Assessing Business Models Arising from the Integration of Distributed Energy Systems in the Chilean Electric Power System by Jorge I. Le Dantec Master in Finance, Universidad de los Andes, Chile (2011) Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Chile (2005) SUBMITTED TO THE SYSTEM DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Master of Science in Engineering and Management A____ at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 2014 JUN 2 6 2014 LIBRARIES @ 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technqjogy. All rights reserve d. Signature redacted Signature of Author y (emYesign and Management Program January 16, 2014 Certified by S ignature redacted Professor Jose Ignhcio Perez Arriaga Thesis Supervisor ivir Vising Professor Engineering Sys Accepted by r__IS MASSACHUSETTr WNS IUTE. OF TECHNOLOGY Sign~3ture redacted, Patrick Hale Director System Design and Management Program Assessing Business Models Arising from the Integration of Distributed Energy Systems in the Chilean Electric Power System by Jorge 1. Le Dantec Abstract Electric power systems are more than just networks of generation, transmission and distribution assets. They are socio-technical systems, involving regulation, markets and technology availability. Presently, the dynamic relation among these aspects is creating new consumer needs in many power systems around the world, which incumbent electricity utilities do not seem well suited to meet at the required pace. In this context, the integration of Distributed Energy Systems (DESs) and their related business models appears as a flexible and often more affordable option to deliver value, by fulfilling the unmet needs of both consumers and utilities. To advice Chilean electric power system's stakeholders about the adequacy of a set of DES-related business models to Chilean needs, this document presents a systematic analysis, which focuses on the interrelation between business model attributes, involved DES technologies, and stakeholder needs. Specifically, an analytic framework is developed and applied to some business models currently operative in other markets, measuring their adequacy to meet stakeholders' needs in a set of envisioned scenarios of Chile's power system. This work provides a systematic tool for decision-making processes in selecting business models, when the decision must be made with qualitative data. Moreover, the evaluation in the Chilean system of actual business models shows results that should be valuable for consumers, utilities, and regulators. Thesis Supervisor: Professor Jose Ignacio P6rez Arriaga Title: Visiting Professor, Engineering Systems Division 3 (Page intentionally left blank) 4 Acknowledgments As this thesis marks the end of an incredibly enriching experience at MIT, I would like to show my gratitude to some of the people that made this possible. I want to deeply thank Professor Pat Hale and the SDM staff, for their trust and support in academic guidance, extracurricular activities and personal matters. This support network was also formed by my SDM fellows, an amazing group of people that were always willing to help. Special thanks to Jorge Moreno, who was always willing to share his knowledge in Systems and Energy, the main focus of my studies at MIT. I am also greatly indebted to my advisor, Professor Ignacio P6rez Arriaga, and the working team of the "Utility of the Future" project at the MIT Energy Initiative: Dr. Richard Tabors, Professor Carlos Batlle, and my teammates Ashwini Bharatkumar and Jesse Jenkins. The great experience that I had at the "Utility of the Future" project, which gave context to this thesis, was forged by the discussions and learning acquired by working with this astounding team of professionals and academics. My heartfelt gratitude to my parents, for their generous support whenever it was needed. This endeavor would not have been possible without their help. Finally, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my wife, Maria Isabel. It is not easy to find words to thank such an unconditional commitment, shown everyday by taking care of our children and myself, becoming the cornerstone of our family during these years at MIT. 5 (Page intentionally left blank) 6 Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES 9 LIST OF TABLES 10 CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION 11 1.1 Context & Motivations 11 The role of energy challengesforChilean development 11 Real concerns of utilities 13 The "Utility of the Future" project 14 1.2 Research Approach and Thesis Scope 15 1.3 Objectives and Thesis Roadmap 16 1.4 Acronyms and Definitions 19 CHAPTER 2 - SYSTEMIC APPROACH TO DISTRIBUTED ENERGY SYSTEMS 20 2.1 Distributed Energy Systems (DESs) What is a DistributedEnergy System? DistributedEnergy Systems' Components DistributedEnergy Systems in the Grid 20 20 21 22 2.2 The Expected Role of DESs in Electric Power Systems' Dynamics 23 2.3 DES Business Models Analytic Framework [BMAF] "Matrix1 ": Business Model Attributes vs. DES Technology Components "Matrix2": Business Model Attributes vs. Consumer and Utility Needs 25 26 27 CHAPTER 3 - DESS IN THE CHILEAN ELECTRIC POWER SECTOR 28 3.1 Chile: Geography and Economics The Northern Region The Centraland Southern Regions Patagonia& Austral Regions 28 28 29 30 3.2 Chilean Electric Power Sector ElectricPower Systems in Chile Structure of the Electric Power Sector Regulatory Entities and System Operators 31 31 33 34 7 3.3 Distribution-End of the Chilean Electric Power Sector 36 3.4 Integration of DESs under the Current Scenario Effects Involving Technology-Related Factors Effects Involving Regulatoiy Factors Effects Involving Socio-Economic Factors 37 39 40 42 3.5 Integration of DESs under Foreseeable Scenarios Change Drivers and FutureScenario Projection Future Scenariosfor DES In teg ration 43 43 44 CHAPTER 4 - BUSINESS MODELS FOR DISTRIBUTED ENERGY SYSTEMS 45 4.1 Business Model Analysis Energy Suppliers Energy Demand Managers DES Enablers 45 46 50 52 4.2 Overall Analysis 57 CHAPTER 5 - BUSINESS MODELS EVALUATION 61 5.1 Quantitative Evaluation of Qualitative Data Relative Need's Weights and Business Model's Need Fulfillment Scores Feasibilityand Challenges of the Business Models in the Chilean Context 61 62 67 5.2 Pugh's Method Output 70 CHAPTER 6 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 73 6.1 Conclusions 73 6.2 Recommendations Recommendations To Consumers, DES Administrators,or DES Entrepreneurs Recommendations To Incumbent Utilities Reconnendations To Regulators 76 76 77 80 6.3 Further Work 82 REFERENCES 83 APPENDICES 85 Appendix A: DNV KEMA's Microgrid Optimizer Tool for Valuation of DESs' Impact 85 87 Appendix B: Calculation Tablesfor Business Model's Need FulfillmentScores 8 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2-1: 2-2: 3-1: 3-2: 3-3: 4-1: 5-1: Different DES Topologies........................................................................................ 20 Layers of DES Technologies.................................................................................. 21 Map of Chilean Electric Power Systems ............................................................ 32 Current Chilean Electric Power System's Stakeholders Diagram.........35 Distribution Value Added (Rudnick, 2009) ................................................... 37 Aggregation of Business Models Over a "Matrix 1" Table ........................ 57 Factors that affect DER/DES Consumer Adoption.......................................67 9 List of Tables T able 1-1: A cronym s..............................................................................................................................19 Table 2-1: B M A F's "M atrix 1"............................................................................................................. 26 Table 2-2: BMAF's "Matrix 2"............................................................................................................. 27 Table 3-1: Eight Scenarios for the Chilean Electric Power Sector ................................ 44 T able 4-1: T IL's "M atrix 1".................................................................................................................. 46 T able 4-2: T IL's "M atrix 2".................................................................................................................. 46 Table 4-3: Solar City's "Matrix 1" ............................................................................................... 48 Table 4-4: Solar City's "Matrix 2" ............................................................................................... 48 Table 4-5: Konterra's "Matrix 1".................................................................................................. 49 Table 4-6: Konterra's "Matrix 2" ............................................ 49 Table 4-7: EnerNOC's "Matrix 1"..................................................................................................50 Table 4-8: EnerNOC's "Matrix 2".................................................................................................. 51 Table 4-9: Opower's "Matrix 1"................................................................................................... 51 52 Table 4-10: Opower's "Matrix 2" ................................................................................................ 53 Table 4-11:WeatherBug's "Matrix 1"........................................................................................ Table 4-12: WeatherBug's "Matrix 2"........................................................................................ 53 Table 4-13: Energy Aware's "Matrix 1" .................................................................................... 54 Table 4-14: Energy Aware's "Matrix 2" .................................................................................... 54 Table 4-15: Sequentric's "Matrix 1" .......................................................................................... 56 Table 4-16: Sequentric's "Matrix 2" .......................................................................................... 56 Table 4-17: 8 Business Models' Aggregated "Matrix 2".................................................... 59 Table 5-1: Base Scenario's Ranking of Needs' Relevance................................................. 63 Table 5-2: Base Scenario Needs' Weights................................................................................ 63 Table 5-3: 8 Scenarios' Consumer Needs' Weights ........................................................... 64 Table 5-4: Consumer Needs' Fulfillment Scores of the 8 Business Models .............. 65 Table 5-5: Utilities Needs' Fulfillment Scores of the 8 Business Models ................... 65 Table 5-6: Rationale of Consumer Needs' Fulfillment Scores......................................... 66 Table 5-7: Rationale of Utilities Needs' Fulfillment Scores.............................................. 66 Table 5-8: Feasibility Scores of the 8 Business Models......................................................69 Table 5-9: Scenario 1 Consumers Needs' Weighting Table .............................................. 70 Table 5-10: Scenario 1 Needs' Weighted Fulfillment Scores ........................................... 70 Table 5-11: Need Fulfillment Scores for the 8 Business Models in the 8 Scenarios.. 71 Table 5-12: Need Fulfillment Scores Considered "Good" (>= 1.50 points)............... 71 Table 5-13: Feasible Business Models that Fulfill Stakeholder's Needs .................... 72 Table 6-1: Regulated Distribution Utility's Opportunities and Challenges in DESs' B u sin ess M od els ............................................................................................................................ 79 10 Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Context & Motivations The role of energy challengesfor Chilean development Throughout my life -and particularly during my working years- I have experienced the crucial role of electricity in nearly all of the activities required for the development of Chile, my country. I witnessed the blackouts due to droughts in the late 90's, I realized the relevance of electric power in the cold chain of Chilean exports (like fruits or salmon that are a relevant part of them) while working in the Port of Valparaiso, and I observed the fleeing of foreign investment due to its uncompetitive costs when analyzing new manufacturing plant locations while working in finance for a consumer goods company. Nowadays, the scenario has become even more complicated. Though there has been some progress in regulation, penetration of renewables and short-term security of supply', there are still many issues related to long-term security of supply 2 and transmission lines' deployment. These issues have primarily a socio-technical nature, as they derive from the constant increase of electricity demand in Chile (5% aggregate rate according to Comisi6n Nacional de Energia [CNE] (2013), requiring doubling the supply every fourteen years), and from the enhanced environmental consciousness that has many generation projects -hydroelectric, thermoelectric, eolic, etc.- stuck in environmental impact evaluations and in the judicial system. The effect of the scenario described above is highly harmful to Chile's development. The lack of new hydro buffers increases the risks of energy scarcity due to droughts. As Chile imports practically all its gas, coal, and oil supplies for power generation, 1 "[S]hort-term energy security focuses on the ability of the energy system to react promptly to sudden changes in the supply-demand balance(IEA, 2014). 2 "[L]ong-term energy security is mainly linked to timely investments to supply energy in line with economic developments and environmental needs" (lEA, 2014). 11 fossil fueled alternative to hydropower is much more expensive (not even mentioning its environmental effects). This combination has a direct effect on the cost at which electricity is traded, and on its retail price. This high cost of electricity has a strong impact on the Chilean economy's competitiveness. Its immediate effect can be seen in the present competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, whose expensive outputs affect not only exports but also import-substitution activities. The effects of this competitive issue could range from the discouragement of investment in electric machinery that could increase productivity in small businesses, to a lack of development of added-value manufacturing industry. An additional effect produced by high costs of electricity is the reduction of the Net Present Value of electricity-based projects in diverse industrial sectors like Transport, Agriculture, Manufacturing, or Services. This means that alternative solutions, which may not be as adequate, could be chosen just because of electricity's high price. What is interesting about the Chilean case is that it has a huge potential for hydro and solar power, as well as great opportunities for wind and geothermal power too. This shows that Chile faces a problem much more complex than sitting supply and demand on the same table and making them talk. The solution requires a systemic approach considering all involved stakeholders in a holistic view, which generates a comprehensive value proposition based on needs, motivations, and capabilities. The interest to develop that systemic view -applied to complex socio-technical problems- as well as the possibility of having access MIT's experience in Energy, were my main motivations to apply to MIT's Systems Design and Management Program3 for my Master's studies. My goal is to apply the combined knowledge of Energy and Systems to address some of the challenges of the Chilean power system. 3 12 Real concerns of utilities The changes currently taking place in the electric power sector are unprecedented and might be the most disruptive changes in the last 50 years or so. New developments in Distributed Energy Resources [DERs] and in Information and Communication Technologies [ICT], have led to the proliferation of Distributed Energy Systems [DESs] mixing the best of both technological fields. These new DESs are being utilized by innovative businesses, which articulate a series of value propositions addressing previously unmet needs. So, change is here, and traditional utilities acknowledge that they are standing on the "wrong side of the road" when talking about value creation and new profit opportunities. Even further, utilities understand that sticking to their upstream-ofthe-meter business model, might cause a value migration to innovative business models, and that sales volume reduction might affect their revenues to a point where they may not be able to pay for their stranded assets' loans. Faced with this unfavorable scenario, utilities -as ROI-maximizing companies 4 have been focused on three tasks: increasing incomes, decreasing expenses, and reducing risk. To increase incomes, they have been lobbying with regulators to get a fair (or sometimes "more than fair") regulation and remuneration, which is more suitable for new trends like penetration of residential distributed generation [DG]. To decrease expenses, they have been looking for cheaper energy sources. Finally, to reduce risk, some of them have been evaluating portfolio diversification by getting involved in new businesses emerging as result of the changing environment. This thesis aims to understand the changing system's environment and to advise stakeholders of electric power systems [EPSs] on potential business models that might arise in the scenario of a large penetration of DESs in Chile. 