Discussion of \Wage Volatility and Changing Patterns of Labor Supply" by Hye Mi You, Jay Hong and Byoung Hoon Seok Dirk Krueger University of Pennsylvania, CEPR, and NBER 11th New York/Philadelphia Quantitative Macroeconomics Workshop May 10, 2013 Objective of this Paper ws " in last 30 years in the US. Explain why hhus " despite w u Note: if substitution e ect dominates income e ect, there is no puzzle. Proposed explanation: (ws) " and (wu) " but (ws)= (wu) " : Higher (relative) wage risk leads to increase in \precautionary labor supply". Rest of paper: construct life cycle consumption-savings model with endogenous labor supply to quantify the importance of this channel. The Facts hs " hu [Figure 4] ws " wu [Figure 1] (ws) " and (wu) " but (ws)= (wu) " [Figure 2] Figure 4: Trends in the Male Hours Worked in the U.S. 37 Figure 1: Trends in Skill Premium for U.S. Men between 1967 and 2006 Figure 2: Estimated Variances of Persistent and Transitory Wage Shocks Figure 3: Variance Decomposition of Log Wage Residuals 36 Figure 1: Trends in Skill Premium for U.S. Men between 1967 and 2006 Figure 2: Estimated Variances of Persistent and Transitory Wage Shocks Figure 3: Variance Decomposition of Log Wage Residuals 36 The Model Perpetual youth model: constant probability of dying : Fixed education type e 2 fu; sg: Standard incomplete markets. Choices ct; at+1; ht: Stochastic wage process: wte exp( t + t) e = t t 1 + !t N (0; e t) and ! t t Question: how does hst hu t evolve over time as N (0; e!t) wts wtu and s t u t and s !t u !t change? Remark: Not clear production side and GE needed to answer question. Results Transition Dynamics [Figure 10(b)] Figure 10: Transition Dynamics: Hours Di¤erences between Skilled and Unskilled Men Transition (1967−2000+) 4.5 4 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 Hours Diff Hours Diff Transition (1967−2000+) 4.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 Model data 1 1950 2000 2050 Model data 1 2100 1960 1965 1970 1975 year 1980 1985 year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Figure 11: Counterfactual 1: Same Increase in Wage Uncertainty as the Unskilled Transition (1967−2000+) Transition (1967−2000+) 46 5 S (Bench) U (Bench) S (CF) U (CF) 45 Bench CF 4.5 4 44 Hours Diff wk. Hours 3.5 43 3 2.5 42 2 41 1.5 40 1950 2000 2050 1 1950 2100 2000 year 2050 2100 year Figure 12: Counterfactual 2: Same Change in Shock Composition as the Unskilled Transition (1967−2000+) Transition (1967−2000+) 45.5 4.5 S (Bench) U (Bench) S (CF) U (CF) 45 Bench CF 4 44.5 3.5 44 3 Hours Diff wk. Hours 43.5 43 2.5 2 42.5 1.5 42 1 41.5 0.5 41 40.5 1950 2000 2050 2100 year 0 1950 2000 2050 year 42 2100 Is There a Puzzle? Income vs. Substitution E ect Abstracting from wage risk uh(c; h) =w uc(c; h) Thus uh(cst; hst)=uc(cst; hst) wts = u u u u u uh(ct ; ht )=uc(ct ; ht ) wt Is There a Puzzle? Income vs. Substitution E ect Example 1: Greenwood-Hercowitz-Hu man preferences: u(c; h) = 0 1 log @c 1+ 1 h A: 1 1+ Then hst hu t = wts wtu ! and we are done!? What's wrong with this? Implausibly low (zero) income e ect? Is There a Puzzle? Income vs. Substitution E ect Example 2: Separable preferences with constant Frisch labor supply 1+ 1 c1 h : 1+ 1 elasticity: u(c; h) = 1 hst hu t = Then wts= (cst) wtu= cu t ! : Attanasio-Davis (1996): In data over longer time horizon % % wts wtu : Then hst hu t = wts (1 wtu ) . Puzzle starts to open up if 1: For parameters from paper (1 by about 7%: cst cu t ) = 0:2; and thus hst # hu t Is There a Puzzle? Income vs. Substitution E ect This paper u(c; h) = Then 1 1 c1 1 c c hst hu t (1 h)1 h e 1 h + = " with s s c u wt = (ct ) u u c s wt = ct # c = 1:5; h = 4:24: 1 h Again presuming Attanasio-Davis are right on consumption, then 1 1 and thus hst hu t hst hu t wts wtu = should go down as wts wtu ! c 1 h goes up (but not by that much since c > 1; but only moderately so). Now we have a puzzle. What if c = 4: Is There a Puzzle? Income vs. Substitution E ect What does data say about size of income vs. substitution e ects? Large literature in empirical public nance (see Keane 2010, Saez, Slemrod and Giertz 2012) on Marshallian (uncompsensated), Hicksian (compensated) labor supply elasticity. Results vary (a lot!): depend on whether static or dynamic (w/o or with human capital) model is estimated. Paper needs to engage with that literature, since even qualitative results depend on it. Noe: model has predictions about cst ast+1 ; au cu t t+1 : Evaluate them. Right Mechanism? s-households face stronger increase in wage risk, increase level of labor supply for precautionary reasons. Do households in fact respond to wage shocks by adjusting labor supply (as their model envisions) in order to insure consumption? Yes, absolutely (Blundell, Pistaferri and Saporta-Eksten, 2013). But.... It's all about labor supply adjustment of the wife! Why the obsession (in model, data) with boring prime-age males? Look inside the household! -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 Response of Consumption to a 10% Permanent Decrease in the Male’s Wage Rate 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Age of household head 55-59 fixed labor supply and no insurance with family labor supply adjustment with family labor supply adjustment and other insurance 60-65 Remarks about Model Elements I: Life Cycle No explicit life cycle. Precautionary savings motive important for young households, not so much for older households (see e.g. Gourinchas and Parker, 2002). Same likely true for precautionary labor supply mechanism. Strong prediction: change in relative hours ought to be more important for young than for old households? Is that true in the data? Remarks about Model Elements II: Expectations Timing in changes of hours depends strongly on when households learn about the changes in wage structure. Not entirely clear in paper...But I believe households are initially (1967) surprised about these changes, but then have perfect foresight about fwte; e t; e!tgt=2000 t=1967 : What if they gradually learn about future changes in wage risk? In general this is a hard problem since one has to make assumptions and they matter (I presume a lot) for the timing of the transition path. Concluding Remarks Paper addresses an important empirical observation with state of the art quantitative analysis. Mechanism is plausible and wage data suggests it is quantitatively promising. Solidify argument that income e ect is large relative to substitution e ect. Otherwise there is no puzzle (and thus no paper). Broaden the focus to family labor supply.