Administrative Council Meeting Minutes July 18, 2011 Attendees: Mike Galyean, Norman Hopper, Sukant Misra, Cindy Akers, Leslie Thompson, Mark Wallace, Richard Zartman, Eduardo Segarra, Steve Fraze, John Billing (for Alon Kvashny), and Norman Martin Guest: Dr. Lawrence Schovanec, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences CASNR Dean Search Committee Chair 1. CASNR Dean Search – Dr. Lawrence Schovanec Dean Schovanec reported that he was asked by the President and Provost to serve as the CASNR Dean Search Committee chair. The committee met for the first time on July 14th. The Provost gave the charge to the committee members. The search will be conducted as an open process, and may include internal candidates. The ideal characteristics for candidates that were mentioned by the Provost include: 1. Tenured faculty member; 2. Acceptable to faculty; 3. Places success of others before self; 4. Teaching experience. Dr. Schovanec stated the Provost emphasized the importance of personal contacts. Dr. Schovanec stated that he plans to mail letters and follow up with phone calls, when appropriate, to all the agricultural deans within the colleges and universities in the U.S. Along with the letter, he would like to enclose a brochure that would include the position announcement and information about the college and university. The suggestion was made to also email the letter and brochure. Dr. Schovanec asked if there might be other areas to send the information. The suggestion was made to contact the colleges involved in AASCARR (American Association of State Colleges of Agriculture and Renewable Resources). Dr. Hopper stated that AASCARR would include approximately 60 non-land grant colleges. Another suggestion was to utilize various discipline-specific “list servs” for emailing information. In addition to the venues mentioned, Dr. Schovanec emphasized the importance of communicating with alumni and utilizing alumni events in the recruitment process. The CASNR monthly newsletter is another good source for distribution. There should be information about the search distributed soon on TechAnnounce. Dr. Schovanec would like to have the job description to the committee this week. He stated that hopefully there would be five to six campus site interviews by late fall semester. During that time the interviews will probably take place at the Overton Hotel. Dr. Schovanec stated that the Provost would like to have the new dean in place by fall 2012. Discussion began regarding the contents of the brochure. Information to be included should be new initiatives, new strategic plan, strengths, Tier I status, etc. There will be a link on the CASNR website that will include the names of the search committee members, the job description, and other important information. 2. Approval of June 20, 2011 minutes Minutes of the June 20, 2011 meeting were approved. 3. General Information Dr. Galyean announced the Administrative Council meetings will be held once a month rather than twice a month beginning in August. They will be held on the third Monday of each month. In addition to the Administrative Council meetings, 20 to 30 minute meetings with the department chairs and with Norman Martin will be scheduled each month. Dr. Galyean stated that the dean’s office will promptly respond to any requests the office receives. He asked that any communication with the higher administration go through the dean’s office, and he should be provided a copy of all correspondence and emails to the central administration. Also, any concerns about the dean’s office, personnel, etc. should be directed to him. 4. Update on PSS Building Dr. Galyean announced that renderings have been done on the PSS Building addition. This addition extends on the north end, east side, which would make the building a “U-shape.” The two-story addition adds 21,500 SF with a basement. The estimated cost is $11,500,000. In addition, there is an estimated cost of $2 to $3 million to make the existing building match the exterior of the new building addition. The University will likely provide approximately $1 million for renovations to the existing PSS Building. At this time there is $5.6 million in the bank for the building fund, with potential for TRIP matching funds with any new donations. There are potential donors for additional funds. Dr. Galyean asked for feedback as to whether college faculty should be asked to donate to the PSS Building fund. Dr. Galyean reported that the college will receive some monies back from increased tuition. At this time the monies will be kept centrally. One of the topics that will be discussed at the upcoming Administrative Council Retreat is where the best place will be to place these funds. There is speculation that the state will be in a short-fall next year. There will be some form of RCM implementation next fiscal year. Dr. Galyean reported that the VPR’s office is looking at strategic hires differently. He also asked the department chairs to be thinking about requests to the Provost to fill open positions. Dr. Galyean reported that information regarding space allocation for Landscape Architecture is still needed before the renovation process in the Ag Sciences Building basement begins. It was noted that students enrolled in Animal and Food Sciences classes are still going to the old building searching for their class location. Donna will check on the problem. 5. Monthly Reports for the President’s Office The President’s Office has requested monthly updates for TTU accomplishments [awards, grants, contracts, etc.]