 Introduction 113 5.2 Immediate Action for Domestic Sewage Disposal 114 5.2.1 Homes Near the Coast 115 5.2.2 Large Cluster of Homes 117 5.2.3 Other Domestic Sewage 118 5.3 Large-Scale Contamination Remedial Action 118 5.4 Conclusion: Future Work and Long Term Action for Domestic Sewage Disposal 120 127 References 7 List of Tables Page Table 1: Microbial Growth Requirements in Subsurface Environments 28 Table 2: Field Estimates of Denitrification Rates in Aquifers 40 Table 3: Towns on Cape Cod and Percentage of Homes with Sewer Connections 57 Table 4: Physical Properties and Constituents in Cape Cod's Groundwater 62 Table 5: Major Wetlands on Cape Cod 65 Table 6: Waste Water Loading Credits For Four Alternative Septic Systems 83 Table 7: Effluent from Porter's Orchard Partnership 87 Table 8: Denitrification Efficiencies for the Ekofinn Bioclere TM Septic System 92 Table 9: Summary of Construction Details for Experimental Peat Filter Bed 103 Table 10: Treatment of Septic Tank Effluent by Sphagnum Peat Filter Beds 103 8 List of Figures Page Figure 1: Sources and Pathways of Nitrogen in the Subsurface Environment 23 Figure 2: Movement of Fertilizer Nitrate Through Sandy Loam Soil 26 Figure 3: Oxidation of Organic Carbon in the Saturated Zone with the Sequence of Electron Acceptors and the Resulting Reduced Inorganic Compounds 32 Figure 4: Stability Diagram of Nitrogen Species Showing the Predicted Species of Most Groundwater at 25 'C and 1 atm 39 Figure 5: Nitrous Oxide Production by Slurried Core Material at 1.5 m Beneath the Water Table versus Time 42 Figure 6: Vertical Profile of Rates of Denitrification for Slurried Core Material 42 Figure 7: Time Course of Nitrous Oxide Production by Core Samples and Well Water Samples from Two Depths 43 Figure 8: Frequency Distributions of Denitrification .Rates Measured in Sediment Cores 44 Figure 9: Vertical Profiles of Denitrification Rates, Dissolved Oxygen, NitrateNitrogen, and Dissolved Organic Carbon Measured in Sediment Cores 45 Figure 10: Nitrous Oxide Production in Sediment Slurries with Nitrate and Carbon Addition 47 Figure 11: Political Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 49 Figure 12: Landfills and Sewage-Disposal Sites on Cape Cod 50 Figure 13: Nitrate Concentrations and the Frequency Distribution on Cape Cod, 1980-1984 53 Figure 14: Approximate Populations Using Septic Tanks 55 Figure 15: Schematic Cross-Section through a Conventional Septic Tank Soil Disposal System for On-Site Disposal and Treatment of Domestic Liquid Waste 56 9 Figure 16: (a) Schematic Cross Section of a Conventional Septic System, Including Septic Tank, Distribution Pipe, and Groundwater Plume (b) Sequence of Simplified Redox Reactions in the Two Major Zones of a Conventional Septic System: the Septic Tank and the Drain Field 56 Figure 17: Cape Cod Regional ACEC Locus Map 66 Figure 18: Changes in Eelgrass Distribution in Waquoit Bay, 1951-1987 68 Figure 19: Growth in Housing Units in Massachusetts Counties, 1980-1990 in Relation to Distance From the Sea 69 Figure 20: Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Below Areas of Cape Cod Having Different Densities of Buildings 69 Figure 21: Housing Density on Cape Cod, 1985 70 Figure 22: Median Nitrate Concentration as a Function of Housing Density 72 Figure 23: Median Nitrate Concentration as a Function of Building Density 72 Figure 24: Recharge Areas to a Pumped Well in a Valley-Fill Aquifer 77 Figure 25: Ocean Sanctuaries of Massachusetts 79 Figure 26: Alternative Onsite Septic Systems Installed to Date in Barnstable County: Estimates as of August, 1996 82 Figure 27: RUCK System 86 Figure 28: Smith and Loveless Single Home FAST System 89 Figure 29: Sectional View of BioclereTM Components 91 Figure 30: Final Effluent Nitrogen Component Concentrations 91 Figure 31: Principal Components of a Recirculating Sand Filter System 94 Figure 32: Schematic Description of In-Situ Denitrification 98 Figure 33: Schematic Description of the Daisy System 98 Figure 34: Schematic Diagram of System One and Two Peat Filter Beds 102 10 Figure 35: Killarney and Borden (Horizontal) Denitrification Layers Showing Chemical Profiles (mg/L) After One Year of Operation 107 Figure 36: Long Point (Vertical) Denitrification Wall with Chemical Levels Up- and Downgradient of the Wall 108 Figure 37: Time Course of Nitrate Concentration (mM) in Sediment Slurries 110 11 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope of the Problem Groundwater is a vital resource. Over 50% of drinking water in the U.S. is supplied by groundwater and is the source of drinking water in 95% of rural farm areas (Follett, 1989). In Massachusetts, groundwater consists of 22% of public drinking water supplies and 97% in rural areas (Persky, 1986). Groundwater is the only source of drinking water on Cape Cod. Many activities of modern society contribute nitrate (NO 3 -) contamination to groundwater. Nitrates are mobile in soil and will often present a potential threat to groundwater whenever they are used as a fertilizer or when nitrogen is discharged onto land surfaces by septic tanks or under feedlots. Wells and groundwater exhibiting nitrate contamination have been noted in every state in the USA (Follett, 1989). Nielsen and Lee (1986) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service noted that wells with greater than 3 mg/L occurred in 29% of all the counties in the U.S.A. Nitrate is the most frequently reported health-related contaminant in the world's groundwater systems (Spalding and Parrott, 1994). Nitrate is also an environmental contaminant of concern. Groundwater contributes to the nitrate contamination of surface waters through base-flows to streams and lakes. In coastal zones from Cape Cod to Texas, groundwater conveys land-derived nitrogen to receiving waters (Valiela and D'Elia, 1992). High nitrate concentrations in groundwater could cause a serious environmental quality problem. The conventional septic tank-soil absorption system is the most convenient and economical method for home sewage disposal. Increased development of 12 housing and mobile home parks in rural areas and in small towns without domestic waste treatment plants has increased the frequency of installation of septic systems for sewage treatment and disposal. Groundwater degradation has occurred in many areas having high densities of septic systems, including Cape Cod, with the degradation exemplified by high concentrations of nitrates, bacteria, and other contaminants. Septic system problems are magnified by the fact that in many areas, a substantial reliance on subsurface disposal systems is paralleled by a reliance on private wells for drinking water supplies. Hence, nitrate from septic system effluent can have a detrimental effect on health by contaminating the drinking water supply and the environment by groundwater flow to surface waters. Water quality problems may occur when the amount of nitrogen released from septic systems exceed health and ecological limits of water resources. While nitrogen from one septic system may not be a problem, a concentration of septic systems in a resource area may threaten water quality by exceeding safe limits. What is even more critical for Cape Cod is the extreme sensitivity of marine recharge areas to excess nitrogen loading. A marine embayment is very sensitive to nitrogen loading, depending on the shape and depth of the embayment. Its nitrogen limit can be exceeded at a housing density as low as one house per three acres in its water shed or marine water recharge area (Cape Cod Commission, 1996). Nitrate in groundwater is subject both to reactions within aquifer systems and to effects from surface land use and reactions within the unsaturated zone above the aquifer (Follett, 1989). Biological denitrification is important in many aquifers for removing nitrate. The rate of denitrification is governed by redox conditions, the existence of denitrifier populations, and available carbon. Increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in a contaminated aquifer would probably increase denitrification. This, coupled with the development of more anaerobic conditions 13 from microbial activity, could be used as a remediation approach to nitratecontaminated groundwater. There is a possibility that the rates of denitrification in aquifers may be greater than previously estimated. A number of studies conclude that rates of denitrification may be relatively high in groundwater, based on three lines of evidence: Larger than expected concentrations of dissolved organic matter: Concentrations of labile organic matter in groundwater (0.7-27 mg DOC/L, Fiebig et al., 1990) may be greater than was thought to occur. Such concentrations make denitrification more likely in groundwaters than in unsaturated zones, because the carbon might support microbial activity which would result in lower oxygen concentrations. * Downgradient lowering of nitrogen concentrations: Correlational evidence that nitrate losses occur downgradient (in waste water or fertilizer plumes) has been obtained by examining distributions of solutes (Trudell et al., 1986; Smith and Duff, 1988; Robertson et al., 1991). In a sand and gravel aquifer on Cape Cod, denitrification is the predominant nitrate-reducing mechanism within the aquifer (Smith and Duff, 1988). * Tracer experiments: Experimental injections of nitrate into aquifers showed that nitrate disappeared downgradient faster than expected based on dilution of a conservative tracer (bromide, Br-). Further, nitrate consumption was matched by increases in bicarbonate (HCO3) and decreases in dissolved oxygen (02), as expected from carbon mineralization attributable to denitrification (Trudell et al., 1986). One could thus use denitrification as a possible means of addressing nitrate contamination in groundwater on Cape Cod. It should be noted that many researchers report nitrate concentrations either as nitrate or as nitrate-nitrogen (N0 3 -N). The drinking water standard, to which I will be referring later, is an example of the latter. To clarify, the drinking water standard is 14 10 mg N0 3 --N/L (nitrate as nitrogen) = 44.3 mg N0 3 ~/L (nitrate) It is necessary to establish a framework by which to investigate possible remediation technologies and/or management options for groundwater contamination. One must answer the following questions initially in order to understand the motivation for addressing contamination: 1) What are the major sources of contamination? 2) What are the possible health effects? 3) What are the possible environmental effects? I will answer these questions in this chapter, with reference to the sources and environmental and health effects specific to Cape Cod and its residents. 1.2 Sources of Nitrate Nitrate occurs naturally in the environment at low concentrations; around 0.05 mg/L from the decay of vegetation and the infiltration of nitrogen-laden precipitation (Frimpter et al., 1990). Nitrate in groundwater can also arise from deposits laid down during geologic times (Boyce, 1976). Concentrations of N0 3 ~-N greater than 0.5 mg/L probably reflect anthropogenic inputs. Anthropogenic sources of nitrate that contribute to groundwater quality problems include typical point sources, such as sites related to the disposal of human and animal sewage, in particular areas with a high-density of individual septic systems; industrial sites, related to food processing, including dairy and poultry feedlots; munitions, or some polyresin facilities; and sites where handling and accidental spills of nitrogenous materials may accumulate (Vomocil, 1987). A long-range source is atmospheric deposition. On Cape Cod, the major source is from domestic septic systems. 15 1.3 Health and Environmental Effects Increased attention nationwide on nitrate as a contaminant has been prompted by health and environmental studies and an increasing number of groundwater sources experiencing contamination. For example, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has set a planning goal of 5 mg N0 3--N/L, which is one-half of the federally mandated drinking water standard for nitrate. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has adopted this as a goal since a consistent background concentration of 5 mg N0 3--N/L has been shown to correlate to isolated exceedances of the drinking water standard. The planning guideline must be met for Zone II (hydrogeologically defined wellhead protection areas for public supply wells) as described in the Massachusetts Water Supply Regulations 310 CMR 22.21(2)(d). However, concentrations of N0 3 -N 10 to 100 times less than the drinking water standard can cause adverse environmental effects (Geist, personal communication). 1.3.1 Health Effects The importance of groundwater is illustrated by data which shows that groundwater is the source of drinking water for about half of the population and for about 85% of the rural population (CAST, 1985). Cape Cod depends almost entirely on groundwater for its drinking water, making it necessary to ensure the protection of supplies from present and future contamination. Nitrate is one of the primary contaminants of concern. Nitrate poses a health hazard. Public health standards for nitrate in public drinking water supplies have been set at 10 mg N0 3 -N/L. Concern arises when nitrate accumulates in groundwater because, when ingested in high enough amounts by humans and animals, potential adverse health effects may 16 occur. These health effects are reported to include methemoglobinemia, cancer, and possibly others. 1.3.1(a) Methemoglobinemia Ingestion of water exceeding the nitrate standard has been shown to cause varying levels of methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome) and sometimes death in infants younger than six months. Methemoglobinemia results when ingested nitrate is converted to nitrite (NO 2 -) in the oral cavity and the stomach. The nitrite is absorbed through the intestinal wall and combines with hemoglobin in the blood, making it incapable of absorbing and transporting oxygen. The blood is then unable to transport oxygen, which results in the infant's death due to oxygen starvation. The public health standard of 10 mg N0 3 --N/L was chosen because it was the concentration below which no cases of infant methemoglobinemia had been identified (Walton, 1941). Adults are immune to this condition because they have developed bacteria in their intestines which prevent the absorption of the nitrite. 1.3.1(b) Gastric Cancer An association between nitrate intake and gastric cancer mortality has been suggested by Fine (1982) based upon the correlation of stomach cancer mortality rates against previously published data on daily nitrate intake in different countries (r=0.88). Both for healthy individuals and for special risk groups, the possible correlation between nitrate and nitrite intake and stomach cancer is based upon intake of possible exogenous sources as well as endogenous formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines. It has been proposed that nitrate in drinking water could, under certain conditions, react with compounds in foods to form 17 nitrosamines. Nitrate can be transformed in the gastrointestinal tract to nitrite, which, in the presence of secondary or tertiary amines (R-NH2 , with R an organic moiety), to form nitrosamines: N03- -+ gastrointestinal tract -+ N02- + Tertiary/Secondary R-NH2 -+ nitrosamines However, it is presently impossible to make a scientifically reliable estimate of the risk of human cancer posed by exposure to nitrate in drinking water and the possible formation of nitrosamines. 1.3.1(c) Other Health Effects Other studies (Scragg, et al., 1982) have shown a positive correlation between nitrate in groundwater supplies and birth defects. Cattle which were fed high nitrate levels exhibited inhibited growth, shortening of life spans, increased abortion rates, and reproductive difficulties. Although it has not been proven that the nitrate is the cause of the malformations, the association with elevated nitrate in drinking water has been proven. Also, high nitrate levels indicate that the water supply is intercepting septic system leachate and may be contaminated with other harmful chemicals contained in waste water. About half of the waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States are related to contaminated groundwater; septic systems are the most frequently reported cause of this contamination (Yates, 1985). 1.3.1(d) Cancer on Cape Cod On Cape Cod, Federal and State health officials have reported an increased incidence of certain cancers, other illnesses, and symptoms (Cape Cod Times, January 8, 1997). The Department of Public Health of Massachusetts feels that there is an association between environmental factors and cancer incidence on Cape Cod. 18 5,654 Upper Cape residents from Bourne to Barnstable reported having cancer from 1982 to 1990 compared with the 4,543 cases expected. That represents 24% higher rates than the state average, and Massachusetts has the twelfth highest cancer rate in the country (Cape Cod Times, January 8, 1997). It has not been conclusively shown that the elevated rates of cancer are the result of increased exposure to waste water in the drinking water, of which nitrate can be used to detect. However, when the effect at issue is a serious and irreversible one such as cancer, even a largely speculative risk may be seen as justification for some policy action. In this case, the soundest way to reduce the potential risk of cancer is to reduce exposures to waste water and, since nitrate can serve as an indicator of waste water presence, reduce exposure to nitrate. 1.3.2 Environmental Effects Coastal and estuarine water are the most nutrient-enriched ecosystems on earth (Valiela et al., 1992). The principal alteration of coastal and estuarine ecosystems today is eutrophication brought about by increased nitrogen loads derived from human activities on land (National Academy of Sciences, 1994) and transported by freshwater to coastal waters (Cole et al., 1993). Nitrogen transport rates are of critical importance because rates of coastal production, as well as many other key processes coupled to production, are set by nitrogen supply (Nixon et al., 1996). Nitrate, a plant nutrient, is often assumed to be the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton activity in marine systems, which could contribute to eutrophication (a pervasive problem along the east coast of the U.S.) in estuarine environments (Nixon and Pilsen, 1983). A marine embayment is very sensitive to nitrogen loading, depending on the shape and depth of the embayment. Its nitrogen limit can be exceeded at a housing density as low as one house per three acres in its water shed or marine water recharge area (Cape Cod Commission, 1996). Nutrient 19 loading has led to increased abundance of algae and plants, reduced oxygen content of water, decimated shell and finfish, and many other changes in structure and function of aquatic communities. 1.3.2(a) Algal Blooms Today the health of large marine ecosystems- their diversity, productivity, and resilience- is threatened by coastal algal blooms. Algal blooms (red, green, golden, brown, bioluminescent), covering vast expanses of marine, estuarine, and inland water have now been described from points as diverse as California, North Carolina, Guatemala, Iceland, Japan, Thailand, and the Tasman Sea. This increase in blooms is a direct consequence of human activities. The major anthropogenic influences are pollution, over-harvesting of shellfish and finfish, and loss of wetland habitats. Excess nutrients from sewage and fertilizer effluents is a primary cause of marine eutrophication. Algal blooms have been linked to cholera outbreaks (Epstein et al., 1993), which seriously threaten both the environment and pubic health. The degradation of marine ecosystems increases the risk of diseases emerging. Changes along coastlines contribute to pubic health hazards and can cause hpyoxia in the breeding grounds of marine animals and plants. 1.3.2(b) Case Study: Waquoit Bay, MA Waquoit Bay is a shallow bay on Cape Cod which exhibits symptoms of eutrophication, largely attributed to septic nitrogen inputs. Valiela et al. (1992) found that groundwater is the major mechanism that transports nutrients to Waquoit's coastal waters. Nitrogen delivered to the watershed surface can be taken up by vegetation, be denitrified in the soil, or percolate through soil. On Cape Cod, domestic waste water from septic tanks provides more nitrogen than precipitation 20 (atmospheric deposition) or use of fertilizers. The waste water releases nitrogen deep in the subsoil, which eventually enters the aquifer. The groundwater seeps or flows through the sediment-water boundary and sufficient groundwater-borne nutrients, nitrogen in particular, traverse the boundary to cause significant changes in the aquatic ecosystem. These loading-dependent alterations include increased nutrients in water, greater primary production by phytoplankton, and increased macroalgal biomass and growth. For example, Valiela noted that even small increases in nitrogen loads markedly decrease eelgrass cover area and leads to increased biomass and productivity of benthic seaweeds. Macroalgal photosynthesis largely controls oxygen supply in bottom waters and the more nitrogen loading, the greater the fluctuations of oxygen concentrations, with increased frequency of hypoxia within the bay and its estuaries (D'Avanzo and Kremer, 1994). Thus, nitrate contamination in groundwater can adversely affect ambient aquatic ecosystems. I will be referring to Waquoit Bay throughout this thesis to highlight the environmental impacts of nitrate on Cape Cod. 1.4 Conclusion In Chapter 1, I established a framework by which to investigate possible remedial efforts for groundwater contamination by citing the major sources of nitrate contamination and the health and environmental effects of nitrate. Cognizant of this information, I now address the fate and transport of nitrate in the subsurface environment. 