4 ROI: Return on Investment 13 The "Utility of the Future" project A relevant factor for this thesis, which was vital for its development, was my appointment as Research Assistant for the "Utility of the Future" project. Between the months of May of 2013 and January of 2014, I worked for this project of MIT Energy Initiative, in partnership with the Institute for Research in Technology (1IT) of Pontifical University of Comillas, and sponsored by ENEL 5 . This research gave me the opportunity to share knowledge, points of view and resources with a select team of professors, researchers and professionals from the United States, Spain, and Italy. The outcome of this experience was not only interesting insights into the specifics of my thesis research. It also provided me a broad view of different approaches used to address power systems' issues in different countries. This helped me comprehend the complexity of the electric power sector as a sociotechnical system whose longterm evolution is strongly driven, not only by technologies, regulation and business models, but also by consumers' needs and their not-always rational behavior. The variety of ways in which the previously mentioned drivers can be combined in a particular power system, results in having optimal system's structures that are unique for each one of them. This means that technological solutions, innovative business models or regulatory best practices should not be exported from one geography to another without a sound analysis, as any singularity of a system might change drastically the objective function to be optimized. Based on that last premise, I decided to analyze electric power systems from a scope broader than the usual technical approach, aiming to understand the social and technical systems involved in EPSs, their interaction and evolution. Then, after identifying the factors to be considered when introducing DESs into other systems or countries, I performed an assessment of the suitability of 8 businesses in the context of the Chilean EPSs' future envisioned needs. 5 ENEL: largest Italian electric utility ( 14 1.2 Research Approach and Thesis Scope This thesis' research is based and inspired on what might be the most distinctive characteristics of the System Design and Management (SDM) program: holistic approach and systems thinking. Consequently, the applied research approach highlights the relevance of understanding the salient factors and stakeholders on the analyzed system as well as their interaction and dynamics. This also means going beyond the usual fields of engineering, acknowledging that the most challenging systems usually are not just technical systems, but socio-technical ones. In practical terms, this approach tells us that, even when EPSs might have been historically analyzed through the lens of electrical engineers, they are in fact sociotechnical systems. It can be seen that much of the complexity in electric power systems is not an effect of advanced technical or technological structures, but a result of the interaction with social systems, which involve users, regulators and markets. In such context, the relation with individuals, organizations and technical systems has to be addressed in the solution search process, no matter whether this interaction takes place inside the system boundaries or across them. The paragraph above presents what should be the main drivers for the scope of this thesis, in order to be aligned with the research approach: focus on the Chilean electric distribution system's consumers and utilities, as its most salient stakeholders upstream and downstream the meter, to whom DESs' integration may add more or less value by fulfilling their unmet needs. Most of the theoretical background of the different parts of this research was acquired by the author during his graduate studies at MIT. Maybe the most relevant ones come form the "Utility of the Future" project, and from the following courses of the Engineering Systems Division: "Systems Architecture", "Systems Dynamics", and "Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector". 15 1.3 Objectives and Thesis Roadmap As stated in the previous pages, the general objective of this thesis is to develop a systematic analysis of the socio-technical dimensions of electric power systems. This in order to assess Chilean EPS' stakeholders on the adequacy of different DESrelated business models in a set of envisioned future scenarios. The following paragraphs present each of this document's chapters and their particular objectives, serving as a roadmap of the thesis work. Chapter1 - Introduction The objective of Chapter 1 -as it could be expected from an introductory chapter- is to present the author's motivations to develop this thesis, plus the basic information about the work's scope, research approach, structure and objectives. This chapter also aims to introduce some key concepts that are recurrently used in the electric distribution sector and in DESs. Chapter2 - Systems Approach to DistributedEnergy Systems Being EPSs complex socio-technical systems, System Thinking theories and tools must be part of the analysis, in order to generate a holistic understanding of EPSs. Chapter 2 approaches this complexity presenting DESs, their different parts, the interactions between these parts, and potential effects of DESs' introduction in the change dynamics of the EPSs as a whole. The objective pursued is to present a clear idea of the challenges and opportunities of DESs in the evolutionary process of EPSs. Besides presenting DESs, this chapter aims to state their relevance in future power systems as entities that create value (and generate value migration) by addressing unmet need of consumers and other power systems' stakeholders. In that same direction, this chapter will present a framework to analyze DES-related business models and their value propositions. 16 Chapter3 - DistributedEnergy Systems in the Chilean Electric Power Sector Chapter 3's objective is to present an overview of Chile, its electric power sector, and in particular, the distribution-end of Chilean EPS. This information will set the context for the theoretical analysis of the introduction dynamics of DESs in the Chilean context. Based on a CausalLoop diagram 6 presenting the Chilean context of the DER/DES Consumer Adoption dynamics, the goal will be centered in identifying the factors and particularities that could affect the implementation and adoption of DESs, given the current trends in consumer needs, technology development, and regulatory innovation, etc. Once the factors that more likely affect DES implementation are identified, a set of foreseeable scenarios will be generated in order to evaluate the different DES-related business models, which will be presented in Chapter 4 and evaluated in Chapter 5. Chapter4 - Business Modelsfor DistributedEnergy Systems As a combined outcome of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, this chapter identifies those systemic characteristics that should be drivers of change in the future Chilean context. Then it envisions how different evolutions of those drivers could generate different scenarios and needs. The goal then for Chapter 4, is to present and analyze 8 DES-related business models, trying to assess their suitability to fulfill the needs of the envisioned scenarios presented in Chapter 3. The analyses will be based in the framework introduced at the end of Chapter 2. Chapter 4 will also present the trends and commonalities that could be identified among the 8 business models, as well as an overview of the challenges or constraints that they must overcome in order to be successful. 6 System Dynamics theory. 17 Chapter5 - Business Models Evaluation Based on the scenarios derived from Chapter 3, this chapter will perform a qualitative/quantitative analysis of the business models' list presented in Chapter 4. This analysis will be based on the Pugh Method, a decision-making method commonly used in Systems Architecture and Systems Engineering as concept selection tool to manage qualitative data. The objective is to assess their viability and adequacy to the Chilean context, ranking their comparative performance in each of the needs required by the envisioned scenarios. The outcome of the analysis would be the identification of the business models that seem more likely to succeed in the envisioned future of the Chilean electricity distribution system. Chapter 6 - Conclusions and Recommendations The final task of this thesis is to generate a set of conclusions and recommendations regarding the integration of DESs, which could be helpful to maximize the value added by DESs' integration to the system as a whole. The conclusions may not be limited to the context of the Chilean EPS, as they should refer to the interaction between technology, business models, regulation and customers needs in dynamic socio-technical systems like electric power distribution systems. Recommendations will be centered in advising consumers, DES administrators, DES entrepreneurs, utilities and regulators regarding best practices in DES and DES-related business models' implementation in the Chilean EPS. 18 1.4 Acronyms and Definitions Throughout this document a list of acronyms and concepts will be recurrently utilized. As these may be related to electric power systems, distributed energy systems, Chilean entities, etc. that the reader might not be familiar with, this section presents most of them. Table 1-1 below present this list of concepts, along with their acronyms and either examples or very short definitions. Table 1-1: Acronyms 19 Chapter 2 - Systemic Approach to Distributed Energy Systems 2.1 Distributed Energy Systems (DESs) What is a Distributed Energy System? A necessary definition for developing a systemic approach to DESs, is to deeply understand what a DES is, how it is configured, and how it interacts with its stakeholders and neighboring systems. A DES, as defined in "The MIT Utility of the Future - Phase I Report" (Bharatkumar et al., 2014), is a system "combining one or more distributed energy resources (DERs), including distributed generation, distributed storage, and/or demand response, with information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable a business model that provides valuable services to energy end users or upstream electricity market actors." Figure 2-1 presents 4 different topologies for DESs. Figure 2-1: Different DES Topologies Depending on the function to be performed, the design of the DES should define not only the topology, but also what combination of technologies will be present in that configuration. The next subsection presents the different layers of DES technologies and their function in the DES. 20 Distributed Energy Systems' Components Depending on their function in the system's output, DES technology components can be grouped in three layers. A graphical representation of this organizing scheme, from the UoF research (Bharatkumar et al., 2014), can be seen in the Figure 2-2. Input delflned by Business Model B ! Systems Environment inssewaft Layer 3: D~ii~~k,, )I Intelligence0 Layer 2: Communications L..ow nioigad aign.'n Dt I oet-U 10,(M .W Layer 1: Physical Parts of Distributed Energy Systems (DES) Parts of Traditional Power and Telecom Systems Figure 2-2: Layers of DES Technologies Layer 1 involves most of the physical components and the infrastructure of incumbent electricity and telecommunications networks, plus DERs. This layer is an aggregation of loads, wires7 and DERs, and doesn't require other layers to deliver value. However, its value is significantly increased when adding layers 2 and 3. Layer 2 and layer 3 include all the ICTs added up to DERs in order to enable DESs. Layer 2, Communications layer, considers sensing, collecting and managing data, as well as the capability to remotely control DERs. Layer 3, the Intelligence layer, adds the brain to the system, analyzing internal and external (to the system) data in order to generate control decisions to be sent to DERs. As it can be inferred from Figure 2-2, most of the value creation of DESs -above that of DERs- is based on the synergy achieved by involving ICT capabilities of remote sensing, data management and remote control. These new capabilities will show an even higher relevance in the future, as they provide tools to address the new needs and requirements imposed by the system's environment. 7 Including power grids, power electronics, Internet and telecommunication networks 21 Distributed Energy Systems in the Grid Now that DESs and its components have been defined and identified, a good question to make should be "Why do we need DESs?" or, in other words, "What value do DESs add in the electric power system?" The answer to this question is strongly related with the concept of value, as value is delivered or created when an unmet need is fulfilled 8. As would be explained in the following section, electricity end-users needs' evolution is affected by the EPS's dynamics and system's environment. This dynamic relation has been creating new consumer needs that EPS's current structure does not seem well suited to meet at the required pace. In this context, DESs present a flexible and often more affordable way to fulfill those needs. To clarify which are those needs, Figure 2-3 shows a scheme for these basic needs, some of which are shared by consumers and utilities. ELECTRICITY RELATED NEEDS * Consumy's Needs a Figure 2-3: Electricity Related Needs Different configuration of DESs can certainly add value to consumers and utilities by addressing the needs listed in the previous images. For instance, DG could provide energy availability to consumers and (in some cases) frequency balance to utilities. DR could also help utilities to provide availability to consumers. Finally, DS and EVs could provide variable cost stability, resilience and recovery. 8 Systems Architecture theory 22 2.2 The Expected Role of DESs in Electric Power Systems' Dynamics The 3-Layers' diagram of Section 2.1 showed a relevant feature that was not commented in that section. This is the input of business models and other factors that determine the systems' environment -like regulation, market structure, etc. on the decision making process of the Intelligence Layer. This input, and particularly its dynamic nature, should be a crucial consideration when trying to determine the evolution of the system and the future context of DESs when integrating to the grid. To better understand this interrelation, a Causal-Loop diagram -based on the concepts of Systems Dynamics theory- is presented in Figure 2-4. The analysis of such diagram tells us -as it was stated in the introductory chapter- that change is already here. As social systems evolve, incumbent firms in the power sector -for many years ignorant of disruptive changes- find themselves in an uncomfortable position where they seem forced to change in order to survive in the new environment. Sociotechnical systems -like power systems- have always been dynamic, but new change drivers have increased their evolution rate to a point where simple adaptations of the existing business models and regulation are not enough to keep the pace. One might argue that the nature of the relationship between technologies, regulations, business models, etc. has always been dynamic. However, today the main change driver is the "social" part of this sociotechnical system. Factors historically considered exogenous to the system, like environmental awareness or connectivity, are rapidly transforming end-user needs, and as an effect, increasing the change rates at which the system evolves. A takeaway from the previous paragraphs is that different rates of change or adaption to change present in this dynamic system should be addressed differently, as the traditional business models and regulatory frameworks might not be able to change at a rate adequate enough to keep the pace of consumer needs' evolution. 