University of Illinois Library
Africana Collections and Services, Room 325
International and Area Studies Library
Acquisitions List
January – March 2012
016.409639 M279b Maho, Jouni.
The Bantu Bibliography . African Linguistic Bibliographies. Vol.
8. Köln: Köppe, 2008.
025.04209621 Se65r Serageldin, Ismail.
Reflections on our Digital Future . Alexandria, Egypt:
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 2006.
027.5096982 N213n National Library (Republic of Mauritius): Brief History and Development (8th
December 1999-8th December 2009) . Port Louis: National Library, Republic of Mauritius, 2009.
070.92 M289m Makunike, Ezekiel C. I Won't Call You Sir! Black Journalist's Encounters in White-
Ruled Rhodesia . 2nd ed. Harare, Zimbabwe: Thorn & Leaf Publishers, 2010.
070.92 N98r Nyamu, H. J.
Recollections: An Eye-Witness Account of Kenya's Journey from Colony to Multi-Party Democracy . Nairobi, Kenya: Longhorn Publishers, 2010.
070.922 J8261 Chakaodza, Bornwell. Journalists Or "Enemies of the State": Onslaught on the
Zimbabwean Media, 2000-2005 . Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, 2009.
070.963 B533j Birhanu Olana Dirbaba.
Journalism in the Context of Ethiopian Mass Media:
Essays, Researches, and Reflections . Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: S.N., 2009.
133.309663 So91d Sow, Alfâ Ibrâhîm.
Divination Marabout Destin: Aux Sources De l'Imaginaire .
Dakar: IFAN Ch. A. Diop, 2009.
133.309663 So91d Viriri, L.
Ngatidzidzei Zvirungamutauro . Harare: Lleemon Publishers, 2010.
152.48 K166k Kaunjika, David Jones.
Kaduka . Kukula m'Moyo. Vol. 11. Balaka, Malawi: Montfort
Media, 2002.
160 N98t Nyarwath, Oriare.
Traditional Logic: An Introduction . Guide to Philosophy Series. 1st ed. Vol. 14. Nairobi: Consolata Institute of Philosophy Press, 2007.
174.907096 N98a Nyamnjoh, Francis B. Africa's Media: Between Professional Ethics and Cultural
Belonging . Fesmedia Africa Series. Windhoek, Namibia: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009.
174.957096 J826p Senegal. Ministère de la santé et de la prévention and Réseau sénégalais
"Droit, éthique, santé".
Promoting Bioethics in Africa: Report on the First Days of Bioethics for
West and Central Africa: What Ethics for Research in Africa? Dakar, Senegal, 11 to 13 July 2005
[Promouvoir la bioéthique en Afrique]. Dakar: 2007.
199.6 B47o Biangany Gomanu Tamp'Wo, Emmanuel.
L'Odyssée de La Philosophie Négro-
Africaine: Par Devoir De Mémoire Et De Vérité . Kinshasa: Editions Universitaires Logos, 2008.
200 C738 2010 Mugambi, J. N. Kanyua.
A Comparative Study of Religions . 2nd ed. Nairobi,
Kenya: University of Nairobi Press, 2010.
201.72096 F172 Faith and Elections in Africa: A Critical Conversation . Harare: African Forum for
Catholic Social Teaching, 2009.
203.8096668 K127f Kamara, Mamadou Koblé.
Les Fonctions Du Masque Dans La Société Dan De
Sipilou . Collection Baobab. Côte d'Ivoire: CALAO Édition, 2008.
230.01 K143p Kapumba Akenda, Jean C.
Philosophie Et Problèmes Du Christianisme Africain:
Pour Une Philosophie Chrétienne De La Vie . Recherches Philosophiques Africaines / Études
Publiées Par La Faculté De Philosophie. Vol. 34. Kinshasa: Facultés Catholiques de Kinshasa,
231.3 K818h Koech, Joseph K.
The Holy Spirit as Liberator: A Study of Luke 4:14-30 in the African
Context . Eldoret, Kenya: Zapf Chancery, 2008.
