TTU Finance Reports By Fund Report ID FI002 FI009 FI010 FI025 FI033 Report Name Revenue Expense Budget Pools By FOP Statement of Changes in Fund Balance By Fund Balance Sheet By Fund Report Parameters Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report By Fund or Organization or Program or FOP or Fund Manager or Organization Manager by fiscal year and period Shows the FI004A report budget pools by FOP for the parameter selected. You see budget compared to actual revenues, expenses and transfers including encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period. By Fund by fiscal year and period You can drill down on any of the blue links on Shows the following for a fund: beginning fund balance, the level 1 report and the drill down report will total actual revenues, total actual expenses, total actual show you all the organization codes that have transfers, ending fund balance. Also shows total revenues, expenses or transfers. The drill encumbrances and total other reserves which are down shows all blue links from the level 1 You can drill down on an subtracted from ending fund balance to show ending report so you will see all organization codes organization blue link on the level 2 uncommitted fund balance. The report is year to date as sorted by revenues, transfers and expenses for report to see the actual detail of the ending fiscal period. the fund. transactions. By Fund by fiscal year and period Shows the balance sheet for a fund. Shows each balance sheet account code and the year to date balance of the ending fiscal period. Includes assets, liabilities and fund balance. The report also shows control accounts which show total revenues, expenses, net transfers, encumbrances and budgets year to date as of the ending fiscal period. Shows the FI004 report for one Fund which is by account type revenues, transfers and expenses and compares budgets to actuals including encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period. This report also shows beginning fund balance and ending uncommitted fund balance for a fund. Revenue Expense Budget By Fund List/Report By Fund and fiscal year and period and select "report" option Grant Information Worksheet Shows ALL funds for a grant. Shows Grant ID, Grant Description, PI, Sponsor #, Agency Name, Award Amount, Project Start and End Dates, Responsible Org, By Fund or Fund Description or Grant Fund, Default Org, Default Program, Fund Manager, ID or Grant ID Description Fund Indirect Cost Base, Fund Indirect Cost Rate Page 1 You can drill down on any of the blue links on the level 1 report to see the transactions year to date for the fiscal period. You can drill down on an account type (blue link revenues, transfers or expenses) on the Level 1 report and this drill down report shows budgets and actuals for each individual FOP for a fund for the account type you selected. Level 4 Drill Down Report TTU Finance Reports By Organization Report ID FI002 Report Name Revenue Expense Budget Pools By FOP Report Parameters By Fund or Organization or Program or FOP or Fund Manager or Organization Manager by fiscal year and period Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Shows the FI004A report budget pools by FOP for the parameter selected. You see budget compared to actual revenues, expenses and transfers including encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period. TTU Finance Reports By Account Report ID FI034 Report Name Daily Balances By Account for All Funds Report Parameters By Balance Sheet Account and As of Transaction Date Level 1 Report Shows the ending balance sheet balance for an account code by fund and is year to date as of the transaction ending date TTU Finance Reports By FOP Report ID FI002 FI004 Report Name Revenue Expense Budget Pools By FOP Revenue Expense Budget By FOP Report Parameters Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Shows the FI004A report budget pools by FOP for the By Fund or Organization or Program parameter selected. You see budget compared to or FOP or Fund Manager or actual revenues, expenses and transfers including Organization Manager by fiscal year encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to and period date as of the ending fiscal period. Shows total budget compared to actual revenues, expenses and transfers by account type (total revenues, You drill down on a blue link account type on transfers in, expenses and transfers out). Shows under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal the level 1 report and you will see the budget By FOP for a fiscal year and period period for each account type pool codes for the account type. You drill down on a blue link budget You drill down on any of the blue pool code on the level 2 report and link dollar amounts on the level 3 you will see all account codes for the report and you will see the budget pool code. detailed transaction. TTU Finance Reports By Fund Manager Report ID FI002 FI021 Report Name Report Parameters Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Revenue Expense Budget Pools By FOP Shows the FI004A report budget pools by FOP for the parameter selected. You see budget compared to By Fund or Organization or Program actual revenues, expenses and transfers including or Fund Manager or Organization encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to Manager by fiscal year and period date as of the ending fiscal period. Revenue Expense Budget by Fund Manager List/Report Shows the FI004 report for all Funds for the Fund You can drill down on an account type (blue Manager. Shows account types revenues, transfers and link revenues, transfers or expenses) on the By Fund Manager, by fund group expenses including encumbrances and compares Level 1 report and this drill down report shows optional, by fiscal year and period and budgets to actuals and shows under/over budget year budgets and actuals for each individual fund select "report" option to date as of the ending fiscal period. for the account type you selected. Page 2 Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report TTU Finance Reports By Organization Manager Report ID FI002 FI022 Report Name Report Parameters Level 1 Report Revenue Expense Budget Pools By FOP Shows the FI004A report budget pools by FOP for the parameter selected. You see budget compared to By Fund or Organization or Program actual revenues, expenses and transfers including or Fund Manager or Organization encumbrances and shows under/over budget year to Manager by fiscal year and period date as of the ending fiscal period. Revenue Expense Budget By Org Manager List/Report By Organization Manager, by fund group optional, by fiscal year and period and select "report" option Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Shows the FI004 report for all FOPs for the Organization You can drill down on an account type (blue Manager. Shows account types revenues, transfers and link revenues, transfers or expenses) on the expenses including encumbrances and compares Level 1 report and this drill down report shows budgets to actuals and shows under/over budget year budgets and actuals for each individual FOP for to date as of the ending fiscal period. the account type you selected. TTU Finance Reports By Organization Area Report ID Report Name FI023 Revenue Expense Budget