Manufacturing System Research from a Design Point of View: Optimization vs. System Design by ZHENWEI ZHAO B.S., Automotive Engineering, 1998 Tsinghua University Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2002 0 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved A uth o r ................................................................................................... Department of Mechanical Engineering May 10, 2002 C ertifie d by ................................................................. . . .................... David S. Cochran Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by ................................. Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students OF TECHNOLOGY OCT R LIBRARIES E > e~ Manufacturing System Research from a Design Point of View: Optimization vs. System Design by ZHENWEI ZHAO Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 10, 2002 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Research methodologies in manufacturing system can be generally divided into two groups: optimization methodologies and system design methodologies. Optimization methodologies study the abstracted mathematical models of real systems and aim to find the optimal solutions; while system design methodologies study system requirements and aim to design solutions to meet these requirements. Industrial practice has shown that manufacturing system design based on optimal solutions often lead to poor overall system performance, however, the reason for this is to a large extent unclear. This thesis analyzes typical optimization models in a system design point of view. It shows that since these models apply insufficient number of DPs to satisfy system FRs, the FRs cannot be fully fulfilled. Some of the system FRs are hence compromised and overall system performance sacrifices. Modified designs are presented based on axiomatic design methodology and MSDD to fully achieve all system FRs. A comparison of mathematical model based manufacturing system analysis methodologies and system design methodologies is conducted. The result shows that mathematical models analysis are consistent with manufacturing system design framework MSDD, therefore the DPs provided by MSDD are supported by mathematical analysis. It is also pointed out that the analysis models strongly rely on their assumptions so that the analysis results may become inapplicable when system changes. MSDD is based on decoupled decomposition from general system requirements; therefore it is robust and applicable to a wide range of manufacturing systems. Thesis Supervisor: David. S. Cochran Title: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements Looking back to the nearly two years that I have spent in MIT, I feel I was so lucky to be part of the Production System Design Lab of MIT. The lab has provided everybody a warm, friendly and happy atmosphere. Everybody I met here became my good friend and each of them had given me invaluable help to learn from and involve in this different country and culture. First of all, I want to specially thank my thesis supervisor, Prof. David Cochran. It has been the most rewarding experience in my life to learn from him, the insights on both academia and life. Without his consistent trust and support, I would have collapsed many times when I was feeling desperate, let alone to finish this thesis. I would also want to thank all friends that I have been working with in PSD lab, Jochen, Jongyoon, Partic, Jey, Kola, Keith, Quinton, Yongsuk, Steve, Carlos, Memo, Jose, Cesa, Abhinav, Martin and Henning. I also want to show my appreciation to Pat for her kindness help on so many things. 5 6 Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOW LEDGEMENTS................................................................................. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................... 7 LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................ 9 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 13 1.1 M otivation.............................................................................................................. 13 1.2 Thesis Outline........................................................................................................ 14 CHAPTER 2: EVOLUTION OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEM AND RESEARCH 17 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................ 2.1 The History of M anufacturing System ................................................................. 17 2.2 M anufacturing System Design Framework.......................................................... 2.2.1 Systematic Approach for Manufacturing System Design................ 2 .2 .2 A x iomatic D esign ............................................................................................ 2.2.3 Manufacturing System Design Decomposition.................................................. 26 26 27 31 CHAPTER 3: INVENTORY AND PRODUCTION CONTROL MODELS FROM 43 SYSTEM DESIGN POINT OF VIEW ............................................................. 3.1 General Introduction of Optimization M ethodologies ....................................... 43 3.2 Inventory and Production Control M odels ....................................................... 3.2.2 Economical Order Quantity Model ................................................................... 3.2.3 The Newspaper Vender Model ....................................................................... 3 .2 .4 (Q , r) M o del .................................................................................................... 3 .2 .5 (s ,S ) M o d e l ....................................................................................................... 46 46 49 53 59 3.3 Analysis of Inventory and Production Control M odels ..................................... 3.3.1 General Analysis on Inventory and Production Control Models ..................... 3.3.2 Analysis of EOQ Model .................................................................................. 3.3.3 Analysis of Newspaper Vender Model............................................................ 63 63 64 67 7 3.3.4 A naly sis of (Q ,r) M odel.................................................................................... 3.3 .5 A naly sis of (s, S) M odel ................................................................................... 3 .3 .6 C on clu sion ....................................................................................................... 3.4 Applying System Design Methodology to Solve Optimizing Problem........ 3 .4 .1 P rob lem D escription ......................................................................................... 3.4.2 Solution based on Mathematical Optimization Methodology ......................... 3.4.3 Solution based on System Design Methodology................................................ 70 75 78 79 79 82 84 CHAPTER 4: MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ANALYSIS BASED ON STOCHASTIC MODELS FROM SYSTEM DESIGN POINT OF VIEW........... 97 4.1 Introduction of stochastic models for manufacturing system analysis ........ 4.1.1 Introduction of M arkov process ........................................................................ 4.1.2 Discrete Time Discrete State Markov Process ................................................. 4.1.3 Continuous Time Discrete State Markov Process ............................................ 97 97 99 102 4.2 Transfer line analysis based on stochastic models ............................................. 4.2.1 Introduction of Transfer Line Analysis ........................................................... 4.2.2 Zero Buffer and Infinite Buffer Model ............................................................ 4.2.3 General Assumptions of Finite Buffer Transfer Line Analysis ........................ 4.2.4 Deterministic Two-Machine Line ................................................................... 4.2.5 Exponential Two-Machine Line...................................................................... 107 107 108 111 112 116 4.3 Stochastic Model Analysis in a System Design Point of View ............. 4 .3 .1 Lin e B alan cin g ............................................................................................... 4 .3 .2 H igh R ep airing R ate ....................................................................................... 4 .3 .3 Low F ailure Rate ............................................................................................ 4 .3 .4 Role of A uton om ou s....................................................................................... 4.4.4 Summary on Manufacturing System Analysis................................................. 117 1 18 122 12 5 12 6 129 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION........................................................................... 131 REFERENCES................................................................................................. 133 8 List of Figures FIGURE 2- 1: SCHEMATIC OF A TYPICAL HIGH-SPEED LINE LAYOUT OF ASSEMBLY-TYPE 2 M AN UFACTU RING SY STEM ...................................................................................... 1 FIGURE 2- 2: SCHEMATIC OF ATYPICAL DEPARTMENTAL LAYOUT OF MACHINING-TYPE 22 M AN UFACTU RING SY STEM ...................................................................................... FIGURE 2- 3: EVOLUTION OF PRODUCTION VOLUME AND PRODUCT VARIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY [WOMACK 1990]............................................................. 23 FIGURE 2- 4: COMPARISON OF US AND JAPANESE AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION BETWEEN 24 1947 AND 1989 [W OM ACK 1990] .......................................................................... FIGURE 2- 5: MAPPING BETWEEN CUSTOMER DOMAIN, FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN AND PHYSICAL DOM AIN [M ODIFIED FROM SUH 1990] ................................................................... 28 FIGURE 2- 6: ZIGZAGGING PROCESS OF MULTI-LEVEL DESIGN DECOMPOSITION [MODIFIED .. FRO M S U H 19 9 0 ] ................................................................................................. 29 FIGURE 2- 7: SIx M SDD BRANCHES [LINCK 2001] ....................................................... 32 FIGURE 2- 8: M SDD STRUCTURE [LINCK 2001]............................................................ 33 FIGURE 2- 9: QUALITY BRANCH OF M SDD ................................................................... 34 FIGURE 2- 10: PROBLEM IDENTIFYING AND RESOLVING BRANCH OF MSDD.................. 35 FIGURE 2- 11: PREDICTABLE OUTPUT BRANCH OF MSDD ............................................ 37 FIGURE 2- 12: DELAY REDUCTION BRANCH OF MSDD ................................................. 39 FIGURE 2- 13: THE OPERATION COST BRANCH OF MSDD .............................................. 41 FIGURE 2- 14: THE INVESTMENT BRANCH OF M SDD...................................................... 42 FIGURE 3- 1: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORDER QUANTITY AND AVERAGE COST IN EOQ 49 MO D E L ................................................................................................................... FIGURE 3- 2: THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION COST ON OPTIMAL PRODUCTION VO LUM E ........................................................................................................... ..... 52 FIGURE 3- 3: THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SALVAGE VALUE AND OPTIMAL PRODUCTION V O LUM E ................................................................................................................. FIGURE 3- 4: THE COST STRUCTURE OF EOQ MODEL....................................................... 9 53 64 FIGURE 3- 5: DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS OF EOQ MODEL ............................................. 65 FIGURE 3- 6: M ODIFIED DESIGN FOR EOQ MODEL ......................................................... 67 FIGURE 3- 7: COST STRUCTURE OF NEWSPAPER VENDER MODEL ..................................... 67 FIGURE 3- 8: DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPER VENDER MODEL ...................... 68 FIGURE 3- 9: MODIFIED DESIGN FOR NEWSPAPER VENDER MODEL ................................. 70 FIGURE 3- 10: COST STRUCTURE OF (Q,R) MODEL .......................................................... 71 FIGURE 3- 11: DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS FOR (Q,R) MODEL .......................................... 72 FIGURE 3- 12: Two STEPS CHANGEOVER TIME REDUCTION [COCHRAN 2002] ................ 74 FIGURE 3- 13: M ODIFIED DESIGN FOR (QR) MODEL ...................................................... 75 FIGURE 3- 14: THE COST STRUCTURE OF (S,S) MODEL .................................................... 76 FIGURE 3- 15: DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS OF (S ,S) MODEL ............................................ FIGURE 3- 16: M ODIFIED DESIGN FOR (S,S) MODEL ......................................................... FIGURE 3- 17: SUPPLY CHAIN FOR APPAREL PRODUCTION................................................ 77 78 80 81 FIGURE 3- 18: SUPPLY CHAIN PRODUCTION TIMELINE..................................................... FIGURE 3- 19: INTERACTIVE SOLVING RESULT OF OPTIMAL COST SEARCHING [CARO ET AL, 2 0 0 1 ] ..................................................................................................................... FIGURE 3- 20: RETAILER-MANUFACTURER INTEGRATION .............................................. 84 87 FIGURE 3- 21: COMPARISON OF PRODUCTION TIMELINE BETWEEN OLD AND NEW DESIGN . 88 FIGURE 3- 22: HIGH-LEVEL DECOMPOSITION OF NEW DESIGN ......................................... 89 FIGURE 3- 23: PRODUCTION LEADTIME REDUCTION DESIGN ............................................. 89 FIGURE 3- 24: SUPPLIER LEADTIME REDUCTION DESIGN ................................................ 90 FIGURE 3- 25: SCHEMATIC OF TRANSPORTATION WASTE IN OLD SUPPLY CHAIN ................ 92 FIGURE 3- 26: MATERIAL FLOW ORIENTED TRANSPORTATION DESIGN ............................. 92 FIGURE 3- 27: MANUFACTURER LEADTIME REDUCTION DESIGN ..................................... 93 FIGURE 3- 28: DESIGN DECOMPOSITION OF SUPPLY CHAIN OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM ......... 95 FIGURE 4- 1: TRANSITION PROBABILITY OF DISCRETE TIME TWO-STATE MARKOV PROCESS ............................................................................................................................ FIGURE 4- 2: ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF MACHINE STATUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION 1 00 101 FIGURE 4- 3: TRANSITION PROBABILITY OF CONTINUOUS TIME TWO STATE MARKOV PR O C E S S ............................................................................................. 10 . ............... 10 4 FIGURE 4- 4: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DELAY OF A M/MI QUEUE WITH ARRIVAL RATE ............................................................................................................................ 1 07 FIGURE 4- 5: SCHEMATIC OF A TRANSFER LINE ............................................................. 107 FIGURE 4- 6: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LINE EFFICIENCY AND BUFFER SIZE [GERSHWIN 1 9 94 ] ................................................................................................................... FIGURE 4- 7: WORK LOOPS IN A CELLULAR LAYOUT MANUFACTURING SYSTEM.............. 115 119 FIGURE 4- 8: MMC OF WORK LOOP DESIGN WITH 10 OPERATORS [OROPEZA 2001] ........ 120 FIGURE 4- 9: MMC OF WORK LOOP DESIGN WITH 14 OPERATORS [OROPEZA 2001] ........ 121 FIGURE 4- 10: ACTION CHAIN WITH MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS ........................................ 122 FIGURE 4- 11: EXAMPLE OF ANDON BOARD .................................................................. 123 FIGURE 4- 12: SHORTENED ACTION CHAIN WITH ONE CONNECTION ................................ 124 FIGURE 4- 13: EXAMPLE OF STANDARDIZED WORK SHEET [COCHRAN 2002] .................. FIGURE 4- 14: EXAMPLE OF STANDARDIZED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SHEET [COCHRAN 2 0 0 2 ] ................................................................................................................... FIGURE 4- 12 6 15: TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM DESIGN MODEL [COCHRAN 1999] ............ 127 FIGURE 4- 16: EXAMPLE OF POKE-YOKE [LOW, 2001] .................................................. 11 125 129 List of Tables TABLE 2- 1: SUMMARY OF MAIN INNOVATIONS IN THE HISTORY OF MANUFACTURING SY STEM S [C OCHRAN , 1994].................................................................................... 26 TABLE 2- 2: REPRESENTATIONS OF DIFFERENT TYPE OF DESIGN [LINCK 2001] ............. 30 TABLE 3- 1: COMPARISON OF INVENTORY AND PRODUCTION CONTROL MODELS ............... 79 TABLE 3- 2: M ANUFACTURER' S FORECAST DATA .......................................................... 86 TABLE 3- 3: ESTIMATED IMPLEMENTING COSTS OF LEAF-LEVEL DPS ............................. 93 1: TRANSIENT STATS IN A TWO-MACHINE TRANSFER LINE MODEL ................... 112 TABLE 4- 12 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Motivation Methodologies that have been used in manufacturing system analysis and design areas can be generally categorized into to groups: optimization and system design. Many different optimization methodologies have been used to analyze manufacturing system performance and design optimal system control policies, including linear programming, non-linear programming, dynamic programming, variation analysis, network analysis, etc. Mathematical models are established based on deterministic, statistical or stochastic analysis according to different views of system and modeling assumptions. Constraints and decision variables are then identified; and finally optimization algorithms are applied to solve the optimal solutions. System design methodology, on the other hand, approaches the manufacturing system problems in a design point of view. It starts from the customer needs, which are the origin of system design functional requirements (FRs). Design process proceeds to find out design parameters (DPs) to satisfy FRs. Decomposition approach may be applied to break down high-level design intents into implementable design parameters. If there is a constraint that refrains the customer needs from being realized, the system will be modified to eliminate it to ensure the fulfillment of customer demand. Therefore, optimization approach and system design approach are logically different in that the former admits the constraints and optimizes the system output, while the latter tackles the constraints to ensure the system output can meet customers' needs. Optimization methodology based research in manufacturing system usually addresses specific problems by studying mathematical models. This incurs two possible problems: First, manufacturing system is a complex system that includes many hierarchies and relationships. Looking at a local problem without considering its relationship with other elements in the system will result in local optimization instead of superior performance of the overall system. Second, most models that have been used rely heavily on some strong assumptions, which are not generally valid in real situations. This causes most of the optimal solutions lose their optimality when systems change. 13 In spite of the shortcomings they have, optimization approach is still important for research in manufacturing system. The optimization results usually can provide valuable insights for system design. It also quantitatively validates the ideas and intuitions that being used in conceptual design. This thesis attempts to review these optimization-based methodologies, analyze them in a system design point of view, find out their inferiorities and limitations in a design point of view, and develop ways to interface between two approaches to achieve better system design. 1.2 Thesis Outline The thesis includes three major chapters. Chapter 2 is the first part that serves as a general review of the evolution of manufacturing system and research methodologies. The chapter begins with a review of manufacturing system evolution since the first industrial revolution till later 20th century. The review shows that manufacturing system has evolved through a history from simple to complex, form process oriented to system oriented. A discussion of manufacturing system evolution explains the reason of the emergence and prosperity of optimization methodologies in old style production environment and their declination during the postwar period. The changes in technology development and international markets of manufacturing industry put much higher requirements onto manufacturing system than any other time in the history. Modem manufacturing systems' complexity and dynamic characters decide the optimization methods, which view the system statically and base themselves on many oversimplified assumptions, will never work. Manufacturing system has to be designed and operated in a systematic manner. Axiomatic design approach is then introduced as a fundamental methodology that is going to be frequently applied into the later analysis of this thesis. Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) is discussed with considerable detail. MSDD will serve as a knowledge base for optimization model analysis in the future chapters. Chapter 3 discusses in depth the optimization methodologies that have been widely applied in manufacturing system research. The scope of this chapter focuses on the 14 inventory and production control models The reason is that these models have been most commonly applied in guiding manufacturing system design, and also they are good representatives of optimization methodologies in that these models can cover most of the optimization modeling and solution solving techniques. Four models ranging from deterministic to stochastic, from one-parameter to multiple-parameter, are discussed and analyzed in detail. The analysis shows the in a design point view, all these models are coupled design in that they are trying to satisfy FRs with insufficient number of DPs. Therefore the optimal solution is a compromising of system FRs and the result is far from optimal seen from the system level. Modified designs are suggested for each model based on axiomatic design methodology and MSDD to convert coupled unacceptable designs to decoupled designs. A case study is presented at the end of this chapter. The case is a classical supply chain management problem, which has been used as a practice of applying optimization methodologies to solve supply chain conflicts. Solutions based system design methodology as well as optimization methodology are derived. The comparison of the two shows that the system design can reach a much better solution than optimization methods. Chapter 4 studies a widely used methodology for manufacturing system analysis transfer line models based on stochastic process. Two fundamental types of stochastic models, discrete time discrete state and continuous time discrete state, are discussed in detail, and the analysis results derived from these models are studied. The study of these analysis results and comparing them with MSDD design framework shows that the mathematical analysis is perfectly consistent with system design methodology. While the model analysis shows "what does an good system need", MSDD provides the solution of "how to achieve a good system." The limitation of stochastic models is also discussed. Since the models strongly rely some of their assumptions, their analysis may not apply when system changes. MSDD on the other hand, is based on decoupled decomposition from high-level system requirements. Therefore it is robust and generally applicable in a wide range of manufacturing systems 15 16 Chapter 2: Evolution of Manufacturing System and Research Methodology 2.1 The History of Manufacturing System The modem industry started in England when James Watt invented and sold his first steam engine during the mid- 18th century. Prior to that, manufacturing was small scale and for local and very limited market. Manufacturing work was normally carried out in two systems, the domestic system and craft guilds. In domestic system, no professional facility existed at all. Jobs were distributed to people's home where they finished them and then "sell back" to the merchant. In the craft guilds system, specialists with professional skills passed jobs sequentially among different shops. For example, in order to make leather products, it could first be sent to a tanner to get tanned, then to curriers and finally to suitcase maker or shoemaker. The first industrial revolution dramatically changed the manufacturing processes of human being. Numerous machines and manufacturing methods has been invented and developed in that period, which greatly improved both manufacturing productivity and variety of goods that people could make [Hopp, Spearman 2001]. These prominent technological advances including the flying shuttle developed by John Kay in 1733, the spinning jenny invented by James Hargreaves in 1765, and the water frame developed by Richard Arkwright in 1769. By facilitating capital for labor, these innovations firstly brought the manufacturing industry the economies of scale that greatly promoted centralized production. The industrial revolution in America was a little later than that of in European. Due to England's the technology protection to keep its competitive advantages over most of the other countries, it was not until in 1790s that the first advanced textile machine appeared in America. Moses Brown established the first textile mill in 1793 at Pawtucket, Rhode Island, which was memorized as the famous "Rhode Island System". The system, which was originally an exact mimic of their English predecessor however, evolved in a different way that the English system did. By the 1820s, the American system distinguished itself from the English system by having consolidated and integrated many 17 different production processes in the same manufacturing facility, which was latterly referred as vertical integration. Vertical integration became popular in American manufacturing plants due to two reasons: 1. Unlike England, American had no strong tradition of craft guilds. Therefore the American manufacturing production relied primarily on the domestic system, which required no specific skills for production people. This resulted that the American system didn't have barriers among people with different crafts that the English system had, therefore it was much easier to realized vertical integration. 