A LARGE SCALE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASOUND SYSTEM FOR NON-INVASIVE SURGERY OF DEEP SEATED TISSUE by Douglas R. Daum Bachelor of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Brigham Young University, 1994 Master of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Brigham Young University, 1995 Submitted to the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MEDICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY November 1998 Copyright 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. All rights reserved. Signature of Author_ Ifarvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology November 23, 1998 Certified by Ai Certified by -~-- Kullervo Hynynen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School Thesis Advisor '-. H. Frederick Bowman, Ph.D. Senior Academic Administrator of HST, Lecturer of Radiation Oncology, HMS Thesis Committee Chair Accepted by_ Martha Gray, Ph.D. Co-Director, Harvard- IT Division of Health Sciences and Technology MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE SCHERING PLOUGH LIRARIES A LARGE SCALE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASOUND SYSTEM FOR NON-INVASIVE SURGERY OF DEEP SEATED TISSUE by Douglas R. Daum Submitted to the Harvard-M.I.T. Division of Health Sciences and Technology on November 23, 1998, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was demonstrated decades ago that high intensity ultrasound fields can be used to non-invasively ablate tissue deep beneath the skin without causing damage to overlying tissue. This was accomplished by using focused ultrasound beams from either a curved transducer or a flat transducer with an acoustic lens. Unfortunately, the small focal spots and precise temperature gradients produced using focused high power ultrasound lead to very small necrosis volumes, making the treatment of large tissue masses (i.e. cancer tumors) less practical. In addition, until the advent of thermal mapping using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, a non-invasive thermal feedback tool was not available to guide and monitor a thermal ultrasound treatment. This study has investigated the use of ultrasound phased arrays in conjunction with MR imaging as a method to increase the coagulation volume of an ultrasound treatment without sacrificing the precision and control necessary in a clinical environment. The work included the following steps: 1) the development of phase and power controlled RF hardware to drive large arrays of continuous wave ultrasound transducers; 2) theoretical simulations and optimizations of acoustic, temperature, and thermal dose fields to coagulate large volumes of tissue in a single sonication; 3) extensive testing of array materials and construction techniques including the design and experimentation of multiple prototype therapy arrays; 4) in vivo experimental tests of array driving techniques which used a set of temporally multiplexed acoustic fields in a short period sonication; and 5) in vivo experiments in a large animal model which demonstrated the feasibility of MR guided ultrasound therapy of liver tissue using a 256 element phased array. The data indicate that a robust, large scale array can produce clinically significant volumes of coagulated tissue (5 cm 3 in thigh, 2 cm 3 in liver, 0.5 cm 3 in kidney) in a single 20 second sonication period. Thesis Committee: Kullervo Hynynen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Thesis Supervisor. H. Frederick Bowman, Ph.D., Lecturer of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Senior Academic Administrator of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Committee Chair. Martin F. Schlecht, Sc.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Committee Member. 2 Acknowledgments I thank my advisor, Kullervo Hynynen, for his tremendous support and guidance on the preparation of this research. His insight and contributions have been invaluable both in my learning and in the overall field of therapeutic ultrasound. I thank him for the confidence and compassion that he has demonstrated consistently during the research period. He is a role model that should be emulated. I thank Fred Bowman for all of his help along my doctorate work. Fred recruited me, guided me to work with Dr. Hynynen, and has served as my mentor as well as my thesis committee chair. I am appreciative of Marty Schlecht for serving as a member of my thesis committee and aiding my understanding of quality electrical engineering. I thank the members of my laboratory that have been trusted colleagues of these years: Todd Fjield, Mark Buchanan, Nadine Smith, Nathan McDannold, Erin Hutchinson, Pat Lopath, Xiobing Fan, Sham Sokka, Randy King, Kagayaki Kuroda, Katherine Merrilees, and many others. Their friendship has made the research very enjoyable. I am also appreciative of the NIH/NCI (Grant CA46627), the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, and the MIT Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for providing funding for this research and for my doctoral education. I thank GE Medical Systems for the temperature imaging sequence used in this research. I thank my father and mother who have guided me to strive for my doctorate degree. Their love can only be matched by my love for them. I dedicate my thesis to my mother who died of a disease that may someday be treated by techniques developed as part of this research. Most importantly, I thank my wife, Heather, and my son, Joshua. They are the most important people in my life and I appreciate the sacrifices that they have endured so that I could complete my doctorate degree. They have carried me through the difficult times and shown me light when there was none seen at the end of the tunnel. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. IN T RO D U C TIO N ......................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Advantages of Non Invasive Surgery .................................................................. 11 1.2 Clinical Example: Liver Tumors.......................................................................... 12 1.3 Focused Ultrasound Surgery ............................................................................... 14 1.3.1 D efinition ..................................................................................................... 14 1.3 .2 H istory .............................................................................................................. 15 1.3.3 g ............................................................................................ . 16 1.3.4 H yp othesis..................................................................................................... . 17 1.4 Phased A rrays ...................................................................................................... 17 1.4.1 Definition of an Ultrasonic Phased Array .................................................... 17 1.4.2 Ultrasound Phased Arrays for Diagnostics.................................................... 18 1.4.3 Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Therapy .......................................................... 19 1.5 Square Element Spherical Sectioned Phased Arrays........................................... 20 1.6 Optimizing the Treatment of Deep Seated Tissue............................................... 21 1.6.1 Array Geom etry............................................................................................. 21 1.6.2 Transducer characteristics............................................................................. 22 1.6.3 Hardware Requirements............................................................................... 23 1.6.4 Power/Temperature/Dose Considerations for Thermal Surgery.................. 24 1.7 Scope of This Thesis ............................................................................................ 25 2. DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A FEEDBACK BASED PHASED ARRAY SYSTEM FOR ULTRASOUND SURGERY................................................................... 28 2 .1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 28 2 .2 M ethod s................................................................................................................... 29 2.2.1 Specifications for a Therapeutic Phased Array System................................. 29 2.2.2 Overview of Array Driving System................................................................. 32 2.2.3 System Characterization and Measurement Techniques............... 37 2 .3 Resu lts ...........................--------.................................................................................. 38 2.3.1 Class D/E Converter Efficiency ................................................................... 38 2.3.2 Power Output/Regulation of the Class D/E Power Converter ...................... 38 2.3.3 Harmonic Content of Output Sinusoid........................................................ 40 2.3.4 Power Measurement Dependence on Transducer Matching......................... 40 2.3.5 Output Phase Response................................................................................. 41 2.3.6 Phase and Power Relationship for a Class D/E Converter........................... 42 2.3.7 Effect of Phase Feedback on Acoustic Fields ............................................... 42 2.3.8p .............................................................................. . 44 2.4 Discussion................................................................................................... 45 3. A THEORETICAL DESIGN MODEL FOR SONICATING LARGE TISSUE V OLU M E S.... ........................................................................................................ 48 3.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 48 3.2 Materials and Methods........................................................................................ 49 3.2.1 Area Gain/Axial Attenuation Model............................................................ 49 3.2.2 Array Element Design Given the Maximum Focal Volume............. 51 3.2.3 Focal Spacing Simulations............................................................................ 52 4 3 .3 Resu lts ..................................................................................................................... 3.3.1 Area Gain/Axial Attenuation M odel............................................................ 3.3.2 Focal Spacing Analysis ................................................................................. 3.3.3 Design Example ............................................................................................ 54 54 57 58 3 .4 D iscu ssion ............................................................................................................... 4. ARRAY CONSTRUCTION AND ARRAY MATERIALS...................................... 60 63 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4.1.1 Array Requirements ..................................................................................... 4.1.2 Current State of Array Construction ............................................................ 63 63 63 4.1.3 p ..................................................................................... 4.2 M ethods and M aterials........................................................................................ 65 66 4.2.1 Acoustic Efficiency Measurements............................................................... 66 4.2.2 M aximum Power Measurements...................................................................... 67 4.2.3 Inter-element Coupling M easurements ........................................................ 4.2.4 Acoustic Field Simulation and M easurement ............................................... 67 68 4.2.5 "Dice-and-Fill" Arrays ................................................................................ 68 4.2.6 1-3 Composite Materials.............................................................................. 4 .3 Results ..................................................................................................................... 71 76 4.3.1 "Dice-and-Fill" Tests................................................................................... 76 4.3.2 1-3 Composite M aterials Tested for Array Construction............................. 4.3.3 Hydrophone Scans of the 256 Element Array ............................................... 4.4 Discussion .............................................................................................. 4.4.1 Non-composite Piezoelectric M aterials for "Dice and Fill" Arrays* ............... 4.4.2 Kerfs Adhesives for "Dice and Fill" Arrays.................................................. 4.4.3 Electrical Connections................................................................................. 4.4.4 Composites from M aterial Systems, Inc. ......................................................... 4.4.5 Composites from Imasonic........................................................................... 4.4.6 Acoustic Fields from a Large Scale Array ....................................................... 4.5 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 5. TEMPORAL SWITCHING TO OPTIMIZE THERMAL DOSE.............................. 5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 5.2 M ethods and M aterials........................................................................................ 