23 U~nfblfilod radiional Busmmues Lop- EB Bu*"l"e Tdo ka FNamFUlMwM by Tchlugy Loop D tm vby noae by Bmsi Moe Coswn.Lo ooam o The goal then might be add agility to the Regulatory Innovation Loop, so that an adequate regulatory framework levels the field for innovative business models to add value by meeting needs that the current business models are not being able to fulfill. If the business opportunities were tacIded through business model innovation, it will require an adequate regulatory framework to be able to be executed. Its execution will also fulfill some needs and develop technology, which will also create some more needs. The difference is that the rate in which innovative business models meet unfulfilled needs is much faster than that of traditional business models. More unfulfilled needs create more business opportunities, which can be executed in the traditional way or through business model innovation. The traditional execution might fulfill some needs, and develop new technology. When people get used to technology, it creates even more unfulfilled needs. Businen 2.3 DES Business Models Analytic Framework [BMAF] The previous section presented the importance of the role of business model innovation on the fulfillment of new stakeholders' needs. In order to have an idea of what do DES-related business models look like, this section will introduce a framework to analyze these business models, characterizing them by the need they aim to fulfill, the technology mix they apply, and their "business model attributes" (a concept that will be explained in Figure 2-5). Business Model Attributes Definition from the MIT Utility of the Future Phase I Report (Bharatkumar et al., 2014) "... based on the economic activities that exist in electric power systems, we have defined five core "attributes" of business models that represent, at the highest level, the principal configuration of business models within this industry. An attribute represents a combination of characteristics of the business models incorporating both the level of financial commitment and the future focus of the stakeholder..." "At the highest level, attributes of the business model are that a stakeholder may: * * * * Own assets; Operate assets and/or systems of assets; Fund the acquisition or the operation of assets; Provide Information to asset owners or operators; or * Build or manufacture assets." Figure 2-5: Business Model Attributes The Causal Loop diagram of Section 2.2 (Figure 2-4) -and particularly the three loops at the left- depict the strong and direct relation between needs, technology and business models. The BMAF is based on that relation, and characterizes business models based on their representation in two matrices: a first one relating business model attributes and DES technology components, and a second one relating business model attributes and the needs that the business model aims to address. 25 "Matrix 1": Business Model Attributes vs. DES Technology Components The first matrix -relating business model attributes and DES technology components- indicates the suitability of each of the DES technologies to be used by each of the business model attributes. In greenfield projects, this matrix can be used to decide what DES technologies to develop given the business model attributes that best fit the organization, or to decide what segments of the value chain should be developed if developing a given DES technology. In the case of brownfield projects, the matrix is mostly used to assess the positioning of the project, and look for synergies that can generate expansion opportunities for the project or its competitors. A version of this "Matrix 1" can be seen in Table 2-1 below. Table 2-1: BMAF's "Matrix 1" DWgWbuW Owiulot" Gaft"WVdiM %1k 0"gadi X / 0PW // Fmid P O~Nn*m Desuad nON / v - 1 / / aid "al ?b I/ Vap X X t C FWi Pw*k6nte V td V/ / 7 V/ saw In the main section of the matrix, a checkmark means that the technology is a good fit for that business model attribute; a cross means that it is not a good fit; and a question mark states that the fit is unclear. For instance, owning electric vehicle infrastructure seems to be a good opportunity, owning demand response equipment doesn't, and the opportunity of business models based on owning ITC is not clear. The triangle at the right of the matrix shows the potential synergy that attributes might have when being combined. It uses a check mark on synergy options, a dash on no-synergy options, and a cross if there is contradiction between the business model attributes. In this case, there are synergies between owning and operating, no synergies between funding and providing information, and contradiction between funding and owning (as it is not logic to profit from funding your own acquisitions). 26 "Matrix 2": Business Model Attributes vs. Consumer and Utility Needs The second matrix used in the BMAF relates business model attributes to the basic electricity-related needs (presented in Section 2.1) that they aim to fulfill. Working with this representation can help to understand where, if somewhere, a business model can add value by fulfilling the potential unmet needs of a stakeholder. The example of this "Matrix 2" shown in Table 2-2 below could be showing the value of a business model where a company builds ICT devices like Home Energy Management Systems, enhanced with information services to utilities. The ICT devices save energy and money, but they also handle data that could be used to provide utilities with information to optimize their hourly generation mix, allowing a better use of renewables. Consumers might be willing to share this information as they could receive a payment, while knowing it helps the penetration of large-scale renewables. Table 2-2: BMAF's "Matrix 2" Mcu MAqmwy Accenn .ec RfuU~IY -esnyLmsattsam tow Upfwf to&SWft fpquw 3wkrmuir EmrbarmavaW Afbordabt haw Csnsu*6s. anoumn Vbb Cot__kdaf These two matrices, when aggregating on it all industry competitors, could be used too to visualize, among others, what technologies is the market using to provide services, and how different services can fulfill different or similar needs. Having presented the basics of the systemic approach used in this assessment and a framework to analyze business models on DESs, the next step is to understand the particularities of the Chilean context, in which the DESs performance will be evaluated. This will allow us to generate scenarios that will determine how to measure the performance of each business model. 27 Chapter 3 - DESs in the Chilean Electric Power Sector 3.1 Chile: Geography and Economics Chile is a 17-million-people country located in South America's south cone. Its particular long and narrow shape going 2650 miles from north to south between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean provides the country many different landscapes that are both a blessing and a challenge for Chilean people. Besides having an exceptional potential for tourism, the variety of climates and the natural configuration that are present in Chile provide a rich source of mineral, hydro and forestry resources. However, its extreme geography, its high levels of seismicity and its lack of hydrocarbons, bring considerable economic challenges that are a burden in Chile's path to economic development. Regarding its economic policies, Chile has a market-oriented economy characterized by a high level of foreign trade and a reputation for strong financial institutions and sound policy that have given it the strongest sovereign bond rating in South America (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). The government's role in the economy is mostly limited to regulation (U.S Department of State, 2013). Having Chile such diverse landscapes, it is really difficult to describe it geographically and economically as a whole. Consequently, the paragraphs below will analyze it using the following discretional subdivisions: northern region, central and southern regions and Patagonia & austral regions. The Northern Region The 500 northern miles of the country is a zone known as the location of one of the world's driest deserts: Atacama. This region, which limits north with Peru and East with Bolivia and northern Argentina, hosts most of the mining operations in the country. The Chilean copper industry controls more than one third of the world's 28 market (Comisi6n Chilena del Cobre [Cochilco], 2013), having reserves of 190 million tons (USGS, 2013), which is 28 percent of known copper reserves in existence. Chile also shows similar figures in lithium mining, generating 30 percent of the profits on lithium sales, while having 23 percent of the world reserves (2nd place worldwide, after Bolivia). But not only mineral resources can be found in the north, as it is also known to have one of the best settings for solar energy, with daily solar global horizontal irradiance [GHI] of 7 kWh/m2 in the Antofagasta Region (OECD, 2013). The challenges for northern Chile and its mining-related economy are mostly related with water and energy management. Mining industry is a large consumer of power, accounting approximately for 90% (CNE, 2013b) of the total consumption from northern Chile (over 17 TWh). Despite the huge potential for solar energy, and due to the low costs of thermal, nearly 99% of the demand is being supplied by thermal units (CDEC-SING, 2013). Water management is also a relevant issue, as water is also needed for mining processes and cooling of thermal units. Then, two water related processes increase energy demand: energy required for desalination, and energy required for pumping water to the mountain areas were most of the mines are located. The Central and Southern Regions The next 1300 miles of the Chilean territory are the central and southern regions. With a temperate climate having sharp regional contrasts, it is the home of about 15.5 of the 17 million habitants of the country (about 6 million of them in Santiago, Chile's capital city) (INE, 2013). Consequently, this region concentrates most of Chile's commerce, agriculture, forestry, fishery, livestock and services activities. These regions also have most of the operating hydroelectric plants and some relevant geothermal resources (especially in the southern region). 29 From an economic standpoint, the challenges for the central and southern regions are the ones that represent the Chilean society as a whole, and are mostly related to growth management. In the last thirty years the Chilean economy has grown significantly and its benefits have started to reach common people. With an enhanced access to education, credit, goods and services, people have began to increase their consumption and productivity, reinforcing the economy growth loop. The flip side of this accelerated growth is that it may lead -as it did in Chile- to high rates of social inequality, where people started demanding their stake on the profits: free access to higher education, improved healthcare, higher salaries, etc. Additionally, higher consumption -combined with an at least sub-optimal capacity expansion process- led to increased energy prices, which are among the highest in Latin America. In this context -where government increases public expending, workforce gets more expensive, and electricity price for industry is extremely high 9 - the country's competitiveness is harmed, as most other countries in the markets where Chile competes have lower operational costs. Patagonia & Austral Regions The southern 850 miles of the country is a particularly beautiful and cold land, known to host the western section of Patagonia. Due to the harsh climate and extreme geography present in these regions, its aggregated population does not exceed 0.3 million people, some of whom are widely dispersed in areas with a difficult access. These regions' economy is based on tourism, livestock farming and forestry. They are also rich in energy related natural resources, like coal, biomass, some oil & gas and large hydro resources. This scenario provides what are sometimes conflicting opportunities -like tourism and forestry- and defines the challenges for this zone, mainly in keeping an adequate balance between economic development and respect for the ecosystem. 9 The electricity marginal cost for the period Dec 2012 - Nov 2013 in Chilean main power system (Alto Jahuel 110 kV) had an average and a median of 163 US$/MWh, having 34% of the daily averages above 200 US$/MWh (Source: 30 3.2 Chilean Electric Power Sector Electric Power Systems in Chile The subdivisions of the Chilean territory utilized in the previous section were not randomly chosen. They correspond to the four main power systems of the country, called "Interconnected Systems" as they are formed by the interconnection of a group of smaller grids, but these "Interconnected Systems" are not actually connected among them (see Figure 3-1 on next page). The power system that serves northern Chile is the SING, which is an acronym for Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande, Spanish translation for Northern Interconnected System. The Chilean National Energy Commission informed that by the end of 2012 the SING had over 4.1 GW of installed capacity and over 4,000 miles of transmission lines (>23kV) to serve yearly electricity sales of nearly 14.8 TWh, with generation production peaks of up to 2.1 GW. The central and southern zones of Chile are served by the SIC, acronym for Sistema Interconectado Central, Spanish translation for Central Interconnected System. This is the largest power system in Chile and by the end of 2012 it had over 13.3 GW of installed capacity and nearly 12,000 miles of transmission lines (>23kV). In 2012 the SIC served yearly electricity sales of about 46.2 TWh, with generation peaks of up to 7 GW. The Patagonia region is served by the Aysen Interconnected System that, by the end of 2012, had 46.7 MW of installed capacity to serve yearly electricity sales of 148.3 GWh, with generation peaks of 25,5 MW. The austral region is served by the Magallanes Power System -composed by 3 medium size non-connected grids: Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas and Porvenir- that, by the end of 2012, had 103.4 MW of installed capacity to serve yearly electricity sales of 277.8 GWh, and generation peaks of 50,6 MW (CNE, 2013b). 31 Dx 277 8 G of sales Magallanes Systerr Gx: 103.4 MW of installed capacity. n mpca ofs 5. 6 MW rp Ox: 143 GWh of sales Gx: 46.7 MW of installed capacity. productonpeaks of 25 5 MW Ayskn System Tx: nearly 12,0 miles of transmission lines (>23kVj Ox:about 46 2 TWhof soles capacit y, of soles Gx> 13.3 GW of insta e produciun peaKs of 7 GW SIC (Cer tra Sys tem 2>23kV) Ox: nearly 14 8 TWh SING tNrchern System) Gx: >4.1 GW of installed capacity, producton ceqksof 2 1GW Tx: > 4,0 miles of transmission lines { Anthrfta Masallanes v AysEn LOs LACMs Los Rios a Araucania Sloso Metwoltans de Sarmago ---Valparalso Atac-ama Aitofagastm Tarac Arica y Parinacata I - -- -- -I U - ji xG Data from NE anc CNE Map by Google* Four Main Chilean Electric Pow Systems and Geographic Distribution of Generation, Consumption and Population 0 ~1 0 -I o~. Structure of the Electric Power Sector Chile is known for being, after the reforms that took place in 1982, a pioneer in electricity market's deregulation. The current structure of the Chilean electric power sector is primarily defined by the regulatory changes performed in 1982, plus some additional regulatory changes that took place starting in 2005 ("Ley Corta" or Short Law and other decrees). In general terms, the Chilean electric power sector is characterized by its 100% private, vertically and horizontally unbundled players, who take part in three 0 segments of the value chain: Generation, Transmission and Distribution. The Generation segment is characterized for being a competitive market -with no central planning for capacity expansion- that has clear scale economies on its operational costs and where prices tend to reflect the marginal production cost. Generators are remunerated by their energy output (MWh) and by the capacity (MW) they provide for the systems adequacy. Energy can be sold to distributors (regulated price), to large consumers (unregulated wholesale price), and to other generators (spot price set by marginal cost of transfer). The Transmission segment in Chile involves every line and substation having a voltage over 23 kV. Transmission is open to access by generators, meaning that they can impose their right to use the available capacity of a line through the payment of tolls. Generators and consumers share the toll payments for Transmission. The Distribution segment operates under a public service concession regime, with an obligation to provide service on geographic concessions. Distributors buy energy from generators though public bidding processes and get remunerated by consumers' VAD (Distribution Added Value) (CNE, 2013b). 