TTU Faculty Challenge 2015: Talk Dairy To Me

TTU Faculty Challenge 2015: Talk Dairy To Me
When talking about dairy, there are
many strong opinions. Health claims
about milk in the media are
confusing. Research suggests that
dairy intake may reduce risks of
cardio vascular disease, and type 2
diabetes, and may improve blood
pressure and bone health. Low fat milk can be
a healthy alternative for high calorie drinks
such as sodas, sweet tea and energy drinks that
typically have little to no health benefits.
from your diet if you have LI. There are dairy
products with low to no lactose on the market
that you may find tolerable to eat for optimal
Tolerating Lactose:
The recommended intake for dairy is 3 servings
a day. Low fat milk contains at least 9 different
vitamins and minerals. (Calcium, Phosphorus,
Potassium, Vitamins A, B2, B3, B12, C, and D,
Zinc, and Protein)
Milk Measures Up:
Calcium: 3 cups of milk contain the same
amount of calcium as 30 cups of raw spinach.
Potassium: 3 cups of low fat milk contain the
same amount of potassium as 3 bananas.
Click on these resources for more nutrient
facts: Improve with Dairy Refuel Work Outs
Milk is not a replacement for fruits and
vegetables based on their similar benefits of
nutrients. A varied diet with fruits, vegetables,
lean protein and low fat dairy can help
support a healthy life style and provide
a wide range of benefits.
Got Allergies? Some people can
tolerate dairy where others cannot. As
we age, our ability to process dairy
may decrease. Milk and dairy
products contain a milk sugar called
Lactose. Lactose needs to be broken down by
an enzyme so our body can process it properly
in the digestive system. This enzyme is called
lactase. For people that do not make enough
lactase, they may be Lactose Intolerant (LI).
Lactose intolerance is Not a food allergy. There
is a medical test to determine if you are LI.
Speak to your health care professional for more
information about being tested.
Lactose Intolerant Signs and Symptoms may
happen within 30 minutes to 2 hours after
intake and present bloating, gas, diarrhea, pain
and nausea. You do not have to remove dairy
Sip it or Mix it- Drink smaller amounts
at a time and/or stir in your milk/dairy
with other foods such as cereals, oats,
and recipes.
Choose Right- Products with low
lactose (<1g): sour cream, hard and
cream cheeses. Ferment products such
as Greek yogurt (4g) might be more
tolerable due to the active cultures
they contain. (Milk is high in lactose
with 12g)
Supplement- Taking a digestive
enzyme that contains lactase can help
with processing dairy.
Try lactose free milk and other lactose free dairy
products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and
ice cream.
Check these sites: Lactose Amounts in
Common Dairy Products Dairy Allergies: Milk Dairy
Allergy Products
Another added bonus from milk is the cost. Just
one glass of low fat milk is about .25 cents.
Heart Talk: Lower fat dairy may help with lowering
cholesterol levels.
Campus Tips:
Sam’s Places, Market, Commons Low fat
and chocolate milk, lactose free milk, soy
milk, Greek yogurt, low fat yogurt.
Smart Choices SUB, Market BYO: Yogurt
Einstein’s® Low fat cream cheese options
Smart Choices at Horn/Knapp yogurt and
fresh Greek yogurt ranch dressing
Fresh Plate, Market low fat Fro Yo
Cold Corner can make you a low fat vitamin
filled smoothie with yogurt, fresh fruit and
even add in some veggies like spinach or