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Phased Array Design.................................................................................... Acoustic M easurements ................................................................................. Numerical Simulation .................................................................................... Optimization Routine ..................................................................................... 79 87 91 91 92 92 93 95 96 96 98 98 99 99 100 100 101 5.2.5 Switching Rate............................................................................................... 104 5.2.6 Experimental Set Up Using MRI Thermometry ............................................ 105 5 .3 Results ................................................................................................................... 10 6 5.3.1 Simulation and W ater Scanned Comparison of Array Fields ........................ 106 5.3.2 Optimization Results...................................................................................... 5.3.3 M RI Experimental Results............................................................................. 107 112 5 .4 D iscu ssion .......................... ............................. ................................................. 1 15 6. A LARGE SCALE PHASED ARRAY SYSTEM FOR MR GUIDED ULTRASOUND SURGERY IN THE LIVER............................................................................................ 5 119 6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6.2 M aterials and M ethods.......................................................................................... 6.2.1 N um erical Simulations................................................................................... 6.2.2 Porcine M odel ................................................................................................ 6.2.3 M R Experim ental Set Up ............................................................................... 6.2.4 U ltrasound Surgery Experim ents ................................................................... 6.3 Results................................................................................................................... 6.3.1 In Vivo Thigh Muscle Experim ents................................................................ 6.3.2 In Vivo Kidney Experim ents .......................................................................... 6.3.3 Ex Vivo /In Situ Liver Sonication.................................................................. 6.3.4 In Vivo Liver Experim ents ............................................................................. 6.3.5 H eating Comparison of D ifferent Tissues...................................................... 6.4 D iscussion ............................................................................................................. 6.4.1 In Vivo Thigh Experim ents ............................................................................ 6.4.2 In Vivo K idney Experim ents .......................................................................... 6.4.3 Ex Vivo /In Situ Experim ents ........................................................................ 6.4.4 In Vivo Liver Experim ents ............................................................................. 6.5 Conclusion............................................................................................................. 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK............... 7.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 7.2 Recom m endations for Future Work...................................................................... 8. APPENDIX A: ULTRASOUND DRIVING SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION.......... 8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 8.2 System Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 8.3 U ltrasound D riving Cards ..................................................................................... 8.4 System Subunits.................................................................................................... 8.4.1 Pow er Loop .................................................................................................... 8.4.2 Phasing Loop.................................................................................................. 9. APPENDIX B: PARTS LIST AND SCHEMATICS................................................. 9.1 Parts List................................................................................................................ 9.2 Schem aticsAppendix C ......................................................................................... 9.3 Pressure Calculations for the Phased Array (Zemanek 1971) ............................... 9.4 Intensity and Specific Absorption Rate Calculations (Hynynen 1990)................. 9.5 Bioheat Transfer Equation (Pennes 1948) ............................................................. 9.6 Therm al D ose Calculation (Sapareto and D ew ey 1984)....................................... 10. REFEREN CES..........................................................................................................222 6 119 119 119 120 121 123 124 124 140 142 146 153 154 154 156 157 158 160 162 162 164 167 167 167 169 171 172 197 203 203 205 219 220 221 221 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 2-1: Block diagram of the phased array ultrasound driving system Fig. 2-2: Distributed control architecture of the phased array driving system. Fig. 2-3: Phase regulation system. Fig. 2-4: Output power into a 50 W dummy load with and without power feedback. Fig. 2-5: Acoustic power regulation dependency on proper transducer matching. Fig. 2-6: Hydrophone scan of acoustic intensity across a focus of the aperiodic array. Fig. 2-7: Combined array scans with and without phase feedback. Fig. 3-1: Diagram of the area gain/axial attenuation model. Fig. 3-2: Maximum spacing in a multiple focus pattern to create a uniform thermal dose. Fig. 3-3: Results of the area gain/axial attenuation model for a 1.5 MHz array. Fig. 3-4: Area gain/axial attenuation plots with varying peak sonication temperatures. Fig. 3-5: Area gain/axial attenuation plots varying frequency. Fig. 3-6: Thermal dose levels vs. the distance between adjacent foci. Fig. 3-7: Maximum temperatures simulated for the grid of variable focal spacing. Fig. 3-8: Simulated contours simulated for a 256 element, 1.1 MHz phased array. Fig. 4-1: Diagram of a 1-3 Composite piezoelectric. Fig. 4-2: Planar projection of array elements. Fig. 4-3: Photographs of the 256 element array. Fig. 4-4: Electroacoustic efficiency for MS3 material. Fig. 4-5: Measured and estimate electrical impedances. Fig. 4-6: Estimated power loss in 8 m cable. Fig. 4-7: Intensity scans for a single focus shifted off axis 7 mm in the focal plane. Fig. 4-8: Limits of off axis focal shifting in the focal plane. Fig. 4-9: Single focus scanned along the axis of the array. Fig. 4-10: 16 and 25 focus patterns created in the focal plane of the array. Fig. 4-11: Intensity patterns in the focal plane used for large focal volumes. Fig. 5-1: Spherical shaped square element array geometry. Fig. 5-2: Simulated fields for optimization generated using the mode scanning technique. Fig. 5-3: Switching technique diagram. Fig. 5-4: Simulated and water scanned fields for 16 element phased array. Fig. 5-5: Normalized mean square error plots vs. dwell times. Fig. 5-6: Optimization results of simulated dose across the focal axis. Fig. 5-7: High perfusion simulation results of static and switched fields. Fig. 5-8: Homogeneous tissue and inhomogeneous tissue simulations. Fig. 5-9: In vivo temperature contour images for static and switched sonications. Fig. 5-10: Lesions from a single four focus pattern and switched focus pattern. Fig. 5-11: Lesions from a switched pattern lesion and static pattern lesion along axis. Fig. 5-12: Temperature response in vivo for a static pattern and switched focus pattern. Fig. 6-1: MR experimental design for porcine experiments. Fig. 6-2: Experimental on-axis electronic shifting of a single focus. Fig. 6-3: Lesion produced from the axial shifted sonications of Fig. 6-2. Fig. 6-4: Temperature images of off axis focusing of a single focus in porcine thigh. Fig. 6-5: Axial temperature image of a focus shifted off axis. 7 Fig. 6-6: Lesions produced from off axis electrical focusing. Fig. 6-7: Multiple focus patterns in focal plane of porcine thigh. Fig. 6-8: Across axis temperature response in thigh muscle for a mid-sized focal pattern. Fig. 6-9: Images of mid-sized lesion formed in porcine thigh. Fig. 6-10: Photograph of mid-sized lesion in porcine thigh. Fig. 6-11: Axial temperature response in thigh muscle for mid-sized focal pattern. Fig. 6-12: T2 images of lesion formed in sonication from Fig. 6-11. Fig. 6-13: Temperature images along the array axis for a large focal volume. Fig. 6-14: End sonication spatial temperature response of the large focal pattern. Fig. 6-15: Temperature elevations in the focus and in the prefocal tissue. Fig. 6-16: T2-weighted images of large lesion in thigh. Fig. 6-17: T2-weighted image of the cross section of three large volume sonications. Fig. 6-18: Three large focal region sonications close to a muscle interface. Fig. 6-19: First and second sonications of the ten overlapping sonications. Fig. 6-20: T2-weighted images of 3.8 x 2.2 x 3.0 cm 3 lesion. Fig. 6-21: Hematoxylin and eosin stained muscle tissue. Fig. 6-22: MR images of a kidney sonication. Fig. 6-23: Photograph of kidney lesion produced from sonication viewed in Fig. 6-22. Fig. 6-24: Kidney sonication next to vertebrae. Fig. 6-25: Microscopic slide of kidney glomeruli stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 6-26: Large focal region sonication in ex vivo / in situ liver. Fig. 6-27: MR images of the end sonication temperature and lesion in ex vivo liver. Fig. 6-28: SPGR image of ribs and temperature image of rib heating. Fig. 6-29: Rib heating during sonication. Fig. 6-30: Average temperature elevations in the rib plane. Fig. 6-31: MR images of a mid-sized focus in vivo liver. Fig. 6-32: Photograph of liver lesion formed in vivo. Fig. 6-33: Mid-sized focal sonications at 11, 10, and 9 cm from the array. Fig. 6-34: MR images of a large focal sonication area in vivo liver. Fig. 6-35: Photograph of large lesion formed in the liver. Fig. 6-36: H&E stained tissue of the large thermal lesion of Fig. 6-34. Fig. 6-37: Liver tissue stained with H&E. Fig. 6-38: Series of temperature images highly affected by respiratory motion. Fig. 8-1: Photograph and block diagram of ultrasound driving system. Fig. 8-2: Photograph of an ultrasound driving system card. Fig. 8-3: Block diagram for the ultrasound driving system card. Fig. 8-4: Complete power loop circuitry (from Channel 4 of schematics in Appendix B). Fig. 8-5: Schematic of the DC-to-RF power converter. Fig. 8-6: Basic class E amplifier. Fig. 8-7: FET drain voltage and transformer secondary current. Fig. 8-8: Superimposed FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output (1.5 MHz). Fig. 8-9: FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output at 1.1 MHz. Fig. 8-10: FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output at 1.8 MHz. Fig. 8-11: FET gate and drain voltages at 30 W RF output at 1.5 MHz. Fig. 8-12: FET drain and gate at FET turn on time (1W, 1.5 MHz). 8 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 8-13: 8-14: 8-15: 8-16: 8-17: 8-18: 8-19: 8-20: 8-21: 8-22: 8-23: 8-24: 8-25: 8-26: 8-27: 8-28: 8-29: 8-30: 8-31: 8-32: 8-33: 8-34: 8-35: 8-36: FET drain and gate at FET turn off time. Voltages at the transformer primary center tap and secondary / filter junction. DC-to-DC buck converter schematic for Channel 4 on UDSC. Simplified schematic of a buck converter. Regulated DC voltage and VSR output voltage. AC output voltage ripple. VSR voltage output and filter inductor AC current. FET drain voltage and AC current. Schematic of filter for Channel 4 on ultrasound driving card. Simulated voltage transfer function of filter. Input and output voltage waveforms for 60 W. Schematic of the dual directional coupler. Compensated diode detector circuitry. Voltage wave forms of output voltage and dual directional voltage. Input and output of the op amp compensation circuit for a 1 W load. Block diagram of power feedback loop for transient analysis. Transfer function equations for transient analysis. Transient turn on response to 60 W output power using a fixed DC supply. Power feedback response from a step input change. Transient response time to 60 W using the power feedback loop. Phase detection circuitry. Phase correction circuitry using the 74HCT9046 PLL. Block diagram for transient analysis of phase correction. Simulated transient locking response of PLL. 9 LIST OF TABLES Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 2-1: Arrays used to test the ultrasound driving hardware. 4-1: Kerf adhesives tested for diced transducer arrays. 4-2: Prototype therapy arrays. 4-3: Types of coaxial cable used tested in therapeutic arrays. 4-4: 1-3 Piezocomposite obtained from Material Systems, Inc. 4-5: Square element test array results for PZT-4. 4-6: Square element test array results for lithium niobate. 