231.765 M339m Marirās 'Amān Balāy.
Maseḥaf Beruk: Sela Sabātu Samāyātenā Sela Mato
'Alamoč Sela Maǧamariyāwem Saw . [Addis Ababa: APE], 2000 [2007 or 2008].
248.4 M339m Marirās 'Amān Balāy.
Maṣḥaf Kebur: Kebra Liqāwent Qedusān wameʻerāfa
Ḥeyāwān . Addis Ababa: 2008.
253.096132 Ur12 Nwoye, Chinwe M. A., Peter Kanyandago, and Diane B. Stinton.
Urban Ministry in Africa: Reflections for Theology in the 21st Century . Ecumenical Symposium of Eastern Africa
Theologians (ESEAT). Vol. 4. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2010.
253.5096 M989c Mwiti, Gladys and Alvin C. Dueck.
Christian Counselling: An African Indigenous
Perspective . Nairobi, Kenya: Evangel Pub. House, 2007.
261.096 W482g Wendland, Ernst R. and Salimo Hachibamba.
Galu Wamkota: Missiological
Reflections from South-Central Africa . Kachere Monograph. Vol. 25. Zomba, Malawi: Kachere
Series, 2007.
261.209667 Ac42c Achampong, Peter.
Christian Values in Adinkra Symbols . Kunst-Kumasi,
Ghana: University Printing Press, 2004.
261.520966 B32m Bathily, Alymana.
Médias Et Religions En Afrique De l'Ouest . Dakar: Institut
Panos Afrique de l'Ouest, 2009.
261.7096762 Ow7c Owuoche, Solomon.
The Church in the Struggle for Democracy in Kenya .
Nairobi: Mvule Africa Publishers, 2010.
266.092 R933w Rutherford, John.
Little Giant of Bechuanaland: A Biography of William Charles
Willoughby, Missionary and Scholar . Gaborone, Botswana: Botswana Society: Mmegi Pub.
House: BNARS, 2009.
266.2096881 F52h Fisch, Maria.
Shambyu-Utokota: 75 Jahre Missionsgeschichte Am Kavango Im
Fokus Politischer Und Sozialer Entwicklungen [History of Roman Catholic Mission, Sahmbyu,
1930-2005.]. Windhoek, Namibia: Macmillan Education Namibia, 2009.
276.982 P185c Palmyre, Danielle.
Culture Créole Et Foi Chrétienne . Beau-Bassin, République de
Maurice; Bruxelles: Marye Pike; Lumen Vitae, 2007.
281.7509 F268y Fatāḥi Baṣedeq.
Yaḥaweltu Śer "Qumārtañoč . Addis Ababa: 2010.
282.092 K123k Kakubi, John Baptist.
John Baptist Kakubi: Memoirs of a Priestly and Episcopal
Life . Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2010.
282.09209676 K569k Kimbowa, Charles M.
Nja Kunyumya Ku Kisa Kye . Kampala: Charles M.
Kimbowa, 2009.
282.096891 N659d Ndlovu, Innocent.
The Diocesan Priests of Bulawayo: An Insight into the
Growth of the Archdiocese of Bulawayo: 50 Years of Service, 1958-2008 . Harare: Innocent
Ndlovu, 2008.
282.6761092 M451m Mayanja, Petero, Roza Mayanja, John C. Kyazze, and Charles M. Kimbowa.
Ekiri Mu Ttu: Petero Ne Roza Mayanja Ffenna Batubuulirira . Kampala: Kikubiddwa mu kyapa
Nice Print, 2008.
282.678 N988 Nyerere, Anna J. and Felician V. M. Nkwera.
The Servant of God J.K. Nyerere:
Appropriate Way to Honour Him . 2 ed. Dar es Salaam: Marian Faith Healing Centre, 2009.
283.092 N916n Nũma, Gideon N.
Walking in the Light: Leadership in Family, Business, Church, and State, 1931-2009 . Nairobi: Giakki Holdings, 2009.
283.092 W125m Mwangi, Susan.
William Waqo: A Servant Leader with a Heart for Mission .
Nairobi: Blossom Books, 2010.
286.732096894 C477t Chuunga, Daniel.
Tradition Versus Truth . Lusaka: [Zambia Adventist
Press], 2008.
