Structural and Mechanical Analysis of the Black Widow Spider Web Subjected to Stretching, Expansion and Wind by ANCIVES Bogdan Andrei Demian MASSACHUSETTS INSTfTUTE OFTECHNOLOGY Diploma de Licentd JUN 13 2014 Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest, 2013 Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of LIBRARIES MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 @2014 Bogdan Andrei Demian. All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or herealf created. Signature redacted Signature of Author: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 21, 2014 Certified by: Signature redacted- Markus J. Buehler Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis SuN ervisor Accepted by: Signature redacted Heid'M. Nepf Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Structural and Mechanical Analysis of the Black Widow Spider Web Subjected to Stretching, Expansion and Wind by Bogdan Andrei Demian Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 21, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT The web of the black widow is apparently a random spatial arrangement of threads, which provides its occupant with housing, means to capture prey and protection. However to ensure that these functions are fulfilled, the spider has evolved to adapt the architecture of the web so that it would be able to adequately respond to the outer environment and to properly transmit the stresses within its structure. By performing the structural analysis of the web subjected to various external loads, a relationship between the web geometry and mechanical response may be established. For this study, a web model constructed based on data collected from a member of the species Latrodectus mactans (southern black widow) is tested under three loading conditions: uniaxial stretching, expansion in the three main directions and shearing effects of the wind action. In addition, to determine whether the response of the erratic ensemble of threads is efficient as compared to a more orderly system, a second structure constructed from elements of equal lengths organized in simplistic pattern is subjected to similar tests and results are compared. These tests indicate a complex flow of stresses throughout the network. Unlike the elements in the orderly system, which carry approximately the same amount of load, the individual response of the threads in the web varies significantly, with some experiencing very large stresses, while others not being loaded at all. This shows that the high degree of redundancy in the web allows for multiple possible load paths, redirecting stresses in certain regions of the structure, while maintaining others safe for the spider to continue inhabiting them. However, while certain patterns may be observed in the way load is carried throughout the web, these tests fail to establish a concrete correlation between geometry and stress flow. Thesis Supervisor: Markus J. Buehler Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to thank Professor Markus J. Buehler for introducing me to this amazing topic and for allowing me to join him in his research and Zhao Qin for his invaluable help, guidance and advice. Many thanks to Tomas Saraceno and his team for making this study possible, Professor Jerome J. Connor, for his ideas and, last but not least, my family for all their support. TABLE OF CONTENTS A bstract.............................................................................................................................................. 3 A cknow ledgem ents ....................................................................................................................... 5 1. 9 2. 3. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Purpose of the Study .......................................................................................................................... 1.2. M otivation of the Study .................................................................................................................. 11 1.3. O utline of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 11 Background and Literature Review .......................................................................... 13 2.1. Spider Silk............................................................................................................................................ 13 2.2. Spider W eb as a Structural System ......................................................................................... 15 2.2.1. General Considerations ...................................................................................................... 15 2.2.2. The Black Widow Spider W eb............................................................................................. 16 2.2.3. Tom a's Saraceno's "14 Billion" Project......................................................................... 18 Com putational Tools and M ethodology.................................................................. 19 3.1. Com putational Tools....................................................................................................................... 19 3.2. M ethodology ....................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.1. Studied Sam ple ......................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.2. Reference Structure - Lattice............................................................................................ 20 3.2.3. Procedure for Stress Analysis ........................................................................................ 22 4. Geom etry of the W eb ...................................................................................................... 5. 9 25 4.1. Analysis of the W eb ......................................................................................................................... 26 4.2. Analysis of the Sam ple.................................................................................................................... 29 Structural A nalysis........................................................................................................... 33 Stretching Sim ulation ..................................................................................................................... 33 5.1.1. Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 33 5.1.2. Results.......................................................................................................................................... 36 5.1.3. Discussion................................................................................................................................... 40 5.1. 5.2. Expansion Sim ulation ..................................................................................................................... 7 41 5.2.1. Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 41 5.2.2. Results.......................................................................................................................................... 43 5.2.3. D iscussion ................................................................................................................................... 46 W ind Sim ulation ............................................................................................................................... 47 5.3. 6. 5.3.1. Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 47 5.3.2. Results.......................................................................................................................................... 48 5.3.3. D iscussion ................................................................................................................................... 51 Su m m ary and Con clu sion s ........................................................................................... 53 6.1. Sum m ary.............................................................................................................................................. 53 6.2. Conclusions......................................................................................................................................... 54 R eferen ces ...................................................................................................................................... 57 A ppendix A 63 - M A T LA B Cod es .............................................................................................. A .1. D uplicates Rem oval.............................................................................................................................. 63 A .2. Calculation of Geom etrical Properties...................................................................................... 65 A .3. Probability M atrix Calculation ...................................................................................................... 67 A .4. Stress Calculation.................................................................................................................................. 68 A ppen dix B - Stresses in T hread s....................................................................................... 71 B.1. Stress D istribution in Threads during Stretching ................................................................ 71 B.1.1. Stretching in X D irection ........................................................................................................ 71 B.1.2. Stretching in Y D irection ........................................................................................................ 82 B.1.3. Stretching in Z D irection ........................................................................................................ 93 B.2 Stress D istribution in Threads D uring Expansion...................................................................104 8 1. INTRODUCTION Throughout history, nature has served as a source of inspiration to humans and all the great things they have accomplished [1]. The evolutionary process has ensured that natural structures have the ability to safely fulfill their particular functions and survive in their specific environment through well-adapted mechanical (material) and geometrical (form) properties. This aspect can easily be observed in the skeleton, which is strong enough to carry the weight of the body or plants that have the flexible and tough trunk that can bend in the wind without breaking [2, 3]. Another such structure is the spider web. It is not only important because it provides the spider with a place to live, but it also serves as defense against attackers and a way to catch the prey [4]. In order to fulfill these functions, it has to be able to absorb energy from external loads without breaking, but it must be stiff enough not to deform too much under the weight of the spider [2]. Silk is regarded as having a pound for pound strength greater than that of steel [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The strength combined with its excellent ductility, provide the spider silk with the ability to absorb a large amount of energy before fracturing [2, 6, 10, 11]. In addition to the mechanical properties of the spider silk, the structure, as a whole, is constructed in such a manner as to contribute to the safety of the system. The high degree of redundancy generated by the large number of threads intersecting at any point ensure that in case of an unfavorable event the failure is limited only to the portion where the incident has occurred. The shape of the spider web is the product of the spider's response to the surrounding environment [4, 12]. While most commonly associated with the planar spiral specific to the orb-weaver spiders, the spider web is present in nature under various forms. A main disadvantage of the two-dimensional webs is the fact that it leaves the spider vulnerable to external threats. This limitation is overcome by spiders that build three-dimensional cobwebs. The spider resides in interior tunnels, while outer threads serve both for stopping predators and catching prey [12, 13]. Among the species that build threedimensional cobwebs is the black widow spider, whose web is the object of this study [14]. 