4-7: Interelement coupling dependence on kerf fill. 4-8: Efficiency data for composites from Material Systems, Inc. 4-9: Maximum acoustic power from composites by Material Systems, Inc. 4-10: Inter-element coupling for Material Systems, Inc. 4-11: Electroacoustic efficiencies through 1 m long Belden coaxial cable. 4-12: Electroacoustic efficiencies through 5 m Tensolite coaxial cable. 4-13: Maximum acoustic powers for three transducers using 1 m Belden cable. 4-14: Maximum acoustic powers for three transducers using 5 m Tensolite cable. 4-15: Coupling measurements of adjacent elements. 4-16: Coupling measurements of 6 adjacent elements. 4-17: Electroacoustic efficiency for elements of the 256 element array. 4-18: Electroacoustic efficiency from three elements of the 256 element array. 4-19: Interelement coupling for the 256 element array. 5-1: Phases to create the fields patterns found in Fig. 5-2. 5-2: Optimized switching power levels 5-3: Comparison of switched vs. non-switched fields. Table 6-1: Relative powers used in the 0.5 x 0.5 cm2 area in the focal plane. Table Table Table Table 6-2: Relative powers used in the 1.0 x 1.0 cm2 area in the focal plane. 6-3: Summary of large focal lesions. 6-4: Kidney lesions. 6-5:Table of in vivo liver multiple focus sonications and lesions. 10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Advantages of Non Invasive Surgery Minimally invasive surgeries offer several advantages over traditional surgical procedures. First, the less invasive techniques lead to faster recovery times and hence less hospitalization. Second, the reduced use of anesthesia allows the procedures to be used for a greater number of patients who otherwise could not receive surgical treatment. Third, infection is less likely to occur as a secondary complication. Lastly, minimally invasive surgery can reduce overall health care costs. For these reasons, there has been significant research and clinical application of procedures to minimize a given treatment's impact on the patient (Gough 1994; Nielson 1995; Passlick et al. 1997; Montori 1998; Van Natta et al. 1998). This extends to the treatment of benign masses and diseases which present with either primary or secondary metastases (Holcomb et al. 1995; Ramshaw 1997). For example, for qualifying breast cancer patients it is common to remove a small amount of breast tissue (a lumpectomy) instead of the entire breast (a mastectomy) (Kinne 1994). Nevertheless, minimally invasive procedures are not without complication, and some metastatic diseases may be complicated by them (Cirocco et al. 1994; Ramshaw 1997). It is the goal of this research to develop the tools and techniques for a completely non-invasive treatment of tissue masses that could eliminate even minimally invasive tumor resection. This can be accomplished through the use of a high temperature tissue coagulation therapy known as focused ultrasound surgery. To further 11 motivate the use of this procedure, a brief description of a disease whose treatment could be improved will be presented. 1.2 Clinical Example: Liver Tumors Each year there are 138,000 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the United States (Fong et al. 1995). Of this number, about 25% will present at the time of initial diagnosis with liver metastases, while another 25% will develop liver metastases in the course of the disease (Fong et al. 1995; Jamison et al. 1997). These metastases are the direct cause of death for 40,000-55,000 individuals each year (Hughes et al. 1988; Fong et al. 1995). In addition, although the occurrence of primary liver cancer in the United States is low compared to the rest of the world, there are about 6,000 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed in the United States each year (Marcos-Alvarez et al. 1996). The untreated patient with either disease has a very poor prognosis and it is rare to find 5 year survivors (Fong et al. 1995). The major clinical treatments of primary or secondary liver tumors include surgical resection, organ transplantation, tumor embolization, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy (Bruix 1997). Other than organ transplantation, only surgical resection has offered any proven long term cure (Fong et al. 1995; Marcos-Alvarez et al. 1996; Jamison et al. 1997; Bruix 1997). Unfortunately, it is estimated that only 10-20% of patients diagnosed with liver tumors are candidates for resection ((Hughes et al. 1988) indicates 6,000-12,000 patients annually) either due to the extensive spread of the tumors or due to extra-hepatic disease processes which contraindicate major upper abdominal surgery (Hughes et al. 1988; Fong et al. 1995). Of those patients that qualify for resection, 20- 12 30% can be cured (Hughes et al. 1988; Fong et al. 1995; Doci et al. 1995; Scheele et al. 1995; Marcos-Alvarez et al. 1996; Jamison et al. 1997). Nevertheless, many physicians have avoided the use of surgical resection due to the significant number of complications. Although the percentages vary between clinical settings, approximately 50% of patients will have complications which will lengthen their hospital stays beyond the 13 day average (Doci et al. 1995; Blumgart and Fong 1995). About 35% will have minor complications such as post-operative pneumonia, pleural effusions, or wound infections while 15% will have more serious complications such as pulmonary embolism (1%), myocardial infarction (1%), hemorrhage (2-5%), and liver failure (8%). The operative mortality ranges from 2-20% depending on the clinical setting making surgical resection a much less attractive option despite its proven utility (Fong et al. 1995; Doci et al. 1995; Blumgart and Fong 1995; Marcos-Alvarez et al. 1996; Taylor et al. 1997). Due to the low number of liver tumor patients who can undergo resection and the high number of complications for those who can, several less invasive techniques are being developed to ablate tumors in vivo. These include percutaneous injections, cryotherapy, and ablation using implantable microwave or radio frequency transducers (Livraghi et al. 1995; McCall et al. 1995; Yamanaka et al. 1995; Sato et al. 1996; Curley et al. 1997). These techniques have shown promise, but are generally limited to either small tumors or tumors near the surface of the liver. In addition, all still require an invasive procedure. 13 1.3 Focused Ultrasound Surgery 1.3.1 Definition Several researchers have indicated that deep seated tumors in the body can be treated non-invasively by focused ultrasound applicators (Szent-Gorgyi 1933; Horvath 1944; Burov 1956a; Burov and Adreevskaya 1956b; Oka 1960; Woeber 1965; Clarke and Hill 1970; Linke et al. 1973; Kishi et al. 1975; Frizzell et al. 1977; Fry and Johnson 1978; Kremkau 1979; Heimburger 1985; Frizzell 1988; ter Haar et al. 1989; Yang et al. 1991; Vallancien et al. 1992; Vallancien et al. 1993; Yang et al. 1993; Chapelon et al. 1993; Sanghvi and Hawes 1994; Prat et al. 1994; ter Haar 1995; Prat et al. 1995; Crum and Hynynen 1996; Sanghvi et al. 1996; Frizzell et al. 1977). This technique is known as focused ultrasound surgery (FUS), high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), pyrotherapy, or ultrasound ablation. Ultrasound is advantageous for two reasons: it can deeply penetrate soft tissue due to its low absorption rate and it can generate localized temperature elevations due to its small wavelength. Any target tissue in the body which is not blocked by strongly reflecting or absorbing materials (i.e. bone or air) can be accessible to the thermal effects of ultrasound. It is these same characteristics which have allowed the development of the huge diagnostic ultrasound industry. Ultrasound can kill tissue through two methods: the temperature elevations caused by energy absorption or the formation of cavitation bubbles due to high pressures. Treatments have targeted the use of both of these modalities by operating either below or above the in vivo pressure threshold of significant cavitation (Hynynen 1991). Although recent work has investigated the use of cavitation for various treatments (Prat et al. 1994; 14 Hynynen and Jolesz 1998; Sanghvi 1998), the thermal modality is better understood (and modeled) and tends to offer more predictable lesion sizes and shapes (Hynynen et al. 1996b; Chen et al. 1997; Sanghvi 1998). For that reason, the treatments of this research have been designed to use the thermal effects of absorbed ultrasound to coagulate tissue. 1.3.2 History The therapeutic use of high powered ultrasound beams for tissue coagulation was first accomplished by Lynn in the 1940s (Lynn et al. 1942). In the 1950s, Bill and Frank Fry at the University of Illinois did groundbreaking work with the application of focused ultrasound in the treatment of neurological disorders (Fry et al. 1950; Fry et al. 1954; Fry et al. 1955; Barnard et al. 1956; Fry et al. 1957). Professor Lele of Massachusetts General Hospital and then MIT further developed the work in the 1960s and 1970s by successfully showing that the tissue death was predominantly related to temperature elevation over a wide range of treatments (Basauri and Lele 1962; Lele 1962; Lele 1967; Lele and Pierce 1973). Since those initial researchers, others have treated patients with high power ultrasound in a large number of anatomical locations such as eye (Coleman et al. 1985), breast (Hynynen et al. 1996; Hynynen 1996a), kidney (Vallancien et al. 1992; ter Haar et al. 1998b), liver (Vallancien et al. 1992; Wu 1998; ter Haar et al. 1998b), bladder (Vallancien et al. 1996), and prostate (Vallancien et al. 1992; Gelet et al. 1993; Madersbacher et al. 1993; Bihrle et al. 1994; Madersbacher et al. 1995; Nakamura et al. 1997; Mulligan et al. 1998; ter Haar et al. 1998b). All of the treatments rely on focused ultrasound beams with focal volumes typically 1-2 mm in width and up to 10 mm in length. Therefore, multiple sonications with appropriate cooling intervals must be 15 implemented to treat large tissue volumes. In addition, there is a decrease of power deposition control in inhomogeneous material and an appropriate acoustic window without high impedance media such as bone or low impedance air must be found for the sonicating transducer. For these reasons, there has been limited success in sonicating through the abdominal wall due to skin bums and other complications (Vallancien et al. 1992; Yang et al. 1993; Vallancien et al. 1996; ter Haar et al. 1998b). 1.3.3 Image Guidance Although the therapeutic use of ultrasound was first developed in the 1940s and 1950s, there was no method to non-invasively monitor the treatment or to evaluate its success. The lack of treatment feedback has been one of the main reasons that the therapeutic ultrasound applicators have not progressed as their diagnostic counterparts. An ideal system could localize the diseased tissue, nondestructively direct the ultrasound focus to the correct position, monitor temperature during treatment over the entire temperature range, and verify tissue coagulation following the therapy. Only recently has the introduction of non-invasive monitoring techniques been developed that show promise in accomplishing these tasks. These techniques include ultrasonography (Fry 1968; Fry 1970; Fry 1971; Coleman et al. 1985; Vallancien et al. 1992; Gelet et al. 1993; Madersbacher et al. 1995; Sanghvi et al. 1996; Seip et al. 1996; Maas-Moreno and Damianou 1996a; Maas-Moreno et al. 1996b; Simon et al. 1998), computerized tomography (CT) (Fallone et al. 1982), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (Parker 1984; Hall and Talagala 1985; Dickinson et al. 1986; Delannoy et al. 1991; Cline et al. 1993; Darkazanli et al. 1993; Hynynen et al. 1993; Cline et al. 1995; Kuroda et al. 1995; 16 Hynynen et al. 1995; De Poorter 1995; Suzuki et al. 1995; Stepanow et al. 1995; Smith et al. 1995; Hynynen et al. 1996; Cline et al. 1996; Chung et al. 1996b; McDannold et al. 1998a). Of the three modalities, only MR imaging to monitor FUS has been experimentally proven in vivo. 1.3.4 Hypothesis It is the hypothesis of this research that a phased array ultrasound transducer can ameliorate the disadvantages of single focus transducers by improving power deposition and increasing the focal volume of necrosed tissue in a single sonication. As one of the prototype arrays developed in this research was used to demonstrate the feasibility of using ultrasound phased arrays in a clinical scanner (Hynynen et al. 1996c), MR imaging was used as a tool to guide the phased array thermal therapy designed in this thesis. 1.4 Phased Arrays 1.4.1 Definition of an Ultrasonic Phased Array An ultrasonic transducer array consists of a plurality of ultrasonic generators that have been geometrically configured. These arrays are typically configured in a one or two dimensional lattice. The vibrating elements can exist in a single plane (known as planar arrays) or on curved surface (known as non-planar). The size and shape of the individual elements can also vary between arrays and within arrays. The transducer array can be constructed by either configuring separate piezoelements or by cutting a single element into several subelements. 