By Org Area List/Report FI038 HUB Expenditures By Area and Department Report Parameters Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report You can drill down on an account type (blue link revenues, transfers or expenses) on the Shows the FI004 report for all FOPs for the Organization Level 1 report and this drill down report shows By Organization Area code (drop down list showing code and Area. Shows account types revenues, transfers and budgets and actuals for each individual description), by fund group optional, expenses including encumbrances and compares Organization Department assigned to the by fiscal year and period and select budgets to actuals and shows under/over budget year Organization Area for the account type you "report" option to date as of the ending fiscal period. selected. You can drill down on the blue area link and Fiscal Year, Begin and End Fiscal Shows by each department under the Area. Shows see the expenditures by department by HUB Period, Select Area from drop down Expenditure totals by Total Dollars, HUB Dollars and category which shows total dollars, HUB list HUB Percent dollars and HUB percentage TTU Finance Reports By Organization Department Report ID FI024 Report Name Revenue Expense Budget By Org Dept List/Report Report Parameters Level 1 Report Level 2 Drill Down Report You can drill down on an account type (blue By Organization Department code Shows the FI004 report for all FOPs for the Organization link revenues, transfers or expenses) on the Department. Shows account types revenues, transfers Level 1 report and this drill down report shows (drop down list showing code and description), by fund group optional, and expenses including encumbrances and compares budgets and actuals for each FOP assigned to by fiscal year and period and select budgets to actuals and shows under/over budget year the Organization department for the account "report" option to date as of the ending fiscal period. type you selected. Page 3 TTU Finance Reports ‐ Detailed Transactions Report ID FI026 FI027 FI030 FI040 Report Name Report Parameters Level 1 Report Operating Ledger Transaction Report Fiscal Year is required, optional parameters are posting period, document id, document reference #, fund, org, account, program ‐ select one or many of the optional parameters. You have sort options and report display options. Detailed transaction report shows the transactions for the parameters selected. Columns shown are posting period, rule class, rule class description, transaction date, document id, transaction amount, transaction description, document reference #, fund, organization, account, program, vendor id and bank Balance Sheet Transaction Report Fiscal Year is required, optional parameters are posting period, document id,fund, and account ‐ select one or many of the optional parameters. You have sort options and report display options. Detailed transaction report shows the transactions for the parameters selected. Columns shown are posting period, rule class, rule class description, transaction date, document id, transaction amount, transaction description, fund, account, vendor id and bank Encumbrance Ledger Transaction Report Optional parameters include fiscal year, encumbrance #, fund, org, program, vendor ID,vendor name The report is in 2 sections. Section 1 Encumbrance Detail shows remaining balance for each encumbrance # showing encumbrance #, encumbrance item #, requisition line item #, vendor invoice #, closed, transaction date, document id, transaction amount, transaction description, FOAP, vendor ID, vendor name, bank. Section 2 Check Information shows the check # with the encumbrance #, encumbrance item #, requisition line item #, banner invoice #, transaction date, transaction amount, FOAP, vendor id, vendor name and bank Operating Ledger Transaction Report by FOP Fiscal Year is required, optional parameters are posting period, document id, document reference #, fund, org, account, program ‐ select one or many of the optional parameters, select by Fund Manager or Organization Manager. Detailed transaction report shows the transactions BY FOP for the parameters selected. Columns shown are posting period, rule class, rule class description, transaction date, document id, transaction amount, transaction description, document reference #, account, vendor id and bank Page 4 Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report TTU Finance Reports ‐ List Reports Report ID Report Name Report Parameters Level 1 Report Revenue Expense Budget by Fund Manager List/Report By Fund Manager, by fund group optional, by fiscal year and period, select "list" report Shows a list of Funds assigned to the fund manager and shows the under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period for the fund Revenue Expense Budget By Org Manager List/Report By Organization Manager, by fund group optional, by fiscal year and period, select "list" report Shows a list of FOPs assigned to the organization manager and shows the under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period for the FOP Revenue Expense Budget By Org Area List/Report By Organization Area code (drop down list showing area three digit Shows a list of Departments and department managers code and description), by fund group assigned to the organization area and shows the optional, by fiscal year and period and under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal select "list" option period for the FOP FI024 Revenue Expense Budget By Org Dept List/Report By Organization Department code (drop down list showing department five digit code and description), by fund group optional, by fiscal year and period and select "list" option FI025 Revenue Expense Budget By Fund List/Report By Fund and fiscal year and period and select "list" option Shows a list of FOPs assigned to the Organization Department and organization managers and shows the under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period for the FOP Shows a list of FOPs assigned to the Fund and organization managers and shows the under/over budget year to date as of the ending fiscal period for the FOP FI035 List of Funds By Financial Manager By Eraider ID Shows a list of Funds assigned to the eraider ID as Fund Manager. List by Chart code. FI036 List of Funds By Organization Manager By Chart and Eraider ID Shows a list of Organization codes assigned to the eraider ID as Org Manager. FI021 FI022 FI023 Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report Level 2 Drill Down Report Level 3 Drill Down Report Level 4 Drill Down Report TTU Finance Reports ‐ Chart Hierarchy Searches Report ID FI028 Report Name Organization Hierarchy Report Report Parameters Level 1 Report Select from a drop down box for either Level 2 Org Division, Level 4 Shows a list organization codes and levels and the Org Area, Level 5 Org Dept, or Level 6 associated financial manager for each org level within Org Section OR enter level 7 Org Unit the hierarchy of the org structure TTU Finance Reports ‐ Other Report ID FI041 Report Name Gateway Suspended Document Detail Report Parameters Level 1 Report Lists service center and revenue JV transactions that Document ID or Fiscal Year and Fiscal have processed through the Gateway but have not Period posted in Banner yet Page 5