1.1. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to study the linear elastic behavior of the black widow web by establishing a relationship between the geometry of the structure and the stresses 9 carried by the threads. This is achieved by determining the stress distribution in the members of the web by applying principles from mechanics of materials and correlating them with the connectivity of the strings by using principles from statistics. Because the shape of the web is a direct result of the behavioral choices made by the spider based on knowledge acquired through millions of years of evolution and from the necessity to adapt to its immediate environment [4, 12], it could be argued that the structure should be able to distribute the carried loads efficiently. Considering this aspect, the research further seeks to understand whether the form finding process employed by the spider during the construction is an efficient one by comparing it with a reference structure - in this case a lattice structure - which shall be described in detail in future chapters. Despite some material models having been proposed for the spider silk [4, 10, 15, 16], the full extent of the mechanical properties of the black widow silk is still limited and as such, this study shall mainly deal only with the linear elastic response of the silk material [11, 17]. The model used in this study is based on coordinate data collected by Argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno by scanning the web spun by a black widow spider from the species Latrodectus mactans and subsequently used for his art installation, "14 Billions", which attempts to reproduce the structure at human scale [18]. Figure 1.1 illustrates the computer model constructed based on this data. Figure 1.1 - Computer model of Toms Saraceno's "14 Billions" project. 10 1.2. Motivation of the Study With a shift of architectural trends, in the past decades, towards unusual designs mainly dominated by domes and tension structures, web-like systems most certainly offer interesting options to be explored for new projects. Furthermore, if designed properly, their configuration would ensure the ability to control the collapse of the structure. That is if one member were to fail, the structure as a whole would continue to work due to the large degree of redundancy. In addition to that, the arrangement of the members would rely on the spider's millions of years of evolutionary experience and, thus, the end product could be an efficient, yet light structure able to adequately distribute stresses, but save a lot in terms of cost. From a material perspective, existing technology does not allow yet a feasible method to produce structural members replicating the mechanical properties of spider silk. Some theories have been put forward, such as using carbon nanotubes whose material model resembles that of the silk or by weaving spider threads in a rope-like manner [19]. Issue with the former solution is the large cost associated with the production of nanotubes, while the latter has as disadvantage the fact that by tightly wrapping silk threads could lead to failure of individual members. Nevertheless, undergoing researches reveal new information not only on the properties of the silk, but also on ways to synthetically enhance the end product [15]. Furthermore, the properties of the spider silk would, particularly its toughness, would be ideal for structures subjected to impact loads, greatly benefitting the field of performance-based design. This study is meant to lay ground for further research on the structural behavior of the black widow and its possible applications in the field of structural engineering and architecture [20, 21], by determining a general relation between load, geometry and material. 1.3. Outline of the Study This study describes three different loading scenarios applied to the black widow web in order to determine a correlation between the geometry of the web and the flow of stresses throughout the structure. To reduce computation time and to simplify the geometry to a certain extent, just a portion of the web is evaluated. The next two chapters have the purpose of introducing the reader to relevant knowledge on the mechanical properties of 11 the black widow spider silk and the geometry of the its web and to detail the procedure employed for this research. Once the portion of web to be studied, referred in the rest of the of this study as "the sample", is selected, its geometry is compared to that of the entire web to determine whether the system is reliable and will return results that may be extrapolated to the actual structure with a certain degree of accuracy. The sample is then subjected to uniaxial stretching, expansion in the three main directions and shearing effects of a sudden wind gust. Recorded results are presented in the fifth chapter. Because of the currently limited knowledge and ability to predict how the cobweb should respond, a second computer model, referred in the rest of the study as "the reference structure" of a cubic structure having the geometrical arrangement of a lattice is constructed and tested for the same loading conditions. The obtained results are then compared to establish whether the black widow web is reliable and efficient as a structural system. 12 2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW This section aims to provide the reader with information regarding the currently existing knowledge on the properties of the spider web in general and the black widow in particular. The first part of the chapter provides a brief description of the mechanical properties of the spider silk, the material used to construct the structural elements of the web, as well as information regarding assumptions made in this study. The second part of the chapter approaches the web as a whole from an architectural perspective. 2.1. Spider Silk The structural elements of the black widow web, like in the case of any other spider web, consist of protein fibers [12, 22, 23]. From hierarchical perspective, the primary structure of the spider silk consists of amino acids predominantly made up of glycine and alanine building blocks [24, 25, 26, 27]. The secondary structure consists of stiff crystalline domains (beta-sheets), where mainly alanine is present, linked by an amorphous region where glycine is the primary component. The stiff beta sheets provide it with strength, while the elastic amorphous matrix makes the silk ductile [15, 25]. Depending on its role in the structural system, the spider may use different glands to produce silk with varying properties [22, 23, 28] Table 2.1 provides a list of the black widow's glands and their use respectively. Gland Major ampullate Minor ampullate Tubuliform Flagelliform Aggregate Aciniform Pyriform Role Used to manufacture dragline; main structure consists of this type of silk [29, 30] Used for scaffolding and temporary support of the structure [26] Used for the synthesis of egg case silk [31, 32] As of now, unknown function in cob-weavers [22] Used to manufacture sticky silk [22] Used for wrapping prey and egg case silk [28] Used to produce attachment disc silk [28] Table 1 - Latrodectus mactans glands and their role [22, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32] 13 Because the study is only concerned with the behavior of the main structural system, the mechanical properties of the dragline silk are considered [6]. As the principal structural component of the web, it must ensure integrity to the system. It must be able to dissipate energy generated by external loads such as wind or flying prey, while fulfilling housing and protection requirements for the spider [2]. The dragline silk is characterized by high tensile strength, comparable with that of high strength steel (with a rupture strength of up to 1,970 MPa [33]), a silk thread having about the same capacity as that of a steel string of the same size (600 - 1,500 MPa for the black widow silk [34]). However, because silk has a lower density (around 1.3 g/cm 3) than steel (around 7.8 g/cm 3), on a weight for weight basis, it is, in fact, stronger than steel. In addition to that, it is ductile, being able to undergo large deformations before breaking. This combination of strength and extensibility make the spider silk one of the toughest materials found in nature [2, 25]. Experiments carried out on the silk thread reveal that, under loading, it will initially undergo linear elastic deformations until reaching the yielding capacity. As the yielding occurs, the silk begins by exhibiting ductility and ends by stiffening again prior to rupture [2, 6, 8, 11, 25, 35, 36, 37]. Based on these observations, Cranford, et al identified four zones on the orb spider silk stress-strain diagram, corresponding to the stages of loading the threads until rupture (Figure 2.1) [10, 16, 35]. The first stage defines the initial portion where the material exhibits a stiff linear behavior. The second stage called, "entropic unfolding", is characterized by the elongation of the amorphous region in the proteins. The third stage represents the portion where the material starts to stiffen again due to the alignment of the crystalline beta sheets and the fourth stage is where stick-slip occurs between the beta-sheet crystals prior to rupture [10, 15]. The material model is, however, valid for the silk of the Latrodectus hesperus (western black widow), a very close relative of Latrodectus mactans [14] as well, as observed from experimental data collected, on separate occasions, by Moore, et al. and Blackledge, et al [34, 36]. Values obtained experimentally indicate that the black widow silk has a yielding strength of 100 MPa and yielding strain of 5%, but only reaches rupture at a strain of 4550% and a stress between 1,000 and 1,500 MPa. With the aid of non-destructive procedures, the elastic tensor of L. hesperus was determined, but little is known as of now about the stiffness tensors outside the linear elastic region, while there is no experimentally confirmed data on L. mactans at all. As a result, for the purpose of this study, the linear elastic behavior of the silk shall be considered only, with a Young's modulus of 10.4 GPa [11], which is specific to the western black widow. 