10 Sub-Transmission will be considered as a special case of Transmission. These systems are formed by substations and lines that are connected to the grid and their sole purpose is to supply exclusively identifiable consumers, or groups of them, that are in the concession area of a distribution company. 33 Regulatory Entities and System Operators The three previously mentioned segments interact following the market rules indicated in the Law of Electric Services (DFL1). In order to keep this system relatively free of market frictions and complying with Chilean laws, the Chilean government developed a framework involving different entities like the Ministry of Energy, the National Energy Commission (both governmental agencies), and the Economic Load Dispatch Centers (independent entities, one for the SING and one for the SIC). The role of the Ministry of Energy is to elaborate, coordinate and enforce the plans, policies and norms for the correct operation and development of the electric power sector. It is also the role of this Ministry to advise the government in all those subjects related to energy (Ministerio de Energia, 2013). The National Commission of Energy (CNE) is a technical entity whose role is to analyze prices, tariffs and technical norms to whom the electric utilities should stick in order to assure a sufficient, safe and high quality service, compatible with the most economic operation (CNE, 2013). The main function of the Economic Load Dispatch Centers -known as CDECs, from the Spanish term Centro de Despacho Econ6mico de Carga- is to dispatch generators minimizing operational costs in pursue of the highest economic efficiency for the system (AES, 2008). As previously mentioned, both the SIC and the SING -who added represent more than the 99% of the system's generation-, dispatch their generators through their own CDECs. CDECs also provide valuable information for the financial transactions in three cases: between generators for energy balances (those that had to honor power supply contracts but were not dispatched have to pay at spot price to those who actually were dispatched), between generators for capacity balances (related to 34 capacity payments for contributing to the systems sufficiency), and between line owners and toll payers (for the use of the lines). A representation of the structure of the Chilean electric power sector, displaying its main direct stakeholders and the way they interact, can be seen in the diagram below. Current Chilean Electric Power System Customers Utilities T9 P11r'te f Regulators and System Operators r1r:c/IPA su-pansmaMo wad deizewatetv ound from the e",rar as for thpupo5 uc m1 etde a a caeof transmisucft ftl cu t where subk rarnsm siw s amned bytne Rataw r/D5O, the Rtaier/D5G recetwed the paymetw aft then pay the wresponnamg tak. Figure 3-2: current Chilean Electric Power System's Stakeholders Diagram 35 3.3 Distribution-End of the Chilean Electric Power Sector Power distribution grids are formed by a network of lines and substations that transport electricity from the primary substations that act as coupling points with the transmission grid, to consumers. In these primary substations voltage is reduced to 23, 13.2, or 12 kV depending if the end user is industrial or residential. In this latter case, a secondary substation will again lower the voltage, now to low-tension standards, which in Chile are 220 V and 380 V, monophasic and triphasic respectively (CNE, 2013c). The infrastructure related investments for power distribution shows a certain level of indivisibility and density economies, particularly when referring to the capacity of electric equipment like wires and transformers, the supporting structures, and the rights-of-way that have to be obtained in order to access demand. With that in mind, optimal design implies considering an adequate level of slack when investing in equipment, particularly in those assets having long service life (CNE, 2013c). In this context, where a standard distribution utility has a very long position on long-life fixed assets, usually financed by long-term debt, the sufficiency of the remuneration is vital for the company financial survival. This remuneration to the distributor is paid by consumers in the VAD (acronym of Valor Agregado de Distribuci6n) or Distribution Added Value. As was indirectly mentioned along the text, regulated clients pay the VAD in their monthly bill, along with their energy consumption (kWh), their share of the Transmission Toll, and other distribution services like metering, reconnections, etc. The funds provided by the VAD have to be enough to cover the expenses related to the system operation (follow up and control, damage correction, and incidents), system maintenance (of lines, substations and protection equipment), and business management (measurement, meter reading, billing, contracts, etc.). A broader vision 36 of the uses of the VAD can be seen in Figure 3-3 taken from a presentation by Professor Hugh Rudnick (2009). Distribution Value Added Fixed costs I Catal costs "Meter readng - Bing "Distribution of biNs * AccoWitng related to cient - Bll oOW up " Cient relation "Other fixed costs related to cient High Voltage - Feeders "Control equipnent .P on ege t-: - Low Voltage - Distibuion Ted Inical costs HV LV te -stoag e as hops *Works 4.b ndkM~ *Trn oniengineel"n *TSeuq Secti Ly ERent, Insurance *Netwo rk inaktenance and meratK Conbol substations -LOW volag networks *Protetion equorent j istribton losses lwestnent costs, Operation & Maintenance APateAt sand property taxe Figure 3-3: Distribution Value Added (Rudnick, 2009) 3.4 Integration of DESs under the Current Scenario Now that the current scenario that Chile presents for the integration of DESs has been described, the purpose of this section is to identify the factors that might positively or negatively affect this integration process. In order to do that, we must understand the dynamics of this integration process, particularly the causality interrelation between the involved factors. Probably the simpler way to develop a systemic view of the DES integration in Chile is through a Causal-Loop diagram, taken from System Dynamics' theory, like the one presented on Figure 3-4. 37 IP M ii ( rj +I S111 I I + +Jj Li. f ! 3a+ is I. I IJ~ 6 a + +~ I Figure 3-4: DER/DES Consumer Adoption Dynamics for the Chilean Context 38 The diagram of Figure 3-4 represents the dynamic effects in the system through 7 loops and 4 non-loop variables, which affect DES consumer adoption. In order to characterize these dynamic effects, they were grouped depending whether they involve technology-related factors, regulatory factors or socio-economical factors. Effects Involving Technology-Related Factors Technology Improvement Loop: The increase of DER-DES adoption will produce a maturation process in technologies (learning by doing). It will also encourage R&D investments, as its costs will be shared by a larger number of units. Maturation and R&D will lead to Performance Improvements, which will make products more valuable for end-users. The more valuable to end-users the products become, the more their adoption increases, generating then a reinforcing loop. Technology Cost Loop: Similar to the previous Loop, the technology cost loop increases consumer adoption by increasing DER-DES valuation. The difference here is that the valuation is increased because of the scale economies' lower costs achieved by larger DER-DES consumer adoption. This is also a reinforcing loop. Valuation of Unfulfilled Needs Met by DERs-DESs: This factor brings to the system a relevant issue: In a scenario of higher penetration of intermittent generation at a grid level, which also has more frequent outages due to imbalances or climate/weather causes, DES could provide islanding capabilities, power supply reliability or even ancillary services. Then the consumer adoption of DER-DES will increase if the value of the provided services is considered by the end user higher than its required investment and operational costs. 39 Effects Involving Regulatory Factors Distribution Utility Revenue Effect on Tariffs Loop: As DER-DES Consumer Adoption increases -all other variables remaining constant-, the total power purchased from the grid decreases. Then the collection of the volumetric toll for distribution will be lower, harming the Distribution Utility Revenues. This is more relevant in those tariffs where most of the charges are volumetric (as the low tension BT1 tariff for residential customers in Chile). Sooner or later, if there are no modifications to the tariff structure, the lower revenues for distribution utilities will make the per-unit Cost of Grid Electricity to Consumers to increase, incentivizing DER-DES Consumer Adoption, as their relative cost will be lower than before. This is a reinforcing loop. Transmission Utility Revenue Effect on Tariffs Loop: This is also a reinforcing loop, which follows the same logic of the Distribution Utility Revenue Effect on Tariffs Loop, but in this case the effect is related to the collection of volumetric tolls by Transmission instead of Distribution utilities. Then, the less power is bought from the grid, the lower the collection and revenue for transmission companies and the higher the tolls will turn (to recover the investment). Then, as the final cost of grid electricity will be higher, consumers will have more incentives to adopt DER/DES technologies. Wholesale Electricity Prices Loop: The fall in Power Purchased from the Grid due to DER-DES Consumer Adoption increases will cause a fall in Wholesale Generation Volume, meaning lower revenues. These lower revenues will translate into a negative financial outlook for the generator (from the standpoint of banks and creditors), which will increase the generator's cost of capital. This higher cost 40 of capital will be reflected, with some delay, in Wholesale Electricity Prices. Higher wholesale prices imply that sooner or later (depending on the contracts or if referring to regulated consumers that face prices set on 5 year period bids) there will be higher Cost of Grid Electricity to Consumers, which will then mean higher DER-DES Consumer Adoption. This is also a reinforcing Loop. Marginal GenerationCost Loop: Highly related with the Wholesale Electricity Prices Loop, this is a balancing loop that reflects the fact that a lower Wholesale Generation Volume will mean a lower Marginal Generator's Production Cost, and lower Wholesale Electricity Prices. Lower wholesale prices imply (with the same delay explained in the Wholesale Electricity Prices Loop) lower Cost of Grid Electricity to Consumers. A lower cost of electricity to consumers connected to the grid will discourage the adoption of DER-DES. This is the only relevant balancing loop present in the system. RegulatoryAdequacy for DES-DER: As explained in Chapter 2 of this thesis, in order for Innovative Business Models (like the ones involving DES-DER technologies) to be able to fulfill unmet stakeholders' needs, it is imperative to have an adequate regulatory framework. This variable reflects the fact that inadequate regulatory frameworks can slow down or completely stop DER-DES adoption, if it doesn't react in time to allow the technology, or constrains the connection to the system. 41 Effects Involving Socio-Economic Factors Distribution Utility Costs Effect on Tariffs Loop: One direct effect of DER-DES Adoption is the Change in Grid Usage Profile. Whether that change is positive, negative or a mix of both is unknown as it will depend on the mix of DER-DES technologies that are adopted, but for sure adoption will increase change. This uncertainty about behavior of the grid usage profile is then transferred to the Distribution Grid Costs. Distribution costs may increase, but there is no reason to assume that they won't decrease. In this context it is unclear if this is a reinforcing or a balancing loop, but what is clear is that this uncertainty presents an opportunity and a challenge for new regulatory structures that work in both cases. FinancialIncentivesfrom Government, Utilities orAggregators: This variable reflects the inputs of stakeholders that might be benefited by DER-DES adoption, and that may give financial incentives to promote that trend. Obviously, the larger the financial incentives, the higher the DER-DES consumer adoption rate. Socio-Economic Adequacy of Business Models: DESs' rate of adoption will also depend on the existence on competitive business models that add value to the system and that are suitable for the socio-economic or cultural context. For instance, DES-related business models that require sharing consumers' load profiles, might not be adequate for societies that give an extreme value to any kind of private information. In that context, inadequate business models could produce low, or even null, rates of adoption. The more adequate the business model is to the socioeconomic context, the higher the DESs' rate of adoption. 42 3.5 Integration of DESs under Foreseeable Scenarios Change Drivers and Future Scenario Projection When analyzing the future of technology related factors, it could be assumed that, being Chile a country that imports most of its technology, both technology loops should behave in Chile as they do in any other country having open markets. However, the variable Valuation of Unfulfilled Needs Met by DERs-DESs will be highly relevant especially in the SIC, which has transmission capacity issues and weather exposure as it relies on rainfall for its hydro power plants. How the consumers value the availability, affordability, reliability, recoverability and low environmental impact that DESs provide, will define future scenarios. Regulation is usually an area that shows differences in every country, and the Chilean case is not the exception. As previously mentioned in this chapter, even when Chile was a pioneer in electric power market deregulation, not many major changes have been introduced since then (besides maybe the "short laws", around 2005). Even when this does not imply that there won't be major changes soon; it might mean that the stakeholders (or at least the ones that can be heard) are somewhat satisfied with the current scheme. In that context, the only foreseeable regulatory factor that might generate relevant changes in consumer behavior regarding DESs is a potential elimination of 100% volumetric tariff (BT1), forcing customers to choose among the other available tariffs, which are combinations between volumetric and capacity charges. This option seems likely in the context of high DES integration, as it could be a fair way to charge "free-riders" 1 for the "option to be connected to the grid" even when there is no consumption or net consumption. 11 End-users that fulfill their own electricity needs through DERs tend to use the distribution grid less than normal end-users. Taken to an extreme, end-user not consuming grid-supplied energy will not pay for grid costs (investment, operation and maintenance) while having the free option to consume from the grid if they want to. Those end-users are considered "Free-riders", as they make other endusers pay for a grid they can use. 43 Regarding socio-economical factors, the Chilean government does not usually give financial incentives, and that doesn't seem that will change in a foreseeable future. An opportunity for DESs to receive financial incentives from the government might be in social projects that provide energy reliability or even energy access to remote villages. Other financial incentives may come from Utilities or Aggregators trying to develop a particular business model. In this case, is more probable the participation of new entrants in the sector as incumbent utilities in Chile usually do not take those kinds of risks. Anyways, it doesn't seem like financial incentives might be a change driver for future development of DESs in Chile. Future Scenarios for DES Integration The identification of potential change drivers for DES integration developed in this section will allow us to generate eight future scenarios for the Chilean Electric Power Sector. These scenarios will be utilized in Chapter 4 to evaluate the business models presented at the end of Chapter 2. They are numbered 1 to 8 and from the most to the least likely, as shown in the following table: Table 3-1: Eight Scenarios for the Chilean Electric Power Sector Smeados _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44 Chapter 4 - Business Models for Distributed Energy Systems 4.1 Business Model Analysis Coherently with the Chilean context presented in Chapter 3, and the needs of its foreseeable scenarios, this chapter lists and describes eight different DES-related business models that could be successful in the Chilean context. The cases presented come from actual companies, and are good examples of the different combinations of business model attributes and DES technologies that can be found in the market. The business models' list -which groups them into those that supply energy, those that manage energy demand, and those that enable DESs- presents business models from the following companies: Energy Suppliers 1. Toshiba International Europe (TIL) & German Pension Funds 2. Solar City 3. Standard Solar & Solar Grid Storage (Konterra project) Energy Demand Managers 4. EnerNOC 5. Opower Energy Enablers 6. WeatherBug 7. Energy Aware 8. Sequentric Each one of these business models will be described and analyzed using the BMAF's matrices presented in Section 2-3. The goal is to extract and present the information that individualizes each business model, with a particular focus on the value it provides to different stakeholders as this information will be used in Chapter 5 to evaluate their performance. 