297.09209663 Sa345e Sall, Papa.
Ëtu Maodo, où, La Cour Religieuse Du Cheikh . Dakar, Sénégal:
Jangaal Presse, 2009.
297.09663092 N239c Ndiaye Djolof, Cheikh.
Cheikh Modou Awa Balla Mbacké: Soldat De l'Islam
Et Du Mouridisme . Collection "Du Côté Du Sacré". Dakar: Nègre International éditions, 2010.
302.23 R76m Media, Peace, and Development in Africa: Proceedings of a Roundtable of Media
Executives from East and Southern Africa on the Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities of
Media Practice in the African Context: Mutare, Zimbabwe, 16-17 November, 2009 . Mutare,
Zimbabwe: Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance, Africa University, 2010.
303.4820904 Ow7w Owusu, Stephen and Emmanuel A. Erskine.
Writing for Peace . Channel
Books. Accra: Technic Channel Ghana, 2009.
303.4826 T787q Tshikoji Mbumba, Sylvain.
Les Questions Africaines De La Mondialisation:
Préface à Une Éthique De La Solidarité Universelle . Kinshasa: Éditions du Cerdaf, 2007.
303.4833096 Un387s Sa oirs Lo au ans La so t De l'Information: Espace d'Émergence Ou
Espace d'Uniformisation: Actes Des Troisièmes Universités Africaines De La Communication,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23-24 Novembre 2006 . Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso, Ministère de la culture, du tourisme et de la communication, 2007.
303.69096 T65 Govender, Kruschen, Yvette Ngandu, and Katz.
Towards Enhancing the Capacity of the African Union in Mediation . Durban, South Africa: ACCORD, 2009.
303.69096761 L761 Abidi, S. A. H.
Living Beyond Conflict for Peace and Tolerance . ABETO Series.
Vol. 1. Kampala, Uganda: Always Be Tolerant Organisation, 2002.
304.609678 Z173 Zanzibar Population Policy . Zanzibar: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
Zanzibar Population Planning Unit, 2008.
304.866 M588 Fadayomi, Theophilus Oyeyemi and Moriba Touré.
Migrations, Development, and
Urbanization Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa . CODESRIA Book Series. Dakar, Senegal; Oxford:
305.2309667 Am66a Amoak, Kwesi.
Arise Ghana Youth: Thinking Out of the Box for a Great Life .
[Ghana: S.N., 2009].
305.2309678 C437 Tanzania. Ofisi ya Taifa ya Takwimu, Research on Poverty Alleviation, and
Ofisi ya UNICEF Tanzania.
Childhood Poverty in Tanzania: Deprivations and Disparities in Child
Well-being . Dar es Salaam: UNICEF Tanzania, 2009.
305.2309679 N842 Nossa Criança, Nosso Futuro: Reflexão Em Números Sobre a Situação Da
Crianço Moçambicana, 2010 . Maputo: Instituto Nacional de Estatística, 2010.
305.409663 F349 Femmes au Sénégal . Cahiers De l'Alternance. Vol. 10. Dakar: Fondation Konrad
Adenauer, 2006.
305.42 G28531 Aciro-Lakor, Rita.
A Gender Audit of Peace, Recovery and Development Plan
(PRDP) . Kampala: Uganda Women's Network (UWONET), 2010.
305.420963 M464p Meaza Ashenafi and Yamāẖbarāwi ṭenāt madrak.
Participation of Women in
Politics and Public Decision Making in Ethiopia . FSS Monograph Series. Vol. 5. Addis Ababa:
Forum for Social Studies, 2009.
305.42096762 K639w Kiruki, Joseph Kahiga.
Women's Liberation: A Paradigm Shift for
Development . Triple Spearhead. Vol. nos. 193-195. Eldoret, Kenya: AMECEA Gaba; CUEA Press,
305.8096668 Ou5f Oulaté, Maurice and Houlaï Bernard Tiabas.
Les Fondements De La Culture wê . Collection Mémoire Et Documents. Abidjan: Editions Universitaires de Côte d'Ivoire,
Université de Cocody-Abidjan, 2008.