14 1,750 1,500 I I 1,2501 a Ir1,000 .00 tickip Stiffening 750 5 Entropic Yield unfolding 250 po nt 5 00 0.2 0.4 r (m M- 1) 0.6 0.8 Figure 2.1 - Stress-strain diagram for spider silk material model. The four stages of loading and deformation are indicated between the dashed blue lines. Reprinted from [10] copyright 2012 with permission from Macmillan Publisher Ltd. 2.2. Spider Web as a Structural System 2.2.1. General Considerations Spider web has to fulfill multiple functions: it provides housing for the spider, serves as means to capture the prey and protection against predators. The construction process involves determining the site, laying out the blueprint of the future web and the spinning of the main structural elements. Because most of the time the web spans over spaces too large for the spider to cross, early steps require for the spider to bridge those gaps, by constructing threads and relying on wind currents to move the opposite end until it entangles at the next support point [37, 38, 39]. Once the initial frame is constructed, the spider moves along it, constructing additional threads where necessary and reinforcing those initial threads. After the web is constructed, the spider waits for prey to get caught in it. Vibrations in the threads inform the spider when something has been captured and guide it to the respective location [4, 12]. 15 The main disadvantage of two-dimensional webs is the fact that they leave the spider exposed to the potential dangers of the outer environment (e.g. predators, birds accidentally crashing into the web). For this reason, evolutionary processes have prompted younger species of spiders to spin additional layers of web, thus obtaining a three dimensional structure. These layers serve as to confuse attackers and are strong enough to dissipate the energy from an impact before reaching the spider [12, 40]. 2.2.2. The Black Widow Spider Web The black widow is a cobweb spider which spins irregular funnel like webs consisting of multiple sheets giving it a three dimensional aspect. The size of the web is highly dependent of the spider's diet. Research shows that hungry spiders will build smaller webs with sticky threads to ensure better chances of capturing prey. On the other hand, satiated spiders, who are more likely to be targeted by potential predators, invest their resources in the defense structure, hence spinning larger webs [12]. Although apparently made up of an erratic arrangement of threads, without respecting any particular pattern, a careful look into the model used for this study may identify four principal zones in the structural system [41] (Figure 2.2): 16 * * * * External spread out threads located in the inferior part of the structural system which serve as support of the main structure - 1; Interior cluster, which serves as retreat for the spider. Tunnels can be observed running through this region- 2 ; A sheet of silk covering the retreat [12] - 3; Vertical threads located in the upper part of the web which serve not only as suspensions for the tunnels in the inner cluster but also as means for the spider to capture its prey [42, 43] - 4 Figure 2.2 - Layout of the structural system and its components: 1 - support threads; 2 - retreat zone; 3 - web sheet; 4 - vertical threads. 17 2.2.3. Tomas Saraceno's "14 Billion" Project Argentinian artist, Tomas Saraceno, scanned for the first time the structure of the southern black widow web as a network of intersecting threads [18]. For this research, the Cartesian coordinates of thread ends (referred in the study as "nodes") were used. The web was constructed inside a box with the dimensions of 492 x 537 x 319 mm. The obtained values were scaled approximately 15.25 times and the structure obtained was found to occupy the volume of an equivalent box with the dimensions of 8,316 x 7,640 x 4,975 mm. The scanning recorded a network consisting of 11,841 links and 23,682 nodes. After duplicates were removed (for MATLAB code used, see Appendix A.1), the web was discovered to contain 11,802 threads intersecting or being supported at only 6,303 points. The large reduction in the number of nodes in the network was caused by the fact that in the scanning process it was not accounted for the fact that certain threads may intersect, but rather assumed that each thread was defined by unique starting and ending points. This caused several nodes and links to overlap. 18 3. COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS AND METHODOLOGY This section describes the approach and principles applied in understanding the relationship between geometry and stress distribution. The computational tools are used to simulate the behavior of a mathematical model incorporating data from the physical web under desired loading conditions. This is achieved by modeling the interaction between the system and the environment as loads applied to the structure. In order to determine the significance of the values obtained and their effect on the given structure, it is necessary to have a reference, be it existing knowledge obtained through experiments or other means (e.g. comparison with a different model whose behavior is already known). 3.1. Computational Tools To analyze the behavior of the structure, a discrete element approach was used. The discrete element methods are set of computational methods that use Newton's law of motion to predict the movement and interaction of microscopic or mesoscopic material particles and relates it with the deformations occurring at a macroscopic level [44, 45]. This approach considers a set of particles having well defined positions in the macro system and initial velocities are applied to either each particle individually or to a group of particles which are subjected to the same forces. Contact information between particles needs to be inputted. Based on this data, by solving the equation of motion for each particle at every time step, we are able to determine the positions, velocities and accelerations of the particles at any time [46]. Limitations of the discrete element are related to the tradeoff between the volume of the structure analyzed and the computational times. Although a very large number of particles may be included in the analysis process, the computations are very costly and as such the model may be restricted to small volumes, that is a sample of the actual structure and a short time duration [46]. The simulations for this study were carried out using LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/ Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) software. For visualization of results, Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) software was used. VMD is a tool that visually represents and permits the analysis of molecules and their trajectory 19 based on molecular dynamics simulation results. In addition to that, it can be very useful to visualize the position of particles in space and the bonds between them. 3.2. Methodology 3.2.1. Studied Sample In order to control the efficiency of the computation, while ensuring at the same time that valid data is obtained, a smaller portion of the web was studied, which encompassed all the three of the four regions observed in section 2.2.2, namely the vertical threads, the retreat and the web sheet (Figure 3.1). Due to the large spread of the supporting threads, they were neglected in this study. The sample was chosen as to fit within a box with the dimension of 0.159 x 0.123 x 0.161 m. The sample consists of 617 nodes and 1,020 threads. Table 2 contains the coordinates of the boundaries, both of the entire web and the sample studied. To verify whether the sample is sufficient to represent the behavior of the entire web, a statistical analysis of the geometry of both systems was performed, which is detailed in the following chapter. Y X Z X low X high Y low Y high Z low Web 0.000 0.501 -0.227 0.319 0.000 0.326 Sample 0.2823 0.4410 -0.207 -0.0836 0.1492 0.3098 Z high Table 2 - Values of the coordinates corresponding to the lower and upper boundaries of the entire structure and the sample. 3.2.2. Reference Structure - Lattice To be able to validate and determine the advantages/disadvantages of the structural arrangement in the black widow web, a reference structure was constructed as means of comparison (Figure 3.2). The chosen structure is a cubic lattice structure occupying a volume of 0.197 x 0.197 x 0.197 m. It consists of a series of grids, with the gridlines distanced at 0.5 m one from the other. The reason behind the choice of this geometry is due to its symmetrical shape (resembling the frame of an actual building). It lattice consist of 343 nodes and 882 threads. The stresses within it are expected to be distributed uniformly 20 along the structural members and during the loading process, all elements are expected to be in tension. It must be noted that the structures are with an order of magnitude smaller than Tomas Saraceno's model because they have been rescaled with a factor of 1 15.25 the scale of the original web. Figure 3.1 - Studied sample Figure 3.2 - Lattice used as reference structure 21 to adjust them to 3.2.3. Procedure for Stress Analysis Due to the complexity of the web, it is difficult to assess the support conditions of the threads. Some threads may be attached to a surface, while others may be attached to other threads and others may just be hanging loose. Furthermore, loose thread may cause local instabilities, making it difficult to determine the deformations using Hooke's law (F=KA). Because the Finite Element Method relies specifically on this approach, it was regarded as an impractical approach [47]. For this reason, the problem was approached by employing discrete element method. The sample was modeled as a granular system, taking the nodes as particles and the threads as bonds. To account for the fact that the thread lengths vary and they are also considerably greater than their cross-sections, the links were discretized as a series of equally spaced beads connected by springs. The equilibrated spring length (ro) was taken as 1.25 mm and the axial force is calculated as: FT(r) = ar Where: aOT(r) k 1 (r Or ki is the spring constant taken in the model as 6.0505 N/m Angular spring is added between each two consecutive springs, in order to account for the bending stiffness: EIt 2ro KB= - Where: E is Young's Modulus and It is the moment of inertia of the section [48]. The diameter allocated to the threads was 3 pm [49]. Boundary conditions were applied by fixing the group of particle located in the desired plane, as opposed to treating each particle individually. Load was also applied to a group of particles (specific to the type of simulation) and conditions of attraction/repulsion between them was established. LAMMPS returned as output the Cartesian coordinates of each