Administrative Council Meeting Minutes June 16, 2014


Administrative Council Meeting Minutes

June 16, 2014

Attendees: Dr. Michael Galyean, Dr. Cindy Akers, Dr. Michael Ballou, Norman Martin, Jane

Piercy, Ann Ulmer, Dr. Sam Jackson, Dr. Mark Wallace, Dr. Steve Fraze, Dr. Rick Zartman, Dr.

Charles Klein, and Dr. Phil Johnson.


Dr. Galyean introduced Ann Ulmer as the new Grants Administrator for CASNR and welcomed her to the meeting.


Minutes from the April 21, 2014 Administrative Council meeting were approved as distributed (there was no meeting held in May).


Summer Session II numbers were released, and the graduate numbers are good. The undergraduate numbers are approximately 90% of the 2012 numbers, but it is still early.

This is a counting year for the formula funding, so if anyone has ideas on how to increase numbers, please let Dr. Fraze know as he will be attending the meeting regarding summer enrollment.


Dr. Galyean brought up the departmental assessments that are normally conducted in

August before the faculty retreat, in which the metrics of the department and comparisons of the departments to the college as a whole are discussed. Instead of just meeting with the chairs individually, he and the Associate Deans would like to meet with the faculty during one of their regularly scheduled departmental faculty meetings to share this information with the entire department.


The CASNR Administrative Council members reviewed and approved the nominees for the CASNR, University, NARRU, and USDA awards for the 2014-2015 academic year.


Dr. Akers handed out the Student Success Center report for April and May, as well as Dr.

Lyda Garcia’s report for March through May. She did not have any updated apps and admits numbers because orientation is going on. Dr. Akers wanted to remind everyone that orientation is considered a “recruitment activity.” Because the students are not actually here yet, we need to make sure they leave campus with a positive experience so they will want to return and attend school in the fall.



Jane Piercy noted that CASNR is on track to have the largest fund-raising year to date.

Last year was the largest fund-raising year in college history and through May, the college has raised approximately $14,000,000, surpassing last year’s numbers.

Ann Ulmer, the new Grants Administrator for the College, announced she was glad to be here and was ready to help the faculty in any way possible with the grants process.

Please feel free to contact her with any questions or help you may have or need.

Dr. Rick Zartman announced that Dr. Eric Hequet has been selected as the new Chair of

Plant and Soil Science, and will begin his duties effective September 1. Dr. Zartman will work with Dr. Hequet until his effective retirement date of August 31 st

. He also reported

that a new soil fertility faculty member has been hired (joint appointment), and they have some strong candidates for the Bayer CropScience Chair position. They have another position to help replace Dr. Weindorf’s 50% time in the Dean’s Office that has not been posted yet.

Dr. Charles Klein reported that LA will have two new faculty members this fall. Dr. So

Hyun Park and Dr. Yi Luo will fill the urban planning position that has been vacant, as well as Pat Westbrook’s current position, as she has accepted the Assistant Director of

Parks vacancy in Amarillo.

Dr. Steve Fraze noted AE&C had a student register for classes that has been the high point winner the last two years in their Ag Communications contests. He also indicated they have made an offer to a candidate for the Assistant Professor position that is a cluster hire with the ICFIE. They will have one more position to fill in Ag Leadership, which will also put in place a leadership academy for CASNR. They hope to have this position and program in place for the 2015-16 academic year.

Dr. Phil Johnson announced that Dr. Kelly Lange has been hired to fill the Farm

Management position as well as the Director of Farm Operations, both of which were vacated by Dr. Jeff Johnson last year. Dr. Lange is a graduate of the department and they are looking forward to having her on board. He also noted Dr. Jaime Malaga had a group of students in Seville, Spain for a study abroad class, and Dr. Darren Hudson and Dr.

Eduardo Segarra are leading a study abroad class in Ethiopia. This was a joint venture with West Point Military Academy. In addition, Dr. Michael Farmer has just returned from Zimbabwe with a group.

Dr. Sam Jackson (substituting for Dr Michael Orth) reported that AFS was in full swing with their summer judging camps, and were also hosting a group of kids in conjunction with the Pork Board. He also indicated that AFS has several offers out to candidates for open faculty positions, but was unsure of the outcomes of the offers.

Dr Mike Ballou indicated the Ogallala Aquifer Proposal has been submitted. Also in the works is a special legislative line item proposal in regards to water issues. This will be a

$2,000,000 request for the biennium and will touch almost every department within the college.

Dr. Mark Wallace reported that NRM was close to completing their last two hires

(aquatic sciences and GIS). He also noted that Dr. Gad Perry (along with Dr Michael

Farmer) has returned from Zimbabwe with a positive outlook on some potential projects that might be possible as a result of the trip.

Norman Martin attended a communications meeting where he learned that the web project the university has been discussing for some time has gone silent for now. He was not sure of the issues as to why it has been put on hold, but several colleges have voiced disapproval of the proposed plan. He also announced that George Watson will be replacing Leslie Cranford as the new liaison to CASNR from the Communications and

Marketing office.
