PFC/JA-88-4 Effect of Scattering Parameters on the Detection of the Alpha Particle Distribution Function for CO2 Laser or Millimeter Incident Radiation Vahala, L.*; Vahala, G.**; Sigmar, D. Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 *Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508 **College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23185 February 1988 Submitted to: Nuclear Fusion This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC0278ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. EFFECT OF SCATTERING PARAMETERS ON THE DETECTION OF THE ALPHA PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION FOR CO 2 LASER OR MILLIMETER INCIDENT RADIATION LINDA VAHALA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA GEORGE VAHALA Department of Physics College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23185 DIETER SIGMAR Plasma Fusion Center MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139 23508 I ABSTRACT Parameters (choice of incident radiation, scattering and orientation angles) are sought so that the one dimensional alpha particle distribution can be deduced from the experimental coherent scattering data. In order to be able to deduce the the alpha distribution function, we must have total scattering function totally dominated by the contribution from the electrons shielding the alphas, S.(M)~Stot(M) in the dependence in S ,(w) function. GHz frequency range, as well as all the frequency is contained only in the one dimensional alpha distribution Te has disparate effects: high Te leads to lower S /Stot, while leading to more of the w dependence of S 0 being carried by the one dimensional alpha distribution f,(w/k). The CO laser is a passive probe of the plasma because of its very high 2 frequency, but coherent scattering can only be achieved for very acute forward scattering angles (9 < 1.20). For electron temperatures Te2> 10 keV, it will be quite difficult to directly deduce the alpha distribution from Stot(o). For the two gyrotron sources considered here (2.14 mm at 140 GHz; and 5 mm at 60 GHz), the lower incident frequencies lead to concerning penetration, refraction and absorption by the plasma. serious questions Assuming these problems can be overcome, coherent scattering can be achieved for any forward (or backward) distribution scattering from the angles. We scattering data find that one could deduce the for forward scattering alpha angles, although the o range for the 5 mm source is quite limited and the associated Stot(w) has a rapidly decaying amplitude. For backward scattering angles, there is the possibility that the alpha distribution could be deduced from Stot from the 5 mm source, although Stot(o) is again rapidly decaying in the limited w range 2 where S(<) . 3 1. INTRODUCTION In an earlier calculation', incident CO plasma. we considered the possibility of employing an laser as a diagnostic for detecting alpha particles 2 in a fusion Since the power radiated from a particular plasma species is inversely proportional to the mass squared of that radiation will be emitted by the electrons. particles, we must choose incident species, nearly all' the observed Thus, to be able to detect alpha parameters so as to achieve coherent shown to occur scattering from the electrons shielding the alphas. Theoretically, Salpeter scattering2 has coherent o( parameter E1/k(e)XD > 1. where k=kS- equilibrium electron density IkiI ks1 when the i is the effect of the fluctuations on the incident ki, and XD is the Debye length. consideration here, been radiation wavenumber For the typical scattering experiments under so that k(6)= kI= 2 ki sin (1) where e is the forward scattering angle. Thus, if the incident wavelength is increased wavelength (from the millimeter short wavelength gyrotron sources) 10.6pm CO 2 laser the scattering to the e angle longer can be significantly increased and yet remain in the coherent scattering regime. Now our earlier calculationi was restricted in scope orientations which were nearly perpendicular to the toroidal c=nt/2, where k^a cos 4. k to examining magnetic field It was reported there that in a narrow cone around =0 there existed a very strong lower hybrid resonance peak in the scattering function Stot, with the dominant contribution arising from the electrons 4 shielding the alphas, SO. However, several errors 3 had been found in this paper', and these have been corrected by us and the corrected results have been presented at various meetings4 . unchanged, It was found that qualitatively the results are but there were significant quantitative corrections. These will be discussed here. Recently. Hughes and Smith 5 have made the suggestion that scattering data obtained from particular orientations could give direct information on the alpha particle distributon function. In this report, we shall examine this suggestion quite carefully for both CO 2 and millimeter gyrotron sources. In particular, we shall examine this suggestion for a JET-like Maxwellian plasma in which the temperatures Ti=Te=lO keV, electron density neo=1.2x1014 cm~3, deuteron density ni1 =1.185x10 14 cm3, alpha particle density n 0 =7.5x1011 cm~ 3 since the plasma is assumed to be charge neutral. For simplicity, we shall also assume a uniform toroidal magnetic field BO=34 kG. interest to examine the role of Te on the scattering consider both Te=1 keV and 15 keV. It will be of some function, and we shall We find that the scattering results are quite insensitive to the deuteron temperature Ti. 5 It can be shown'' TO CONTRIBUTION PARTICLE ALPHA II. 2 from fluctuation equilibrium FUNCTION. SCATTERING THE that theory the alpha particle contribution to the scattering function is given by S(k ) =IHe 2 4ncfle IELI Here, f(l) 2TC F'k f(1) (2) __ is the one-dimensional alpha particle distribution function with the velocity only n2 being dependence the in of direction k (i.e., the velocity In Eq. (2). He is given components perpendicular to k have been integrated out). by He (k ,() = et 11 + 12 , __k where r0,, = exp(-kp (3) Z kiiVe It(kIp) is a typically Bessel function gyroradius term for Maxwellian electrons, and Z is the Fried-Conte function. ve is the electron thermal speed, De the electron gyrofrequency and Pe is the electron gyroradius. The dielectric function EL(k,<w) is defined by EL(k,o) = 1 + He(k,w) + Hj(k,w) + (4) G (k,w) where Hi(k,) ri fio Te =,2 - -Z n rz1a (.1 1 + -- kTvI (_-__ i kI v1 ) (5) is the anolagous Bessel function gyroradius term for Maxwellian deuterons. 