2. America started its production industry based on waterpower in 18th and 19 th centuries. The steam engine, which had become popular in England at that period of time, did not replace the wide-use waterpower until the Civil War. The manufacturing plants were usually built close to the waterpower wheel, which sent the power to the plant by a spinning shaft. This power input configuration essentially generated a layout constraint of the plants. It is desired for the plants to put all their machines as close to the wheel draft as possible, which necessarily facilitated the integration of manufacturing processes. The second fundamental step in the American manufacturing system evolution after vertical integration is the production of interchangeable parts. This concept was developed and had been widely used in American manufacturing industries during the mid and late 19 th century. The 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition in London witnessed a display of American products such as locks, repeating pistol and mechanical reaper, all produced with interchangeable parts [Hopp, Spearman 2001]. Eli Whitney and Simeon North first proved the feasibility of the concept of interchangeable parts. They contracted to produce 10000 muskets for the American government in 1801. Although it took them 9 years to finish the production, Whitney and North showed indisputably that the interchangeable parts, which they called "uniform system", worked. 18 It is difficult to overstate the importance the role of interchangeable parts in the history of America. Boorstein [1956] called it " the greatest skill-saving innovation in human history." The concept of interchangeable parts essentially decoupled the processes from operator skills, therefore greatly reduced the need for experienced worker with special skills, which made the large-scale mass-production possible. Under the American manufacturing system, workers without special skills can make very complex parts by producing interchangeable products in numerous consecutive processes, each of which requires simple operational skills. This early rise of undifferentiated worker directly led to the history of labor relations in America. It also paved the way for the separation between management and execution in the early 2 0 th century. In spite of the great achievements in the textile industry in 18th and 1 9 th century, most industry before 1840s was in small scale. One of the important reasons was the waterpower supply that most industry used. Since there was huge seasonal variations in the power supply itself, the workers were mostly part time and the class of permanent works was very small and the class of professional management hardly existed. A survey on American manufacturing system conducted by the Secretary of Treasure in 1832 pointed out that in 10 states that the survey had covered, only 36 enterprises with 250 or more workers, of which 31 were textile factories. The majority of enterprise had only a few thousand dollars of assets and a dozen employees. This situation was finally broken by the second industrial revolution in American, which started with using new industrial energy and development of mass transportation means. Railroad were the spark for the second industrial revolution. Colonel John Stevens received the first railroad charter from the government in 1815. By 1890, the total railroad in America has reached 199,876 miles, 72,473 of while were west of Mississippi. Unlike in the eastern, the western railroads were general built in sparsely populated states and tried to connect to the anticipated places for future development [Hopp, Spearman 2001]. Railroad building had led to great changes in American production industry. Since the capital needed to build railroads was far greater than that required to build a textile factory, also, because of the complexity and the distributed nature of its operations, many 19 stakeholders of the railroad companies were not directly managing the operations. Therefore for the first time in the history, a new class of salaried employees - middle management - emerged in American industries. Also because of the complexity of the railroad operational system, large amount of data needed to be collected and analyzed. This caused the emergence of technical analysis and accounting agents. In the large scale production as railroad industry and later the mass retailers, cost was viewed as the extreme important factor. While the railroad industry focused mainly on ton -mile cost ratios, the mass retailers used gross margins. Examples of these early accounting practices include: Marshall Filed was tracking inventory turns as early as in 1870 [Johnson and Kaplan 1987], and maintained an average of between five and six turns a year during 1870s and 1880s [Chandler 1977]. Large-scale production in American began from steel industry and introduced by Andrew Carnegie, who started his career in steel industry in 1872. He combined the new process technologies and management methods together and brought the steel industry to an unprecedented level of integration and efficiency. He named his first integrated plant the Edgar Thompson Works, whose goal was "a large and regular output". By relentlessly exploiting his scale advantages and increasing the speed of production, Carnegie soon became the most efficiency steel producer in the world. By 1879, American steel production volume was close to the Britain; but by 1902, America produced 9,138,000 tons compared with 1,826,000 tons in Britain. If Andrew Carnegie were viewed as the inventor of large-scale production, Henry Ford would be the inventor of fast-speed mass production. Like Carnegie, Ford recognized the importance the fast speed production to increase throughput. He innovatively abandoned the old style assemble methods that were dominating most assembly industry by that time. Instead of having skilled workers assemble complex sub-assemblies and then gather around a static chassis to complete the final assembly, Ford introduced the moving assembly line. Products were traveling on the moving assembly line in a continuous, non stop manner, workers stand aside of the line and carry out simple operations. In this way, complex sub-assembling skills became unnecessary, production speed had been increased and unit cost was dramatically reduced. In 1906 the Model N was introduced with a price of $600, which was far less expensive than the price of $1000 of normal four -cylinder 20 automobiles at that time. In 1908 Ford started producing the legendary Model T with an original price of $850. By continuously improving the production speed and reducing cost, he brought the price down to $360 by 1916 and $290 in the 1920s. Ford sold 730,041 Model T's in the fiscal year 1916/17, which was roughly one-third of the American automobile market. Ford had started a general production management style that has been followed by most American industries in the 2 0 th century, which is commonly referred as "mass production". The basic spirits included in mass production is to reduce unit production cost by product variability reduction, standardization and simplifying operations. Less product variability required less changeover operations therefore the system can keep the same production pattern for a long period of time with high production speed. Also the operations that each worker needs to perform are very simple therefore the workers can keep a very fast production pace. The mass-type production normally led the departmental layout of machining department and the high-speed transfer line layout for assembly department. Figure 2- 1 and Figure 2- 2 demonstrate the typical high-speed assembly department (line) and departmental machining department. Cycle time for each operation (seconds) 2.4 3.8 7.4 4.2 3.7 3.7 3.1 7.4 5.8 5.1 4.4 6.2 4.3 4.7 5.5 3.4 5.7 5.7 3.8 6.6 6.6 2.2 4.6 3.5 From inventory Figure 2- 1: Schematic of a typical high-speed line layout of assembly-type manufacturing system 21 To paint line K~qP.R!;2jC LA FS 12)KASPE1 4PT GLEASON116ROUGH ERS (57 R BORING LATHES (8) ICIMING PINION COMIn I INCIDMINGRIGq ORGING KASPER TURNING LATHES 8 BARNES DRILLS (4) SNYDER DRILL STANDARD DRILL GLEASON 606/607 GEARCUTTERS (43) GLEASON #960 (12) ANNEAL CELL HEAT TREAT PRATT & WHITNEY GRINDERS (14) FINISHERS (64) GLArm #5GARS ID HONING MACHINES (6) MACIGEPIRCH GLEASON 17A ROLL IRS (21) &m .Y YTESTE -0-0- 12 LAPPERS Q& 24 36 L-APPER; APPBFR $ 9WilE LAPPER ELABRATOR O6THEEN (7) PACKOUT Figure 2- 2: Schematic of a typical departmental layout of machining-type manufacturing system Another person that had important contribution of manufacturing system evolution is Alfred Sloan, who successfully directed GM to take over Ford to become the biggest automaker in US. Contrary to Ford's getting lowest unit cost by lowest product variety philosophy, Sloan developed various divisions that were targeting different market sections. Under Sloan's management, GM also adopted sophisticated mew procedures for demand forecasting, inventory tracking and market share estimation. Under this system GM achieved more flexibility and customer satisfaction by regularly introducing new models to the market. In 1929 GM increased its market share to 32.3 percent and took over the first place in the American automotive industry. Figure 2- 3 shows the evolution of production volume and product variety in different manufacturing systems. 22 Mass Production (Ford), 1914 Mass Production (Sloan), 1920s Lean Production, 1970s 2000s Craft Production, 1900 Number of Products on Sale Figure 2- 3: Evolution of production volume and product variety of automotive industry [Womack 1990] Having mastered the techniques of mass production and distribution and management of large-scale enterprises, American manufacturing won the undisputable world-leading position after World War II. In 1945 the American market was eight times the size of the next-largest market in the world, which offered American manufacturing companies vast opportunity to reap the economies of scale advantage. The American manufacturing industry experienced an exhilarating postwar boom. The per capita income (in contrast to the 1958's) rose from $1 to $3 in 1970 [U.S. Department of Commerce 1972]. In 1947, the 200 largest industrial firms in America covered 30 percent of the world's value added in manufacturing and 47.2 percent of total corporate manufacturing assets. By 1969 the top 200 American industrials accounted for 60.9 percent of the world's manufacturing assets [Chandler 1977]. Along with the huge profit and wealthy life that the golden era had brought to American people, the seeds of future bitters were also buried. Since the postwar American industries were facing almost non-competing marks all over the world, they did not even worry about the details in their manufacturing system. As long as the products can be made, they will be sold and bring back profit. This attitude however, soon changed the American manufacturing industry from a golden boom to a miserable bust in the 1970s and 1980s. Because of the American technological advantage and lacking of competition 23 from out side, the manufacturing companied lacked incentives to refine and improve their manufacturing system to achieve higher quality, better customer service and lower production cost. On the other hand, manufacturing industries in other countries did not have any competitive advantages and had to compete with the powerful America. The only way left for them was to relentlessly improve and hope one day they can recover and challenge the America. As the result, from early 1970s, the manufacturing industry in some postwar recovered countries such as Japan and Korea had gathered enough strength and achieved considerable competitive advantage over US in product quality, on-time delivery, product variety and customer service. Manufacturing companies from those countries successfully won big share of the international as well as the American domestic markets that used to be controlled by American companies (Figure 2- 4). American industry was facing a deep trouble. US and Japanese Motor Vehicle Production 14 12 7 0 \ 10 8 --------- .2 Japan U 4 0 . 140 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 20 0 Year Figure 2- 4: Comparison of US and Japanese automotive production between 1947 and 1989 [Womack 1990] The competitors' competitive advantage came from their manufacturing system. The new system, which was usually referred "lean" system in contrast with the American traditional "mass" system, was originated form Toyota. A fundamental character of Toyota Production System (TPS) is that it focuses on continuous improvement and 24 elimination of waste [Monden 1998]. The manufacturing plant is considered as an integrated system other than just an assembly of departments. Production is information and material flow oriented and anything that was not value adding would be viewed as waste and would be eliminated. Guiding by this philosophy and years of continuous improvement, TPS achieved better quality, higher product variety, shorter production leadtime and much lower production cost than the Big Three in US. To end this section, a milestone list of the history of manufacturing system evolution is shown as in Table 2- 1. 1785 1792 1798 1801 1809 1811 1812 1815 1818 1819 1819 1822 1825 1834 1839 1845 1860s 1894 1896 1896 1898 1898 1899 1900 1903 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1913 1922 1923 1928 1945 1948 1949 1950 25 Thomas Jefferson proposes that Congress mandate interchangeable parts for all musket contracts. Eli Whitney invents cotton gin. Eli Whitney contract for 4000 muskets in 1.5 years. Eli Whitney demonstrates interchangeability to Congress. Eli Whitney delivers, 8.5 years late, non-interchangeable parts. John Hall patents breech-loading rifle. Roswell Lee becomes superintendent of Springfield Armory. Congress orders Ordnance Dept. to require interchangeable parts. Blanchard invents trip hammer for making gun barrels. Blanchard invents lathe for making gunstocks. Lee introduces inspection gauges; Springfield Armory. John Hall announces success at Harpers Ferry using system of gauges to measure parts. Eli Whitney dies. Simeon North at Middletown CT, adopts Hall's gauges, delivers rifles (parts) interchangeable with Harper's Ferry production. Samuel Colt and Eli Whitney Jr. revolver contract. The Armory Practice spreads to private contractors. Steam-powered cars multiply, but do not reach public acceptance. Charles King in Detroit invents four-cylinder engine. King's 4 cylinder attains top speed of 5 mph in March, weight 1500 lbs. Ford's 4 cylinder attains top speed of 20 mph in June, weight 500 lbs. Stanley Steamer won hill-climbing test, order for 200 resulted for $600. Percy Maxin creates range of designs for electrics. Range 35 miles at 12 mph between charges. Electrics out sell all others. 1500 Electrics sold, twice the number of steamers. Ford Model A, twin horizontally opposed engine, $750 ea., 1708 in 1904. 25 made/day, Ford Mfg. Co. formed to produce engines/transmissions. Model N outsells Oldsmobile with 8,729, a 4 cylinder at $500. Models N, R ($750) and S ($700) sold 14,887 and 10,202 in 1908. Model T introduced, single cast 4 cylinder, 5 body styles: $825 - $1000. 100 produced per day. 17,771 Model T's sold. Moving assembly line at Highland Park. 308K-1914, 501K-1915 at $440. Over 1 Million model T's sold yearly to 1926. 1.82 million produced at average of $300 with more options standard. Chevrolet out-sells Ford and Produces 1.2 million vehicles. Need to Re-build wide variety of products in low volume after World War II. Only had six presses, requiring frequent and fast changeover. Withdrawal by subsequent processes. Intermediate warehouses abolished. "In-line cells". Horseshoe or U-shaped machine layout. 1950 1953 1955 1955 load. 1958 1961 1962 1962 1965 1966 1971 1971 1981 1990 Machining and assembly lines balanced. Supermarket system in machine shop. Assembly and body plants linked. Main plant assembly line production system adopts visual control (andon), line stop and mixed Automation to autonomation. Warehouse withdrawal slips abolished. Andon installed, Motomachi assembly plant. 15-minute main plant setups. Kanban adopted company-wide. Full work control of machines baka-yoke. Kanban adopted for ordering outside parts for 100% of supply system; began teaching affiliates. First autonomated line Kamigo plant. Main office and Motomachi setups reach 3 minutes. Body indication system at Motomachi Crown line. Publication of Toyota Production System in English & infusion in U.S. Publication of the "Machine that Changed the World" Table 2- 1: Summary of main innovations in the history of manufacturing systems [Cochran, 1994] 2.2 Manufacturing System Design Framework 2.2.1 Systematic Approach for Manufacturing System Design Traditional American approach to study systems is first trying to break it down to many simple modules, and then rigors scientific analysis tools are applied to each of the module to achieve superior performance of each module. Applying this approach to manufacturing system analysis and design can be traced back to Frederick Taylor's motion study. This approach might work for simple systems since that the overall performance of these systems mainly results from the performance of their components. However, when system is getting more and more complex, optimizing components does not necessarily result in better system performance, or in many cases, worse performance. The reason for this is that complex system includes huge amount of relationships among system elements. Every element affects many other elements and the system performance is the aggregation of them all. Optimizing some of the elements without considering the relationships may cause severe damage on other elements therefore result even worse overall system performance. To overcome the shortcoming of the traditional methods, systematic methodologies need to be established for manufacturing system design. A systematic design approach is topbottom type. It starts from designing the system to achieve high-level system requirements. The design will then be decomposed into detail from the high-level design 26 framework. In this way, all design detail will be consistent with high-level system requirements and desired system performance is ensured. 2.2.2 Axiomatic Design Axiomatic design is a methodology that guides the design process through a scientific and controllable path. For a long time people have been thinking that the design process is something relative to arts rather than rigorous science or engineering. The quality or performance of a design work mainly depends on the inspiration and talent of the designer. However, this art-type design can hardly be incorporated into modem scientific or engineering practice due to the following two main reasons: 1. The design is unexplainable. Most of design work is based on the designer's personal perceptions and judgments; therefore it is almost impossible to explain the exact reasons that lead to the design result. 2. The design is unpredictable. Since the design process cannot be explicitly listed out, it is impossible to control the design time schedule. To overcome these shortcomings, explicit rules need to be established that can guide the design process in the right direction and lead to predictable result. This way of thinking resulted in the development of axiomatic design. Axiomatic design defines the design as "an interplay between what we want to achieve and how we want to achieve it." [Suh, 2001] "What we want to achieve" will come from the customer needs. Axiomatic assumes that all design work must begin with customer needs; if there is no customer needs, there is no design. Once the customer needs are identified, they will be further transformed into a minimum set of specifications, or design functional requirements (FRs). According to the FRs, design parameters DPs will be designed to realize "how we want to do that." 27 What Customer Wants (Internal & External) Customer Domain - Customer needs - Expectations - Specifications - Constraints, etc. FR' How DP's 0064- Functional Domain * Design Objectives Physical Domain * Physical Implementation Figure 2- 5: Mapping between customer domain, functional domain and physical domain [Modified from Suh 1990] The axiomatic design mapping process is shown in Figure 2- 5. It is noted that the system functional requirements are not exactly equivalent to customer needs. Customer needs are usually phrased in a non-scientific way with ambiguity and overlapping. The designer should define a set of unambiguous and independent specifications to be design FRs. In most cases, the high level DPs designed for system FRs are not physically implementable. These DPs could either be subsystems that need to be designed in detail or just general design directions that need to be further materialized. In either case these high level DPs need to be decomposed until physically implementable DPs have been achieved. 28 "Zig" FRI FRIl FR12 '_ "Zag" FRl3 Functional Requirements Functional Domain DP I DPl1 DP12 DP13 Design Parameters Physical Domain Figure 2- 6: Zigzagging process of multi-level design decomposition [Modified from Suh 1990] To decompose the high level FRs and DPs, it is need to zigzagging the design process between the functional domain and the physical domain. As shown in Figure 2- 6, the design starts from highest-level functional requirement FRI. To satisfy this FR, the designer needs to go to the physical domain to find out the appropriate DP 1. Since DP 1 is not physically implementable, the design process will come back to the functional domain to decompose FRI to low-level requirements FRI 1, FR12 and FR13. This decomposition step would base on both the high-level FR and DP, because different DP could result in different FR decomposition. After the low-level FRs are decomposed, the design process will proceed to physical domain and design parameters will be selected to meet those FRs. Keep conducting this process until all DPs are physically implementable, which are called leaf-level DPs. Only if all lowest-level DPs are implementable should we call a design process finished and terminated. Axiomatic design assumes there are two fundamental rules (axioms) that lead to a successful design [Suh, 2001]: Axiom 1: The Independence Axiom. Maintain the independence of the functional requirements (FRs) Axiom 2: The Information Axiom: Minimize the information content of the design. 29 The Independence Axiom defines the relationship between FRs and DPs in an acceptable design. The relationship can be expressed in the forms of design matrix, graphical representations or path illustrations. According to Axiom 1, there are three different types of designs: uncoupled design, decoupled (partially coupled) design and couple design, which are shown in Table 2- 2. Mathematical FR, representation FR2 X 0.DR FR1 1 FR2 XDDP2 = 0 Coupled design Partially coupled design Uncoupled design X DPfD XXHDP2 J _R FR2 [ X.D DP2 X X FR, FR2 FR 1 FR 2 FR 1 FR 2 DP, DP 2 DP 1 DP 2 DP 1 DP 2 Graphical representation DPP DC Illustration of DP2 FR2 FR2 FR2 DPI DPI DP1 path dependency going from A to B FR1 FR2(B) FR2(B) FR2(A) FR1 FR2(A) A FR1(A) FR1(B) FR1 FR2(B) FR2(A) A FR1(A) FR1(B) A FR1(A) FR1(B) Table 2- 2: Representations of different type of design [Linck 2001] In an uncoupled design, the DPs and FRs are independent in the sense that one DP only affects one FR and the design matrix is diagonal. Therefore the FRs can be met by implementing each DP independently. In a decoupled design, the design matrix is triangular. Although the DPs and FRs are not uncoupled, a specially path can be found so that the FRs can be met one by one by implementing DPs following this path. For a lower triangular design matrix, this design path is implementing DPs from up to bottom in the DP vector. The third type of design is called coupled design, which has a full design matrix. In this design the FRs cannot be directly met without iteration. The coupled 30 design is unacceptable and designers should always ensure their designs are uncoupled or decoupled. Table 2- 2 shows different cases where the numbers of DPs and FRs are equal, which represents most situations. However, it is worthwhile to address the situations when number of DPs is not equal to number of FRs. It has been proved [Sun, 2001] that, when the number of DPs is less than the number of FRs, the design is always coupled. When the number of DPs is larger than the number of FRs, it is a redundant design. Whether or not it can be simplified to an uncoupled or decoupled design depends on if a diagonal or triangular design matrix can be resulted by DP elimination. 