305.8096762 N499a Ng'ang'a, Wangũhũ.
An Abridged Version of Kenya's Ethnic Communities:
Foundation of the Nation . Nairobi, Kenya: Gatũndũ Publishers, 2006.
305.8097 Et381 Njogu, Kimani, Kabiri Ngeta, and Mary Wanjau.
Ethnic Diversity in Eastern
Africa: Opportunities and Challenges . Nairobi: Twaweza Communications, 2010.
305.89667 M319e Manuh, Takyiwaa.
An 11th Region of Ghana? Ghanaians Abroad . Accra:
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006.
305.896762 L627e Lihraw, Demmahom Olovodes.
El Sayon the God of the Kitoki People: The
History, Beliefs, and Practices of the Forgotten People of El, the Kitoki . 1st ed. Nairobi: PERC-
PACE International, 2010.
306.096 Af8332 Kirwen, Michael C.
African Cultural Domains . Nairobi, Kenya: MIAS Books, 2008.
306.096 R245 Diop, Abdoulaye Bara, Gideon Prinsler Omolu, and Isabelle Niang Diop.
Reconciling Countries through Culture . African Environment. No. 41-42, v. 11, 1-2. Dakar: Enda,
306.09667 W159i Walls, Rose.
In Ghana here . Accra, Ghana: Aries Press & Company, 2010.
306.096751 M989p Mwangi, Samuel Muraguri.
The Pygmy World: The Endangered Bambuti of
Congo: The Untold Stories and Sufferings of the Endangered Pygmies in Congo Forests . 1st ed.
Nairobi, Kenya: The Olive Marketing and Publishing Company, 2008.
306.3620963 W554s Whalley, R. C. R. and Cynthia Salvadori.
Slaves and Ivory, Continued: Letters from Capt. Richard C.R. Whalley, British Consul at Maji, S.W. Abyssinia 1930-1936 . First ed. Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia: Shama Books, 2010.
306.4610963 M339m Maṣeḥafa aws: Ma aba ebab afala a abib aserwa ' awāt:
La' ty yāweyān Liqāwentočenā La' awāt Qamāmiwoč ' n i um Lamimaramerunā enāt
Lamiyā ar u Beča Yata a āǧa . [Addis Ababa: S.N.], 2000 [2007 or 2008].
306.74096894 F954s Fuglestad, Otto Laurits and Charity Kahilu Luwaya.
Sex, Poverty and a
Second Chance: Life Histories of Zambian Sex Workers . Livingstone, Zambia: Kwenuha Women's
Association, 2008.
306.810963 K259m Keflom Mekiél.
Mélātāt f qren Ḥā āren . 'Asmarā, 'Arterā: [B t māḥtam sābur , 2003.
307.12096625 Et811 Étude du Schéma National d'Aménagement Du Territoire Du Burkina Faso:
Élaboration Du SNAT: Deuxième Phase: Rapport Provisiore De Phase II . Ouagadougou: Burkina
Faso, Ministère de l'économie et des finances, Direction générale de l'aménagement du territoire, du développement local et régional, Cellule de coordination de l'étude des schémas d'aménagement du territoire, 2008.
307.14 C832 Mundy, Paul. Count Me In: Surveying for Tenure Security and Urban Land
Management . Nairobi: UN Habitat, 2010.
307.14096762 N659p Njogu, Lenson Njagi.
Proposed Policy on Community Participation in the
Governance of Devolved Funds . Nairobi: Legal Resources Foundation Trust, 2009.
307.14120967 M448p Máusse, Miguel A.
Pobreza, Participação e Desenvolvimento Rural Em
Moçambique: Estudo De Caso Na Localidade De Chijinguire . Maputo: M.A. Maússe, 2009.
307.336 C739 Mapadimeng, Simon and Sultan Khan, eds. Contemporary Social Issues in Africa:
Cases in Gaborone, Kampala, and Durban . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2010.
307.33609678 Sh594i Sheuya, S. A. Informal Settlements and Finance in Dar Es Salaam,
Tanzania . Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series. Nairobi: UN-Habitat,
310.96625 R313 Résultats Définitifs: Recensement Général De La Population Et De l'Habitation
De 2006 . Ouagadougou: Institut national de la statistique de la démographie, 2008.