21 Chapter 2 Nitrate in Groundwater 2.1 Nitrate in Groundwater: Introduction Nitrogen is ubiquitous in the natural environment and its conversion to nitrate is part of the natural functioning of any ecosystem. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant and animal growth. In the natural environment, nitrogen is cycled through plants and animals in a complex of series of biological and chemical processes. Figure 1 is a summary of the sources, sinks and pathways that are integrated into the nitrogen cycle into the subsurface environment. Nitrate can be discharged directly from septic system soil absorption drainage tiles into the subsurface environment. It can also form in the soil by nitrification of other nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium (NH4 +). Nitrates can reach groundwater from a variety of sources. Nitrogen is a primary component of inorganic and organic fertilizers (Scarsbrook, 1965), transforms rapidly to nitrate under normal soil conditions (Alexander, 1965), and is primarily transported in the water infiltrating the soil (groundwater), not the water moving over it (runoff, or surface water). The widespread appearance of nitrates in groundwater is a consequence of a number of factors. The nitrate ion is negatively charged; consequently, it is repelled rather than attracted to negatively-charged clay mineral surfaces. This is contrasted with the ammonium ion which, in groundwater, adsorbs to aquifer solids that have a significant cation exchange capacity (CEC). Thus, nitrate is very mobile in most soils, and is easily displaced from its point of origin by water additions. It is stable in soil except when biologically 22 Precioitation NH 3 NO~ NH 3 NO~ Mineral fertilizer Plant residue, compost Organic-N N H-3 NH 3 NO Organic -N proteins Sewage NH 3 FN 2 Plant proteins N2 Nitrogen Fi xa3t ion I7NK NZ (Denitrif ca i ston Nitrif icationecm N 4 (N I7 Prens rfiaon NHI n nNHD -Asr7 NIO Decomposition N03 ) Ni rfia= 4 (Adsorption) n Denitrification Nitrification NO- NO~ 1 L e ach *ng GroundwaTer N1O1 Denitrification in reducing zones} N03 N2 a 0 Figure 1: Sources and Pathways of Nitrogen in the Subsurface Environment (From Freeze and Cherry, 1979) 23 transformed by denitrification, which only occurs in very wet soil or inside of soil aggregates at high moisture content (Broadbent, 1973). Although nitrate is taken up rapidly by plant roots, this removal mechanism only occurs near the surface in a region known as the soil root zone. Thus, wherever there is a source of nitrogen and an excess of water applied to the soil, nitrates have the potential to reach groundwater. Since two of the major sources of nitrogen addition to soil, irrigated agriculture and septic tanks, are also sources of excess water, it is easy to see why these operations have been associated with nitrate pollution. If one wishes to use a specific (bio)chemical transformation of a chemical compound in order to address its contamination, one must investigate the phenomena which affect the transport and transformation of that chemical compound. In this chapter, I will present biological denitrification of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen species, which has been suggested as a means of addressing nitratecontaminated groundwater. I will do this in the context of fate and transport of nitrate in groundwater. Again, I will address denitrification and nitrate fate and transport in groundwater with respect to the specific case at hand: nitrate contamination of groundwater on Cape Cod. 2.2 Nitrate Transport In general, delivery of nitrate to groundwater is via vertically percolating recharge and typically exceeds the denitrification potential of aquifer material. Nitrate can move with groundwater flow with minimal transformation. It can migrate long distances from input areas if there are highly permeable subsurface materials which contain dissolved oxygen. Movement of any dissolved ion such as nitrate through soil is governed by two mechanisms: convection of the chemical with moving soil solution and diffusion of the chemical within the solution. The 24 amount of nitrate found at a point of groundwater is a function of physical and (bio)chemical factors. Nitrate concentrations can be modified by physical processes which do not change the total mass of nitrate but which change the concentration in solution. Nitrate can be removed permanently or temporarily from aquifers by (bio)chemical conversion and a decline in the redox potential of the groundwater to other forms of nitrogen. 2.2.1 Physical Processes Recharge of water with lower nitrate concentration causes dilution. Other physical processes which can modify nitrate concentrations in aquifers are advection (transport by motion of the flowing groundwater), diffusion (movement of nitrate from areas of high to low concentration), and dispersion (mixing caused by microscopic differences in flow rate through porous media). Figure 2 shows the movement of nitrate fertilizer through a sandy loam soil. Nitrate will have an increasingly broad concentration peak as it moves with water through a soil. This spreading is caused by diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion. The peak moved downward with time and gradually became less sharply defined as a result of diffusion and dispersion. Movement into less permeable areas or carbon-rich portions of the aquifer can promote nitrate reduction through denitrification, which is discussed later. Although these physical processes can modify nitrate concentrations in homogeneous aquifer systems, their effects can be small compared to dilution caused by heterogeneities in aquifer flow patterns, storage, recharge, and discharge. For example, in settings such as sand and gravel aquifers (Cape 25 NITRATE-N BULK DENSITY (g/m2 /cm) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 15- 15 15 30 30- 30- 30- 45 45- 60 60 30- 60- 75 75 75- 75- 90 90 0- 90- - 105 - 1 35- 105- 120 - 120 - 1 20- 120- 135 - 135 - 1: 150 - - DAY 0.4 45 105 150 0.2 - 0.0 - 1.0 135 50 ' Uj 0.8 3 15 a. 0.6 DAY2 - 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.0 150 DAY 3 DAY 4 Figure 2: Movement of Fertilizer Nitrate Through Sandy Loam Soil (From National Academy of Sciences, 1978) 26 Cod) and fractured bedrock, low dispersion often maintain high nitrate concentrations for considerable travel distances (Wilhelm et al., 1994). Today, the effect of dilution on nitrate concentration is coming under criticism. In the past, many researchers thought that dilution was a major source of nitrate attenuation. However, tracer tests have now demonstrated that hydrodynamic dispersion in most sand aquifers is much less than previously thought and the dilution models which are commonly used to attenuate nitrate from septic systems are probably physically unrealistic (Robertson and Cherry, 1995). The nitrate mass balance equation may be written as d/dt (C) + on = d/dz Js Il} where: 9 = soil moisture content C = mass of nitrate per unit volume fluid On= a term describing the net disappearance of nitrate mass per volume per unit time from (bio)chemical transformation (a sink term) Js = nitrate mass flux in mass of nitrate per area per unit time Js is the sum of convective and diffusive mass fluxes: Js = - F(6)Dsw dC/dz + uwC {2} where: E(O) = tortuosity factor as a function of soil moisture content Dsw = effective diffusion and dispersion coefficient, area per unit time uw = water velocity, length per unit time 2.2.2 Sinks It is desirable to identify and evaluate any potential nitrate sinks within the groundwater regime that may be acting to protect water supplies from contamination. Below the root zone, there are four possible "fates" (other than continued leaching) for nitrate: (1) soil retention, (2) assimilatory reduction into 27 microbial biomass, (3) dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), and (4) denitrification. Only the latter may serve as a major nitrogen sink since the others only temporarily immobilize nitrogen. 2.3 Microbial Activity in Groundwater Microorganisms are key factors that control the chemistry of groundwater. Microbial populations can have profound effects on the transport and fate of both naturally-occurring and contaminant solutes (Smith et al., 1996). In general, except for heavily contaminated situations, groundwater microbial processes proceed at rates that are slower than the rate of groundwater flow; that is, many solutes are transported faster than they are transformed. This is due to the nutrient and energypoor nature of the groundwater environment. Nitrogen transformations by groundwater microorganisms largely depend on redox conditions in the aquifer (Smith et al., 1976). Microbial activity can reduce the redox potential by oxidizing potential electron donors. It is well established that substantial microbial populations do exist naturally in many groundwaters. Britton and Gerba (1984) summarized microbial growth requirements in the subsurface environment: Table 1: Microbial Growth Requirements In Subsurface Environments Comments Parameter Inorganic: Carbonates and bicarbonates Organic: Humic substances and waste water organics Mode of Utilization of Organics Secondary substrates Other Elements N, P, S, Na, Ca, Mg may be present in sufficient quantities to allow growth Electron Elements 02: absent in most deep aquifers 2 Other Electron Acceptors: NO3- and SO4 - Carbon E ources Source: Britton and Gerba, 1984. 28 Specially adapted organisms, such as those which can use electron acceptors other than oxygen, are able to proliferate in the subsurface environment. Due to relatively low substrate concentrations and high specific surface areas, bacteria which form biofilms on the surface of solid particles predominate in groundwater (McCarty et al., 1984) although most bacteria may remain in solution in sand aquifers, like those located on Cape Cod (Matthes, 1985). 2.4 Biological Denitrification Biological denitrification is the only permanent sink for nitrate and the major pathway by which nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere as gaseous nitrogen (dinitrogen, N 2, and nitrous oxide, N 20). Biological denitrification is a respiratory process whereby nitrate is utilized as the terminal electron acceptor in lieu of oxygen by bacteria which are mainly aerobes (Knowles, 1982). Nitrate is reduced to gaseous nitrogen and an electron donor, usually organic carbon, is oxidized. The denitrifying bacteria are capable of normal respiratory growth in the presence of oxygen. However, under microaerobic and anaerobic conditions they use nitrate, nitrite, or nitrous oxide as the terminal electron acceptors. The reduction of nitrate to nitrogen involves several specific biochemical sequences (the oxidation state of nitrogen in each molecule is shown above it in parentheses): (+5) (+3) (+2) (+1) (0) N0 3 -> N02- -+ NO -> N 2 0 -+ N 2 Many bacteria are able to perform only one or two of these. Thus, the denitrifying microflora must be considered as a group of complimentary microorganisms able to carry out the conversion of nitrate to dinitrogen in its entirety. 29 The following discussion of the factors needed for biological denitrification refers to heterotrophic denitrification. However, Thurman (1985) stated that the majority of all groundwaters have dissolved organic carbon (DOC) < 2 mg/L. Thus, in the absence of DOC, large amounts of denitrification are often only possible in aquifers with large quantities of reduced inorganic compounds or solid labile OC in the porous matrix. Thus, with low DOC and high inorganic carbon, autotrophic (inorganic carbon as energy source) denitrification is possible. The potential for autotrophic denitrification is discussed later in Chapter 4 and 5. 2.4.1 Conditions Needed for Denitrification Biological denitrification rates are controlled by redox conditions, available carbon, denitrifier populations, and other environmental factors. Denitrification can be carried out by several common genera of bacteria provided a substrate, usually organic matter (as a source of energy and electrons), and oxidized nitrogen are present, but it only occurs under anaerobic or almost anaerobic conditions. At least 14 genera of denitrifying bacteria have been identified, and they are present in most soil and aquatic environments (Follett, 1989). Because much of the groundwater is suboxic or anoxic, denitrification is one of the predominant terminal electron-accepting processes in the groundwater plume, and it is a key factor in carbon and nitrogen cycling by microorganisms within the affected portions of the aquifer (Smith et al., 1996). 2.4.1(a) Oxygen Denitrification primarily occurs under low oxygen conditions. Oxygen, which competes with nitrate as an electron acceptor in the energy metabolism of cells, is an important inhibitor. Considerable changes take place in the energy metabolism of 30 microflora when the availability of oxygen is limited (Hiscock, 1991). The gradual depletion of oxygen or provision of semi-anaerobic conditions appears to favor denitrification. Knowles (1982) explains that in soils there is frequently an inner- aggregate air-filled porosity surrounding intra-aggregate water filled pores which become virtually anaerobic permitting denitrification to occur. Aerobic respiration is then replaced by anaerobic respiration, during which oxygen is replaced by nitrate as an alternative electron acceptor (see Figure 3). Nitrate is the first compound to be reduced after oxygen depletion (half reaction): N0 3 - + 6 H+ + 5 e- -> 0.5 N2 (g) + 3 H20 {3} Generally, denitrification is not observed at an oxygen concentration above 0.2 mg/L (Korom, 1992). It has also been observed that the denitrification rate decreases as the air-filled porosity increases, and denitrification ceases as the environment becomes oxidizing at air-filled porosities of 11 to 14% (Pilot and Patrick, 1972). However, the presence of denitrifying enzymes has been detected even in sandy soils which have 20% 02 in the air-filled spaces (Tiedje et al., 1982). 2.4.1(b) Microorganisms and Organic Carbon Microbial populations in the aquifer can catalyze redox processes and, therefore, affect speciation of the inorganic nitrogen compounds (Ceazan et. al. 1989). Bacteria capable of denitrification are commonly found in many subsurface environments, even when denitrification is not actively occurring (Keeney, 1986). Most denitrifying bacteria are heterotrophic (organic carbon is used both as a carbon source and electron donor) and are able to utilize a wide range of carbon compounds (sugars, organic acids, amino acids) as sources of electrons. For example, the oxidation half reaction of a carbohydrate is: 31 SahuraIed Zone Organic Carbon Min(IV) as f&022 -- - Mn_(U) as N - -~ I jnC( L~e Mas FeO0 H~ - ISE14 t I(II as FeCO31 ) 1h-h( Figure 3: Oxidation of Organic Carbon in the Saturated Zone with the Sequence of Electron Acceptors and the Resulting Reduced Inorganic Compounds (From Korom, 1992) 32 CH 2 O+ H2 0 -+ CO2 (g) + 4 H+ + 4e- {4} Combining equations (3) and (4) for heterotrophic biological denitrification yields: 5 CH2 O + 4 NO 3- + 4 H+ -+ 2 N 2 + 5 C02 (g) + 7 H 2 0 {5} As can be seen in equation {5}, the alkalinity and pH of the solution increases during denitrification. Dinitrogen is unavailable to most organisms. In groundwater, the concentration of organic carbon is limited by oxidation of the organic matter to carbon dioxide before reaching the water table, and the general lack of soluble organic carbon contained in aquifer solids. Bradley et al. (1992) found a highly significant relationship between potential denitrification and sediment total organic content. An enhancement of denitrification activity in sediments amended with glucose indicated that denitrification rates were carbon limited. According to equation {5}, the denitrification reaction requires 1.25 mmol of carbon for the reduction of each mmol of nitrate and this stoichiometry has been observed in situ by measuring excess N2 and C02 gas produced at the Cape Cod MMR site (Smith et al., 1991). Denitrification is carbon limited in a sewage-effluent-contaminated glacial aquifer on Cape Cod (Smith and Duff, 1988) and will most likely be the limiting factor for denitrification throughout Cape Cod's groundwater. The organic carbon limitation is potentially complex because a wide variety of organic compounds are available to denitrifying organisms (Beauchamp et al., 1989). However, only a fraction of the naturally occurring total organic carbon in soils or aquifer sediments generally is labile (Lalisse-Grundmann et al., 1988). Solid-phase organic carbon also may support denitrification (Robertson et al., 1991). However, the amount of organic carbon in subsurface sediments is often very small, generally less than 0.5% (by weight) in sand aquifers and much of this solid organic matter may be very old and resistant to biodegradation (Mackay, 1990). 33 Trudell et al. (1986) found that for denitrification to occur in a shallow unconfined sand aquifer, soil organic carbon at 0.08-0.16% by weight, was adequate to denitrify large amounts of nitrate. During recharge events, when the volumetric water content of the surface soil increases to near saturation, it is possible for organic carbon dissolved in the surface soil zone to be transported to the water table without completely undergoing oxidation. At the water table, this carbon may remain dissolved or precipitate as solid organic carbon. However, each recharge event that brings dissolved oxygen and nitrate to the water table will deplete the pool of residual solid organic carbon in an aquifer to some extent. The potential exists for extended inputs of nitrate to a flow system over a long period of time to deplete the carbon source to the point at which the aquifer no longer has the capacity to support denitrification. The net result is the loss of this nitrate sink in the flow system, giving rise to the possibility of extensive accumulation of nitrate contamination of shallow groundwater. However, further work is required to evaluate the potential of this process for the replenishment of DOC in the aquifer for possible denitrification. 2.4.1(c) Nutrients, Temperature, and pH The availability of nutrients is an important requirement in sustaining biological cell growth. On the basis of average cellular composition, the favorable ratio of C:N:P:S is about 100:20:4:1 (Spector, 1956), although additional organic carbon is required as an electron donor. Most groundwaters contain adequate concentrations of the necessary minerals and trace metals to support biosynthesis (Champe et al., 1979). Denitrification was reported to be positively related to pH with an optimum in the range of 7.0-8.0 (Hiscock, 1991). However, Bradley et al. (1992) did not find a significant correlation between the rate of denitrification and the pH of the 34 groundwater and hypothesized that denitrifiers adapt to in-situ pH conditions. Temperature is also a significant controlling factor. At a low temperature, denitrification decreases markedly but is measurable between 0 and 5 'C. A synergistic effect of temperature and oxygen upon denitrification can be noted. At a high temperature, oxygen solubility is less, thus increasing the biological rate process, and vice versa. Generally, a doubling of denitrification rate is possible with every 10 'C increase in temperature (Gauntlett and Craft, 1979). 2.4.1(d) Redox Potential (EH) Nitrogen transformations by groundwater microorganisms largely depend on redox conditions in the aquifer. Microbial activity can reduce the redox potential by oxidizing potential electron donors. In a groundwater redox investigation of the Lincolnshire, England limestone aquifer, Gauntlett and Craft (1979) reported that nitrate levels were lowered dramatically when the groundwater EH dropped below ~ +0.25 V. Spalding and Parrott (1994) found that in both domestic and irrigation wells in Nebraska, N03--N concentrations greater than 10 mg/L occurred at a much higher N03--N frequency in groundwater with measured EH > - +0.28 0.02 V than in groundwater with lower EH values. They concluded that removal of nitrate via bacterial reduction (heterotrophic denitrification) occurred below +0.28 V. They observed that N03--N and EH decrease both with depth and proximity to the redox front, which is due to the more reducing conditions at greater depths in most aquifers. Spalding and Parrott thought that there would be no reason to suspect that the low redox groundwater they investigated was unique to that geographical location so that, worldwide losses via this mechanism could be high and that communities plagued by high nitrate groundwater areas could utilize this in-situ nitrate removal systems by locating their municipal wells on the reducing side of the EH front. 