2.2.3 Manufacturing System Design Decomposition Manufacturing system design decomposition (MSDD) is a manufacturing system design framework developed in Production System Design Lab (PSDL) at MIT. MSDD attempts to show a general logic map of achieving a manufacturing system that can meet its requirements. MSDD is an axiomatic design based framework that clearly separates the system FR and design DPs, which differentiates itself from the traditional manufacturing system design methodologies that focused on applying "lean tools". Starting from highest-level system FR/DPs, MSDD decomposes them into multiple levels of FR/DP pairs until all DPs become implementable. The decomposition therefore ensures all detail DPs are consistent with high-level system level FRs. MSDD presents a decoupled design and provides an unambiguous path to achieve system FRs in an non-iterative way. The highest-level FR of manufacturing system design should represent the general goal that a manufacturing system aims to achieve. Hopp and Spearman [1996] defined the goal as "the fundamental objective of a manufacturing firm is to increase the well-being of its stakeholders by making a good return on investment over the long term". The highest-level FR of MSDD is defined as FR- 1 "Maximize long-term return on investment" and the design parameter is selected as DP-I "Manufacturing system design". ROI = Revenue - Cost ... (2.1) Investment 31 The definition of return on investment is shown in the formula (2.1). It is straight forward that in order to increase ROI, a manufacturing system needs to increase its revenue and reduce its cost and investment. These arguments compose the second level decomposition of MSD, which include three FRs: FR 1I "Maximize sales revenue;" FR12 "Minimize manufacturing cost" and FRI3 "Minimize investment over production system life cycle", and their corresponding DPs: DP 1 "Production to maximize customer satisfaction;" DP12 "Elimination of non-value adding sources of cost;" DP13 "Investment based on a long term strategy." These three second level of FR/DP pairs compose a decoupled design with design matrix as the following: FR -Ill X X FR -12= FR -13 _X 0 0 DP -II X 0 X X_ DP -12 IDP- 13 ... (2.2) The decomposition under the second level can be divided into six branches, namely quality, identifying and resolving problems, predictable outputs, delay reduction, operational cost and investment, as shown in Figure 2- 7. FR DP Quality Identifying Predictand resolving able problems output Delay reduction Operational costs Invest- ment FR: Functional Requirement DP: Design Parameter Figure 2- 7: Six MSDD branches [Linck 2001] Figure 2- 8 shows the relationship between MSDD branches and high-level FR/DP pairs. The first four branches are under FR/DP 11; the fifth branch is under FR/DP 12 and the sixth branch is under FR/DP 13. The following discussion would be based on each of the six branches. 32 FR-1 Maximize long-term return on Investment DP-1 Manufacturdng syste m design Maiize FR-12 Minimize manufacturing costs sales reven FR-13 Minimize investment over production system life DP-12 Elimination of non-value adding sources of cost DP-11 Production to maximize customer satisfaction FR-111 Manufacture products to target design specifications DP-111 Production processes with minimal variation from the target FR-112 Deliver products on time FR113 Meet customer expected lead time DP-112 Throughput time variation reduction D P113 FR-R1 Respond rapidly to production disruptions FR-P1 Minimize production disruptions DP-R1 Procedure for detecbion &response to production disruptions DP-P1 Predictable production resources (information, equpment people, Identifying Quality and resolving problems Predictable Output dce DP-13 Investment based on a long term strategy Mean throughput time reduction Delay Reduction Operational Costs Investment Figure 2- 8: MSDD structure [Linck 2001] Quality Branch The quality branch of MSDD begins with FR 11 "Manufacture products to target design specifications." DP 11 "Production processes with minimal variation from the target" is selected to satisfy it. FR/DP 111 is further decomposed into three low-level FR/DP pairs. According to statistic quality control, all operation outs puts need to be inside the control limits. In addition to this minimum requirement, if the manufacturer wants to achieve higher and assured high quality production, the process mean needs to be adjusted to be on its target (desired) value and process variation should be as small as possible. The former statement requires the process be essentially "right" in a statistical point view and the second statement requires the process be good in a sense that most of the process outputs will be very close to its desired value. These requirements are formally expressed 33 - as FR-Q 1 "Operate processes within control limits;" FR-Q2 "Center process mean on the target;" and FR-Q3 "Reduce variation in process output." Three DPs are chosen to address these FRs, they are DP-Q1 "Elimination of assignable causes of variation;" DPQ2 "Process parameter adjustment;" and DP-Q3 "Reduction of process noise." FRIl1 Manufackre products totargetdesgn speclicaltons P1111 Process capablty DP-111 Producion process wsit minirel naon from toe target limit FR-Q2 Centerprocess meanon fie trget PM-Qi Numberofdefbct pern parS with an assignable cause PM-Q2 Diference between process mean and FR-Q1 Operate processes withincontrol FR-Q3 Reducevariatonin process output PM-03 Variance ofprocess output target DP-Q1 ElIrination of assignable causes of DP-Q2 Process pararer adjlusenent DP-Q3 Reducton of process nose varialion FR-Q11 FR-Q12 FR-Q13 FR-Q14 FR-Q31 FR-Q32 Elminate operatr assignable Elminate machine assignable Eliminate method Eliminate metanal Redice noise in process assignaba assignable Reduce mpact ofinputnoise on process output Causes causes causes causes inputs PM-QiI NjTer of ddts per PM-Q12 Nreter of dfte rn PM-Q13 Nerrrof defeots Wrn PM-Q14 frr of defwts par br5 h PM-Q31 Variance of process irPus to operators Stable ouput fromoperatrs Output variance / irnput Neriance Ithe procOSS .i ty of DP-Q12 Failuremode DP-Q13 Pr es plan DP-Q14 DP-Q31 DP-Q32 design Supplierquality program Convrsion of mon mo RobuSpr endefcf to DP-Q11 P-3 ecprl to assignable cause operatorhasof knowledge operator comsistenly FR-M1 Ensure fiat FR-Q1 13 Ensure tiat required tasks perforrs tasks translate to FR-Q111 Ensure fiat operatrhuman errors do not defects correctly PM-Q113 PM-Q111 nrrter of dfecs per dtby an npa Se,operator's lark of understadarg methods abou PM-Q112 tterofrdefws rnparrscaused CV ter of defes per rtsca edby rhuman sor N per n nestarard methodis DP-Q111 DP-Q112 DP-Q113 Trenongprogrrm Standardwork Mistakeproof operatos (Poke- mehocs Figure 2- 9: Quality branch of MSDD In a manufacturing system, assignable variations can come from all factors that involved: operators, machines, operations and material. Therefore in order to eliminate assignable causes of variation, all these factors have to be considered. To eliminate operator related variations, stable output needs to be achieved to ensure production output will not vary with different operators (FR/DP-Q11). Means to achieve operator output stabilization include operator training program, standard work methods and application of mistake 34 ~~~~1 proof devices (Poka-Yoke). To eliminate machine assignable causes, failure mode and effects analysis need to be conducted to find out the root causes of these variations and apply procedures to prevent them from happening again (FR/DP-Q 12). A carefully designed process plan will be helpful to eliminate method assignable causes (FR/DPQ13). And supplier quality program will be selected to eliminate material assignable causes (FR/DP-Q 14). The full decomposition of quality branch is shown in Figure 2- 9. Problem Identifying and Resolving FR-Ri Respond repidyie production dsruplors PM-R1 Time between occurrence and resoluton of dirupions DP-R1 Procedure for deteoione& resposee to prodbcion disruplors FR-R12 Communicate probkems I ie FR-R11 Rapidly recognize p dton PM-R12 PMRI11 ocurerce o desoticand occur they PM-R111 Time beween occurrenceand recogrin that desrupior occurred DP-RiII Increased operator sampltg teof udZtarce ti deslto is and torotreeme uretandirg wha l deeruptons probee, resolution DP-R11 Coniguraonto DP-R12 Specified communicatlon paths and procedures DP-R13 Stend rd meioodt FR-R121 Identycorrect support FR-R122 Minimizedelay resources correctstpport resources ot4oerrest to ndbstand to tie FR-R113 Identilywhat hedsrupionIs whet dteeqoptiorni and idenIyand elIminteroot inconetcing FR-R123 nimizelimefor e 3 PM-R112 Trebeween PM-R113 PM-R121 PM-R122 PM Tmebewnee iderifiioneol Timebtween iderificaimof Time beWeen iderlificaoniof Cortwt sopqotresouce dcoretAeand itterlifioabon of whre It. dp equipment slats FR-RI12 IdenIfy disruptore where they occur Tirebeleen eup Ore-e sa je~tlifceemoel disrupteos derupions When f the what ft dsrptin s enable de tectonof Identfy PM-R13 Timsbewen ic~fitmofi~ T me esa FR-R1II FR-R13 SolW problerre immedately rightpeople wha edsption -dere and iertifiationof ds ruti nis DP-R113 DP-R112 Simplified matenalflow Feedbk pal ste suetem of nht nise dsrqotii. iderfpcato s r ad or identiction aedcotactof eoreetstitppo? resource cucep" DP-R121 Specitfied DP-R122 Rapidsupport stpport contact resourcesfor each failure m ode procedure ofCcrct anderes = urderst DP-R123 System Fat conreyswhat hedisrupIonis Figure 2- 10: Problem identifying and resolving branch of MSDD To be able to respond rapidly to production disruptions, procedures for detection and response to production disruptions need to be established. This is shown as FR/DP-R1 in MSDD as the root of the problem identifying and resolving branch. 35 Problem identifying and resolving procedures should be able to cover three basic steps: rapidly recognize production disruptions when they occur (FR-Rl 1); communication the problems to the right people (FR-R12) and apply measures to solve the problems immediately (FR-R13). To facilitate the problem identification, the manufacturing system configuration needs to enable the detection of the disruptions (DP-R1 1); specified communication paths and procedures should be established (DP-R12) to ensure the information communication channels are clear and effective when problems happen. Standard problem solving procedures (DP-R13) need to be defined to ensure the problem can be solved in the shortest possible time. To detect an occurred problem, the information of when the problem occurred, where it occurred and the nature of the problem needs to be collected (FR-Ri 11-3). Increasing operators' sampling rate of equipment status (DP-Rl 11) will help detecting the problem in a timely manner. Simplified material flow (DP -R 112) is an effective way to quickly identify where the problem happened. Feedback of sub-system state (DP- 113) can tell operators what type the problem just happened is. Fast communication procedures (DP-R12) required identifying correct support resources (FR-R121) when disruptions occur and minimizing the time to contact the support resources (FR-122). Specified support resources for different failure modes (DP-R121) are designed to satisfy FR-R121 and rapid support contact procedure (DP -R122) is designed to achieve FR-R 122. The full decomposition of problem identifying and resolving branch is shown in Figure 2- 10. Predictable Output The third branch of MSDD begins with FR-P 1 "Minimize production disruptions" and its corresponding DP-P1 "Predictable production resources". To achieve predictable production, the system needs to ensure the availability of relevant product information (FR-P 11); ensure predictable worker output (FR-P12); ensure predictable equipment output (FR-P 13) and ensure material availability even though fallout exists (FR-P 14). Motivated workforce performing standard work (DP-P 12) will lead to predictable worker output. It is critical that the operators can complete the operations in standard times (FR121). Standard work methods (DP -P121) need to be established to ensure the operations 36 are conducted in a standardized and predictable manner. Perfect attendance program (DPP 122) is designed to ensure the availability of worker for the system (FR-P 122). Mutual relief system with cross-trained worker (DP-P123) aims to eliminate the interruptions due to worker allowance (FR-P 123). FR-PI Mnimize production dsruplors PM-P1 de Arvoe o & Amount of tire kost to ds.pti-r dlsrupliorm Predomble producton resources equiPment, nfo) 4 F _ FR-P11 Ensure evenlablityof FR-P12 Ensure n releon IFR-P1 predicable workeroutput rrneartof intee Nirrter td m- disrup of PM-P13 Nu-rber of eo WCirrmt of to dteions DP-P12 Motetedwork and MaintRnance equipment re perrming nomptefntn of task compleFon ima slandardwork laretm. FR-P122 Ensu re evailablityof workers PM-P122 Numberof eqet upnt FR-P123 Do not interrupt production worker for allowances OI task operalbr to p lon tim Stardardwork methodh to required to latenes intemruption time [)P-P122 IOP-P123 DP-P131 attendance Mulial Perfect program s"Gtem relief wit) cross-raned workers 32 regularly PM-P131 Amountoftme Machn-s desiged for seviceablity Inment h enn eserviceable 2-ly operaor TWle n rabelity r FIR-PI Service equipmentis serAce equipment tmonof of FR-P131 Ensure hiat PM-P123 occurrences of Nurrter of dsruplior die to pr. completionTm e laiiness, PM-P121 Variance in repaal SC DP-P13 e force reliable Informatn Ss lam io"-Ce 4 of r ue e oWn tme Capable DP-P121 P e ent e p fa operatens DP-P11 ariabity r tO disrupors FR-P121 Reduce eityenen faiout output PM-P12 0n o of material predictle equipment production informeton PM-P121 Nurrtw Verene Ensure equpment 32 equpment PM-PI Frequencyof I flat o I1 of nices semcing DP-P1 32 Regular preventalwe maintenance program FIR-P142 Ensure proper tm ing ofpart arcfls tD PM-P142 Pars dema nded- 'l09 delivered dI DPP142 oparaiors at sub-paeo derrard Figure 2- 11: Predict output branch of MSDD Maintenance of equipment reliability (DP-P13) is critical to eliminating equipment disruptions. The equipment in system should be designed in a way that easy to service (FR-P 131) and regular machine service should be performed to maintain that equipment constantly be in perfect condition (FR-P 132). These two FRs are achieved by DP-P 131 "Machines designed for serviceability" and DP-P132 "Regular preventive maintenance program", respectively. 37 Standard work in process (DP-P141) and parts moved to downstream at customer consumption rate (DP-P 142) are helpful to ensure parts are always available to material handlers (FR-P141) and ensure proper timing of parts arrival (FR-P142), both of which compose the standard material replenishment approach (DP-P 14). The full decomposition of predictable output branch is shown in Figure 2- 11. Delay Reduction Five types of delays are involved in manufacturing system: lot delay, process delay, run size delay, transportation delay and systematic operational delay. Eliminating these five types of delays (FR-T 1-3) will lead to mean throughput time reduction (DP 113). Lot delay occurs when products are transferred between processes with big batch size. Each part has to wait each other part both before and after operations. Transfer batch reduction (single piece flow) (DP-T1) will reduce the lot delay time. Process delay occurs when parts arrival interval is shorter than machine processing interval; therefore products would be accumulating in front of the machines. Producing at customer takt time will eliminate the time difference between part arrival and process cycling. Production at takt time requires defining takt time (FR-T2 1), ensure production cycle time equals to takt time (FR-T22) and parts arrive at service rate (FR-T23). DP-T21 "Definition or grouping of customer to achieve takt times with an ideal range", DP- T22 "Subsystem enabled to meet the desired takt time (design and operation)" and DP-T23 "Arrival of parts at downstream operations according to pace of customer demand" are designed to achieve their corresponding FRs. Run size delay is caused by the manufacturing system not being able to produce customer required product mix. Products have to wait in the inventory area until all customer required product types have been produced. In order to produce customer required mix and quantity during each demand interval, customer demand information needs to be transferred to each process in the system (FR-T3 1) and production run size should be sufficient small (FR-T32). Information flow design (DP- T3 1) and changeover time reduction (DP-T32) are essential to meet those two FRs. 38 To avoid production interruptions, the system should ensure support resources do not interfere with production resources (FR-T5 1); ensure production resources do not interfere with each other and ensure support resources do not interfere with one another. FR113 Meetcustomerexpeced lead tne PM113 Dffwerne beWeen mean throufghpu tie od customer's ewprsted lead DPI 13 Mean throughpout reducton FR-T1 Reduce del) y lot Inentorydue FR-T3 Reduce processdelay sizedelay (casedblyr.,>r,) PM-T2 n PM-T FR-T2 Reduce t Reduce transportalon delay PM-T4 In-e ntorydue transportaon torunsize delay delay FR-T5 Reduce s sIBM etc operatonal delaw PM-Ts FR-T4 Pn PM-T3 H Innntory due Inbe ntorydue to process tolotsizdelay Ime tot Pfodtion time delay arrng resouces DP-21 D euorno co nstrt d zhetaktme DP-2 snpieced o) FR-T21 Da ine takttimes) FR-T22 Ensure t at production Hastakttme been defined? (Yes/No) DP-T21 Definiom grotpiro of or Custornes to an rwit idsal Ensure Onhat part FR-T1 Promide arriigl ran is knowledge PM-723 between arrival Difference rates DP-T22 Subsystema ermbled to ft deeired tkt tim (egard dOrrt been accun c FR-T222 PM-T221 been Has d? (Yes PM-T222 been Has achieved? (Yes /No) Is average cwcle Wme less than tak, imemi DP- T22 2 DP-T223 Stagger this achiew /No) DP- T22 1 Design of appropniate automtic wo rk conten'tat each statin Ensure that manual tim a - FR-T52 Ersure suppot produtn that reS- iont size PM-T51 Prodoti- lot due to prodotion resowrcm DP-T32 Design quick changeoer material d for handin tires esodile 1 ter equiment to configured seprta m DP-T5 Subsw r nd a~orw-pmn t oaO FR-T53 Ers ue that support resara i on) do'rt interfere <brit nterfse on) Wih ore a-#-e with one arolher roua suppot downs ream ustomer FR-T221 Ensure Ilat autom abc cWle fimne 4 m him urn tak t ime at Irun sizes -targetrun 2PT3 eo FR-T51 Ensure pnmnded?9 =n.raIon flow -om ptoe sm PM-T32 derrand rarg. tern design avoid producton ineouptons that Actual run size P11-11131 ths informaton DP-T2 3 Arrival of pars a[ dw r-a operatiOns rreet Suts FR-T32 Ha andserice e and cP-T5 flow oentednade ut des ign Produce in sufgicignty of demanded docrtdn productmo of (partwes and between production each[ DP-T4 Material dem andindarel FR-T23 rate (rp=r,) Difference r rdurng er d PM-T22 t tee thedesiedmix and quant ep equal to service ime equals apktime PM-T21 Productonof e hvd ) s cyle DP-T3 Pro ducton des Igned for tn (d PM-T52 Protion due to prodution loet inme -s istefereseth one anolher DP-T52 Ensure coordnaion andseparaton ofproducon work paterns PM-T53 drotion lot du support to resore. inoesfere ime esofl one another DP-T53 Ensure coordinaton andsepareton ofsupportwork pamrs FR-T223 Ensure level cycle cWle Ome mix takt Orm e PM-T223 this Das ign of appropnale operatorwork conlantAcoos des red tm a interval? producon parts wilh of diflbrentcycle lim e OE Figure 2- 12: Delay reduction branch of MSDD These three requirements are achieved by DP-T51 "Subsystems and equipment configured to separate support and production access requirements", DP-T52 "Ensure coordination and separation of production work patterns" and DP-T53 "Ensure 39 coordination and separation of support work patterns", respectively. The full decomposition of delay reduction branch is shown in Figure 2- 12. Operational Cost Total operational cost is divided into direct labor cost and indirect labor cost. Therefore cost reduction requires both direct labor (FR- 121) cost reduction and indirect labor cost reduction (FR-122). Non-value adding activities of direct labor include operators' waiting on machines (FR-D 1), waste motion of operators (FR-D2) and operators' waiting on other operators (FR-D3). Operators waiting for machines can be eliminated by human machine separation. Machines are designed to be able to operate without operators' constant attendance (DP-D 1). Operators work tasks and work loops should be studied and design to eliminate any non-value adding motions (DP-D2). Balanced work loop design that ensures all operators have same cycle time (DP-D3) will eliminate operators waiting time on each other. Reducing indirect labor cost requires improving effectiveness of production managers (FR-Il) and eliminating information disruptions (FR-12). Self directed work teams (horizontal organization) (DP-Il) could effectively reduce the amount management that the system needs; seamless information flow (visual factory) (DP-12) is a key factor to reduce the amount of indirect labor required to schedule the system. The full decomposition of operation cost branch is shown in Figure 2- 13. 40 FRI2 Mnimize manufacumig costs PM12 Manufac costs tring DP12 Elminaon of non-\alue addnigsources ofcost FR121 Reduce waste FR122 Reduceowast FR123 Mnimiz indirctiaboor inindrectlabor PM121 Percentage of operaetrs' time spenton wta.dmotons andwaitng PM122 Amountof required inditctlabor PM123 Facite scost DP121 Elminaton of DP122 Reduction of DP123 Reducl non-relue maral tasks facilites cost ------------- indirectlabor addng tasks FR-Di Eliminate operators' waiing on FR-D2 Elminate FR-D3 Elmnate operats' waitingo oher operteos FR-l PM-D3 Percentageof operators'time spentwalig on PM-lI Amountof onequipment PM-D2 Percentageof operaors'lame spenton wastdmoors DP-DI DP-D2 DP-D3 HumanMachine sepaation Deigo of works ators/ workfoopsto facilitate operatrtasks Bderoed Selfdirected koo workleams (honzortal organizaton) wrasedmoon ofoperats machies PM-Dl Percentageof operators'lame spentwaiig FR-Di1 adice tir operators spendn nonas.aadded station PM-DIl Prcentage of operators'tir spent on non valuo-addnig tasks while wating at a FR-D12 Enable workerto operalsmore thanone madlinel satblon PM-D12 Percentage of satons ina sslam eachworker can opeae that Indirectlabor requiradt. ranagesystem otheroperators DP-l FR-D21 Minimize wasladmotion ofoperatrs between slateos FR-D22 PM-21 Percentageof operatrs'e spentwalking PM-22 Percentage of operats'tine spent onwasted rotlons during between sate improve effecteness of producion manageis Mnimize wasladmoton in operators' work prepralion workpreparaton constm space onof ad floor FR-2 Eliinate inormaton disruptorns PM-12 Amountof indrectlabor requitedto schedue st m DP-12 Seamless informaeontow (usualfactory) FR-D23 fotnimize woreledmoton in opetas' worktasks PM-023 Percentage of operalors'ime spenton wasetdmoors dr dri or 8H station DP-D1l Machinest& smtors desigedt run autonomously DP-D21 Machines s tios DP-D22 Standardtoolt/ locatedateach mIlple contguredt reducewa kng sttion sateos distance (5s) DP-D12 Workers frainedto operate equiment DP-D23 Ergonomic Interface between theworkar. ahineand Figure 2- 13: The operation cost branch of MSDD Investment MSDD does not give out a general decomposition of the investment branch since it is extremely case specific and dependent on particular system circumstances. However MSDD shows some general comments on the investment issue in a manufacturing system: let the system drive the investment decisions, not the investment decisions drive the system. MSDD puts the investment branch on the right most position means it should be considered only after all requirements to its left have been satisfied. A manufacturing 41 system should never sacrifice meeting system design requirements to investment decisions. The position of the investment branch in MSDD is shown in Figure 2- 14. Figure 2- 14: The investment branch of MSDD 42 Chapter 3: Inventory and Production Control Models from System Design Point of View 3.1 General Introduction of Optimization Methodologies From the early 50's when scientific approaches began to be applied in manufacturing research areas, different methodologies have been developed in order to analyze the performance of manufacturing processes and systems. The most commonly used methodologies include: " Machine line analysis based on stochastic models for buffer/capacity analysis/design " Linear Programming or Non-Linear Programming based optimization methods for resources planning " Statistics variation analysis based logistics system design and supply chain management All of these three groups of methodologies are essentially mathematic optimization approaches. They either aim to find out optimal shop floor control policies, or the best ways to allocate the constraint resources, or minimizing some crucial system parameters (for example, stock-out possibilities). In a manufacturing system, each process aims to achieve its preferred outputs with limited resources. For example, in a machining department, one of the desired outputs would be throughput rate and the limited resources would be machine hours. A straightforward mathematical model can be established to show the basic relationships in this problem. Max: N St. Nm <M Ni L; In the equation above, N is the number of products being produced during each time interval; m and 1 are the machine hour and labor needed for each product, while M and L are the total machine hours and labor available in the time interval. Solving this simple 43 optimization problem will show that, assuming machine capacity is less than labor capacity, the optimal number of products that need to be produced during each time interval will be M / m. Apparently, system design based on this model would be in favor of maximizing machine utilization. This solution, however, has been proved to be just the wrong way to go in modem large-scale manufacturing systems. The example above is naive comparing the complex optimization problems that appeared in manufacturing system research literature. However, this simple model exemplifies the underlining shortcomings that the optimization methodology generally has, which could be summarized as following: 1. Since the optimization methods are based on a mathematic simplification of the real problem, they are not able to capture all relationships in complex systems. Optimization models are established to capture some of the properties of the problem under study. These models have worked with satisfactory results in many engineering design areas, such as optimal control, signal recognition/transfer, etc. However, the accuracy of these optimization solutions is highly dependent on how close they are to the reality. In simple engineering analysis and design, it is generally easy to assure that math models can capture most aspects of the problems (i.e., mechanical systems or electrical systems). However, for system design with much more complexity, the optimization methods generally have risk of mis-capturing some of the important factors and therefore the optimal results based on the oversimplified models would be seriously biased. 