320.0109663 Si35i Silla, Ibrahima.
L'Intelligibilité Du Politique: Réflexion Épistémologique Sur La
Science Politique . Sénégal: Presses Universitaires de Saint-Louis, 2009.
320.096781 H127k Haji, Juma Duni.
Karibu Miaka 50 Ya Muungano: Wanzanzibari [Sic] Wana
Lipi La Kujivunia?
Dar es Salaam: Amaly's, 2009.
320.809667 D718t Donkor, Akorah Kofi.
A Traditional Set-Up: The Case of Kokofu Traditional
Area . Bekwai-Ashanti, Amansie East: A. Donkor, 2009.
320.9355 Al256g Alemayehu Haile.
Gada System: The Politics of Tulama Oromo . 1st ed.
Finfinnee [Addis Ababa]: O.C.T.B., Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau, 2009.
320.96 Am66f Amoako, Kingsley Y.
The Future of Civil Society in Democratic Governance and
Development in Africa . Kronti Ne Akwamu Series. 10th anniversary ed. Vol. 4. Legon, Accra:
Ghana Center for Democratic Development, 2009.
320.96 D132o Dagash, Ibrahim.
The OAU: Reality or Fiction?
Sudan: Ibrahim Dagash? 2006.
320.96 P7597 Bujra, Abdalla.
Political Culture, Governance, and the State in Africa . Nairobi:
Development Policy Management Forum, 2011.
320.963 Am135d Amanuel, Gedion Wolde.
The Day of the Martyrs' . Addis Ababa: Banawe
Printing Press, 2010.
320.963 G179y Germāy 'Abrehā.
Yamiyānabu ' roč . 'Adis 'Ababā: S.N., 2010.
320.963 L121m Ledatu 'Ayāl w.
Ma lot: Ba' ty yā 'Akarākāri olatikāwi u āyoč Ya ostañā
'Amārāċenat Minā . [Addis Ababa : Progras mātamiyā b t, 2009.
320.9667092 Of6r Remembering "Paa Willie", William Ofori-Atta: The Bridge to a Peaceful
Modern Society . Accra, Ghana: Combert Impressions, 2008.
320.96761 J569p Jjuuko, Frederick W., Richard Asaba Bagonza, and Faridah Kyomuhangi.
Popular Participation and Local Government Operations in Uganda . HURIPEC Working Paper.
Vol. 30. Kampala: Human Rights and Peace Centre, 2010.
320.96762 Af833 African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): Kenya Progress Report . Nairobi,
Kenya: NEPAD Kenya Secretariat, 2008.
320.9678 R259 Reflections on the Transition to Democracy in Tanzania . REDET Publications. Vol.
1. Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press, 1995.
320.96894 K155t Kasuba, David.
12 Years of MMD Illegal Rule in Zambia?
Lusaka: D. Kasuba,
320.9698203 B644f Boolell, Satcam.
For the Love of My Country . Stanley, Rose-Hill, Mauritius:
Editions de l'océan Indien, 2006.
321.096761 St291 The State of Political Pluralism and Democracy at Local Government Level in
Uganda: A Report from an Assessment of Seven Districts . Kampala, Uganda: Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung, Uganda Office, 2003.
322.196 C286 The Church and Civil Society: Building Social Conscience for Democratic
Participation . AFCAST Series Booklets. Vol. 8. Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe: African Forum for Catholic Social Teaching, 2009.
323. M857p Motsete, Ruth Ketlhapile.
Pinches of Oppression: A Compilation of Controversial,
Radical, Revolutionary, and Creative Works of a Visionary . Gaborone: 2005.
323.09 C231l Carrasco, Agnelo.
A Longa Marcha Dos Direitos Humanos: (Percurso Histórico
Incompleto) . Colecção Ensaio. 1a ed. Vol. 31. Luanda: Editorial Nzila, 2005.
323.096751 Q482d de Quirini, Pierre.
Les Droits Humains, Les Libertés Et Les Devoirs Du Citoyen
Et De l'État . Kinshasa: Éditions du CEPAS, 2007.