45 Energy Suppliers 1. Toshiba International Europe (TIL) and a group of German pension funds made a deal 12 with a German real state company that owns and rents apartment buildings. In this deal, the real state company rents the apartment buildings' roofs to the pension funds. In these roofs, TIL installs and operates the pension funds' solar panels and energy storage systems. Pension funds get paid by TIL who uses the systems' power output to enter in a PPA with the real state company. In this PPA, TIL agrees to provide electricity to buildings' consumers at a PV-generated energy locked-in price. The PPA states that in those cases when the distributed system is not able to meet the energy demand of the apartment buildings, TIL should buy that power in the wholesale market and sell it at the same PV locked-in price. This business model mostly bypasses retailers and the distribution utility. Table 4-1: TIL's "Matrix I" Inion7utiaq DWbuied DWbutnd Bwbk V*hkb In* nWucbw* Dora" PANsparm wid C*nwnunit Tlchnobj& OWM r* x 0""TA lop FwW V/ X $ $ Buld IF,"d I SUd Table 4-2: TIL's "Matrix 2" anmue I MqmqNK (caadm I. I 12 ~m Mb~ I I I I - I II- I I I I I I I ____________ I I 46 Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 present this business model's matrices, which can be helpful to understand its structure. "Matrix 1" tells that as the pension funds only own the Distributed Generation [DG] and Distributed Storage [DS] assets, there are no synergies with other attributes. On the other hand, "Matrix 2" provides the rationale of involving the pension funds in the deal: lower the upfront payment for the real state company that otherwise might not be interested in this deal. "Matrix 1" also states that TIL has synergies when operating and maintaining the panels that they build. In the case of TIL, "Matrix 2" lists the benefits for the consumers: resiliency, low & stable variable cost, environmental affordability (they are mostly supplied by solar power) and time consumption affordability (TIL takes care of the operation and users have nothing else to do). 2. Solar City 1 3 is providing residential rooftop solar PV systems to consumers (through lease), installed, operated and maintained by Solar City. End-users pay a fixed monthly amount for the electricity, plus the -also fixed- solar lease payments. Solar City guarantees the system's performance. Therefore an advanced monitoring system connected to Internet is required in order to remotely sense the solar system. As seen in Table 4-3, Solar City's "Matrix 1" shows that Solar City takes advantage of the synergy between owning and operating solar panels. This synergy is very strong and -as will be discussed later- it makes that nearly all DG DES developers only operate panels owned by them, affecting the viability of DG funding business models, which find few consumers willing to bare the risks of operation and maintenance. 13 47 Table 4-3: Solar City's "Matrix 1" Bemtdc swnbn Whicb M V Dunu~ kspa~m nrtdr 'C 0""/ 1~ OpWd v 'C /d V/ ?1 X PuM X( Pmd ~flbf "Matrix 2" in Table 4-4 below, presents the needs that can be fulfilled with this business model. These needs are mainly the same ones as in TIL's business model (resiliency, low & stable variable cost, environmental affordability and time consumption affordability), plus access and capacity, because this solution can also be used by off-grid or grid-connected consumers aiming to increase capacity. Table 4-4: Solar City's "Matrix 2" AD§q9NWf (C"WdtY) -A Fi LW I I I I I -Fi EI[ LM ab same nueina To" CWW-O suNiOWe 3. Standard Solar & Solar Grid Storage developed the Konterra project, a "sustainable mixed-use community"14 in Maryland, which is an interesting example of microgrids' 5 incorporating a relevant DG and DS capacity, as well as Electric Vehicle Infrastructure [EVI]. It can produce 20% of its power demand, can island itself from the grid, can benefit from electricity storage, and -maybe 14 microgrid-play/ 15 A microgrid is one of the configurations of DESs, in which resources and loads are collocated. 48 the most interesting part- can sell regulation services to PJM, the Transmission System Operator. Table 4-5: Konterra's "Matrix 1" buumnd mpuus x '1~ U Vt- / xX Xt /'if vl / X t ' ? I FuM fta o Wwmt nuof &L" x wd iowton m a In this business model "Matrix 1" and "Matrix 2" -in Table 4-5 and Table 4-6, respectively-present this build & own project that involves many different types of DES technologies, where most of the benefit is captured by Konterra's consumers, who will see increased levels of fulfillment for their reliability and energy affordability needs. In order to be financially viable, apart from setting relatively high real estate prices in the community, the project obtains funds from selling regulation services in the ancillary services market. These are used to provide reliability to utilities, required especially for those integrating a large volume of grid-scale renewable generation resources. Table 4-6: Konterra's "Matrix 2" 1131M" MT.] 49 Energy Demand Managers 4. EnerNOC is a provider of energy intelligence software, which is mostly known by DemandSMART' solution1 6 that enables their Demand Response [DR] business. They focus on aggregating17 large consumers (commercial and institutional clients) advising them and providing them with the equipment to implement primarily capacity DR, which is a temporary curtailment of power usage in case of peak demand events. In this business model consumers get paid a fixed amount for their willingness to participate in the program, plus a variable amount depending on how they are able to meet the load curtailment goal defined in case of a demand response request. EnerNOC will be paid -at the marginal electricity price- by the System Operator for the capacity they were able to reduce. Table 4-7: EnerNOC's "Matrix 1" I own k iii I I IUVId yX habal ? Operate Operate FuiW V1 Pva4d b~antm SuN V/ V1, / $ / X( $ x Fund "itmmm y/ EnerNOC's "Matrix 1" -in Table 4-7- shows its business model's operational focus, executing demand response through ICT platforms. "Matrix 2" -in Table 48- states that it provides benefit to both utilities and consumers. Utilities (or the Transmission System Operator [TSO]) benefit from a reduction of the nonserved energy gap, while consumers save energy, save money, and get paid. 16 17 The concept of "Aggregation" is essential to understand business models like EnerNOC's. This concept implies aggregating the demand or supply from multiple consumers or providers to generate scale economies, take advantage of a strategic position in the value chain, etc. 50 Table 4-8: EnerNOC's "Matrix 2" I~~l -ffiffi I 5. Opower provides energy intelligence software and costumer engagement solutions for energy industry. Famous for its energy efficiency solutions, Opower has leveraged their strategic connection with consumer locations to enable utilities develop residential consumer DR programs. What they call Behavioral DR18 makes use of Advanced Metering Infrastructure to motivate consumers in order to reduce their demand through personalized insights. In this business model Opower gets paid by the utility that is being benefited with the DR program. Error! Reference source not found. corresponds to Opower's "Matrix 1", which shows that they took advantage of the synergy between building ICT devices and providing information (DR messages) through them. Table 4-9: Opower's "Matrix 1" OUVIbu~d IOUVV1*d 6memtVn RW* amn / Setgc: I / '/ I/ V 'C Vw / 18 /$ 51 This strategy, though, could have been easily followed by potential competitors. The fact of being the first ones to successfully widely deploy with quality devices made the difference for Opower. This early deployment became a strategic advantage for Behavioral Demand Response, as Opower was already positioned close to consumers. Table 4-10: Opower's "Matrix 2" __AW_ "Matrix 2" -on Table 4-10- reflects that by enabling Behavioral DR, Opower provides capacity to utilities, while meeting consumers' financial and environmental needs. DES Enablers 6. WeatherBug is an information company that monitors and analyzes atmospheric conditions. With their SmartHome Plus 19 solution -energy management device that connects to smart meter data and a local thermostatthey took advantage of their expertise in information management and weather forecasting to improve energy supply and load management. The analysis of WeatherBug's business model through "Matrix 1" -in Table 4-11reflects that they are taking advantage of the synergy between information provision and ICT devices' development. 19 52 Table 4-11:WeatherBug's "Matrix 1" OeIhbad DftI~bi I brmib *fftihk ftin k*WOU~h" I/ I/ ___M1U mIud Caunk Tqdinok~lI _ _ 7_ V/ OP x _ _ _ _ Even though in WeatherBug they might not be experts in manufacturing, they could buy (or outsource) this skill. By doing that, they will be able to generate products whose differentiating factor is the capability to process their most valuable output: quality weather forecast information that enhances the scheduled operation of DG and DS. Table 4-12: WeatherBug's "Matrix 2" I FAamw* Own hwOmUnRt I VWAebI.CMr Aftionw "Matrix 2" in Table 4-12 tells us that, beyond helping consumers to save money and energy (which meets their financial and environmental affordability needs), WeatherBug enables a better use of distributed generation and distributed storage, providing capacity and resiliency to consumers. 53 7. Energy Aware is a technology company that provides products and services ranging from energy engagement devices for consumers to advanced data analytics to utilities. With the commercialization of their Neurio" platform 20 which is one of the many home energy management devices in the market- they created a differentiating feature, as they were able to add solar PV energy generation monitoring to the energy management system. The analysis of this additional information is essential to shift the loads in order to optimize demand management. Table 4-13: Energy Aware's "Matrix 1" - Omand x Pv fw g / yr yr~d /X~ y Fwd pr" _________ Table 4-14: Energy Aware's "Matrix 2" As Energy Aware's "Matrix 1" and "Matrix 2" show -in Table 4-13 and Table 414-, from an analytical perspective Energy Aware business model is quite simple: they build an ICT-related device that enables efficient management of loads and distributed generation, allowing the consumer to meet financial and environmental needs. 20 54 Energy Aware model does not take advantage of attribute synergies, but relies on the technological innovation of their products, which allows them to process solar panels information in their home energy management device. 8. Sequentric is a provider of smart grid technologies for consumers and utilities. With the commercialization of their Communication Gateway they enabled the connection between meter readers and thermostats (for data collection), load control modules (for load management or demand response) and smart vehicle charging transponders that can optimize the use of energy in Electric Vehicles [EV] charging. In this business modelz" Sequentric builds the load management devices, and the ICT devices to communicate with loads and sensors. One load that is particularly relevant for DESs -because of its growth potential and its relatively high consumption- is the EV charger. In addition to the commercialization of Sequentric-built devices, their business model considers managing device-based load profile information. Utilities are willing to pay for information that makes them understand what happens behind the meter, in order to optimize their demand forecasts or offer win-win deals to consumers. One of these deals relate to when and how they charge the electric vehicles. Using Sequentric's devices, they can offer special tariffs for those who charge EVs in they way the Utility needs (for instance, slow charging from 1AM to 4 AM). "Matrix 1" in Table 4-15 shows Sequentric's business model, highlighting the synergy of providing information, while being the ones that build the deployed devices. 21 55 Table 4-IS: Sequentric's "Matrix 1" Imtg"? Table 4-16: Sequentric's "Matrix 2" Pde*Ym (CMNN"cy -.. I vWk Cmt cemnwmsn Affw~sba iftm "Matrix 2" in Table 4-16 shows that with the "Build" attribute of the business model, Sequentric is meeting the financial and environmental needs of consumers, which want a better energy management to lower their bills while helping to preserve the environment. It also shows that the information provision enables utilities to manage the adequacy of their energy supply. 56 4.2 Overall Analysis Aggregated Matrices As it was introduced in Section 2.3, valuable information can be obtained when aggregating the data from the 8 business models in each of the matrices. OIVIN~ed einrgaun own OlirimiWl SWOOP lise Dowmnd an TW.dsh wn SO GPWS± CRhiIIIE 0 ____~1dxX X C - x ____ Figure 4-1: Aggregation of Business Models Over a "Matrix 1" Table Figure 4-1 presents the aggregation of the 8 business models over a modified "Matrix 1" (rows "Build" and "Fund" were switched to allow a clearer graphic representation). After a simple analysis of the data that shows us what technologies and approaches are these companies taking, the following conclusions can be drawn: If Operating,Owning beats Funding: The business models that "Operate" involving relatively high upfront investments (DG, DS, EVI, not DR, not ICT devices), bundle that attribute with the "Own" attribute. Operating and maintaining their own devices is less risky and complex -legally speaking- than funding and then operating and maintaining their consumers' devices. Therefore, as consumers usually don't want to bear the operation and maintenance risks, there is no much market for the "Fund" attribute. 57 * Forconsumers, eitheryou Operate oryou Provide Information: The information provided by the business models that "Provide Information" to consumers, usually aims to enable the DES to "Operate" (like Opower's Behavioral DR) or aims to optimize the DES' operation (for instance, WeatherBug's Home Energy Management System). This means that the benefit of the information is not part of a business model (it is not being sold), but an input or enabler of the DES. "Operate" and "Provide Information" could coexist when the information is sent to utilities or system operators instead of consumers (like Sequentric's model, if they also operated their devices.) - Companies take advantageof synergies: After populating the data in the aggregated matrix it was clear that the synergy/contradiction right triangle of "Matrix 1", presented in the "Utility of the Future" Phase I Report (Bharatkumar et al., 2014) was correct, or at least aligned with this market sample. From the 4 business models that have more than one attribute, every one of them and their attributes has synergies with the others chosen in the business model. Most companies in ICT leverage other assets or skills, but ones are more protectedthan others: Opower, famous for selling ICT devices for energy management, leverages its closeness to consumers in order to sell DR services to utilities. Sequentric, manufacturer of ICT devices and EVI, sells load profile data to utilities. WeatherBug leverages their expertise in weather and data management. Energy Aware relies on their technology, capable of including DR in the Home Energy Management System. In this scenario, companies like WeatherBug have an advantage, as their skill looks more difficult to replicate than a technology like Energy Aware's. 58 In the case of "Matrix 2", Table 4-17 shows the needs fulfilled by the different business model attributes and by the DES technologies themselves. Table 4-17: 8 Business Models' Aggregated "Matrix 2" From this aggregated matrix, the following conclusions can be drawn: * "Adequacy and/or capacity": Consumers get capacity from DES's DG and DS, while utilities get capacity from Demand Response. Both consumers and utilities can enhance their capacity's adequacy through information. *"Resiliency" is different for consumers and utilities: Consumers get resiliency through a smart use of DG and DS, usually enhanced by the provision of information (like WeatherBug's) that enhances the energy management. Utilities can improve their resiliency by buying ancillary services from utilities (like Konterra's project) *No "Recovery" services provided by DESs yet: T he common size and high cost of largest operative DESs (like microgrids) are still not enough to provide black-start or other recovery services to utilities. * "Low Upfront Costs" are obtained by leases: As it was mentioned in the context of aggregated "Matrix 1", the "Fund" attribute is not a preferred option in this market, and the "Own" attribute prevails. Most of this ownership models are executed through leases and, in some cases, PPAs. Leases and PPAs also provide "Stable Variable Costs". 