17 Wells divides multiple element diagnostic transducers into two classes (Wells 1977). The first class is an "array of transducers" that are driven incoherently. The second class is a "transducer array" that is a group of transducers that are coherently processed. This coherency regards both the transmission pulse or receiving processing in a pulse echo system. In the case of continuous wave transmission, the most basic ultrasound array can control the amplitude to each ultrasonic generator collectively or individually. A phased array is defined as an array which can control the vibrational phase of its ultrasonic elements. It often can control the signal amplitude as well. By controlling both the amplitude and phase of the generated signals, the shape of the ultrasound field can be controlled. This is known as beamforming. 1.4.2 Ultrasound Phased Arrays for Diagnostics The first ultrasonic phased array used in ultrasonic diagnostics appeared in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Somer 1968; von Ramm and Thurstone 1970; Bom et al. 1971; Thurstone and von Ramm 1974). These arrays were pulse/echo systems which contained both transmitting and receiving elements. They consisted of a group of delay lines in the transmission or reception of each element. Within a decade it was recognized that apodization (the ability to weight the transmitted signal for individual array elements) could improve signal response by decreasing undesirable sidelobes (Tancrell et al. 1978; Eaton et al. 1980; Karrer et al. 1980). Even more improvement in sidelobe reduction came with the practical implementation of dynamic receive focusing (Reid and Wild 1956; von Ramm and Thurstone 1970; Thurstone and von Ramm 1974). A good review of diagnostic phased arrays is found in (Thomenius 1996). 18 1.4.3 Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Therapy Lynn and the Fry brothers recommended the use of multiple element arrays from the early days of therapeutic ultrasound (Lynn et al. 1942; Fry and Fry 1960). Multiple element ultrasound arrays were first clinically implemented for localized hyperthermia (a thermal technique which raises the temperature of tissue below the point of cell death to give a synergistic effect to radiation or chemotherapy) at the University of Arizona (Hynynen et al. 1987). transducers. These arrays consisted of overlapping beams of single focus The beams, however, were not designed to be coherent. Therapeutic ultrasound phased arrays were first developed in the 1980s as a method to electronically steer and focus ultrasound for regional hyperthermia treatments (Do-Huu and Hartemann 1981). The first applicator contained elements formed as concentric rings. It could scan a single focus along its axis. Cain and Umemura suggested that the concentric ring or a sector vortex design could also create ring shaped focal patterns to treat the outer boundary of a tumor (Cain and Umemura 1986). Linear arrays, stacked linear arrays, and tapered arrays were introduced to scan a single focus in two dimensions (Frizzell et al. 1985; Benkeser et al. 1987; Ocheltree et al. 1987). Non-planar arrays were then developed to use the natural focusing of the array geometry combined with electrical focusing in two or three dimensions. These included the cylindrical sectioned arrays (Ebbini et al. 1988), square element spherical section arrays (Ebbini and Cain 199 1a), and non-planar concentric ring/sector vortex spherical arrays (Fjield et al. 1996; Fjield and Hynynen 1997). While most of these applicators were initially designed for hyperthermia treatments, it has been recognized that similar configurations can be effective in high temperature thermal coagulative surgery. 19 1.5 Square Element Spherical Sectioned Phased Arrays A particular configuration, the square element spherical sectioned array, has shown much promise to localize temperature elevations deep within tissue from sites external to the body (Ebbini and Cain 199 1a; McGough et al. 1992; VanBaren et al. 1994; McGough et al. 1994; Fan 1995a; Fan and Hynynen 1995b; Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996a; Fan and Hynynen 1996b; Hynynen et al. 1996c; Botros et al. 1997; Daum and Hynynen 1998; Ebbini and Cain 199 1a; Ebbini and Cain 199 1a). These nonplanar arrays are configured on a spherically curved surface. The planar projection of the array forms a square grid of elements with equal area projections. The configuration was designed such that a single focus could be electronically steered throughout a three dimensional volume, multiple focus patterns could be created, and elements on the array surface that were acoustically blocked from transmitting to the target tissue could be turned off. Numerical simulations by Fan, et al. (Fan and Hynynen 1995b) showed that a sixteen element array could decrease treatment time of a large tumor by a factor of four over a single focus transducer. To achieve this decrease in treatment time, the investigator simulated multifocal patterns such that a single sonication induced larger coagulation volumes. Methods to generate these multifocal intensity patterns for a variety of arrays have been presented by (Cain and Umemura 1986; Ibbini et al. 1987; Ebbini and Cain 1989; McGough et al. 1994). This thesis has built upon the simulation research on the square element spherical sectioned array to experimentally design, construct, and test the configuration for application in focused ultrasound surgery for tumor treatment. This included the creation of a large scale phased array (256 elements) for the first application of in vivo coagulation of a large animal liver using a phased array. 20 1.6 Optimizing the Treatment of Deep Seated Tissue Four major categories must be considered to optimize the treatment of deep seated tissue using a spherical sectioned array: 1. Array geometry: element size, position, radius of curvature, and aperture 2. Transducer characteristics: frequency and material 3. Electronic driving signals: generation, resolution, and regulation 4. Power/Temperature/Dose distribution: pulse duration, total power level, and power deposition pattern 1.6.1 Array Geometry The square element spherical sectioned array geometry is similar to the shape of a single focus, spherical transducer. Indeed the most efficient arrays have been constructed from single focus transducers. As stated previously, this type of array can steer a single focus away from the natural focus of the array and can create multiple focus patterns. As a general rule of thumb, the dimensions of the individual foci are dictated by the array aperture, the array radius of curvature, and the driving frequency. For a single focus transducer the well known 3-dB focal intensity length (1) and focal width (w) are given by F D and l = K 2W 21 where X is the ultrasonic wavelength (about 1 mm at 1.5 MHz in water), F is the focal distance (radius of curvature) , D is the diameter of the array (aperture), and K, and K2 are constants which depend on the aperture angle of the array (typically, K, is about 1 for aperture angles less than 90' and K2 ranges from 8 for a 100 aperture to 14 for a 900 aperture) (ONeil 1949; Wells 1977; Fry 1993). While these equations govern the focal dimensions of a single focus transducer, they also approximate the dimensions of a shifted single focus using a phased array as long as the focus is not shifted too far from the natural focus of the array. On the other hand, the ability to electronically scan a single focus or create multiple foci is governed by the size, spacing, and number of array elements. An array is able to shift a focus anywhere within the focal dimensions of the individual elements (using the same equations as the array geometry with D being the aperture of the individual element). Therefore, the focal dimensions are set by the array configuration while the focal shifting and multiple pattern control is set by the dimensions of the individual array elements. It is noteworthy that the single or multiple focus patterns are always in the near field of the array but in the far field of the array elements. As a part of this thesis, several arrays of the spherical sectioned variety have been simulated and constructed to investigate the ideal geometry. These include two 16 element arrays, a 64 element array, a 76 element array, and a 256 element array. 1.6.2 Transducer characteristics The majority of therapeutic ultrasound arrays have been created from diced PZT pseudocrystals. This material has high electrical-to-acoustical efficiency and it is 22 relatively inexpensive. For this reason, the prototype 16, 64, and 76 element arrays were constructed using this technique by cutting a single focus transducer into individual elements while taking precautions to safeguard the entire array geometry. This technique is appropriate for arrays with a relatively small number of elements. However, to construct an array with more numerous but smaller elements is more challenging. First, it is difficult to safeguard the array geometry while dicing a single transducer into many small pieces since the pieces will shift because they must be air backed for high transmission (Wells 1977; Hynynen 1990). Second, proper width-to-thickness ratios of the individual elements must be implemented to avoid undesirable vibrational modes which decrease the element efficiency (De Silets 1978). Lastly, a robust ground plane is difficult to create using a diced transducer. For those reasons, this thesis investigated composite piezoelectrics as an alternative. piezoelements embedded in a polymer. dimension. Composite materials contain small They can be molded into any shape and Materials from two different companies were tested for high power sonications and an appropriate material was chosen for the creation of a 256 element array. Other issues such as cabling and water sealing were also addressed. 1.6.3 Hardware Requirements Phased arrays require a great deal more control than their non-phased counterparts. Circuitry must be able to control both amplitude and phase of the ultrasonic field independently and with enough resolution to overcome errors due to variation of transducer impedances, non-uniform phase shifts caused by matching circuitry, and variable transducer efficiencies. Previous phased array amplifier systems include the 23 ability to set phase and magnitude of their driving signals, but were unable to accurately control these parameters for different element sizes and geometry (Buchanan and Hynynen 1994). To overcome this inaccuracy, researchers have used hydrophone calibration routines for the arrays or have implemented invasive hydrophone feedback (Ebbini and Cain 1991b). Rather than use these techniques, a new type of ultrasound driving system has been designed as a part of this research. This system uses a DC-to-RF switching converter (class D/E) to produce RF signals in the 1.2-1.8 MHz bandwidth. Eight bit power control (0-60 W) for each converter is obtained by varying the DC voltage from a switching regulator which supplies the power converter. DC-to-RF efficiencies of greater than 70% eliminate the need for bulky heat sinks to make the system more clinically feasible. The power is further regulated in a feedback loop such that the measured RF power output is used to automatically adjust the DC supply. RF output phase shifting of 3600 and better than 2' resolution is achieved by using a combination of preloadable counters and delay circuitry. In addition, phase feedback has been implemented to eliminate phase matching errors inherent in arrays using various sized elements. As part of this thesis, an amplifier system has been designed, constructed, and tested in clinical treatments. It can reduce or eliminate the need for invasive acoustic feedback. 1.6.4 Power/Temperature/Dose Considerations for Thermal Surgery This research has investigated treatments based on thermal necrosis of tissue without exceeding the threshold of tissue cavitation. Previous thermal research was predominantly based on the steady state bioheat transfer function used in low power 24 hyperthermia treatments. The use of short duration pulses, however, does not allow the heat within a biological material to reach a steady state due to the long time constants of perfusion and convection (Davis and Lele 1989; Billard et al. 1990; Hunt et al. 1991; Dorr and Hynynen 1992). This is a preferable characteristic for thermal surgery since it makes the treatment less dependent on the perfusion of the tissue. Unfortunately it makes theoretical calculations more computationally intensive. In addition, the best method to predict lesion size for a given treatment is by using a non-linear thermal dose empirically quantified by Sapareto and Dewey (Sapareto and Dewey 1984) (see also (Moritz and Henriques 1947; Linke et al. 1973; Carstensen et al. 1974; Frizzell et al. 1977)) which in turn increases computational needs. This research has performed studies to optimize the dose over a three dimensional field using a prototype array. To optimize the dose, a temporal multiplexing modality was simulated and experimentally tested. 