Administrative Council Meeting Minutes September 16, 2013 Attendees: Dr. Sukant Misra, Dr. Cindy Akers, Dr. Mike Orth, Dr. Steve Fraze, Dr. Rick Zartman, Dr. Phil Johnson, Dr. Charles Klein, Dr. Mark Wallace, Jane Piercy, Norman Martin and Reagan Ribordy Guests: Dr. Darryl James, Dr. Scott Burris 1. Dr. Scott Burris, CASNR’s Representative to the QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan) Committee for SACS Accreditation, gave a report from the committee asking for feedback from the department chairs. The QEP Committee is charged to find an area of importance the university as a whole would like to advance. Over the last five years, the campus has been working on advancing the “Campus Conversation on Ethics.” This is an opportunity for us to identify/denote a new area of growth for the university to improve on over the next five years. The QEP Committee has thus far come up with three topics: 1) Globalization; 2) Writing skills and abilities of our graduate students; and 3) Diversity. Dr. Burris will send an e-mail to the chairs (through Dr. Akers) to disseminate to the faculty, to ask for additional topics or areas of needs/interests they would like to see the university develop. The chairs are requested to forward faculty responses to Dr. Akers by September 27th in order for Dr. Burris to take those to the next QEP Committee meeting. 2. Dr. Darryl James, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has been asked to act as liaison between the colleges and the Provost Office/Graduate School, in order to determine ways to grow and improve our graduate programs. He would like to hold town hall meetings with the chairs and graduate advisors from each department to help identify growth opportunities, brainstorm solutions for growth and identify roadblocks. The Office of the Provost would like for the ideas to be driven from the departments upward, instead of from the top down. Dr. Misra indicated the department chairs should submit a one page briefing of their discussions with Dr. James to Dr. Galyean, to keep him informed about their ideas/plans for graduate student growth. 3. Minutes from the August 19, 2013 Administrative Council meeting were approved as distributed. 4. Dr. Misra announced the Lead 21 Leadership Program has a call for nominations for the next class (Class X). He noted this program has been very beneficial, and many of our past participants are now serving in leadership roles. The program is very costly, however Dr. Misra asked the chairs to let him know if there are faculty members in their department that would be a good candidate for this program, and if they could support a portion of the cost and how much. We would then look into additional funding opportunities and see if we would be able to find the funds to send someone through. The nominations are due November 15th, so please let Dr. Misra know by early next week. 5. Dr. Misra handed out a draft of the agenda for the CASNR Forum with President Nellis, which will be held on October 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During the first hour, Dr. Galyean, Dr. Misra, Dr. Akers and Jane Piercy will give an overview of the College, and each chair will give a short five minute presentation which will focus on the strengths of their department. The next hour will be a walking tour of the CASNR facilities. The third hour will be an open forum for the President to have a question and answer session with the faculty. This will be from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the basement (Room 001) of the Education Building. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this proposed agenda, please e-mail Dr. Galyean and/or Dr. Misra. 6. Texas Tech University has again been asked to nominate one full-time faculty member for consideration by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation for “Piper Professor of 2013.” The last two years CASNR has submitted the nomination of Dr. Cynthia McKinney, and both times Dr. McKinney has been the nominee from Texas Tech. The Administrative Council voted to again send Dr. McKinney’s nomination packet forward to the Office of the Provost. The nomination packet is due by Monday, November 11th. 7. Dr. Akers addressed some trends that have been noticed in regards to student evaluations of faculty members and courses. Handouts were given to each department chair showing results, and highlighting those that received a mean of less than a “4” in questions 1 and 11 over the last four semesters. We are not sure if this is just coincidental or if there is something we need to do at the college level to help prepare the faculty better for the classroom (teaching workshops, leadership development training, etc.). This is an informational item only, and if there is anything the college can do to help, please let us know. 8. Other Jane Piercy announced who the Outstanding Agriculturalists will be this year, and reminded the chairs that the Pig Roast will be held on November 14th. She also reported that the review/audit of our college endowments and scholarships is almost complete, and the auditors have been very complimentary and had many positive responses about our college and the way they have been handled. Jane also indicated that our college fund raising for the year has been terrific. When the campaign numbers come out later today, she will have a final total (well over $1 billion), and also a breakdown of what percentage our college contributed towards the campaign. She also noted that Homecoming Breakfast is coming up on October 12th. Dr. Akers handed out the list of Student Success Center activities for the month of August as well as unofficial enrollment comparison figures for the college/departments, comparing Fall 2013 enrollment with Fall 2012. The college as a whole is up 80 students (undergraduate and graduate). Dr. Zartman reported that Plant and Soil Science held their annual Field Day last week and had 95 in attendance. This week they will have 150 cotton breeders here for a “breeders tour.” This tour takes place only every other year and in different areas each time, so this is a great opportunity to showcase our research and facilities. Dr. Klein announced that Landscape Architecture will be the featured “major” in a mail out that Dr. Juan Munoz’s office is doing that will go out to 3,000 preferred high schools around the country. This will be great exposure for this program. Dr. Fraze reported that Dr. Courtney Meyers has been chosen to receive the NARRU Distinguished Young Educator Award. This is the first time a CASNR faculty member has received this award in many years. NARRU (formerly known as AASCARR) is an organization for non-land grant universities, and this is a national award. Dr. Meyers’ name will now go forward as a nominee for the USDA New Teacher Award. Dr. Wallace indicated that Natural Resources Management is currently in the process of setting up interviews for the Bricker Chair position. Also, the Professional Science Master degree is currently up for approval by the National Association. He also noted that everything in NRM is going well, they are just waiting on some renovation projects to get started. Dr. Phil Johnson, with regret, announced that Dr. Jeff Johnson will be leaving the department in November, as he has accepted the position of Director of the Stoneville Experiment Station in Mississippi. They will be working to find someone to fill his position. Dr. Misra reminded everyone of the ongoing search for the Vice President for Research. The third candidate is on campus the first of this week and he asked the chairs to please encourage their faculty to attend the open forum. If they are unable to do so, they can watch it online. The fourth candidate will be on campus at the end of the week.