College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)

College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Programs (ASCAP)
Minutes for Meeting of March 19, 2012
A scheduled meeting of ASCAP was held on Monday, March 19 at 3:00 p.m. in Holden Hall 129.
Committee members present were: Erin Collopy, Nelson Dometrius, Art Durband, David Lamp, Chris
Monico, Philip Pope, Rich Rice, and David Roach. Presenters: Dr. Taraban (Psychology), Dr. Barkdull
(Political Science), and Dr. Heintz (Biology).
1. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposals
from the Department of Psychology:
Delete PSY 3317 Psychology of Learning.
Delete PSY 4317 Psychometrics.
Change hours for PSY 3304 Intro Social Psychology.
Change hours for PSY 3398 Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Change hours for PSY 4300 Human Sexual Behavior.
Change hours for PSY 4325 Drugs, Alcohol, & Behavior.
Change hours for PSY 4336 Personality and Social Psychology.
Change hours for PSY 4380 Intermediate Statistics for Psychologists.
Change hours for PSY 5318 Introduction to Clinical Psychology.
Change title of PSY 3334 Intro to Clinical & Counseling.
2. Pending minor revisions, the committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration
the following proposal from the Department of Political Science:
Proposal for a new Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies.
3. The committee voted to recommend to the next level of consideration the following proposal
from the Departments of Biology and Natural Resource Management:
Proposal for a new Professional Science Masters Degree in Environmental Sustainability and
Natural Resource Management.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of ASCAP is scheduled for Monday, April 16, for proposals that
reach the committee and the Dean’s office by Monday, April 9.