6 Finally G. is given by Gd(k,w) = kv o -k.v d k2 The scattering expressions for the electron and (6) + iS deuteron contributions to the function, Stot (ok) = Se(G),k) + Si(o,k) + S (cw,k) will not be presented here since they are somewhat lengthy and not relevant to the discussion at hand. They are given in Ref. 1. We now turn to the suggestion made by Hughes and Smiths, that it should be possible to choose orientations so that the alpha particle distribution function can be determined directly from the diagnostics. First, it should be noted that when a certain parmeter regime is chosen i.e., the incident radiation wavelength Xi, incident scattering angle e, and the orientation k=k(e) relative to the toroidal magnetic field, then the wave number is fully determined. Suppose now that over a significant GHz frequency range a parameter regime can be found in which (i) the alpha particle contribution to the scattering function is dominant SO((k~w) = Stotko) and, (ii) that SO itself can be accurately approximated in this frequency range by S I(k,o) where S (k,co), 7 4neo -ne T2TrT do S ((k,w) =C* - (7) Then, in is some appropriate normalization constant, independent of 0. and C* such a parameter scattering regime, alpha dependent frequency Stot(kw) function one-dimensional a particle will yield a direct function distribution of the total measurement of the measurement f(l This occurs measuerment is now /k). because the complete frequency dependence of the Stot'zS in the one-dimensional alpha particle distribution function. retained only This is the basic idea of Hughes and Smiths, who suggested looking at are negligible. orientations where the magnetic effects contained in S all these I He(k.w) effects magnetic the frequency in dependent factor 12 , Eq. (2). and occur because the large scattering volume EL(k,) 12/ are contained Now forces one into a magnetized treatment of the electrons shielding the alphas. However, one if IHe(k,o)) L(k,) can dependence in distribution f(1 )(a/k). For results the is 2 S is a find parameter independent carried to be only regime (, by the presented the then of particles can be described by the slow-down distribution f'0 (v) = F for lVI lvi > < V, V + Vc = 0 , for where the normalization constant F0 and v which V, are given by this complete one-dimensional we shall here, in factor frequency alpha assume that particle the alpha B F0 = 2 E, 3 V - 4Tt 1n(1+v"(/vC) / for E, = 3.5 MeV mO vc is the speed at which the electron drag on the alphas equals that due to the deuteron drag on the alphas. It should be noted that for the slow-down distribution, there is an upper bound to the frequency, wcut. above which there can be no alpha contribution to Since f the scattering function. 0 = 0 for IvI > vd, it is easily seen that SO((Gk)=0 for w>wcut(e), where Wcut(e) = k(e) v. We shall present 2 ki v. results for contribution to it in the GHz range. (8) sin(e/2) the scattering function and dominant alpha Only in this frequency range can the alphas yield a dominant contribution to the total scattering function. frequencies w < 1 the Indeed, for GHz the electrons shielding the deuterons will yield the contribution Si: while typically for 6) > min {wcut, 9-12 GHz} the electron contribution Se will dominate Stot' 9 INCIDENT Ill. A. The For lower CO SCATTERING LASER 2 resonance, hybrid around orientations AT 10.6jIm and orientations the scattering 9=TT/2, k11= 0 with Stot exhibits a function strong lower hybrid resonance at wLH, which has the following simple form in the cold plasma approximation 2 0LH = In Fig. 1, r 22kijp 2 + we show temperature and orientation effects on Stot [connected or dashed curves] and S [unconnected triangles and stars] laser scattering at forward scattering angle e=0.5. COLH resonance in the scattering electron temperature of Te=1 scattering i function comes function for for the case of C02 In Fig. la one sees a strong p=85 0 (** curves) at a low keV in which almost all the contribution to the from However, this resonance is easily the electrons screening the alphas, SO. destroyed by decreasing the orientation angle 9, as seen in Fig. l a for 9=800 (triangle curves), although with this orientation we still have Sd=Stot' The lower hybrid resonance is also easily destroyed by higher electron 10 temperatures. From Fig. 1b, one finds that for Te=10 keV and =850, the lower hybrid resonance peak in Stot is significantly lowered as well as broadened in frequency. Moreover, over most of the GHz range, S. dominant contribution to Stot. no longer provides the for Te=15 This is further exhibited in Fig. 1c keV. If instead, one increases the orientation angle 9 to T/2, the lower hybrid resonance becomes more pronounced than at 9=850, but again the ratio S /Stot rapidly decreasing In general, for fixed orientations with increasing Te. p. as the forward scattering angle e. both the lower hybrid resonance one increases WLH and the cut-off frequency decrease 4cut increase, while both Stot and So and SO/Stot significantly decreases over the GHz frequency range of interest. B. Orientations from away the lower hybrid resonance: 9 << T/2 ki S0. In Figs. 2 and scattering angle from 3, we consider e=O.5 0 to 1.00, the effect interest, Fig. 1. increasing the forward for various Te but for orientations 9 significantly away from 7T/2 so that kH is finite. with those from of it is seen that within On comparing these results a large frequency range of Stot slightly decreases while So remains unchanged as 9 decreases in this range of finite k11 [e.g., compare Figs. 1b, 2b, and 3b]. As Te increases, 11 [Figs. 3a, 3b, and 3c], there is a marked flattening of the deca-y of Stot with frequency but the contribution from S On increasing the forward decreases faster with w. scattering angle from to 9=0.50 ei.00 the Salpeter (or coherent scattering) parameter decreases. This results in a further decreases in the total signal Stot, as one would expect. Moreover, as Te increases, there is significantly less flattening in the frequency decay of Stot unlike the case with e=0.5 0 [e.g., compare Figs. 3b and 3c). However one finds in general that S,,(k,) S ,4(k ,w) Stot(k ,o) e = 1.0 Stot(k,(o) e = 0.5 which is somewhat unexpected. C. Parameter We now regime for detecting the alpha distribution function attempt to find a parameter regime for the incident CO 2 laser from which a frequency dependent measurement of the scattering function, Stot, will yield direct information on the one-dimensional alpha particle distribution. In particular the full magnetized alpha contribution, SO [Eq. (2)] , will be compared to that which would be obtained if magnetic effects are neglected. S * [Eq. (7)]. For convenience, the normalization constant, C", in Eq. (7) is chosen so that S. (k ,)z S., (k ,#' t 1.8 GHz C* is strongly dependent on e and Te, but fairly insensitive to the orientation 12 angle P. The normalization, Eq. is somewhat (9). arbitrarily assigned at the GHz and any other choice of frequency would be appropriate frequency w=1.8 provided it is