Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 07/01/2014 to 09/30/2014 National Forests In North Carolina This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Chattooga River Boating Access - Recreation management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 07/24/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 07/2014 Expected:11/2014 11/2014 James Knibbs 803-561-4078 Description: The Forest Service is proposing to establish access points for boaters on the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River within the boundaries of three National Forests (Chattahoochee, Nantahala and Sumter). Web Link: Location: Limits of Stay at Appalachian National Scenic Trail Shelters and Designated Campsites UNIT - Chattooga River Ranger District, Nantahala Ranger District, Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson, Macon, Oconee, Rabun. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Access points for boaters:Nantahala RD - Green Creek; Norton Mill and Bull Pen Bridge; Chattooga River RD - Burrells Ford Bridge; and, Andrew Pickens RD - Lick Log. - Recreation management In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 03/31/2014 EA Expected:05/2014 06/2014 Michelle Mitchell 404-347-1749 michellemitchell@fs.fed. us Description: The Southern Region of the Forest Service is proposing to change its limits of stay at shelters and designated dispersed campsites along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail on several forests of the Southern Region. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Cherokee National Forest All Units, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest All Units, Pisgah Ranger District, George Washington and Jefferson National Forest All Units. STATE - Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. COUNTY - Appling. Chattahoochee National Forest, Cherokee National Forest , Pisgah National Forest, George Washington and Jefferson National Forest. Page 1 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Southern Region Caves and Mine Closures - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 06/02/2014 07/2014 CE Dennis Krusac 404-347-4338 Description: The purpose of the action is to close caves and mines to minimize the transmission potential of white nose syndrome and for the protection of associated wildlife species. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Cherokee National Forest All Units, National Forests In Florida All Units, Kisatchie National Forest All Units, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest All Units, National Forests In North Carolina All Units, Savannah River Natural Resource Management and Res All Units, National Forests In Mississippi All Units, Ouachita National Forest All Units, Francis Marion and Sumter National Forest All Units, National Forests In Texas All Units, Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area All Units, Daniel Boone National Forest All Units, George Washington and Jefferson National Forest All Units, National Forests in Alabama All Units, Ozark-St. Francis National Forest All Units. STATE - Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Lake, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Covington, Hale, Lawrence, Macon, Ashley, Benton, Montgomery, Murray, Oglethorpe, Chickasaw, Randolph, Pontotoc, Jackson, Morgan, Whitley, Natchitoches, Vernon, Winn, Roanoke, Berkeley, Edgefield, Newberry, Cocke, Monroe, Unicoi, Angelina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Craven, Botetourt, Charlotte, Roanoke, Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest Systems lands: KY, VA, TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL, LA, TX, AR, OK. R8 - Southern Region National Forests In North Carolina, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Nantahala and Pisgah NFs Plan Revision - Land management planning EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 03/12/2014 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 02/2015 Expected:08/2016 09/2016 Heather Luczak 828-257-4817 NCplanrevision@fs.fed. us Description: Revision of the Nantahala and Pisgah NFs Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District, Grandfather Ranger District, Pisgah Ranger District, Appalachian Ranger District, Nantahala Ranger District, Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Mitchell, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Yancey, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, McDowell, Macon, Madison. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 18-county area in Western North Carolina. Page 2 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Appalachian RD Special Uses CE/DM Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Appalachian Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/08/2007 Expected:09/2012 Project Contact 09/2012 CE Linda Randolph 828-682-6146 Description: The proposed action is to issue district-wide special use permits, typically for research and filming. Location: Black Mtn Crest Trail Relocation UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Mitchell, Yancey, Avery, Buncombe, Haywood, Madison. Appalachian Ranger District. - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A CE David McFee 828-682-6146 Description: The proposed action is to relolocate about one mile of the northern portion of the Black Mountain Crest trail and develop a new trailhead to accomodate users. The existing portion of the trail would be rehabilitated. Location: Hughes Gap Road, SR 1330, NCDOT Project UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Yancey. Appalachian RD. - Special use management Cancelled N/A N/A CE Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50 foot right-of-way and to make improvements to Hughes Gap Road, in Mitchell County. Proposed improvements include grading, improving drainage, and paving across about 2600 feet of FS lands. Location: NCDOT Bridge #84/SR1349 UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Mitchell. Hughes Gap Road, SR 1330, at Hughes Gap just south of Little Rock Knob. - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 01/02/2014 Expected:09/2014 05/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: The proposed action is to replace Bridge #84 on SR 1349 Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Mitchell. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bridge #84 over Pigeon Roost Creek on SR 1349 (Pigeon Roost Road). Page 3 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Slope Stabilization on I-40, NCDOT Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Appalachian Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Land ownership management In Progress: Scoping Start 01/02/2014 Expected:08/2014 Project Contact 05/2015 CE Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested authorization to conduct slope stabilization activities including rock bolting, blasting, and installation of a rock-fall barrier fence. Location: White Pine Cabin Removal UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Haywood. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Interstate 40 at Mile Marker 7 along the west bound lane, in Haywood County. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 05/2013 Expected:07/2013 07/2013 David McFee 828-682-6146 Description: The proposed action is to remove, deconstruct, or burn White Pine cabin and garage. Location: National Forests In North Carolina Appalachian Trail Relocation at Grassy Gap UNIT - Appalachian Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Yancey. Appalachian RD, FSR 472. R8 - Southern Region Cheoah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/02/2012 Expected:09/2014 10/2014 CE Jeremy Waite 828-479-6431 ext.4106 Description: The proposed action is to reroute two short sections of the Appalachian Trail (0.4 miles and 0.25 miles) near Grassy Gap, approximately 2.9 miles north of Wesser/Nantahala Gorge on the Cheoah Ranger District. Web Link: Location: Cheoah River Gravel Additions UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold CE N/A N/A Jason Farmer 828-479-6431 Description: The proposed action is to improve the gravel component of the Cheoah River to accommodate the federally endangered Appalachian elktoe (a freshwater mussel) and the native fish spawning habitat. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Graham County. Cheoah River/ CheoahRanger District. Page 4 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Fontana Multiple Resource Management Project EA Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Cheoah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Steverson Moffat - Land management planning Completed Actual: 06/20/2014 07/2014 828-837-5152 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: The proposal is to conduct silvicultural activities designed to improve wildlife habitat, restore vegetation communities, and provide timber for the local economy. Web Link: Location: NC 143, NCDOT Project Planning Status UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest lands near Fontana Lake in Graham County, North Carolina. - Special use management EA In Progress: Scoping Start 11/29/2012 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 10/2015 Expected:12/2016 03/2021 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed making improvements to NC 143 from the Cherohala Skyway to SR1127 at Robbinsville in Graham County. Portions of this project are located on National Forest system lands. Location: Town of Robbinsville Raw Water Intake UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. NC 143 from the Cherohala Skyway to SR1127 at Robbinsville. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/12/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* 08/2014 Steverson Moffat 828-837-5152 Description: The proposal is to grant a right-of-way to the town of Robbinsville, Graham County, NC for below-ground water intake pipes on National Forest System land. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Expected:08/2014 UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest System Lands in Graham County, NC, near Lake Santeetlah. Page 5 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina US Highway 74 (A-9) Project Sections BA and CA, NCDOT Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Cheoah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/29/2008 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 06/2015 Expected:06/2016 Project Contact 12/2017 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: The proposed action is to relocate US Highway 74 from Stecoah to Robbinsville and widen the road to four lanes. Location: National Forests In North Carolina Big Circle Project UNIT - Cheoah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Graham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. US Highway 74 from Stecoah to Robbinsville. R8 - Southern Region Croatan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE In Progress: Scoping Start 06/14/2008 Expected:04/2014 05/2014 William Dienst 252-638-5628 (ext. 4010) Description: The proposed action is to thin and restore longleaf pine for red cockaded woodpecker habitat on 625 acres. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret, Craven, Jones. District-wide. Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Carolina T&T (CenturyLink)Existing Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management CE Description: The Carolina T&T (CenturyLink) permit is for the operation and maintenance of overhead and buried phone lines crossing various sections of the Croatan National Forest. Web Link: *NEW LISTING* Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2014 Expected:07/2014 07/2014 UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret, Craven, Jones. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Croatan National Forest in Craven, Carteret and Jones Counties. Various locations throughout. Page 6 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Cedar Point Campground Wastewater System Rehabilitation and Energy Conservation Project CE *NEW LISTING* Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Croatan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 06/05/2014 Expected:07/2014 Project Contact 07/2014 Sonny Paz 252-638-5628 Description: Project to replace the currently failing waste water treatment facility, move thedump station, renovate the bath house, move the host site, move potentially two camp sites, upgrade electrical and other associated tasks within the existing campgrond. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Cedar Point Campground, Croatan National Forest near Cape Carteret, NC. Church Sign for Calvary Church - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: The proposed action is to approve a special use permit to allow the Calvary Church to place a sign in a road rightof-way the Forest Service owns near the intersection of Highway 101 and Temples Point Road in Craven County, North Carolina. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Craven. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Intersection of Highway 101 and Temples Point Road in Craven County, North Carolina. Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Runway Safety Improvement Project - Special use management EA Description: The proposal is to ammend the special use permit with the Coastal Carolina Regional Airport to allow removal of vegetation obstructions in the glide path approack of the runway. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT In Progress: 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 10/18/2013 Expected:01/2014 02/2014 UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Craven. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project occurs on the Croatan National Forest in Craven County, NC in the Perrytown Community. More sepcifically it occurs between Brice's Creek and FS Road 121A. Page 7 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Green River Preserve Outfitter Guide Special Use Permit Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Croatan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/18/2014 Expected:04/2014 Project Contact 04/2014 CE Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: Project to permit the Green River Preserve organizaiton to guide canoing and kayaking on the Croatan National Forest. Web Link: Location: Havelock Bypass, US 70, NCDOT Project UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret, Craven, Jones. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Primarly on the White Oak River. - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 09/30/2011 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 12/2014 Expected:03/2015 02/2016 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed construction of a US 70 bypass around Havelock, NC. Web Link: Location: Newport Project EA Steven Maharrey - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:07/2014 10/2014 252-638-5628 - Forest products Notice of Initiation 03/28/2014 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 05/2014 - Fuels management Description: The proposed project consists of various timber, wildlife and fire related treatments to move toward the desired future condition of Longleaf pine and provide improved habitat for the Federally Endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Craven. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Havelock Bypass, US 70, near the city of Havelock, NC. UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Croatan National Forest just to the west of Newport, NC. Page 8 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Old Church Road Project CE Piedmont Natural Gas Existing Special Use Permit Renewal Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Croatan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Steven Maharrey - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 04/28/2014 05/2014 252-638-5628 - Forest products - Fuels management Description: This project consist of thinning one 22 acre stand in Compartment 36 on the Croatan National Forest. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project is located on Old Church Road off of HWY58 in Carteret County NC in Compartment 36. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2014 Expected:07/2014 07/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* EA UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret, Craven, Jones. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Croatan National Forest, primarily along US Hwy 70 and then County Line Road. Heather Luczak - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A 540-839-2521 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: The proposed action is to control outbreaks of southern pine beetle on pine stands using Integrated Pest Management techniques. Web Link: Location: US 17, NCDOT Project Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: Special use permit renewal for Piedmont Natural Gas. Web Link: Location: Revised EA for Control of the Southern Pine Beetle on Croatan National Forest Project Contact UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret, Craven, Jones. On various sites of the Croatan National Forest. - Special use management EA Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 08/2014 Expected:01/2015 07/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed widening US 17 to four lanes from SR 1330/SR 1439 south of Belgrade to the JonesCraven County lines. Approximately 2.1 miles of the project is located on FS lands. FS property only located on the east side of US 17. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jones. LEGAL - Not Applicable. US 17 from just north of Maysville to just north of Forest Service Road 204. Page 9 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Water Well Replacement for Recreational Residence Lot #1 Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Croatan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/16/2013 Expected:04/2014 Project Contact 05/2014 CE Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: The proposed action is to replace an existing water well at a recreation residence (Lot 1) on the Croatan Ranger District. Web Link: Location: West Carteret New Water Well Installation UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Holland Point Road near Cedar Point Campground on the Croatan Ranger District. Recreation Residence #1. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/09/2013 Expected:09/2014 10/2014 CE Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: Allow the West Carteret Water Corporation to place 2 more water wells and approximately 4000 feet of additional waterline with power on the Croatan Ranger District in the locations identified in their existing permit issued in August of 1989. Web Link: Location: West Carteret Water Corp. Water Line Extension Project UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. From Pringle Road proceeding along Forest Route 155, Deep Sand Road, on the Croatan Ranger District. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2014 Expected:09/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Donald Simon 910-576-6391 Description: This project provides potable water mains to serve existing single family homes. Existing homes and structures within the park cannot be reached without crossing Federal Lands. Web Link: Location: National Forests In North Carolina 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT 10/2014 UNIT - Croatan Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Carteret. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Primarily within the right-of-ways of Nine Foot Road, Nine Mile Road and Gale's Creek Road in Carteret County, North Carolina. Grandfather Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 10 of 23 R8 - Southern Region National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Armstrong Creek Project EA Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Grandfather Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Ted Oprean - Recreation management Developing Proposal Expected:10/2014 10/2014 828-877-3265 - Vegetation management Est. Notice of Initiation 06/2014 (other than forest products) - Watershed management - Road management Description: The proposed action includes vegetation management and wildlife habitat improvement activities in the Armstrong Creek area. Web Link: Location: Catawba Falls Phase II: Trail Improvements & Dam Removal Planning Status UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - McDowell. LEGAL - Not Applicable. McDowell County. - Recreation management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A CE Leigh Marston 828-652-2144 Description: The proposed action is to improve and/or relocate trail between the parking lot and upper falls, and construct a viewing platform(s). In addition, a dam and old building will be removed. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - McDowell. Catawba Falls. Gary Kauffman 828-257-4861 Control of Non-Native Invasive Plant Species in the Linville Gorge Wilderness - Special area management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants EA Description: The proposed action is to treat non-native invasive plant species in the Linville Gorge Wilderness using a combination of manual and chemical treatments. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Burke, McDowell. Linville Gorge Wilderness. Page 11 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Grandfather District Restoration Burns Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Grandfather Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 08/31/2012 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 07/2014 Expected:09/2014 Project Contact 05/2015 Greg Philipp 828-652-2144 Description: The proposal is to burn six separate areas in Burke and Caldwell counties to reduce fuel loads, improve wildlife habitat, and promote fire dependent and fire adapted species. Individual burns would be implemented over multiple years. Web Link: Location: Linville Gorge Wilderness Prescribed Fire EA Gary Kauffman - Vegetation management On Hold N/A N/A 828-257-4861 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: The proposal includes the use of prescribed fire in the Linville Gorge Wilderness to restore the natural fire regime, to manage unnatural buildups of fuels, and to restore fire dependent communities and woodlands. Web Link: Location: NCDOT Bridge #203/SR1405 UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Burke, Caldwell. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Burke and Caldwell Counties, NC. UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - McDowell. Linville Gorge Wilderness. - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 04/29/2013 Expected:07/2014 10/2014 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: The proposed action is to replace Bridge #203 on SR1405. Location: NCDOT Bridge #237/SR 1362 UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Burke. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bridge #203 over Carroll Creek on SR 1405. - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 04/29/2013 Expected:08/2014 05/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: The proposed action is to replace Bridge #237 on SR 1362. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Caldwell. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bridge #237 over Woodruff Branch on SR 1362. Page 12 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Pilot Ridge Road, SR 1515, NCDOT Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Grandfather Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/01/2007 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 05/2015 CE Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50 foot Right-of-Way and to make improvements to about 0.5 mile of Pilot Ridge Road, SR 1515, in Avery County across FS lands. Proposed improvements include grading, widening, improving drainage and paving. Location: Roseboro Road, SR 1511, NCDOT Project UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Avery. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Pilot Ridge Road, SR 1515, beginning at the intersection with US 221 near the Gragg community. - Special use management EA In Progress: Scoping Start 07/01/2007 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:05/2015 08/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed a 50 foot Right-of-Way and to make improvements to about 2.8 miles of Roseboro Road, SR 1511, across FS lands. Proposed improvements include grading, widening, improved drainage and paving. Location: Simpson Creek Watershed Improvement UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Avery. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Roseboro Road, SR 1511, beginning at the Blue Ridge Parkway near the Roseboro community. - Watershed management Completed Actual: 06/25/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* CE UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Burke. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Simpson Creek and tributaries. Greg Philipp - Vegetation management On Hold N/A N/A 828-652-2144 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Proposal is to mulch vegetation established on the dozer lines cut during suppression of the 2008 wildfire. The dozer lines would be maintained over time to provide long-term fuel breaks between NFS and private lands. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Brady Dodd 828-257-4214 Description: Provide aquatic organism passage and reduce erosion and sedimentation Web Link: Location: Sunrise Wildfire - Dozer Line Mulching 07/2014 UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - McDowell. Grandfather RD. Page 13 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Thunder Hole & China Creek Trail Relocation Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Grandfather Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Leigh Marston 828-652-2144 Description: The proposed action is to relocate sections of a multi-use trail to improve user access and to develop a new trailhead near Blowing Rock. Location: National Forests In North Carolina BBQ Project EA *NEW LISTING* R8 - Southern Region Nantahala Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Steverson Moffat - Land management planning Developing Proposal Expected:04/2015 05/2015 828-837-5152 x 108 - Recreation management Est. Notice of Initiation 09/2014 - Heritage resource management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: The proposed action is to conduct silvicultural treatments to implement forest plan goals for National Forest System lands in Macon County, NC. Location: Bridge #135, on SR 1740, NCDOT Project UNIT - Grandfather Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Caldwell. Grandfather RD, Thunder Hole & China Creek. UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest System Lands east of the Nantahala Mountains and north of Trimont Ridge in Macon County, North Carolina. - Land ownership management In Progress: Scoping Start 01/02/2014 Expected:09/2014 CE 04/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge #135 in Jackson County. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bridge #135, on SR 1740 (Moses Creek road) in Jackson County. Page 14 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Bull Pen Bridge Replacement Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Nantahala Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Road management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Bryan Killian 828-524-6441 Description: The proposed action is to replace the existing bridge on Bull Pen Road with a new standard weight bridge. Location: UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson, Macon. LEGAL - Bull Pen Road # 1178. Nantahala Ranger District. Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Bull Pen and Journ McCall Roads, SR 1100 and SR 1101, NCDOT Project - Special use management EA Description: NCDOT has proposed widening, paving and improving drainage on 2.2 miles of FS road. Improvements are proposed on 1.4 miles of Bull Pen road and 0.8 miles of Journ McCall road across FS property. Location: Cane Pole Multiple Resource Management Project EA N/A N/A UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson. South of Brushy Mtn, Compartments 35 and 36. Steverson Moffat - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:09/2014 10/2014 828-837-5152 - Forest products Notice of Initiation 04/01/2014 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 07/2014 - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: The proposed action is to conduct silvicultural treatments to improve wildlife habitat, restore vegetation communities, and supply timber for the local economy. Web Link: Location: Flat Mountain Road, SR 1544, NCDOT Project On Hold UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest System lands in Jackson County, North Carolina, near Rich Mountain. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 01/01/2009 CE Expected:10/2014 03/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50 foot right-of-way to make improvements to approx. 7,000 feet of Flat Mountain Road, SR 1544, including grading, widening, drainage, and paving. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Flat Mountain Road, SR 1544. Page 15 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Hewitt Small Tracts Sale Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Nantahala Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 01/06/2014 Expected:09/2014 Project Contact 10/2014 Doris Doster 828-524-6441 415 Description: The proposed action is to sell approximately 0.11 acres to clear an encroachment on National Forest System Lands on the Nantahala Ranger District, Nantahala National Forest, Jackson County, North Carolina. Location: Hurricane Creek Campground Site Improvement UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A CE Alice Cohen 828-257-4258 Description: The proposed action is to designate 5 to 10 campsites for the primitive campground and horse campground at Hurricane Creek. Replace existing vault toilet. Construct a community shelter. Location: UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. LEGAL - Hurricane Creek Campground. Macon County. Joan Brown 828-524-6441 Nantahala Ranger District Crop Tree Release Project - 20142016 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) CE Description: The proposed action is to release crop trees on 44 stands on the Nantahala Ranger District in Jackson, Macon, and Swain Counties in areas stocked with trees in the 7-18 year age class. Web Link: Location: Completed Actual: 04/04/2014 05/2014 UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Swain, Jackson, Macon. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Select forest stands on National Forest System lands on the Nantahala Ranger District in Jackson, Macon, and Swain Counties, North Carolina. Joan Brown Nantahala Ranger District Post- - Forest products Completed Actual: 06/17/2014 07/2014 Harvest Vine Control Project 828-524-6441 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) EA Description: The proposal is to conduct treatments on the Nantahala Ranger District to control the amount and extent of grape and other woody vines to provide growing conditions favorable for high quality hardwood timber. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Swain, Jackson, Macon. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Select forest stands on National Forest System lands on the Nantahala Ranger District in Jackson, Macon, and Swain Counties, North Carolina. Page 16 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Panther Ridge Homeowners Easement Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Nantahala Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Doris Doster 828-524-6441 415 Description: The proposed action is to provide an easement across National Forest lands to access private property. Location: UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson. Nantahala Ranger District. Doris Doster 828-524-6441 415 Town of Highlands Powerline Construction on Horse Cove Road - Special use management CE Description: The proposed action is to install 3,752 feet of single phase electric distribution lines along Horse Cove Road, including placement of 15 wooden power poles, and removal of an old existing overhead line running overland across NF lands. Location: Wasilik Poplar Removal On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. LEGAL - Nantahala Ranger District. Macon County, North Carolina. - Special area management On Hold CE N/A N/A Alice Cohen 828-257-4258 Description: The proposed action is to use explosives to remove the upper portion of the Wasilik Poplar for public safety. The Wasilik Poplar was at one time the national champion poplar. Now dead, the tree presents a danger to visitors. Location: UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. Macon County, NC. Doreen Miller Wetlands Restoration at Ranger - Recreation management N/A On Hold N/A Falls 828-524-6441 - Special area management - Vegetation management CE (other than forest products) Description: The proposed action is to enhance the Ranger Falls recreation area by restoring wetland processes and functions. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. Ranger Falls recreation site, Nantahala Ranger District, Macon County, NC. Page 17 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Wildlife Opening Prescribed Burns CE Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Nantahala Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Greg Brooks 09/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:09/2014 828-524-6441, x 418 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 07/2014 (other than forest products) Description: The proposed action is to prescribe burn 50-100 acres of dormant season wildlife openings for maintenance of grasses and forbs. Web Link: Location: National Forests In North Carolina Bentley/Wells - Small Tracts Act Planning Status UNIT - Nantahala Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Macon. Western side of the Nantahala Ranger District. R8 - Southern Region Pisgah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Land ownership management On Hold N/A N/A CE Dan Belanger 828-257-4242 Description: The proposed action is to resolve a trespass case as a result of the Forest Service landline boundary refurbishment. Location: Big Creek Lodge Easement UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Haywood. The property is located in the Cruso community of Haywood county along Crawford Creek Rd. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Raymond Johns 828-257-4859 Description: The proposed action is to provide a reciprocal Right-Of-Way access to private in-holding and NFS lands. Location: Bridge #148 Replacement, B4989, NCDOT Project UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Transylvania. Pisgah Ranger District. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 01/01/2011 CE Expected:01/2015 05/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed replacing Bridge #148 on SR 1326, Macedonia Church Road, in Transylvania County. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Transylvania. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bridge #148 on SR 1326, Macedonia Church Road, over Lamance Creek. Page 18 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Hellbender Nest Box Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Pisgah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management Completed Actual: 04/01/2014 Project Contact 04/2014 CE Linda Randolph 828-689-9352 Description: The proposed action is to install 9 nest boxes for Hellbenders. Boxes will be in place for 10 years. Web Link: Location: Little East Fork Trail Reroute UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Transylvania. LEGAL - Not Applicable. South Mills River, Upper Section and Turkey Pen. - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A CE Patrick Scott 828-877-3350 Description: The proposed action is to reroute about 75 yards of existing trail to bypass washout caused by September 2004 tropical storms. Location: NC 215, NCDOT Project UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Haywood. Pisgah RD. - Special use management EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 01/14/2005 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 02/2015 Expected:06/2015 06/2019 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has proposed making improvements to NC 215 in Transylvania County from US 64 to SR 1326 south of Balsam. Location: National Forests In North Carolina Bear Paw Church Road, SR 1313, NCDOT Project UNIT - Pisgah Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Transylvania. LEGAL - Not Applicable. NC 215 from US 64 to SR 1326 south of Balsam. R8 - Southern Region Tusquittee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2005 CE Expected:01/2015 05/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50-foot right-of-way and to make improvements to Bear Paw Church Road, SR 1313. Proposed improvements include very minor changes in centerline and widening. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bear Paw Church Road, SR 1313. Page 19 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Tusquittee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Hibbert Branch Road Easement - Special use management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Julie Moore 828-837-5152 Description: The proposed action is to provide a 4200 foot road easement fon Hibbert Branch Road (FS # 650) for a private property owner to gain access to property. Location: Jackrabbit Mountain Bike Connector Trail UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee. LEGAL - Cherokee County. Hibbert Branch Road. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/02/2012 Expected:10/2014 11/2014 CE Bill Champion 828-837-5152 Description: The proposed action is to construct a bicycle trail connecting the Jackrabbit Mountain camping area with the Jackrabbit Mountain Mountain Bike Trail System on the Tusquitee Ranger District, Nantahala National Forest, Clay County, North Carolina. Web Link: Location: Joe Brown Highway, SR 1452, NCDOT Project UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Clay. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . - Special use management Cancelled N/A N/A EA Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50-foot right-of-way and to make improvements to Joe Brown Highway, SR 1452. Proposed improvements include grading, widening, drainage, and paving. Location: Joe Brown Road, SR 1326C, NCDOT Project UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee. Joe Brown Highway, SR 1452 (a.k.a. SR 1326D). - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2010 CE Expected:12/2014 04/2015 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NCDOT has requested a 50-foot right-of-way and to make improvements to Joe Brown Road. Proposed improvements include very minor changes in centerline and widening, grading, drainage improvement, and paving. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Joe Brown Road, SR 1326C. Page 20 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Tusquittee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Julie Moore 828-837-5152 Laurel Creek Property Owners Association Access Across National Forest System Lands - Special use management EA Description: The proposed action is to grant an easement to the Laurel Creek Property Owners Association to access their 50 acre inholding in Clay and Cherokee Counties, North Carolina. *NEW LISTING* Location: Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 07/2014 Expected:11/2014 12/2014 UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee, Clay. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Headwaters of Laurel Creek in the Fires Creek watershed in Clay County, North Carolina. Steverson Moffat Tusquitee Ranger District 2014- - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:08/2014 09/2014 2019 Prescribed Burns 828-837-5152 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 06/18/2013 (other than forest products) CE - Fuels management Description: The proposal is to conduct prescribed burning on 27 separate units totaling 16,776 acres on the Tusquitee Ranger District on the Nantahala National Forest in Cherokee and Clay Counties, North Carolina. Web Link: Location: Walker Fields Wildlife UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee, Clay. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations across the Tusquitee Ranger District - see attached maps. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A CE N/A Doreen Miller 828-524-6441 Description: The proposed action is to remove encroaching woody vegetation from wildlife food plots at Walker Fields. Location: National Forests In North Carolina 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Tusquittee Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Cherokee. Walker Fields, Tusquitee Ranger District, Cherokee County, NC. Uwharrie Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 21 of 23 R8 - Southern Region National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose National Forests In North Carolina NC 24/27 Widening Project, NCDOT Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Uwharrie Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management EA In Progress: Scoping Start 07/10/2006 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:02/2015 Project Contact 03/2019 Karen Compton 828-257-4230 Description: NC DOT has proposed widening from two lanes to four lanes of NC 24/27 from NC 73 to the Troy Bypass. Approximately 2.7 miles of this 11 mile project are located on Forest Service lands. Location: Northwest Restoration Project EA Mark Carter - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:08/2014 09/2014 910-576-6391 - Heritage resource Objection Period Legal Notice management 06/25/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products Description: The proposal includes projects for ecosystem restoration, heritage resource, wildlife, and recreation improvement. The analysis area includes approximately 14,933 acres within compartments 9 - 16 and 21 - 25. Web Link: Location: Uwharrie District Non-native Invasive Plant Treatment EA UNIT - Uwharrie Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Montgomery. LEGAL - Compartments 9 - 16 and 21 - 25. The analysis area is located approximately 12 miles northwest of Troy, NC in Montgomery County. Gary Kauffman - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A 828-257-4861 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Description: The proposed action is to treat non-native invasive plants on the Uwharrie National Forest using a combination of mechanical, cultural, and chemical treatments. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Uwharrie Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Montgomery. LEGAL - Not Applicable. NC 24/27 from the Troy Bypass to NC 73. UNIT - Uwharrie Ranger District. STATE - North Carolina. COUNTY - Randolph, Davidson, Macon. Montgomery, Randolph, and Davidson Counties. Page 22 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Page 23 of 23 National Forests In North Carolina