1.7 Scope of This Thesis The goal of this research was to develop and test a large scale, spherical sectioned phased array for the treatment of large tissue volumes in MR guided focused ultrasound surgery. There were several specific studies that had to be accomplished to reach the overall goal. First, a simple theoretical model was developed for evaluating the maximum necrosis volume from a phased array transducer in a single 10 second sonication. This model was based on a direct relationship between the output power of the array and a modeled uniform intensity in the focal region. This simple model offers the ideal case for power deposition in tissue. More accurate acoustic models were simulated and 25 application software was developed for an IBM PVS multiprocessor computer and a desktop PC to optimize acoustic field strength, temperature, and thermal dose in a three dimensional field using multiple focus fields. This optimization led to the development of new treatment techniques which used rapid switching between multifocal intensity patterns to create a "uniform" thermal dose over a given region of interest. In this way the overall treatment time could be decreased. Second, the theoretical results were tested experimentally. The construction and performance of three prototype square element arrays was analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of the arrays were illuminated and a determination of the array geometry was made for the production of a large scale array (256 elements). Third, to drive the prototype and large scale arrays, new hardware was designed and constructed. This hardware was designed to drive arrays of varying element shapes. It contains feedback to ensure both proper power and phase control over the frequency range of 1.2-1.8 MHz. The new hardware was implemented with various arrays to evaluate the response acoustically and the ability to heat tissue in vivo. Fourth, new array materials were investigated as an alternative to the prototype PZT-4 transducers. High power efficiency and coupling measurements were compared between various composite materials until an adequate material was found for the construction of a large scale array. A 256 element array was then constructed from this material and the array response was tested acoustically through hydrophone scans and with acoustic power measurements prior to in vivo experiments. In conclusion the large scale array was experimentally used in a series of eight in vivo porcine experiments in the MRI. The array was able to create lesions greater than 5 26 cm3 in the thigh in a single sonication. Lesions greater than 2 cm3 were generated in a perfused liver under MR guidance. The results indicate that MR guided phased array ultrasound surgery is feasible in the liver and that clinically significant volumes of tissue can be coagulated in short periods of time. 27 2. DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A FEEDBACK BASED PHASED ARRAY SYSTEM FOR ULTRASOUND SURGERY 2.1 Introduction High power ultrasound phased arrays have potential in several therapeutic applications (Cain and Umemura 1986; Benkeser et al. 1987; Ebbini et al. 1988; Chapelon et al. 1993; Thomas and Fink 1996; Goss et al. 1996; Hutchinson and Hynynen These arrays can increase the focal necrosis volume through multiple focus 1996b). patterns (Ebbini and Cain 1989; Fan and Hynynen 1996a) and electronically steer foci to reduce the reliance on mechanical positioning systems (Chapelon et al. 1993; Fjield et al. 1996). The drawback of these arrays is the increased complexity and cost of the driving hardware. Although there is a scarcity of published work on the design of ultrasound phased array driving systems, most designs have used a switching amplifier with duty cycle control of power (Ebbini and Cain 1991b; Buchanan and Hynynen 1994) and the use of counters or delay circuitry to adjust the phase (Buchanan and Hynynen 1994; Lovejoy et al. 1995). These systems have performed well in that they are efficient and fairly simple. However, new advances in transducer design have reached a point where the hardware has become a limiting factor for precise field generation. For example, several array designs have recently been investigated which have elements of different size and electrical impedance (Fjield et al. 1996; Hutchinson et al. 1996a; Fjield and Hynynen 1997). Switching amplifiers can not properly drive these arrays without array specific hydrophone calibration (Ebbini and Cain 1991b) since the output power is load dependent and the phase of these systems depends on output power level. This chapter 28 will present a system architecture that can accurately drive a therapeutic ultrasound phased array with various element dimensions such that the need for hydrophone calibration is reduced. Specifically, the chapter will discuss the importance of distributed control, electronic element matching, power feedback with a class D/E power converter, and phase feedback to ensure proper electrical phase at the transducer surface. A more detailed description of the electronics is found in Appendix A and Appendix B. 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Specifications for a Therapeutic Phased Array System Therapeutic Transducer Array Description Phased array transducers of various shapes have been suggested as applicators for both low and high power therapeutic modes. As described in the introduction chapter of this thesis, these configurations include annular or concentric ring arrays (Do-Huu and Hartemann 1981; Cain and Umemura 1986), stacked linear arrays (Ocheltree et al. 1987), tapered linear arrays (Benkeser et al. 1987), cylindrical sectioned arrays (Ebbini et al. 1988), and square element spherical sectioned arrays (Ebbini and Cain 1991a). While several of these arrays contain elements which are relatively uniform in size and function, new arrays such as the aperiodic linear array by Hutchinson (Hutchinson et al. 1996a) purposely use elements of multiple dimensions to decrease undesirable transmission grating lobes. The multiple element sizes have an important impact in the design of an ultrasound driving system-the hardware must be capable of properly controlling the 29 electronic phase and power across transducer loads which have magnitudes in the range 10-10000 Q and varying capacitive phases. Frequency Range Most therapeutic ultrasound transducers range in frequency from 0.5-10.0 MHz. The precise frequency and power level is determined by the application. Unfortunately, a 0.5-10.0 MHz frequency bandwidth can only be implemented using less efficient linear amplifier designs (classes A, B, and AB). These amplifier classes have poor efficiency and high power dissipation, and therefore require large heat sinks and increased system weight and bulk. For a large scale array, the system size becomes unreasonable. By narrowing the specified bandwidth, more efficient amplifiers can be implemented to make the system more manageable. In this application, the frequency range was chosen to be 1.2-1.8 MHz. Power Range The amount of output power per channel from an array will highly depend on the size and number of elements in that array. As this system was designed to drive an arbitrary phased array, it was assumed that the array would have a minimum of 8 elements and a maximum of 1024 elements. The power range was specified to be 0-60 W per channel with 8 bit resolution. The upper power limit, therefore, could be used for the arrays with a small number of elements while the lower limit would be used for large scale arrays. The 8 bit resolution is quadratic with power such that more bits are available for small power increments. 30 Phase Resolution The amount of phase resolution needed for therapeutic ultrasound arrays is the topic of some debate. Wang, et al. (Wang et al. 1991) suggest that four bit resolution is sufficient for ultrasonic phased arrays due to the phase differences presented in inhomogeneous tissue. Fan and Hynynen (Fan 1995a), however, has shown that higher resolution is preferable for large scale arrays with complete focal patterns. For this reason, the system design will implement a minimum of 8-bit resolution. Control The control sub-unit of a phased array system performs three essential tasks: it monitors system performance, it modifies system output, and it sets safety interlocks. These tasks are interrelated. For example, the system must be able to monitor the output powers on all of its channels in real time and detect erroneous power levels to ensure patient safety. If a single array element should fail, the system should be able to quickly turn off power to that element without disturbing the rest of the array. For arrays with a small number of elements this can be done with a simple centralized control system. Monitoring large scale arrays with a single processor, on the other hand, leads to long communication times and slower response. Similarly, electronic scanning of single or multiple foci requires that a system be able to rapidly change the output phase and/or power for all of its channels simultaneously. A centralized control architecture can accomplish this for a small array, but the amount of data bandwidth needed to rapidly communicate with a large number of elements can become unreasonable. For this reason, this design implements a distributed control architecture. 31 2.2.2 Overview of Array Driving System A block diagram of the array driving system is found in Fig. 2-1. The system may be divided into four main units: 1) control and system monitoring, 2) electrical transducer impedance matching, 3) phase regulation, and 4) power conversion. While this system is not unlike most phased array systems, the implementation of feedback to ensure proper phase and power regulation is previously unpublished for therapeutic ultrasound hardware. Control System User Interface Single Board Computer Microcontroller Power Generation Power Set-Point Feedback Enable Lin" DC Power Supply Power Measurement 4- PhaseRegultionMatched Shifting Select Cneer Transducer -- + Phase Amplifier Phase Feedback Detector Transducer Phase Feedback Filtering ci -- Fig. 2-1: Block diagram of the phased array ultrasound driving system Control Strategy This system utilizes a distributed control strategy (Fig. 2-2). The basic control block is the Ultrasonic Driving System Card (UDSC). This 6" x 11" printed circuit board contains all the hardware to drive four matched transducers. It has a Motorola 68HC 11 32 microcontroller which controls power and phase for the analog hardware, monitors output signals to trigger safety interlocks, and holds individual calibration data for each channel on the UDSC. The cards also contain local read/write memory for a phase and power stack (more than 250 levels). If it were necessary for the phase and/or power to be changed rapidly during a sonication, such as if the focus were to be scanned, the phase and power data can be downloaded directly to the amplifier's local memory prior to the sonication. A single pulse can then trigger a step in the stack index, and change the power and phase for the entire array. This dramatically reduces the communication overhead during sonication, which in turn allows the microcontrollers to more closely monitor the amplifiers. Microcontroller coMemory Channel User Interface External Inputs Single Board Computer External Inputs Microcontrover o s memory 1 Channel ->Channel2 Can 3 -Channel 4- aintroller -4 io c frm er 1Cane Channe12Chne2 Channel 3 Channel 3 Cae Fig. 2-2: Distributed control architecture 4-Chne4 of the phased array driving system. All the microcontrollers interface over a single bus with a x486 based single board computer to report operational status and to receive operational commands from the user 33 interface. This single board computer is dedicated strictly to communicating with the microcontrollers and interpreting commands from the User Interface. This strategy is necessary since the User Interface may be occupied with external interfaces such as a magnetic resonance imager. In addition, the dedicated single board computer allows more timely communication with a larger number of UDSC (the system is designed to implement up to 256 UDSC corresponding to 1024 channels). All of the control architecture is based on the principle of modularity so that the same hardware may be used for arrays with different numbers of elements (i.e. individual UDSC may be added or removed from a given system). Electrical Transducer Impedance Matching Electrical impedance matching for individual transducers is advantageous for three reasons. First, matching increases the maximum power transfer from the amplifier into the transducer. Second, the power delivered into a matched load can be measured using simple circuitry. Third, matching elements of varying impedance ensures that the same range of power can be delivered to each individual element in the array. Since system control and treatment monitoring are essential aspects of this design, the small increase in circuitry (two passive elements) is justified and easily implemented. Power Conversion This system implements a class D/E power converter to convert the digital input signal and a DC source to a high power, high frequency sinusoid. The class D (Baxandall 1959) and class E (Sokal and Sokal 1975) switching amplifiers are based on the same principle: use active switching devices (FETs) to drive a resonant circuit while avoiding 34 appreciable current flow through the active device when there exists a voltage drop across it. The theoretical maximum efficiency for each of these converters is 100% (Raab 1977) although the efficiency decreases as a function of bandwidth and load variation. To reduce the extraneous harmonic content of the output signal, a low pass filter is added as an output stage. It is this filter which determines the bandwidth for the system and a modification of this filter can change the operating range of a given power converter. Feedback