ePAF Calculator Instructions Contents ePAF Calculator Replaces 3 Current Job Aids .................................................................. 2 Using the Hours per Day and Hours per Pay Job Aids...................................................... 3 The Purpose(s) of the Multipurpose Exempt Salary Job Aid ............................................ 4 Using the Multipurpose Exempt Salary Job Aid .............................................................. 4 1. Converting Exempt Pay to Annual Salary.............................................................. 4 2. Determining Work Study ePAFs ............................................................................ 4 Results for Exempt Pay.................................................................................................. 5 1. Displayed in the Application Panel ....................................................................... 5 2. Exported to Excel to Save or Print ........................................................................ 5 Results for Work Study.................................................................................................. 6 1. Displayed in 3 Application Panels ......................................................................... 6 2. Exported to Excel to Save or Print ........................................................................ 7 Document1 Pg 1 of 7 ePAF Calculator Replaces 3 Current Job Aids The ePAF Calculator is an application that combines three previous tools, as highlighted on the screenshot. The three tools are available on the drop-down list of the ePAF Calculator, and will be removed from the HR Job Aids webpage September 1, 2014. The Multi-Purpose Exempt Employee Calculator contains all the features of the Exempt Salary Calculator, plus additional abilities. Therefore, the Exempt Salary Calculator is not a separate job aid in the ePAF Calculator. Below is the current list of job aids available in the ePAF Calculator: Document1 Pg 2 of 7 Using the Hours per Day and Hours per Pay Job Aids Two job aids are available, one for Exempt ePAFs and the other for Nonexempt ePAFs. Each job aid operates the same: Enter the FTE and click Calculate to view the Hours per Day and Hours per Pay. Both job aids ensure the Hours per Day is not less than 1. The Exempt job aid is based on 173.33 hours in a pay period. The Nonexempt job aid is based on 86.67 hours in a pay period. Document1 Pg 3 of 7 The Purpose(s) of the Multipurpose Exempt Salary Job Aid An academic department frequently determines Employee Pay and FTE on a semester basis, which must be converted to an Annual Salary to be entered on the ePAF. For example, a Teaching Assistant (TA) might be paid $4000 for .5 FTE for the 4.5 month Fall Semester (Sometimes partial pay and FTE is assigned for a TA takes on a teaching duty mid-semester). In addition, some or all of the Employee Pay might be paid by a Work Study award where the Financial Aid grant will pay 75% and the department pays 25% on a Work Study W-position. When the employee is to be paid more than the award, then the excess is paid 100% on a department T-position appointment. Using the Multipurpose Exempt Salary Job Aid 1. Converting Exempt Pay to Annual Salary To use the Multipurpose Exempt Salary job aid as an Exempt Calculator (no Work Study), entries are made in the first 4 fields and the final Work Study entry is left at $0.00. 2. Determining Work Study ePAFs To use the Multipurpose Exempt Salary job aid as a Work Study Calculator, entries are made in all 5 fields . Document1 Pg 4 of 7 Results for Exempt Pay 1. Displayed in the Application Panel The job aid provides results in the order of entry on an ePAF: Annual Salary, FTE, Factors, Hours per Day and Hours per Pay. 2. Exported to Excel to Save or Print An Export to Excel button will appear to Export to Excel, which can be saved or printed: Before the Excel opens, a computer question appears, “Do you want to open or save … ?” It works best to ‘Open’ first, and then to ‘Save.’ Excel questions the integrity of the files; click ‘Yes’ that you want to open the file. Document1 Pg 5 of 7 Results for Work Study 1. Displayed in 3 Application Panels For Work Study, the results are listed for both the W-position ePAF and the T-position ePAF, along with an expense summary that separates expense for the department from expense to Work Study. The results are displayed on separate panels, where the header of the next panel appears at the bottom of the display. The Export to Excel button is available to save or print the result. The T-posn results and the W-posn results are displayed in the order of input on the ePAF. The Budget Costs are summarized for both positions, with amounts for monthly and total salary expenses. Document1 Pg 6 of 7 2. Exported to Excel to Save or Print During the download: A computer question appears, “Do you want to open or save … ?” It works best to ‘Open’ first, and then to ‘Save.’ Excel questions the integrity of the download file; click ‘Yes’ that you want to open the file. T-position entries for the ePAF are provided in order of entry. W-position entries for the ePAF are provided in order of entry. Document1 Pg 7 of 7