35 2.4.1(e) Depth in Aquifer A feature of nitrate contamination of groundwater that has been noted in studies worldwide is the general, inverse relationship between nitrate concentration and depth below the land surface or within an aquifer (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). This is generally attributed to greater rates of biological denitrification in the less oxygenated (i.e., deeper) parts of the aquifer (Trudell et al., 1986). Bradley et al. (1992) found that deep sediments exhibited a rate of denitrification three times that of shallow sediments. Trudell et al. (1986) observed a striking similarity in decreasing nitrate and dissolved oxygen concentrations, which extended from a depth of 1.5-2.1 m. This is believed to be the zone of ongoing denitrification. It has also been noted that the concentration of organic carbon, both solid and dissolved, declines dramatically with depth in the subsurface, which would imply oxidation via denitrification (Thurman, 1985). Figure 3 is a schematic representation showing the fate of organic matter, the most common electron donor in nature, in the presence of a variety of electron acceptors in the saturated zone. The figure additionally depicts a generalized progression of reactions with depth below the water table. Nitrate is the next electron acceptor, after 02, to oxidize organic carbon. This is heterotrophic denitrification. It helps explain why nitrate is often found in much greater concentrations near the saturated surface than at greater depths in the aquifer. 2.4.1(f) Depth of Aquifer Gillham and Cherry (1978) studied several unconfined aquifers in southern Ontario, Canada and found that aerobic conditions and nitrate contamination were generally limited to depths of one to two meters below the water table in aquifers 36 whose water table was less than two to three meters below ground surface. Starr and Gillham (1989) found that the common pattern of denitrification occurring in shallow but not deep water table aquifers is controlled by the decline in organic carbon availability with depth. They provided results which showed that there was sufficient labile organic carbon under the ground surface at a site in Canada. This shows that under shallow water table conditions, there is sufficient labile organic carbon present to reduce the dissolved oxygen, followed by denitrification. These results provide strong evidence that denitrification can be an important process in shallow unconfined aquifers. In contrast, Gillham and Cherry (1978) also observed that aerobic conditions and high nitrate concentrations persisted for substantial depths below the water table in aquifers whose water table was deeper than two to three meters below ground surface, indicating that denitrification was not an important process in these situations. Under deeper water table conditions, there was insufficient labile organic carbon to provide a substrate for dissolved oxygen and nitrate reduction. The evidence suggests that dissolved organic carbon originating in the soil zone and transported down by infiltrating water is an important source of labile organic carbon in unconfined aquifers. If this were the case, then the occurrence of denitrification in groundwater would probably be more closely related to the residence time of infiltrating water in the vadose zone than to the depth of the water table. Soil texture and infiltration rate affect residence time in the vadose zone, and could therefore be important factors in addition to water table depth. 2.4.1(g) Losses of Nitrate in Unsaturated Vadose Zone The fate of nitrate as it traverses unsaturated vadose sediments above the water table remains unclear. Keeney (1986) argues that denitrification is unlikely in the aerobic vadose zone of sediments. Travel distances are much less in vadose 37 zones than in aquifers (m vs. km) and conditions favoring denitrification are somewhat more likely in aquifers than in unsaturated sediments. Smith and Duff (1988) reported that biological processes (in particular, denitrification) did not seem to have any significant effect on effluent nitrate concentrations during transport through the unsaturated zone. 2.5 Denitrification Rates in Groundwater Environments From a consideration of thermodynamic principles, the most stable nitrogen species within the pH-EH range encountered in the majority of groundwaters (see figure 4) is predicted to be gaseous dinitrogen (N2). For, example, Freeze and Cherry (1979) state that in an ideal situation, thermodynamics predicts bacterial denitrification with an organic carbon electron donor will occur in water at pH - 7.0 and EH +0.25 V. The observed departure from equilibrium is explained by the catalyzing effect of bacteria in accelerating the biological reduction of nitrate at lower redox potentials. Denitrification is not an equilibrium process because, as a microbially-catalyzed reaction, it is irreversible due to the absence of a suitable catalyst (microbe) for the reverse reaction. Thus, one must address denitrification in groundwater from a standpoint of kinetics, not thermodynamics. The following table is a sampling of some of the denitrification rates reported in the literature: 38 I I I , I i I - i +1200 Water oxidised +1000 +800 N 2 (g) NO - +600 +400 pH-Eh field representing +200 - E 0 +H+most -w - .= groundwaters 4 -200 -400 -600 Water reduced -800 I I -1000 0 2 I I 4 I I I 6 I 8 I I II I I II 10 12 14 pH Figure 4: Stability Diagram of Nitrogen Species Showing the Predicted Species of Most Groundwater at 25 *C and 1 atm (From Hiscock et al., 1991) 39 Table 2: Field Estimates of Denitrification Rates in Aquifers Reference Location Aquifer Material Temp. (*C) Sample Depths Initial [N0 3--N], mg/L Kolle et al. (1985) and Bottcher et al. (1989) Hannover, Germany Sand Multiple 8-10 Depths to 12 m (water table at 2 m) Trudell et al. (1986) Ontario, Canada Sand Van Beek and Van Puffelen (1987) Starr and Gillham (1989) Holland Coarse Sand with Gravel 3 (water table at 1 m) 44m Ontario, Canada Sand Korom (1991a) Utah Clay, Silt, 35 m Sand (water table at 1 m) NR 10 NR below water table which was 1m below ground surface 6-8 2 Denitrification Rates up to 40 first order reaction with a half-life of 1.2-2.1 1 years 13.0 0.19-3.1 (mg N/L)/d 2.1 0.09-0.15 (mg 3 N/L)/d 6.4 12.5 and 23.7 0.58 (mg N/L)/d up to 0.73 (mg N/L)/d 3 Source: Korom, 1992. 1: Denitrification rates are claimed to be by autotrophic denitrification. 2: Not reported. 3: Denitrification rates are claimed to be by heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification. Smith and Duff (1988) reported rates ranging from 2.3 to 260 pmol of N 2 0 produced (g of wet sediment)-1 h-1 . Smith et al. (1996) estimated in-situ rates of - denitrification in the range of 0.60-1.51 (nmol N 2 0 produced/cm 3 aquifer)/d (0.017 0.042 (mg N/L)/d). They reported rates highest nearest the contaminant source, with decreasing rates with increasing distance downgradient. In incubated sediment samples, denitrification in samples in which the nitrate concentration was low was stimulated by nitrate; denitrification in samples in which the nitrate concentration was high was stimulated by glucose addition (see figure 5). Near the contaminant 40 source, N0 3 --N concentrations up to 24 mg/L were measured. The center of the plume 0.25 km downgradient had no detectable N0 3 --N concentrations. Figure 6 shows vertical profile of rates of denitrification and, as stated earlier, follows the general occurrence of greater rates of denitrification at shallow depths. Smith and Duff (1988) found that the bulk of the denitrifying activity was associated with sediment core solids, not in the interstitial groundwater (see figure 7). The population of denitrifying organisms must then be attached to particulate surfaces rather than existing as free-living organisms in the interstitial groundwater. This was consistent with the findings of Harvey et al. (1984) for the entire subsurface microbial community: 96% of the organisms within the contaminant plume are particle bound. Thus, groundwater movement past the particulate surfaces controls the nitrate supply to particle-bound microorganisms. DeSimone et al. (1995) measured denitrification rates in sediment cores from the anoxic zone of a sewage plume on Cape Cod ranging from 0.2 to 32 (ng N/cm 3 )/d (2 x 10-4 - 0.032 (mg N/L)/d), with a mean of 9.6 7.4 (ng N/cm 3 )/d (0.0096 0.0074 (mg N/L)/d) ( one standard deviation) (see figure 8). Denitrification rates were high where oxygen was depleted and concentrations of nitrate and dissolved organic carbon were high (figure 9). They also found that nitrous oxide production in unamended slurry incubations was enhanced significantly with the addition of glucose only. The mean denitrification rate calculated from dinitrogen production, 3.0 (ng N/cm 3 )/d (0.003 (mg N/L)/d), corresponds to a nitrate reduction of 0.015 mg N/L per foot of travel distance, using the groundwater flow velocity of 0.5 ft/d and aquifer characteristics. This is equivalent to an attenuation in nitrate concentration of about 1.5 mg N/L per 100 feet of travel distance under anoxic conditions. This quantity is less than 5% of the nitrate concentrations in the center of the plume. Interestingly, the addition of nitrate had no effect on denitrification 41 - 7 Glucose 6- NO 3 - 5 C E 4 Glucose 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 HOURS Figure 5: Nitrous Oxide Production by Slurried Core Material at 1.5 m Beneath the Water Table versus Time (From Smith and Duff, 1988) 0 10 0.91 Z 30 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2,,- 2.0 42. 2.5 3.0 3.5 DENITRIFICATION RATE (nMOLES N (g SED)-' DAY-') Figure 6: Vertical Profile of Rates of Denitrification for 42 Slurriedi Core Material (From Smith et al., 1991) 3D0 - Sediment a 6.1 m 2.5- 2.0 L E _ 1.5 m - 1.5 1.0 r W. - Groundwater 6.1 m 1.5 m 0 C. 0 15 30 45 HOURS Figure 7: Time Course of Nitrous Oxide Production by Core Samples and Well Water Samples from Two Depths (From Smith and Duff, 1988) 43 A 18 16 -A. MEAN: 9.6 MEDIAN: 8.8 STANDARD DEVIATION: 7.4 C,, z 14 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION: LUJ LUJ 12 C,, 10 77% LU 8 0 LUI 6 z 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 16 18 24 28 I ~..B. 16 32 36 40 I MEAN: 2.8 MEDIAN: 1.3 STANDARD DEVIATION: 3.2 z 14 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION: LU LU 20 12 110% CC, 10 LU 0 LU z 8 6 4 0 0 4 8 12 16 'I 20 , I 24 28 , , , 32 36 , 2 40 DENITRIFICATION RATE, IN NANOGRAMS NITROGEN PER CUBIC CENTIMETER PER DAY Figure 8: Frequency Distributions of Denitrification Rates Measured in Sediment Cores (From DeSimone and Barlow, 1995) 44 .L DENITRPIFICATION EM LOG DISSOLVED NITRATENITROGEN 2 OXYGEN -f 20 RATE WATER. - -} TABLE - DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON -AR-ON 40- 60 80- 1 00- A. EM LOG 2 ~ DENITRIFICATION RATE - 20 -Water tanle DISSOLVED OXYGEN - - NITRATENITROGEN -- 40- DISSOLVED ORGANIC -- CARBON CARBON 60 80 --- 100- - -B. 0 200 400 600 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY. IN MICROSIEMENS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 DEGREES CELSIUS 0 4 8 12 16 DENITRIFICATICN 20 24 RATE. IN NANCGRAMS NITROGEN PER CUBIC CENTIMETER PER DAY 0 4 a a 20 40 0 Figure 9: Vertical Profiles oi Denirrificanon Rates. Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate-Nitrogen, and Dissolved Organic Carbon Measured in Sediment Cores (From DeSimone and Barlow, 1995) 45 1.0 CONCENTRATION. IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER 2.0 rate. These data suggest that the denitrification rate in the septage-effluent plume primarily was carbon limited (figure 10). 2.6 Conclusion In Chapter 2, I examined the fate and transport of nitrate in groundwater, with an emphasis on biological denitrification as a sink of nitrate in the subsurface environment. Studies, including those conducted on Cape Cod, of naturally occurring denitrification in the groundwater environment demonstrate that populations of denitrifiers do exist in both shallow and deep aquifers systems, and emphasize the dependence of denitrification upon the provision of a source of oxidizable material, usually organic carbon. The extent to which limited natural denitrification can ensure groundwater supplies with a low nitrate concentration will depend on the continued supply of organic carbon and other nutrients for biosynthesis. In a sandy aquifer, such as Cape Cod, the amendment of soil with labile organic carbon is probably required for the enhancement of denitrification as a means of addressing nitrate-contaminated groundwater. I have summarized the sources, effects, and fate and transport of nitrate in the subsurface environment. In order to address possible remedial actions for nitrate contamination on Cape Cod, one has to address the nature of nitrate contamination on Cape Cod and the ramifications that this contamination has on Cape Cod's population: their environment, drinking water, and rate of expansion. This will be the topic of Chapter 3. 46 6.0C 5,00 - z z /- - 0 4,00 0 Cn 3,00 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 z LU - z LII /- - - 4: ..--- 2,00 C0 a/ X 0 z w z 1,00 C 0 3 2 1 4 5 6 TIME, IN DAYS EXPLANATION A NO ADDITIONS * WITH ADDED GLUCOSE o WITH ADDED NITRATE o WITH ADDED GLUCOSE AND NITRATE Figure 10: Nitrous Oxide Production in Sediment Slurries with Nitrate and Carbon Addition (From DeSimone and Barlow, 1995) 47 Chapter 3 Nitrate Contamination on Cape Cod 3.1 Introduction Figure 11 shows the political map of Cape Cod. Groundwater is the only source of drinking water on Cape Cod and the aquifer is defined as a "sole source aquifer" by the Safe Drinking Water Act. Nitrate contamination from land application (the disposal of primary or secondary treated waste water effluent to the land) of municipal wastes and contamination from septic systems poses the greatest threat to groundwater on Cape Cod. In this chapter, I will specifically address nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. This requires a summary the major sources of nitrates on Cape Cod, a discussion of Cape Cod hydrogeology as it pertains to nitrate contamination, and a review of the impact of nitrate on water and environmental quality on Cape Cod. Lastly, I will discuss the impending urbanization on Cape Cod and its possible adverse effects on groundwater quality with respect to nitrate contamination. 3.2 Cape Cod Nitrate Contamination On Cape Cod, there are both widespread point sources of nitrate contamination from septic systems and large nitrate plumes. Figure 12 shows the landfills and sewage-disposal sites on Cape Cod. The Tri-Town Septage Treatment Facility in Orleans (see figure 11) has disposed treated septage effluent since February 1990. The Tri-Town Septage Treatment Facility is a municipal facility owned and operated by the Orleans, Brewster, and Eastham Groundwater Protection District. The treatment produces a nitrogen-rich effluent that is disposed of through 48 71 0 0a' 73 0O 72 00e A TLA NTIC Provincetown 42 0 Wa... 420W0 OCEAN -. MASSACHUSETTS '70OWQ K Js-sCAPE 42 000 0 0 20 20 40 60 80 TruH 42000 COE) ao MILES '0 70 00 41 0 30' 100 KILOMETERS TRI-TOWN Eiaimam SEPTAGE- TREATMENT 0 CAPE COD BAY 7004a. 22 BMW 21 Dennis ', ORLEANS nrwster Sannno.Chatham Masfnmas Falmouth NANTUCKET SOUND 0 4 I II 0 4 8 I 8 12 12 MILES I I 16 KILOMETERS Figure 11: Political Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (From DeSimone and Barlow, 1995) 49 Provincelown 42*00'- 42*00' Wellfleet EXPL ANA TION A 70-00' Truro L ANDFILL 0 Eastham-A 70*30' Orleans 41615'- Bourne A A 01,Dennis\ A Sandwich -- _ ~--- /- i CA /Harwich SBarnstable A 0 /1Yarmouth MashpeeChatham A Falmouth70*15' Famoth/0 5 10 MILES I 0 70*30' I 5 ' II 10 KILOME TERS fu*0' Figure 12: Landfills and Sewage-Disposal Sites on Cape Cod (From Office of Water Resources, 1994' infiltration into the sandy aquifer underlying the facility. Infiltration occurs within 700 feet from the coastal Namskaket Marsh. Namskaket Marsh has been recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), and the tidal creek that drains the marsh is designated as an Outstanding Resource Water. Thus, the effluent discharge from the septagetreatment facility may affect groundwater quality and valuable coastal resources. There are currently five (active and inactive) municipal land application sites on Cape Cod. Barnstable has been in operation for almost 55 years. The waste water receives secondary treatment before being discharged onto sandbeds. The Chatham Municipal Treatment Facility also uses secondary treatment and has been in operation for ten years. Falmouth and Hyannis also have small municipal waste water treatment plants. Otis Air Force Base used a rapid infiltration site starting in 1941. It is currently inactive, having been shut down in 1995. The result of waste disposal at Otis is a plume of sewage-contaminated groundwater characterized by elevated concentrations of dissolved solids, boron, chloride, sodium, phosphorus, ammonium, detergents, and nitrate (Garabedian and LeBlanc, 1991). A maximum nitrate concentration of 16 N0 3 -N mg/L has been detected. The concentration in the center of the plume immediately downgradient of the disposal beds in below detection (Ceazan et al., 1989) owing to microbially-mediated denitrification (Smith et al., 1991). Within 1.5 km of the disposal beds, the predominant nitrogen species in the plume is ammonium (NH4+). Beyond 1.8 km from the beds, the predominant nitrogen species changes to nitrate, with concentrations of about 3 to 4 mg N0 3 -N/L. This is caused by adsorption of ammonium onto the aquifer sediments (Ceazan et al., 1989). The zone of nitrate at the upper boundary of the sewage plume was found to be anoxic, contain high concentrations of N 2 0, and coincide with a zone of active denitrification. 51 The concentration of degradable dissolved organic carbon is low in the sewage plume. Interestingly, as a result of this low concentration, part of the denitrifying population appears to be autotrophic (inorganic carbon fixation) and capable of oxidizing molecular hydrogen as an alternative to organic carbon as an energy source (Smith and Ceazan, 1991). I discuss this further in Chapter 4. Figure 13 shows the widespread nitrate problem on Cape Cod. This is primarily the result of contamination from septic systems, which are used throughout Cape Cod. Coincidence of areas of high nitrate concentrations with areas of high housing density is particularly notable along the densely settled southern shore in Hyannis, Yarmouth, Dennis, southwestern Harwich, and Chatham. High nitrate concentrations also are apparent in the town centers in Wellfleet and Eastham. Housing density is not the only factor that determines the nitrate concentration in groundwater; the presence of sewage- or septage-disposal sites and use of fertilizer have effects. Municipal sewage and septage facilities are associated with areas with high nitrate levels in north-central Falmouth, Bourne, central Dennis, west-central Barnstable, northwestern Wellfleet, and Provincetown. Elevated levels in Brewster also may be the result of septage disposal. Fertilizer use at golf courses may be responsible for high nitrate levels in northern Dennis and along the southwestern coast of Barnstable. High levels in central Truro may result from sewage disposal at an Air Force station, fertilizer use at an adjacent golf course, or both. An inactive landfill probably is the cause of high levels in southwestern Falmouth. Elevated nitrate levels at Otis Air Base may a be result of fertilizer application, leaking sewer lines, or both (Persky, 1986). 52 1096 1039 1000 ~ ~ 800 -- ~ ~ ~ r------------··----·-·------- 600 --·- 0 D a:: LLI ~ => z .WO NITRATE, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER OF NITROGEN ----- 0-1 1-5 200 ........