2. Commonly used optimization models view the system under study as static. Therefore the solutions are not robust and may lose optimality even when systems change slightly. Linear programming and non-linear programming based optimization models are based on static system relationships and constraints. For large-scale system like manufacturing system, system elements and their interactions are constantly changing. Therefore, even if a sophisticated optimization model 44 can be established and solved, the optimality of the solution can be severely degraded when system configuration changes. 3. The amount of calculation work to solve large-scale optimization problems can be huge, which makes real-time optimal control usually not applicable in actually manufacturing system. The example discussed before is an extremely simple problem. If we make some changes, for example the labor and machine hours that each job consumes are probabilistic rather than deterministic, the problem becomes totally different and much harder to solve than the original one. Problems such as logistics optimization or optimal control are usually NP-hard, which means there is no known polynomial algorithm to solve them. The time needed to solve these problems will grow exponentially with the increasing of the problem's scale. For example, finding out the optimal dispatch sequence of 25 jobs (a classical topic in job shop planning) will take a very fast computer about 77 years [Hopp, Spearman 2001]. Therefore, although the optimization models might be mathematically valid, the intolerable time they need to generate the solutions renders them useless practically. Great amount of literature work has been done to push the optimization methodologies into a more refined state. On one hand, the models have become more and more complex in order to capture more reality from actually problem; On the other hand, in order to solve these complex problems, many researchers have been exploring mathematic methods and algorithms that can be applied with reasonable computation time. This is a fairly tough work. Even if some algorithm could be found out, they tend to be very tricky and imply many strong assumptions, which are not always making sense. Optimization methodologies have entered an impasse. While most people were focusing on refining the optimization models and attacking the mathematical obstacles to solve them, something magic was happening in the other part of the globe. Without the super-computer based production planning system, without the complicated "optimal" inventory control policies, without even trying to optimize anything, Toyota, an automotive company who resumed production after WWII with 1/3 45 labor effectiveness of its American counterparts, beat the Big Three in less than 25 years. It kept their competitive advantages over the Big Three for almost 30 years. Toyota has brought changes in people's mind: maybe manufacturing system design is not so "mathematical" as people thought, it just needs a different way to look at. This chapter will focus on discussing a very important type of problem in manufacturing system, namely inventory and production control. Inventory and production control is the area in which most optimization methodologies have been applied. Therefore study and discussion on optimization and system design methodologies in this area will be able to represent the general relationships of the two. 3.2 Inventory and Production Control Models 3.2.1 Introduction of Inventory and Production Control Models Inventory and production control models are viewed as among the oldest and most fundamental mathematical models that have been used in manufacturing system management. The reason is that inventory and production control policy is one of the most important factors in many production industries. It has significant affect the total production cost, production leadtime and customer service. Inventory and production control policy has been one of the characteristics to differentiate different manufacturing systems. For example, the two most commonly used manufacturing system structures, push-based system and pull-based system, adopt very different inventory and production control concepts, which in turn determine their very different performance. Inventory/production control models have been evolving for almost a hundred years. The first and most famous model was Harris's Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) model. Although hundreds of different models have been developed afterwards from very simple deterministic ones to the very complex stochastic ones [Hopp, Spearman 2001], the fundamental concepts behind haven't changed much from the EOQ model. 3.2.2 Economical Order Quantity Model The initial problem that inspired Harris to develop this model was the following: A factory produces more than one kind of products. Producing each product incurs a unit 46 production cost, while switching production between different product types will entail a setup cost, which is assumed to be much higher than the unit cost. The problem assumes that the production capacity is greater than customer demand rate, so the redundant products will be stored as inventory, which incurs an inventory holding cost. The trade off is if the factory wants to hold less (average) inventory to reduce inventory holding cost, it needs to increase the number of setups, which adds more setup costs. Therefore, a (optimal) production pattern needs to be determined to balance the two conflicting cost and find out the minimum total cost. Harris developed his mathematic model to solve this experience-based optimization problem. The model was constrained by the mathematical precision of his own day and used several strong assumptions and simplifications as the following [Hopp, Spearman 2001]: 1. Production is instantaneous. The production capacity is infinite hence the entire lot is produced and finished simultaneously. 2. Delivery is immediate. Products produced can be shipped to customers immediately. 3. Demand is deterministic. The quantity and timing of customer demand is known for sure. 4. Demand is constant over time. There is no quantity variation over time. Equal time interval corresponds to equal demand quantity. 5. A production run incurs a fixed setup cost. The setup cost is view as fixed and independent of product type, production volume and shop floor status. 6. Independed products. There are no relationships among the production of different products, i.e. there is no sequential relationships or resource sharing. Under these assumptions, the production cost (for fixed time interval T) model can be expresses as the following: CT (Q) = 47 2 ±+ CD ... (3.1) Q The notation for this model is listed below. D Customer demand in time T (units) Q Production batch size (units) A Fixed setup cost (dollar) h Inventory holding cost (dollar per unit per time interval) c Unit production cost (dollar per unit) CT(Q) Total production cost during time interval T The decision variable for this optimization problem is the production batch size optimal value Q*needs Q. The to be found to balance the inventory holding and setup cost to achieve minimum total production cost C* (Q). It is straightforward to verify that the cost function is convex therefore the (global) optimal point would be the unique stationary point, which is .2AD h The optimal value shown above is the well-known economic order quantity (EOQ), also referred to as economical lot size. Figure 3- 1 shows a numerical example of EOQ model. As order quantity increases, the inventory holding cost curve goes up while the setup cost goes down. Total production cost curve combines the two trends and attains a minimum point. 48 30 25 20 oU 15 10 < 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Order quantity (Q) Figure 3- 1: Relationship between order quantity and average cost in EOQ model The EOQ model discussed in this section is very simple. It assumes all the information (production, demand, inventory) is known perfectly and deterministic. Although most of these assumptions are too strong to be realistic, the model demonstrates the fundamental tradeoff of between manufacturing and inventory management. In real world, all the parameters in a manufacturing system are random in nature. The deterministic assumption for EOQ model is only valid if the variation is fairly small and can be practically ignored. However, this is not always the case. In order to analyze problems with more complexity and develop more generic models, strong assumptions have to be relaxed and random effect needs to be introduced. This type of model that based on random parameters is named as stochastic inventory model. 3.2.3 The Newspaper Vender Model The newspaper vendor model is one of the simplest stochastic inventory models. The name of this model comes from the original problem that led to the appearance of this model, which can be stated as the following: A newspaper vender makes his life by selling newspaper everyday. In the morning he buys newspapers from wholesaler and then sells them during the day with a retail price higher than the wholesale price to make a profit. If, however, by the end of the day he hasn't sold all of the newspapers he bought, there is no chance for him to sell them tomorrow. So he has to sell them to paper recycle 49 company with a much lower price, which causes him a lost. Since the customer demands vary everyday, he needs to figure out how many newspapers to buy in the morning to maximize his (expected) profit. The same problem also exists in a manufacturing context. Consider a situation that a manufacturer who faces a very seasonal demand. While production is being done year round, most of the sale occurs in a specific time period (demand burst season). Overproduction will cause the manufacturer a lost since he has to sell the redundant products with a price lower that production cost; Underproduction is also a lost since the manufacturer will miss the potential profit. Since the precise demand information is unknown when the production begins, the manufacturer, in the same situation of the newspaper vendor, needs to decide what the production volume would be based on stochastic model, to maximize the expected profit. The Newspaper vender model is aimed to decide the optimal production volume. It is based on the following assumptions: 1. Customer demand is random. Customer demand volume varies with time in a random way, however, its probability density function (p.d.f.) is known. 2. Planning horizon is separable. The manufacturer makes production plan for each production cycle (e.g., one year), and no product will be carried across different cycles. 3. Production is finished before customer demand occurs. The production and delivery stages are separated. Manufacturer will finish all planned production volume before shipping them to customers. Based on the assumptions above, the total expected cost for one production cycle is [Bramel, Simchi-Levi 1997]: z(y) = cy - r 50 D - min(y, D)dF(D) v (y - D)dF(D) for yO....(3.2) The model is using the following notation: C Unit production cost R Unit selling price V Unit salvage value D Customer demand Y Production volume, decision variable By rewriting the term fDmin(y,D)dF(D) as fDO DdF(D)+ f_,ydF(D), equation (3.2) becomes: z(y)= cy - rE(D) - r (y - D)dF(D) - ' (y - D)dF(D) ... (3.3) It can be easily verified that the cost function is convex, since each of the terms involved in Z(y) calculating is convex. Therefore, the optimal solution for equation and (3.3) can be solved by taking the derivative of z(y) with respect to y. With the aid of Leibunitz rule, the optimality condition is the following: c - r( - Pr{D : y}) - v Pr{D:y} = 0 ... (3.4) which implies that the optimal production quantity S should satisfy Pr{D ! S} = r .. (3.5) r -v The equation (3.5) makes sense only if r>c >v, which is consistent with the real situation: unit selling price is higher than production cost, while production cost is higher than salvage cost. If either of these two inequalities doesn't hold, the optimization result is invalid. The reason for this is straightforward: if, for example, the production cost c is lower than the salvage value v, then there is actually no risk for the manufacturer to overproduce since even selling as salvage price can still be profitable. The cumulative probability function Pr{D S} is non-decreasing with S. Therefore, for a fixed selling price, the optimal production volume increases with salvage value and decreases with production cost. Figure 3- 2 and Figure 3- 3 show example curves of S vs. 51 c and S vs. v. The demand is assumed to be uniformly distributed with average value of 500. Other parameters are identified in the caption of each figure. The trends that are shown in the figures are consistent with the intuition: when profit margin is high (p>>c), the manufacturer tends to take the risk to produce more products to avoid sellout; when the salvage value is very low, the manufacturer tends to be conservative in productions since most value of overproduced products will be lost. 400 E 350 > 300 0 250 0 . 0 200 150 100 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Production Cost c ($) Figure 3- 2: The effect of different production cost on optimal production volume 52 350 C) E . 300 0 0 250 0 - 200 E 0. 150 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Salvage Value v ($) Figure 3- 3: The effect of different salvage value and optimal production volume 3.2.4 (Q, r) Model The newspaper vender model discussed in the previous section is based on very strong assumptions, which rarely hold in real manufacturing context. Even for production with strong seasonality, manufacturing and shipping are still done in a multi-stage way. For most manufacturing systems, customer demand is continuous and doesn't vary much with time, therefore inventory control must be viewed in a more general prospective. Over production in one time period can be carried to the next period as inventory. Also, if the production volume and inventory cannot meet the customer demand in a time period, the manufacturer will not only lose the potential profit, but also suffer from extra penalty cost such as backorder handling or losing creditability from customer. The (Q, r) model, similar to the EOQ and Newspaper Vender models, is aiming to solve the tradeoff between setup cost (order cost) and the inventory holding cost under stochastic customer demand. Because of the existence of the setup cost (which is usually much higher than unit production cost), the manufacturer cannot produce corresponding to each specific customer need. Therefore, similar as in the EOQ model, an optimal production volume Q needs to be found to minimize the expected cost. However, since the customer demand is stochastic and unfilled demand will incur stockout cost, and also 53 the production requires a certain leadtime, an indicator of when to place an order needs to be defined. This decision variable is referred as the reorder point r. Therefore the (Q, r) model is to minimize the overall cost (production cost, inventory holding cost and stockout cost) by setting optimal Q and r values. One of the major characteristics of (Q, r) model in opposed to the previous two models is that (Q, r) model has two decision variables. In depth studies of (Q, r) model show that the two variables actually sever for two different purposes and they are separable to some extent. As in the EOQ model, the order quantity Q affects the tradeoff between the setup cost and inventory holding cost. Large production quantity Q will result in lower setup cost but higher inventory holding cost. The reorder point r, however, affects the likelihood of a stockout in inventory. A higher reorder point reduces the risk of stockout by keeping higher inventory, and a lower reorder point will reduce the inventory level at the cost of a higher probability of having a stockout. It is important to recognize that the two parameters generate two different types of inventories: cycle stock and safety stock. Production quantity Q controls the cycle stock, which will circulate to fill customer demands; Reorder point r keeps the safety stock, which aims to deal with the variation during the production leadtime. A typical (Q, r) model would be based on the following modeling assumptions [Hopp, Spearman 2001]: 1. Production is independent. The products can be analyzed individually and there are no interactions among different products. 2. Single piece customer demands. Customer demands are single piece and arrives one at a time. 3. Unfilled customer demands are backordered. If the customers' orders cannot be filled, they will wait until being filled in a future time. 4. Replenishment time is deterministic and known. The time lag between placing a production order and the ordered products actually arrive at inventory is fixed. 5. The order quantity for production is fixed. Each time the production order is triggered, the order quantity is fixed. 54 The idea of the model is to find out the optimal values of Q and r which solves the following: min {fixed setup cost + stockout cost + inventory holding cost}... (3.6) Q,r A mathematical equation can be derived based on equation (3.6) by using the notation listed below. D Expected customer demand during each time interval L Replenish (production) lead time X Demand occurred during lead time, an random variable 0 Expected demand during the lead time, E[X] C- Standard deviation of demand during the lead time p(x) Probability mass function of demand during lead time G(x) Cumulative probability function of demand during lead time A Setup cost C Unit production cost H Unit inventory holding cost for each time interval B Unit backorder cost for each time interval Q Replenish quantity, decision variable R Reorder point, decision variable S Safety stock implied by r, equals r-0 F(Q, r) Order frequency as a function of Q and r S(Q, r) Faction of orders filled from stock (fill rate) as a function of Q and r B(Q, r) Average number of outstanding backorders as a function of Q and r I(Q, r) Average on-hand inventory level as a function of Q and r 55 Setup Cost Since the expected customer demand for each time interval is D, and the replenish quantity is fixed F(Q, r) = D Q, the expected order frequency can be computed as ... (3.7) Q Therefore the setup cost would be the expected order frequency multiplied by the fixed setup cost A. Coste = F(Q, r)A = Q A ... (3.8) Backorder Cost According to the model assumption, unfilled customer orders would be backordered. Backorder cost represents the penalty cost for stockout. The back order cost would be unit backorder cost multiplied by the average backorder level B(Q, r). In order to calculate the backorder level B(Q, r), it is needed to further study the inventory position. Define B(R) as the expected backorder number when the inventory position is R, which can be calculated by the following: B(R) -(x - R)g(x)dxwhere g(x) is the continuous analog p.d.f. of p(x) ... (3.9) The logic of (3.9) is that, the expected production orders places are equal to the customer demands during the leadtime. Backorder happens only if the customer demand x is larger than inventory position R. Also, it can be proved that the inventory position is uniformly distributed in the sense that inventory position is equally likely to take any value in its possible range [r+l, r+Q]. Combining this result and equation (3.9), the final expression of average backorder level when production quantity B(Q, r) 56 - 1 r+Q ZB(x) Q x=r I Q and reorder point r is shown in (3.10). [B(r +1)+ Q + B(r + Q)]...(3.10) This calculation can be easily conducted by an iterative loop. For simplification, a good approximation can be used, namely using B(r) to approximate all B terms in the right side of (3.10). The simplified backorder formula is shown (3.11). B(Q, r)> B(r) ... (3.11) Revisiting the definition of B(R) in (3.9) can show that (3.11) is an overestimation of (3.10). The expected backorder cost is just the backorder number B(Q,r) multiplied by unit backorder cost b. = bB(r) ... (3.12) Costbckord,, Inventory Holding Cost The inventory holding cost can be calculated by multiplying average inventory level I(Q,r) with inventory holding cost h. By analyzing the reorder policy it can be seen that the real inventory level varies from Q+s and s+1. Hence, in a long run, it is reasonable to estimate the average inventory by the following expression: I(Q, r) ~ (Q+s)+(s +1) 2 - Q+1 +s = Q+1 +r-O ... (3.13) 2 2 Although mathematically we treat a backorder as a negative inventory level, however, in reality the inventory can't physically drop below zero. Therefore (3.13) is an underestimation of real inventory level, which should be modified by incorporating the backorders, which is shown as (3.14). I(Q,r)= Q Q +l+r -0+ B(Q, r) ... (14) 2 And the inventory holding cost, therefore, is the following: Cost hldking =hI(Q,r) = h[ Q +1 + r - 0 + B(Q, r)] ... (3.15) 2 Now all there cost terms have been established based on the model assumptions. The verbal expression (3.6) then can be converted into a mathematical expression. D Q 57 Plug in all the approximations that have been derived above, the approximated overall cost is: D Y(Q, r) ~ Y(Q, r) Q A + bB(r)+ h[ Q+ 2 + r - 0 + B(Q, r)] ... (3.16) Equation (3.16) is again a linear combination of convex functions therefore the optimal solution can be easily found be setting the partial derivative with Q and r to zero respectively. The optimal reorder quantity Q* and reorder point r*are given by Q 2AD . = h * , G(r )= b b+h ... (3.17) Notice optimal reorder quantity is exactly same as in EOQ model. This is because the (Q,r) model is based on the long run average cost calculation, and the approximation is cut at the first derivative. Therefore the optimal solution for the deterministic model (EOQ) also optimizes the average cost of stochastic model. The optimal reorder point is expressed in term of its cumulative probability function. Since G(r) is non-decreasing, so r*is increasing with b and decreasing with h, which is also consistent with intuition. If the backorder cost is very high, the manufacturer tends to keep high safety stock to prevent backorder from happening. On the contrary, if holding inventory is very expensive, the manufacture might reduce the safety stock and take more risk of stockout. If we further assume the distribution of customer demand during leadtime is normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation Y, then the expression of r*can be simplified as the following: r* 0 + z-, where z is the normal distribution z-value such that 1D(z) = b ... (3.18) b+h The (Q,r) model is a relatively complex and close-to-reality inventory model. Lots of further research had been done based on it to incorporate more random factors. Apart from the mathematic complexity to derive optimal solutions, the (Q,r) model carries the most fundamental concept of stochastic inventory control, namely that Cycle stock quantity trades off the setup cost and inventory holding cost. and 58 Safety stock provides a buffer against stockouts. And also, (Q,r) model offers some very valuable insight on the factors that affect the stocking policy, which, will be shown later, the manufacturing system design. These insights can be concluded to the following four points. 1. Increasing customer demand will increase the optimal reorder quantity. 2. Increasing the average customer demand during the production leadtime 0 will result in higher safety stock. An increase of 0 could due to two reasons: higher customer average demand D or longer production leadtime 1. This implies that either high customer demand or long production leadtime will lead to high safety stock. 3. Increasing the standard deviation of customer demand during the production leadtime a- will tend to increase the safety stock. If the demand during leadtime is very unstable and varies a lot, the manufacturer needs to put more safety stock to protect against stockouts. 4. Increasing unit inventory holding cost will reduce both optimal reorder quantity and the reorder point r. This is very straightforward. Since both the cycle stock and safety stock will incur inventory, with high unit inventory holding cost, the manufacturer tends to reduce both and shift the inventory holding cost by setup cost and stockout cost. 3.2.5 (s,S) Model The basic (Q,r) model shown above is a very generalized model. It is also a relatively open platform for modifications to fit into more complex situations. However, in spite of these virtues, (Q,r) model is limited by two very strong constraints: the reorder quantity is fixed and placing production order only when inventory position drops to the reorder point. These are the pre-defined "rules" for (Q,r) model, and the model develops the optimal values under these two rules. However, it is natural to probe that if there is other rules that can result even lower overall cost that the (Q,r) rules? Or in other words, what is the optimal value of optimal for inventory control "rules"? 59 The (s,S) model is the result of searching a "general" optimal inventory control policy inspired by the questions asked above [Bertsekas 2000] [Bramel, Simchi-Levi 1997]. The model needs the following two assumptions: 1. Stockout is backlogged and unit stockout cost is justifiable. 2. Production is instantaneous. The second assumption can be relaxed to any fixed production leadtime, which, however, will need much more calculation work. Since this model is more generalized and takes fewer assumptions, it is more mathematically challenging than the previous models. (s, S) model is developed by using dynamic programming (DP) algorithm to find out the optimal rules to control inventory. Consider a discrete time sequence k, k=0, 1.. .N-1. If we view the inventory level evolves with the time index and at each time we call a different stage, the inventory level at each stage is given by the following: Xk+ = xk +Uk - W , k=0,1L,...N ... (3.19) In which, xk is the inventory level at stage k, uk is the production order placed at stage k and wk is the customer demand at stage k. Since it is assumed that production leadtime is zero, therefore the inventory level at (the beginning of) stage k+1 equals to the inventory level at stage k plus the ordered amount uk minus shipped amount wk. Notice that we assumed that the stockouts are backordered, the inventory level x can be negative. At first, we will attack an easy situation in which the setup cost is assumed to be zero. Under this assumption, the overall cost of a stage can be represented by the following equation: r(x) = p max(0,-x) + h max(0, x) ... (3.20) where p is unit backorder cost and h is unit inventory holding cost. Therefore, the total cost during all N stages is the following: N- E{Z(cuk k=C 60 + ±pmax(O,Wk xk-uk)±h max(, xk+u-wk))V ..