sufficiently large so that the magnetized deuteron response Si at this frequency is negligible. right hand side of Eq. (9) Also, it should be noted that the setting of the to unity at this frequency is also of no importance. What is important is whether or not there exists a frequency range in which so( *(kw,)/S (k,o) is independent of 6. In Fig. 4, we plot this ratio S O*(k,w)/S (k,&) at forward scattering angle e=0.5 0 for various orientation angles c as kg and electron temperatures Te. Clearly, increases (i.e., 9 decreases from t/2) the magnetic effects become less important. Also magnetic temperature increases. effects become less important as the electron From Fig. 4c and 4d, it appears- that for Te> 7 keV and for 9<45 0 there does exist a frequency range o>5 GHz in which the S */S curve is flat. However for 9=45 0 and Te=10 keV we see from Fig. 3b that the contribution from the alphas to the total scattering function Stot montonically decreases from about 86% at o=5 GHz, 71% at 7.4 GHz, to 51% at w=9 GHz. From our earlier discussion on the Hughes and Smith5 suggestion, it was shown that the one dimensional alpha particle distribution function can be inferred directly from' the total scattering function data provided there existed a frequency range such that :, const. wt (f)t with k(e) fixed for given scattering angle 9, and (10) 13 = stoto) Sd(6)) 0) It thus appears that for a fusion plasma with Te > 10 keV, the use of the particle distribution CO 2 laser as an alpha difficult since either Eq. (10) or (11) function diagnostic will are usually violated. be quite Unfortunately, as is evident from Fig. 3, increasing the forward scattering angle does not help since it leads to a drastically reduced alpha contribution to the scattering function: SO /Stot We have noted that choosing orientations with k11=0 will lead, for low Te, to a resonance in the scattering function with So=Stot (e.g., Fig. la). But, as can be seen from Fig. 4a, the S "(ci))/S (w) curve has a strong dependence on w. Hence, even under these conditions, it is difficult to directly determine the alpha particle distribution function since Eq. (10) As Te increases, the resonance peak broadens in frequency, with will become orientations - Tt/2 since Relativistic effects 4' 5 momentum, since now Ocez0ce(p), in Stot Se/Stot decreasing. relativistic effects gyrofrequency is not satisfied. will the where important the Doppler smear out gyrofrequency for decreases in Moreover, it Te L 20 broadening the is amplitude and keV, especially for factor previously dependent the relativistic momentum appears that on k1 c/6 -+ 0. sharp electron the particle's p=Vmov. This, in turn, will further smear out any lower hybrid resonance peak in the scattering amplitudes. We are forced to conclude that there do not appear to be any significant advantages to be gained by choosing orientations with k ,=0 in the 14 detection of alpha particles. only for the CO 2 It will also be seen that this conclusion holds not laser but also for the gyrotron sources. 15 IV. GYROTRON Although SCATTERING one is AT 2.14 necessarily mm AND restricted 5.00 to very mm small forward angle scattering with the CO 2 laser in order to achieve coherent scattering from the electrons, the very high incident frequency of the CO 2 laser does allow a passive probing of the plasma. If instead one resorts to the longer wavelength millimeter radiation, then coherent scattering can be achieved at any forward (or even backward) scattering angle. However, there are now new difficulties introduced since the incident gyrotron frequency is on the order of the electron gyrofrequency (or its second harmonic). question of incident beam penetration These added complications include the into the plasma refraction and absorption by the plasma. in order, but scattering in this report and the problems of A careful study of these questions is we shall concentrate on the properties of the functions S. and Stot as functions of scattering angle e. orientation angle 9 and electron temperature Te. Preliminary simplified calculations of WoskovO seem to indicate that the use of gyrotron sources at 60 GHz (5.00 mm) and at 140 GHz (2.14 Hughes and Smiths mm) have should avoid also considered most of these new complications. gyrotron sources at these two frequencies. For orientations 9~T/2, the cold plasma propagating modes, the X-mode and the 0-mode. below the gyrofrequency elliptically polarized. dispersion Qe, one would choose the X-mode (5.00 mm) which is However, the elliptical p[olarization introduces a been calculated for the cold plasma by Bretz 7. beam into the yields two To propagate into .the plasma factor into Stot which leads to a reduced final signal. gyrotron relation plasma between the form This form factor has If one wants to propagate the gyroharmonics, choose the 0-mode (2.14 mm) which is linearly polarized. then one would 16 It (=0: should also be remembered for v > v . that for the slow-down alpha distribution Thus for frequencies with CD = CL) > 2ki sin (9/2) k there will be no electron-shielded alphas to scatter from. Sd(k,w) = 0 Thus for w > kv, with the cutoff frequency wcut(e)=k(e) vd. Hence, in comparing the appropriate cutoffs for the 2.14 mm and 5.00 mm gyrotron sources at the same forward scattering angle e, we find Wcut 2.14 mm = 4.28 x wcut 15MM (12) It will be seen that these gyrotron cutoff frequencies will impose restrictions on the GHz frequency range from which to obtain scattering data, unlike the situation for the shorter wavelength CO 2 laser where (A)cut co 2 >> cut 1 2.14 mm and for which there are no such similar limitations in the GHz frequency range. A. The lower hybrid resonance, and orientations with k,, 0 In Fig. 5 we consider the scattering functions for the 2.14 mm gyrotron radiation at forward scattering angle 8=90 0, and for the same orientations 9 and temperatures Te as in Fig. 1 for the CO 2 laser source. For Te=1 keV (Fig. Sa), one again sees the strong lower hybrid resonance in Stot at 9=850 with Sd=Stot. There is a striking similarity between these results and those results from the CO2 laser at 9=0.50, (Fig. 1a), up to the cutoff frequency for 17 the 2.14 mm gyrotron source, wcut(e)= 8.4 GHz. (Fig. 5b) and 15 keV (Fig. 5c). the resonance peak in the scattering function broadens and lowered with the S /Stot one. As Te increases to 10 keV ratio now being significantly less than Again, there is strong similarity with the CO As the orientation decreases 2 results (Figs. lb and Ic). to P=80 0, the lower hybrid resonance no longer occurs in the frequency range 1.8 GHz < w < GCut, as for the case of the CO 2 laser (c.f. Figs. 1 a and Sa). Again, as Te is increased, the alpha contribution S to Stot is significantly reduced (c.f., Figs. lb and 5b, 1c and 