•.. >S 0-0.1 1-2 0.1-1 2-5 5-10 NITRATE, IN t-41WGRAMS PER LITER OF NITROGEN >10 I L___~I AREA OUTSIDE OF QWSYMAP BOUNDARY FOR BARN ST ABLE COUNTY • EACH DOT REPRESENTS 60 HOUSES 0 0 53 5 5 Figure 13: Nitrate Concentrations and the Frequency Distribution on Cape Cod, 1980-1984 (From Persky, 1986) 10 MILES 10 KILOMETERS 3.3 Use of Septic Systems on Cape Cod The United States uses individual on-site septic systems to dispose of approximately one-third of its domestic waste water (Canter and Knox, 1985). Figure 14 is a summary of the approximate populations in the United States utilizing septic tank systems. The greatest densities of usage occur in the east and southeast, as well as the northern tier and northwest portions of the United States. In rural and urban fringe areas of North America, almost all domestic liquid waste is disposed into inground septic systems. Of all groundwater pollution sources, septic systems rank highest in total volume of waste water discharged directly to soils overlying groundwater, and they are the most frequently reported sources of contamination (U.S.E.P.A., 1977). The conventional septic tank-soil absorption system (figure 15) is the most convenient and economical method for home sewage disposal. A conventional system is defined as a system composed of a standard septic tank for solids removal and decomposition, a distribution box for dispersing effluent into field lines, and a field distribution system consisting of trenches or beds, 60 to 180 cm wide, placed in natural soils at a depth of 60 to 120 cm. The septic system serves several important functions such as solid-liquid separation, storage of solids and floatable materials, and anaerobic treatment of both stored solids as well as nonsettleable materials. In the buried tank, waterborne wastes are collected, and scum, grease, and settleable solids are removed from the liquid by gravity separation. A subsurface drain system allows clarified effluent to percolate into the soil. System performance is essentially a function of the design of the system components, characteristics of the wastes, rate of hydraulic loading, climate, areal geology and topography, physical and chemical composition of the soil mantle, and care given to periodic maintenance (Canter and Knox, 1985). 54 Percentage of Households Using Septic Tanks Over 35% 25% to 35% Under 25% Figure 14: Approximate Populations Using Septic Tanks (From Canter and Knox, 1985) 55 PRODUCTION PRET REATMENT DISPOSAL evapotranspiration we 11 septic tank 60 cm I sail absorption purification ground water streams. lakes Figure 15: Schematic Cross-Section through a Conventional Septic Tank Soil Disposal System for On-Site Disposal and Treatment of Domestic Liquid Waste (From Canter and Knox, 1985) (a) --- N~ ,..c~rI ZONE FIELD~ 4 I I IrrnTTI I GROUNDWATER IO FLOW SEPTIC TANK ORGANIC C - CO2, CH 4 ORGANIC N NH 4 -- --- f CH4 C02 DRAIN FIELD ORGANIC C+0 2 - CO 2 N + 0 N H 4 + 0 2 --- N O 3 + (b) OF GASES DRAIN SEPTIC TANK UNSATURATED -WASTEWATER ~ FLOW MOVEMENT C02 02 SATURATED ZONE Figure 16: (a) Schematic Cross Section of a Conventional Septic System, Including Septic Tank, Distribution Pipe, and Groundwater Plume (b) Sequence of Simplified Redox Reactions in the Two Major Zones of a Conventional Septic System: the Septic Tank and the Drain Field (From Wilhelm et al., 1994) 56 In the past, when this waste disposal technique was used in areas of low populations, few problems were noted. However, septic system densities in some areas and public awareness of groundwater contamination have increased the extent of groundwater degradation caused by septic systems that it has become an issue in environmental management and suburban planning. Also, a significant number of septic tank systems fail to operate properly; many fail during their first year of operation. These failures create potential health hazards, impair water quality, and are usually aesthetically unpleasant. Since the domestic waste water in septic systems contains many environmental contaminants, septic systems in the United States and Canada constitute approximately 20 million potential point sources for groundwater contamination (Wilhelm et al., 1994). One must be cognizant of the magnitude of septic system use on Cape Cod in order to suggest feasible remedial options. The problem of nitrate contamination from septic system on Cape Cod is magnified due to the fact that few households have connections to public treatment facilities. Table 3 highlights the problem. There are few sewered homes in the larger communities of Cape Cod and none in the smaller towns. Municipal sewage discharges to surface waters off Cape Cod are prohibited by the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act (see Chapter 4). Table 3: Towns on Cape Cod and Percentage of Homes with Sewer Connections Town % Population Truro 0 1573 Wellfleet 0 2493 Dennis 0 13864 Harwich Orleans 0 0 10275 5838 Otis Eastham Mashpee Brewster Provincetown Chatham Barnstable Bourne 0 0 0 0 0 1-25 1-25 1-25 1073 4462 7884 8440 3561 6579 40949 16064 Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Title V (1995) 57 3.4 Nitrate from Septic Systems Of concern in terms of groundwater pollution is the quality of the effluent from the septic tank portion of the system and the efficiency of constituent removal in the soil underlying the soil absorption system. N0 3 --N has a maximum permissible drinking water concentration of 10 mg/L. However, properly designed and constructed septic systems frequently cause N0 3 -N concentrations greater than 10 mg/L in the underlying groundwater. For example, Valiela et al. (1992) determined that 29 mg N/L from each household reaches the water table from septic systems in Waquoit Bay. Septic systems typically develop two major redox environments in which the waste water is transformed. Figure 16 shows a schematic cross section of a conventional septic system and the sequence of simplified redox reactions in the two major zones of a conventional septic system: the septic tank and the drain field. Anaerobic digestion of organic matter and production of ammonium from organic nitrogen predominate in the septic tank: Urea (CO(NH 3 +)2 ) + H 2 0 --+ 2 NI-4+ + CO 2 {6} In this zone, the total nitrogen content of the waste water may be reduced by roughly 10 to 30%, mostly due to organic nitrogen storage in the sludge (Winneberger, 1984). The septic tank effluent flows into the aerobic unsaturated sediments of the drain field, which constitute the second major redox zone. The domestic waste water undergoes its most significant geochemical changes in the drain field, where it flows downward to the water table. In this zone, microorganisms use oxygen as the electron acceptor in the nitrification of NH 4 + to N03- (two-step process): NH4 + + 1.5 O2 -- NO2- + 2 H+ + H2O {7b} N02- + 0.5 02 -> NO 3 - 58 {7a} Nitrification (NH4 + -> NO2 - -> NO 3 -) is an aerobic reaction performed primarily by autotrophic organisms and nitrate is the predominant end product (rarely is there any nitrite accumulation). Nitrification is dependent on the aeration of the soil. Effluents from septic systems located in sandy soils, such as Cape Cod, can be expected to undergo predominantly aerobic reactions. Ammonium oxidation in this zone creates nitrate concentrations in the effluent that are roughly two to seven times the drinking water limit. The most complete treatment of waste water occurs when a natural anaerobic setting, which is capable of denitrification, follows the aerobic treatment zone. In this case, not only organic carbon but also nitrate is removed from the waste water. Unfortunately, nitrate removal from waste water by denitrification is rare in aquifers below septic systems. In particular, as discussed in Chapter 2, denitrification in most aquifers is limited by the lack of a long-term supply of labile organic carbon. Regulations should recognize the substantial addition of nitrate to groundwater from conventional septic systems and work to protect valuable groundwater from nitrate contamination. Either another form of waste water disposal should be required or alternative systems which provide the proper sequence of redox zones and organic carbon supply to remove nitrate should be installed in nitrate sensitive ground water areas, such as Cape Cod. I will address this issue specifically in Chapter 5. In addition to nitrate, septic systems also release other contaminants, human pathogens, and toxic organic chemicals from household products (Wilhelm et al., 1994). The dilution of nitrate and these other constituents in the groundwater below septic systems is generally much less than assumed in previous decades. These findings raise issues beyond those of improved septic-system functioning and point to the possible need to diminish the reliance on conventional septic systems 59 as a common means of waste water disposal. A discussion of alternative septic systems currently in use on Cape Cod is presented in Chapter Four. 3.5 Hydrogeology of Cape Cod There are two major types of geological formations on Cape Cod. Glacial moraine is the geological formation left by deposits of the rock matter brought by the Ice Age. Glacial moraine is composed of till. Till is a poorly sorted, heterogeneous mixture of sand, gravel, silt, clay, and boulders. Outwash plain is the second major type of geological formation on Cape Cod. Outwash plains are made up of a wellsorted combination of sand and gravel. The outwash plains areas were deposited by sediments in streams and small rivers of meltwater during the time when Cape Cod was formed. Most of Cape Cod serves as a recharge area (in the form of precipitation) and the predominant form of geological material, sands and gravel, has a high permeability. Because of the highly permeable nature of Cape Cod soils, the aquifer is susceptible to contamination from septic wastes and other sources. Nitrogen from septic systems, municipal sewage systems, and fertilizer leachate have caused increased levels of nitrate in groundwater on Cape Cod. Water supplies have also been threatened by naturally occurring substances such as iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and seawater. There have also been incidences of water supply contamination from road salts, leaky underground storage tanks, and landfills (CCPEDC, 1978). However, nitrate from domestic septic systems is the greatest threat to the quality of groundwater on Cape Cod. 60 3.6 Nitrate Effects on Water and Environmental Quality on Cape Cod The presence of elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground and surface waters stimulates two major concerns: a risk of adverse health effects on humans or animals through drinking water and the likelihood of enhanced biotic productivity, with a potential for eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. 3.6.1 Water Quality Freshwater in the porous and relatively permeable deposits form a fresh groundwater reservoir that is the source of supply for nearly 100 municipal wells and thousands of private domestic wells. This water source receives waste water and landfill leachates generated by an expanding population of Cape Cod residents. Most groundwater on Cape Cod is of good chemical quality for drinking use. It is characteristically low in dissolved solids, soft, and virtually free of toxic heavy metals and organic compounds such as insecticides and herbicides. Constituents thought to be problems or threats to water supplies for drinking water are salt (NaCl) from seawater intrusion, coastal flooding, and highway deicing salt; nitrogen from domestic and municipal sewage; and iron and manganese, which occur naturally. Iron and manganese concentrations also can be increased locally by landfill leachates. Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) gas and ammonia (NH3 ) also occur naturally in organic sediments in a few areas (Frimpter and Gay, 1979). Table 4 lists the physical properties and constituents in Cape Cod's groundwater. One should note that the values listed for total organic carbon (TOC) represent a pool of subsurface organic carbon including solid organic carbon, which is more resistant to biodegradation, and does not account for the necessary replenishment of this pool if in-situ denitrification, using subsurface organic carbon, is to be used as a means of addressing nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. 61 Table 4: Physical Properties and Constituents in Cape Cod's Groundwater Constituent Maximum1 Median Minimum Specific conductance (micromhos per cm) FH Hardness (Ca + Mg as CaCO3) Sodium Bicarbonate Carbon dioxide Sulfate Chloride Dissolved Solids (sum of constituents) Nitrate (N) Ammonia (N) Total Organic Carbon Iron (gg/L) 1760 123 46 90% of analyses contained less than value indicated 173 7.6 185 6.1 4.1 7.0 264 100 41 61 480 41 13.2 11 5.7 6.6 19 9.1 3.5 0 '0.4 1.1 5.8 3.2 23.8 6.3 0.91 7.6 0.12 0.01 1.3 0.07 5.5 0 0 0.07 8800 41 0 1702 20 5 38 22 19 16.4 38 12.8 Source: Frimpter and Gay (1979) 1: All concentrations in mg/L 2: 75% of analyses contained less than this value Drinking water for Cape Cod residents is supplied almost entirely from the groundwater aquifer that underlies the land surface of Cape Cod. Precipitation is the only means of replenishing the groundwater supply. The high permeability makes the Cape Cod aquifer a highly productive source of drinking water. It has been designated a sole-source aquifer, as defined in the Safe Drinking Water Act, because it is the only potential source of drinking water for Cape Cod residents. Hence, protection of the aquifer from nitrate contamination is a major concern for residents of Cape Cod. For Cape Cod and in similar areally-extensive water table aquifers, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has identified incompatible land uses as the greatest threat to water quality. On-site sewage disposal in septic tanks and cesspools has been identified as the most important non-point source of groundwater quality degradation in residential areas in the U.S. (Grady, 1993) and as one of the most serious threats to water quality on Cape Cod. Over 90% of Cape Cod residents dispose of domestic sewage in cesspools and septic systems and Table 3, which shows 62 the percentage of residents in Cape Cod towns served by municipal sewers, highlights the problems of septic system contamination on Cape Cod. Drinking water for about 80% of Cape Cod residents is provided by 18 public or private water supplies, which draw on about 130 groundwater wells and one surface water source. Public water supply system customers are the primary water users on Cape Cod, with a base off-season average day demand of 18.68 million gallons per day (mgd) and an in-season average day demand of 38.73 mgd (Office of Water Resources, 1994) The disposal of human waste is a major concern for water-supply planners on Cape Cod. Only a few small areas on Cape Cod are sewered, and the majority of private homes, motels, restaurants, and businesses rely on septic systems. All public sewage systems on Cape Cod rely on land disposal. Municipal landfills on Cape Cod (figure 12) include septage-disposal facilities. Local officials are concerned that the population expansion will result in widespread degradation of groundwater quality, hence, affecting drinking water quality. Waste water is the primary source of impact to drinking water supplies on Cape Cod and nitrate measurements can be used as an indicator of waste water impact. The Cape Cod Commission has listed the following as reasons nitrate is a useful indicator: (1) it is continuously discharged from septic systems, making it a reliable indicator of how much effluent is being introduced to the water table; and (2) nitrate is routinely tested in both private and public wells, so data are available for many wells across Cape Cod (M. Geist, Personal Communication). Background levels of nitrate in the Cape Cod aquifer are well below 0.5 mg/L (Frimpter and Gay, 1979), and measurements at or above this level are considered indicators of impact from local land use, primarily from residential on-site waste water disposal. Nitrate measurements in public wells during the 1970s and 1980s range from 0.05 to about 6 63 mg/L, and in private wells about 30% of tests show levels above 1 mg/L (Janik, 1987). 3.6.2 Environmental Quality Cape Cod's rich water resources are used for a variety of non-consumptive uses. Numerous kettlehole ponds left by the retreating glaciers dot the landscape, wetlands and coastal streams provide habitat for fisheries and wildlife, and a wide range of freshwater recreation opportunities exist. The following discussion provides an example of the environmental resources that can be affected by nitrate groundwater contamination on Cape Cod. Homes and businesses near these vital environmental resources which could load nitrate to groundwater via septic systems should be subject to different septic system nitrate effluent limits and/or remedial technologies. 3.6.2(a) Wetlands The wetlands on Cape Cod provide important wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. The major wetlands on Cape Cod are listed in Table 5. These delicate environmental areas could be adversely impacted by nitrate loading in excess of their natural ability to attenuate and incorporate nitrate. One must be cognizant of the importance and existence of Cape Cod's wetland resources in order to address groundwater contamination of nitrate due to domestic sewage. For example, homes near to major wetland areas may be subject to stricter effluent limits from their septic systems or be required to use a system capable of reducing nitrate to lower limits. 64 Table 5: Major Wetlands on Cape Cod Wetland Name Location Acres Clapps Pond Wetland Shank Painter Pond Wetland Pilgrim Lake Wetland Little Pamet Wetland Truro River Wetland Herring River Wetland Duck Harbor Wetland Namskaket Creek Wetland Chathamport Wetland Grass Pond Wetland Swan Pond River Wetland Ware Creek Wetland Parkers River Wetland Witcomb Swamp Provincetown Provincetown Truro Truro Truro Truro/Wellfleet Wellfleet Brewster/Orleans Chatham Harwich Dennis Dennis Yarmouth Mashpee 70 80 290 80 220 350 400 35 50 90 140 80 80 55 Source: USDA, Soil Conservation Service, 1978 3.6.2(b) Areas of Critical Environmental Concern The Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) Program was established in 1974 to protect certain areas that are of central importance to the welfare, safety, and pleasure of all Massachusetts citizens (MCZM, 1989). An ACEC is an area containing concentrations of highly significant environmental resources that has been formally designated by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs. Designation of an area as an ACEC provides a higher level of environmental review for proposed activities. The seven designated ACECs on Cape Cod are: Bourne Back River, Pocasset River, Waquoit Bay, Sandy Neck, Pleasant Bay, Inner Cape Cod Bay, and Wellfleet Harbor (figure 17). Waquoit Bay is one of the seven ACECs on Cape Cod. Valiela et al. (1992) observed significant changes in the aquatic ecosystem in Waquoit Bay, including increased nutrients in water, greater primary production by phytoplankton, and 65 4. Tam\ Well fleet Harb or ACE C -J FLYWOM~ x Herring liver Ilisville Harbor ACEC Inner ,Af~ Cape Cod Bay ACEC ACEC 4IC 7 -V Sandy Neck/ Bourneack hier s .CCEC Pocasset liver ~ *,* '-~ ,. Barnstable Harbor CIC -Pleasant . - M / - // YAR1MI ANWrD[ ,LE KARWEH 04&DAM N J-4 NI ' I A - -~" Wmngtit law ACEC y .e-,ILN 61.1 Cape Cod Regional ACEC Locus Map Scale 1:461,400 Figure 17: Cape Cod Regional ACEC Locus Map (From Office of Water Resources, 1994) 66 slo increased macroalgal biomass and growth. The increased macroalgal biomass dominated the bay ecosystem through second and third order events, such as alterations of nutrient status of water columns and increasing frequency of anoxic events. They recorded increases in seaweeds that have led to a decrease in the area covered by eelgrass habitats (figure 18). Thus, even the delicate ecosystems that are protected as ACECs are subject to excess nutrient loadings that can lead to significant changes in the ecosystem. Greater effort to protecting these areas and the aforementioned wetlands from nitrate contamination of groundwater should be exerted. 3.7 Urbanization and Nitrate Contamination A major concern in many locations is that the density of septic systems is greater than the natural ability of the subsurface environment to receive and purify system effluents prior to their movement into groundwater. Increased development of housing and mobile home parks in rural areas and in small towns without domestic waste treatment plants has increased the frequency of installation of on-site sewage treatment and disposal. Urbanization, which is high on Cape Cod and similar coastal areas increases release of waste water, which, in turn, increases delivery of nutrients to groundwater, streams, and coastal waters. Barnstable County (Cape Cod), which is the fastest growing county in New England, had a 35.3% rate of housing unit growth between 1980 and 1990 (figure 19). Valiela et al. found that concentrations of nutrients in groundwater seem more closely related to the density of septic systems in the watershed. Their study also found that median nitrate concentrations increased as building density increased (figure 20). Figure 21 shows the housing density on Cape Cod. Housing density can be assumed to equal septic system density in unsewered areas; hence, figure 21 gives a rough estimate of septic system density on Cape Cod. In addition to an increase in the direct input of 67 r 1951 197 1978 Figure 18: Changes in Eelgrass Distribution in Waquoit Bay, 1951-1987. Black areas are eelgrass beds with cover near 100%. (From Valiela et al., 1992) p987 S NontucKet 40 *6orrnsCce Cx ,Cz0e u'es (Mcr*c s vineycr: 30 - I- 4 S20U 0 Worcester PlmothNorfolk Frankline MOmpshire Berkshre 9 * 40Bristol \ [ .Suffolk 0 ddies Hampden e Essex 60 80 100 t20 Distance away from cocsan 20 40 440 480 460 (Km) Figure 19: Growth in Housing Units in Massachusetts Counties, 1980-1990 in Relation to Distance From the Sea (From Valiela et al., 1992) 3 -0 CO C C 2 C 0 z * 0 V 0 S 0 2 3 5 4 6 Building density (nouses 7 8 9 0O * .) Figure 20: Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Below Areas of Cape Cod Having Different Densities of Buildings (From Valiela et al., 1992) 69 -- Wellfleet Center- Newcomb Hollow . . 