59 e "Low Variable Costs": These can be obtained by consumers as a lower rate from the DES administrator that shares savings due to efficiency (expertise), due to scale economies (central operation) or due to the benefits of vertical integration (maintenance by the manufacturer). Payments or discounts made by the utility to the consumer could also be considered as netting outflows, and then as a lower cost (payments for DR, Ancillary Services, or consumption data sharing). " Three main ways to provide "EnvironmentalAffordability": The most common way in which Consumers fulfill their environmental awareness needs is through renewable distributed generation, that ensures them that they are consuming from a "green" source. Utilities can also meet this need by getting frequency regulation ancillary services from DESs. Finally, DESs can provide environmental affordability to both consumers and utilities through Demand Response programs. " The "Operate"attributeprovides "Time ConsumptionAffordability": In the 8 analyzed business models, operating was the only way that Time Consumption was tackled. Even when it seems obvious that ICT solutions can save time through automation, most of the devices focus on investing time to save energy and money, or to increase system's convenience. * "Build"does not provide value by itself the DES Technology does: Building or Installation is a one-time process that is necessary for the existence of the DES, but that by itself does not add any value. A DES system requires operation as it involves sensing and actuating. It can be argued that "Build" is the base of the DES Technology, but in these cases, like the provision of Access, the adopted convention was to assign the delivered value to the DES Technology. 60 Chapter 5 - Business Models Evaluation 5.1 Quantitative Evaluation of Qualitative Data Chapter 3 described the current characteristics and needs of stakeholders in the Chilean electric power system. It also presented 8 future state scenarios, depending on the evolution of three key variables: penetration of renewables, tariff structure changes and grid reliability. In each of those 8 scenarios stakeholders will prioritize needs differently, assigning a particular weight to each of them. Over that base, the selection process will evaluate how well are DES-related business models able to fulfill stakeholders' needs. There are a couple of characteristics that make this evaluation process particularly challenging. First of all, electricity related needs are very diverse and have different relevance for each stakeholder. Secondly, there is no standardized quantitative scale to measure need fulfillment levels. Thirdly, in most regions, like in Chile, there is no available quantitative data to rank the relevance of a "Need A" over a "Need B" for a particular stakeholder. In this scenario, the evaluation process is performed from the standpoint of a developer making a "go/no-go" decision for the eight business models, using Pugh's method or decision matrix method. Pugh's method is very useful as a quantitative technique to support judgments about qualitative information. As stated by Ullman (2000) in this method "[s]election among itemized alternatives is accomplished by relative comparison to a set of criteria defined by the issue. Each alternative is weighed by its ability to meet each criterion. It results in an abstract satisfaction calculation for each alternative". In this evaluation, each of the 8 foreseen scenarios (presented at the end of Chapter 3) will be reflected on its own Pugh matrix, which will have its own needs' relative weights, which will determine the quantitative score of each business model in that 61 scenario. Therefore, for each matrix, and consequently for each scenario, a given business model will have a score that -as seen in the equation below- is the sum of the score obtained on fulfilling each need, multiplied by the relevance (weight) of that need in the current scenario. Score of Need" i" x Weight of Need" i" Relative Need's Weights and Business Model's Need Fulfillment Scores The first logical step, then, to perform Pugh matrix evaluation processes is to specify each scenario's weighting mix among the needs. This computation of the relative importance of the needs for end-users and utilities in the 8 scenarios was performed in two steps. The first step was assigning the relative needs' weights for the current Chilean scenario, which is very similar to the base case for the 8 envisioned scenarios (10% renewable generation, 100% volumetric tariff option available and reliable grid). The second step involves adding or subtracting points on specific needs' valuation based on the changes in each of the three variables that define the scenarios (changes in renewable penetration, tariffs and/or grid reliability). In the first step, the ranking of needs' relevance for consumers and utilities in the current Chilean scenario is the following: 0 = Not important for the average stakeholder 1 = Important for the average stakeholder 2 = Very important for the average stakeholder This methodology to valuate consumers and utilities needs' generates the scores presented in Table 5-1, which are the base for the weights in Table 5-2. 62 Table 5-1: Base Scenario's Ranking of Needs' Relevance Table 5-2: Base Scenario Needs' Weights P-8-' Ilme"ft3%M 701u s " Ia" , f i& lm f A similar logic is applied in the second step, to assign weight to the needs' in each of the 8 scenarios. Here, scores of -1, 0 or 1 points will be added to the base case depending on how the key variables differ between the new scenario and the base case. This means the added score points will be assigned as follows: -1 = if in the new scenario the need decreases its relevance 0 = if in the new scenario the need keeps it relevance 1 = if in the new scenario the need increases its relevance In our 8 generated scenarios this will imply that in those that have higher unreliability of the grid, consumers and utilities will add 1 point to the 2 points that each of them already assigned to the "Resiliency" need on the base case. Then, both will end up having 3 points for the relevance score of "Resiliency", and consequently the weight (percentages) will vary. Similarly, consumers will also take 1 point away from "Low & Stable Variable Cost" base score if the 100% percent volumetric (BT1) tariff option is eliminated. Finally, utilities will add 1 point to "Adequacy" relevance base scores in those scenarios having 20% of non-hydro renewable generation penetration in the grid. 63 Table 5-3 below presents the input data and the results of the computation of needs' weights for the 8 scenarios. Starting from the base case relevance scores (black row), the relevance points that should be added are presented in the gray rows, to then calculate each scenario's total relevance scores in the green rows. Finally the needs' weights are presented in the yellow rows. The same calculations were made for utilities needs, whose table can be found in Appendix B. Table 5-3: 8 Scenarios' Consumer Needs' Weights I a - - . I - 5 WW~~~ O~ta t at; IPU The needs' weights that are presented in the 8 yellow rows at the bottom of Table 53 will become the base to measure the total score of a given business model in each of the 8 scenarios. 64 Once that the evaluation field is clear in each of the 8 scenarios, quantitative scores should be assigned to reflect how each DES-related business model is able to fulfill each specific need. Following the Pugh method, these scores will be assigned based on how qualitative data fits in a discrete axis 2 2 . In this case the alternatives for need fulfillment scores would be: 3 points if the DES-related business model fully meets the need, 2 if it meets most of the need, 1 if it meets a little of the need, 0 if it doesn't meet the need at all. Table 5-4 and Table 5-5 below show the resulting assigned scores for the need fulfillment of each of the 8 DES-related business models for consumers and utilities respectively. Table 5-4: Consumer Needs' Fulfillment Scores of the 8 Business Models Access (Ceaco 0 o sabi Varbbe Comt vram 2MM10-Low Ad~mw COWSUMERS r odwW Uha (Cayffmav 0 MiNE1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 cnsimo nmu d Afetdabety A.fwn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Table 5-5: Utilities Needs' Fulfillment Scores of the 8 Business Models U UTiLIiE Y Y V ecowaI AM= o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 biNy Low Tim s- St"aM. U p"Mem cost MuW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 S _ 0 0 bil tion bl-y 0 00 00 00 0 A quantitative approach was tried by the author in the context of the investigation in the UoF Project, to achieve a numeric valuation of profitability, reliability and environmental affordability of the different DES configurations, using DNV KEMA's MicroGrid Optimizer (MGO) tool. This effort, however, could not be completed as -during the analysis of the software- some relevant modifications and expansions were required, which were not possible to be finished in the time scope of this thesis. More information about the MGO tool can be found in Appendix A. 22 65 The rationale behind these scores is presented on Table 5-6 and Table 5-7. Table 5-6: Rationale of Consumer Needs' Fulfillment Scores CONSUMM MAuancr(C Acess o o o Solar City's model that could be used to provide access to off grid consumers that have Internet access. The operation of the service as a DES requires internet or cellular avalablity, which Isavailable in most of the country. 0 I ~- 0 0 Both DESs including distributed storage are able to provide some resiency to consumers.t can't provide resriency 24/4 and Konterra can't provide r ougiency for Its funrgY enables a better use of G and Sto enhance Weather Resiliency meeting a of the need. 0 kh None of these business model provides ful Adequacy or Capacity. Ti1's provides fuN capacity, but not full adequacy, as It still requires to buy from the grid. Solar City and Konterra provide a little capacity to be added to the grd's main power kinflow. Weatherfug enables a better use of0G and DS to enhance Adequacy, meeting alttle of the need. 0 0 0 l r e m ettle n The lease contract of Solar City and the PPA signed with theMu pensiron fuyns Inthe thse 0hat th es as b us th s I different: a0 r 0 model ful . nme the nae trase weomen n I th a n , a y mev t I of lowtra low and stable variable cost. Some of them don't as Konterra's fromte focuses more on sustainabtity and resiency. TIL's s model Respoentnwhich ed in th e PPA o r lease, b ut m Aodo ehl h as a stable varta e cost, fbie not necessaryiow than the grid provided power. f0ro m MrUME kalN dWM Ma lOnmsyptn AeM rdabliy Just like with Variable cost, most of the DES-related business models provide environmental affordabity for consumers. Models that avoid consuming power (like DR) or that makte consumption more lient (though home energy 0 management systems) funlly meet that need. Models that provide renewable generation capacity partly meet the need. Table 5-7: enetio Ra lities 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 The only DEq-elated business model from the list that is able to 1 provide some00level of resiliency to utilities Isthe Konterra Amneservices market to allow utilities 0""""" model, which can sell anciary 0 regulate the grdwhen incudng m Intermittent renewable 0 generation. ULn B but th~tsPagn11t requiresmath. avaelabilitynesf tu pfronti LEW renewablep genesration torenter thershvystemD.ma0 0 0 10 0 10 -0 10 M0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- me nvieWtEV 0g 00 LOa Stable Varilea cont 0 0 0 0 Affetdablilty UT~flBGervirormuntal Response model, which mequprm consumers engagement An~~~~~ote model tha hep utilites wit adequacy mnagmen Is the Information of consumers load, provided by Sequentric model. 0"g 0 _eeabdeqgenerationy __ 0 00 0 DES-reated business models that provide operation services ("Operxt business model attribute) takte care of most of the Mw required by the DES, fuoey meeting the Time Consumption Affordabity need. Behavora m an quitdlower In thethOpowed thlsfurdsponsehelT Needs' Fulfillment Scores 0- -- o Time Consiamption Affirdi~ty meet their Environmental Affordability needs0 0 of EnerNOC and Opower, or by buying -0 ragu Wion from Konterra to allow a higher penKtratlon of 0 reneal generation, but this requires the availability of 0 0_ renewable generation to enter the system". 0 0 10 Utiltes can 1through the DR models 66 Feasibility and Challenges of the Business Models in the Chilean Context Revisiting the "DER/DES Consumer Adoption Dynamics for the Chilean Context" diagram on Figure 3-4, it can be seen that -besides the valuation that consumers give to DESs (which is captured on the needs' analyses explained in the previous pages)- there are four other inputs affecting "DER-DES Consumer Adoption", that may not be as relevant as the alignment with needs, but that could make a business model unfeasible or significantly decrease its success probability. These inputs are the cost of grid electricity, eventual financial incentives (or disincentives), the adequacy of DES-related business models to the Chilean market, and the regulatory adequacy for DES adoption in Chile. A section of the diagram on Figure 3-4 that shows this factors is presented below in Figure 5-1. DER-DES + Adpo DER-DES valuation Reglator Adequacy for DES-DER Financial Cost of Grid Electricity for Inwndves from GovN mnet, or consumsUility Aggregator Socio-Economic Adequacy of Business Models Figure 5-1: Factors that affect DER/DES Consumer Adoption Based on the information presented on Section 3.1 regarding electricity prices in Chile, where the average daily marginal price for the last 12 months was over 160 US/MWh, the "Cost of Grid Electricity for Consumers" is going to be considered as "High", even when these prices are not immediately or totally transferred to consumers given the Chilean structure of supply contracts between generators and distribution utilities. This definition of "High" means that business models that are financially viable in an average country are very likely to be financially viable in Chile. 67 Regarding financial incentives, the analysis will consider this in a neutral position, neither helping nor constraining (specific taxes) DES business models, which has been the market-oriented policy in Chile for the past four decades. While the cost of grid electricity and a neutral position regarding incentives affect all business models in a similar way, the adequacy of the Chilean regulation for the adoption of a DES and the adequacy of a DES to the Chilean market could be different for each one of the business models. Aligned with that, the output of challenges and constraints analysis for the 8 DES-related business models is presented below. 1) Real Time Pricing for Demand Response: Demand Response companies will have to face the challenge of an inadequate information time rate for real prices in the Chilean electric power system. Even when this does not make the model unfeasible, it significantly reduces the profit it can make, decreasing the interest of companies to apply it in Chile. This challenge, which affects EnerNOC and Opower, is considered likely to be overcome in the next few years. 