323.3096761 D63 Disability is Not Inability: Report, July-Dec. 2009 . Kampala: Foundation for
Human Rights Initiative, 2009.
323.3409679 M479d Mejía, Margarita.
Os Direitos Humanos Das Mulheres Em Moçambique e a
Lei . Maputo: Ministério da Saúde: WLSA Moçambique, 2009.
323.352096894 Un314 Chisanga, Pamela and Children in Need Network.
UNCRC Monitoring
Report . Lusaka: CHIN, 2009.
323.442 D96f Dwasi, Jane A.
Freedom of Religion as a Human Right: Opportunities and
Challenges in the Era of HIV/AIDS . 1st ed. Nairobi: OCRA Kenya Publishers, 2010.
323.47096762 K422 Kenya: Referendum 2010 Analysis . Nairobi, Kenya: Strategic Insight, 2010.
324.210966 Ic2i Ice Breaker Meeting between the Chairmen of Ghanaian Political Parties and their Counterparts from Sierra Leone: Growing Democracy in the Sub-Region . Accra: Institute of
Economic Affairs, 2006.
324.26761 R229 Kiranda, Yusuf and Mathias Kamp.
Reality Check: The State of Multiparty
Democracy in Uganda . Kampala: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Uganda Programme, 2010.
324.96761 M459r Mbazira, Christopher.
Reform Overdue: Making the Case for Electoral
Restructuring in Uganda . HURIPEC Working Paper. Vol. 26. Kampala: Human Rights and Peace
Centre, 2009.
324.96761 M459r Mbeke, Peter Oriare.
Mass Media in Kenya: Systems and Practice . Nairobi:
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, 2010.
324.96761 M459r Mutibwa, Phares Mukasa.
The Bank of Uganda (1966-2006): A Historical
Perspective . Kampala: Bank of Uganda, 2006.
324.968 V649 Die VF Plus Se Program Van Hóóp: Verkiesing 2004 . Pretoria: P. Uys, 2004.
324.96897 C499 Civic and Voter Education Strategy . Blantyre: Malawi Electoral Commission,
330.9096 Sh693a Shivji, Issa G.
Accumulation in an African Periphery: A Theoretical Framework .
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers, 2009.
330.96 M879g Msafiri, Aidan G.
Globalization of Concern . Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam
University Press, 2008.
330.96 R54a Robert, Anne-Cécile.
L'Afrique Au Secours De l'Occident . Nouv éd. Paris: Éditions de l'Atelier/Éditions Ouvrières, 2006.
330.9669 Eg89f Egwaikhide, Festus O., Victor A. Isumonah, and Olumide S. Ayodele.
Presence in Nigeria: The "Sung" and "Unsung" Basis for Ethnic Grievance . CODESRIA Book Series.
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2009.
331.096781 Si893 Situation Analysis Report for Human Resources Development Policy . Zanzibar:
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, 2006.
331.096891 C362i Chaneta, Isaac.
Industrial Relations Issues . Harare: University of Zimbabwe
Publications, 2010.
331.11096881 J321s Jauch, Herbert and Hilma Shindondola-Mote.
Service Station Workers in
Namibia: What Kind of Intervention is Needed?
Windhoek, Namibia: Labour Resource and
Research Institute, 2008.
331.12096762 Om6d Omolo, Jacob O.
The Dynamics and Trends of Employment in Kenya . IEA
Research Paper Series. Vol. 1/2010. Nairobi: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2010.
331.2109676 B165w Wages in East Africa: A Critique in the Light of the Church's Social Teaching .
Nairobi: CUEA Publications, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 2007.
331.296891 D355 The Decent Work Agenda in Zimbabwe: The Heart of Socio-Economic Progress .
Harare: Labour & Economic Development Research Institute, 2008.
331.31096891 C461 Child Labour in Agricultural Households and Child Domestic Workers Survey
Report (CLAH and CDW-- 2006) . Lusaka: Labour Statistics Branch, Central Statistical Office, 2006.