particle at each time step. 22 As the position of the particles at each time step are known, the lengths of the threads could be obtained at any time during the loading/unloading process. By subtracting the initial length from the length at a specific time step, it was possible to obtain the corresponding elongation. Strain was obtained as the variation of elongation along the thread and through the application of the constitutive law, using a Young's modulus (E) of 10,400 MPa, the stresses were determined. The equations used in this procedure are described in detail below. For the MATLAB code used see Appendix A.4. ej = Lij - Li 0 , where ei is the elongation of thread i, Ltj is the length of the thread i at time stepj and Lto is the initial length of thread i; Ei = Li,O where Eiis the strain of string i; cri = EEi , where ai is the stress of thread i. In order to visualize the results, some improvisations were required to ensure that the files were compatible with the VMD software. Equilibrium was assumed at nodes and each particle was assigned an occupancy corresponding to the average stress in the threads meeting at that point. The average stress at each node was calculate with the following formula: n il ni Where Si is the stress at node i, -i; is stress in thread j intersecting at node i and ni is the number of threads intersecting at node i. Maximum stress in threads at each time, average stress in threads at each time, the number of used threads and the relationship between connectivity of the threads and the stress distributions were evaluated. The procedure described above was used to evaluate the reference structure as well, with the main difference being the fact that it is symmetric about all three axes, thus a single simulation for each case was carried out on it. The obtained results were then compared. 23 24 4. GEOMETRY OF THE WEB In this section, the geometries of both the entire web and the studied sample are analyzed using statistics and probability theory. Because of the large number of threads, it is difficult to evaluate the geometrical properties of each node and thread individually. In order to ensure that the studied sample is representative for the entire structure, i.e. the sample behaves as the whole web but at a smaller scale, the thread lengths, angles between adjacent threads and the connectivity in the two systems are evaluated and compared. Another tool that could be useful to assess whether the response of the sample is relevant to analyze the entire web is the relationship between the movement through the web and its geometry, i.e. the probability that the spider will pass through a random node in the network. The probability of the spider passing through node j is calculated as the ratio between the probability of the spider reaching node j, starting from any point on the web and the probability of the spider reaching any node, starting from any position [50]: Piu = 1 if i = j Where Pi] = pij Pij= 1 Nni if j is a node at the end of a thread passing through j of node i fi=(nk-1) if j is the kth child is the probability of the spider passing through a specific point j starting from a specific point i, N is the total number of nodes and nk is the number of possible choices the spider can make after having already passed through k-1 nodes. The chances of the spider passing through a node decrease if the nodes along the path have a greater connectivity. However, it is more likely that the spider will pass through a node with a large connectivity than through an isolated node. From these two considerations, it results that the probability of the spider reaching a specific point is dependent of the distribution of threads in the web and points where they intersect. As such, it is possible to quantify to a certain extent the entropy of the structure. If the spider will exhibit a similar behavior in both geometries, then the stress is likely to be redistributed among the threads in a similar manner in both systems. 25 4.1. Analysis of the Web First, the geometrical properties of the threads entire web are evaluated. The MATLAB code used is presented in Appendix A.2. Figure 4.1 shows the distribution of thread lengths in the system. While a few threads reach lengths of up to 30 cm, most of the population of threads is concentrated in the left hand side of the graph indicating that the web is very dense and distances between intersection points are usually below 5 cm. Figure 4.2 illustrates the histogram and density function of angles described by adjacent threads. As can be observed from the plot, angles can vary in the structure from 00 to 1800 but indicates that several threads are perpendicular one to another. This might be related to the fact that, as described in chapter two, the black widow web consists of a sheet covering the retreat zone, which is parallel to the ground, and multiple vertical threads that hang from the top of the box. The histogram in Figure 4.3 describes the connectivity of the nodes, i.e. how many threads connect at each node. The results obtained indicate a complex and disordered network. Several threads - up to eleven - may meet at a point. However, most of the nodes connect two to four threads. The nodes with a connectivity of one represent the extremities of the web. Attempting to correlate the probability of the spider passing through a particular node and the number of threads intersecting at that node (Figure 4.4), one may observe that, while there is a strong relationship between the two - as expected - the path of the spider may also depend on other factors, such as whether certain nodes connect a lot of threads that meet few other threads in their path. This can be best exemplified by the fact that the chances of the spider passing through a node where eleven threads connect is less likely than passing through a node where ten threads meet. 26 6000 1 Population 5000 Density 5000 -- 4000 0 3000 - 2000 - 0 a- 100 -0.05 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.3 Lengths (m) Figure 4.4.1 - Distribution of thread lengths in the entire web 3000 Population Density 2500n-U-m 20000 'U C- 1500 - 0 a- 1000 - 500 - 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Angles (rad) 2. 5 3 3.5 4 Figure 4.4.2 - Distribution of angles described by adjacent threads in the entire web 27 1800 Population -- 1600 Density 1400 1200 .2 I 1000 g- 800 CL 600 [ 400 200 F 0 -2 2 4 8 6 10 12 Connections Figure 4.4.3 - Distribution of connectivity within the entire web 0.0005 0.00045 * 0 0.0004 Scattered Values 0.00035 - 0.0003 ,c 0.00025 $ 0.0002 0.00015 Linear (Scattered Values) R2 = 0.8546 0.0001 0.00005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Connectivity Figure 4.4 - Correlation between the number of threads connecting at each node of the web and the probability of the spider passing through that node 28 4.2. Analysis of the Sample The next step is to perform a statistical analysis on the geometry of the studied sample. The same procedure as before is carried out. Figure 4.5, illustrating the lengths distribution in the system indicate that some of the longer threads have been excluded from the sample. This is due the fact that the support threads were not included in this system specifically for the fact that they are the longest one spanning over large distances. At the same time, a lot of the shorter threads located in the marginal parts of the web sheet have been removed, as proven by the fact that lengths are no longer concentrated in the bin closest to 0. However, just like in the case of the entire web, the bulk of the lengths are concentrated between 0 and 5 cm. The angles described by neighboring threads exhibit the same pattern of distribution as in the entire web, with a concentration around 900 (Figure 4.6). In terms of connectivity, Figure 4.7 indicates that at most of the intersection points there are three threads meeting, unlike in the previous case, where most nodes served as intersection for four threads. The values in Table 3 indicate the mean and standard deviation of the two systems. Aside from the lengths that have been affected by the large variation in sizes, the two systems appear to have relatively close values. The correlation factor (the R-squared value) indicates that for the sample there is a slightly stronger relationship between the probability of the spider passing through a node and the connectivity of that node than in the previous case (Figure 4.8). However, the same pattern as in the previous case can be observed with values of the probabilities ranging between 0.0005 and 0.0035. The distribution of the probability is illustrated in Figure 4.9. Based on these observations, it can be assumed that the sample is representative for the entire structure and will produce a response accurate enough to understand how the web behaves. Entire web Sample L 1.74 cm 2 cm Lengths SD 2.02 cm 1.38 cm Angles X SD X 1.56 rad 0.74 rad 3.8 1.56 rad 0.72 rad 3.4 SD 1.63 1.42 Connectivity Table 3 - Comparison between the two systems in terms of mean (X) and standard deviation (SD) for the thread lengths, angles described by neighboring threads and connectivity of the nodes. 29 250 Population Density --- 200- 1500 0 CL 100 - 50- 00 -0-04 I\ 0 -0.02 0 --- 0.02 - - 0.1 0.08 0.04 0.06 Lengths (m) - 0.12 0.14 Figure 4.5 - Distribution of thread lengths in the sample 250 . . . . . . . i i Population Density 200- / I 1500 0- 100- 50 I 01 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Angles (rad) 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 4.6 - Distribution of angles described by adjacent threads in the sample 30 . 180 . . . Population Density 160- CL 0 a- 140 - 120 - 100 - 80 60 40 20 IL ---- 0' -1 0 2 1 5 4 3 6 7 8 Connections Figure 4.7 - Distribution of connectivity within the sample 0.0035 Scattered - Values * S *I 0.003 0 0.0025 -Linear I (Scattered Values) 0.002 a)0 C - 0 R2 = 0.8894 0.0015 0.001 0 0.0005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Connectivity of the node Figure 4.8 - Correlation between the number of threads connecting at each node of the sample of the web and the probability of the spider passing through that node. 31 (a) (b) Figure 4.9 - The distribution of probability throughout (a) the entire web; (b) the sample. It can be observed that the probability of the spider passing through a node increases as the number of nodes is reduced. However, the overall distribution does not change in the sense that the outer part has a low probability of being visited by the spider, while in the inner part where the nodes have a greater connectivity is more likely to be reached. 32 5. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS The purpose of this section is to present and describe the results obtain by subjecting the sample to three different loading conditions: uniaxial stretching of the web, that is stretching in each direction individually (X, Y and Z), expansion in all three directions simultaneously and response to shear by simulating the effect of the wind. As reference, the maximum and average stress in the threads are evaluated, as well as the number of threads under tension during the loading process. The results are compared with those obtained by subjecting the lattice structure to similar loading conditions to determine whether the spider makes efficient choices when constructing its web. It must be noted the fact that excessively large stresses may be observed during the first two tests. Although in reality the web would fail under these conditions, the purpose of the simulations was to understand how the stress is distributed to the geometry of the web and how it is affected. Unlike the first two cases, the third simulation is meant to replicate a real life situation and stresses will be considerably lower. For the simulations, the web and the lattice are discretized, as described in Chapter 3, in beads located at 1.25 mm one from the another, connected with springs whose tensile and rotational stiffness have been inputted. 5.1. Stretching Simulation 5.1.1. Procedure For the stretching simulation, the particles in the planes corresponding to the extremities of the web in the direction in which tension will be applied are fixed (Figure 5.1), while the other particles are allowed to move. A strain is applied at a rate of 10/s for 0.11 seconds in the desired direction. At that point the structure as a whole is stretched at a strain of 100%, hence double the initial size. The structure is then unloaded for another 0.11 seconds, by the time the structure being completely flattened. The position of the beads at every 0.01 seconds are recorded. Based on this, the elongations, strains and stresses can be obtained. 33 (b) (a) (c) Figure 5.1- Support and loading conditions applied along the three main directions. The yellow bars indicate the fixed plane, while the red arrows indicate the direction of the applied strain. For the unloading process, the strain is applied in the opposite direction. 34 30 25 20 -Tension in X 15 - Tension in Y Tension in Z 10 -- Tension on Lattice 5 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Time (s) Figure 5.2 - Applied external load traction calculated from the load necessary to generate the required amount of strain over the corresponding face of a box with dimensions equivalent to the distance between the extreme planes of the two structures. Figure 5.2 illustrates the external loads applied at each time step on the two structure, as if they were placed inside a box that is stretched to achieve the inputted deformation. The traction was calculated as follows: t, = Yhigh - Ylow Zhigh - Zlow Xlow IZhigh - Zlow Fy ty= Xhigh - Fz tz= Yhigh ~ .IO I I Xhigh ~ XIOW Where tx,, ty and tz are the tractions acting on the boundary planes perpendicular to the X, Y and Z axes respectively, Fx, Fy and Fz are the forces required to ensure a constant strain rate of 10/s and xiow, Xhigh, Ylow, yhigh, Ziow and Zhigh are the coordinates of the boundary planes perpendicular to their corresponding axes (having the values as shown in Table 3, Chapter 3). As the distances between the boundary planes for the web vary in size, the forces will increase at different rates, as opposed to the case of the lattice. Because in reality such a load is not applied on a surface but, in fact, is taken by the threads oriented in the direction 35 of loading, which have a cross-section several orders of magnitude lower, the pressure in the threads is expected to be significantly larger. It can also be observed that when stretched in the Z direction, the web will be subjected to the largest pressures. That is because the boundary planes perpendicular to the Z axis have the smallest area. 5.1.2. Results The response of the structures will be almost linear (Figure5.3), with the time versus average stress plot having the same shape as the the external load versus time plot. As they are gradually stretched, they reach the maximum stress right before the onset of the unloading, after which it quickly decreases close to 0 MPa. It must be noted that as the structure is being unloaded, some small stresses remain in the threads as the threads are stretched inwards (Figure 5.5). This can also be observed from the fact that even as the unloading occurs around 10 to 20% of the threads are still in use. Another aspect that needs to be mentioned is the large difference between the order of magnitude of the applied load and the internal stresses. Because the thread has a very small cross-section (7.07 x 10-6 mm 2 ) even a force as low as 0.18 N will be able to generate a stress of approximately 25,500 MPa in the thread, whereas it will only generate a pressure of 9.2 Pa on the face of the equivalent box containing the web. Due to the fact that the web is not symmetric, the response varies depending in which direction the sample is stressed. The average stress in X and Y direction is almost the same, although greater stresses were recorded in X direction, but fewer threads were subjected to tension. However when stretched in the Z direction, considerably higher stresses were observed and 80% of the threads were loaded until late in the unloading phase. The response of the lattice will not vary with the direction in which it is stressed because it is symmetric. Throughout the loading process it works at full capacity with all the structural elements being in tension. On average, it undergoes greater stresses than the web in X and Y direction, but lower than the web in Z direction. However stresses are more evenly distributed and at no point during the stretching will it carry a maximum stress greater than the web. Figure 5.4 indicates shows the relationship between the connectivity of the nodes and the stresses carried through them. The average stress passing through a particular type of node is indicated by a blue dot, while the range of stresses passing through that type of nodes is represented by the respective lines on the graph. The way the stress is carried is 36 dependent of multiple factors such as the path of the stress, the number of nodes with a certain connectivity and whether all the threads are loaded. However the same pattern can be observed in all the case in figure 5.4. Nodes are classified by their connectivity and the range of stresses carried by each type of node depends on the number of nodes of that type. For instance the nodes with a connectivity of three, which are the predominant type in the structure, will carry a wide range of stresses, while a node with a connectivity of eight will carry a lower range of stress because of their small number. In addition to that, the nodes with low connectivity will have a greater upper limit to the range of stresses passing through it, while the nodes with high connectivity will have a lower limit. 37 25 w10 ----- 2 - Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction -Web in Z Direction Lattice 15 - 01 0 002 006 004 006 0 1 Time (s) 0,12 014 0,18 0,16 0. 2 (a) 4000 1 --- 3500 - Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction -Web in Z Direction Lattice 2500 0 2000 150 1000 - 500 00 0 M2 0I 0 08 0.06 0,04 ~ I 01 Time (s) (b) 0 12 0 14 0 16 0,16 I 1-U ----- 90 80 - -- 0. ~~- Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction Web in Z Direction Lattice 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 n _0 002 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time (s) 0,12 0.14 0,16 018 02 (c) Figure 5.3 - Linear elastic response of the web and the lattice when subjected to stretching (a) Maximum stress recorded at each time step for the web in each direction and the lattice; (b) Average stress in threads versus time; (c) Percentage of threads used to carry the load. 38 6000 M 5000 4000 (a) 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Connectivity 6000 5000 (A 0 4000 a) (b) 3000 C 2000 4-0 1000 4-1~n 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Connectivity 6000 5000 .g 4000 3000 CI .. 1000 a> (c) 1 1 2 4 2000 0 0 6 10 8 Connectivity 4C E 3000 2500 2000 (d) 1500 Mo 1000 500 0 2 3 4 6 5 7 Connectivity Figure 5.4 - Node connectivity versus average stress distribution in intersecting threads when structure is subjected to stretching for: (a) web sample stretched in X direction; (b) Web sample stretched in Y direction; (c) Web sample stretched in Z direction; (d) Lattice. 39 141XUU 14LUU 12000 10000) : i 10" 8000 *8 6000 a 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 00 2 4 6 10 Stresses 12 14 16 J 0 0 18 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 16 18 (b) (a) 16000 14000 12000 8000 4000 0 10 12 14 16 18 Stresses (c) Figure 5.5 - Distribution of the stresses in the threads in last steps of unloading. As can be observed small stresses are still present even when the entire structure is flattened as threads are stretched inwards: (a) stretching in X direction; (b) stretching in Y direction; (c) stretching in Z direction. 5.1.3. Discussion The stress distribution in the web is very complex, as opposed to that of the lattice. Depending on the shape and position of the thread, it may carry a wide range of stresses. Some of the threads, particularly those that are perpendicular to the direction of stretching, do not carry any stresses. In addition, the response depends on the density of the web in that direction. Planes perpendicular to the X and Y direction will contain more particles than planes perpendicular to the upper part of the Z direction (the region containing the 40 vertical threads). As such, the structure will carry greater stresses in the Z direction than in the other two. Unlike the web, the lattice has a limited range of stresses, as indicated in Figure 5.4d specific to the connectivity of the node. Although during the loading process all of its structural elements are loaded, it will still have an average stress considerably greater than that of the web if stretched on X or Y direction. However, maximum stress in both directions exceed that of the lattice. As can be seen in Appendix B.1 where the stress distributions are presented, the number of threads subjected to high stresses is a small one and because of the large degree of redundancy in the web, it enjoys an advantage that is rather limited for the lattice. That is if one thread were to fail, the structure as a whole will continue to function properly. The relationship between connectivity and the stress distribution indicates that stresses in nodes with higher connectivity will be lower because the stress gets redistributed. This assumption is further confirmed by the fact that the same behavior can be observed in the lattice. 