is used to compensate for non-linearities inherent in class D and class E amplifiers. The power feedback signal is obtained from a dual directional coupler (American Radio Relay League 1989; Buchanan and Hynynen 1994) which measures the forward and reflected power accurately for a 50 Q load. The forward feedback signal is then fed to a voltage switching regulator which adjusts the DC supply to the class D/E converter such that the desired RF power is achieved. The feedback signal is also used to trigger microcontroller interlocks which monitor unreasonably high reflected power (as in the case of a failed transducer element). More efficient power conversion using a duty cycle controlled class D amplifier was rejected due to its inherent increase of undesirable harmonics leading to a decrease in power measurement accuracy. Phase Control Several methods have been proposed to phase shift the output signal (Houghton and Brennan 1992; Cook 1993; Lovejoy et al. 1995). The simplest method uses preloadable counters similar to those used by Ngo (Ngo 1988). Unfortunately, as pointed out in Lovejoy, et al. (Lovejoy et al. 1995), 8-bit phase resolution using this technique requires a master clock frequency 256 times the ultrasound frequency, increasing 35 complexity and decreasing reliability. Lovejoy, et al. (Lovejoy et al. 1995), therefore, recommends the use of a discrete delay based system. This system implements a combination of both counters and delay circuitry. Fig. 2-3 is a diagram of the phase regulation unit. The input master clock operates at 16 times the frequency of the transducer (e.g. 24 MHz for a 1.5 MHz transducer). This clock is applied to simple preloadable four bit counter to create phase steps of 22.5 degrees. The other four bits of resolution are created using a delay chip (8 bits of 0.5 ns steps). This combination of counters and delay circuitry is effective because it increases phase resolution while avoiding ultra high frequency master clock signals and a significant increase in chip count. Input Phase to Digital OperatidengyPhase Frequency x 16 Divide by S 16 Counters Delay Chip Set --- Point -> PaePower Lock Loop Converter Output Phase from Power Converter or Transducer Face Fig. 2-3: Phase regulation system. Like power control, feedback is necessary to ensure proper phasing of a class D/E amplifier. This method uses a phase locked loop (PLL) based feedback loop to adjust the input digital clock of the power stage to regulate the phase of the high power output sine wave (Sowlati et al. 1995; Sowlati et al. 1996). The feedback signal can be obtained from either the matching circuitry of the transducer or directly from the transducer face so that the matching delay is eliminated. 36 2.2.3 System Characterization and Measurement Techniques Measurements into a 50 Q Load A Bird 50 Q, 200 W dummy load was used to characterize the system. Individual channel efficiencies were calculated as the RF power delivered to the load divided by the DC power to the system. In all cases, the RF power was measured using a Hewlett Packard 438A Power Meter with a Werlatone (C1373) coupler. The system frequency response was measured using an Hewlett Packard 8590A Spectrum Analyzer and waveform measurements were recorded using a Tektronix TDS 380 Oscilloscope. Transducer impedances were measured using an Hewlett Packard 4193A Vector Impedance Meter. Measurement in transducer loads The ultrasound driving system was experimentally tested using several transducer arrays (see Table 2-1 for descriptions of arrays). The arrays contained between 14 and 62 elements with multiple element sizes in each array. The variety of transducer elements was used to demonstrate the capability of the system to control power and phase with several element sizes and shapes. The unmatched transducer impedance values ranged between 20 and 1000 Q in magnitude and were always capacitive. Acoustic measurements were made with a 0.5 mm hydrophone (Precision Acoustics, LTD) or with a radiation force technique (Stewart 1982). 37 Table 2-1: Arrays used to test the ultrasound driving hardware. Array Design Number of Frequency Reference 1.64 1.5 1.5 1.07 (Daum and Hynynen 1996) (Fjield and Hynynen 1997) (Fjield et al. 1996) (Hutchinson and Hynynen 1996b) Elements Spherical Sectioned Sector/Concentric Concentric Ring Aperiodic 16 52 14 62 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Class D/E Converter Efficiency At 1.5 MHz the DC-to-RF efficiency was measured to be 78% at 60 W, and dropped to 68% for output levels below 2 W. The main losses occur in the voltage switching regulator and the ferromagnetics of the filter of the class D/E converter. To further improve efficiency, larger magnetics could be used, but the added bulk of the magnetics would be greater than the decrease in required heat sinking. Similar efficiencies are found throughout the operating bandwidth. 2.3.2 Power Output/Regulation of the Class D/E Power Converter The effect of power regulation is illustrated in Fig. 2-4. For a desired output of 10 W into a dummy load, the power regulation feedback lowers the maximum error from 20% to 1% in the specified amplifier bandwidth (1.2-1.8 MHz). For frequencies below the system bandwidth (1.2 MHz) the regulation yields larger errors due to the higher harmonic content of the output signal. The high frequency limit of the amplifier is determined by the maximum specified output power. This power level drops rapidly when operating above 1.8 MHz due to the low pass filter cutoff. 38 14 12 10 o 6 -.- No Power Feedback EIW -- 0 . Power Feedback 2 1 .2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 2-4: Output power into a 50 Q dummy load with and without power feedback. When feedback was not used, the DC supply to the power converter was set such that at 1.5 MHz the output power would be 10 W. Although transducers are matched to 50 Q, a tuned amplifier such as class D or class E will still suffer a variation in power due to different transducer impedances off resonance. For example, each element of a 16 square element array (Daum and Hynynen 1996) was matched to 50 Q at the array's resonant frequency (1.64 MHz). When each of its elements was driven individually with the same amplifier with a fixed supply voltage (no power feedback), the measured output power varied 20% (4.75-5.80 W). By implementing power feedback, the output power variation decreased to less than 1% (5±0.08 W). 39 2.3.3 Harmonic Content of Output Sinusoid In the frequency band 1.2-1.8 MHz, the highest harmonic measured while driving a 50 Q dummy load is 36 dB lower than the primary signal (this occurs at 1.2 MHz). When the harmonics are greater than -30 dB (at frequencies below 1.2 MHz) the power measurement capability of the system is decreased and the power regulation has decreased efficacy. 2.3.4 Power Measurement Dependence on Transducer Matching To correctly measure and regulate power using a dual directional coupler (American Radio Relay League 1989), the transducer must be matched using LC circuitry such that its impedance at the operating frequency is 50 Q (the standard impedance of a dual directional coupler). The coupler yields two output signals representing the forward and reflected power delivered to the load. If the impedance is exactly 50 Q there is no reflected signal and the forward power accurately measures the power delivered to the load. If the impedance varies from 50 Q, the measured forward power will be greater than the actual power delivered to the transducer. By regulating the output power using the measured forward power, the system will never deliver more than the specified power. To test this, the matching circuit of a transducer was varied such that the load impedance differed from the ideal 50 Q. The acoustic output power of the mis-matched transducer was then measured using radiation force measurements for a constant regulated power level. The results are plotted in Fig. 2-5 with the center contour indicating the theoretical point where the actual acoustic output power is 10% less than the desired power (see Appendix A for theoretical details). Power regulation, therefore, 40 guarantees that the power delivered to a mismatched transducer will not exceed the programmed output power. This is important because it avoids the chance of sonicating excessive powers in a clinical treatment in the case of a broken transducer. 200 L: -73% 180 _ 4 160K: -45% 140 - H: -15% 120 - J: -20% 100 80 o 60- B: -5% A: D:-21% 40 0% C: -19% 20F: -69% -80 -60 __________ -40 E: -2% , 0 20 -20 G: -74% 40 60 80 Load Phase (Degrees) Fig. 2-5: Acoustic power regulation dependency on proper transducer matching. The contour lines mark theoretical 10% increments where the actual power output is lower (by that percentage) than the set point power. The letters plot the experimentally mismatched transducer impedances whose output power was measured for a given set point power. The percentage indicates the drop in acoustic power vs. the properly matched 50 Q transducer load. There is good correlation between theoretical and experimental results. 2.3.5 Output Phase Response The output phase is characterized by three parameters: range, resolution, and jitter. The output range of the system is 360' for all frequencies in the bandwidth. The phase resolution is 0.5 ns (0.270 at 1.5 MHz) resulting from the delay circuitry. The output phase, however, has some jitter caused by the locking of the PLL. This jitter ranges 41 3-8 ns across the frequency bandwidth resulting in an uncertainty of 2-3' in the phase of the signal. 2.3.6 Phase and Power Relationship for a Class D/E Converter A class D/E power converter does not maintain the phase of the input over the entire output range of the amplifier (Sowlati et al. 1995). This means that the output phase will depend on the output power level. As a typical class D or class E amplifier, the phase varies 480 from 0 to 60 W in this system without feedback. Feedback from either the amplifier output or the transducer face reduces this error to less than 3'. 2.3.7 Effect of Phase Feedback on Acoustic Fields To achieve maximum power transfer and to accurately measure output power in this system, transducer loads must be matched to 50 n. Unfortunately, the matching network introduces a phase shift between the amplifier output voltage and the transducer (Ebbini and Cain 1991b). If all array elements are exactly the same impedance then this shift is constant and unremarkable. If the elements are different shapes or sizes, this shift will vary (Ngo et al. 1989; Ebbini and Cain 1991b). For example, the measured phase shift ranged from 29-94' for a concentric ring array (Fjield et al. 1996) and 300 for an aperiodic array (Hutchinson and Hynynen 1996b). Phase feedback using the transducer voltage as the feedback signal automatically compensates for these shifts. Fig. 2-6 and Fig. 2-7 illustrate the acoustic effects of applying phase feedback. A line scan across the single focus of the aperiodic array (Fig. 2-6) demonstrates that phase feedback from the transducer face for a simple linear array can increase peak focal intensities by 25% 42 compared to no feedback and 18% for feedback that is taken from the amplifier output Fig. 2-7 contains a contour plot of the acoustic fields measured using a stage. hydrophone for the combined sector vortex/concentric ring array. The implementation of phase feedback decreases undesirable foci and increases the desired peak intensities by an average of 20% indicating an improvement in the control of the acoustic field. 1 - Phase Feedback :.Transducer 0.9 Cl) -Amplifier :. 0.8 --- 08 Output Phase Feedback No Phase Feedback o 0.7 0.6 -0 O V N E 0 0.50.4 - - 0.3 -0.2 - -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 0 4 6 8 10 Distance (mm) Fig. 2-6: Hydrophone scans of acoustic intensity across a single focus for the aperiodic array. The focus was located 4 cm from the center of the array and the scan was performed parallel to the array at that depth. The scans were repeated for each type of phase feedback at the same power and phase inputs. Intensities were normalized using the peak measurement of the three scans. 43 4- E E -2 0 0 -4- -4 2 -2 4 X-Coordinate (mm) 4- E 2-_ -4- -4 - -2 X-Coordinate (mm) Fig. 2-7: Multiple focus hydrophone scans across the focus of a concentric ring/sector vortex array without phase feedback and with phase feedback. The acoustic intensity peaks of the feedback scan are 20% higher on average than those without feedback. The contour lines correspond to equivalent acoustic intensity amplitudes. 2.3.8 System Response Times As stated previously, this system has memory for each microcontroller (see Fig. 22) which can be preloaded with a stack of power and phase settings. A single pulse on the bus triggers a change in output phase and power set by the values of that stack. 44 Following that trigger, output power will settle within 1% of a step input of 1 W and 10 W in 175 ps and 22 ms respectively. The power feedback is almost critically damped so there is minimal power overshoot. The output phase with feedback locks within 250 ps. Therefore an accurate system output occurs in less than 250 pLs for a 1 W step input and 22 ms for a 10 W step input. The next stack value is available from the microcontrollers within 20 ms such that another trigger pulse may be received. If a faster response time is needed then the system can operate with a disabled power feedback loop. The power settling time is then 5.6 pts and 9 pts for a 1 W and 10 W step input. This makes the system response time approximately 250 pIs for all output power levels with 20 ms needed for the microcontrollers to update the stack (250 stack levels). 