5c). On angles), increasing there the is even a more scattering 1350 (i.e.. backward striking similarity with the results of CO 2 scattering angle to scattering although the resonance peak in the scattering function at 9=85 0 is significantly lower in the 2.14 mm gyrotron case (c.f., Figs. 6a and 1a). similarites continue for both (=80 0 The and 9=85 0 as can be seen from Figs. 6b and 1b, 6c and 1c. B. Orientations away from the lower hybrid resonance: 9 << 7t/2 kg x 0. We now consider the effects of different orientations 9 and temperatures Te on the scattering functions for the 2.14 mm gyrotron for forward scattering angles e=90 0 and 1350 [Fig. 7 for 9=75 0, Fig. 8 for 9=45 0 , and Fig. 9 for The results are qualitatively similar to those for the CO 2 =0 0]. laser. For Te=1 keV, SI=Stot for both 9=900 and the backscatter angle G=1350, but 18 S e=135 > SIe=90 in the Ghz frequency range, and changing the orientation angle has little effect (c.f., Figs. 7a, 8a, and 9a). As Te increases, both S and Stot increase but is a SO(O)/Stot(W) decreasing function of w (c.f., for example Figs. 8a, 8b, and 8c). C. Comparison between the 2.14 mm and 5 mm gyrotron sources In Figs. 10 and 11 we contrast the effect of orientation on the 2.14 mm (140 GHz) and the 5 mm (60 GHz) gyrotron sources. At forward scattering angle of 9=450 and Te=10 keV, one finds that for both gyrotrons S =Stot, and decreasing the orientation from 9=75 0 to has little effect 9=450 (Fig. 10). Since for the 5 mm gyrotron the cutoff frequency %cut is only 1.9 GHz, we have plotted the scattering function for this gyrotron source from c=1 Ghz. It is interesting to note that the 2.14 mm source has a larger scattering function than the 5 mm source, as well as a larger non-zero frequency range [c.f., Eq. (12)]. However, a disadvantage of these relatively small forward scattering angles is that the cutoff frequency wcut is quite low. As e increases, wcut also increases. However, for backscatter angles we now see that for the 2.14 mm gyrotron S /Stot and is a monotone decreasing function of 6. and e=135 0. is significantly less than one In Fig. 11, we consider Te=10 keV As the orientation angle decreases from 9=75 0 to 9=00, the alpha contribution to the scattering function increases : 19 < S(Q Sa) S ( ) 10o 9= 750 ) tot (13) 9 = 450 There is only a small difference between the results for =450 and 00. Indeed, we find that the contribution from the alphas to the scattering function is also monotonically decreasing: 2.14 mm : S./So: w=5 GHz: ca=7.4 GHz: w=9 GHz: For the 5 mm gyrotron e=1350 9=45 0 9=00 85% 88% 70% 75% 53% 59% source, however, the results are somewhat more encouraging, since in the frequency range 1.4 GHz < w < 4.4 GHz we see that Sd/Stot - 0.94 , for backscatter angle 8=1350 and for both orientations and 00, (see Fig. 11b and 11c). =450 Unfortunately, there are two drawbacks in the use of the longer wavelength gyrotron, the first being quite serious: (i) Stot(c) is a very Stoto)) 5mm " Stot0) (ii) rapidly I2.14mm decreasing function of to with, typically, for most of the frequency range, the cutoff frequency is quite low ocut= 4 . 8 GHz. Indeed, One again sees the strong effect of electron temperature on S Fig. 11d for backscatter angle of e=135 0 and Te=1 keV. and Stot in Even for orientations up 20 9=750, S =Stot for all w up to wcut for both 2.14 mm and 5 mm sources. Parameter D. To regime detecting for be able to deduce the the alpha function distribution function alpha particle distribution the from scattering data, we must find a frequency range in which both Eq. (10) and (11) are satisfied simultaneoulsy. From Fig. 12a-12c, for the 2.14 mm gyrotron at forward scattering angle e=45 0, it can be seen that Eq. (10), S*(W)/Sd(w) = const., is satisfied for nearly the whole GHz range (up to ocut) for Te > 10 keV for orientations p < 450. and (Figs. 12d-12f). satisfied: Similar results hold for the 5 mm gyrotron is also From Fig. 10, we also see that in this regime, Eq. (11) SO()=Stot')). Thus it appears that one should be able to deduce the one-dimensional alpha distribution from the scattering data for either gyrotron source for forward scattering angles (here shown ate=45 0) and orientations 9< 450. We now consider the effect of increasing the scattering angle e, Figs. and provided Again, 14. S *(CO)/S (o)= const. increaases. the However, orientation S ( O)/Stot(o) 9 _ 450 and Te > 10 13 keV, decreases (at fixed w) as e This decrease is significant for the 2.14 mm source, but not very significant for the 5 mm gurotron (i.e., if one ignores the much reduced final signal amplitude Stot, and the effect on the cutoff example, for 6=900 (with ocut=8. 4 GHz) frequency wcut). For 21 2.14 mm: S /Stt w=5 GHz: 6)=7.4 GHz: w=8 GHz: Thus, for information signal on the amplitude is 9=450 9=00 91% 93% 69% 75% 50% 57% angles backscatter one _=90 0 dimensional sufficiently mm 5 the alpha large for gyrotron source can distribution experimental 2.14 mm source will have quite limited applicability. function, give detailed provided the while the detection, 22 V. SUMMARY In this calculation we have considered the possibility of using the short wavelength CO 2 laser or the longer wavelength gyrotron sources as a diagnostic for the detection of alpha particles in a JET-like plasma. In particular we have examined closely the suggestion of Hughes and Smith5 that judicial choice of alpha particle distribution direct yield could parameters scattering information on the function. One of the main advantages of the CO 2 laser is its very This allows a passive probing of the plasma. frequency. dimensional one high incident The price one has to pay is that coherent scattering can only be obtained for very acute forward angles scattering e < On the other hand, the gyrotron sources have 1.00. incident frequencies in the vicinity of the electron gyrofrequency or its second harmonic incident so that questions of penetration, accessibility and refraction of the beam become very important. (These analyses have performed for a hot plasma, and have not been attempted here.) not yet been The advantage of the longer wavelength gyrotron sources over the CO 2 laser is that one can achieve coherent scattering not only for any forward scattering angles but also for backweard scattering angles (e>iT/2). Since in the D-T fusion reaction the alphas are born with 3.5 MeV energy there will effectively arise a cutoff phase velocity above which there are no alpha particles. For the gyrotron sources this will imply a cutoff frequency wcut in the GHz range such that for given e, f (l) v) = 0 , for v > wcut/k(e) where k(e) is related to the incident wave number ki by the relation k(e)=2ki x sin(e/2). x However for the CO2 laser, because of its higher incident wave number, the associated wcut is far outside the GHz range and plays no role. 23 In order to be able to determine the alpha particle distribution function from the scattering data, we find that Eqs. (10) and (11) simultaneously in an appropriate GHz frequency range. the electron must be satisfied One finds in general that Te has opposing effects in satisfying Eqs. temperature (11): as Te increases, at fixed (10) and e and 9, decreases , as one expects on physical grounds, while S ()/Stot(w) S0(&)/S d(w) -+ const. Moreover, for S *(0)/S.