2* EXPLANATION EACH DOT REPRESENTS 60 HOUSES North Sandwich LJ SAMPLE AREA AND IDENTIFIER Eastha South. Eastha .07030'- . Brewster t.** /. . West. ' .* --' Pond . .J, .15' - . - -.. ^yni .*~~~0 NWesk /- - , Scorton .' Barnstable --.- s. 1 . :.f 0 5 E''I South Harding 10 MtL ES -VDilsla-ge L15sNck'00 70We00 Figure 21: Housing Density on Cape Cod, 1985 (From Persky, 1986) . ' ' S70'00' 42*00'- nutrients via septic system, urbanization may also increase loading to groundwater by removing forests that intercept precipitation-borne nutrients. Persky (1986), in a study which included chemical analyses from over 3,468 private and public supply wells from 1980 to 1984, correlated median nitrate concentration in groundwater with housing density for 18 sample areas on Cape Cod, yielding a correlation coefficient of 0.802 (figures 22 and 23). In five of nine sample areas where housing density is greater than one unit per acre, nitrate concentrations exceed 5 mg N0 3 --N/L (the Barnstable County planning goal) in 25% of wells. On the other hand, nitrate concentrations exceed 5 mg N0 3 -N/L in 25% of the wells in only one of nine sample areas where housing density is less than one unit per acre. In addition to housing density on Cape Cod, the presence of sewagedisposal sites and fertilizer use are also important factors that affect the nitrate concentrations. As mentioned earlier, Valiela et al. (1992) found that groundwater is the major mechanism that transports nutrients to Waquoit's coastal waters. Figure 21 shows that the greatest density of homes on Cape Cod lies on the coast. One should note the high density of septic systems along the coast. Septic system effluent from these systems could greatly impact receiving water quality since the effluent would undergo far less (bio)chemical transformation as it progresses toward the coast (less time of travel in the subsurface). Rate of housing growth nearest the coast, coupled with slow groundwater movement, results in the bulk of septic nitrogen entering coastal waters lagging behind urban development by nearly a decade. So, even if residential development is held at present levels, nitrogen input from septic systems will increase by 36% over the current levels (Valiela et al., 1992). At full residential development, septic nitrogen loading will eventually increase to more than twice the current levels (Sham et al., 1995). The Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research estimates that the off-season population of Cape Cod 71 SLOPE = 0.752 INTERCEPT = 0.131 CORRELATION COEMTTC:ENT = 0.802 z - z z 0 0 I 2 3 HOUSING UNITS PER ACRE Figure 22: Median Nitrate Concentration as a Function of Housing Density (From Persky, 1986) 4 SLDPE = 0.756 INTERCEPT = 0.220 CORRELATION CEFFICENT = 0.821 w - w- U20 ZL. 0= 0 a 2 3 BUILDING UNITS PER ACRE Figure 23: Median Nitrate Concentration as a Function of Building Density (From Pirsky, 1986) 72 will increase from 186,605 (1990 Census) to 229,437 in 2020, an increase of 23%. Summer population is expected to rise from 512,520 to 594,831 by 2020, an increase of 16% (Office of Water Resources, 1994). Thus, there will be an increased demand for clean drinking water, increased threat to delicate environmental settings, and increased loading of nitrogen to groundwater. 3.8 Conclusion In Chapter 3, I addressed nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. I discussed the use of septic systems for the disposal of domestic sewage, which has been determined to be the primary source of nitrate to the groundwater aquifer. I briefly explained why nitrate can exist in such high levels in septic system effluent before detailing how nitrate can adversely affect the water and environmental quality of Cape Cod. The impending rates of urbanization will also have adverse effects on water and environmental quality unless action is taken to address the problem of nitrate contamination of groundwater on Cape Cod. In Chapter 4, I look at possible options that use denitrification as a means of remediating contaminated groundwater. It is from this set of options that a possible solution to nitrate contamination on Cape Cod exists. 73 Chapter 4 Remediation Technology 4.1 Introduction: Motivation for Addressing Nitrate Contamination The major threat to groundwater on Cape Cod which could adversely affect both environmental and drinking water quality is nitrate from land application of waste water. So far, I have summarized the sources and health and environmental effects of nitrate; analyzed the fate and transport of nitrate in the subsurface environment, emphasizing biological denitrification as a sink; and addressed the nitrate contamination on Cape Cod by discussing septic system contamination, effects to water and environmental quality, and rates of urbanization. One could address the problem of nitrate in Cape Cod groundwater from one (or both) of these perspectives: the environment and drinking water. Unfortunately, effective elimination of the risk of eutrophication in coastal environments, at least insofar as nitrogen is a controlling factor in the process, could require much more stringent control measures than are needed to meet the 10 mg N0 3 --N/L drinking water standard for nitrate. In this chapter, I will look at possible solutions to the problems of nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. I will accomplish this by: 1. Providing motivations for remedial action 2. Analyzing remediation technology: alternative septic systems, in-situ denitrification techniques, and denitrification enhancement techniques 3. Addressing the feasibility of specific remedial actions 74 4.2 Title V Title V of the State Environmental Code contains the minimum requirements for the subsurface disposal of sanitary sewage. Contained therein is a discussion of alternative septic systems. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is cognizant of the nitrate problem on Cape Cod and its adverse effects on drinking water and environmental quality. By January 1, 1998, the Department of Environmental Protection is to prepare a report in which the following are central focuses: * * * * * * a summary of the Department's experience in approving alternative systems pursuant to 310 CMR 15.000 (310 CMR 15.041) an assessment of the number and cost of system upgrades which should be accomplished in order to protect public health, safety, welfare, and the environment based upon results of inspections an assessment of critical resource areas and impacts of pollution the feasibility of developing siting and design criteria that have express terms addressing pollutant loadings directly rather than through estimated flow an analysis of septage disposal to determine if additional requirements concerning the designation of disposal locations by local authorities is necessary to ensure adequate septage disposal and proper allocation of septage capacity in accordance with a septage management plan an analysis of the application of the nitrogen loading limitations to commercial uses where the use of both on-site (septic) systems and drinking water supply wells is proposed to serve the facility 4.3 Zones of Groundwater Protection Glacial outwash aquifers, such as on Cape Cod, are recharged from the land immediately overlying them. Groundwater quality is highly dependent on local land uses. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has developed an approach to managing groundwater quality that focuses management efforts on the land that recharges the parts of aquifers that contribute water to wells. 75 In Massachusetts, the land surface that contributes recharge to a public-supply well is referred to as Zones II and III by the Department of Environmental Protection. Zones I, II, and III are defined in 310 CMR 22.20 and shown in figure 24. Zone I is the protective radius around a public water-supply well or wellfield owned or controlled by the water supplier, as required by the Massachusetts Division of Water Supply. Zone II (the Municipal Wellhead Protection Area) is defined in 310 CMR 22.20 as "the area of an aquifer that recharges a well under the most severe recharge and pumping conditions that can be realistically anticipated." It is bounded by groundwater divides that result from pumping the well and by the contact of the edge of the aquifer with less permeable materials such as till and bedrock. Zone III is defined as: "that land area beyond the area of Zone II from which surface water and groundwater drain into Zone 1I. The surface drainage area as determined by topography is commonly coincident with the groundwater drainage area and will be utilized to delineate Zone III. In some locations, where surface water and groundwater drainage are not coincident, Zone III shall consist of both the surface drainage area and the groundwater drainage area." In summary, the delineations of Zone II and Zone III are important because water of impaired quality recharging the groundwater system within these areas ultimately will affect the quality of water at the wellhead. Also, the delineations of the different zones is important because in the future, it is likely that homes and businesses within certain zones may be subject to stricter septic system nitrate effluent levels or be required to use alternative technologies to improve nitrate removal. 4.4 Environmental Motivation For Action 310 CMR 15.215 designates areas which, having been determined by the Department of Environmental Protection to be particularly sensitive to the discharge of pollutants from on-site sewage disposal systems, to be designated as 76 PRECIPITATION DRAINAGE DIVIDE WELLW PUMPING> W . TERp/ 4 AUIFER BEDROCK ZONE I ..7777. ZONE II 400 foot protective radius about public-supply well - -- Land surface overlaying the part of the aquifer that contributes water to the well ZONE III -- Land surface through and over which water drains into Zone II DRAINAGE DIVIDE DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW Figure 24: Recharge Areas to a Pumped Well in a Valley-Fill Aquifer (From Frimpter et al., 1990) 77 nitrogen sensitive. 310 CMR 15.215 continues, stating that the necessity of providing increased treatment and reduction in nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen from on-site sewage disposal systems warrants the imposition of nitrogen loading restrictions, which are set forth in 310 CMR 15.214. In addition to land areas, nitrogen sensitive embayments are also to be classified as such. Compounding the problem of nitrate contamination from septic systems and subsurface injection of treated municipal sewage return water to the aquifer is the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act (M.G.L. c. 132A Sections 13-16, 18) which prohibits any new discharge of municipal wastes into the Ocean Sanctuaries surrounding Cape Cod (the Cape Cod Ocean Sanctuary, the Cape and Islands Oceans Sanctuary, and the Cape Cod Bay Ocean Sanctuary: figure 25). The waters of the outer cape adjacent to Cape Cod National Seashore Park are also designated as "national resource waters" and no new discharge is allowed in these waters to preserve "their outstanding recreational, ecological, and/or aesthetic values." The inland waters of Cape Cod Bay and the waters of outer Cape Cod, which are not national resource waters, are protected by an "anti-degradation" clause in the act: "The quality of the waters of the Commonwealth shall be maintained and protected to sustain existing beneficial use." This policy will reduce contamination of surface waters from sources of nitrate but will, in turn, increase the potential for nitrate contamination of groundwater by promoting more widespread use of land disposal for wastes. Thus, with prohibition of surface water discharge of waste water, one must turn to remedial action to address the problems of nitrate contamination of Cape Cod's source of drinking water: its groundwater. 4.5 Remediation Technology It is apparent from the discussion of natural denitrification in groundwater that it is not extensive and is limited by the availability of organic carbon. Even 78 Ocean Sanctuaries of Massachusetts as defined by M.G.L.C. 132A ss. 13-16 and 18 North Shore Ocean Sanctuary South Essex Ocean Sanctuary Cape Cod Bay Ocean Sanctuary Cape Cod Ocean Sanctuary Cape & Isfands Ocean Sanctuary Figure 25: Ocean Sanctuaries of Massachusetts (From Office of Water Resources, 1994) 79 where it does occur, it is not clear whether the rate of denitrification is sufficient to remove the high concentration of nitrate now present in many aquifer systems. An approach to securing low nitrate levels in groundwater is to take advantage of the bacterially mediated process of denitrification. There are two approaches by which one can use the potential of artificial denitrification as a water treatment process: * * Permitted Alternative Septic Systems In-Situ Denitrification: Stimulation of denitrification underground by the injection of suitable nutrients and the utilization of the aquifer for both supporting denitrification and filtration/re-aeration of the denitrified water 4.5.1 Permitted Alternative Septic Systems Local site conditions that may preclude the use of conventional septic systems include shallow soil cover, percolation rates that are considered too slow or too rapid, high groundwater, steepness of slope, limited area, or insufficient treatment prior to infiltration into the groundwater. As mentioned earlier, the conventional septic system does not specifically address nitrate as a contaminant of concern. Removal of organic matter is a primary goal of waste water treatment via septic systems, but its requirement for abundant oxygen makes the concurrent conversion of ammonium to nitrate unavoidable. To address the nitrate problem, several alternative septic system designs for enhanced nitrogen attenuation have been investigated in recent years. Alternative systems, when properly designed, constructed, operated and maintained, may provide enhanced protection of pubic health, safety, welfare, and the environment. 310 CMR 15.282 states that Alternative systems proposed may include, but shall not be limited to, any of the following: (1) humus or other composting toilets; (2) alternative mounded systems designed to overcome limiting site conditions; (3) any system designed to chemically or mechanically aerate, separate or pump the liquid, semi-solid or solid constituents in the system; or 80 (4) any system designed specifically to reduce, convert, or remove nitrogenous compounds, phosphorus, or pathogenic organisms (including bacteria and viruses) by biological, chemical, or physical means. Alternative systems must be formally proposed, approved for remedial use, and pilot tested. For example, Title V stipulates the specific use of an alternative technology in nitrogen sensitive areas: "A recirculating sand filter or equivalent alternative technology approved by the Department of Environmental Protection shall be a required design component of all systems with a design flow of 2,000 gallons per day or more to be located in Nitrogen Sensitive Areas." 310 CMR 15.202 (Use of Recirculating Sand Filters) also allows the use of a recirculating sand filter to enhance nitrogen removal in systems with a design flow below 2,000 gpd. The sand filter effluent total nitrogen concentration shall not exceed 25 mg N/L and shall require, at a minimum, effluent standards for N0 3 -N. As of August, 1996, there were over 50 alternative onsite treatment systems in the ground on Cape Cod (figure 26). Waquoit Bay National Onsite Demonstration Project recently installed an onsite system featuring a reactive porous barriers beneath the leaching field designed by researchers at the University of Waterloo. This is covered in more detail in section 4.6.1(c). Some of the alternative systems are discussed in the following section. On March 24, 1995 the Department of Environmental Protection, pursuant to the "Approval of Alternative Technologies" provisions of Title V, issued approval for several technologies capable of enhanced nitrogen removal. Three alternative technologies have been issued either General or Provisional Use Approval with nitrogen removal credits and associated increases in allowable design flow per acre in designated nitrogen sensitive areas. These systems are the RUCK, Ekofinn BioclereTM, and the Smith and Loveless FAST systems. 81 Waterloo Orenco Alternative Onsite Septic Systems installed to date in Barnstable County (estimates as of August, 1996). RUCK Peat RSF FAST Bioclere 5 15 10 20 25 30 Figure 26: Alternative Onsite Septic Systems Installed to Date in Barnstable County: Estimates as of August, 1996 (From Barnstable County DHE, 1996) 82 The RUCK system has received Certification for General Use with nitrogen removal credit for residential design flows under 2000 gpd. Both the BioclereTM and the FAST systems have received Provisional Use Approval with nitrogen removal credit for residential and nonresidential use. These approvals mean that the RUCK system is approved and the FAST and BioclereTM systems are provisionally approved as an alternative technology equivalent to a recirculating sand filter for installation in nitrogen sensitive areas as defined in 310 CMR 15.202. The BioclereTM system has also received General Use Approval for use without nitrogen removal credit and may, if approved by the Board of Health, be installed with a conventional Title V system (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). Table 6 summarizes the waste water loading credits for the three systems. Table 6: Waste Water Loading Credits For Four Alternative Septic Systems RUCK BioclereTM FAST General for residential only Provisional Provisional Recirc. Sand Filter General 660 NA 1 660 660 550 550 550 550 19 19 19 25 nonresidential NA 1 25 25 25 minimum of 10,000 ft2 but less than 15,000 ft2 330 330 330 no credit minimumof 15,0002 but less 440 440 440 no credit Approval Category Nitrogen Credit gpd/acre Total Nitrogen Limits (mg/L) residential nonresidential residential Expansion to Existing Homes than 40,000 ft 2 Source: Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995. 