( 3 -2 l) It is assumed that the purchasing cost c is positive and is strictly less than the backorder cost p. The second assumption is necessary for the problem to be well posed. If, however, the production cost c were greater than p, it would never be optimal to produce. This is analogical to the assumption in newspaper vender model that the salvage value v is strictly less than the production cost c. By applying DP algorithm and setting terminal cost to zero, we have JN(XN) 0 J,(x,) = min[cu, + H(xk Uk 0 +Uk)+ E{Jkl(Xk +Uk -w)}] ... (3.22) where the function H is defined by H(y) = pE{max(0, w, - y)} + hE{max(0, y - By introducing the variable yk - Xk + Uk, Wk)} equation (3.22) can be rewritten as the following ik(Yk) = min[cyk+ H(yk)+ E{Jk+l (yk Wk}}] - CXk ... (3.23) Yk Xk Since the function max(0, Wk - y) and max(0, y - wk) are both convex in y for each fixed W, taking expectation preserves their convexity. Therefore the function convex function. It can also be proved that the cost-to-go function Jk+1 H(yk)is (Yk - w) a is also convex. Hence the function in brackets of right hand side of equation (3.23) is convex. These characteristics ensue equation (3.23) has a global minimum value, denoted by Sk. Considering the constraint Yk > Xk, a minimum yk equals Skif Yk > Xk and xk otherwise. The optimal control policy has the form kk p Sk XkIif 0 if xk > Sk ... (3.24) This is the simple version of (s, S) model, in which S equals S k and s equals 0. Equation (3.24) shows that, at each stage, the inventory level is checked. If it is lower than S k, an order is placed to bring the inventory level to Sk. Therefore the order-to point Sk behaves 61 like a inventory cap, whenever the inventory level drops below it, the amount difference Sk-Xk will be placed. For more general cases, when the setup cost is not zero but fixed, more effort needs to be put to find out the optimal solution. Unlike the zero setup cost situation, the production cost C(u), which is shown in equation (3.25), is no longer continuous. Ki+cu, af u > 0 0,=fu= C(u) if U = 0 0, . .. (3.25) The DP algorithm for this problem takes the form of JN(XN) = 0 Jk (Xk)=min[C(uk)+H(xk+uk)+E{Jk+l(Xkuk -wk)}]...( Plug in the substitution of Yk = Gk (y) = cy + H(y)+ E{ Jk(y Xk + 3 26 . ) uk and define the function --w} The Jk is written as ik (xk) = minGk (xk), inK + Gk (Y ] -CXk ... (3.27) Unfortunately, unlike the K=0 case that has been discussed before, Gk is not necessarily be convex. This means that a global optimal solution cannot be resulted by deriving equation (27). However, it can be proved that even though Gkis not convex, it satisfies the following property: K +Gk(z +y) Gk(y) ±Z Gk(y) Gk(Yb) b j , for all z 0, b>0,y This property is called K-convexity. After conducting through the mathematical derivation, it can be shown that there exist two parameters S and that define the optimal inventory control policy for the K-convex cost-to-go function: p*(X)= k 62 0 i ,>S... (3.28) S-xk ifxk<s This means that an upper bound S and a lower bound s are controlling the inventory. Production order is placed only when the inventory level drops below the lower bound s. The order quantity is the difference between the current inventory level and the upper bound S. 3.3 Analysis of Inventory and Production Control Models 3.3.1 General Analysis on Inventory and Production Control Models The four inventory/production control models shown in the previous section can cover the ideas behind most of the inventory control research. The models are valuable in the sense that they show the fundamental tradeoffs in inventory and production control and provide insights of the major reasons that lead to those tradeoffs. However, these models have their inherent shortcomings to be applied directly for manufacturing system design: 1. The models are aiming to study local cost problems (e.g. minimizing cost in a production department). The cost structure for a manufacturing system is very complicated [Cochran 2002]. Many system level factors have significant affect on local cost. Therefore optimizing local cost will not necessarily lead to superior system wide performance. 2. As can be seen from the detail discussion in the previous section, the inventory control models are based on strong assumptions that cannot always hold in real situations. When the real system is far away from those assumed postulations, the "optimal" cost derived from those models may be far from the lowest cost that the system can reach. 3. The most important downside of those inventory and production models is that they are not customer needs oriented. Almost all stochastic models (which need to consider non-deterministic customer needs) are trying to tradeoff customer service level with inventory holding cost. This is unacceptable in a system design point of view. Since revenue of a manufacturing system comes from customer satisfaction, it makes no sense to "optimize" the customer service. Customer needs for a manufacturing system are fixed. If the system cannot meet them, it's out of business, which mathematically means a negative infinite cost. 63 While many people were enjoying playing math models in their fictional "manufacturing system", they ignored one thing: the models should be able to work in the real situations. Many successful "lean" manufacturers achieved superior system performance by using very simple rules that are mathematically very loose, while the MRP planning (which incorporates complex inventory and planning models) based companies messed up with every thing from shop floor control to inventor management. To see why this is happening, we need to jump out from math tricks and look at the problems in a system design point of view. 3.3.2 Analysis of EOQ Model The high-level functional requirement (FRI) of EOQ problem is to minimize overall cost. The design parameter that the EOQ model selected to achieve this FR is cost optimization based on model assumptions (DPTl). Setup cost Total cost CT(Q) hQ AD| +cD + 2Q = Production cost (Constant) Inventory holding cost Figure 3- 4: The cost structure of EOQ model The EOQ model identifies the three fundamental ingredients for overall cost, namely setup cost, inventory holding cost and production cost, as shown in Figure 3- 4. Therefore, the model decomposes the FRI into two low-level FRs given the high-level DP: FR 11 "minimize setup cost" and FRT 12 minimize inventory holding cost". One DP (DPTl 1) is chosen to achieve both FR T1 quantity 64 Q". The and FRT12, namely "Optimizing reorder decomposition analysis for EOQ model is show in Figure 3 - 5. FRI: Minimize Overall Cost DPT1: Optimization based on cost model FRTl 1: FRT12: Minimize setup cost Minimize inventory holding Cost DPT 1: Optimization of order quantity Q Figure 3- 5: Decomposition analysis of EOQ model The design matrix of EOQ model therefore is: FRT1I FRT 12 = ~XfPT l}'1 _X Since FRs are independent by definition, it is impossible to minimize both setup cost and inventory holding cost by one parameter. In fact according to model assumptions, reducing one cost will necessarily result increasing the other. This design is a coupled design since the number of DP is less than the number of FRs. According to axiomatic design, a coupled design is unacceptable in that it is unable to meet all FRs in practice. Design based on EOQ model views the setup cost and inventory holding cost as conflictions. In order to reduce inventory cost, setup cost will increase; on the other hand, if we want to reduce setup cost, inventory holding cost will rise. This statement is based on the following reasoning that is mathematically shown in the model: since customer demand rate is constant, if the manufacturer produces more products each time it produces, he/she needs produce less times. However, since the production is must faster than customer consumption, the manufacture needs to store the products in inventory 65 until they all consumed by the customer and next production begins. Therefore, the more products the manufacturer produces, the higher inventory level he/she is going to keep. This seemingly plausible reasoning, however, is not true in general. FR 1I and FR12 by nature are not dependent according to AD. What relate them together and makes them conflict to each other are two assumptions that have been used in building EOQ model: 1. The setup cost for each setup (unit setup cost) is constant and fixed. 2. The production capacity is infinite and fixed. From manufacturing system design point of view, neither of these two statements is true. Setup cost reduction and production capacity flexibility are among the most important system design parameters. If these two unnecessary assumptions are removed, the coupling relationship between FR 1I and FR12 is broken. By reducing unit setup cost, total setup cost can be reduced independently. To reduce inventory level, production rate needs to be modified to be as close to customer consumption rate as possible. The ideal scenario would be the unit setup cost is cut to nearly zero and production rate perfectly matches the customer consumption rate. In this case the overall cost would approach to zero. A new design based on system design approach is proposed in Figure 3- 6. A different design parameter DPs1 "cost reduction based on system design" is selected to implement system design approach to satisfy FRI. FRsi land FRs12 are decomposed as before. To reduce total setup cost, the unit setup cost needs to be reduced instead of trying to reduce the number of setups. To achieve inventory holding cost reduction, flexibility need to be built in production capacity to ensure the manufacturer produces only customerconsumed amounts. DPs1 affects FRs2 since practically the production rate might not be able to be very close to customer consumption rate, therefore setup can still affect the inventory level. The design matrix based on the system design decomposition is the following: FRs11 FRs12 66 FX 0 DPS1I LX X DP12 This new design has two DPs to achieve two FRs and the design matrix is triangular, therefore it is a decoupled design. Path dependency requires DP s1 1 should be implemented before DPs 12 in order to achieve both FRs 11 and FRs12 without iteration. FRI: Minimize Overall Cost DPs1: Cost reduction based on system design I FRSl1: FRs12: Minimize setuLp cost Minimize inventory holding cost - ------- --- --------------DPs11: DPs12: Setup cost redluction Customer consumption oriented production Figure 3- 6: Modified design for EOQ model 3.3.3 Analysis of Newspaper Vender Model Newspaper vender model is similar as EOQ model but is based on non-deterministic customer demand. Therefore sale revenue needs to be considered (as negative cost) in the model. Overall Cost 1-r-------------------------z(y)=rcy r Dmin(y, D)dF(D) - v DO (y D)dF(D) I -- Production Cost Sale Revenue Figure 3- 7: Cost structure of newspaper vender model 67 From the analysis shown in Figure 3- 7 it can be seen that the newspaper model deals the tradeoff between sales revenue and production cost. If the vender produces less products that the customers actually need, he/she loses the opportunity of selling more products; however, if the vender produces more products than the customer needs, by the end of selling season he/she has to trade the overproduced produces with salvage price, which is assumed much lower than the production cost and therefore causes overproduction cost. Therefore the vendor needs to find out optimal production volume based on the statistical information of customer demand. The production is assumed as one time production, so setup cost is not addressed in this situation. Inventory holding cost is also neglected by assuming it is sufficiently small comparing the overproduction cost. The idea of newspaper vender model is shown as Figure 3- 8. FRi: Minimize Overall Cost DPTl: Optimization based on cost model r FRT1 1: FRT12: Maximize sale revenue Minimize overproduction cost DPT11: Optimization of production quantity Figure 3- 8: Decomposition analysis of newspaper vender model It can be seen that this model tries to meet two system requirements (FRT11 and FRTl2) with one design parameter (DP' 11). The design matrix for newspaper vender model is the following: 68 FRT1I FRT 12 XfpT11 X Obviously this is again a coupled design with insufficient number of DPs. This design is unacceptable since two FRs cannot be met independently by applying one DP. Modification of this design would be based on new design parameters. Optimal production quantity (DPTl 1) is not a correct design parameter for maximizing revenue (FRT, 1). In the scope of manufacturing system design, sale revenue can be achieved by producing customer-wanted quantity and variety of products with perfect quality at customer required time. Therefore production quantity is a requirement for manufacturing system from customer side. The system has to be designed to achieve this requirement instead of "optimizing" it. Under the assumptions that are used for the newspaper vender model, a new design parameter, DPs 1I "Perfect quality products with on-time delivery", is selected to achieve the FRs1 1 "Maximize sale revenue". In order to achieve the other FR to minimize overproduction cost, a pull based information flow must be established. Since the customer demands are stochastic, the only way to produce customer wanted quantity and mix is to direct the customer demand information into the entire production system. Each process produces the quantity and mix that is required by the downstream process, while external customer pulls from the finishing process. The new design decomposition is shown as Figure 3- 9. 69 FRI: Minimize Overall Cost DPsI: Cost reduction based on system design FRs11: FRS 12: Maximize sale revenue Minimize overproduction cost DPs11: DPs11: Perfect quality products with on-time delivery Information flow design & customer integration Figure 3- 9: Modified design for newspaper vender model The design matrix of this new decomposition is FRsll FX 0 DPs11 FRsl2 0 X DPs12 This is uncoupled design and the two FRs can be achieved independently. By applying DPS 11 the manufacturer can over perform its competitors and win more market share which will lead to more sale revenue. DPs12 perfectly aligns the production system with customer demand and makes it robust with customer demand variation. In this pull-based system overproduction cannot happen therefore the ideal overproduction cost would be zero. 3.3.4 Analysis of (Q,r) Model An analysis of the total cost structure of the (Q,r) model is shown in Figure 3 - 10. It composes three parts: setup cost, stockout cost and inventory holding cost, therefore it is much more complicated than the previous models, whose total cost only has two major components. 70 Total cost ' Q+1 ID Y(Q,r) ~ Y(Q,r) =+ A+bB(r)|+h[-+r-0+B(Qr)] IQ i i I i 2 I11 tT Setup Stockout cost cost ii Inventory holding cost Figure 3- 10: Cost structure of (Q,r) model In order to minimize the total cost, two optimization parameters are selected: production volume Q and reorder point r. The production is assumed to use the following policy: when inventory drops to reorder point r, the manufacturer will start the production and produce Q products. Customer demand is assumed to be stochastic while production leadtime is taken as constant in the typical model. If the production Q is set at a high value, the setup cost will be small since less production is needed for each time interval. However, large production batch will increase average inventory level and hence increase the inventory holding cost. On the other hand, higher re-order point will give the manufacturer more protection of stockout, but it also increases the inventory level therefore incurs additional inventory holding cost. The model is trying to find out the optimal Q and r combination that minimized the sum of the three cost components. The decomposition of this idea is shown in Figure 3- 11. 71 FRi: Minimize Overall Cost DPTl: Optimization based on cost model FRT11: FRT12: FRT13: Minimize setup cost Minimize inventory holding cost Minimize stockout cost DPT11: DPT 12: Optimization o forder quantity Q Optimization of reorder point r Figure 3- 11: Decomposition analysis for (Q,r) model DP T "Optimization based on cost model" is selected to satisfy FRI "Minimize overall cost". Three low level FRs are further decomposed, they are FRT 1 minimize setup cost"; FRT 12 "minimize inventory holding cost" and FRT 13 "minimize stockout cost". In the optimization model, two DPs are selected to achieve these three FRs, they are: DPT 11 "optimization of order quantity Q" and DPT 12 "optimization of reorder point r". From the cost equation it can be seen that the order quantity affects setup cost and inventory holding cost, while reorder point affects stockout cost and inventory holding cost. There for the design equation for (Q,r) model can be expressed as the following. FRT I1 V0 FRT 12 IVX 0 X FR T 13 DPTrl DPT12 This design equation apparently represents a coupled design since there is insufficient number of DPs to achieve the FRs. In order to achieve an acceptable design, three DPs need to be designed and the design matrix needs to be at least triangular. To minimize setup up cost, procedures that can reduce setup cost need to be established. In manufacturing system design, setup is normally referred to as system changeover. 72 Minimizing changeover cost is usually realized by changeover time reduction through externalized internal setup procedures and standardization of setup operations There are two types of changeover activities: internal and external. Internal changeover activity refers to the activities that have to be performed when the system is down (e.g. changing machine tools). External changeover activity means the operations that can be done parallel while the system is still running (e.g. preparing the new tools). Changeover time reduction is usually conducted in two steps. First step is converting as much of internal changeover activity as possible to external activity. By doing this, the unnecessary system down time is eliminated. Second step is to reduce the internal changeover time that is left after conversion. This step includes the following procedures: 1. Standardize changeover operations to establish unambiguous and effective procedures to perform changeover. 2. Train operators as well as management to consistently perform the standardized changeover operations. 3. Implement devices (e.g. positioning pins for die changeover) to facilitate changeover activities. The two-step changeover reduction is shown in Figure 3- 12. It is important to point out that, according to many industrial applications, 50% of internal changeover time can be easily externalized and 50% of the rest internal changeover time can be reduced by the three procedures listed above. Therefore, a rough estimation of 75% system down time due to changeover can be avoided. 73 System downtime Product A ] tion Actual Changeover FCleaning up Product B ........... Conversion to external changeover Preparation I Cleaning up -I Product A Actual F Product B Changeover *__-- -- __Reduction of internal changeover System downtime Figure 3- 12: Two steps changeover time reduction [Cochran 2002] To satisfy the FR "minimizing inventory holding cost", production needs to be customer consumption oriented, namely producing only the customer consumed quantity and mix. This is realized by designing pull-based information flow system. Similar as the discussion in newspaper vender model, customer requirements requirement information needs to be thoroughly and consistently directed into the entire manufacturing system. It can be seen from the derivation of (Q,r) model that the probability of stockout cost is a function of reorder point r, customer demand distribution p and production leadtime 1. Customer demand distribution is external and cannot be changed. Reorder point r affects both stockout cost and inventory holding cost. Therefore selecting r as DP would result in a coupled design. Production leadtime reduction is an appropriate DP to reduce stockout risk. If production leadtime were reduced to zero, then the production would be stockout free. This means production leadtime is an independent DP to solve to stockout cost FR. 74 FR1: Minimize Overall Cost DPsl: Cost reduction based on system design FRs 11: FRs 12: FRs13: Minimize setup cost Minimize inventory holding Cost Minimize stockout cost DPs 11: DPs12: DPs13: Setup cost reduction Customer consumption oriented production/information flow Production leadtime reduction Figure 3- 13: Modified design for (Q,r) model The new design decomposition is shown in Figure 3- 13. The path dependencies shown in the decomposition indicates that it is a decoupled design. Setup cost reduction will affect inventory holding cost in the sense that, the more setup cost can be reduced the less inventory is needed to hold. Information flow and customer oriented production bring real-time accurate customer demand information to all production processes. It helps to reduce customer demand variation from inside and out side of the manufacturing system, which reduces the risk of inventory stockout. The new design equation corresponding to the decomposition above is: FRsl _X0 0 DPsll FRs12 = XX 0 DPs12 _0XX DPs13 FRs13 3.3.5 Analysis of (s, S) Model The (s, S) model is similar with the (Q,r) model except it doesn't confine itself to any predefined policies therefore its solution would have more optimality than the one of (Q,r) model. Mathematically speaking, the optimal cost of (s,S) would be the lower 75 bound of all possible optimal cost of (Q,r) model assuming they use the same set of assumptions. Analysis of the total cost structure in Figure 3- 14 shows that there are also three cost components in (s, S) model: setup cost, stockout cost and inventory holding cost. Total cost JO(x 0 ) = E{j(C(uk)+pmax(,wk -xk -U )I+ih max(O,xk k=O I Setup cost 1 +Uk W) ------------------------------ Stockout cost Inventory holding cost Figure 3- 14: The cost structure of (s,S) model Similar to (Q,r) model, two optimization parameters are selected to minimized three cost components. The order-to amount S affects the setup cost and inventory holding cost, while the reorder point s affects the stockout cost and the inventory holding cost. A decomposition analysis of (s,S) model is shown in Figure 3- 15. 76 FRI: Minimize Overall Cost DPTl: Optimization based on cost model FRT11: FRT12: FRT 13: Minimize setu pcost Minimize stockout cost Minimize inventory holding DPT11: DPT12: Optimization of order-to quantity S Optimization of reorder point s Figure 3- 15: Decomposition analysis of (s,S) model The design equation of (s,S) model is the same as the one of (Q,r) model, which is shown below. FRT' _X 0-DFlI IFR T12f = XX X FRT 13 p1 0 X_ To correct this coupled design, three DPs need to be designed to achieve a decoupled design. Setup cost reduction is selected to minimize setup cost; customer consumption oriented production/information flow is chosen for minimizing stockout cost; production run size reduction is selected to minimize inventory-holding cost. The DPs for this design is different from those for (Q,r) model. The reason is that these two models are based on different assumptions. For example, in (Q,r) model the production leadtime is assumed to be constant and fixed, while in (s, S) model it is assumed to be zero. Therefore leadtime reduction is a DP for (Q,r) model but it's not applicable for (s,S) model, new DP (in this case, batch size reduction) needs to be determined to complete the design. 77 FRI: Minimize Overall Cost DPsl: Cost reduction based on system design FRs11: FRs12: FRs13: Minimize setup cost Minimize stockout cost Minimize inventory holding cost --------------------------------------------------DPs11: DPs12: DPs13: Setup cost reduction Customer consumption oriented production/information flow Production run size reduction Figure 3- 16: Modified design for (s,S) model It is clear that both setup cost reduction and information flow affect inventory holding cost. But it's not clear that whether setup cost reduction also affects the stockout cost. In order to decide whether this path dependency exist or not, it is worthy to revisit the derivation of the simpler version (s,S) model with zero setup cost assumption. The result (3.24) clearly shows that if setup cost were zero, the reorder point (and therefore stockout cost) would also zero. It means that setup cost reduction is strongly relative to stockout cost, which can be stated as a path dependency between DPs 1 and FRs 12. The new design decomposition is shown in figure above and the design equation is shown in the following. Obviously it is a decoupled design therefore is theoretically superior to the original coupled design. FRs 1 FXO 0 ]DPs11 FRs12 XX 0 DPs12 FRs13 XXX DPs13 3.3.6 Conclusion This section analyzed the four inventory and production control models. A comparison of their assumption and design type is listed in the table below. 