(() Thus one must = const. it is necessary that k,2>0. stay away from orientations c=pT/2 at which k1 = 0. On the other hand, only for orientations 9=iT/2, hybrid resonance increases the peak peak in in the S scattering decreases while However SO/Stot decreases as Te increases. function at is there a strong lower wLH. the resonance However, as Te itself is broadened. For these orientations, relativistic effects would become important for Te> 2 0 keV and these would smear out even further the WLH resonance. Thus, making measurements around perpendicular orientation seems to have little applicability in determining the alpha particle distribution function (whether one uses the CO 2 laser or the gyrotron sources). One of the important diferences between the 2.14 mm and 5 mm gyrotrons is that the final signal, Stot(w), is significantly lower for the 5 mm source in most of the appropriate w range which is also significantly reduced over that for the 2.14 mm gyrotron. 24 Finally, for orientations with p<Tt/2, one finds that for the 5 mm gyrotron one can determine the alpha particle distribution for both forward and backward scattering angles. However, for the 2.14 mm gyrotron it is more beneficial to use forward rather than backward scattering angles. on an electrostatic calculation. These results are all based A full electromagnetic calculation is necessary so as to take proper account of polarization effects. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Roger Richards of 0. R. N. L for pointing out to us a mistake in our original numerical code, and to Paul Woskov of M . 1. T for pointing out to us the shortcoming of treating the electrons shielding the alphas as unmagnetized. This work was supported by the Department of Energy. 25 REFERENCES 1. L. Vahala, G. Vahala, and D. J. Sigmar, Nuci. Fusion 26, 51 (1986) 2. J. Sheffield, Plasma Electromagentic Scattering of pointed out to us a Radiation, New while Paul York, Academic Press, 1975; 3. Roger Richards Woskoboinikow electrons (MIT) shielding (ORNL) indicated the that as alphas it would magnetized, numerical be error, more correct rather than as to treat the unmagnetized. These errors effect the results for perpendicular orientations more than those for off-perpendicular orientations. They were corrected by us and presented at the annual Sherwood Theory meeting, paper 3A29, (1987) in April 6-8 at San Diego. 4. L. Vahala and G. Vahala, (1987) : and paper 3A29, Sherwood Theory Meeting, April 6-8 L. Vahala and G. Vahala, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 32, 1896 (1987). 5. T. P. Hughes and S. R. P. Smith, submitted to Nucl. Fusion 6. P. 7. N. Bretz, Princeton University report PPPL-2396 (1986) Woskov, MIT report PFC/RR-87-16 26 CAPTIONS FIGURE Fig. 1 The effect of Te and orientation angle P on the frequency dependence of the total scattering function Stot(w) and the alpha contribution S () for incident C0 curves are unconncected Stot -A-A-A (a) for laser at forward scattering angle 8=0.50. : the curve p=850 * * * is the S curve. -"-"- is The **** for Stot, while the The AAAA curves are for 9=800: , while So is the unconnected triangles curve. For Te=1 provided 2 keV, there is a sharp c=85 0 but this resonance lower hybrid resonance in Stot in absent for =800. For both orientations S 0()=Stot(j) except near wz1.8 GHz where the deuteron contribution dominates. Tet. S ( relevant (b) Te=10 keV. (c) Te=15 keV. ',LH *)/StotD Te, Eq. (10) Note that as -. , and the resonance broadens. Thus for is not satisfied, and so one will not be able to deduce the one dimensional alpha particle distribution function directly from the scattering data. Fig. 2 C0 2 scattering. =60 0. Forward scattering angles: e=1.00 e=0.50 (AAAA). (a) T,=1 keV, (b) Te=10 keV, (c) Te=15 keV. TeT, Sd(o))/Stot(W Fig. 3 1 Same as Fig. 2, but for increased k,, ( =45 0). ( , and Again, as 27 Fig. 4 The electron temperature effect on S,*(w)/SC(co) (:Ca) for various orientations Forward scattering angle B=0.50. for CO 2 scattering p=750, (b) 9=600, (c) 9=450, (d) =0 0. Te= 1keV (AAAA) : Te=10 keV (oooo) Te= 15 keV ("*"*). As Tet , frequency dependence of S I*(w)/SO((O) As 9 1 , frequency dependence of S *(c)/S (c) 1. 1. The normalization of the curves is chosen arbitrarily at o=1.8 GHz. Fig. 5 SO(M) and Stot(w) scattering 6 angle 0=900, the 2.14 mm gyrotron and for 9=85 0 (""*) source at forward and 9=800(AAAA). (a) Te=1 keV, (b) Te=10 keV, (c) Te=15 keV. These diagrams should be compared with Fig. 1 Note that the magnitudes of Stot and S Fig. for for the CO 2 laser. are very similar, as is the behavior for Tet and for '1. Same as Fig. 5, but for backward scattering angle e=1350 and still k1 <<1. Fig. 7 2.14 mm gyrotron,. 9=750 and e=1350 C"=) Stot(0) 1e=135 > St o t(O) I e=90 . Stot T'Sd T but S O/Stot 1. 0=900 (AAAA). Similarly for S (G). Typically, Again, as Te T. [N.B. compare with the CO 2 curves, Fig. 2] (a) Te=1 keV, (b) Te=10 keV, (c) Te=15 keV. 28 Fig. 8 Same as for Fig. 7, but for 9=45 0. Fig. 9 Same as for Figs. 7 and 8, but for 9=00. Fig. 10 Stot(o) and SO(j) the 2.14 mm ("""") and 5 mm (AtaL) for 9=450, Te=10 keV, and (a) sources. =750, (b) gyrotron For the 5 mm =450. 0 for w=1 GHz, so Stot and So are presented gyrotron radiation, Si(G) for 1 GHz < o. < wcut = 1.8 GHz frequency range. Note that for the 2.14 mm radiation, the signal strength is considerably greater than for the 5 mm source, and for both mm Notice that 'cut is considerably higher (3.6 GHz). i.., Eq. (11) sources, SO(i)eStot(.) is satisifed at Te=10 keV. Fig. 11 Same as Fig. 10, but for backscatter angle 9=1350. and (a) 9=750, 9=450, (c) 9=0 0 at Te= 10 keV. The initial fall in Stot is due to the rapid decay of the deuteron contribution S (. the 2.14 However. mm source, but I1I with w. Stot(6") (b) S (O)/Stot(w) I 1 for fo(o)/Stot(r) S for the 5 mm As 91, SO()/Stot(o) T. source. Thus, Eq. (10) is quite well satisfied for the 5 mm source (AAAA), but not that well satisfied by the 2.14 mm source (****). should be compared to (a). In (d), Sd(1)/Stot. In (d), Te=1 keV, and (d) 29 Fig. kev (AAAA), 12 Te effects on S O()/Sd(M) at e=450 : Te=1 Te=10 keV (oooo), Te=15 keV (****). For 2.14 mm gyrotron : (a) =75 0 , (b) 9=600, (c) 9=00, for 5 mm gyrotron: (d) 9=75 0, (e) p=600, (f) Te > 10 keV, S "(*)/Sd(Cc) Provided =00. -+ const. as 91 (for 9<60 0 ). Notice the low wcut for the sources (ocut=l .9 GHz for 5 mm radiation, and Wcut=4.6 GHz for 2.14 mm radiation). Fig. 13 Same as Fig. 12 except that e=900 and the orientations considered are 9=75 0 [(a), As et, .cutt. (e)]; 9=60 0 [(b), (f)]. 