2) Wholesale Energy market and Ancillary Services market not open for non-generators: Business models considering transactions in wholesale market to buy electricity and to sell regulation might not be financially viable if that access is not granted. This challenge, which affects TIL and Konterra, could face some opposition from incumbent utilities and could be hard to overcome. 3) Cultural particularities: In Chile, renters -not landlords- pay electricity bills, and they pay fully volumetric tariffs. This would complicate business models involving fixed payments made by the landlord based on PV installed capacity. This challenge, which affects TIL, seems very hard to overcome. 68 4) Technological threshold and market size: Most DES Enablers business models assume that there is a base of consumers using or willing to use Home Energy Management Systems. Today that critical mass does not exist, and the size of the Chilean market makes that -even when these devices penetration reaches an adequate percentage- the amount of devices might be too low to profit. This challenge seems very hard to overcome for WeatherBug and Energy Aware. Opower and Sequentric could get some help from the utilities they serve, as sponsors for the penetration of their devices, but it will be hard anyways. Based on that information, and following the same scheme of the Pugh method, the feasibility scores for the 8 DES-related business models are presented in Table 5-8 below. Table 5-8: Feasibility Scores of the 8 Business Models VeyHard Hard VeyHard Hard 69 5.2 Pugh's Method Output One of the benefits of the Pugh method is that all the qualitative information that in the previous section was translated into quantitative data can now be aggregated to make decisions, to state preferences or to indicate success likeliness. The first step of the process is to determine each business model's aggregated need fulfillment score. To obtain that, a weighted sum of each need fulfillment scores has to be performed for each business model in each scenario. Table 5-9 shows the case for consumers in scenario 1 (other scenarios can be found in Appendix B). There, the scores of each business model in each need -rows with gray headers- are multiplied by the needs' weights for the scenario -black row at the top-. The product of these multiplications -yellow header rows- is then added for consumers and utilities, resulting in the need fulfillment scores presented in Table 5-10. Table 5-9: Scenario 1 Consumers Needs' Weighting Table I Amo AMmqmmc fCqpwdtV) 0 0.00 00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0 00.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.21 0.0 0 .00 oin u a1 t Upifust "W 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0.29 0. 0 re dlm NyP 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.14 0.07 3 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0. 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.64 0.64 0.21 LwasSawi tv 1 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 0.21 0.21 0.00 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 0.29 0.29 0.43 OA3 OA3 OA3 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.64 0.64 00 0.00 0.64 0.00 im. 7W"nmal Camump. WM0*en Caia Mas IAftde 0.29 AaMfly asn lt 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.00 0M O0 0.00 0.00 Table 5-10: Scenario 1 Needs' Weighted Fulfillment Scores MW ... I 70 Table 5-11, which presents the need fulfillment scores for the 8 scenarios, shows that -even when there are some variations among them- business models having good scores in one scenario also have good scores in the rest of them. The same happens with bad scores. This can be seen more clearly in Table 5-12 that highlights those scores above 1.5, assumed as the threshold for good performance. Table 5-11: Need Fulfillment Scores for the 8 Business Models in the 8 Scenarios MTKAP.ML79 Lgisgr164 L44 1.4 1A 0 0 1-A L7 1.I L1 1.64 L44 L47 1- L22 24L44 L417 Table 5-12: Need Fulfillment Scores Considered "Good" (>= 1.50 points) Lpa L731 trndL ofgood TheL L64 1o4 i n.47a L bs L nas Ll models 1247 L56 t45 L40 L93 LOO 1.3w 1A0 1.46 f l47 L36 1.22 2.21 IM4 2A6 LOD 2.36 LSOI L99 L74 L.U M6 2.A7 138 1M2 1M 1-29 L." L.IS 1.07 0.94 - 79 S3 1.34 44 2.2 e a L73 1.07 1.29 1.19 1 UP7 1.17 0.92 0.s L07 0.94 0.2 0.s 0.93 1.38 1.20 L641 1.1.91 1.49 13 The trend of good performance in the scenarios, as well as the linear average of the scores, coincides in signaling business models 1,2, 4 and 5 as the ones that perform well in fulfilling stakeholders' needs. 71 If we now consider the feasibility scores, which were introduced in the previous section and presented in Table 5-8, TIL's business model gets off the success list, as -with its score of 1- it is considered very hard to be implemented. Table 5-13: Feasible Business Models that Fulfill Stakeholder's Needs Table 5-13 indicates the DES-related business models that are considered likely to be successful if implemented in the context of the envisioned future state (5-15 years) of Chilean electric power system. This final list is composed by EnerNOC's "Capacity Demand Response" model, Opower's "Behavioral Demand Response" model and Solar City's "Residential Distributed Generation and Storage" model, which were already presented and described in Section 4.1. 72 Chapter 6 - Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1 Conclusions This section discusses the most relevant conclusions that have been presented throughout this document, as well as those overall recommendations that can be drawn when combining them. Diverse Systems have diverse needs, requiringdiverse solutions The statement given in Chapter 1 which said that "technologicalsolutions, innovative business models or regulatorybest practicesshould not be exported from one geography to another without a sound analysis",was originally thought in the context of bringing this solutions, business models and best practices from one country to another. Since Chilean electric power systems are so diverse in terms of climate, economic activity, energy sources and demography, it is very likely that the relative weight of the needs will differ in each of them. Then, it seems reasonable to apply this statement inside the country's boundaries, differentiating among the four main Chilean electric power systems. For instance a business model based on the installation of distributed storage to provide reliability, could be more valuable for consumers in the Aysen system -due to weather related factors- than in the Central system, but might only be financially viable in the Central system, as its population density is by far higher than the one in the Aysen system. ICT boosts DESs' value creationover DERs As presented in Chapter 2, most of the value creation of DESs -above that of a DER- is based on the synergy achieved by involving ICT capabilities of remote sensing, data management, and remote control. These new capabilities are key to allow different synergy models that range from load profile information sharing to generation or demand response aggregation. 73 Throughout time, different electronic devices and electric appliances are incorporating networking interfaces 23 , making these capabilities -and particularly those related with managing huge amounts of data, like Big Data- become even more relevant, as they provide tools to address the new needs and requirements imposed by the system's environment. This conclusion is valid for any EPS, and not only for the Chilean ones. The value of Pugh'smethod for assessing business models based on qualitativedata The output of the evaluation process performed in Chapter 5 indicated a subset of business models that, as scoring high in the need-fulfillment scale and in the feasibility scale, were considered likely to be successful if implemented in the envisioned states of the Chilean electric power system (represented in this calculations by the needs of the Central System). However, this specific information regarding this particular business models' set, may vary significantly depending on the choice of business models to be included in the first sample. In that context, the real value of the Pugh's method 24 for any electric power system, is not on the results, but on the fact of providing a systematic tool for decision-making processes in business models selections based on qualitative data, through a method regularly used for concept's selection in Systems Engineering practice. The value of trends in relationsbetween business models, needs, and technology Probably the most interesting conclusions can be drawn after the analysis of the trends in the relations existing in real-life business models among business model attributes, needs and technologies. The analysis of the aggregated matrices presented in Figure 4-1 and in Table 4-17 generates a long set of conclusions, which were already presented on Section 4.2, and that are valid for the Chilean system as well as any other particular system. 24 For more information on Pugh's method, see Section 5.1. 23 74 The value of identifying and understandingthe systems' dynamics The analysis of the "Electric Power System's Dynamics" causal loop diagram (Figure 2-4) provides valuable information regarding the factors that drive change in the system, and about the relation that defines how that change affects other variables through reinforcing or balancing loops. The Business Model Analytic Framework [BMAF] presented in Chapter 2, which is the main tool to analyze and understand business models in this thesis, is based on the three key dimensions of the EPS' dynamics (given a regulatory framework): * Unfulfilled Needs -which will be addressed differently by each business model, depending if the stakeholder is a consumer, a DES administrator, a DES entrepreneur, or an incumbent utility. e Technology Development -that defines the technology mix used by the business model to provide a service-, and * Business Models' Innovation -characterized by new business model's attributes combinations in their value proposition. A complete analysis of these three dimensions should provide a sound understanding of the specific characteristics of a business model, being able to understand how each business model relates with its surrounding system and its dynamics. With that knowledge the business model could be tailored to face the challenges that come with systems' evolution, maximizing its value. 75 6.2 Recommendations Based on the conclusions of Section 6.1 and the general knowledge base of this thesis, the following recommendations are suggested for the different stakeholders involved in this system. Recommendations To Consumers, DES Administrators,or DES Entrepreneurs When selecting energy solutions: Decisions regarding electric supply usually require -even at residential level- considerable investments that take several years to be recovered. This fact highlights the relevance of understanding the dynamics driving the evolution of systems, and particularly the evolution of needs. The better the vision of the system's evolution, the better the choice of the energy solution to be implemented. This considers that the selected solution has to fulfill, as much as possible, the system's needs in the short and in the long run. When developing greenfield business model projects: The playing field for DES business models presents a couple of characteristics that the DES entrepreneur should be aware of. The first one, is the low margin of the simple energy supply, produced by the usually low marginal costs of centralized generators and the relatively low transmission and distribution tolls. The second one, is that competitive advantages -based on technology- are risky as they can be copied or beaten by better technologies, which isn't an unlikely scenario considering the amount of companies in the technology devices market. In such a competitive scenario, the focus should be set on developing a lean and effective business model, that efficiently takes advantage of all possible synergies based on a correct understanding of stakeholders' needs. Here the business model attribute framework presented in Section 2.3, on its matrices 76 1 and 2, provides useful recommendations regarding the potential synergies (or the absence of them) that the new business model could take advantage of (or think on outsourcing), as well as the different business model attributes that can be used to meet a particular need. Recommendations To Incumbent Utilities When analyzing their long-term strategy: Just as it was recommended to consumers, utilities should also focus on understanding the dynamics driving the evolution of systems, and particularly the evolution of needs. Those evolving needs will probably be the drivers of new business models ideas, which will fuel the technology development machine, thus leading to potential scenarios of value migration. As explained by Slywotzky (1996), value migration occurs when incumbents' outdated business models do not meet the evolution of customers needs, creating new business design opportunities. Incumbents often ignore or overlook these opportunities to address new customer needs, presenting significant openings for newcomers. It seems evident that value migration could harm utilities if they do not start moving soon, which is clearly an uncomfortable change for these companies known by their rigidity and risk aversion. There are, however, some interesting examples of utilities that -at least in words- are embracing changes towards a more decentralized grid, and whose statements might serve as reference for utilities looking for a way to move in this changing scenario. One of them is RWE -Germany's second largest utility-, which announced a shift in the company's business model, to a "project enabler and operator, and system integrator of renewables" model. They also stated that 77 "Developing an innovative and profitable prosumer25 business model is a challenge we also need to address successfully". This statement clearly goes in the direction of DERs and DESs. The other company that -especially through its CEO, David Crane- is continuously talking about these changes is NRG. Crane says that the centralized electricity supply model is "in jeopardy" due the increase in distributed generation and distributed storage technologies which will make consumers "only turn to the 'the Grid' as a last resort". In this context, and regarding NRG's vision, he states, "This is not to say there is no role for utilities down the line. But that prize will go to those that evolve with the times and NRG certainly hopes to be one of the leaders serving this new future." When developing brownfield business model projects: Aligned with the vision of NRG's CEO, this innovative DES-related business models are also open for those utilities willing to be more flexible. If that is the case, utilities could also take advantage of the business model attributes framework, and particularly from "Matrix 1". The plan is to look for the synergies between the existing business model attributes of the utility, and the new business model attributes of the DES-related project. A variation of "Matrix 1" developed by the author in the context of the "Utility of the Future" project and presented in its Phase I report (Bharatkumar et al., 2014), lists some of the opportunities and challenges for regulated distribution utilities implementing brownfield DES-related business model projects (Table 6-1). "A prosumer is a person who is both a producer and consumer of electricity -usually in the form of having some solar PV on the rooftop." (Source: 25 78 Fund Utilities are not well suited to manage large amounts of information (compared to Amazon Web Services, or other Big Data companies) As a company interfacing directly with end-users and transmission companies/system operators, it could obtain valuable information It is not suited to be a If dedicated to it, it might be manufacturer of DES suited to design and implement components and might face the system integration of DESs, challenges keeping the fast pace as a small version of electric of technology changes in this power systems sector Funding is a business attribute that is not in present utilities, and they would probably face Fund competition from financial industry Challenges As a long-term and stable investment class, it could rather easilyget capital to fund DESs As a company that has the knowhow of electricity distribution network operation, it might have an advantage when operating DESs As an asset heavy company, its financial profile won't be affected by the addition of new DER or ICT assets Opportunities Regulated Distribution Utility's / 1~ x Recommendations To Regulators When defining general regulations: Defining a regulatory environment that presents barriers to DES integration, one that is neutral, or one that supports it, will affect the rate and quality of DES integration in the power system. Regulators then -and just like consumers and utilities- should be aware of the dynamics of the system and its stakeholders' needs. Their objective should be set the right level of support or constraints in order to provide a leveled playing field for new entrants and incumbents. The focus should be on finding a fair way to promote business model innovation -either by utilities or new entrants- as a way to fulfill stakeholders' needs 26 . In the case of Chilean regulation, the leveled playing field for innovative business models will be mostly related with the information asymmetries between DSOs and DES entrepreneurs. One example of these asymmetries is the charge that DESs have to pay to DSOs if their DG exceeds the maximum penetration capacity that doesn't require additional works and modifications in the grid. In this case -which could affect Solar City's business model- the information to perform charge calculations is clearly asymmetrical, and the regulator should take actions to ensure the charge is fairly calculated. As mentioned in Section 5.1 -when assessing the feasibility of business models-, the Chilean Spot (Wholesale) Market can only be accessed by generators trying to fill the power or capacity gaps between their operation and their contracts. This structure should be changed if the goal is to allow business model innovation. A change like this should be required for the operation of Demand Response programs, in order to be paid by the energy Business model innovation is required because, as stated in Figure 2-4, "traditional business models and regulatory frameworks might not be able to change at a rate adequate enough to keep the pace of consumer needs' evolution". However, "the rate in which innovative business models meet unfulfilled needs is much faster than that of traditional business models" (see Section 2.2). 