. To make this process work as smoothly as possible, we request the following schedule for compiling the requested information: a. Department chairs will send their information to Norman Martin the first of each month; b. Pam Urnosky will send the funding information to Norman Martin the first of each month; c. Norman will compile the information for the development of stories, information on the CASNR website, and the President’s Report; d. Norman will submit the information for the President’s Report to Donna by the 15th of each month; e. Donna will forward the report to Pam in the Provost’s Office. An email reminder from the dean’s office will be forwarded to the chairs around the 15th of each month. 6. Administrative Council Retreat and Faculty Retreat Update The Administrative Council Retreat will be held on August 8th, at the University College, room 103B, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Dr. Galyean will begin the meeting with the vision for the college, followed by PowerPoint presentations given by department chairs on potential areas of research excellence (topics have already been assigned to the department chairs). After a break, discussions will begin to identify two or three areas of research excellence to take to the Faculty Retreat. After identifying the areas, speakers will be identified to make the presentations at the faculty retreat. The agenda during lunch will be for each chair to discuss two or three top-priority strategic goals for the department for FY 12. A detailed agenda will be emailed before the retreat. The Faculty Retreat will be held on August 23rd at the Merket Alumni Center. The first session of the retreat will begin at 8:00 a.m. with 10-minute presentations about two or three selected areas of research excellence. The faculty will have breakout sessions in groups to “brainstorm” about implementation of research areas. The presenters will take the lead. Members of the CASNR Research and Graduate Studies Committee will take notes. The second session will include presentations from the VPR’s Office. Taylor Eighmy will begin with the university’s vision for Tier I, Michael San Francisco will give a presentation on faculty development activities, and Alice Young will give a presentation on research integrity and safety. Lunch will be served at noon. The third session will include an invited speaker, Dr. Wallace “Wally” Huffman, Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa State University, who is an expert in the value of agricultural research. After Dr. Huffman’s presentation, Dr. Galyean will give a state-of-thecollege, and Dr. Bob Smith will give a state-of-the-university. The Faculty Retreat will conclude at 2:30 p.m. The Faculty Retreat Dinner will be held at the Merket Alumni Center. Social time will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed with dinner at 6:30 p.m. 7. Department Strategic Plan Updates A draft of the college Strategic Plan should be distributed to the members of the CASNR Strategic Planning and Visioning Committee by the end of next week for their review. The goal is to have the college Strategic Plan in place by the end of the summer. The departments reported they are working on their plans and have meetings with the faculty scheduled in August. 8. Fox Talk/Ag Talk Radio Dr. Galyean reported the dean’s office has been providing a speaker the first Tuesday of each month. In addition, the Departments of Animal and Food Sciences and Agricultural Education and Communications provide speakers once a month. There has been some concern expressed regarding the small market the radio program reaches. Discussion began regarding the contacts that are made from the audience. There has been positive feedback as a result of the program. The decision was made to continue providing speakers for the radio program. Norman Martin will take care of scheduling the speakers once a month, which will include the four other departments and dean’s office. 9. Other Dr. Segarra reported the department is on track. John Billing reported that he and 11 students will be leaving the end of August to go to Italy. The suggestion was made to use Facebook or a Blog on the CASNR website for updating and reporting their work in Italy. Dr. Akers distributed the SSC updates for the months of May, June, and July. She reported the Texas FFA Convention was a success. Recruiting efforts went well with state officers. Dr. Hopper thanked the chairs for their prompt responses in gathering information for Valerie Patton. Dr. Thompson reported that the FFA Convention was a great opportunity for recruitment. She announced the Meats Judging Team won the Australian International Meat Judging Contest. Dr. Thompson reported that Dr. Kendra Nightingale will start on September 1st. They are looking at a partnership with Vista College. Also, the department will be offering a course on the horse in the art. Dr. Zartman reported the PSS department hosted 20 Upward Bound students in June. The department had a booth at the FFA Convention and received a very good response. Dr. Fraze reported the Ph.D. program is on the agenda this fall in September. The final meeting will be in October. Dr. Fraze reported that the department conference room 215 will be renovated, hopefully in the near future. The monies must be encumbered as soon as possible. Dr. Wallace reported the department is active in three research efforts. They are working on a new collaboration with Biology. Dr. Misra announced the 2011 Sorghum Research/Extension Symposium will take place this Thursday at the International Cultural Center. There will be representatives from TTU, TAMU, KSU, and area industries. Approximately 40 to 50 will be in attendance. The event is sponsored by the United Sorghum Checkoff Program. Dr. Misra announced the NSF/REU proposal deadline is August 23rd. He reported that Julie Isom is helping with the proposal development. Dr. Misra reported that a planning grant has been submitted on July 15th for the NIFA-National Integrated Water Quality Program in collaboration with Kansas State University, Texas A&M University, and West Texas A&M University.