9=450 [(c),- (g); 9=00 Clearly for 9=45 0 and 1, S O*(W)/S .()= [Cd). (h)]. const., provided. Te >_10 keV. Fig. 14 Same as Fig. 13 except that e=1350. As eT, . S ()/S (o)= const., %cutt. Again for 9=45 0 and provided Te>10 keV. FORWARD SCATT. ANGLE=0 5 DEG, TE=1 KEV K.B RNGLE : RR (80) mm , (85) DEG n -~ ,* *1 *1 -11- * -l 1 4 ~1 ** -12 -L s AAA C A A A A A T T A AL A A A 13 -A N L o G A I 14 0 * -15 - -16 - -17 - * I I GE+09 3 .0E+09 I I 5 .OE+09 2.0GE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. la I 9 .E+09 1 .iE+10 FORWARD SCATT. ANGLE=0.5 DEG, TE=10 KEV Ki.8 ANGLE : AR (80) , mm (85) DEG -11-- *1 2 * *** A 'I A AA * A. *1 S A 4 A T T A A A A A\&A * A A A * * * * A * *, F *A N A -13 A * L 0 G * 1 u * A -14 * * -15 I I I .0E+09 I I I 3 .E+09 III I I ' I I 5 .0E+09 '7 OEi-09 FREQUENCY Fig. lb II I I 9. OE+09 I I I I 1 .IE+1O FORWARD SCATT. ANGLE= 0.5 DEG, TE=15 KEV K.B RNGLE (80) : RA , EE (85) DEG -11 ** *A AAA A * **** A A A A LLAAAAAAA * **A ~ *~ S C -12 A T T * AAA AA A A *A * A A* F N ~1 A* AA A * L 0 G * A 0 * -13 A A * * * -14 -- I .OE+09 I 3 .0E+09 I I T 7 T 5.0E+09 I I 7 GE+C FREQUENCY Fig. Ic 9 9.GE+09 I iE+10 C02 SCATT. AT K.B=60 DEG FORWRRD -10 SCRTT. RNGLE: 1.0 DE0 (wo) TE=1 KEV 0.5 (RR) * * * -11 -- s C A T T A\ ** F N ** AA -12 L 0 ****** *** 4 kf t A. A A A A A A -14 - I 1 .0E+09 I I I I I I 3 .0E+09 I i I I I I I 7 .OE+C 9 5 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 2a 9.0E +09 I -. E+10 C02 SCATT. AT K.B=60 DEG, TE=10 KEV FORWRRO SCRTT. -10 ANGLE: 1.0 DEG 0.5 (**) (AR ) - * * * -Il - * S C A T T F N * ** -12 A AA - A AA * L A A A A AA A * 0 k AL A ****** A A 1 0 A A A A A A -13 A I I I.E+09 3 .0E+09 I I 5 -OE+09 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 2b I I I 9 .0E+ )9 1 .IE+10 C02 SCATT. AT K.B=60 DEG FORWRRD SCRTT. RNGLE: -10 TE=15 KEV , i.0 DEG (w*) 0.5 (RR) - * * * S C A T T LAA A A A .AA **A* A A -12 A A A -6AA A A A A A- A L 0 G ** * ~AA L 0 AA AA A AA AA -13 - -14 -1 I 1.OE+09 3 GE+09 i I j I I I I 5 GOE+09 7 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 2c I A I I I 9 .OE+09 , I 1 .1E+10 TE=1 KEV C02 SCATT. AT K.B=45 DEG -10 0.5 (AR 1.0 DEG (wo) FORWRRD SCRTT. ANGLE: ) * * -11 *k - S C A T T * * A A A F N *w~ -12 * - L 0 G & & £ A hA 1 0 A AA A, h * A A A, A6 A A A -14 - I .OE+ 39 I I I I I 3.OE+( 39 II I 5.GE+09 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 3a I I I I I 9 .OE+09 I 1. -E+10 C02 SCATT. AT K.B=45 DEG, TE=10 KEV FORWARD SCRTT. -10 ANGLE: 1.0 DEG (mm) 0.5 (AR) - * * -11 s C A T T F N * *** AA -12 * * *** * * A A L A 0 ,A G A AA A A AA A AA * A -13 - A A -14 - 1 .OE+C I I I 9 I. 3 OE+09 I 5 .OE+09 I. 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 3b I 'I 9 .OE+09 1 .1E+10 C02 SCATT. AT K.B=45 DEG FORWARD SCRTT. RNGLE: , 1.0 DEG (mwd TE=15 KEV , 0.5 (RR) I * * * S C A T T A A A F N A A -12 ****A*********** LsA h L A AA L 'A 0 G * AA * '1 0 A- * A*** A AA AA A A -13 - A A -14 - I I I.E09 I I I 3 .E+09 I I I I I I I I I I I 5 .E+ 39 7.0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 3c 9 .0E+09 1.1E+10 DEG TE EFFECTS AT 0.5 DEG, K.B=75 I KEV ## 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RA r02 , TE: 1.4 * 1.3 * ** 1 .2 * * * 0.9 0 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 - 0 0 A 0 0 0 A 0 0 A - * 0 A U N m A 0.7 * 0 A 0.8 * * 0 0 E D * * * 0 - * *0 1.1 N 0 R 1 .0 M A L 00000000 0 0 A 0 0 0 A A 0.6 - 0 A G A L 0.5 . P H A0.4 - A A A A 0.3 A A A 0.2 - AA AA AA AA AA& I .OE+( 9 3.0E+09 I 5 .E+09 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 4a A A A I 9 .0Et09 A i 1 .iE+10 TE EFFECTS AT 0.5 DEG, K.B=GO DEG C02 1.5 1 .4 T E: , ** 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RA 1 KEV - *** * 1.3 * 1 .2 * 0 0 0 1 1 .0 A A oo000000000oooo~~0000 0 i A 00 A A A 0.9 A A A A A 0.8- A A A A A A A A A 0.6 A A A A 0.5 A A A A 0.4 A A -H A A A A 0.3 A A A A 0.2 0.1 0.0 H I I .E+09 I j i I . . 3 .OE+09 I I I I I I 5 .CE+09 I S.0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 4b I I I 9 .E+ 39 1.IE+10 TE EFFECTS AT C02 , TE: 0.5 mm 15 KEV, DEG, K.B=45 DEG 00 10 KEV, RR 1 KEV 1.5 -- 1 .4 - 1 .3 ** * 1.2 0 0000000000000000000000000000 0 1.1 - *AA A AA 0.9 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0. -5 A 0 .4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 I 1..E+09 3 .0E-09 I 7 .OE+09 5 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 4c I II 9 .OE+09 I ' 1 .1E+10 TE EFFECT2 ATPO 5 DEG, K.B=0 DEG C2 'E: CC 10 KEV, FlCP I KEV ** - .4 a+ i5 KEV, * * 0 00 000OO00O () 0 0 00()oooooooo 0 0 .t 0 e A A AA A A A& A AA A A AA LA A -1 A A AA A 0.8 A LA AL A A A A A A A 0 .5 4 0.5 0 .4 0 3- C - C0.] ; I.0E+0G 3 .E+ Os I I i I I.GE+ 5.GF+o~S '.LE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 4d I , .COF 1 I 2.14 MM : THETA=90 DEG, TE=1 KEV K.B RNGLE : RR (80) (85) * DEG -10 / * * 'I / -* 12 *~. -~t t -A- ~ * * * * * * * * * -* A A A £ A A A -13 A A * -1 A 4 -16- -1- -18 - -19 -20 I I .E+09 3 .OE+09 5 -GE +09 FREQUENCY Fig. 5a I 7 .0E+09 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM : THETA=90 DEG, TE= 10 KEV K. .5 RNGLE (80) : qR DEG (85) , -11 / \ * / / * *' * * * A * * ~' A S C -12 A A - A A A A T T A A A A AA A A * A6 A A A A A A F N A A A A A * A L 0 G A A6 0 A -13 - * A * -14 I I.OE+09 3 .E+09 I 5 .0E+9 FREQUENCY Fig. 5b I 7 .OE+09 I 9 .E+09 2.14 MM : THETA=90 DEG, TE=15 KEV K.S RNGLE : qR (80) , (85) am DEG -4 * * tt* 4 A AA A AA* AA AA s C -12 A I * A - A* AA * AA A A* * A * A F N * A * * A * L 0 G A A 1 0 * A -13 * -14 I 1.GE+09 3 .OE+09 5.GE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 5c 7 .OE+09 I 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM : THETA= 135 DEG, TE=1 KEV K.B RNGLE : R (80) (85i , DEG -9 -10 -11 - S C * A T -12 T AA A A A bAA -13 -- A * -14 4 -- 1 * I --6 1* 'I 'I Il * -17 -I I .E+09 3 .E+09 7 .OE+09 5 .E+09 FRE QUENCY Fig. 6a 9.OE+09 1.IE+10 2.14 MM : THETA= 135 DEG, TE= 10 KEV K.B RNGLE R (80) : , (85) * DEG -1i **** A AAAA AA A A A A A A A A A A *A** A\A A A A A * AA * A A A A A * A A F N A * -13 A L 0 G * 4 * -14 - -15 II 1.OE+09 I 3 .OE+09 I I I I I I I I I 5.CE+09 7.OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 6b I I I I 9 .GE+ )9 I 1. 