26 80 reduction they are able to provide to the system, instead of dispatching another power plant. Also models like TIL's in Germany -who need to buy energy in order to cover the short position of their PPAs- require access to the lower prices available in the wholesale market. When defining technical regulations: Sometimes technological evolution makes playing fields that for years were considered leveled, to become unfair or restrictive for new entrants. That might be the scenario that companies like EnerNOC would face if they implement their business model in Chile. This happens because Demand Response models, even if able to access wholesale markets, might loose most of its profitability if they do not have access to marginal cost of electricity information. The information of the marginal cost of electricity is currently managed by the CDEC (TSO controlled by incumbent utilities) who publishes marginal cost values with a couple of days of delay. In this context, the challenge for the regulator is to define a regulatory framework that motivates the different stakeholders to collaborate in the development and operation of an information platform for marginal prices. In addition, other technical regulations may have strong impacts in Distributed Energy Systems' adoption. One of these regulations refers to the certification and authorization procedures for the technologies that compose DESs. The office that regulates this devices and their connection to the grid in this case the Sub-secretary of Electricity and Fuels [SEC]- should look to facilitate the integration of DESs, by establishing certification procedures affordable in time and resources for new entrants, which meet the required safety and reliability standards. 81 6.3 Further Work A holistic approach -to electric power systems as socio-technical systems- like the one developed in this thesis, will for sure leave some questions unanswered or some fields in which different methods could be utilized. Some of that work is in the roadmap of the "Utility of the Future Project", which will continue researching about the scenario that will be faced by the utilities in the next 15 to 25 years. Specifically, a quantitative assessment of the value that the different DESs add to the grid will be developed. The author -in the context of Phase I of the UoF projectdedicated a long time to analyze the code of DNV KEMA's MicroGrid Optimizer [MGO] tool 2 7, trying to expand its valuation for microgrids to assess generic DESs. This expansion was not possible in the time frame of UoF's Phase I, but it will probably be possible in the time frame of the whole project. In a less-quantitative analysis, much work could be derived from the analysis of both Causal-Loop diagrams -Electric Power Systems' Dynamics (Figure 2-4) and DER/DES Consumer Adoption Dynamics (Figure 3-4)-, which could range from the effects of tariff structures in consumer adoption, to the role of regulatory innovation in fulfilling consumer unmet needs by allowing business model innovation. Whatever the focus of the research is, the recommendation is to keep the systemic view, considering electric power systems, not as technical, but as socio-technical systems. 27 A deeper view into MGO can be found in this Appendix A. 82 References AES-Gener (2009), Annual Report 2008. Retrieved from AESGenerWebNeo/CONTROLS/NEOCHANNE LS/NeoCH6262/annualreportgener/financiero/pdf/memoria2 008.pdf CDEC-SING (2013), Tablasy Grdficos Informe PrimerSemestre 2013. Retrieved from Central Intelligence Agency (2013, November 16). The World Factbook.Retrieved from Comisi6n Chilena del Cobre (2014, January 13), World Copper Market Review, Week of30 December2013-03 January2014. Retrieved from /archivos/Semanal/20140106174724_Weekly%20 Review%20to%201-3-2014.pdf Comisi6n Nacional de Energia (2013, November 16). ProduccidnReal porSistema. Retrieved from real-por-sistema.xls Comisi6n Nacional de Energia (2013b, November 16), EstadisticasEnergia. Retrieved from Comisi6n Nacional de Energia (2013c, November 16), La Regulacidn del Segmento Distribucidnen Chile. Retrieved from /default/0 5_Public_Estudios/descargas/publicaciones/regulacion-segmentodistrib ucion.pdf Comisi6n Nacional de Energia (2014, January 13), Sistema Interconectadodel Norte Grande.Retrieved from Crane, D. (2013, December 6). A Brave New World Powered by Distributed Energy, Breaking Energy. Retrieved from /abrave-new-world-powered-by-distributed-energy/ DNV KEMA (2014, January 13), MicrogridStrategiesand Solutions. Retrieved from versionFINAL%20MOC.PDF International Energy Agency (2014, January 13), Topic: Energy Security. Retrieved from 83 Lacey, S. (2013, October 23). Under Threat, Germany's Second-Biggest Utility Says It Will Create a New 'Prosumer Business Model. GreenTechMedia. Retrieved from Bharatkumar, A., Jenkins, J. D., Le Dantec, J., P rez-Arriaga, I. J., Tabors, R. D., & Batlle, C. (2014), Utility of the Future- PhaseI Report. Unpublished document. Ministerio de Energia (2013, November 16), Objetivosy Funciones. Retrieved from OECD (2011), OECD Regional Outlook 2011: Building Resilient Regions ForStronger Economies, OECD Publishing. Retrieved from OECD (2013), OECD TerritorialReviews: Antofagasta, Chile 2013, OECD Publishing. Perez-Arriaga, 1. J. (Ed.). (2013). Regulation of the Power Sector. London: Springer. Rudnick, H. (2009), ElectricityDistribution Tariffs, The Chilean Experience. Retrieved from RudnickJunO9 _Aneel Seminar .pdf Slywotzky, A. J.(1996). Value migration:how to think several moves ahead of the competition. Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press. Sterman, J. (2000). Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Ullman D. & D'Ambrosio B. (2013, November 3), A Taxonomyfor Classifying Engineering Decision Problems and Support Systems. Retrieved from U.S. Department of State (2013, November 16), Bureau of Economic and Business Affair FactSheet 2003: Key Facts on Chilean Economy. Retrieved from U.S. Geological Survey (2013, November 16), MineralCommodity Summaries Copper. Retrieved from /copper/mcs-2013-coppe.pdf 84 Appendices Appendix A: DNV KEMA's Microgrid Optimizer Toolfor Valuation of DESs' Impact As mentioned in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, the first option to value DESs' impact on the EPS -for this thesis and for the "Utility of the Future" project- was to work with a tool able to quantify the Net Present Value of a DES, as well as its improvements in reliability, emissions and other metrics related to stakeholders needs. Instead of building a new tool from scratch, the decision was made to look for a partnership with one the developers of similar tools available in the market, which could then be expanded and modified to meet DESs' requirements. Two main tools were analyzed: DNV KEMA's MicroGrid Optimizer [MGO], and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's DER-CAM. The choice was made to start working with MGO, and the author of this thesis dedicated a considerable time trying to modify the software's code to make it work for generic DESs. Even when this first effort was not successful, the enhancement of this tool will keep going in the next phase of the UoF project. The information cited below, retrieved from DNV KEMA's website 28, lists most of MGO's capabilities and characteristics. "DNV KEMA's proprietary MicroGrid Optimizer (MGO) is a comprehensive cost/benefit analysis model that evaluates the financial decisions of microgrid development and planned operation. The model incorporates investment choices for a wide range of technologies including: * * e * e * Micro-generation, Combined Heat and Power Energy and thermal storage Building and lighting efficiency Load management Reliability assessment of critical loads Distribution system infrastructure Telemetry and controls" 28 85 "At the core of the model is DNV KEMA's proprietary Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) solver which simulates a central Microgrid controller optimizing energy asset management including: Demand Response (DR) participation, reliability of non-interruptible and critical loads, inter-grid and intra-grid energy transfers to minimize operational expense. Also included are future trends in consumer load management. Incentives for sustainable energy programs and utility rates are also incorporated." "The MGO model enables: Financial analyses of alternative capital and operational investment scenarios * Valuation of risk by modeling uncertainty in parameters associated with climate, demand energy prices and technology costs, - A comprehensive view of energy asset portfolio management and operations for a microgrid developer and operator" * "The capabilities of the MGO tool allow you to: - * * * * Model multiple building types (e.g., commercial office or retail space, residential condominium, community center, restaurant, hospital, campus building and others) and their energy efficiency performance based on regional weather characteristics; Assess the financial effects of building improvements and building energy efficiency; Simulate tenant behavior; Test hourly intra-day resource optimization against wholesale market day-ahead and intra-day prices; Conduct multi-year microgrid investment optimization based on risk adjusted hourly simulation; and Customize simulations of specific microgrid technology offerings while measuring resulting system performance against a variety of metrics." 86 Appendix B: Calculation Tables for Business Model's Need Fulfillment Scores In Section 5.1 we presented Table 5-3, which showed the relative weights of consumer needs for the 8 scenarios. That same calculation was made for utilities needs, as can be seen in the Table B.1. Table B.1: 8 Scenarios' Utilities Needs' Weights AffordabOV I- I WI =-= I Once the needs' weight in the 8 scenarios -yellow rows in Table 5.3 and Table B.1and the score that each business model received in each particular need -shown in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5- were determined, the weighting calculations were made to obtain a single Needs' Fulfillment Score for each business model. 87 While the calculations for consumers in Scenario 1 were included in Section 5.1 (Table 5.9), the rest of the scenarios and Scenario 1 for utilities were not. Those additional tables are presented below. Table B.2: Scenario 2 Consumers Needs' Weighting Table I I Armma"&pAI~ N~ Mel mmnr -1I 3 I 1 1 3 2 3 0 3 3 0 1 3 0 0.00 0.00 0 M 0.00 a 0 056 06 01 000 O. 119 00 OM MO0 .00 0.00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 019 0.00 0O 0M M 0.00 0.00 2 1 0 0 0.23 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.06 0.00 0.00 iw m 0 1 0 sansaeass 3 1 0 0 0 I isessmr'smser'sm 0 1 0 0 0 035 0. 0.35 MD 0.a00 00 OD 0Q 23 3 3 _ 0 3 3 01 19 0 MN 6 036 036 0.6 0 0 3 025 05 025 0 0.19 0.19 0M1 0M00 M M.00 .3 O0 0.00 36 039 1 0M 03 Table B.3: Scenario 3 Consumers Needs' Weighting Table I Ag- 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.23 .00 00 00 00 A00 n0 Isede----bu Adown 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 015 OM 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.06 O 00 I a sNrI Ia Ie.m I 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0.31 00 0.31 0.0 0.00 0.15 0m 0M sawuma .... iI wamUsaha lasa Is III RMNON I Shoib n..... ... a fts Akf..& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 00 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.69 .6 023 0.0 0 0.6 0M 00 IFa"""I' " 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 0.15 015 0.00 0.46 A6 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.46 046 0.46 0A6 0 046 04 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.0 0M 00 0.00 Table B.4: Scenario 4 Consumers Needs' Weighting Table I .I"" I I " A 3 0 I 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0.60 0 0 1 0 0 0.13 aO 0.00 0.20 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 am 007 om 0a40 am 0.00 e a0 00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 020 0.00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.00 00 '"" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 0.13 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 0.20 3 3 0.13 0.27 0. 0.20 am0 0.00 0.o 0.00 0a 0.40 OL27 0-20 1 0.40 0.40 1 0.0 0.40 0.40 0.40 O.40 0.00 ~ 000 OA a40 _ O 1 0.00 0.00 0 88 0..) CO .0 U, 0..) 0..) ~0 z U, 0..) 0 .0 0 T ii ii II ii 17 £ II *0 0..) 0..) U, 0..) 2 U, I 0 0 U, 0..) 0 N 0 CO 0..) N C.) 0..) CO U, Lt.~ (d*2 0 '.0 0 0 CO C.) Cd'.) 0..) 0..) 0..) CO %0 I mI 0r 0 I II U ii If I ii 7' I CD eb rL m1 a' C 0 r. cr 0 Ii i I 0~ z C ~1 Table B.14: Scenario 6 Utilities Needs' Weighting Table a Noss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.O 0.00 0,0 see 0 0 0 3 2 1 O.W a00 aW 0m ' 0 MAD"'w'dae pm t" UsO*" (r 0 2 OW 0.( 0.0 0.39 0.2 0,0 4 .01 O.Is ~~~Vaftbb CNO kOO ft 1"T W 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OW 0 0 0 0.0 0.1 0.0 O.OD ODD 0.0 O. 0 0 law a ft"s seanis P"I 0 0 0 OLM 0" 00 OAO OM OAO OA) 1 O- 0 0 0 O.W 0.00 0.00 CLOD 000 aW a0 a 0 0 4AD OA3 M .00 1 m I O.O 0.0 1 A 0.00 M 3 OM0 0. 0.0 OW 0.00 000 OOD OA 00 U~S &.it GAS OAD O.W 0 OAO -0.00 Table B.15: Scenario 7 Utilities Needs' Weighting Table I I 0 0 0- 2 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 0. 0 0.00 I I QM.ARD 0 O00 014 0.36 0.57 M0 .M ano O.W0 O-S7 O-W ILA 0 0 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0 0 _0.00 O0 I S 1 2 0.00 II 00 i.00 YAM 0 &ciao I I 0 0 00 00 aO.x 0.00 am am10 0 0.00 0.00 aim 0 0.00 0. O. 0.14 .00 - 0 0 0.0 000 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 00 3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 am00 0 0 1 a 0_03 0 00 00 0 Men 0.0 aim 0.43 0.43 aim .i am . amg ama -- .L 0.00 O. .0, am0 0.0 0.00 000 . aim Table B.16: Scenario 8 Utilities Needs' Weighting Table P'N i AdW$MW ~ ~~ a 2mssu Po In n III-MO ~~ I sWWUPINN . a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 am I U0i 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 2 0.00 0.00 00 0 a 0 0 0.50 0.00 0 0 0 0M W0.00 0.3 000 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 O. OM 000 00 0.0 0.00 am am0 ftm 0.75 050 0 0 WWAgasab JnERmAWNe V Cutman *Armi 0 0 .L 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. atm m ... a0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 amD aim a0 000 iv uawuft Cs 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 .00 0.00 0.13 0.38 .31 0.00 . Om Om 0 0 0 0 0M 0. A00 0.00 000 0.00 400 000 The addition of the weighted scores for consumer and utilities in every scenario, which defines the need fulfillment scores already presented in Table 5-11. 92