78 EOQ Model Assumptions Deterministic Customer Demand (Qr) (s,S) X X X X Stochastic Zero leadtime NV X X X Production Leadtime X Non-zero leadtime One period X Prouduction Horizon Multi-period X X Fixed X X X Production Runsize Variable X Dependent Dep-Independent Production Dependency Type of Design ---X X X X EOQ NV (Qr) (s,S) Uncoupled Design Not-coupled Design Coupled Design --- --- X - ---- --- Decoupled Design Sufficient Design Insufficient Design X X X X Table 3- 1: Comparison of inventory and production control models 3.4 Applying System Design Methodology to Solve Optimizing Problem 3.4.1 Problem Description A world-class skiing apparel manufacturer is facing a planning problem for their production of one of their key products - skiing parkas. Due to the long production leadtime, the manufacturer mainly relies on forecasting based on previous years' sale data to schedule their production. However, because the large product variety and great variation in their forecasting, the company always ended up with overproduction of some 79 types of parkas and underproduction some of the others. As has been addressed before, both over and under production bring the company significant financial or opportunity loss. The supply chain of the skiing parkas manufacturing is shown in the following figure. ProductFlow Material Suppliers Retailers - Orderingflow Figure 3- 17: Supply chain for apparel production The manufacturer orders raw material from material suppliers. The most important material for parka production is fabric and insulation material. While all parkas are using the same insulation material, there variation in fabric material is big. Approximately 10 different types of shell fabrics are needed each year for parkas. For each type of fabric, it will be dyed or printed into 10 different colors or prints. The production leadtime for fabric material is roughly 5 month and for dying and printing is 6 weeks. Because both the fabricating and dying processes of fabric production are done in huge batch, minimum order quantities are needed for each fabric type and individual color or print. After the company receives the material from material supplier, it distributes the parka manufacturing between two of its major production areas: Mainland China and Hong Kong. The hourly labor cost of Mainland China is about 1/30 of that of in Hong Kong, however, due to lack of training and low level of skill, the workers' production rate is lower and defect rate is much higher in Mainland China production facilities. Therefore the production in China needs longer leadtime and requires larger batch size. More than 80% of customer demand is received on March each year in Las Vegas trade show, and most of the demand needs to be fulfilled around September of the same year. 80 Since there are only 6 months between customer placing their order and production, and the total production leadtime is about 15 months, the manufacturer has to plan most of their production based on forecast. A detailed timeline for parka production, customer demand information and material production is shown in Figure 3- 18. For the convenience of time reference, it is assumed the company is planning the production schedule for the year of 1993. Jan 94 Jan 93 Jan 92 Desion I eb 92 Reta ding Production Jan 3 Sep 93 Production Mar 93 Demand AAA Information Material Supply Additional Order Las Vegas 93' Jul 92 Fabric Nov 92 Dying Order AA A Replen'ish Order Mar 93 Dying Order Figure 3- 18: Supply chain production timeline The production can be divided into three stages: design, production and retailing. After the parka styles are designed, all the different fabric/color combinations are produced and tested in small quantity. This process usually takes more than a year, from February 1992 to January 1993. Full-scale production begins at January 1993 till September. After that will be the retailing stage, in which the manufacturer ships the products to retailer and small batch production for replenish orders will still being conducted subjected to the availability of material and order size. Demand information shows that the majority of customer orders are received at the Las Vegas show while small amount or additional orders and replenish orders will arrive afterwards. In order to start the full-scale production on January 1993, the dying order needs to be placed at November 1992. Dying order is usually split into two orders. The reason is that the manufacturer believes 81 that the later it makes a forecast the more accurate it would be. Therefore it places first order just to start the production and place the order later based on a more accurate forecast. To process the dying order, however, the fabric order has to be ordered at July 1992 to allow a 5-month production leadtime. Figure 3- 18 demonstrates timeline of the entire production process. Therefore, in order to maximize the expected profit, the manufacturer needs to make following two decisions: 1. How much fabric of each style/color combination should be ordered in the first order and how much in the second order? 2. How much production needs to be done in Mainland China facility and how much in Hong Kong? 3.4.2 Solution based on Mathematical Optimization Methodology The case study is a very typical one for supply chain management courses. The traditional optimization methods to solve this problem can be summarized in the following steps: 1. Establishing cost (profit) calculation model by simplifying the problem. 2. Identifying the constraints and expressed them mathematically. 3. Formulate the case into an optimization form based on 1 and 2. 4. Solve the optimization problem to find the optimal solution. Various optimization models can be applied to this problem, including non-linear programming and dynamic programming based models. The optimality of their results depends on the modeling assumptions and solving algorithms. This section will show a two-stage dynamic programming algorithm based model as an example of applying optimization methodology to solve this supply chain management problem [Caro et al, 2001]. The decision parameters that this model selects are the production volume of each different product type at each of the two production stages. The cost-to-go function of the 82 second stage is shown below. The xi and yi are the production quantity of each product i at the first and second stage respectively; K is the total production capacity, which equals to 20,000; pi is the wholesale price and mi is the minimal ordering quantity of each product type i. J,(D, x) = max,? { 0.24 p, min(D,,xi + y) -0.08 pi(xi + yj -min(Di,x + yi)} s.t. y ? m, or yj =0 ? y.?K-? x, i By changing notations, the cost-to-go function can be simplified into the standard form: 10 J1 (D,x) =max,? pi(0.24z +0.08w ) i=1 s.t. z, ? D z, ? X, + yi z, ? 0 Wi ? Di - xi - y ? y, ? K-? xi Kb, ? y, ? m, . hi. w, W y,. ? 0, 6, ? {0,j} And the first stage cost-to-go function can hence be expressed as the following: JO = maxX ED 1 (D, x)] s.t. x ? m1 or xi = 0 ? x ? K x.? M M is the minimal ordering quantity in the first stage, which equals to 10,000. 83 It can be seen that the cost-to-go functions of this dynamic programming model are nonlinear which involves non-continuous identity functions and mathematical expectation. Finding out the analytical algorithm is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Two suboptimal solving procedures were presented in the reference [Caro et al, 2001]. One is based on rank-sorting methods and the other is based on Monte-Carlo simulation. Suboptimal solutions were resulted from both methods that including the production order quantity vector and the optimal profit. The simulation result is shown in the following figure. The production vectors were iterated according to their objective profit value. The sub-optimal profit was reached when the iteration converges. Figure 3 - 19 shows that the value of the sub-optimal profit is close to $490K. X 10 5 Tipical run of the local search in the first stage. 4.88 - 4.86 - 4.84- 4.82.0 4.8- 4.78- 4. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Local search iteration Figure 3- 19: Interactive solving result of optimal cost searching [Caro et al, 2001] 3.4.3 Solution based on System Design Methodology The optimization model says that $490K is the highest profit that the manufacturer can achieve. However, since the customer demand is 200,000 and the average profit for each parka would be $50 if produced in China, the ideal profit is $1,000K. This means that no matter how good the planning it makes, the manufacturer will lose more than half of its potential profit. So the question is: Is that possible for the manufacturer to avoid this big 84 loss and make higher profit? Obviously the optimization planning will say no, but we will show the system design will say yes. No matter how sophisticated that people think manufacturing system design will be, the beginning of it is surprisingly simple. The only thing people need to start system design is asking a one-word question: "Why"? "Why can'tI make $1 000K profit?" "Because you cannot sell allyouproducts and you have to trash some of them and that brings you a big loss." "Why can't I sell all my products?" "Because you produce accordingto forecast basedplanning, which is not what customers will really buy." "Why do I produce according to planningrather than by real customer need?" "Because you have long production leadtime so you have to startyour production before customers need actually happen." "Why do I have long production leadtime?" "Because both your materialsupplierandyourself have big production batch." "Why do I have big production batch?" "Because your changeovers cost your suppliers a fortune and your workers are not trainedto do mixture in your sewing line." "So, the problem is my suppliers' changeover and my training." High Level Design Process: The conversation above represents a decomposition process, which is one of the key concepts for manufacturing system design. The first question is actually the statement of the general system design goal: To achieve full profit that can be made by the customer. A straightforward analysis would show that the reason the manufacturer cannot achieve full profit is that it cannot produce only customer required quantity and mix. Under this situation customer demand in some product types cannot be met while the manufacture may overproducing in the other types. The former will result of losing potential profit and 85 the latter causes overproduction cost. The combination of these two effects leads to the result that the manufacturer can only make half of its potential profit in the best case. To allow the manufacture make more profit, the system must be redesigned to break the constraints that prevent it from doing so. The second and the third questions showed that the two major constraints are not knowing customers' demand and long production leadtime. Production under forecasting data instead of real customer demand data will necessarily result in either unmet customer demand or overproduction, both of which will result in profit loss. Therefore providing the manufacturer as accurate as possible customer demand information will be the first requirement for profit loss reduction. The design parameter to meet this requirement is customer integration, which is a key concept of supply chain management. In the original case, there is no information communication between manufacturer and the retailers before the Las Vegas trade show, where the orders are actually placed. The manufacture has to "guess" what the retailers' order quantity and mix would be. The following table shows the average value and standard deviation of customer demand forecast for each product type. It can be seen that the forecast is very unreliable in the sense the c.v. value (the ratio of standard deviation to average value, which shows how "concentrating" the statistical data points are) is very high. Style Gail Isis Entice Assault Teri electra Stephnaie Seduced Anita Daphne Forecast SAverage 1,017 1,042 1,358 2,525 1,100 2,150 1,113 4,017 3,296 2,383 Forecast Std. Dev. Harf Forecast Forecast c.v 388 646 496 680 762 807 1,048 1,113 2,094 1,394 508 521 679 1263 550 1075 556 2008 1648 1192 38.18% 62.04% 36.49% 26.95% 69.23% 37.56% 94.18% 27.71% 63.53% 58.48% Table 3- 2: Manufacturer's forecast data However, if the manufacturer can cooperating with the retailer to share the demand information, it could get more accurate information for production information, which would greatly reduce the risk of overproduction or unmet customer demand. And also, 86 since the retailers are also collecting and forecasting information from their customers, they compose a two-stage forecasting supply chain with the manufacturer. This will typically result in bullwhip effect, which means the inaccuracy of forecasting increases as the supply chain element goes away from external customer. By forecast information sharing, the manufacturer and retailers are integrated into one element in the supply chain and generating sharing forecasting information. One unnecessary forecasting step in the supply chain is eliminated and more accurate demand information is resulted. The following figure shows reducing bullwhip effect by retailer-manufacture integration. Manufacture Retaffer ? Customer ? ? ? -- r... Figure 3- 20: Retailer-manufacturer integration Given that the best demand information can be provided from the retailer to the manufacturer, it still needs to be able to meet these demand information on time. The design parameter to achieve this is leadtime reduction. As has been analyzed in the introduction section, the major reason that the manufacturer has to begin production before accurate information can be achieved is that both the manufacturer itself and the supplier have a very long production leadtime. Therefore the manufacturer has to make enough time allowance for itself as well as its supplier. By production leadtime reduction, the production processes can be postponed accordingly. The manufacturer therefore can take advantage of more accurate customer demand information that would greatly helpful in reducing profit loss. 87 Old Design Jan 94 Jan 93 Jan 92 Feb 92 Retailing Production , Design Jan 93 Sep 93 Production Mar 93 Demand Information New Design A AAAA Additional Order Las Vegas 93' A Replenish Order ,JProduction Design Retailing Production Demand Information A A A A A A A A Additional Order Retailer Info Las Vegas 93' A A A Replenish Order Figure 3- 21: Comparison of production timeline between old and new design As shown in Figure 3- 21, manufacturer/retailer integration leads to earlier and well distributed demand information to the manufacturer. And also, by leadtime reduction, the production phase can be shifted to the right, which allows additional information to feed in the production schedule. These two high level FR/DP pairs compose the top level of system design decomposition, as shown in Figure 3- 22. 88 FR1: Achieve full profit DPI: Customer needs driven production FR1: FR12: Acquire actual customer demand information Meet customer required quantity and mix ---- -----------------------------------------------------DP11: DP12: Manufacturer/retailer integration Production leadtime reduction Figure 3- 22: High-level decomposition of new design Production leadtime is a key issue in "lean" manufacturing system design. In this particular case, there are two leadtime components involved: the supplier's leadtime and the manufacturer's leadtime. In order to reduce the overall production leadtime, both components need to be considered. This is shown in the FR/DP 12 decomposition. FR12: Meet customer required quantity and mix DP12: Production leadtime reduction FR121: FR122: Reduce supplier's leadtime Reduce manufacturer's leadtime DP121: DP122: Supplier leadtime reduction Manufacturer leadtime reduction Figure 3- 23: Production leadtime reduction design Supplier integration is a critical step to achieve supplier leadtime reduction. As Monden discussed in TPS [Monden 1998], it is inefficient to apply the "lean" concepts in some of 89 the elements in the supply chain while the other elements remain "mass". Lean production needs fast material flow with great variety. Without well-designed information share between supplier and manufacturer, the "lean" in manufacture will be a heavy burden for suppliers, who have to maintain an even greater amount of inventory to satisfy the manufacturer's demand. Mutual trust and cooperation need to be established between the supply chain elements. The manufacturer is responsible to help the suppliers to adopt the same system design concepts. Minimizing material cost by squeezing supplier is a widely used optimization strategy for manufacturers. However, it is just a short-term solution because the suppliers will eventually give up or go bankruptcy. Similar to the situation of retailer integration, supplier integration gives supplier more real-time and accurate information for their production. To meet the manufacturer's demand, however, the supplier also needs to follow similar design parameters to cut down their batch size. As pointed out in the EOQ model, the changeover cost needs to be reduced. By doing this the supplier can have more changeovers than before with the same changeover cost, and therefore the batch size can be reduced without extra cost. The decomposition of FR/DP 121 is shown below. FR121: Reduce supplier's leadtime DP121: Supplier leadtime reduction FR-S 1: FR-S2: Transfer information to supplier Reduce supplier's batch size DP-S2: P-S 1: Supplier integration Supplier's changeover cost reduction Figure 3- 24: Supplier leadtime reduction design 90 The manufacture's leadtime can be decomposed into two parts: the production leadtime that is needed inside of production facility and the transportation leadtime that is consumed in transportation processes. In order to shorten the manufacturer's leadtime, design parameters need to be established to reduce both of its components Large batch size is the reason for long leadtime in the production facilities. When products are produced in a batch size larger than 1, the phenomena that parts waiting each other occurs. When one product is being processed, the parts behind it have to wait. On the other hand, when one product is finished, it has to wait to be shipped until all products behind it have been finished. The waiting time is proportional with the batch size. In industries with huge batch size, the waiting time can be many hours while the actually processing cycle time is less than a minute. Production leadtime can be reduced dramatically by batch size reduction. The nature of production of the manufacturer is different from of the supplier. The former is mainly human operation while the latter is mostly machine processing. Therefore the DP to achieve batch size reduction for the manufacturer is necessarily different from the one designed for supplier. The main constraint for the manufacturer to achieve small batch size is the cost of human learning curve. Operators tend to be more productive and make less defective products when they get used to an operation. When that operation changes due to changing to a different product, the production rate drops and the defect rate is likely to increase, which incurs cost for the system. Operator training is critical to overcome this problem. The training program usually include two general steps: 1. Standardized operation training. 2. Cross-functional training. The first step will eliminate the variations in system due to operators' different operation. By establishing standardized operations and enforcing them to be strictly followed, system performance will be stable and independent of particular operators. Crossfunctional training allows operators to change from on operation to the other without losing productivity. If operators can smoothly transfer from one product's operation to another product's operation, the mix-product production can be realized and therefore changeover cost can be eliminated. 91 Aligning material transportation flow with information flow is the solution to reduce transportation cost. The original transportation flow is shown in Figure 3- 25. winnipeg Thunder Bay Seattle Sa Bismarck HeI na Mi Pierre Boi se Sioux Falls@ nne Salt LAkO Ci wichita d 10 p @ SLa e4itl~eldock San Francisco Los Angeles Lincoln Springfield SaCI Denver S a rta Mad ison Phoenix Dallas . Jackson Figure 3- 25: Schematic of transportation waste in old supply chain The products will be shipped to Seattle central warehouse by ship. Then they are transported by truck to Denver distribution center where all products are distributed to the retailers. It can be seen that the transportation from Seattle to Denver is unnecessary. In the new design that is shown in Figure 3- 26, the distribution information is sent to Seattle from Denver and products are distributed directly from Denver to retailers. mpLi ORa T fi ner isrnarck Vi~ A ~O Pierrek Bo is Seattle kK5) Cheyenne Salt LAke C Lincoln Denver a FgA se Denver ail~~~tl t I0 i0e Figure 3- 26: Material flow oriented transportation design 92 The decomposition of FR/DP122 is shown in below. FR122: Reduce manufacturer's leadtime DP122: Manufacturer leadtime reduction F R-M1: FR-M2: Reduce batch size delay] Reduce transportation delay DP-M1: DP-M2: Operators' training Material flow oriented transportation Figure 3- 27: Manufacturer leadtime reduction design The full decomposition is shown in the following figure. It is While no accurate monetary value can be resulted from this new design based on system design methodology, an approximate number can be estimated looking at each leaf-level DPs. The leaf-level DPs and their estimated cost are listed in Table 3- 3 below. DP Number DP 11 DP-S 1 DP-S2 DP-M1 DP-M2 DP Name Manufacturer/retailer integration Supplier integration Supplier's changeover cost reduction Operators' training Material flow oriented transportation Total Cost: Estimated Cost (K) 10 10 50 10 -10 70 Table 3- 3: Estimated implementing costs of leaf-level DPs As shown in the table, the total cost to achieve this new design is about $70K, therefore the best-case profit would be: $1000K-$70K=$930K 93 Clearly this maximal cost is much higher than the optimal value $490K that can be reached by optimization methodology. As discussed in the beginning of this chapter, system design methodology can always achieve much better performance than optimization methodologies. A theoretical explanation can be given by sensitivity analysis of optimization problems. If an optimization problem has many extreme points that are very close to optimal solution, it would very difficult to find out the real optimal solution. This process is going to take numerous iterations with minor optimality improvement. However, if some constraint function can be changed with even a very small value, the object value can be improved dramatically. A system design methodology is using exactly this property. Instead of searching for "optimal" solutions, it aims to meet all requirements by attacking unnecessary constraints that have been assumed by optimal methodologies. Through applying effort to move or eliminate constraints (with some cost), great benefit can be achieved by meeting all the system requirements in a path dependent, non-iterative way. 94 1:1' I ii I, I 'FE .I. iI M 'I i R O. Ir I ii! I ~Ii MirM I~J~ NU I IFFI 91 Figure 3- 28: Design decomposition of supply chain optimization problem 95 96 Chapter 4: Manufacturing System Analysis based on Stochastic Models from System Design Point of View 4.1 Introduction of stochastic models for manufacturing system analysis The inventory/production control models that have been addressed in the previous chapter have been dominating the manufacturing system quantitative analysis and design for a long time. These models are based on one-stage production scenario. The production system is view as an integrated "big machine" that has aggregated properties such as production rate, production leadtime and production batch size. Research based on these models can be viewed as a "macro level" study of manufacturing system, since only the relationships among the "big machine", inventory and customers' demand are addressed. However, as the manufacturing system getting more and more complex and competition in product quality, production rate and overall production cost getting more and more fierce, more precise and refined analysis methodology needs to be developed to study the "micro level" of manufacturing system, namely the relationship between machines and inline buffers (WIP). Stochastic models of manufacturing systems were developed under such as situation. It is widely recognized that applying stochastic models in manufacturing system analysis originated from Jonh. A. Buzacott's work in 1960's [Buzacott 1993], which can be viewed as the basis of most of the later work in this area. 4.1.1 Introduction of Markov process Stochastic process is the study of the sequences of events governed by probabilistic laws. A most common type of stochastic process is concerned with the investigation of the structure of families of random variables Xt, where t is a parameter running over a suitable index set T. The variable X could be one- dimensional or n-dimensional, or even more general, infinite-dimensional. It could also be either discrete, continuous, or a combination of both. The second index T is usually one dimensional, either continuous or discrete. Stochastic processes with T=[0, ? ) are particularly important in applications, in which t can be interpreted as time. 97 Markov process is one of the most important stochastic processes that have been widely used in many applications such as physics, chemistry, transportation system, manufacturing system, aero and astronaut systems, etc. A rough definition of Markov process can be stated as the following [Karlin, Taylor 1975]: a Markov process is a process with the property that, given the value of Xt, the values of Xs, s>t, do not depend on the values of X., u<t; that is, the current state of the process will provide sufficient information to predict future behavior of the process, and knowing the process information before current state has no additional benefit. In formal terms a Markov process can be expressed as the following: Prfa < X, <b| X, = x, X =x2,---X =x,}= Prfa < X, <b| X, =x, whenever t, < t 2 < ... < tn < t ... (4.1) It can be seen from its definition that a Markov chain is a probabilistic dynamic system in which the future behavior depends on only the present situation, not the past. Specifically the two components of a Markov process, the random variable and the index, is defined as state and time index of the process. The time index of Markov process may be continuous or discrete. When it is discrete, it is usually only allow the time value to take integer values or some other countable number set. Such Markov processes are characterized by difference equations. When the time index is continuous, it usually takes all real number or positive real number. This type of Markov process is usually characterized by a set of differential equations. The state of a Markov process can be discrete, continuous or a combination of both. In a discrete state Markov process, the random variable can be of one of the value of a discrete set at each time interval, the state "jumps" from one value to another along time index. In a continuous state Markov process, however, the state changes continuously along the time index. Two types of Markov processes are widely used in manufacturing system analysis: discrete time, discrete state and continuous time, discrete state. The following two sections will explain them in detail. 