1E 1 IE+10 2.14 MM : THETA=135 DEG, TE=15 KEV K .B RNGLE -10 - -11 - S C A T T (80 : qR , w* (85) DEG ** ******* ** -12 L 0 G * * it 14 * * A A * -13 * * -14J I i.OE+09 I I I I 3 .E+09 II I I I I II 5 .E+09 I I 7.GE+ )9 FREQUENCY Fig. 6c 9.OE+09 I . iE+10 2.14 MM; K.B ANGLE=75 DEG ; TE=1 KEV FORWARO SCRTT. RNGLE : 90 DEy (RR), 135 DEG (*a; -1 I I * * S -12 - A T T --13 - -14 I 1.GE+09 3 .E+09 5 .E+G 9 FREQUENCY Fig. 7a 7.GE+C9 9 .CE+09 2.14 MM K.B ANGLE=75 DEG; TE=10 KEV FORWARD SCRTT. ANGLE -11 90 DEG (RR), 135 DEG (am) - * S -12 - A T I *A * * A*-*-* * ** * * F N L 0 G A A A 1 0 -13 - A A A -14 I 1 .OE+09 3 .OE+09 5 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 7b I 7 .OE+09 I 9 -OE+09 2.14 MM ; K.B ANGLE=75 DEG; TE=15 KEV FORWARD SCRTT- RNGLE : 90 DEG (RR), 135 DEG (ow) -10 - -11 - * S C A T T * F N * * * *** * -12 *** *****-- - L 0 G A* 1 u A A A -13 - A A -14 I I .E+09 I I i I I i I I j I 3 .OE+09 5 .CE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 7c 7 .OE+09 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM; K.B ANGLE=45 DEG ; TE=1 KEV FORWARD SCRTT. ANGLE 90 DEG (AR), 135 DEG (a*) C -12 T*- A T. N * L G -13 -14I.0E+09 3.0E+09 5.0E+09 FREGUENCY Fig. 8a 7.GE+09 9.CE+09 2.14 MM ; K.B ANGLE=45 DEG; TE=10 KEV FORWRRD SCRTT. RNGLE : 90 DEG (RR), 135 DEG (mm) * S C -12 A T T ** **A F N *A *A * * L 0 G A A -14 I 1.OE+09 I I I I 3 .OE+09 I 5 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 8b I I 7 .OE+09 I1 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM ; K.B ANGLE=45 DEG; TE=15 KEV FORWARD SCRTT. RNGLE 90 DEG (RR), 135 DEG (**) -10 - -11 -* S C * A T T F N -12 - L 0 G I A A A -13 A - A A -14 I I.E+09 I 3 .GE+09 5.GE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 8c 7 .OE+09 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM; K.B ANGLE=0 DEG; TE=1 KEV FORWARD SCRTT. RNGLE 90 DEG (RR), 135 DEG to#) -11 S -12 T * F N L G C 0 -13- -141.OE+09 3.OE+09 5.OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 9a 7.OE+09 9.OE+09 2.14 MM; K.B ANGLE=O DEG ; TE=10 KEV FORWRRD SCRTT. ANGLE 135 DEG (w*) ; 9C DEG (RA), * * S -12 ** ** A T T A A* F N * *** a AA L 0 G ** ' * ** AA I AA -13 - A6 i I 1.OE+09 I I I 3 .OE+09 I I I I I 5 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 9b I 1 II 1 7 .OE+09 I I 9 .OE+09 2.14 MM; K.B ANGLE=O DEG ; TE=15 KEV : 90 DEG (RR ) , FORWARD SCRTT. ANGLE -10 - -11 - S C A T T 135 DEG -(tsi '4 * F N -12 * ** L 0 C A*'- A * 1 0 A A* AA A A A A A -14 - I 1.GE+09 3 .OE+09 5 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 9c 7 .OE+09 . 9 .0E+09 MM SCATT. AT 45 DEG TE=10 KEV MM (m) : 2.14 K.B=75 DEG , , 5 MM (RA) -fl-A 7 -~ A A 11 -1 A N S C * N A A T *, N N F N N A -12 ~ L 0 G 0 ~1 A -13 1 .GE+09 I 2 .OE+09 3 .E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 10a I I I I 4 .OE+09 MM SCATT. AT 45 DEG TE=10 KEV : 2.14 MM K.B=45 DEG 5 MM (RR) (mE) -11-~ 1 A A N A * S N N * A A T T "I * A 11 F N A N -12 L 0 G A 0 -13 1 -OE+09 -2 -.E+09 3 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 10b 4 GOE+09 K.B=75 DEG MM SCATT. AT 135 DEG : 2.14 MM TE=10 KEV 5 MM (RA) (xx' * -11 AA * * * **** * S A T **** * * * ** ** * A A F N * A A A L 0 G 0 -14 -15 - I . i I I .OE+09 3 .0E+09 I ~AI I I I I 5 .E+09 I I I 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. Ila I I I I 9 .E+C 9 1 .IE+10 MM SCATT. AT 135 DEG -11 - K.B=45 DEG 5 MM (RR) : 2.14 MM (**) KEV TE=Il * A *~ -12 * A ** i*** ** t * * A -14 - -15 A I I -OE+09 I I i I I 3 .OE+09 I I I I 5 .OE+09 I I I 7 .-E+ 39 FREQUENCY Fig. lib 9.AE+09 I -lEt10 MM SCATT. AT 135 DEG ,K.B=O DEG : 2.14 MM (') TE=10 KEV , 5 MM IRR) * * * -12 AA A * A S C A T T **A * A-~ A ** ** ** F N * t -13 * -~ L 0 G A -i *1 2 0 I - -14 - A E0 1 .OE+09 3 .OE+09 5 .E+09 7 .OE+C FREQUEN CY Fig. I c 9 -OE+09 1 . E+1C MM SCATT. AT 135 DEG TE=1 KEV 2.14 MM (E ) , K.B=75 DEG 5 MM (RR) - -11 -12 T -13 N L 0 G -14 0 -15 -16 1.OE+09 I 3.GE+09 5.OE+09 7.OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. l id 9.GE+09 1.!E+i0 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=75 DEG 2.14 MM 1.0 * * 0 , TE: ** 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RR 1 KEV * * o * o 0.9 * - 0* * 0 * * 0.8 * 0 * N 0 R M 0.7 A L * * 0 0 A I 0 E D 0.6 0 U N M A 0.5 G A -1 M A G 0 .4 A L P H A 0 .3 s A A 0.2 A 0.1- A A A A 0.0 - 1.GE+09 ~1 I 2 .0E+0 9 I I I I 3. GE+0 9 FREQUENCY Fig. 12a I I I 4.OE+-09 I A4 I I 5.GE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=60 DEG , TE: 2.14 MM 1.1 - 1 .0 - a* 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RR I KEV * a * * 0 0 * a A 0.9 * * * 0 * 0 0 * 0 A N 0 R 0.8M A L z 0.7 * 0 A A - E D A N 0.6 A A A 0.5 A A G A A 0.4 L P H A S 0.3 - A 'A A - It 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.0 1 .OE+09 I I j 2 .OE+09 I 3 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 12b 4 .E+09 I 5 .E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=O DEG 2.14 MM , TE: 1 .04 15 KEV, m - 1 .03 1 .02 1 .01 1 .00 0.99 0.98 0-.97 * ** * 0 0 0 0 00 10 KEV, AR :: 0 0 * 0 0 1 KEV * * * 0 0 0 0 0 A A - 0.96 A 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 A A A A 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 A A 0.82 0.81 A 0.80 0.79 - 0.78 - 0.77 - A A 0.76 0.75 0.74 A 0.730.72 - A 0.71+ I.IE I .OE+09 I I I I 2 .OE+09 3 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 12c 4 .OE+09 5 .E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=75 DEG 5.00 I -0 - MM , TE: x* 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, AR I KEV * 0 * 0 * * 0.9 0 * * * 0 .8 * 0 * 0 A 0 0.7 0 0.6 A 0.5 - 0.4 A 0.3 - 0.2 - A A 0.1 - A A A 0.0 I .OE+C 9 1 .2E+09 I .4E+09 I .6E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 12d I .8E+09 2 .E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=60 DEG 5.00 MM 1 .0 - TE: , * 0 mo 15 KEV, * 00 10 * AR I KEV KEV, * * 0 * 0 0 A 0.9 -- 0.8 - * 0 A 0.7 -i 0 .6 A -i A A 0.5 A A 0.4 A 0 .3-4 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.0 I I .E+09 I .2E+09 I .4E+09 I .6E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 12e I I I I 1 .8E+C 9 2.GE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 45 DEG, K.B=O DEG 5.00 MM , TE: ** 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RR 1 KEV 1 .01 1 .00 - ** o a * * a 0 * * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0.99 0.98 * A 0.97 0.96 A N 0.95 0 R 0 .94 M A 0.93 A 0.92 E D 0.91 ~ A U 0.90 N m 0.89 A: G 0.88 M 0.87 A - A - G 0.86 A 0.85 A6 p H 0.84 A S 0.83 A 0.82 0.81 0.80 A 0.79 0.78 0 .77 A 0.76 I I .OE+09 I I I I .2E+09 I III I I I I I .4E+09 I 1 .6E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 12f I I I I I 1 .8E+09 I I 1 1 2 .OE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=75 DEG 2.14 MM 1.2 , TE: 15 KEV, *m KEV, * * * I KEV ** * 00000 * 0 0 1 .01-0 - 0 0 * * 0 A 0 0 - 0 A * * * * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 A - * 0 o- - * 0 A E D 0.7U N m A 0.6 G RA - 1.1 N 0 0.9 R m A L 0.6 00 10 * 0 0 A * 0 0 0 A - 0 0 A M A 0.5 G 0 A A A L P 0.4 H A A A S 0.3 A - A A 0.2 - A A A A A 0.1 - A A A A A 0.0 A A A A - I.OE+09 -I------ --..... ~1~- 3.OE+09 5.OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13a 