1: Not Allowed 83 Notice that the nitrogen limits for discharge are total and, if nitrogen is primarily in the form of nitrate, it is above the drinking water standard. Hence, these systems could possibly pose a threat to both the health and the environment. Both the BioclereTM and FAST systems have also received Remedial Use Approval. In remedial situations for existing homes which cannot meet Title V, use of either of these systems can allow reduced soil absorption system area, reduced setbacks to groundwater and other resource areas, and a reduction in the requirement for four feet of naturally occurring pervious material below the leach field. These reductions will only be granted when there are no other alternatives for siting the septic system and must be approved by the Board of Health and DEP. 4.5.1(a) The RUCK System Denitrification utilizing septic tank carbon is widely considered to be the most economical and efficient method for nitrogen removal. This is the nitrogen removal mechanism used in the RUCK system. The entire system consists of two septic tanks, the RUCK filter, and a conventional leaching facility, all of which are located below ground surface (with the exception of a vent pipe that is three feet tall). The system is passive, requiring no pumps or other moving mechanical parts (Barnstable County Department of Health and the Environment, 1995). There are both commercial and residential RUCK systems in the ground from Vermont to Arizona. In the RUCK system, the wash water (greywater) and the nitrogen-rich toilet and kitchen sink waste (blackwater) are plumbed separately and flow to separate septic tanks. Blackwater contains most of the household waste water nitrogen (over 80%) and represents - 40% of the total flow. Greywater represents 60% of the household flow and contains sufficient organic carbon for denitrification. The blackwater flows to a conventional septic tank where solids settle. From there, it flows to the aerobic RUCK filter where it is nitrified. The key element in 84 treating the blackwater is the RUCK filter, which is essentially a vented and buried sand filtered that is engineered with a system of in-drains, gravel, and vent pipes. The RUCK filter is designed based on flow rates and the characteristics of the waste stream. The RUCK filter is composed of several layers of in-drains which are overlain by layers of sand and filter cloth. The in-drain media and sand support the growth of nitrifying bacteria. Bacteria will oxidize nitrogen to nitrate, creating desirable acid conditions within the filter. The acid condition will enhance the removal of phosphorus and pathogens from the waste stream. The fine sand filters out suspended solids and pathogens and adsorbs ammonium and potassium. The in-drains are composed of proprietary material and provide air to the filter. The filter is assembled on-site by a qualified septic system installer. A schematic diagram of the RUCK filter is shown in figure 27. From the RUCK filter, the effluent flows to the anaerobic greywater septic tank for denitrification. Denitrification of the effluent is accomplished by passive mixing of the RUCK filter-treated blackwater with the greywater. The greywater is a source of organic carbon and several genera of bacteria use the organic carbon as an electron donor to denitrify nitrate to nitrogen gas. The denitrification process increases the alkalinity of the system, raising the pH to normal levels. The nitrogen gas escapes to the atmosphere through the plumbing vent, into the soil air, or RUCK vents. After treatment in this tank, finished effluent flows to the leaching facility for disposal. The primary advantage of this system is the long design life. For example, the oldest system in Massachusetts is ten years old. The filter was excavated as part of the ongoing research and development of the system. The ten year old filter showed no signs of degradation and was operating normally. The predicted life of 85 VENT BAC STROUGH HOUSE ROOF EQUSE NITRIFICATION BLACK WAE SEPIC TANK DIST. RUCK FITRBOX GREYr WATER ScT c MAN6 J * .1 .1 DENITRIFICATION 1. TITLE 5 SYSTEM If ground water is greater than 10' deep, no pump is required. Figure 27: RUCK System (From Barnstable County DHE, 1996) 86 the upper layer of that filter from the observations was for a thirty year life span (Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc., 1996). Other advantages of this system include (1) utilization of passive, rather than energy consuming mechanical, methods; (2) the lack of moving parts and little maintenance and power requirements; (3) the greywater septic tank would accumulate solids about eight times less than a blackwater septic tank ad would need pumping only once every 10-15 years; and (4) no needed injection of organic substrate into the ground, which would increase operational costs and possible have adverse effects; and (5) increased bedroom count in nitrogen sensitive areas (Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc., 1996). Nitrogen removal starts at 55% efficiency and builds up gradually for the first three weeks of use (Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc., 1996). Table 4-5 shows ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen for one year operation of a cluster of homes (8 houses located in the Porter's Orchard Partnership), each with a backwater septic tank, a RUCK filter piped to a greywater septic tank, with all effluent then piped to a pump station. the concentrations are lower than the planning goal; however, the influent concentrations were not measured. Table 7: Effluent from Porter's Orchard Partnership Date 09/26/91 11/19/91 01/24/92 01/31/92 03/30/92 05/28/92 07/30/92 09/24/92 10/15/92 11/05/92 12/22/92 Mean STD DEV 95% CV pH NH 3 NO 2 NO 3 TKN 7.78 7.42 5.70 6.58 7.26 7.49 7.36 7.23 7.03 6.88 9.46 7.29 0.9101 7.79 2.25 1.96 4.78 7.20 2.49 10.9 2.96 1.52 1.83 1.87 0.940 3.52 3.021 5.17 0.041 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.011 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.014 0.010 0.011 0.016 0.645 2.84 0.056 0.01 0.082 0.058 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.017 0.131 0.352 0.846 0.814 1.76 3.73 6.82 9.71 3.71 11.8 3.46 4.73 3.66 7.89 2.72 5.45 3.18 7.19 Source: Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc., 1996. 87 However, because of the number of separate components and the necessary drop in elevation, the leaching facility would have to be located at a relative deep elevation. If a 10 foot depth to groundwater does not exist, the installation of a pump chamber and pump is required, increasing the cost. The cost is high: $800 annually for maintenance, and $7250 and $9250 for a three and four bedroom home, respectively, above the cost of a Title V system. This is priced out of the range of many homeowners and is the primary disadvantage of this system (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). 4.5.1(b) The FAST System The FAST system (figure 28) uses a Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment process to treat and denitrify waste water. The FAST process is a two zone design which consists of a primary anaerobic settling zone and an aerobic biological treatment zone. Solids are trapped in the primary settling zone. The aerobic biological zone consists of a submerged media bed which is colonized by nitrifying bacteria naturally present in sewage. Waste water is recirculated between the two zones allowing both nitrification and denitrification to occur. The FAST unit is purchased as a module which is fitted into a 1500-2000 gallon conventional precast or fiberglass septic system (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). The treatment process is as follows: waste water flows into the primary settling zone of the septic tank. Solid matter settles out in the solids collection zone at the bottom of the tank. The FAST unit sits in the septic tank liquid with its media bed submerged. An air blower located above ground forces air down a central tube to the bottom of the submerged media. As the air rises up through the media to acts as an airlift and carries waste water with it. The waste water flows up through and is dispersed over the top of the media bed. The media serves as a site for the growth of 88 AJR-LIFT ufim AIR INTAKE EXHAUST VENT HOUS ECIRCULATION LIFTS LIQUID IT THR DIS JGH ARGE CE IED - FRMAIR FROMDRAWING MEDRA BEff) LINE --... -S CL 1)S OC LE - .7..ONE-- CHAMBER~- --- -01 - ( MEDIA =SETTLING t4 =ZONE = BED-= \- Figure 28: Smith and Loveless Single Home FAST System (From Barnstable County DHIE, 1995) 89 nitrifying bacteria. When the waste water reaches the top of the media, a portion flows out through a channel back into the primary settling zone of the septic tank. This zone is anaerobic and is the site of denitrification. With each pass through the media, a portion of the waste water passes out through a baffle and flows to the leaching field. Because the air blower runs continuously the waste water is recirculated many times through the nitrifying media and the denitrifying anaerobic zone before being discharged. Thus, efficient nitrification and denitrification is achieved (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). The advantages of this system are that the unit is located below the ground surface and the system is capable of maintaining bacterial growth during periods of low water use because the media bed is submerged, remaining wet. However, it does have an air blower which is above ground and it is expensive: approximately $6500 (not including maintenance), with an optional disinfection unit adding another $1000. Again, this it out of reach of most homeowners (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). 4.5.1(c) Ekofinn BioclereTM The Bioclere TM unit (figure 29) is a modified tricking filter which utilizes a stable fixed film process for simultaneous nitrification/denitrification. The on-site treatment system incorporates a septic tank in series with a modified trickling filter (the Bioclere TM system) and a soil absorption field. The trickling filter is a fixed film aerobic process in which microorganisms attach themselves to a highly permeable media, creating a biological filter (slime layer) through which waste water is trickled allowing organic matter to be absorbed into the slime layer. The treatment process is as follows: waste water flows to a conventional septic tank where primary settling occurs. Effluent from the septic tank passes to the BioclereTM unit and is distributed over a synthetic media bed at varying 90 Distributor FRn Housing Recyc le line--- PVC media Influent Effluent Baffle- Clarifier Dosing pump Recycle pump Figure 29: Sectional View of BioclereTM Components (From Barnstable County DHE, 1995) 14 1 -. -1 - 12 - Total-N 10 E . ...--......... -..... a Z I :D Z NO3-N+NO2-N 4 Orguic-N NH4-N ... .. .. .. 2 ............. ........ ..... 0 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 TEM(Week) Figure 30: Final Effluent Nitrogen Component Concentrations (From Barnstable County DHE, 1995) 91 recirculation rates. Oxygen is introduced to the media chamber through the use of a fan. Nitrifying bacteria form a biomass in the aerobic environment of the media bed. As the biomass thickens, it forms aerobic and anaerobic zones which establishes the conditions for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Approximately 20% of the total nitrogen can be lost through this process. After flowing over the media bed, waste water returns to the sump portion of the tank is recirculated over the media. In systems designed for more complete denitrification, which would be required on Cape Cod, a portion of the water in the sump can also be sent back to the septic tank through the use of a second pump located in the sump portion of the BioclereTM. Recirculation of nitrified effluent to the septic tank where anaerobic conditions and high nutrient levels prevail and, utilizing the raw waste water enhanced by secondary sludge as the carbon source, allows efficient and more complete denitrification to occur (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). In a field performance test, effluent total nitrogen concentrations varied between 8.5-12.1 mg/L, corresponding to a mean removal of 54% and remained in compliance with the revised Title V regulations specifying the performance of an alternative system in a nitrogen sensitive zone (figure 30). Table 7 shows removal efficiencies for this septic system. Table 8: Denitrification Efficiencies for the Ekofinn Bioclere T M Septic System % Removal in septic system Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AVG N0 3 +N0 2 97.7 99.7 98.9 97.2 97.5 71.6 99.8 99.8 95.3 Total N 54 58 71 46 68 67 31 38 54 Source: AWT Environmental, Inc., 1996. 92 total N in Effluent mg/L 10.3 9.2 11.1 12.1 11.9 8.5 11.4 11.8 10.8 When designed for full denitrification, the unit operates with two pumps, a fan, and a timer. Some advantages of this system include the adaptation of existing septic tanks to form the primary treatment stage of the BioclereTM process. Routine operation and maintenance is necessary and this is a major disadvantage of this system. The cost of a unit capable of treating 1000 gpd is $6000, not including maintenance, additional labor (installation) costs, and conventional Title V leaching field costs (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). 4.5.1(d) Recirculating Sand Filter (RSF) Sand filters are shallow beds of sand (600 to 760 mm) provided with a surface distribution system and an underdrain system. Treatment of the effluent in a sand filter is brought about by physical, chemical, and biological transformations. Suspended solids are removed principally by mechanical straining, straining due to chance contact, and sedimentation. The conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas routinely occurs, resulting in a significant (up to 45%) loss of nitrogen (Metcalf and Eddy, 1991). Denitrification is brought about by anaerobic bacteria that coexist in anaerobic microenvironments within the filter bed. The principle components of a recirculating sand filter system are shown in figure 31. Effluent leaves the septic tank and enters a recirculating tank large enough to hold one-half to one-day's flow. A pump located in the recirculation tank is used to pump waste water from the recirculation tank to the sand filter. Effluent is applied to the filter for approximately five minutes every thirty minutes. Treated effluent from the filter returns to the recirculation tank. There exists a total of five RSF systems in operation in Barnstable County, as of August, 1996 (Department of Health and the Environment, 1996). Two RSFs have recently been installed on lower Cape Cod. East Cape Engineering, with 93 Pretreatment unit Recirculation tank Free access recirculating sand filter To disposal I I-I- ~r7~ Recirculating pump Gravel layer Sand Float valve. The simplest float valve is compnsed of a 4 in tee with a round ball set below it in a wire cage. Figure 31: Principal Components of a Recirculating Sand Filter System (From Metcalf and Eddy, 1991) 94 assistance from the Barnstable County Department of Health and the Environment, designed a single-family system in Orleans and coastal Engineering of Orleans designed a larger RSF for cottages in Wellfleet. The high quality effluent produced, ease of operation, and low maintenance cost are the principal factors contributing to the popularity of RSF. However, as is seen in figure 31, homeowners need to purchase a conventional septic system, in addition to the recirculating sand filter. Also, a separate disinfection unit is often required. Hence, the RSF system is not economically advantageous compared to a conventional septic system. 4.5.1(e) Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) can be contrasted with the majority of alternative technologies, which treat septic tank effluent in a continuous stream that passes over or through a media for the nitrification step of the process and then returns to an anaerobic part of the system for the denitrification step. Batch technologies alternate supply and deprive batches of effluent with air so that the nitrification and denitrification steps can occur in the same vessel. The primary advantage of batch technology is improved process control. The operational details, such as dissolved oxygen necessary for nitrification and time needed for denitrification, can be better controlled by the use of timers, fluid pumps, valves, and air blowers. The challenge for these technologies will be to provide a cost effective way to treat sewage onsite. These systems display optimal cost effectiveness when used for flows slightly above the single family use (trailer parks, small clusters of homes, etc.) (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1996). The SBR was pioneered for use in the remote regions of Australia with little or no operator attendance. Currently on Cape Cod, officials are focusing on two types of SBRs: the Amphidrome@ and the Cromaglass@ waste water treatment 95 system. The Amphidrome@ system is installed as part of the Waquoit Bay National Onsite Demonstration Project, at Stuart's Mall in Swansea, MA, and another two plans have been submitted for homes in Mashpee. Theoretically, the Amphidrome@ system should be able to achieve a discharge concentration of < 10 mg N/L. The costs are still undetermined. A 550 gpd residential Cromaglass@ system has recently been installed in Cohasset and there are numerous Cromaglass@ installations in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maine. A basic residential system costs $8500, including module, installation, electricity for one year, and a maintenance contract. 4.6 In-Situ Treatments Known technologies for nitrate removal can be classified into three categories: (1) (2) (3) Operational, e.g. mixing Physicochemical, e.g. ion-exchange, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis Biological, based on bacterial denitrification (ex- and in-situ) Solutions of the first two groups are both expensive and inconvenient because they require either major changes in water supply sources and main conveyance systems or construction of expensive treatment plants. The physicochemical processes also generate concentrated waste streams which present a severe environmental problem. The main advantage of in-situ denitrification in comparison to ex-situ technologies is the fact that supplementary treatment is required after the denitrification is carried out in the aquifer, including: filtration and bacteria die-off, removal of organic residuals by biodegradation and adsorption, and re-aeration in the aerobic environment of the aquifer outside the limit of the anoxic zone. 96 Another important advantage of the in-situ process is its independence of seasonal temperature variations. The in-situ denitrification schemes I will discuss focus on the presence of organic substrate in the aquifer as a requirement for denitrification. The effects of injecting organic substrate into the aquifer, which forms the basis for all schemes, are presented schematically in figure 32. Anoxic conditions develop at the vicinity of the injection well, creating a natural biological reactor at zone I. In this zone, the denitrification process takes place and the nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas. Zone II serves as a sand filter in which turbidity and suspended solids are removed. The water passing zones I and II is stored in zone III containing now reduced-nitrate water. 4.6.1(a) Daisy System The principle of this scheme is presented in figure 33. This scheme involves only one pumping well, surrounded by a circular battery of small diameter wells utilized for injection. Organic substrate and phosphorus (for microbial growth) are introduced to the aquifer through the injection wells and diluted by the contaminated groundwater converging to the production well. Denitrification conditions are expected to develop along the flow paths towards the well, resulting in nitrate reduction in the converging water and lowering nitrate levels of pumped water. The degree of nitrate reduction is dictated here in major part by geometric factors, such as the number and spacing of injection wells and, to an extent, on lateral dispersion. Nitrate reduction may also depend upon substrate type and dose. 97 carban A PO4 kyectmn Scouce * NOj OFe 2w* Zone - U - -- H -a @ L Zone I - Bichacai 0.1 Zone 11 - FMter II e gend W - well RWO - Radxn of Zwae III q - Rwciarg Row - Rech e rne b - Agquer Thcknes n - Parsay bn -ElecIre Dlikness reactor Zane III- hber - 3 rumued III Siriage a/ NOj free water R( [ Qt 1112 fIna a,.. Figure 32: Schematic Description of In-Situ Denitrification (From Mercado et al., 1988) (jAMW 1IOK 4 POI CAMW ra a.. IV 10A"R PO,* .......IM ca .......-. a Wsmtt ao fi IIl It IV - hIKiucAIs * *~ 4119 A I AIa arIr 4. MfIUI J IV IV~ I Figure 33: Schematic Description of the Daisy System (From Mercado et al., 1988) 98 I The daisy scheme has the following advantages: * Only one ordinary pumping well is required. Hence, lower costs are expected. " Denitrified water is mixed with untreated aerated water, at the vicinity of the well. As a result, the pumped water is not completely depleted of oxygen and additional aeration of the pumped water might not be needed (Mercado et al., 1988). Mercado et al. (1988) investigated the feasibility of the in-situ denitrification scheme in Israel. Besides the necessary pumping and injection wells, the experimental system included a substrate solution preparation and storage system, and an automatic substrate feeding and injection system. The organic substrate used in all the experiments was an aqueous solution of sucrose mixed with small amounts of phosphoric acid, to supply the phosphorus required for bacterial synthesis. The sucrose was chosen because of its low cost and ease of handing. Substrate introduction into the injection wells was carried out in pulses twice a day. The reasons for substrate injections in pulses were: (1) Batch introduction of substrate by pulses followed by continuous recharge of dilution water results in immediate transport of the substrate solution from the screen zone of the injection wells into the aquifer, thus minimizing biomass production over the screen and consequently minimizing the clogging of injection wells. (2) The success of the in-situ nitrate removal process depends to a large extent on minimizing biomass production, in order to prevent eventual aquifer clogging. Intermittent substrate injection by pulses was expected to result in conditions of nitrate consumption for endogenous respiration rather than for biomass synthesis. Results indicated a slight nitrate reduction of about 10% accompanied by almost 100% consumption of sucrose. However, the main reason for the relatively low nitrate removal is the fact that only one injection well was effectively incorporated in the Daisy scheme, with the result that only one "leaf" of the Daisy functioned properly. Therefore, denitrified water around the injection well was 99 highly diluted by indigenous nitrate contaminated groundwater converging into the pumping well. Another explanation is the local hydrological confining conditions (impermeable clay). Groundwater oxygen levels at 6 mg 0 2 /L were not sufficient for the decomposition of the substrate loads injected in surplus of that consumed by denitrification. Thus, the main explanation for the low sucrose recovery (although only 10% was used for denitrification), is that sucrose is a readily fermentable substrate. If one were to use this technique for Cape Cod, one would have to first prove its effectiveness in unconfined situations, with the entire system functioning properly, and with perhaps a more denitrification-specific organic substrate, such as ethanol or acetate. Also, the controllability of the Daisy system can be considerably improved by inserting monitoring wells between injection and pumping wells in which chemical parameters would be monitored regularly. This system would best serve drinking water withdrawal wells. 