98 4.1.2 Discrete Time Discrete State Markov Process The basic assumption of a discrete time discrete state Markov process is the following: Pr{X(t + 1) = x(t + 1)1 X(t) = x(t), X(t -1) = x(t - 1), X(t - 2) = x(t - 2), ... X(0) = x(0)} = Pr{X(t + 1) = x(t + 1)1 X(t) = x(t)} ...(4.2) where x(r) ? S, r = 0,1,-- -t +1, S is the state space. Define the transition probability from state i to state j as Pr{X(t +1) = i I X(t) = j} = i ... (4.3) and define Pr{X(t) = i} = p,(t) ... (4.4) The stochastic process evolving equation can be written as the following: pan(t +1) =gee.p (t) ... (4.5) and more generally, in a matrix form: {p(t + 1)} = [P]{p(t)} ... (4.6) ? p 1 (t + 1)? in which {p(t + W)= P2(t +1)? [P]l ,[P]= p1 P12 {, I= By definition, p(t) is the transition probability vector, therefore it satisfies the normalization equation: ? p,(t)=1, and ? p (t) =1I... (4.7) The formal equation mean that the process must be somewhere in the state space, while the second equation states that the process keeps evolving along time index. The future state distribution can be calculated by the following transition equation: {p(t + n)} = [P]" {p(t)} ... (4.8) 99 A classical example of applying discrete state discrete time Markov process is machine reliability. Consider the following situation: A machine can be operated in two states, operational (up) and under repair (down). When the machine is operational in one time interval, it has certain probability p going down in the next time interval. On the other hand, if the machine is down in one time interval, it also has certain probability r being fixed in the next time interval. The question is to determine the long -term average production rate of this machine. p 1-r I -P 0 r Figure 4- 1: Transition probability of discrete time two-state Markov process If we define 1 for up state and 0 for down state, the system probability transition equations can be written as the following: ? p(O, t + 1) = p(O, t)(1 - r) + p(l, t)p p(1, t + 1) = p(O, t)r + p(l, t)(1 - p) ... (4.9) Given the initial conditions p(0,0) and p(O,1), the probability distribution along time t can be solved [Gershwin 1994]: [1-(l-p-r)t ] ,p(0,t) = p(0,0)(1-p-r)t + r+p ?p(1, t) = p(1,0)(1 - p - r)' + r r[1 r+p ... (4.10) -(1 -p -r)'] Assume the breaking probability p equals 0.02 and fixing probability r equals 0.08, and the probabilities that the machine is operational and under repair at the beginning are both 0.5, the probability distribution as a function of time is show in Figure 4- 1. 100 Unreliable Machine Productivity 0.8 0.6 - LO 0.4 a. 0.2 0- 0 20 60 40 80 100 t Figure 4- 2: Asymptotic behavior of machine status probability distribution The limit of the two probabilities can be calculated by the following steady state probability equation: p(O) =r+p r~p which is the solution of ? p(O) = p(O)(l - r) + p(l)p p(l) = p(l)(l - p) + p(O)r .(4.12) A steady state probability is defined as the probability that satisfies the following: p 1 = pj (t) = p,.(t +1) = limp(t) ... (4.13) t? ? Therefore, it also can be derived from (4.9) by assuming ?p(O, t +1) = p(O, t) ? p(, t + 1) = p(, t) 101 4.1.3 Continuous Time Discrete State Markov Process In continuous time discrete state Markov process, the system evolves along continuous time. The basic assumption of this type of Markov process is the following: Pr{X(t) = x(t) X(s) = x(s),s < r} = Pr{X(t) = x(t) IX(r) = x(r) ... (4.14) For all t > - and x(t) ? E where S is the discrete state space. The system transition probability can be defined as Pr{X(t)= i} =? Pr{X(t) = IiX()= j}Pr{X(r) = i} ... (4.15) To derive the differential transition probability, replace t by t + St and r by t, (4.15) becomes: Pr{X(+St) =i} =? Pr{X(t+St) =ijX(t) j}Pr{X(t)= j} ... (4.16) I Assume St small and , exists for all i ? j such that Pr {X(t + St) = i I X(t) = j} = A, St + o(St) ... (4.17) plug (4.17) into (4.16), after simplification the transition probability equation can be written as the following form: Ali p (t)St + Pr {x(t + St) = i IX(t) = i}p,(t)+o(St) ... (4.18) j?i Considering the normalization equation ? Pr{X(t +St) j IX(t) = i} = l and defining A2i = -? A,. , it can be further simplified ] j?i as the following: (4.19) pi(t+t)=? 1'jpj(t)+o(tt) ... By applying first order Taylor expansion to the left side term of the equation above, it becomes 102 dp dt therefore di= ? 11,jpj (t), for all i ... (4.21) dt *i If the ergodic distribution exists, it will satisfy the above equation with the left hand term equals zero, which is the following: 0 = ? j?i + Aiip, ... (4.22) plugging in the definition of A)y , this can be written as: Pi? AJ.i =? A pj ... (4.23) j?i pi This equation is called the "balance equation". It is the most important equation in continuous time discrete state Markov process. Most of further analysis would be based on this basic relationship. The left hand side of this equation can be views as the rate that the process leaves state i, where the right hand side is the rate that the process enters the state i. In the steady state, it is intuitively right that these two rates should be equal to each other to achieve a "balance" status. The balance equation provides a mathematical proof to support this conclusion. The unreliable machine example discussed in the previous section can also be modeled as continuous time discrete state Markov process. If the machine operation time is exponential distributed with the parameter p rather than deterministic, which is assumed in the previous example, the model essentially becomes continuous time since state changes can occur at any (real number) time index. The probability that an operation is completed during the time interval [t, t + 5t] while the machine is up is pt . Accordingly, machine state change is adjusted to fit in the continuous time situation. The probability that a failure occurs during an interval [t, t + 5t] while the machine is up is 114. The probability that a repair is completed during an interval [t, t + t] while the machine is down is rt . It is also assumed by convention that the machine can only 103 break when it is operational and can only be repaired when it is down. The graph of this continuous time Markov process is shown as the following. p I1P 0 1-r r Figure 4- 3: Transition probability of continuous time two state Markov process Similar to the discrete time case, the probability distribution time function of this continuous time problem is the following: ?p(Ot + t) = p(0,t)(l - r t) + p(l,t)pt + o(t) p(l,t + t) = p(O, t)rdt + p(l,t)(l - p~t) = ot) ... (4.24) after applying Taylor expansion and some simplification, it becomes ?dp(0,.t) = -p(O, t)r + p(l, t)p dt dp(l, t) ... (4.25) p(0,t)r - p(l,t)p dt ? Given the initial condition of p(0,0) and p(1,0), the equation can be solved and the solution is the following p(0,t) = *r~p ? p(l, t) = + [p( 0 ,0 ) r -[p(0,0)r+p ]e-(p)t r+p ... (4.26) ]e-( p'' r+p As t ? ? , the steady state solution can be expressed as the following: 104 P(O) =.(4.27) r+ r+p r~p Therefore the average production rate is p(1)p or rp r+p The other example of continuous time discrete state Markov process is known as the M/M/1 queue. Consider a situation that a queuing system with infinite amount of storage space. Products arrive according to a Poisson process, which means the time interval between two consecutive parts is exponential distributed. The arrival rate of products is A, which means if a product arrives at time s, the probability that a product arrives at during the time interval [s + t,.s + t + t] is e-&2A&t. The system service rate is p , which means that if a product leaves at time s and the buffer is not empty, the probability that another product leaves the system during time interval [s + t,.s + t + t] is e-"put . The system evolving equation is the following p(n, t + 3t) = p(n - 1,t)A&t+ p(n + 1,t)put + p(n,t)(1 - (Aitt + p&)) + o(St), forn > 0 ... (4.28) And the boundary condition is p(O,t + t) = p(l, t)p(t + p(O,t)(1 - A&) + o(St) ... (4.29) The system differential equation and boundary condition then can be derived as the following: ?p(n, t) p(n -,t)A + p(n +1, t)p - p(n, t)(A + p), for n > 0 ... (4.30) ?t and ?t =P -A, p(1t t)p - p(0, t)A ... (4.31) If a steady state distribution exists, it should satisfy the balance equation and boundary condition, which are 105 0 = (4.32) p(n -1I)A + p(n + 1)p - p(n)(A + p) , n > 0 ... and 0 = p(l)p + p(O)A ... (4.33) the solution for the above equation considering the boundary condition is p(n)=( )() p p =(I- p)P", n > 0, p = -.. P (4.34) the expected storage level be calculated according to different p values: if p <1: n=? np(n) i-p P-A if p?1 n = By applying Little's law to the expected queuing product number, the average delay experienced by each product is T= 1 Figure 4- 4 shows the relationship between average waiting time and the arrival rate A, where service rate p equals 1. 106 Delay in M/M/1 Queue 120 ------ 100E 80 60 40 20 0 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 1 0.8 Arrival Rate Figure 4- 4: Relationship between the delay of a M/M/1 queue with arrival rate It can be seen from Figure 4- 4 that when the arrival rate approaches to service rate, the average storage level will go infinite. A mathematical interpretation of this phenomenon is that the M/M/l queue is a special case of random walk. When the arrival rate is equal to the service rate, the random walk becomes symmetric and hence recurrent in any state. Under this situation the process has equal probability to be anywhere therefore the expected storage value is infinite. The M/M/I model shows that, to avoid the storage going to very large, the machine service rate should always be larger than the production arrival rate. 4.2 Transfer line analysis based on stochastic models 4.2.1 Introduction of Transfer Line Analysis Transfer line is a simplification of a manufacturing system that composes linear connections of machines and buffers, as show in Figure 4- 5. Mu F : 4-M2Set of M3 Figure 4- 5: Schematic of a transfer line 107 M4f-+ If the machines in a transfer line are perfectly reliable, they can be designed to operate at the same speed therefore the whole line is synchronized and buffers are not necessary. However, since all machines will eventually fail and a failed machine need to be repaired, if there is no buffer between machines, failures of any machine will stop the entire transfer line. The introduction of buffers would dampen this effect. When upstream machine is broken down, the downstream machine can still work by pulling products from the buffer in between; on the other hand, if d own stream machine is down, the upstream machine also can keep working by storing products in the buffer. The buffers between machines act as decouplers that greatly reduce the dependency between adjacent machines. Intuitively, the bigger the buffers are, the less chance that the machines will be starved or blocked due to the failure of other machines. Therefore big buffers tend to increase the production rate of the line since the machines have more working time. However, as shown in the previous analysis of M/M/1 queue, the higher the buffer level, the longer the average waiting time would be. Therefore the major goal for the study of transfer line stochastic model is to show quantitatively how buffer size will affect the production rate and leadtime (summation of all waiting time through the entire line). 4.2.2 Zero Buffer and Infinite Buffer Model Zero and infinite buffer transfer lines are two extreme cases for transfer line study. Despite of their lacking of realisticity, the analysis of these models is valuable because they essentially determine the upper and lower bounds of production rate that a finitebuffer transfer line can reach. The machine operating times of zero and infinite buffer are assumed to be constant and equal to unit time. Machines can only fail when they are working and can be repaired only when they are down. Both the up time and down time are assumed to be geometric distributed. The probability that machine M fails during a unit time interval when it is operating is pi, and the probability of machine M, is repaired when it is down is r.. By convention another important assumption is made: the first machine in the transfer line is 108 pulling products from an infinite source therefore it is never starved; the last machine is sending products to an infinite sink therefore it is never blocked. It is also defined that r. ei = ... (4.35) r + pi to be the isolated efficiency of machine Mi. Zero buffer transfer line The analysis of zero buffer transfer line is relatively simple. Since there are no buffers between machines, the production of all machines in the line are totally coupled. When one machine fails the entire line is blocked. It is assumed that no two machines may fail simultaneously, therefore by the operational failure assumption only one machine may be down at any time. Assume machine M, has been down m times during long time interval T. Therefore the total down time for the transfer line is the summation of each individual machine's down time: k D= ' , k is the number of machines in the transfer line. i=1 r, So the total up time for the line is approximately k m. U=T- ? -' ... (4.3 6) r. i=1 Consider the operational failure assumption, if the time interval T is long enough, the following relationship between m and p, holds: k ... (4.37) U= T - U 1 r, or, U 1 = EODF T . k 1 kP 1+ 7 j=1 109 r (4.38) EODF is the efficiency of the transfer line since it measure the number of products that can be produced in a unit time interval. It can be seen that it is the ratio '-of each ri machine that affects the overall efficiency of the whole line rather than the individual pi or r.. If a machine is replaced with a new one with higher p, and r but fixed ratio of the two, the line efficiency is not changed. This conclusion, however, is generally not true for finite buffer transfer line. Infinite buffer transfer line Consider a two-machine line with an infinite buffer in between. Suppose the average production rate of the first machine is u, and for the second machine is u2 In the case that ul < u 2 , which means the second machine consumes faster than the first machine produces, it is expected that the buffer will be frequently empty, the production rate of the two machine line will depend on the how many products can the first machine produce in a long run. Consequently, in the case that u1 > u2 , which means the second machine is slower than the first machine, the buffer will go infinite in a long run since the second machine cannot consume as many products as the first machine can produce. The production rate of the line therefore depends on how many products can the second machine produce in a long run. As a summary, the production rate of a two-machine line with unequal isolated production rate machines (unbalanced two-machine line) equals to the production rate of the slower one. Complexity arises when the isolated production rate of the two machines are equal (a balanced two-machine line). In this case the two machines have exactly the same average performance, and the scenarios that the first machine is faster than the second and the second machine is faster than the first is equally likely to happen. Intuitively it can be imagined that the inventory behaves like neither of the unbalance line cases, it will fluctuate widely. A rigorous mathematical proof can show that the expected buffer level of a balanced twomachine line is infinite. And the production rate of the line is exactly equal to the individual isolated production rate. 110 The two-machine line analysis can be applied to analyze more complicated long transfer lines with infinite buffers. Consider a long transfer line with more than two machines. It can always be broken down with two parts with different production rate. Since the product rate of the line is determined by the slower part, the fast part can therefore be discarded. By keep breaking the long line into smaller parts, the slowest two-machine line can be finally reached, and that would be the product rate of the entire line. If, in a special case where all machines in the line are operating at the same speed, the buffer level would fluctuate widely with infinite expectation value and the line production rate will equal to the production rate of each individual machine [Gershwin 1994]. 4.2.3 General Assumptions of Finite Buffer Transfer Line Analysis It is worthwhile to have some discussion about the general assumptions that adopted by finite buffer transfer line analysis. These assumptions essentially define the context where the analysis can be applied. When the actual system is not close the situation postulated in these assumptions, caution needs to be taken since the validity of the analysis result may deteriorate. 1. Line balancing. The transfer line stochastic models assume no yield loss, which means that the machines are not producing any defective products. Under this situation, there is no reason to have machines with different production rate in the transfer line, otherwise the faster machines will always need to wait for the slower machines. Therefore all machines should be designed to have equal isolated production rate, which is usually referred as line balancing. 2. Infinite repair resources. By assuming the repair processes of each individual broken machine are independent, the transfer line models essentially assume infinite repair resources. The repair process therefore can be viewed as purely machine character that has nothing to do with system-wide properties. 3. Independent machine failures. This assumption is analogous to the previous one. The failure of one machine has no effect on the status of the other machines. This assumption also excludes the issues such as power failure that could have effect on all machines. 111 4. Infinite input and output into and from the transfer line. As discussed before, the transfer line models assume that there is an infinite material source before the first machine therefore it is never starved and there is an infinite sink after the last machine therefore it is never blocked. 4.2.4 Deterministic Two-Machine Line The two-machine line is the simplest but non-trivial case of transfer line. Long transfer line analysis is based on the two-machine line analysis by conducting line decomposition that has been mentioned is section 4.2.2. Since long transfer line is actually a simulationbased approximation of two-machine line analysis, it will not be addressed in this chapter. In the two-machine deterministic transfer line model, the process state is defined as s (n, a, a 2 ) , where n is the buffer level (0 ? n ? N) and a, is the status of machine i (i =1,2, ai = 0,1) . It can be found that some of the states are transient in a sense that they cannot be reached from any other state except themselves or other transient states. Table 4- 1 lists all of the transient states in a deterministic transfer line model. (0,1,0) (N,0,0) (0,1,1) (N,0,1) (0,0,0) (N,1,1) (1,1,0) (N-1,0,l) Table 4- 1: Transient stats in a two-machine transfer line model By convention, it is also assumed that the repair rates for the first and the second machines are r and r2 , respectively and the failure rates for the first and the second machines are p, and P2 The lower boundary (n ? 1) equations of system evolvement are the following: p(0,0,1) = (1- r)p(0,01) + (1 - r)r 2 p(1,0,0) + (1 - r,)(1 - P2 )p(,O,) + p 1 (1- P 2 )P(1,1,1) 112 p(1,0,0) = (1 - r)(l - r2 )p(1,0,0) + (1 - i)p 2 p(,0,1)+ p+p 2 pl,,l) (1 - r)r2 p(2,0,0) (1- r )(l p(1,0,1) - p 2 )p(2,0,1) + plr 2p(2,1,0) + p, (1 - p 2 )p(2,1,1) p(1,1,1) = rip(0,0,1)+ r r2 p(1,0,0) + r (1 - p 2 )p(1,0,1) + (I - p)( p(2,1,0) = r (1 - r2 )p(1,,0) + rp 2 p(l,0,) + (1- - p 2 )p(lll) p1 )p 2 pl1,11) ... (4.39) The internal (2 ? n ? N - 2) system evolving equations are the following: p(n,0,0) = (1- r)(1 - r2 )p(n,0,0) + (1 - ri)P2(p(n,0,1) + p, (1 - r2 )p(n,1,0) + pp 2p(n,1,l) p(n,0,1) = (1 - r)r 2p(n +1,0,0) + (1- r0)(1 - p 2 )p(n +1,0,1) + p, r2p(n +1,1,0) + p, (1 - p 2 )p(n + 1,1,1) p(n,10) = r (1 - r 2 )p(n - 1,0,0) + r p 2 p(n - 1,0,1) + (1 - p)(1 - r2 )p(n - 1,1,0) + (1 - p1 )p 2 p(n - 1,1,1) p(n,1,1) = rr2 p(n,0,0) + r,(1- p 2 )p(n,0,1) + (1 - p)r 2 p(n,1,0)+ (1- P 1 - p 2 )p(n,1,1) ... (4.40) The upper boundary equations are p(N - 2,0,1) (1 - ri)r 2 p(N - 1,0,0) + plr2 p(N - 1,1,0) + p (1- p 2 )p * N - 1,1,1) p(N - 1,0,0) = (1 - ri)(1 - r2 )p(N - 1,0,0) + p, (1 - r 2 )p(N - 1,1,0) + pp p(N - 1,1,0) = r(1 p(N - 1,1,1) - 2 p(N - 1,1,1) r2 )p(N - 1,0,0) + p (1 - r2 )p(N - 1,1,0)+ p+p 2 p(N - 1,1,1) r r 2p(N - 1,0,0) + (1 - p)r 2p(N - 1,1,0) + (1 - P1)(1 - p 2 )p(N - 1,1,1) + r2p(N,1,0) p(N,1,0) = r,(1 - r2 )p(N - 1,0,0) + (1 - p)(l - r2 )p(N - 1,1,0 + (1 - p1 )p 2 p(N - 1,1,1) + (1 - r2 )p(N,1,0) ... (4.41) and finally the normalization is the following: N 1 1 ? n 113 1 =Oa2Op2=0 p(n,a9,a2) ... (4.42) The efficiency E,of machine M, is defined as the probability that it can do production at any time. Therefore the efficiency El is defined as the probability that machine M, is up and not blocked, which is: El =9 p(n,al,a2) ...-(4.43) n<N a1 =1 E2 is therefore the probability that machine M 2 is up and not starved: E 2 = ? p(n, a, a 2 ) ... (4.44) n>0 a2 =1 Since the buffers are infinite, the efficiency of the two machines must be equal to each other, otherwise the buffer level would eventually goes to zero or infinite. A rigorous mathematical proof can also support this conclusion. Therefore efficiency of the transfer line is hence equal to the efficiency of the machines. E=EI= E ... (4.45) This property is called conservation of flow, which means that the same amount of products will flow through every machine in the line. 114 0.4' 0.4 0.3 .06- , ---- r1 = 0.14- 0-- - 3 - 50 r1 = 0.12 = 0 .1 1 =0.08~rl=00 200 150 100 N Figure 4- 6: Relationship between line efficiency and buffer size [Gershwin 1994] Line efficiency E can be calculated by solving the system evolving equations. A numerical result is shown in the following figure, which demonstrates the effects of buffer size N and the repair rate r, of machine M 1 . The system parameters are p, = 0.1, r2 = 0.1, and p 2 = 0.1. Figure 4- 6 shows the line efficiency-buffer size relationships under different r, values 0.14,0.12,0.10,0.08 and 0.06 from the top curve to the bottom curve. Note that the line is balanced when r equals 0.10. When r < 0.10 the first machine is less efficient than the second machine therefore the line efficiency is approaches the Mi 's efficiency when N gets large, which is = 0.5. When ri +p 1 r > 0.10, machine M 2 is the slower among the two and therefore the line's asymptotic efficiency is determined by M 2 's efficiency 2 r2 + p 2 value. 115 , which varies with different r2 4.2.5 Exponential Two-Machine Line In the previous discussion on deterministic transfer line analysis, the machine cycle time is deterministic and constant. However, in real situation this assumption might not hold and the cycle time may vary according to some probability distribution each time the machine processes a product. Exponential two-machine model is established on the assumption that the machine cycle time is exponential distributed and therefore the stochastic process that governs the system evolving becomes continuous time, discrete state type. Introducing the new parameter p,, i = 1,2, which is the exponential distribution parameter for each machine, the system evolving equations can be derived as the following: p(n,0,0)(r1 + r2 ) = p(n,,O)p 1 + p(n,O,1)p 2 p(0,0,0)(r1 + r2 ) = p(N,0,0)(r + r2 ) p(O,1,O)p 1 = p(N,Ol)p 2 p(n,0,1)(r, + P2 + P 2 ) = p(n,O,O)r 2 +P(n,1,)p + p(n 1,,1)p p(0,0,1)r = p(OOO)r 2 2 + p(0,1,1)p + p(Ol)p 2 p(N,0,1)(r, +P 2 + p 2 ) = p(N,O,O)p 2 p(n,1,0)(p, + p, + r2 ) = p(n - 1,1,0)pl + p(n,O,O)r + p(nll)p2 p(O,1,0)(p1 + P1 + r2 ) p(0,,0)r p(N,1,0)r2 = p(N - 1,1,O),u + p(N,0,0)r + p(N,1,l)p p(n,1,1)(p, + p 2 p 2 + P2) = p(n - 11,l)pl + p(n ±,111"P2 + p(n,1,O)r 2 + p(n,0,1)r, p(O,1,1)(p1 + PI) = p(1,1,1)p 2 + p(0,1,O)r 2 + p(0,,1)r p(N,1,1)(p ... (4.46) 116 2 + P2) = p(N - 1,1,1)pl + p(N,1,0)r2 + p(N,0,1)r Similar to the deterministic case, the efficiency of machine is defined as the probability that the machine can produce a product at any time: 1 N-1 El = ?9 p(n,l, a 2 ) n=O a 2 =0 N I ? p(n, al,1) E 2 =? n=1 a 1 =O ... (4.47) The normalization is equation is N 1 1 ? ? ? p(n,aj,a2)= n=O a1 =0a 2=0 ... (4.48) and the conservation of flow is expressed as pIEl = p12E2 . (4.49) Line efficiency is again defined as the flow rate of the both machines. By solving the system evolving equations and plugging the probabilities into the flow rate expression, the relationships between line efficiency, buffer size and machine parameter can be determined. 4.3 Stochastic Model Analysis in a System Design Point of View The transfer line stochastic model analysis demonstrates many valuable insights for manufacturing system design, which are summarized as the following: 1. A manufacturing machine line should be designed as balance as possible to avoid faster machines waiting for slower machine. 2. The production rate of the line (efficiency) increases as the repairing rate increases and the failure rate decreases. 3. The variation in machine cycle time and unreliability is the root cause for the high buffer level between machines. 117 The analysis insights actually present the functional requirements to design a satisfactory manufacturing system. System design parameters (methodologies) to satisfy these functional requirements are addressed in detail in the rest of this section. 