7.OE+09 9.OE+09 K.B=60 DEG TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG., KEV, 2.14 MM , TE: *a 15 KEV, 00 10 RR 1 KEV 1.2 1.1 - 0 0 0 0 00 * * *0* 00000000000 00000000 0 1 .0 0 000 N 0 0.9 R M A L 0.8 - AA - AA AA E D 0.7 U N m A 0.6 C AA AA - A C 0.5 A A L P 0.4 A A A - A H- A A S A4 A 0.3 - A A A A A 0.2- 0.1 0.0 - I .OE+0 9 a a i 3.OE+0 .9 5.OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13b 7 .OE+09 9 .OE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=45 DEG ow 15 , TE:. MM 2 .14 RR I KEV KEV, 00 10 KEV, 1.3 1 .2 * 0 0 0 0 00 0000 0 00000 0 N 1 -0 0 R M A 0.90 8 * ' A A A A A A L A A E D A A A U N M A 0.5 A A A A 1 A A6 C 0.61 M A G A A A A 0.51 A A A A A L P H 0.4 A S 0.3 0.22 0.0 - II 1.OE+09 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 .OE+09 5 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13c 7 .OE+09 I I I I I 9 .E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=0 DEG 2.14 MM , TE: 00 10 KEV, x* 15 KEV RR 1 KEV 1 .3 1.2 * 0 *0 *i.0 -. * A * * 000000o00000000000000ooo * 0.1 * 0 *0 A A AA A AA A 0.9 A A A A - A A A A A A A 0.8 A A A A A A A A C .7 A A 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 'I I .E+09 3 .OE+09 5 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13d I 7 .OE+09 I 9 .OE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=75 DEG 5.00 MM , TE: ** 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, RR 1 KEV 1.I * 1 .0 0 - S0 00 00 * o 0.9 0 o * *0 0 A * 0 - * 0 * * * 0 N 0 R 0.8 M A L z 0. E D * 0 A * 0 * 0 * * 0 * 0 A 0 0 0 0 A 0 U N0 6 0 16 M1 A G A M 0.5 A A A 0.4 L P A H A - S 0.3 A A 0.2 - A A A A 0.1 - A A A A 0.01.OE+09 I I I I A A A A A A A I 2 .0E+09 3 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13e 4 .0E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B =60 DEG 5.00 MM 0 1 .0 00 10 A* !5 KEV, 0* * 0 0 , TE: * 0000000000 * * KEV, RP I KEV * e * 0 0 c - 6 A A 0 0 A 0.-9 - A A A 0.8 - A A A A A 0.7 A A A A6 A 0.5 A A 0.4 A A A A 0.3 - A A A 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.0 - 1 .OE+09 j I 2 4 -QE+09 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13f TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=45 DEG 5.00 MM . 1 .0 , TE: ** 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV. AR I KEV - - a A A A A A A A A N 0 R m A L A A A A A A z 0.7 A A E D A A U N 0.6 m A G A A M 0.5 A G A L P H A S 0.3 0.2 0 1 -- 0.0 I 1.OE+09 I I i i ~ I I I i I I I 3 .OE+09 2.CE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13g I I 4 .OE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 90 DEG, K.B=0 DEG 5.00 MM 15 KEV, 1* TE: , 00 10 KEV, I KEV AR 1 .10 1 .09 ** 1 .08 1 .07 1 .06 1.05 1 .04 * * - (%oO O QQo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 J 0 1 .03 1 .02 *0 0 1 .01 1 .00 A A 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 bA A A- 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 - A A - A - A A 0.87 0.86 0.85 A A A 0.84 0.83 A 0.82 0.81 A A 0.80 0.79 A 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.74 - 0.73 - 0.72 - A A A - A A 0.71 0.70 1.OE+09 A 3 .OE+09 2 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 13h 4 .OE+09 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=75 DEG , TE: m* 15 KEV. 00 10 KEV, RR I KEV 2.14 MM 1 .5 1 .4 ** 1 .3 * * * * 1 .2 * * * * 00 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 A 0.9 * 000 0 1 .0 * '4. 0000000 * .0 1.1 * 0 0 A 0 0 A 0.8 A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0.7 0 * 0 0 A A 0.6 A A 0.5 A A A 0.4 A A A 0.3 A A 0.2 A - A A 0.1 A - A 0.0 E+ 1.OE+09 3 .0E+09 5 .OE+09 7.0 E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14a I I , 9 OE+09 I 1 .IE+10 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=60 DEG 2.14 MM , TE: 1 .6 *m 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, AR I KEV - 1 .5 *** 1 .4 *** * - * 1 .3 00 00o000000000000000000000 * 1 .2 0 * 1.1- 1 .0 0 - * A A A A 0.9 A A A A A 0.4 A - A A A A 0.7- A A A A A 0.6- A A A A A 0.5- A A A A A 0.4- A A 0.3 - 0.2 - A 0 .1 0.0 I I .OE+09 3 .OE+09 5 .OE+09 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14b 9 .OE+09 I I .iE+10 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=45 DEG 2.14 MM , TE: as 15 KEV, 1 1 .5 - 1.4 - N 0 1 .2 R M A L E D 1 KEV A .6 1 .3 I 00 10 KEV, 0 00000 000000000 000 *0 0 - 0 1 .0 - *AA A A AAAA U N M A 0.8 G A A AA A - A A A A, As A A M 0.7 A G & £ A A A A 0.6 L p H 0.5 A S A A A A A 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 - i I .E+09 3 .E+09 i 'Ii1 i 5 .OE+09 I I I I 7 .OE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14c . i I 9 .OE+09 i I I I . E+10 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=O DEG 2.14 MM , 15 KEV, TE: o 00 10 KEV, RR I KEV 1.6 1.5 ************* 1 .4 ** 0 1 .3 0 * 1-2 00 000 0OO -. 1 .0 *AA 000000 000000 00 00000 00000000 A A A A A A A A A A' AL A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.9 A 0.8 A A A AA A A A A A 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 - I I 1.OE+09 3 .OE+09 5 .OE+09 7 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14d 9 .OE+09 1 .IE+10 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=75 DEG , TE 5.00 MM 15 KEV 00 10 KEV, RR I KEV 1 .2 * I .i * * -- * 0 0000000 0 1 .0 * 0000 - 0 A 0.9 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 A 0 0 0 A * * * * * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 A 0.7 * 0 A 0.8 * 0 - 0 0 A 0 0 A 0.6 0 0 A A 0.5 A 0.4 A A A 0.3 A A 0.2 AA AA AA 0.1 AA 0.0I I .E+09 I I I I 2 .E+0 9 .0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14e 4 .CE+09 5 .E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=60 DEG 5.00 MM . TE: w# 15 KEV, 00 10 KEV, PR 1 KEV 1 .3 - 1 .2 * 000000000000000000 1.1 00 0000 * 0 0 0000 N i.0 0 R M A 0.9 L A A A A A A A A A L A E 0.3 D A A A U N 0.7 A - A M- A A G - A A 0.6 A M A G A A A A 0 .5- A L P H 0.4 A S A A A A A6 A A A A 0.3 A4 A A A A 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.0 - I I I .OE+09 2 .OE+09 3.GE+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14f I 4 .OE+09 I 5 .0E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=45 DEG *a 15 KEV , TE: 5.00 MM 00 10 KEV, RR I KEV 1 .3 - * 0 0 0 o oo0 oo * 0 0 o o o o o o0 o o0 o o00oo 0oo o0 0 0 A A A A 0.9 A A A A A A A 0.8 A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.6 A A A A A A 0.5 A A A 0.4- 0.3 - 0.2 0.0 - I.OE+09 ~~1~~~~~~ 2.OE+09 I 3.0E+09 FREQUENCY Fig. 14g I I 4.OE +09 5 .0E+09 TE EFFECTS AT 135 DEG, K.B=O DEG , TE: 5.00 MM 1 .3 am 15 KEV. 00 10 KEV, RP I KEV - 1 .2 * oo0000000000000000000000 00000000 0 *0 N 1 .0 0 R ba A A A AAAAA £ A M A 0.9 L I A A A6 A A A6 E 0.8 D A A SA A U A A A A N 0.7 A M A G A - 0.6 M A G A 0.5 L P H 0.4 A S 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0- 5 i I .OE+09 I I I 2 .OE+09 I 3 OE+0 9 FREQUENCY Fig. 14h 4 I 4.OE+09 I I I i 5 .OE+09