5.2. Expansion Simulation 5.2.1. Procedure When the web is stretched, not all the threads are going to be stressed. This makes it difficult to confirm the assumption stated in the previous section. For this reason, the sample was subjected to expansion. Expansion is modeled as stretching in all three directions simultaneously. In order to set up the expansion simulation, the same procedure as for the stretching is repeated, with the main difference being that the particles in the planes corresponding to all extremities of the structure are fixed and the strain is applied is all three directions (Figure 5.6). No unloading is carried out for this test because, as most threads will be compressed and the stresses will be 0 MPa. The tractions applied to the two structures are indicated in Figure 5.7. For the web sample, the load at three faces (corresponding to the three directions) is calculated. While the same loads act on all the faces, it can be observed that the plane perpendicular to the Y direction takes smaller loads than the ones corresponding to X and Z axes. However, despite having a larger surface of load application, the lattice is still subjected to greater loads than the sample. 41 Figure 5.6 - The direction of loading applied to the sample during the expansion process indicated by the red arrows and the corresponding direction next to them 20 18 16 14 12 0 (-) - 10 Expansion in X Expansion in Y 8 Expansion in Z 6 - 4 Expansion of the Lattice 2 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Time (s) 0.08 0.1 0.12 Figure 5.7 - External load versus time for the expansion simulation 42 5.2.2. Results The results obtained indicate a similar behavior as in the previous case (Figure 5.8). The increase in stress is linear. As the structure expands the stress increases from exterior towards the central portion. The stress distribution for this simulation can be found in Appendix B.2. The average stress in the web (9,300 MPa) is slightly lower than in the lattice (10,390 MPa), but the maximum stress in the web (21,000 MPa) is considerably lower than in the case of the lattice (10,680 MPa). As shown in Figure 5.4, during the loading process both systems have all of their structural members in tension. By evaluating the relationship between the stress distribution and the connectivity of the nodes, it is observed that all the nodes located in the extremities of both the sample web (nodes with a connectivity of one) and the lattice (nodes with a connectivity of three, four or five) typically carry the same stress, while types of nodes which are predominant in the structure appear to carry a wider range of stresses. 43 X104 2.5 -- Lattice 2 15 0 0 002 0,04 0.06 Time (s) 008 01 01 2 (a) 140M ----1200 - Web Lattice 10000 -- 60004000 0 S0 02 0,04 0.06 Time (s) 006 01 0 12 (b) 100 90 - - Lattice - 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 n /, 0 002 0 4 006 Time (s) 006 01 0 12 (c) Figure 5.8 - Linear elastic response of the web and the lattice when subjected to expansion (a) Maximum stress recorded at each time step for the web in each direction and the lattice; (b) Average stress in threads versus time; (c) Amount of threads used to carry the load. 44 10000 -o a) 8000 4M. 4000 6000 C 2000 ~ V- 0 0 Tt 4 (a) 0 6 8 10 Connectivity 4 UA E Q) 4-' .4. ' CL 2- 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 (b) I0 1 0.5 0 2 3 4 6 5 7 Connectivity Figure 5.9 - Plot of connectivity of nodes versus stress distribution in intersecting threads when structure is subjected to expansion for (a) Web sample; (b) Lattice. 45 5.2.3. Discussion The results obtained from this simulation indicate that even when all the threads are subjected to tension it is difficult to predict how stress will be distributed. This can be shown by looking at a random time step, say 0.03 seconds (Figure 5.6). It can be observed that the internal structure does not undergo stressing at the same rate as the external part. A possible explanation for this behavior would be the fact that the inner threads are long but rather than spanning large distances, they hang throughout the structure. This may be in fact the reason why, despite the fact that the boundary planes of the sample have a smaller surface to take the load, as compared to those of the lattice, the threads still carry, on average, smaller stresses. Consisting of long hanging threads with their longitudinal ax not necessarily oriented in the direction of the load, may offer the web an optimum geometrical stiffness, making it stiff enough to protect its occupant, yet flexible enough to dissipate the energy from a loading scenario such as the expansion. Figure 5.4 appears to contradict the assumptions made in the previous section, and therefore, it may be concluded that the stresses will not necessarily be distributed in equal proportion to the neighboring threads. The distribution may depend on the angles of threads, as well as stress carried from other parts of the web. Figure 5.10 - Distribution of stresses at time step 3 (0.03 seconds). It can be observed that the outer structure (represented by colors red and pink) is considerably more stressed than the internal cluster (represented in white) 46 5.3. Wind Simulation 5.3.1. Procedure This simulation is performed to observe whether the thread arrangement can be related to a situation that may occur in nature. A typical force that may act on a spider web is the shear generated by wind. The problem is formulated by applying a sudden wind gust of 10 m/s and the effects are observed for five seconds after the initial load is applied. To account for the real conditions, the web is supported at the top and at the bottom and the wind acts as a shear force on the structure. This is achieved by fixing the particles in the planes corresponding to the extremities in Z direction and applying a velocity of 10 m/s to the rest of the particles in X and Y direction, respectively (Figure 5.11). (b) (a) Figure 5.11 - Support and loading conditions applied along the X and Y directions. The yellow bars indicate the fixed plane, while the red arrows indicate the direction of the wind. 47 5.3.2. Results As explained in the introductory section of this chapter, the stresses recorded in this simulation are not of the same order of magnitude as the ones in the previous simulations. The results are considerably smaller because they are meant to replicate a possible event occurring in nature. The displacements are considerably lower than in the previous simulations and as a result, the stresses are lower Given that the effect of the wind is considered, the average stress will oscillate around the value of 1.2 MPa if wind is applied in both X and Y direction, but certain threads will undergo larger stresses at random points in time, as can be observed from the sudden increase in the maximum stress on X in the time interval between 1.4 seconds and 2.6 seconds in Figure 5.7a. The same phenomenon may be as it starts to occur as the simulation ends for the analysis in Y direction. The lattice on the other hand appears to exhibit a behavior that remains constant throughout the simulation with an average stress of around 1 MPa and a constant maximum stress of 15 MPa. Figure 5.7c indicates that in none of the two structures all the elements are under tension at any point. However, the web has only 40% of its threads in tension in both cases, while the lattice has 70% of its structural elements stressed. The relationship between node connectivity and stress distribution indicates that the web will behave very much like in the first case. The superior limit of the range of stresses taken by a type of node will decrease as connectivity increases. It is interesting to notice, however, that this is not an adequate assumption for the lattice, which behaves the other way around, and a superior limit to the range of stresses will correspond to a node with a higher connectivity. 48 4UI 35 - Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction ---- Lattice 30 20 15 10 0 05 1 15 2 25 Time (s) 3 35 4 45 5 (a) ---- - 1 4 - Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction Lattice 1,2 - CL 0.8 0,6 04 -- 0 20 05 1 15 2 25 Time (s) 3 35 4 45 5 (b) t00 --- 90 ~ ---- Web in X Direction Web in Y Direction Lattice 7060 40 30 20 10 n 0 05 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time (s) 3 3.5 4 4,5 5 (c) Figure 5.12 - Linear elastic response of the web and the lattice when subjected to wind (a) Maximum stress recorded at each time step for the web in each direction and the lattice; (b) Average stress in threads versus time; (c) Amount of threads used to carry the load. 49 10 CL 8 6 (a) 4) 4 I 2 2 10 8 6 4 Connectivity 0 8 (b) 0 6 4 -o CU I 2 0 8 6 4 2 8 10 Connectivity In 4-I 5300 o 5250 t C E 0 0 0 U 4-I 4-' 5200 CU a. 0 4 0 3 4 5 5150 CU 5100 C 5050 In In 0 I4-i U, 5000 2 6 (c) 7 Connectivity Figure 5.13 - Plot of connectivity of nodes versus average stress distribution in intersecting threads when structure is subjected to wind for (a) Web sample acted by wind in X direction; (b) Web sample acted by wind in Y direction; (c) Lattice acted by wind. 50 5.3.3. Discussion It is difficult to assess from the obtained -results whether the web is efficient when subjected to wind load. A first glance would indicate that the complex network may have an unpredictable behavior, with large fluctuations of stress at random points in time, may not be as efficient as the more predictable and simplistic lattice, which maintains a constant stress throughout the entire simulation. On the other hand, by relating the maximum stresses obtained to the material model described in Chapter 2, it can be observed that at no point is the yielding resistance of the silk (100 MPa [36]), exceeded so when subjected to a 10 m/s wind, the silk would not even undergo any plastic deformations in the process. Because no more than 40% of threads are loaded at any time, the web will provide a more comfortable and stable environment for the spider. The fact that the load in the web is reduced as the connectivity of the node increases could be explained based on the observation made in the previous section. The threads hanging loose around the web will be able to take more load than threads that are stretched to a certain extent. The lattice consists of a series of parallel grids, made up of straight members that provide it with a large geometrical rigidity. Therefore, rather than distributing its load to neighboring elements, a member would further stress them. 51 52 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1. Summary In this research the black widow web as scanned by Argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno was analyzed by taking a portion from it referred in the work as "the sample" and subjecting it to three types of tests in the attempt to establish a relationship between the structure and its linear elastic response. Due to the lack of existing research on this type of structures, a lattice structure, defined in the work as "reference structure" was constructed. This shape was chosen because of the fact that it is symmetrical along all three axes and because, as proven by the simulation results, transmits the loads within its structure uniformly. The two structures were tested under various loading conditions. Due to the large number of threads and their erratic arrangement, neither a finite element model, nor an experimental approach were consider feasible. The issue with the former is its sensitivity to boundary conditions. Due to the complexity of the structure, it is difficult to determine which of the threads are connected to an external surface and require