4.6.1(b) Peat Peat has been found to be an effective medium for the treatment of municipal waste water. Peat has several characteristics that make it a desirable material to use in waste water filter beds. It retains its permeability well, even when worked with machinery. It provides a good substrate for vegetation. It has a very high cation exchange capacity and probably could be supplemented with Al, Fe, or Ca to enhance its P-adsorption capacity. Acidic peat appears to be particularly effective in bacteria removal. When it loses its waste water treatment capabilities through clogging, saturation with P, and/or decomposition, the surface layer of peat on a filter bed can be removed, replaced with fresh peat, and the old peat applied to the land, where it will ultimately decay and become incorporated into the soil. The grass cuttings overlying the system can also be disposed of this way. Research has indicated that a 100 peat filter can be utilized in the treatment of septic system effluent. The peat filter is very similar to a sand filter and compares favorably in the absence of a cost analysis. Costs would be highly dependent upon local availability of sphagnum peat and/or filter sand. One disadvantage of the sand filter would be the need for a separate disinfection unit. The disadvantages of the peat filter seem to be the effluent color (yellow) and low pH. Brooks et al. (1984), measured N0 3--N effluent from full-size sphagnum peat filter fields (figure 34) < 4.5 mg/L, well below the drinking water standard of 10 mg/L, but right at the Massachusetts planning goal. After five years of operation, system one from figure 34 continued to function at a satisfactory level with virtually no maintenance other than cropping the grass during the growing season and having the septic tank pumped after four years of operation. The total nitrogen concentration was reduced 83%. System two, which was less labor intensive than system one, had a total nitrogen concentration reduction of 76%. Contrary to the laboratory study of Rock et al. (1984), Brooks et al. observed an averaged effluent dissolved oxygen concentration of 6.9 mg 0 2/L, suggesting that the filter field was aerobic. This suggests that denitrification probably occurred in anaerobic microenvironments. In addition, the acidic, aerated peat offers a favorable environment for the growth of fungi that utilizes the nutrients provided by the applied waste water. A number of fungi can use organic nitrogen, ammonia compounds, and N0 3 --N directly. The reduction in nitrogen components may be due, in part, to the activity of these fungi (Brooks and Zibilske, 1983). The following tables summarize the construction details and treatment efficiencies for this system: 101 SECTION VIEW _ 90 cm I 4.8 m- crushed stone dist ribution lateral 75 cm PEAT 15 cmI 10 cmi -. . 19m \- liner \underdrain-- sand ___ PLAN VIEW SYSTEM I F-------19m r rTn 4.8 M co influent port SYSTEM 11 distribution effluent network port 12.2 mn 4.8 mn IJ influent sump/pump distribution network effluent sump/pump Figure 34: Schematic Diagram of System One and Two Peat Filter Beds (From Brooks et al., 1984) 102 F E ~0 0 Cn N I\O S04 I- C1 . E I e I I 0 ~2 n s -J E 0 ci~ zoIC c~J -Jx o z 5 a- n -J z E 'C p0 C, 0 (\j (W) Hid3G1 Figure 36: Long Point (Vertical) Denitrification Wall with Chemical Levels Up- and Downgradient of the Wall (From Robertson and Cherry, 1995) 108 Table 9: Summary of Construction Details for Experimental Peat Filter Bed Variable System One System Two Date Installed Type of Distribution Bed Area ( m2) Peat Depth Below Distribution Lines T otal Peat Depth (cm) Soil Type November 1978 Gravity 91 75 cm August 1981 Dosed 59 75 cm 90 Shallow Silt Loam, Fissured Bedrock 90 Silt Clay Lined Underdrain Pipe 1.5 Lined Underdrain to Tank 1.5 Grass No Cover Lining Effluent Collection Design Hydraulic Loading (cm/d) Bed Cover Source: Brooks et al. (1984) Table 10: Treatment of Septic Tank Effluent by Sphagnum Peat Filter Beds (Note: Averages reported, range in parentheses) System I System II Septic Tank Effluent 36.3 (2-111) 58.8 (44.8-72.8) Peat Effluent 2.4 (0-17) 10.4 (8.1-15.8) %Reduction 93% 82% Septic Tank Effluent 0.10 (<0.1-0.18) 0.07 (0.01-0.23) Peat Effluent 4.20 (1-11.5) 4.40 (<0.01-11.1) Septic Tank Effluent 48.7 (12.3-100.5) 68.6 (53.9-84.2) Peat Effluent 8.1 (0.0-10.1) 16.7 (10.5-25.2) %Reduction 83% 76% Parameter NH3-N (mg/L) N03--N (mg/L) Total N (mg/L) Source: Brooks et al. (1984) The average peat effluent N0 3 --N concentration is sufficient from a drinking water standard perspective. However, it is near to the Massachusetts planning goal. An additional advantage of this system is that during winter months, satisfactory treatment continued. Prolonged cold weather had no adverse effect on 103 the sphagnum peat bed operation. These beds were found to function equally well, with and without snow cover, and at low temperatures. It has been proposed that the heat generated by microbial activity, coupled with the insulating properties of peat, prevented complications related to freezing that occurred in some conventional septic fields during the winter. Also, Brooks et al. (1984) observed excellent reductions in coliforms so that additional disinfection is not warranted. Another possible advantage of the peat system is that the peat itself could serve as the carbon source (Jaouich, 1975). Reddy et al. (1980) demonstrated that flooded organic soil can reduce N0 3 -N levels via denitrification. These results suggest that denitrification can become a viable mechanism for nitrogen removal in peat systems without the addition of an external carbon source. Of the six peat systems in place on Cape Cod, three are known to be working well hydraulically (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1996). 4.6.1(c) Reactive Porous Media Barriers Robertson and Cherry (1995) designed a new alternative septic system utilizing reactive anaerobic porous media barriers for passive in-situ attenuation of nitrate. The reactive material consists of nitrate-reactive solid organic carbon (sawdust) which promotes nitrate attenuation by heterotrophic denitrification. The difference between this configuration and the peat system (which also provides passive in-situ attenuation of septic system nitrogen) is that attenuation occurs by nitrate denitrification and requires anaerobic conditions. The denitrification barrier provides this condition by sediment saturation, excluding atmospheric oxygen (oxygen flux from the atmosphere to the subsurface is greatly reduced when a zone of saturation is encountered), and by incorporation of the necessary organic carbon as solid phase material. The barrier can be constructed in two configurations: as a subsurface layer (horizontal) installed below the weeping tile field at the time of 104 construction, or it can be retrofitted to existing septic systems as a vertical wall intercepting the nitrate plume at a downgradient location. Treatment is passive so that once installed, no energy use or maintenance is required for a long period of time. For horizontal construction, denitrification is achieved by installing an engineered sequence of porous media layers into an excavation located below the tile bed (figure 35). This can be used at any water table depth provided the barrier porous media is appropriately sized to remain saturated when positioned above the water table. The preferred design for the denitrification layer is a porous media matrix material of coarse silt or fine sand. This is advantageous for Cape Cod which has sandy soil. The denitrification layer is placed at the bottom of the excavation. The denitrification layer is installed at a sufficient depth below the septic system weeping tiles so that effluent ammonium (NH4 +) is oxidized to nitrate during percolation through the unsaturated sediments lying above the barrier layer. To ensure nitrification, a nitrification layer constructed of coarser grained sand is placed above the denitrification layer. The usefulness of the barriers has been demonstrated. If it is assumed that the barrier organic carbon is consumed only by heterotrophic denitrification, Robertson and Cherry (1995) demonstrated that a denitrification layer of modest thickness has the potential to last a very long time. They considered a single family residence generating 1000 L/day of effluent with average NH4+-N content of 40 mg/L. Potential annual nitrate loading would be 15 kg. A one meter thick barrier layer, 100 m 2 in area and containing 2% by weight organic carbon, would contain 3600 kg of organic carbon. By equation {5}, the carbon mass would be sufficient for 200 years of denitrification. Even if only 10% of the organic carbon was available for denitrification, the layer would still last for the typical design life of a septic system, about 20 years. 105 Figure 35 shows chemical profiles (mg/L) after one year of operation at the Killarney (Canada) site. Effluent NH 4 +-N (99 mg/L) was almost entirely transformed by oxidation to nitrate in the sand layer overlying the denitrification barrier. The resulting N0 3--N level of 125 mg/L occurring at the top of the barrier was then attenuated to a very low level (1.2 mg/L). Similar chemical profiles were observed below the Borden tile field. The denitrification wall can also be placed in a vertical position (figure 36), used to retrofit existing septic systems by placement at a downgradient location if the nitrate plume is migrating horizontally at a shallow depth. The wall is installed below the water table perpendicular to the plume flowpath, in a vertical position. The reactive material is placed into an excavation constructed with the aid of dewatering wells. Because the barrier is placed below the water table and is not intended to impede groundwater flow, sand and sawdust (80% sand, 20% sawdust) is the preferred matrix material for the vertical wall configuration. Again, this is advantageous for Cape Cod. Figure 36 shows concentrations up- and downgradient of the barrier wall after about one year of operation. Consistent chloride (Cl-) levels (51-52 mg/L) demonstrate that undiluted septic plume water was migrating through the bottom half of the barrier. Very high N0 3 -N values present upgradient of the wall (57-62 mg/L) were attenuated to much lower values (2-25 mg/L) downgradient. 4.6.1(d) Bioremediation via Autotrophic, Hydrogen-Oxidizing, Denitrifiers on Cape Cod Bioremediaton has received considerable interest as a potential tool for insitu treatment of contaminated groundwater. The approach involves identifying a microbial process that will (1) remove or transform a given contaminant, preferably resulting in innocuous products; and (2) either stimulate the indigenous microbial 106 KILLARNEY LAYER C? 0 SANOY TOP SCIL WEEPNG a I, 50 NH :cc CO 0 -N 50 NC iCOO 3 50 -N SO 00 0 30 00C .-. 60 0 50 0 t0O 20C GRAEL 0.2 -SANC 0.4 ILY SILT+ SAWDUST 0.6 SILT + COMPOST 0.8 SILT+RYES ED - 1.0 - . BEDROCK BORDEN 0 LAYER - E SILT 7/93 /' 12 0.2 -SANO- 0 * (rT1LE . .GRAVEL. *-a 3/8 PLY 0.4 Ig'. F 50 100 0 NH 4-N a 25 +--2N03-N 5 25 500o 25 50 SO 4 0 25 DOC 25 k PIEZO. 0.8 LYSIMETER SAWDUST - 1.4 L- jSSAND . - SILT + /93 SILT a PEAT Figure 35: Killarney and Borden (Horizontal) Denitrification Layers Showing Chemical Profiles (mg/L) After One Year of Operation (From Robertson and Cherry, 1995) 107 * SAND 0.6 - C=-. - CL TOP SOIL 50 population to induce the process of interest or add nonnative microorganisms that are capable of catalyzing the process. The bioremediation approach usually implies that additional constituents (limiting nutrients and/or exotic organisms) must be introduced into the aquifer over and above the original contaminants already ) present. Because denitrification produces an innocuous end product (N2 denitrification may be well suited as a mechanism for in-situ bioremediation of nitrate contamination (Smith and Ceazan, 1991). The ideal electron donor to use for bioremediation by denitrification in groundwater systems would (1) be innocuous, (2) be a substrate that the indigenous population of denitrifiers could utilize, (3) be a substrate that could fuel oxygen respiration if it were first necessary to consume background oxygen, and (4) have a very limited utility for any nontargeted group of microorganisms. Hydrogen (H2) appears to fit all of these requirements. Smith and Ceazan (1991) discovered preliminary evidence from the Otis Cape Cod site that indicated that denitrification was stimulated by the presence of hydrogen and subsequently hypothesized that hydrogen would be a reasonable choice to stimulate denitrification during bioremediation (figure 37). When H 2 was added, nitrate concentrations of more than 1 mM (mmol/L) (62 mg NO 3 ~/L) were completely depleted in only 24 hours, representing more than a hundredfold increase in the rate of nitrate consumption above the endogenous rate. Smith and Ceazan isolated and characterized the microorganisms responsible for the denitrification and all were capable of autotrophic growth as denitrifiers, using H2 and N03- for energy requirements and fixing carbon dioxide for carbon (no organic carbon was present in the medium). The reaction products, water (the oxidation product of H2) and nitrogen (the reduction product of nitrate), are present in pristine groundwater and hydrogen is not toxic in the low, solubility-limited concentrations that would be added to groundwater. The oxidation of hydrogen will be the 109 1.2 I i I I 0 E z ENDOGENOUS 0.8 0 z Lj 0 z 0 0.4 -H 0 2 Li 0.0 0 24 48 HU RS Figure 37: Time Course of Nitrate Concentration (mM) in Sediment Slurries (From Smith and Ceazan, 1991) 110 terminal electron-accepting process in a microbial food chain (Lovley et al., 1990). Thus, the addition of hydrogen would be much more oriented to the target microbial process (denitrification) than would the addition of a general electron donor, such as glucose. Some of the hydrogen-oxidizing denitrifiers (Paracoccus denitrificans) can also oxidize hydrogen aerobically. This means that, given the common situation where oxygen and nitrate were both present, these organisms could utilize the added hydrogen to first deplete the in-situ oxygen, a prerequisite for denitrification, and then switch to denitrification to consume the nitrate that was present (Smith and Ceazan, 1991). 4.6.1(e) Sulfur/Limestone Denitrification In Chapter 2, I focused on heterotrophic denitrification. I have not yet described autotrophic (inorganic energy source) denitrification. Under anoxic conditions, nitrate is converted into nitrogen gas. Elemental sulfur, which is used as an electron donor, is converted into sulfate. Including the production of biomass, the reaction proceeds as follows: 2 55 S + 50 NO 3 + 38 H2O + 20 CO2 + 4 NH4 --> 4 C 5H70 2N + 25 N 2 + 55 SO4 - +64 H+ {8} In this process, both sulfur and limestone are present in the form of granules (0.2-0.6 cm) on which the bacteria settle and adhere. Limestone is used to maintain the optimal pH range and as an inorganic carbon source for the bacteria. This process has been used at a demonstration plant in The Netherlands since December 1986 and is designed for denitrification of water containing no more than 75 mg N0 3 /L (Kruithof et al., 1986). One could use crushed sea shells, which are readily available on Cape Cod, with an elemental sulfur source to denitrify groundwater. An inorganic carbon source (bicarbonate, for example) must be present in the water to enable denitrification and since sulfate is produced in the treatment process, use of 111 the denitrification on sulfur is restricted to treatment areas where the sulfate concentration is low (no more than 25 mg S0 4 2 -/L, Kruithof et al., 1986). As shown in Table 4, sulfate levels are quite low and bicarbonate is present. However, the feasibility of using this biochemical process has not been attempted in-situ. Nonetheless, this process seems economically advantageous and should not be abandoned. 4.8 Conclusion In Chapter 4, I reviewed alternative septic systems and in-situ remedial schemes which all use biological denitrification as a means of attenuating nitrate in septic system effluent. However, not all of these are feasible , from either an economic and/or engineering perspective, for use on Cape Cod. In Chapter 5, I will propose plans for action; namely, what should be done for Cape Cod's contamination? 112 Chapter 5 What Should Be Done For Cape Cod's Nitrate Contamination? 5.1 Introduction The residents of Cape Cod face a problem of nitrate contamination of their groundwater (their primary source of drinking water) and their coastal and aquatic environments. Certain aspects of Cape Cod aggravate the problem. The hydrogeology of Cape Cod allows for the mobility of nitrate with little attenuation besides low levels of natural, not anthropogenic, biological denitrification. There is very little subsurface organic carbon on Cape Cod, with much of it probably resistant to biodegradation, and no significant natural replenishment of this resource. Thus, restoration of nitrate contaminated aquifers on Cape Cod via biological denitrification would probably require an injection of a carbon source to remove the carbon limitation on denitrification and cause sufficiently anaerobic conditions for denitrification. Site specific economic, engineering, and geohydrologic factors control the feasibility and utility of aquifer restoration by this method. The injection of organic compounds into the aquifer constitutes the introduction of either synthetic or altered natural products which itself could pose a serious contamination problem if performed improperly or incorrectly. Urbanization is growing rapidly on Cape Cod. This not only heightens the demand for high-quality, low-nitrate groundwater for drinking, but also augments the loading of nitrogen-rich domestic sewage to the aquifer providing drinking water to the local population. Ocean disposal of this sewage is prohibited by the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act. Even if sewers and waste water treatment 113 plants were installed and constructed at huge public expense and dramatically reduced the loading of nitrogenous wastes to the aquifer, the problem of nitrates in groundwater would continue for years since the rate of groundwater movement is so slow that the bulk of septic nitrogen entering coastal waters lags behind urban development by nearly a decade (Valiela et al., 1992). In addition, if a plan is implemented to dramatically reduce the nitrate levels in drinking water and it is successful from a drinking water perspective, this does not guarantee success from an environmental (i.e., coastal waters) perspective. Adverse effects from nitrate to surface waters are known to occur at concentrations .(and, coincidentally, lower housing/building density) substantially lower than much lower than concentrations (and housing density) in drinking water which lead to adverse health effects. I have presented thus far the sources, fate and transport, contamination, and effects of nitrate in the subsurface environment and a discussion of remediation technology that has been developed to deal with nitrate in groundwater. In this chapter, I present my opinion of what I feel should be done on Cape Cod with respect to nitrate contamination. This is not a proposed policy or suggestions for those who put forward and implement policy for the residents of Cape Cod. It is what I feel, in my opinion of the scientific and engineering aspects of the circumstances of nitrate contamination on Cape Cod, would be beneficial. 5.2 Immediate Action for Domestic Sewage Disposal In the near future, certain actions taken by the residents of Cape Cod would be beneficial to reducing the loading of nitrate to groundwater and to receiving coastal waters. As mentioned earlier, there is rapid urbanization on Cape Cod, especially near the coast. Homes far and near to the coast may load similar (e.g., chemically, physically) sewage to groundwater but their proximity to receiving coastal waters is dissimilar and this would impact the quality of those waters differently. Sewage 114 from homes near the coast would immediately and, most likely, adversely affect groundwater and receiving waters. Large clusters of homes and high-sewage producers (e.g., apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, large businesses, hotels, etc.) impact groundwater differently than single-family homes and their nitrate loading to groundwater must be addressed differently as well. Thus, one needs to address these circumstances distinctly. 