Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 07/01/2015 to 09/30/2015 National Forests in Alabama This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region National Forests in Alabama, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Talladega Division New Prescribed Burn Units Environmental Assessment EA Scott Layfield - Vegetation management In Progress: Expected:06/2015 12/2015 256-362-2909 (other than forest products) Comment Period Public Notice - Fuels management 07/03/2014 Description: Addition of 9900 acres to its prescribed burning program for fuel reduction, ecosystem restoration and wildlife habitat improvement Web Link: Location: National Forests in Alabama Houston Longleaf Restoration Project EA Owl Creek Trail System - Reroute Project Contact UNIT - Talladega Ranger District, Shoal Creek Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Talladega. LEGAL - Not Applicable. A total of 10 new burn unit as show on associated maps. R8 - Southern Region Bankhead Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: - Forest products Scoping Start 08/20/2014 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 10/2015 - Watershed management Description: Longleaf Pine and Oak-Pine Woodland Restoration Expected:01/2016 02/2016 Alton Gaskins 205-489-5111 Web Link: Location: UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Winston. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Southern portion of Bankhead RD. Area 3-as defined in the Bankhead Forest Health and Restoration Project. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/23/2012 Expected:08/2015 CE 08/2015 Mike Cook 205-489-5111 Description: Owl Creek Trail System re-route and maintenance project Web Link: Location: 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Lawrence. LEGAL - T8S, R7W. Owl Creek Trail System, Bankhead National Forest. Page 1 of 6 National Forests in Alabama Project Name National Forests in Alabama Shelton ROW SUP Project Purpose - Special use management - Special use management R8 - Southern Region Expected:12/2015 12/2015 Mike Cook 205-489-5111 In Progress: Scoping Start 06/16/2015 Expected:12/2015 12/2015 Mike Cook 205-489-5111 Description: Long-term Soil Monitoring at U.S. Geological Survey Reference Watersheds. The project will use repeated soil sampling to document environmental change. Web Link: Location: Special Use Permit - Reggie Watts Right-of-way In Progress: Scoping Start 06/16/2015 Project Contact UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Winston. LEGAL - Not Applicable. ROW is located off of FS road 239 in Winston County Alabama. T9S R8W Section 11. CE *NEW LISTING* Expected Implementation Description: Grant a permanent ROW to Mr. Shelton off of FS road 239 to his private property. A current road exists where the ROW will be granted. An access gate will be installed along the ROW. Location: Sipsey Soil Survey SUP Decision Bankhead Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CE *NEW LISTING* Planning Status UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Lawrence. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Sipsey Wilderness in Lawrence County, AL. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Mike Cook 205-489-5111 Description: Issue a special use permit for right-of-way to Reggie Watts for driveway and utility installation to private property. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Winston. LEGAL - Section 23, T10S, R7W. Bankhead National Forest, Horseshoe Bend Area, Houston, Alabama, FS Road 123D1 and unnamed woods road. Mike Cook 205-489-5111 Special Use Permit- Alabama Power Company Distribution Line, Franklin County Road 138 - Special use management CE Description: Special use permit to install a new distribution power line with 3 poles and 2 guys and 860 ft. /- of overhead conductor adjacent to Franklin County Highway #138. Line clearing of trees will be 15 ft from line where needed. Web Link: Location: National Forests in Alabama 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - Bankhead Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Franklin. LEGAL - Section 36, Township 7 South, Range 10 West. Off of Franklin County Road 138. Conecuh Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 2 of 6 R8 - Southern Region National Forests in Alabama Project Name National Forests in Alabama Project Purpose Planning Status Location: Expected:12/2015 - Minerals and Geology 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT R8 - Southern Region 02/2016 Jaime Hernandez 334-222-2555 x103 Completed Actual: 04/07/2015 06/2015 Daks Kennedy 334-222-2555 Description: Pruet Production Company has submitted an Application for Permit to Drill (APD)at three locations on the Conecuh National Forest Web Link: Location: National Forests in Alabama Project Contact UNIT - Conecuh Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Covington, Escambia. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project is composed of compartments 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, and located west of Wing, Alabama. CE *NEW LISTING* Expected Implementation Conecuh Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Boggy Hollow forest health and - Recreation management Developing Proposal restoration project. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Est. Notice of Initiation 05/2015 Forest products EA - Vegetation management *NEW LISTING* (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Road management Description: Longleaf pine restoration and management. Pruet Production Oil Wells Decision UNIT - Conecuh Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Covington. LEGAL - Not Applicable. (1)North 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec33T2N,R14E (2) NE1/4 of SE1/4 Sec 28,T2N,R14E (3)SW1/4 of SE1/4 Sec36,T2N,R14E all in Covington County Alabama. Oakmulgee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 3 of 6 R8 - Southern Region National Forests in Alabama Project Name National Forests in Alabama Pipeline Northwest Restoration Plan EA Project Purpose Aeonian Environmental Analysis EA Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Michael Caylor - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:08/2015 09/2015 205-926-9765 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Comment Period Public Notice - Forest products 06/18/2015 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: The EA provides analysis proposed to build a more resilient landscape capable of naturally absorbing natural events such as severe weather, fire and insect infestations. Actions will enhance the ecological function of natural stands. Web Link: UNIT - Oakmulgee Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Bibb, Hale, Tuscaloosa. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Pipeline NW Restoration Plan area consists of 8,783 acres of NFS lands located in the northwest portion of the TNF, Oakmulgee District in Bibb, Tuscaloosa and Hale Counties in Alabama. Shoal Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) R8 - Southern Region Daniel Wagner - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:07/2015 08/2015 256-362-2909 - Forest products Comment Period Public Notice - Vegetation management 08/29/2013 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: 2100 acres within Compartments 30, 31, 40 and 47 on the Shoal Creek Ranger District. Include approximately 1600 acres of thinning and 500 acres of clearcuts with reforestation, including chemical site preparation, site prep burning and release. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT Decision Oakmulgee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Location: National Forests in Alabama Planning Status UNIT - Shoal Creek Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Calhoun, Cleburne. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Compartments 30, 31, 40 and 47. Page 4 of 6 National Forests in Alabama Project Name National Forests in Alabama Shoal Creek Road Access Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Shoal Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Road management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 07/29/2014 Expected:07/2015 Project Contact 12/2016 David Rasmussen 256-463-2273 Description: Project includes the removal of gates within the Big Oak Physically Disabled Hunting Area, closing of approximately 6.3 miles of open roads, decommissioning of 20.5 mile of closed roads, and altering seasonal closure dates. Web Link: Location: National Forests in Alabama Amaranthine Environmental Assessment EA Art Henderson - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:05/2015 06/2015 256-362-2909 - Forest products Comment Period Public Notice - Vegetation management 06/06/2014 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Treatment of approximately 2,000 acres through intermediate thinning and regeneration treatments to restore montain longleaf pine ecosystems Web Link: In Progress: Scoping Start 04/23/2015 Expected:05/2015 05/2015 Mary Humphries 256-362-2909 x 145 Description: . The proposed action is for issuing an easement which will allow access to private land. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT UNIT - Talladega Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Clay, Talladega. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Project area is located near Cemetary Mountain and NFSR 637 near the Guntertown community. - Special use management CE *NEW LISTING* R8 - Southern Region Talladega Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Location: Easement for Justin H. Kenagy UNIT - Shoal Creek Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Randolph. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Roads across the Shoal Creek Ranger District. UNIT - Talladega Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Cleburne. LEGAL - Township 19 South; Range 6 East; Section 27 in Talladega County, Alabama. End of Forest Service Road 699. Page 5 of 6 National Forests in Alabama Project Name National Forests in Alabama Tallaseehatchee Bridge EA Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Talladega Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Watershed management - Road management In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 02/12/2014 Expected:08/2015 Project Contact 09/2015 Art Henderson 256-362-2909 Description: Construction of new bridge to replace a 75 year old multi-span bride. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Talladega Ranger District. STATE - Alabama. COUNTY - Clay. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Located at the Tallaseehatchee Creek crossing on FSR 607. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 07/01/2015 04:34 am MT Page 6 of 6 National Forests in Alabama