defining support conditions, and which threads have one end hanging loose. In addition to that, loose threads might cause local instabilities that would make it impossible to assemble an invertible stiffness matrix. As the finite element relies on solving for displacements based on Hooke's Law, the results, if any at all, would not be accurate [47]. The experimental approach was excluded due to the difficulty in modeling the intersection between threads using artificial materials and the tedious work to assemble such a complex physical model. Alternatively, a discrete element approach was used by considering the web as consisting of large number of mesoscopic particles connected amongst themselves with springs. Three loading conditions were simulated. In the first test, the two models were subjected to stretching along each of the three axes. While the lattice returned a relatively uniform response, the black widow web showed large variations in stresses. It was observed that at points within the web where many threads intersect, the stress is distributed among neighboring threads, thus reducing the magnitude of load in the adjacent members. To test the structures in a condition where all the threads would be stressed, they were subjected to expansion in the three principal directions. During this test, it was observed that initial stresses develop in the external region of the web and gradually spread towards its center as the load is increased. This effect might be related to the fact that the inner part of the web consists of many threads that are not stretched but just hanging. It was also 53 observed that although the lattice was modeled as having larger surface to distribute the load, as compared with the black widow web, in terms of average stress, the latter returned a better response The final test attempted to replicate a situation from nature, namely suddenly applying a wind gust of 10 m/s to the structures and observing their response for five seconds. It was determined that such a wind is not even powerful enough to push the web past the yielding point [49]. This test also allowed establishing the assumption on the relationship between loading and the threads intersection. It was noticed that the more inactive (not subjected to stress) threads there are during a loading scenario, the better the stresses will be distributed at points where many threads intersect. These tests were, however, limited to a linear elastic analysis and for a better understanding of these responses, the other three loading and deformation stages have to be evaluated. 6.2. Conclusions The black widow web is a complex three-dimensional cobweb and it is difficult to establish a correlation between geometry and stresses carried by the threads based simply on the probability of the stress being redistributed at nodes in neighboring threads. Some other geometrical factors have to be taken into account, such as angles at which the threads are inclined, the length of threads and the path of the stress. Additionally, because of the large variation of stresses in the threads, it is difficult to draw a precise conclusion on the efficiency of the web compared to the lattice structure. While in the first two cases it was observed that the average stress in the structure was lower than that in the lattice, the maximum stresses recorded in the threads were considerably higher than those in the structural elements of the lattice were. In the case of the wind analysis, stresses recorded in the web were overall larger than the ones recorded in the lattice, but the latter had more threads in tension at all times. To determine a relationship between the geometry of the structure and the structural response some further aspects need to be considered: " An analysis of individual intersection nodes, to observe how stress gets distributed from one thread to another; " Study of smaller samples to understand the path of the stress; 54 * Confirm observations made in this study by experimental means or alternative numerical methods. Gaining an insight in the way the web transmits the stresses within its structure could lead to an understanding on the process of form finding employed by the spider, developed throughout millions of years of evolution into constructing a structure, which through a combination of excellent material and geometry, is able to meet its occupant's requirements for survival. This knowledge would be particularly useful for fields such as architecture and structural engineering [21], where is a constant demand for lightweight, yet resilient structures. 55 56 REFERENCES [1] J.M. 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Duplicates Removal %Script 1 - Duplicates removal %Serves to remove the duplicated nodes and scanning threads obtained during the cc; %load input files load BWNodes.txt; load BW links.txt; Nodes=BWNodes; Links=BW links; %Number of nodes sizeOfNodes=size (Nodes); lNodes=sizeOfNodes (1); %Number of links sizeOfLinks=size(Links); lLinks=sizeOfLinks(1); Lengths=zeros(lLinks,2); %This sequence calculates %Lengths matrix the current lengths for i=l:lLinks Lengths(i,1)=Links(i,1); %vector coordinates x=Nodes (Links (i, Vect (i, 2) =x; y=Nodes (Links (i, 3) ,2)-Nodes (Links (i, 2) ,2); 3) ,3)-Nodes (Links (i,2) ,3); Vect (i, 3) =y; z=Nodes (Links (i,3),4)-Nodes (Links (i,2),4); Vect (i, 4) =z; (x^2+y^2+z^2); Lengths (i, 2) =sqrt end L=zeros(1,3); %Links matrix with removed small links k=l; %This sequence checks if there are very small links and puts %with a lenth greater than n (very small value) in matrix L the links for i=l:lLinks if (Lengths(i,2)>0.005) L(k,1)=k; L (k, 2) =Links (Lengths (i, 1) ,2); L (k, 3) =Links (Lengths (i, 1) ,3); k=k+l; end end T=zeros(lNodes,1); slinks=size(L); nlinks=slinks(1); for i=l:lNodes for j=i+l:lNodes %compare coordinates of nodes i and Nodes (i, j if (T(j)==O && Nodes(i,2)==Nodes(j,2) 4) ==Nodes (j,4)) 63 && Nodes(i,3)==Nodes(j,3) && %replace node i with node j if node i and node for k=l:nlinks if (L(k,2)==Nodes(j,l)) L (k, 2) =Nodes (i, 1) end if (L(k,3)==Nodes(j,1)) L (k, 3) =Nodes (i, 1) end end Nodes(j,1)=Nodes(i,1);%replace NodeID of node j j are duplicates with NodeID node i T(j)=1; end end end %This sequence creates a new nodes matrix and assigns IDs in numerical %order, while assigning the new IDs to the bonds N=unique (Nodes, 'rows'); snds=size (N); lnds=snds (1); for i=l:lnds for j=l:nlinks if (L(j,2)==N(i,1)) L(j,2)=i; end if (L(j, 3) ==N (i, 1) L (j, 3) =i;' end end end for i=l:lnds N (i, 1) =i; end for i=l:nlinks a=O; if (L(i,2)>L(i,3) a=L(i,2); L(i,2)=L(i,3) L (i, 3) =a; end end %This sequence removes duplicated links Tl=zeros (nlinks,1); for i=l:nlinks-1 for j=i+l:nlinks if (Tl(j)==O && L(i,2)==L(j,2) && L(i,3)==L(j,3)) L(j,1)=L(i,1); Tl(j)=1; end end end Ll=unique (L,'rows'); slnks=size (Ll) nlnks=slnks (1) for i=l:nlnks Ll(i,1)=i; end 64 of %This sequence removes unused nodes. already been run. load BWConnections.txt; C=BWConnections; sc=size (C);- To be used only once Script 2 has lc=sc(1); k=0; for i=l:lc if (C(i,2)==O) N(C(i-k,l),:)=[]; k=k+l; end end sn=size (N); ln=sn(l); for i=l:ln for j=l:nlnks if (Li (j, 2) ==N (i, 1)) Ll(j,2)=i; end if (Ll(j,3)==N(i,1)) Ll(j,3)=i; end end end for i=l:ln N(i,1)=i; end xlswrite ('BWNodes.xlsx',N); xlswrite('BWLinks.xlsx',Li); disp ('done'); A.2. Calculation of Geometrical Properties %Script 2 - Lengths, angles, connectivity %Calculates lengths of the threads, angles between neighboring connectivity of the nodes cdc; load BWNodes.txt; load BWLinks.txt; Nodes=BWNodes; Links=BWLinks; sizeOfLinks=size (Links); lLinks=sizeOfLinks(1); Lengths=zeros (lLinks,2); sizeOfNodes=size (Nodes); lNodes=sizeOfNodes (1); %Lengths matrix. Format: Vect=zeros(lLinks,3); %Vectors matrix. Format: for i=l:lLinks Link X ID coord I Length I Y coord I Z coord Lengths(i,1)=Links(i,1); %vector coordinates x=Nodes (Links (i, 3) ,2)-Nodes (Links (i, 65 2) ,2); threads and Vect (i,2) =x; y=Nodes (Links(i,3),3)-Nodes(Links (i,2),3); Vect (i, 3) =y; z=Nodes(Links(i,3),4)-Nodes(Links(i,2),4); Vect (i, 4) =z; Lengths(i,2)=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2); %length calculation end Angles=zeros(1,4); %Angles matrix. Format: Angle ID I Link 1 ID I Link 2 ID I Angle k=l; for i=l:lLinks-I for j=i+l:lLinks %check if two elements intersect if (Links(i,2)==Links(j,2) 11 Links (i,3) =Links (j,2) I I Links(i,2)==Links(j,3) 11 Links(i,3)==Links(j,3)) Angles(k,1)=k; Angles (k,2)=Links(i,1); Angles (k, 3) =Links (j,1); V1=Vect(Links (i,1),:)'; V2=Vect(Links (j,1),:)'; Angles(k,4)=acos(dot(Vl,V2)/(norm(Vl) *norm(V2))); %calculate theta in radians k=k+l; end end end %Connections Conn=zeros(lNodes,2); %Connections matrix. Format: Node ID I No. of connections for i=l:lNodes count=O; %counter for the number of occurences Conn(i,1)=Nodes (i,1); for j=l:lLinks if (Nodes(i,l)==Links(j,2) I| Nodes (i,1) ==Links (j, 3)) count=count+1; end end Conn (i,2) =count; end sizeOfAngles=size(Angles); lAngles=sizeOfAngles(1); outputnamel=['pwlengths.txt'1; outputnamea=['pwangles.txt']; outputnamecl=['pwconnections.txt']; fidwl=fopen(outputnamel,'w'); fidwa=fopen(outputnamea,'w'); fidwcl=fopen(outputnamecl,'w'); for i=l:lLinks fprintf(fidwl,'%d %f\n',Length s(i,1) ,Lengths (i,2)); end for i=l:lAngles fprintf(fidwa,'%d %d %d %f\n',Angles(i,1),Angles(i,2),Angle s (i, 3) ,Angles (i,4)); end for i=l:lNodes if Conn(i,2)-=O fprintf(fidwcl,'%d %d\n', Conn (i,1) ,Conn (i,2)); 66 end end fclose fclose fclose (fidwcl) (fidwl) ; (fidwa) ; A.3. Probability Matrix Calculation %Script 3 - Probability - Written in collaboration with Zhao Qin. %Calculates the probability of the spider passing through a node starting from any po sition in the web load BWNode s.txt; load BWLink s.txt; sN=size (pwn lN=sN (1); sL=size (pwl lL=sL (1); neigh=zeros (lN,lN+1); for i=l:lN k=2; for j=l :lL if (pwn(i,1)==pwl(j,2)) neigh(i,k)=pwl(j,3) k=k+l; else if (pwn(i,1)==pwl(j,3)) neigh(i,k)=pwl(j,2) k=k+l; end end end end for i=l: N for j=2:lN+l if (neigh(i,j) ~=0) neigh(i,1) =neigh (i, 1) +1; end end end %disp(neigh); t=size (neigh) ; N=t (1); p (1:N)=0; for j=l:N p(j)=p(j)+1/N; if(neigh(j,1)==0) else for i=l:neigh(j,l) index=neigh(j,i+l); p(index)=p(index)+l/N*l/neigh(j,l); if(neigh(index,1)==1) else for k=l:neigh(index,1) index2=neigh(index,k+1); if (index2~=j) 67 p (index2) =p (index2) +1/N*l/neigh (j, 1) / (neigh (index, 1)1); if (neigh (index2, 1) ==l) else for 1=1:neigh(index2,1) index3=neigh(index2,l+l); if(index3-=index) p(index3)=p(index3)+l/N*l/neigh(j,1)/(neigh(index,1)-i)/(neigh(index2,1)-i); end end end end end end end end end p=p/sum(p); H=O; for i=l:N H=H-p(i)*log(p(i))/log(2); end H Prob=zeros (N, 2); for i=l:N Prob (i, 1)=i; Prob(i,2)=p(i) end xlswrite ('BWEntropy.xlsx',Prob); A.4. Stress Calculation %Script 4 - Elongations, strains, stresses %Calculates deformations, strains and stresses occurring in the threads %To be carried out only after the bead spring model was constructed. cdc; load Snapshotx.txt %Snapshot is particles at timestep x load BWnodes.txt; load BWlinks.txt; load BWlengths.txt; the file containing xyz