5.2.1 Homes Near the Coast Sewage from homes near the coast of Cape Cod (note the higher degree of housing density along the coast in figure 13) flows directly into receiving waters. Although there is little attenuation of nitrate in the subsurface environment on Cape Cod, what little denitrification occurs as sewage travels in groundwater to coastal receiving waters does not occur in sewage from homes directly on the coast. Thus, the problem of nitrate contamination from domestic sewage in this case is different. The primary focus is the immediate disposal of sewage to surface waters, not groundwater. One should also be cognizant of the reason why many people decide to relocate to Cape Cod. Most residents are attracted to Cape Cod by its scenic beauty. Thus, most homeowners, especially along the coastline, would prefer a denitrifying technology that would minimize the amount of above-ground machinery, other obstructions, and other aspects of the technology would could be viewed as aesthetically unpleasant. Organic carbon injection into the subsurface for homes near the coast is both impractical and environmentally unsound. It is impractical because the time of travel of the domestic sewage to the receiving waters is far shorter than the characteristic time for denitrification. Thus, the injection of organic substrate for denitrifying bacteria would be for naught; the bacteria would not have enough time to significantly attenuate nitrate in the domestic sewage before flowing into coastal 115 waters. It would be injudicious to inject any chemical into the subsurface that would have no positive impact on water quality and could adversely affect both the subsurface and surface waters. Thus, injection of organic substrate is not valid from an engineering perspective for homes near or along the coast and would probably be deemed as ocean dumping under the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act. If there are no proprietary restrictions, the reactive porous media barriers described in 4.6.1(c) could serve well in this capacity.- They are compact and require little maintenance while providing a long service life. The Daisy (4.6.1(a)) and sulfur/limestone (4.6.1(e)) systems are not a viable option since they are designed for use near drinking water/withdrawal wells. The use of peat, as mentioned in 4.6.1(b), would not necessarily function well for homes along the coast. From an engineering perspective, in the immediate vicinity of the peat, observations of the effluent from the peat system has shown that it can have a low pH and a yellowish color (Brooks et al., 1984). The short travel time of this effluent to the receiving waters could result in surface waters being impacted by this yellowish, acidic effluent. From the viewpoint of a homeowner, the peat could be a source of odors and an eyesore (much different the rest of their lawn). As mentioned in 4.6.1(b), once the peat layer loses its waste water treatment capabilities, the surface layer is removed and replaced by fresh peat, which is not readily available on Cape Cod. This would dramatically increase the cost of this remedial technology. Currently, the RUCK system appears to be the alternative septic system technology most suited for use nearest the coast if there are at least ten feet from ground surface to the aquifer. It is a well-established denitrifying septic system. Although its cost can be exorbitant, the system provides an internal organic substrate with few maintenance requirements, a long design life, and only one above ground equipment piece, with a totally passive remedial scheme. Also, to retrofit an existing septic system (i.e., redo the piping of the home and only add a 116 new RUCK tank, not an entire operating system, septic tank and RUCK tank), this alternative septic system technology is the most economical. The FAST system has an air blower above ground which can be loud and is approximately the same cost of the RUCK system. The Ekofinn BioclereTM, also approximately the same cost, requires routine operation and maintenance, and also has mechanical equipment (below ground) which could be a noisy nuisance. The SBR is too expensive for single homes along the coast; however, for larger septic systems along the coast, it seems to be as good an alternative septic system as a larger RUCK system and should not be abandoned. 5.2.2 Large Cluster of Homes A large cluster of homes (multiple dwellings or buildings linked to a common sewage treatment process) and high-volume sewage producers (hotels, restaurants, apartment buildings, hospitals, etc.) face a unique problem: how to treat such large volumes of sewage. This requires that these producers install a system capable of handling such large volumes economically and efficiently. Peat filters could operate well for these high-volume producers. Failure of high-volume septic systems in winter could greatly and adversely impact groundwater. Alternative systems selected for these high-volume producers should be able to operate well throughout the year in order to prevent large volumes of untreated or incompletely treated sewage from entering the aquifer. Peat filters function well in cold climates. The studies of peat filters in Minnesota and Maine show that this system is capable of maintaining a significant level of denitrification throughout the year (Brooks et al., 1984). Although peat is not readily available on Cape Cod and could prove to be expensive for the single homeowner, it is more economically feasible for such high-volume producers. In addition to the peat filter, the sequencing batch reactors (SBRs: Cromaglass@ and Amphidrome® systems, 117 4.5.1(e)) display optimal cost effectiveness when used for flows slightly above the single family use (Barnstable County Department of Health and The Environment, 1995). Since cost information is not available for the peat system, I cannot compare the two; however, it appears that both systems are capable of handling high-volume sewage producers. 5.2.3 Other Domestic Sewage Although alternative systems have been available for more than ten years, none has achieved widespread usage because the evidence for the occurrence of large-scale contaminant plumes from septic systems was not well-documented, with the result that regulators did not discourage the use of conventional septic systems. Thus, there had been little incentive to use the more expensive alternative designs and to accumulate the field performance data necessary to allow accurate assessment of their effectiveness. Now, however, non-coastal homeowners on Cape Cod should use alternative septic system technologies or take other steps to curtail any further degradation of the groundwater aquifer. The alternative systems are expensive and out of reach economically for many homeowners on Cape Cod. So, homeowners should be given incentives to use alternative technologies (including those mentioned in 4.5 and 4.6). 5.3 Large-Scale Contamination Remedial Action The major source of nitrate contamination on Cape Cod is from septic systems. The few large sewage plumes on Cape Cod require a different remedial plan than the areally extensive point sources. Ex-situ reactors, such as the 118 sulfur/limestone remedial scheme presented in 4.6.1(e), have offered regulators a viable means of remediating large volumes of nitrate-contaminated water. Nonetheless, there are advantages to in-situ remediation. One advantage of in-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater is that in-situ systems are largely passive in that after installation, in situ reactors are intended to function with little or no maintenance for long periods. This contrasts with the energy and maintenance-intensive character of pump-and treat, ex-situ systems. Another advantage is that in situ denitrification can perform both denitrification and secondary treatment: for example, filtration, degradation of organic residuals and re-aeration, within the aquifer. Furthermore, underground processes are independent of any seasonal temperature variations, thus maintaining the efficiency of any such system. This is of critical importance on Cape Cod where there can be substantial seasonal variations in temperature. Thus, in-situ remedial schemes, such as a series of Daisy system wells, reactive porous media barriers placed vertically downgradient of a nitrate-rich sewage plume, an in-situ version of autotrophic (e.g., sulfur/limestone or hydrogen oxidation) denitrification schemes, and/or other process would best serve to remediate large-scale nitrate contamination areas. Unfortunately, Mercado et al. (1988) did not have a properly functioning Daisy system for their work. A system similar or exactly like the one used in Israel should be installed on Cape Cod and its performance monitored. Policymakers, cognizant of any adverse impact either on drinking water or the environment, should devise schedules for pilot testing and implementation for this and other large-scale in-situ treatment processes. 119 5.4 Conclusion: Future Work and Long-Term Action for Domestic Sewage Disposal Much work needs to be initiated and completed in order to better understand denitrification and how we can use it as a means of addressing nitrate-contaminated groundwater on Cape Cod. The following is a brief list of work that I feel would further the possible use of denitrification as a means of addressing nitrate contaminated groundwater on Cape Cod: (1) In-Situ Denitrification Via Organic Carbon Substrate Injection: On Cape Cod, the availability of an oxidizable source of organic carbon seems to be the limiting factor for heterotrophic denitrification (Smith and Duff, 1988). So, even if denitrifying bacteria and nutrients are present in sufficient quantities to support denitrification, insufficient organic carbon below a depth of 2-3 m (soil root zone) prohibits denitrification in the unsaturated zone (Starr and Gillham, 1989). One possible insitu biological treatment method is enhancement of native microbial communities. Enhancement traditionally has referred to the injection of nutrients and oxygen to accelerate biodegradation of waste organics. The enhancement of native communities has been extensively used for the removal of organic waste or heavy metals. For nitrate removal, one would choose to limit oxygen and apply a labile carbon source to force denitrification. Denitrification in the Cape Cod aquifer system would be limited by available labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC). If sufficient DOC exists at the point of nitrate entry into the aquifer, nitrate will not likely persist in the aquifer. For example, DOC concentrations of 12 mg C/L were adequate to reduce N0 3 --N levels from about 25 (five times the planning goal) to 0 mg/L during a travel time of 1.5 to 3.0 years in a sandy aquifer on Cape Cod (Smith and Duff, 1988). 120 Organic carbon substrate injection could remedy this organic carbon restriction. This has the potential for relieving areally extensive nitrate contamination of the groundwater aquifer on Cape Cod. I have yet to find any extensive work in the literature of small-scale systems that could be used for single homes, with all work (known to me) focused on substrate injection in the vicinity of drinking water/withdrawal wells. The development and testing of such systems could provide a viable and economical solution that would address nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. Such a system, with sufficient injection of organic carbon substrate to prevent the depletion of carbon within the aquifer to the point at which the aquifer can no longer support denitrification, would function well on Cape Cod, where the existence of a shallow, unconfined aquifer (2.4.1(e) and (f)); wet soil (2.1); and bacteria in solution, not in biofilms on the surface of solid particles (2.3), favors in-situ denitrification. A more targeted, denitrification-specific natural (i.e., economical) organic substrate has yet to be found. Cellulose is the most abundant renewable resource in the world and may offer an inexpensive alternative to the synthetic carbon compounds commonly used in the treatment of nitrate contaminated water (Volokita et al., 1996). Volokita et al. used cotton as the sole physical and chemical substrate for denitrifying microorganisms in laboratory columns (ex-situ). Cotton is an abundant crop in many countries and the relatively low price of the short fiber product makes it a very attractive substrate for denitrification. In their study, the treated effluent contained low concentrations of DOC and was without detectable odor or color. Bacterial counts were on the order of 105 ml-1 . Thus, post treatment (sand filtration and chlorination) would be required before reaching drinking quality. However, an in-situ test was not performed. I feel that, in the manner of the reactive porous barriers, research should be conducted on Cape Cod to determine the feasibility of such a treatment scheme. 121 Ethanol and methanol more are targeted to denitrification than cotton, sawdust, and other natural organic substrates. However, the injection or placement of synthetic organic compounds in an in-situ denitrification apparatus is not as prudent as the use of a natural product. Either a more thorough search for natural, denitrification-specific compounds and/or the development of an altered natural organic substance for denitrification would hasten the development of a process that would alleviate some of the nitrate contamination of the groundwater on Cape Cod. (2) Autotrophic (Hydrogen Oxidation) Denitrification: As discussed in 4.6.1(d), Smith and Ceazan (1991) isolated autotrophic denitrifying microorganisms which, in the presence of hydrogen, depleted nitrate concentrations of more than 1 mM (62 mg NO3 ~/L) in only 24 hours, representing more than a hundredfold increase in the rate of nitrate consumption above the endogenous rate. Capitalization of this method of denitrification would greatly reduce nitrate contamination on Cape Cod. Hydrogen gas is cheaper and more abundant than organic substrates, non-toxic at the levels needed to affect denitrification, and its injection into the subsurface environment would be simpler. However, no work has been initiated in the development of a process that would use this specific biochemical pathway in order to denitrify groundwater. Also, the existence of these denitrifiers has not been proven throughout the Cape Cod aquifer, only at the Otis site. If they do not exist in other parts of Cape Cod, one would have to use alien microorganisms which are less successful in remediation than indigenous microorganisms. Nitrate contamination on Cape Cod is areally extensive and requires implementable remedial technologies. It could take numerous years for this process to be a viable option on Cape Cod but it should not be overlooked due to the enormous benefits that would arise from its development and implementation. 122 (3) Studying and Modeling Denitrification of Domestic Sewage from Septic Systems on Cap : All the work that I reported in Chapter Two concerning the study of denitrification on Cape Cod occurred at the MMR Otis Site which is not the typical source of nitrate to the groundwater on Cape Cod. I suggest that researchers focus now on denitrification, its rate and potential use as a means of addressing nitrate contamination in the immediate vicinity and downgradient of a sewage plume from a septic system. This, not large-scale contamination plumes, is the primary source of nitrate into the subsurface environment on Cape Cod. Subsequent research of the phenomena of denitrification near these point sources should include the effectiveness of alternative septic systems and other remediation technologies in two critical areas: long term effectiveness and a side-by-side comparison of efficiency. For example, experiments at both large and small (coastal and non-coastal homes) septic systems should be conducted. These experiments should monitor the performance of different remediation technologies at the site which receive the same septic system influent. On the short term, the nitrateremoval efficiency should be monitored: i.e., which remediation technology removes the most nitrate? In addition to short-term success, the long term effectiveness of nitrate removal should be monitored: i.e., did the systems suffer any serious malfunctions which required outside maintenance and/or breakthrough of nitrate in the remediation technology effluent? Also, a cost comparison (yearly and for long periods of time) should be an integral part of the experiment, which would facilitate the important decision residents of Cape Cod may need to make; namely, what is the best remediation technology available to me? Further study could also lead to advances in the modeling of denitrification and, subsequently, to advances in the models used by public health officials to predict nitrate loading to watersheds and different zones (I, II, and III) of 123 groundwater protection. These models currently do not incorporate denitrification and, although this is a conservative method of predicting nitrate concentrations, it may be false and result in needless expenditures. Proper land use planning, zoning, and nitrogen management controls, all currently determined by the results of nitrogen loading models, will save communities from investing millions of dollars in treatment systems to remove nitrate or to locate and develop new sources of drinking water. Further study of denitrification near these point sources could result in the development of more accurate models to assist public officials and homeowners in addressing nitrate contamination in the future. (4) Environmental Control of Nitrate Contamination: As noted throughout this thesis, there are two levels of treatment for nitrate: protection of drinking water and protection of receiving waters. Algal growth in surface waters is limited by nitrate concentrations and concentrations 10 to 100 times less than the drinking water standard (M. Geist, personal communication). In order to control the environmental impacts of nitrate contamination of receiving waters from contaminated groundwater, researchers and policymakers need to determine if alternative treatments implemented to protect drinking water supplies can also protect receiving waters. They should also work together to devise plans to protect harbors from eutrophication and remediate harbors already exhibiting signs of eutrophication. For example, I decided to address homes near and far from the coast distinctly. Researchers should determine the width of the zone from the coast in which significant attenuation of nitrate in groundwater does not occur (as mentioned in 5.2.1). Thus, policymakers (and later, homeowners) could choose appropriate technologies for their septic systems. For example, the reactive porous media barriers presented in 4.6.1(c) would serve well for homes along the coast in the future. This technology has not been installed yet near a home on Cape Cod but 124 has been installed at the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve on Cape Cod. One possible use of this technology is to install numerous barriers along the coast near or on harbors which display signs of eutrophication. Researchers should also work closely with policymakers in determining at what housing/building density do adverse environmental (in addition to drinking water) effects occur. (5) Protection of Drinking Water Supplies: Cape Cod residents rely on clean and safe drinking water from the groundwater aquifer. This vital resource needs to be protected. Prevention of aquifer contamination is usually a more effective and a considerably cheaper strategy than is aquifer restoration. This is particularly true where the pollutant sources, such a the septic systems on Cape Cod, are areally extensive, the concentrations are low, and the volumes of groundwater impacted are large. Each water supply well, including the 100 municipal wells on Cape Cod, should be vigilantly monitored for nitrate contamination and should have a protection plan and schedule. There is no other source of drinking water on Cape Cod so attentive monitoring and, perhaps, implementation of a protective technology (vertical reactive porous media barriers and/or a series of Daisy system wells) is required. In addition, management options should be considered as part of an overall plan to reduce nitrogen loading for all of the wellfields. Some of these options, depending on the land use development patterns, include use of alternative denitrifying technology for commercial and residential uses, land acquisition near wellfields, agricultural or conservation deed restrictions for non-protected open space, and increasing minimum lot sizes. Because there is a correlation between housing density and the concentration of nitrate in Cape Cod groundwater, managing density is one way that towns can protect public water supplies from nitrate contamination. 125 The residents of Cape Cod cannot turn to ocean/surface water disposal of wastes since this is forbidden by the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act. I feel that public waste water treatment works and an extensive sewer system is inevitable on Cape Cod. The population is growing too rapidly for the status quo of individual septic systems to continue. In addition to this, strict zoning, perhaps even increasing the minimum lot size for homes on Cape Cod, may be required. There are alternatives for the residents of Cape Cod to address nitrate contamination of groundwater and these alternatives lie with the use of denitrification. 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