2.4 Discussion The ultrasound array driving system described in this paper is able to accurately produce RF signals of appropriate power and phase for arrays of multiple element sizes and frequencies without requiring array specific calibration. This system marks an improvement both in ultrasonic control and in patient safety. By implementing phase and power feedback, the nonlinearities of previous systems can be alleviated without necessitating a change to a less efficient amplifier design. Due to their high efficiency, a 256 channel system is about the size of a filing cabinet, making this system suitable for a clinical setting. The distributed control architecture gives the system a fast response time, allowing for proper treatment monitoring and electronic focal scanning for a large scale array. 45 An important aspect of this design is the measurement of the power delivered to each transducer element. Since tissue necrosis is a logarithmic function of temperature (Sapareto and Dewey 1984), small errors in power generation and/or measurement can greatly affect the tissue response. For that reason, individual power measurement is needed for each array element to accurately control treatment conditions. Simply measuring the total output power for entire arrays cannot offer this critical information. As a result of improved and individual power measurement, automatic power regulation is now possible. It has been shown that the variance in output power between different transducers driven by class D or E amplifiers can be decreased by implementing a simple feedback loop. This is especially important for phased array fields which rely heavily on destructive interference of same magnitude fields (Cain and Umemura 1986; McGough et al. 1994). By measuring the power into a matched 50 Q transducer load, the variation of acoustic power output is limited to the variation of the electroacoustic efficiency of the elements-a characteristic which is easily measured with the radiation force technique. Power regulation also acts as a safety feature since the output power of a mismatched transducer will be regulated at or below the desired output power level. Similarly, phase feedback is important to the operation of arrays whose elements have varying sizes or output power requirements. Without feedback, the user loses control of accurate phasing for a class D or E amplifier between multiple power levels and hence the ability to precisely control the acoustic field patterns. An uncalibrated variable delay caused by the matching circuitry for transducers can also reduce array performance. Both of these sources of error are overcome by the implementation of simple feedback circuitry. Therefore, if an array's elements are properly aligned and the 46 time delay between the transducer's electrical field and mechanical vibration is uniform, then this technique can eliminate the need for amplitude and phase correction with a hydrophone. This technique, however, does not eliminate phase errors caused by differences in the acoustic properties of the transmission medium and in some cases a hydrophone correction technique may still be useful (Ebbini and Cain 1991b). Nevertheless, for the arrays tested as part of this research, acquiring a phase feedback signal from the transducer face can directly improve acoustic intensities by 20-25% without any array calibration or hydrophone feedback. 47 3. A THEORETICAL DESIGN MODEL FOR SONICATING LARGE TISSUE VOLUMES 3.1 Introduction Focused ultrasound surgery depends on a high intensity gain from the transducer surface to the focal volume to cause significant temperature rises only in the target tissue volume. A single focus therapeutic transducer can typically generate temperatures at their focus high enough to coagulate tissue in seconds with an effective thermal focus volume of 1-2 mm in width and 5-15 mm in length. As stated earlier, this makes the treatment of large tumor volumes extremely time intensive since a delay between successive sonications is needed to avoid near field heating (Damianou and Hynynen 1993). Spherically shaped ultrasound phased array applicators offer a modality to lessen this extensive treatment time for larger tissue volumes by using multiple focus patterns to create an effective focal size much larger than an individual acoustic focus (Ebbini and Cain 1991a; Chapelon et al. 1993; Fan and Hynynen 1995b). This chapter presents a study which theoretically explored the limits of a spherically shaped array to coagulate large tissue volumes in a single sonication and used a simple model to predict the maximum necrosis volume for any array geometry given the target tissue depth and available acoustic window. From this data the array designer can determine the minimum number and maximum size of array elements required to generate the desired effective 48 focal volume for thermal surgery. A theoretical analysis of the focal spacing to create a uniform thermal dose distribution using multiple focus fields was also performed. 3.2 Materials and Methods 3.2.1 Area Gain/Axial Attenuation Model The area gain/axial attenuation model is diagrammed in Fig. 3-1. This model estimates the focal power deposition intensity (Pf) at any distance R as directly proportional to the intensity at the transducer acoustic window (Pr) by the equation where D (cm) is the acoustic window diameter, W (cm) is the focal volume width at depth R (cm), a is the absorption coefficient, and f is the applicator frequency. This model approximates an ideal case for a spherically focused transducer in which the acoustic intensity is uniform in the acoustic "cone" at any given plane from that transducer aperture. Since the model is based on power and not acoustic wave interference, there are no grating lobes or undesirable pre-focal "hot spots" produced by constructive interference. Also unlike an acoustic model, the power is uniformly distributed within the focal volume without distinct foci and the associated peaks and troughs of heating. Simulations using this model were performed on a PC (Micron, Boise, ID) over the frequency bandwidth 1-2 MHz and focal depths of 6-20 cm into tissue. The acoustic aperture was simulated for transducers with an f-number of 0.8-1.0. 49 D WPf Pt - R Fig. 3-1: Diagram of the area gain/axial attenuation model for determining the maximum effective focal width for a single sonication using a phased array applicator. The temperature elevations caused by the power deposition pattern were calculated using a finite element analysis of the bioheat transfer equation (Pennes 1948) and the necrosis threshold was calculated using the Sapareto-Dewey thermal dose model (Sapareto and Dewey 1984) (see Appendix C for the details). This thermal dose model has been experimentally verified in vivo with threshold levels for necrosis found to be in the range of 30-240 equivalent minutes at 430 C (240 used as threshold in these simulations) (Damianou et al. 1995). The simulated sonication time was 10 seconds and the total power level was varied to adjust the peak simulated temperature. As these simulations are trying to theoretically maximize coagulated tissue volumes, a limitation must be set which distinguishes between a large coagulated volume of deep seated tissue and a large coagulated tissue volume that is large only because of the extensive near field heating. Clearly, the goal is to necrose deep seated tumor tissue and not the pre-focal healthy tissue. Previous research has indicated that the threshold of 50 thermally induced pain occurs at about 450 C (Hynynen et al. 1990; Perez et al. 1993). To thermally necrose tissue in a short time period, this threshold must be exceeded in the target volume. However, the volume of healthy tissue that exceeds 45 0C should be minimized. Therefore, as an initial criterion for treatment, the simulations limited the focal volume such that no tissue outside of 1 cm from the necrosis volume would surpass the thermal pain threshold. This should result in a relatively pain-free treatment. 3.2.2 Array Element Design Given the Maximum Focal Volume Given the maximum focal volume for a set tissue depth and available acoustic aperture, the array parameters can be established. This is accomplished by using the well known 6dB beam patterns of a focused piezoelement: F 1 = KI (-)2 and AF 2D where w is the focal width, / is the focal length, X is the ultrasonic wavelength (about 1 mm at 1.5 MHz in water), F is the focal distance (radius of curvature) , D is the diameter of the element, and K1 and K2 are constants which depend on the aperture angle of the element (typically, K1 is between 8-14 and K2 is about 1) (Wells 1977). When the focal width equation is applied using the dimensions of a single element of the spherical sectioned array, the resulting width is approximately the limits of the array's ability to electronically shift the focus away from the geometric focus of the array in the focal plane 51 (Wells 1977; Goss et al. 1996). By applying the width and length equations using the array geometry as a whole, the resulting dimensions are approximately the dimensions of individual foci formed close to the geometric focus. Therefore, the dimensions of the individual foci are set by the array configuration while the effective thermal focus of the pattern of foci is set by the size and number of array elements. It is noteworthy that the scanned or multiple focus patterns are always in the near field of the array but in the far field of the array elements. Therefore, given the maximum theoretical focal width found by using the area gain/axial attenuation model, one can determine the maximum size (and minimum number) of elements in the array such that the array can scan foci throughout the theoretical volume. The array designed as an example for this paper was simulated using an acoustic model based on the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld superimposed point sources (Zemanek 1971). integral over a set of geometrically Temperature elevations were again calculated using the Pennes bioheat transfer equation and the dose distributions were calculated from a numerical integration of the Sapareto and Dewey model (Pennes 1948; Sapareto and Dewey 1984). The spatial resolution was 0.25 mm in the transverse axis of the array and 0.50 mm in the longitudinal axis. The temporal resolution was 0.02 s. The phase distribution was calculated using the pseudoinverse or mode scanning approach (Ebbini and Cain 1989; McGough et al. 1994). 3.2.3 Focal Spacing Simulations The area gain/axial attenuation model is used to calculate the maximum focal volume that an ideal array could coagulate in a single sonication. An actual array, however, can 52 not create a perfectly uniform power deposition pattern in the focal volume. Instead, the uniform temperature and thermal dose elevation must be formed by the superposition of individual foci or focal patterns. A study by Damianou (Damianou and Hynynen 1993) investigated the distance between sequential sonications to ensure tissue coagulation between foci using a fixed focus transducer. Simulations for the current study investigated the maximum distance possible to cause uniform thermal dose between adjacent foci from a multiple focus pattern using a phased array. This is done by simulating a 3 x 3 cm 2 grid of foci in the focal plane of the array. The grid was formed by superimposing the pressure magnitude squared fields of a single focus transducer of varying frequency (1-2 MHz) and varying F-number (0.8-1.0). The power for the entire grid was varied in a series of simulated 10 second sonications until the thermal dose at the center of the grid was 5000 equivalent minutes at 430 C or until the peak temperature of the sonication exceeded 1000 C. Fig. 3-2 contains a diagram of the simulated field. 3 cm (fixed) 1-5 mm (variable) Fig. 3-2: Positioning of foci to determine the maximum spacing in a multiple focus pattern to create a uniform thermal dose. 53 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Area Gain/Axial Attenuation Model A sample of the response using the area gain/axial attenuation model is found in Fig. 3-3. In this case, the focal plane is located 7 cm into the tissue and the effective focal width is set as 2 and 3 cm at a frequency of 1.5 MHz (tissue attenuation set as 5 Np/m/MHz). In each case, the lesion is localized well beneath the tissue surface as shown in the thermal dose plots, but the temperature contours indicate that the wider focal region causes extensive heating in the tissue between the transducer and the focus. The predicted lesion also begins to extend more in the pre-focal region as compared to the post-focal zone. This is not surprising since the larger focal width lowers the intensity gain from the transducer beyond the focal plane. As the temperature rise in the near field preludes the extension of the thermal dose necrosis, the pain threshold criteria is used to limit the maximum focal width. 54 W= 2.0 cm 150 ,_ ,_ _ W= 3.0 cm 150 -650 100 100 50 50 -50 0 50 150 100 100 C/Q 50 -55C .. -. 