F=Snapshotx; N=PWnodes; B=PWlinks; Ll=PWlengths; sN=size (N); 1N=sN (1); sB=size (B); 1B=sB(l); sF=size (F); 1F=sF(l); L2=zeros (lB,2) E=10400; 68 coordinates of the for i=l:1B L2 (i,1)=B(i,1); x=F (B (i,3) ,2)-F (B (i,2) ,2); y=F(B(i,3),3)-F(B(i,2),3); z=F(B(i,3),4)-F(B(i,2),4); L2(i,2)=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2); end T=zeros(lB,5); for i=l:1B T(i,1)=i; T (i,2) =L2 (i,2); T (i,3) =L2 (i,2)-Ll (i, 2); T (i,4) =T (i,3) /Ll (i,2); if (T(i,4)>0) T(i,5)=E*T(i,4); else T(i,5)=0; end end outputname=['Timestepx.txt']; stresses at timestep x fid=fopen(outputname,'w'); for i=l:sB(l) fprintf(fid,' %d %f %file %f containing %f %f\n',T(i,1),T(i,2),T(i,3),T(i,4),T(i,5)); end disp ('done'); 69 elongations, strains and 70 APPENDIX B - STRESSES IN THREADS B.1. Stress Distribution in Threads during Stretching B.1.1. Stretching in X Direction T=0.01 s 14000 12000 10000 8"0 a 6000 4000 2000 0 4 2 6 10 8 Stresses 12 14 16 13 16 18 X=0.96 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.02 s 140 120 lacE 80 Jo 0a 60 o 40 20 Jo 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Stresses X=78.34 MPa; SD=174.4 MPa 71 T=0.03 s 12000 10000 8000 -3 6000 0~ 4000 2000 n -10 -E0w 0 50 0 5w0 100 1000 10 15M0 00 50 25M0 2mm 30 300M Stresses X=203.1 MPa; SD=390.1MPa T=0.04 s 12000 10000 8000 6000 a. 4000 2000 0 500 i0 1500 2000 2500 3000 Stresses 3500 4000 X=365.44 MPa; SD=641.5 MPa 72 4500 5000 T=0.05 s 12000 10000 8000 CL 8000 4000 2000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 8000 5000 7000 Stresses X=556.31 MPa; SD=909.5 MPa T=0.06 s 12000 10000 8000 6000 a 4000 2000 n 0 0 1000 1"0 2000 2m0 3000 m00 4000 4m 6000 5w00 6000 m00 7000 8000 7m0 Stresses X=769.37 MPa; SD=1,188.4 MPa 73 m00 9000 m T=0.07 s 10000 9000 8m0 00 5000 2000 1000 10M 2000 3000 4000 50 0 6000 7000 7100 9000 10000 Stresses X=999.38 MPa; SD=1,475.5MPa T=0.08 s 10000 9000 8000 7000 3000 6000 1000 0 6000 Stresses 8m15 10000 X=1,242.22 MPa; SD=1,768.4 MPa 74 12000 T=0.09 s 100001 7001 a- 4001 100 0 0 2000 4000 8000 6000 1(JX] 12000 14000 Stresses X=1,496.83 MPa; SD=2,065.3 MPa T=O.1 s a 200 100 8000 10000 12000 14000 Stresses X=1,760.31 MPa; SD=2,365.8 MPa 75 16000 T=0.109 s 9000 8000 7000 6000 M000 0 4000 3000 2000 1000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 Stresses X=2,004.2 MPa; SD=2,638.7 MPa T=0.11 s 9000 8000 7000 6000 4000 3000 2000 1000 U J00 10000 12000 14000 Stresses 16000 18000 X=2,031.73 MPa; SD=2,669 MPa 76 T=0.12 s 9000 7000 6000 6000 o4000 3000 20001000 0- 0 2000 4000 ww mm 10" Stresses 12000 14000 16" 1MM X=1,501.24 MPa; SD=2,072.7 MPa T=0.13 s 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 4000 3000- 2000 1000- 0i mm 20 mO mm 0 an 0 I 0 20M Stresses X=1,002.9 MPa; SD=1,482.9 MPa 77 14000 T=0.14 s 118512: , i a i i i i i i 7000 8000 9000 C 0 500 4000 3000 2000 1000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Stresses 10000 X=558.52 MPa; SD=916.8 MPa T=0.15 s 10000 8000 -a 6000 4000 2000 r. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Stresses 5000 X=199.3 MPa; SD=396.7MPa 78 6000 7000 T=0.16 s 14000 12000- 10000 - 8000 a 0004000 2000- -0 0 500 1500 Stresses 1000 2000 250 30 X=1.63 MPa; SD=3.2 MPa T=0.17 s 14000 12000 10000 8000a 000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 Stresses 20 X=0.82 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa 79 25 30 T=0.18 s 14000 12W0O 10000 60M0 4000 2000 0 4 2 6 10 8 Stresses 12 14 16 18 16 18 X=0.81 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.19 s 14000 12000 10000 g8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 X=0.81 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa 80 T=0.2 s 14000 12000 10000 g 00 L 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 12 8 10 Stresses 14 16 18 X=0.78 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.21 s 15000 10000 -3 0. 5000 II ~0 ~*-~--------------~----- 5 10 15 Stresses X=0.77 MPa; SD=2.0 MPa 81 20 25 B.1.2. Stretching in Y Direction T=0.01 s 14000 12000 10000 2000 20fl '0 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 16 18 X=1.01 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.02 s 14000 12000 10000 66000 4000 2000 n - -- 0 200 400 600 Stresses 800 1000 X=70.97 MPa; SD=163.2 MPa 82 1200 T=0.03 s 12000 loow 10000- 7 6000 4000 2000 00 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Stresses X=196.48 MPa; SD=367.6 MPa T=0.04 s 12000 10000 8000 - 6000- a. 4000 2000 0 0 500 1000 2000 1500 Stresses 2500 3000 X=364.55 MPa; SD=609.6 MPa 83 3500 T=0.05 s 9000 8003 7000 C .2 I; 75 CL 0 CL 6000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Stresses 3500 4000 4500 5000 X=554.63 MPa; SD=870.9 MPa T=0.06 s 10009000 3030 7002 6000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Stresses 5000 6000 X=764.06 MPa; SD=1,141.7 MPa 84 -i 7000 T=0.07 s 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 CL 40 3MC 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Stresses 6000 7000 8000 9000 X=990.77 MPa; SD=1,419.2 MPa T=0.08 s 9000 7000 60001 s 500( o 400C 30(X 2001 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Stresses 8000 9000 10000 X=1,228,92 MPa; SD=1,703.2 MPa 85 T=0.09 s 9000 7000 6000 C: 5000 2 4000 - 3000 2000 1000 0 2000 6000 Stresses 4000 8000 10000 12000 X=1,476.6 MPa; SD=1,992 MPa T=0.1 s 8000 7000 6000 50W 7i 4000 3000 2000 1000 -23 10000 0 12000 Stresses X=1,733.54 MPa; SD=2,283.6 MPa 86 14000 T=0.109 s 8000 7000 6000 5000 a- 4000 00 2000 4000 6000 80m] 10000 12000 14000 Stresses X=1,969.96 MPa; SD=2,549.3 MPa T=0.11 s 9000[ a- 200 100 10000 Stresses X=1,996.46 MPa; SD=2,579.1 MPa 87 15000 T=0.12 s 8000 7000 6000 C: 5000- CL 4000 3000 1000 5000 0 10000 16000 Stresses X=1,481.57 MPa; SD=1,998.8 MPa T=0.13 s 8000 7000 6000 4000 0 6000 Stresses 8000 10000 X=995.08 MPa; SD=1,425.9 MPa 88 12000 T=0.14 s 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5=0 CL 4000 3000 2000 1000 n0 1000 2000 3000 5000 Stresses 4000 6000 7000 8000 9000 X=557.31 MPa; SD=877.7 MPa T=0.15 s 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 S5000 40 3000 2000 1000 n 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Stresses 3500 4000 X=194.79 MPa; SD=373.7 MPa 89 4500 5000 T=0.16 s 10000 6000 a. 40 01 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Stresses X=1.6 MPa; SD=3.1 MPa T=0.17 s I ArMl 12000 10000 ~6000 400 2000 0 5 10 15 Stresses 20 X=0.86 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa 90 25 30 T=0.18 s 14000 12000 10000 L0 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 16 18 16 18 X=0.86 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.19 s 14000 12000 10000 0o- 6000 4000 2000 00 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 X=0.85 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa 91 T=0.2 s 14000 12000 10000 1806o 4000 2000 Cl 0 2 4 6 10 8 Stresses 12 14 16 18 16 18 X=0.83 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa T=0.21 s 1 11101 1 12000 10000 a60M 4000 2000 o 0 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 14 X=0.82 MPa; SD=2.1 MPa 92 B.1.3. Stretching in Z Direction T=0.01 s 150"J 10000 CL 0 10 5 15 25 20 Stresses X=0.68 MPa; SD=1.8 MPa T=0.02 s 0x 0 70C 60C0 502 a S40C 210 0 2M0 4W0 600 800 1000 Stresses X=257.96 MPa; SD=327 MPa 93 1200 1400 T=0.03 s 7000 c 40000 S3000 2000 1000 U Strecsms 2500 3000 3500 X=602.48 MPa; SD=698.5 MPa T=0.04 s C4Mf 4000 5000 Stresses X=981.29 MPa; SD=1,075.6 MPa 94 6000 T=0.05 s 7000 6000 5000 C 4000 o 3000 2000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Stresses X=1,377.19 MPa; SD=1.,457.9 MPa T=0.06 s 6000 4W00 2000 0~ 1000 01 1000 2MW M00 4M0 MW0 MW 7000 8M0 Stresses 90W0 X=1,783.09 MPa; SD=1,844.8 MPa 95 10000 T=0.07 s 6000 3000 4000 a2000 1XE 0 2000 4000 6000 Stresses 000 10000 12000 X=2,195.78MPa; SD=2,235.3MPa T=0.08 s oum 4WX 300( 0 200C 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Stresses 10000 12000 X=2,614.28 MPa; SD=2,628 MPa 96 14000 T=0.09 s rd RNI. 500 CL 0 2000 4000 M00 8000 10000 12000 14000 1a000 Stresses X=3,038.86 MPa; SD=3,021.2 MPa T=O.1 s a 12000 14000 16000 Stresses X=3,469.7 MPa; SD=3,413.9 MPa 97 18000 T=0.109 s 40W0 20W0 10i 0 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1 1,2 Stresses 1.4 16 1.8 2 x 104 X=3,861.72 MPa; SD=3,767.4 MPa T=0.11 s 50W 40W0 3(M0 2000 1000 15 2 Stresses X=3905.51 MPa; SD=3,806.7 MPa 98 2.5 x 10 4 T=0.12 s 3000 4000 3000 2000 1000 15 2 25 Stresses x 104 X=3,047.36 MPa; SD=3,030.7 MPa 0 T=0.13 s 4000 3000 CL 2000 1000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Stresses 12000 4000 X=2,203.93 MPa; SD=2,244.8 MPa 99 16000 T=0.14 s hlEli C5 a. 0 0 8000 10WO 12000 Stresses X=1,384.96 MPa; SD=1,467.3 MPa T=0.15 s 7000 6000 5000 400C 3000 4000 Stresses 5000 8000 X=608.43 MPa; SD=708.4 MPa 100 7000 8000 T=0.16 s 14000 12000 10000 * B0M- a0 600 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 Stresses 25 20 30 X=1.8 MPa; SD=4.1 MPa T=0.17 s 16000 14000 12000 10000 a. 6"0 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 10 8 Stresses - 12 14 X=0.48 MPa; SD=1.6 MPa 101 16 18 T=0.18 s 14000 12000 10000 ~8000 6000 4000 2000 00 0 4 4 2 2 6 6 10 8 8 16 Stresses 14 i 12 Q 16 16 18 18 X=0.47 MPa; SD=1.6 MPa T=0.19 s 16000 14000 1200 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Stresses 12 1 14 X=0.46 MPa; SD=1.6 MPa 102 16 18 T=0.2 s 16000 14000 12000 10000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 2 4 6 8 Stresses 10 12 14 16 35 40 X=0.47 MPa; SD=1.6 MPa T=0.21 s 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Stresses X=0.47 MPa; SD=1.6 MPa 103 B.2 Stress Distribution in Threads During Expansion T=0.01 s a. 2a10 0 5 10 15 20 Stresses 25 30 35 40 X=1.79 MPa; SD=3.7 MPa T=0.02 s 7000 7000 saxo 6000 5000 a 4000 3000 2000 1000 0' 0 500 5w0 1000 U1000 1500 15W0 2000 2000 Stresses X=878.12 MPa; SD=333.2 MPa 104 2500 25W0 T=0.03 s 9000 80007000- 5000 - o4000- 3000 2000- 100 0 500 1000 1500 2500 Stresses 2000 3000 3500 4000 4500 X=1,814.33 MPa; SD=608.8 MPa T=0.04 s 8000 7000 6000 5000 o 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 I 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Stresses X=2,767.44 MPa; SD=857.3 MPa 105 7000 T=0.05 s 9000 8000 -7000 - 6000 - a 4000 3000 1000 1000 - -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 800 9000 Stresses X=3,729.53 MPa; SD=1,090.1 MPa T=0.06 s 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 3000 ------i- 10000 Stresses X=4,696.55 MPa; SD=1,314.2 MPa 106 12000 T=0.07 s 9000 70006000 c 0 5000 CL 0 (L 40003000 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 8000 6000 Stresses 10000 12000 1400 X=5,667.25 MPa; SD=1,530.7 MPa T=0.08 s 8000 7000 6000 C .2 5000 CL 0 CL 3000 2000 1000 0 10000 0 12000 14000 Stresses X=6,640.83 MPa; SD=1,740.7 MPa 107 16000 T=0.09 s 9000 8000 -7000 - 6000 -- 5000 o 4000 3000 - 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Stresses 18000 X=7,616.21 MPa; SD=1,946.9 MPa T=O.1 s 900 8"U 7000 - 6000 - 4000 - 4000 - 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8 10000 12000 14000 16000 Stresses X=8,592.81 MPa; SD=2,150.6 MPa 108 1800 T=0.11 s 9000 7000 -6000 5000 4000- 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Stresses X=9,570.44 MPa; SD=2,352.1 MPa 109 18000