4.3.1 Line Balancing From the line balancing point of view, it will be ideal that all production processes have very close operation cycle time, therefore the line is naturally balanced. However this is rarely the case in real situation. Due to the machine design constraints or special process requirements, some processes need longer or shorter cycle time than other processes, in which case the line is not naturally balanced and design work needs to be done to achieve line balancing. A commonly used methodology for line balancing is called work loop design. The idea for this methodology is that although the machine cycle times may differ from each other, there are always ways that the combinations of some of these cycle times be close to each other. Figure 4- 7 demonstrates an example of work loop design. 118 Assembly Cell Storage/container Operation ell Conveyor Figure 4- 7: Work loops in a cellular layout manufacturing system As shown in Figure 4- 7, there are I1I machines in the manufacturing cell. In order to balance the line, 5 work loops are designed to operate the I1I operations. Therefore even the I1I operations may have different cycle times, by designing work loops and machine layouts, balanced work loop cycle times can be achieved. Another benefit of operation the cell in a work loop manner is that not only the line can be balanced, but also the loop cycle time can be changed by adding or retrieving operators from the cell. For example, new work loops can be designed with 4 operators in operating the cell with a longer loop cycle time than before. The following two figures show MMCs of two different work loop designs for one manufacturing cell. The first design has 10 operators with a balanced loop cycle time of 70 seconds and the second design has 14 operators with a balanced loop cycle time of 40 seconds. 119 Operalur: PART: U24 Gear PROCESS TIME (sec Operator 1(-1) Start shaline 1 (2) Load housing 1(0)Install check valne 1 (1) Load pinion bearingand seal (auto cycle) 2 (A Grab rack and assemble ret ring 2() Change racks and press PS to swage racks 2 (4)Push pallet into rack insertion station, load rack into station. prose P S 2 (2) Tq. shrt tumline Q1t), St. long turntine (both) 19. shrt turnline (rght), tg. Long tureline (both) 5.333 .41 3. 1b.5 ~Preto P.6, to lift pateS, 1q. Bashing, ins. Busht. trnext op. press P.28 3 s 3 (.) Raise pallet lift &notate 90 dg S 2)Retrisee teols 8.insert rakve, replace tools, neat clip. P.8 to tower lift &ret. 4 4 A 4 4 4 55 8.333 19 83 32 " 28 ... . 1425 37 (1) Press palm buttons to raise pallet . . 5.5 6 (11) Toruapinion cap_ 5 )l1) 89 1 leak test (including transfer time) S(11) Load yoke components 5 (11) Rotate 90 dag 5 . ... 118 . Pres palm beuttons to seat cip (6) Palm buttons to raise pallet (6) Torque nut. (28) Apply grease (8) Press palm batton to lower pallet (28) Rotate & release pallet (7) Load nput earing. sa and enap ring Auto 6 2.05 18 31 42) ( 80 80 50 45 17 3.3 37803 41J11 30 20 10 Man Walk Auto 1.5 1 10.5 6 12 3 14 2.13 (St. No.) OPERATION - Sequence as described Matk goar wth pin, -3. 13,33 2 4.333 5 (11) Install yoke 5 (11) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 8 (11) Rotate back 80d 8 (11) Press palm button to realease 5 9J) Insert tie rods into machine 2.6E7 1.18 7..1.1. .. (12) Auto bumish rack teeth (14) Mash laud and final set .1. A and 18 combined Qncludiog tranfer 17) Functional Testa yoke. .Stake . . . . . . time) (21 Retrieve and grease boot 6 P1) Grease one boot grocve 8 (21) Rotatsl7ldeg 8(21)install boot 6 (21) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool, torque jam nut with pallet bocki 70 dg.... (21) Mn ore b5S(21Rotate 6 (21) Press palm button 8 to lower & rel. . .. . ...... ..... Ill ........... Ih 1.5 tt 8 Place travel restrictor and press palm buttons 7 (22) Retrieve boot and place t on greaser (can be pertonned as part appnsaches) 7 (22) Grease one bost groves 7(22) Place plastic clip and cut with tool 7 (22) Rotate pallet 70 deg. 7 (22) Install bool 7 (2) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, p lace ti nn Clip with tool, torque jam nut with tool 7 22) Rotate patet buck 7dgg . . . . . .. . 7 (22) Press palm buttons to lower & ret pallet ..... ..... 28 1.5 05 pallet ......... ... ........... . 2 ........... ...... 8 17 B 1:5 20 . 5 . 8 (23) Retrieve breather tube & dip 8 23) Install breather tube ... .5 P)2 Crimp tie rod boots clips Grab tie rod ends 8 3) Install rght tee red end 8 (23) Install left tie rod and 8 (23) Press palm buttons to ral. pallet 8 Rotate pallet 10 deg. atead of atest 8 23) 1 105 15 9.333 2:13 2.13 9 (24)Place centenog too & raise 9 (24) Press palm buttons to lift pallet 9 4) Torque right tie rod and 9 24) Torque lol tie rod end 9 (24) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 95)Install plugs 9 25Mark gearwith pin . 2. . 77 .13 13 1 5 2.11 1 2.11 . 10 (28 Bushings in Load gear from holder 1i (2) 1 @ Press palm buttons 10 (25) Unclamp gear from previous station 15 (26) Lease gear at holder 10 R) Unload finished gear to current unload area and mark gear w dh p in. 15 Pack gear to dunnage 9 1. 15.5 1 13.25 11.5 66 - 1... 2 4 Figure 4- 8: MMC of work loop design with 10 operators [Oropeza 2001] 120 PART: U2014 Gear PROCESS Operator 141 Operaors: TIME J Man Walk Auto (St. No.) OPERATION - Sequence as described 1 (-l) Start shortline (both ends) 1 Load housin 1 (t) Install check calve 15.5 16 5 2(1) Load pinion beanng and seal (auto 2(2) St long turmline (both ends) end 3 (3)st ohrt lurnline (rglht Long ,q (both ends) to lift pallet tq Bushing, 6 1 3+ 1 16 1 16 .1- iH II 1' F 92 B r III H Il-4l- il- lower lift& i raise pallet S(7)Lsad iput bearigseal and snap rng, press PB to initiate auto cycle P (B) Torque nut and apply grease (simultaneously with both hands) PEI) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 6 PB) Rotate & release pallet i "-,i t r-i i Ti i1 2 105 19.63 2 325 Il -t-t t[44- 4 (11) Press palm . ....-..... button 2 to - ii i's 2 (21) 9(21) Mark gear with . jam 70 deg, nut, place tinn Clip with tool, tq 22 1 1l 6 nut with jam 1010111 .44 4 . 144 .. L r 4 4 .11111- 11 +mit ' 7 ii i liilitill T i I I i I*TF lT TIT1 tiit T 6i......rI'l'iTili . u i rIi n L .L .U t 4- I . i 1 1 i lH i ii HIIllIII . .W1i . [11411141 I 111111411 T.I lii l I irilK.--1. 1i11 iill Hill t 1" I 111411111 I LILL I liijl ... .I.ilIi 5 i 62 1114 1114 11114,111 14 111 41 .. 1...1 H 11114114 Ilill T T -- - i 41141414 IllillilI 11111111 6 A 14 1 1 1 4L .1 I. ii i T 1 +1+ LILIILI r + 11 liiI li lilillil | ili I l kil ll[ II 1 1 1 llilllllllH11l1lll o ri-il T Io I ll'4 11 1 ! IT 14'lt . - 2 2 o ri 0-n1111 in IT 11in ITItlIT! 'T I OI I IT 'iiTl I 1 -1-t- H 1t -P 1ItH - 1i l H t 1 ttt -tt +14 *1 II-. .111 1+1* 4-41 41 41-4 4 4I. . tLi .. LitILIi 1±11411 I .. lllll1llll1l11lllldtlllllllll I M1T6 I t r-on- 1 ILIII . l_ iilili I"II" '4-W i1 W 1414111U' ll I 1 1 1 1 1 0 ) . . . .1 ITT 1 ~ n~i I l-H1 .1 i ll 14144111. Hnl 111111 I! ! l H Hill T 1 44 1 W .1 l li T! -ill iiIil 111111114 ilt?.1111 4_4'_ 4 I l 1411114 1114t~T ' r , MTt ~tfiI.~it r -!- i lT li I IA I ir - I--.I ....... l.H+ * .Li 141±1.411 I Vtt H 4t+ ttIiti I I- 41 1 l 111 Lt I 1 5 rtetT i~r Tin i i W1 _ n n 1 I ! !! n.. n rt.. ... ......... l I W t.. ,1v I TintiTi- ,t,-tori d~-ti I1 11111.!11 iH. I I ! 1.. . . . f41 411 1 I. L 41111414 li)im11111141111 Irilll I H H 1+ 4 4 .4 1 11414411ll114141111 M Hilillil tn t t .i.... W t Hit if t + H lit.A I r.ITI '17171ITIT T I TT'IT ITTU TIIT1111 1TTTT1T T- -17 1 TI rmnTTii-.t it" lfl 11.iiT ... .. + f rl-+ -i+1+ri H+l n illO lT 4 li l-. -I 1T 1 .... 10 n in L 17T 11Tim.. UI i i tit .. f 14 11 1 44144 r tntn t't 1. H- iil m i n It4 1 44-...-1-. I. I . 41 4 U111Q11144 I _1(* i WI . TIItTit 011101 41144 i ti T'qtJ'III T 10 4 7 1 r:. iii 4111' l i Iin11111 1!ii lfIff ...... 1-1ii i-I1111 41 6 holder n17 IIlll'I ,6 6.667 i in at. into current unload area, load now gear from i f TrT r1 trrilr IIT 71~ I+-H+ tI .9+ 9 H -HI i414144 - i +±4±i9 i*4-i + i-im.-4*4 Li ii U 1 i 1411114 . I titittI I -trrt r-ni-rtns -r- Ti 11111414 1.5 15,5 I UOri-II I.III 100 111 La4 11 6 1.5 11 14 (6) Mark finished gear with pin. 14 Pack gearto dunnage i 4 1"1 Figure 4- 9: MMC of work loop design with 14 operators [Oropeza 2001] 121 !!11! 8'5 leave itat holder at next station gear fros 11 " 4. lower pallet 14(25) Press palm buttons i- 1 I Tirtrit-i 8H 12 (24) Place cente ng tool & raise 12 (24)Preos palrn buttaons alit pallet 12 (24) Torque rght lie rod and 12 (24) Torque left tie rod end Unload finished itiiI TITI 1, TI-r' *7 1 H .1It H 1 1 il tool 14 4 0,5 a lle t 4 i r Mil ii-ti MtM-i 1iiO-lf--i-M--it-l +1i i-ti- I+iti4llit i iti H-i .............. 16 . ........ ....u.. U.I44414 44444 41 44 4 1.1,-414-1. I 'I 1 i ti,4110tLI i il lI U i LJ,, 4i iITi 414.144-14444 Ill 1144-I 1i4 1 11111 114 1 ,11-tt '141 11 (23) Retieve breather tube & dip (can be done pror to pallet arrval4 11 (2) Install breather tube 11 (23) C mp tie rod boots clips 11 b3) Kit tie rod ends to pallet o r e l1 p b u tt o n s.t 1 1 ( 2 3 ) P re ss p a lm i ltilil ~~~~~~ 1 pallet i _ L [ulu iill 1114 [FHTI Fi .11144A1111 13 (2) Install plugs 13 (25) Mark gear with pin 13 (25)Unlarnpgear and 11UU 1 1 1 2.5 pin I 14 Li 1.5 boat 12 (24) Press palm buttons to -- 16 TITI IOOII rrlTrrrqT TI 44-4144 Ui L oiLLL 4 9 (21) Press palm button to lower & rel Bushings l l! UL!l!! 10 (22)Retneve boaot and place it on greaser (can be performed as part approaches) . B 10(22) Grease one boot groove 4 1.5 10(R2) Rotate pallet 70 deg. W . 10 (22)Install boot 104- '1144414 tool 144 10 (21) Inset tinner-nan clip, st jam nut, place tinn Clip with tool, 1q jam nut with 1.5 Rotate pallet back 70 deg. 10 (22) 0.5 10 (22) Press palm buttons to lower & rel. pallet 2 i TT . 1 TTr TIT 1 groove 9 (21) Rotate pallet back () i 1 1 1 11 1 i_ . 1010311£ TLL1l Ltifl th 101 I boot 9P1) Insert tinnerman clip, st i 4 1 1401-14 1 . 1.U ! 1. U 1. !J tllll_2ll Ill IlIll l I I l IljIlI 11111111 15 +d|iiiill I-lil- i i ..lii .... I.. niv444 V 44144444 44 444 34 75 ililli i ITi-TT 1T6r 0T1 ITTOItTI OtOt torI-fI roIotTt TTritrtI oMr-inT 6.87 23 press ph and preos p.b i liii I. ii Install i r II . . .[ill4.....4'i r 41±1. 11414 4 . 1, 11 1 144.141 '4 il III II III III 11 'l til HH i 10 _l 111H1 1 1 1 5ll To 1.. (11) I .i ni.-i -. ni Ii ll.. i-ri ri niTi..i n ii 4 +4 Pi 4 -II +P4+ i 44*44+ 144*4H*i4 .Li 4 ... l .. ' I i .4 i 4 1 ... LI...iu .I. .i. I i..ii. .i ... i.i. ..... i i i o i iiii iii 4+4 *4+ ..... L .l .I.." 31 9 (21) Rotate 70 deg. 14 14 n iii li 2.. S(2) tnsert tie rods into machine and o (21) Place travel restnrctor, put strap 9 4'4 i. .... i ..... . 1:5 realease [i ii -+4-+ + 44444 tL Ul L boat . tI ...... 1.5 deg l Stake yoke one 41 lilt -- iii iiiii Pi-t~l " 6 1.1444 T r.l ' "n M n1 Tri 1 rionirrrrn fltiTfl rfif'-hInniririr~niiiiir' ..11 101 load and final set 9 (21) Grease r i ' .44 .... 41. ll I Ii il lower pallet - r - - teth 9 21) Retnev and grease i i 7 1i i llIt, 171 " TI ...... .. to raise pallet r -I.4.41-1. 4 iiii ..... .. I.. .. it T, 15 (16 & 17) Effective transfer time (counting the two tests) (11 & 17) Functional Test 16A and 16B combined (ncluding tranfrtime) (19) III4. .JJ4J-i 295 llL (14) Mesh dr -f- T -f 41 1-1m i 37,25 (11) Mark gear with pin (12) Autoburnish rack t t . 11Th tI'0T 0 ii r ri k1 4 i t r.r.. 41L 1 ! i'ttrriii 11 iili -dd44 2..... 1.5 L T " 12 25irri 7 (11) Torque pinion cap 7(11) Install yoke 7 (11) Press palm buttons to back 90 7 (11) Rotate 7 1 i4H u tiiiiiii tiiiui1i1 iriiiiii Y. fr!V ittt r r .1i it-lItTIr -114144,1 T 7 "1 tt iiti ir_ir__uii__i_ 15 leak leost (including transfer time), 7(11) Load yoke components 711) Rotates 90 dag buttons 7 (11) Press palm i- r uI . 26 ii I! ii )Aut -l 'ii ' ' I'I 7T1, I t t .1 17T1 t i ii 44,44 ii lii' l i ill 6 b)Press palm buttons to seat clhp and 4 141441 u 41 11 1 5 26.5 rel ti I L i 4 L 4 " : iii iii h1711:1i 1:14-LI l14 1 2 11 45 17 deg I rr . r 1 2 install bushing for next op, press P tools, t1 + L 30 4r51'oF-- 5 (A)Raise pallet lift & rotate 90 5 (A) Retrieve tols & insert valve, replace 20 100.0=1T- 14 1592 21 3 (5C) Retrieve swaged rack from new station (between st 3 and 4) 3(4) Load rack into station, push pallet into rack insertion station, press P. 4 () Press P. 4 ) Seat clip 10 1.3 Takt time 34 sec for 15% dow ntimae 30 40 5 60 70 30 i 01IT10 'IIT, IT o 1 7r 1ro~ tint -1' tH-1-11 H14H H T ti i '.1414 cycle) turnhlne )ter - " ItO i lit lii it. i-I-li-i 4.3.2 High Repairing Rate In stochastic models discussed previously, the repairing rate is referred as the probability that a failed machine can be fixed in a unit time interval. In the actual system, this rate is determined by how fast the maintenance personnel can identify and response a problem that has occurred in the system. In most of the mass production manufacturing systems, problem identification and resolution is conducted in a very complex hierarchical system. For example, when a machine is broken, the operator is not authorized to do anything but file either a paper or electrical report to his/her line supervisor. The line supervisor then sends a maintenance requirement to the maintenance supervisor, who usually belongs to an independed department. The maintenance supervisor will usually check their reports every day or every shift and then plan their maintenance schedule, which includes which maintenance person to be sent to fix the problem and what material should be prepared. The maintenance person will go to the broken machine at his/her scheduled time and get it fixed. The entire repairing process can easily take a day or more. This process can be viewed as an action chain that is shown below: Solution Problem Line Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor Supervisor Personnel Operator Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 Figure 4- 10: Action chain with multiple connections There are three connections between the problem being identified by the operator and the personnel solve it. Each connection will take a certain amount of time. The more connections between problem identification and resolution, the lower the repairing rate would be, and hence the lower the efficiency of the line will be. 122 Clearly, an effective way to increase repairing rate is to shortening the action chain therefore to shorten the time needed to fix a problem. In Toyota Production System, information board (Andon board) is used to achieve fast problem identification and resolution. Figure 4- 11: Example of Andon board The figure above shows a very simple model of information board. All machine status is shown in the bottom row of the board. A green light means the process is in problem-free operation while a red light shows there is a problem in a specific process. More complex information board may be used in actual production that uses different color lights to show different nature of the problem that has occurred. An alarm will be triggered when a red light is going on. The information boards will be installed in many placed in the plant all people can be notified when problems occur. During production, when the operator identifies a problem he/she will turn the red light on in the information board. The maintenance person, who also has information board around, will be immediately notified the place where the problem occurs and what is the 123 nature of the problem. He/she therefore will immediately go to the broken process and solve the problem. The action chain for this repairing process is shown in the following figure. Solution Problem Operator k Maintenance Personnel Connection 1 Figure 4- 12: Shortened action chain with one connection Fast problem resolution also requires that the maintenance personnel can solve the problem in an effective and predictable way, which requires the non -ambiguity of how to solve a specific problem and time variation between different maintenance people to be eliminated. Standardized working instruction sheet is the design solution to meet this requirement. Instead of leaving the problem solution to people, standardized work sheet lists out instructions and sequence of operations that the operator should follow. In this way, the best way to do work can be predefined and formulated as "rules". By following standardized work instructions, the work will be done in the most effective way and human based variation can be eliminated. The following figure shows an example of standardized working instruction sheet. 124 Standardized Work Department: 308 Lamination Activity Safety Equipment Check knob location I Glasses Ear Plugs I Gloves 1. On the control panel, move from AUTO to Manual 2. Take the template for the part you are checking from the hanger 3. Lay the template flush with the side of the windshield 4. Check to see if the knob is within the window of thetemplet 5. Check to see if the knob is "square" (not skewed/crooked) 6. Adjust the setup as necessary 7. Fill out check sheet 09 85 00 07 Figure 4- 13: Example of standardized work sheet [Cochran 2002] 4.3.3 Low Failure Rate The failure rate is defined as the possibility of a machine can break down in a unit time interval. Machine failure is a major source of production interruptions. In addition to machine down times, machine failures some times are difficult to notice and an out-ofcontrol machine can produce large amount of defective products before its problem being identified. In a real manufacturing system, machine failures usually due to lack of maintenance. Therefore a well-designed maintenance program is vital to maintaining a predictable production out. Standardized maintenance operations should be established to define effective and unambiguous steps the maintenance operators should follow. The following figure shows an example of standardized maintenance sheet. 125 Standardized Preventive Maintenance Department: 308 Pre-Lamination Equipment Requirement Check every 2 hours: not worn - V-belt conveyors - parating unit vacuum cups - auxiliary air knives on, positioned to wings - arm brushes & felt free of loose glass, not worn - templet position in arms - washer water temperature - washer water - conveyor centered, air on, not worn adequate distance from air base 100-140 F both valves on / adequate flow hain aligned, no missing roller/rubber Figure 4- 14: Example of standardized preventive maintenance sheet [Cochran 2002] 4.3.4 Role of Autonomous The stochastic models, similar to most of the mathematical models have been used in manufacturing system research, view the events in the system as independent and probabilistically distributed. The most fundamental assumption of stochastic process, as discussed in the beginning of this chapter, is that the occurrence of one event doesn't depend on the events that happened before the one just before the current event. And also the major parameter, such as the machine cycle time and the failure and repairing rates are probabilistic events whose probability distribution can be mathematically expressed. However these assumptions ignored a very important factor in a real manufacturing system: human autonomous. Human beings, not like machines, are autonomous and can have judgment and communications. Therefore it is questionable to use simple mathematical models to describe systems that involve human beings. For example, the queue theory that has been discussed in previous chapters shows that in a symmetric two-machine transfer line that has exactly the same machine parameters, the buffer level between them will eventually go infinity. However, this problem can be 126 easily solved by well-designed information and material flow in a manufacturing system. As discussed in Mondon's book Jidoka (autonomous), which means communication and help between upstream and down stream operators are one of two pillars of Toyota Production System. Voume and Mix Flexibil~ity Level and~ B alaiwe Production. Figure 4- 15: Toyota production system design model [Cochran 1999] In TPS operators' working loops, instead of machines, determine the cycle time of the production. And standard work in process (WIP) is established between to operator loops. When the downstream operator notices that he/she is faster than the upstream operator by observing that the SWIP level is dropping, he/she would either slow down (if it is because he/she works too fast) or go to help the upstream operator to speed up (if it is because the upstream operator has some problem). Since the two operators have equal average capacities, in this way they can absorbing their capacity discrepancies and keep the line balanced all the time. Therefore the SWIP between them can be kept constant and the production will be stable. A mathematical explanation of autonomous is that if considering human factors, the assumptions about independed events do not hold. Specifically, the discussion of some of the important assumptions are listed as the following: 127 1. The incoming and out coming products cannot be viewed as independent of machine status. As discussed just now, because of the communications between operators, the production output and input are decided by the operators which obviously dependent on machine status. Also, since the human judgment and mutual help is involved in the system, a fixed mathematical description of system parameters would not be appropriate. 2. The repairing rate and failure rate is not probabilistic. Because of fast problem identification procedures, standardized maintenance programs and operators' authorization on handling machine problems, machines can hardly fail during operation and repairing can be done in a fixed, standardized way. Therefore these parameters also hardly obey any mathematical distribution, especially exponential distribution, which assumes historical independent event. 3. Production cycle time is not probabilistic. Since it is the operators working loop rather than machine automatic cycle time determines the production cycle time, autonomousity can eliminate the production cycle time variation. In fact, each operator has his/her own pre-defined working loops and standardized operation sequence. If the operator finds that he/she is slower than the standardized pace, he/she will speed up to catch up; on the other hand, if he/she finds that he/she is faster that the schedule, he/she will slow down to meet the pace. Therefore the operator can keep a constant production cycle time rather than a probabilistic distributed one. 4. Defect rate is not probabilistic It has been widely believed that a manufacturing system cannot achieve perfect product quality. This statement is plausible in a mathematical point of view since defective product is assumed to be probabilistic distributed therefore no matter how good the system would be there is always positive probability that a defect can happen. TPS successfully achieved defect free production by combining autonomous and Poka-Yoke. The later term refers to defect-proof devices that installed in the manufacturing system. In addition to human based quality 128 checking system, the poke-yoke device physically prevents defective products from being produced. One example of a poka-yoke is a physical feature designed into the pallets, as shown in Figure 4- 16. For the housing part, the nest on the pallet has two small features that protrude into slots in the housing when it is seated. At one point in assembly, vanes are inserted into the slots. The vanes are purposely designed asymmetric therefore if the vanes are inserted upside-down, the pallet features prevent complete insertion. The subsequent assembly task will fail if the vane orientation is not corrected. This insertion makes it impossible for the operator to continue the process without noticing a defective product has been produced. VANE HOUSING PALLET NEST Figure 4- 16: Example of Poke-Yoke [Low, 2001] 4.4.4 Summary on Manufacturing System Analysis Manufacturing system analysis based on stochastic models is important in that they can show many quantitative insights among different system parameters such as repairing rate, failure rate and production cycle time. However, it is not enough to stop at the analysis level, as most research work did. It is more important to use these insights as the guidance to design a better manufacturing system. This is where the manufacturing system analysis and manufacturing system design meet. Manufacturing analysis shows how the system parameters affect the system performance, either in desired direction or undesired direction. System design therefore needs to find out appropriate design parameters that can facilitate the system to move towards the desired direction. 129 Manufacturing system analysis can, however, be part of the foundation of manufacturing system design. As discussed previously, some of the assumptions that the mathematical models adopted are too strong to be realistic in most of the situations, which could severely affect the validity the analysis result from those models. An appropriate conclusion about manufacturing system analysis and manufacturing system design would be: Manufacturing system analysis results can serve as a general guidance of the fundamental relationships of a manufacturing system. Manufacturing system design has to be customer requirement oriented and case specific. Trying to blindly apply the general quantitative result to guide a manufacturing system design would bound to be a miserable failure. 130 Chapter 5: Conclusion This thesis reviewed typical optimization-based methodologies that have been applied in guiding manufacturing system design. The models are studied in a system design point view by analyzing the system requirements they aim to achieve and design parameters they applied. Analysis result showed that the models are insufficient according to axiomatic design and hence lead to compromising system requirements and sacrificing overall system performance. Modifications were recommended to achieve decoupled design that ensures all system FRs can be fulfilled. A case study example was presented to show the effectiveness of system design methodology comparing to optimization result. The thesis also studied a most widely used manufacturing system analysis methodology based on stochastic process models. The model analysis results were compared with manufacturing design framework MSDD. The comparison showed MSDD FRs are consistent with the insights provided by stochastic process models. The limitation of manufacturing system analysis models was also discussed. These models strongly rely on assumptions therefore their analysis result may lose validity when system changes. The system design framework, however, is robust and generally applicable. The contribution of this thesis can be viewed in the following three aspects: 1. 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