331.3409667 B11w Baah, Anthony Yaw, Kennedy Atong Achakoma, and Edward Fokuoh
Working Conditions in the National Youth Employment Programme in Ghana:
Results of a Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation, 2008 . Accra: Ghana Trades Union Congress:
Freidrich-Ebert Stiftung, 2009.
331.4092 G447g Githinji, Margaret Wakarindi.
It's Never Too Late . Nairobi, Kenya: Optimum
Lifestyle, 2010.
331.763096891 If1 If Something is Wrong: The Invisible Suffering of Commercial Farm Workers and their Families due to 'Land Reform' . Harare, Zimbabwe: GAPWUZ, Weaver Press, 2010.
331.88096881 Sa293n Sakaria, Iipumbu.
Namibian Workers in Times of Uncertainty: The Labour
Movement 20 Years After Independence . Windhoek, Namibia: Labour Resource and Research
Institute, 2010.
332. V2493 Peppelenbos, Lucian Peter Christoph.
Value Chain Finance: Beyond Microfinance for
Rural Entrepreneurs . Amsterdam; Nairobi, Kenya: Royal Tropical Institute, 2010.
332.0963 D133i Dagnew Gessese. Institutionalizing Rural Savings and Credit Facilities (RSCF) in
Ethiopia . Occasional Paper. Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions. Vol. 26. Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia: Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions, 2009.
332.46 Is75 Kiptoo, Christopher K.
Issues in COMESA Monetary Harmonisation Programme .
Lusaka, Zambia: Division of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs, COMESA Secretariat, 2009.
332.67396 C441 Baah, Anthony Yaw, Herbert Jauch.
Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour
Perspective . Accra, Ghana: African Labour Research Network, 2009.
333.3096894 C737 Communities' Views on the Land Policy: Draft Land Policy Review
Consultation Process in Zambia . Lusaka: Zambia Land Alliance, 2005.
333.31096891 R244 Reckless Tragedy: Irreversible? A Survey of Human Rights Violations and
Losses Suffered by Commercial Farmers and Farm Workers in Zimbabwe from 2000 to 2008 .
Harare: Research and Advocay Unit, 2008.
333.396762 M833u Mghanga, Mwandawiro.
Usipoziba Ufa Utajenga Ukuta: Land, Elections, and
Conflicts in Kenya's Coast Province . Nairobi, Kenya: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2010.
333.7096761 P944 Promoting Environmental Conservation amidst Oil Activities in Uganda .
Kampala: AFIEGO, 2009.
333.72096891 D537l Dhliwayo, Mutuso, George Gapu, Makanatsa Makonese, and Shamiso
The Legal and Policy Framework for Community Participation in Transboundary Natural
Resources Management (TBNRM) Initiatives: A Case for the Participation of Zimbabwean
Communities in the Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia (ZIMOZA) TBNRM Initiative . Harare:
Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association, 2009.
333.7909667 B764 Koranteng, Roger Oppong, Paul Effah, and Agatha Gaisie Nketsiah.
Bridging the Research-Policy Gap: Energy and Ghana's Socio Economic Development: Round Table
Discussion Held at the Golden Tulip Hotel on February 27, 2007 . Development Policy Dialogue
Report. Vol. 1. Accra: George Benneh Foundation, 2008.
333.7909667 En272 Brew-Hammond, Abeeku and Francis Kemausuor.
Energy Crisis in Ghana:
Drought, Technology Or Policy?
Kumasi, Ghana: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, College of Engineering, 2007.
333.91620962 K579y Kinfe Abraham.
Ya'Abāy u āy: etḥawi Yawe ā Kefefel eyāq . 'Adis
'Ababā: S.N., 2009.
333.91620964 Z196y Zawd Ga/Śelās .
Ya'Abāy Yatafāsasoču ʻālam ʻāqafāwi Če er . 'Adis
'Ababā: Yamāẖbarāwi ṭenāt madrak, 2005.
333.918096762 B291 Baseline for Wetlands and Biodiversity of Nile Basin Kenya . Entebbe,
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338.186762 An789 Muthee, Margaret and Winluck Wahiu.
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M322 Ndomo, Atieno.
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338.96 J934s Jugessur, S.
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338.9678 W892 Wanataaluma Wakatoliki Tanzania.
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