450 C -50 150 0 50 240 Eq. Min @ 430 C 50 -50 0 50 C -50 0 50 Distance Across Axis (mm) Fig. 3-3: Results of the area gain/axial attenuation model for a 1.5 MHz array with focal distance of 100 mm sonicating 70 mm into tissue. The top graphs correspond to the temperature contours at a maximum temperature of 700 C in a 10 second sonication (contours at 450, 550, and 650 C). The lower graphs correspond to the thermal dose contours of thermal coagulation (240 equivalent minutes at 430 C). Fig. 3-4 and Fig. 3-5 are plots of the maximum focal width using the 450 C pain threshold, criteria. Fig. 3-4 graphs the peak ratio of focal width to acoustic aperture (W/D) against the tissue depth (R) with a variable peak temperature in the focal plane (frequency set at 1.5 MHz). It is apparent from this graph that the lower peak temperature can yield larger focal volumes. Fig. 3-5 plots the same type of curves but sets the peak temperature to 700 C and varies the driving frequency. As expected, the lower frequency can produce a larger lesion width than the higher frequencies, but the curve's response to frequency is less sensitive than its response to peak temperature. 55 E 0.20 0 0.16 (0 - 600 - 800- 0.12 0 0.08 - 1000 0.04 .5 C.) 0 0.00 8 10 12 14 18 16 20 Depth of Focus (cm) Fig. 3-4: Area gain/axial attenuation plots of maximum focal width to acoustic window width for a 10 second sonication at 1.5 MHz with varying peak sonication temperatures. 0 0.20 ......... 1.0 M Hz 0.16 -- 1.5 MHz (0 0.12 .5 .9 0.08 . MHz N2.0 U 0 0.04 700 C peak 0 0.00 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Depth of Focus (cm) Fig. 3-5: Area gain/axial attenuation plots of maximum focal width to acoustic window width for a 10 second sonication with a peak temperature of 700 C and varying frequency. 56 3.3.2 Focal Spacing Analysis The simulated response for a grid of 1.5 MHz foci with variable spacing is shown in Fig. 3-6. At small interfocal spacing, the temperature and thermal dose are uniform within the center of the volume. As that spacing becomes larger, the individual foci must cause higher temperatures to ensure that the interfocal tissue is coagulated. The peak focal temperatures needed for a given focal spacing to guarantee interfocal tissue destruction are plotted in Fig. 3-7. Note that for very small focal spacing, the necessary temperature elevation to coagulate tissue in a ten second sonication is approximately 600 C. As the spacing increases, the temperature also increases, although to a lesser amount for lower frequencies (which have larger individual foci) and for smaller fnumbers (which also have larger individual foci). For all frequencies and for both fnumbers, the maximum focal spacing to create a relatively uniform dose is approximately 1.5 times the ultrasonic wavelength. 016000 ;; 0 Focal Spacing 12000 2.0 mm . 1.5 mm c~ 8000 - 1.0 mm LU ~) 4000 W 00 0 0 5 10 15 20 Distance from Grid Center (mm) Fig. 3-6: Example of a half cross-section, thermal dose levels as the distance between adjacent foci is varied in the 3x3 cm 2 of foci. The individual foci are the superposition of the focus simulated of an fnumber 0.8, 1.5 MHz transducer. The center dose is 5000 equivalent minutes at 430 C. 57 Fixed f-number 1.0 a- 0 E 0) 7- 10C 90 Fixed frequency 1.5 MHz 2.0 MHz...... 1.5 MHz 1.0MHz---- . 100 f-num 0.8 90 f-num 1.0 --- 80 . 60 60 - 1 - 80', 70 80 70 -, 2 1 4 3 Focal Spacing (mm) 2 3 4 Fig. 3-7: Maximum temperatures simulated for the grid of variable focal spacing. The center dose is constant for all data points (5000 equivalent minutes at 430 C) while the f-number and frequency are varied. 3.3.3 Design Example The following is a sample design using the data from the area gain/axial attenuation model, the array element beamwidths, and the focal spacing data. Suppose that a liver treatment has the following constraints: tumor depth of 7 cm and maximum acoustic aperture diameter of 12 cm. The frequency of the design should be selected as low as possible since it can yield larger focal widths with wider interfocal spacing. However, the lower frequencies are also more likely to cause thermally significant cavitation (approximately a linear relationship of threshold P = 0.6+5.3*f where P is the pressure in MPa and f is the frequency in MHz) (Hynynen 1991). For this design the frequency was chosen as 1.1 MHz. This yields a maximum focal width of 1.9 cm (0.16 W/D from Fig. 3-5 with D = 12 cm to match the acoustic window and a peak temperature 58 of 70 C). The array could be built out of a 0.83 f-number transducer. Using the 6 dB beamwidth equations, the array element size must be less than 7.2 mm in diameter (the diameter of the focal region should be within the 6 dB beamwidth of the individual array elements) leading to an array of around 220 elements. To treat a 1.9 cm wide focal region with a peak temperature of 700 C, a focal spacing of 3 mm is necessary. Thus the focal grid would consist of 49 foci. This pattern can be produced using a phase generation technique such as the pseudoinverse or phase rotation in conjunction with temporal field multiplexing. An acoustic simulation shows the difference between the simplified theoretical model used above and a practical array design. Fig. 3-8 demonstrates the simulated heating and necrosis volume from a 256 element, 1.1 MHz array used to treat a 1.0 x 1.0 2 cm 2 focal area. This array has element sizes of 6.5x6.5 mm2. A grid of 25 foci are formed by temporally multiplexing between multiple focus patterns. While an array this size can theoretically necrose a 1 cm diameter volume without causing any "hot spots" or excessive near field heating, the simulated array does not uniformly distribute power in the near field and "hot spots" are formed. There are extensions of temperature elevations extending from the lesion towards the array. Therefore, an improvement in phase distribution driving signals and/or an increase in the number of elements in the array are still necessary to make this treatment effective. 59 130 130, 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 -20 70 70 60 60 -40 -40 50 -40 50 40 20 0 0 -20 x (mm) 20 40 0 -20 x (mm) 20 40 _ 0 -50 50 diag (mm) Fig. 3-8: Temperature and thermal dose contours simulated for a 256 element, 1.1 MHz phased array with 12 cm diameter and 10 cm radius of curvature. The contours are the predicted lesions (black lines) and the 450 C temperature contour (gray lines) of the cross axis of transducer in the focal plane (left), along the axis of the transducer perpendicular to "square" in focal plane (middle), and along the axis of the transducer diagonal to the "square" in focal plane (right). The peak temperature was 70* C in a 10 second sonication. 3.4 Discussion Previous research has noted that using a phased array for thermal ablation can decrease the treatment time of large tumors by 60-75% (Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996b). Phased arrays are capable of this since they can scan a single focus very rapidly and can create multiple focus patterns. They offer the control to shape the acoustic deposition pattern to optimize the temperature and thermal dose response of the tissue thereby increasing the effective focal volume of tissue that can be treated in a single sonication. The area gain/axial attenuation model can be used as a first order tool to design spherical sectioned phased arrays for treating deep seated tissue. The model can indicate the maximum treatment volumes for any acoustic aperture and tissue depth. Using the maximum values, the designer can determine the minimum number (and maximum size) of the array elements necessary for the treatment application. It is noteworthy that the maximum necrosis volume is also a function of its limiting criteria (in this case the limitation was set as limiting the pain threshold 60 temperature to within 1 cm of the lesion). A different criterion which either changes the threshold temperature in non-diseased tissue or alters the size of the thermal boundary around the lesion could yield larger or smaller volumes. In the case of liver treatment, where the hope is to perform the treatment in a single breath-hold period, the pain criterion was deemed appropriate. Other treatments could use a different requirement depending on the use of anesthesia and sonication duration. Using the criterion of this study, the maximum tissue necrosis volume for depths of 6-20 cm is less than 2 cm wide and 3 cm long. Even with a different limiting criterion, the area gain/axial attenuation technique indicates some important parameters to improve the treatment of large tissue volumes. It indicates that the f-number for the array should be less than 1.0 and that the frequency should be reduced as long as the cavitation threshold is avoided. However, the change of maximum focal width when frequency is varied (1-2 MHz) is only about 20% for depths of 6-20 cm. Most importantly, the field should be optimized to decrease the peak and average temperatures in the focal region to avoid excess heating in the near field. The acoustic simulations indicate that the current technology for generating phase and power distributions on the array surface needs more work to approach the idealized situation. Non-uniform near field heating can create potential hot spots which at worst could generate non-repairable tissue damage in the pre-focal tissue. This illustrates the need for temperature sensitive feedback methods obtained from ultrasound, CT, or MRI. Despite their non-ideal nature as compared to the area gain/axial attenuation model, phased arrays offer much potential towards the fast treatment of large tissue volumes. The spatial dimensions between adjacent foci in a multiple focus pattern can be 61 50% larger than those of sequential sonications of a single focus transducer (Damianou et al. 1995), thus helping to create a more optimized power deposition with less wasted energy in tissue that has already been coagulated. Lastly, several researchers have indicated that a major advantage of the spherical sectioned phased array is its ability to focus energy such that acoustic barriers such as bones can be avoided (McGough et al. 1996; Botros et al. 1997). By applying the area gain/axial attenuation technique to only the acoustic window area (as opposed to the array aperture) the model can still be used to estimate maximum necrosis volumes. 62 4. ARRAY CONSTRUCTION AND ARRAY MATERIALS 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Array Requirements This study investigated the materials and construction techniques for creating a large scale, 2-D, therapeutic ultrasound phased array. The array had to be compatible for use in an MR scanner, able to withstand extended periods submersed in water, generate acoustic power levels sufficient for clinical tumor treatment, and minimize inter-element coupling. This study will investigate the maximum power, efficiency, and inter-element coupling for cut PZT-4 piezoelements and for 1-3 composite piezoelements manufactured by two companies. It will then present the results of a constructed 256 element array. 4.1.2 Current State of Array Construction Two dimensional diagnostic ultrasound arrays are usually constructed from a single PZT piezoelement. The technique, known as "dice-and-fill," cuts through an existing crystal and then fills the spaces (called kerfs) with an ideally non-mechanically coupling material (typically silicone, epoxy, or polymer). The cutting decreases the interelement coupling and the kerf material helps ensure that the geometry between elements is kept intact. The geometry is kept rigid in most diagnostic arrays because they are backed by a solid acoustic damping material. On the transmitting side of the piezoelement, the arrays may contain either a solid or diced quarter wave acoustic matching layer(s) to improve ultrasound transmission, reception, and bandwidth. 63 Electrical connections are often made with conductive epoxy or paint (typically silver). A conductive coating at the transmission side of the array acts as a ground plane for the electronic signals. Therapeutic transducers have a basic requirement that makes their construction different from diagnostic devices: they must generate high levels of power for extended periods of time. This includes continuous wave signals that last for durations up to hours in the case of hyperthermia treatments. The implications of this requirement change the design of the arrays significantly. First, the backing material of an ultrasound transducer must be chosen to minimize transmission losses. This is most easily done by backing the transducer with a very low impedance medium (air) (Wells 1977; Hynynen 1990). Second, since a piezoelement is usually driven at its resonant monofrequency to maximize its electroacoustic efficiency, the importance of a broadband matching layer is decreased. It has been shown for several diced PZT elements that sufficient ultrasound transmission can be obtained without a matching layer. Third, extreme care must be taken to only use piezoelements whose dimensions tend to create single vibrational modes (De Silets 1978; Challande 1990). While this requirement is also important for diagnostic elements, it is critical for therapeutic elements where the non-transmitted vibrational modes can lead directly to excess heating in the piezoelectric material and failure of the transducer. Lastly, the current and voltage requirements are higher for the electrodes of therapeutic devices. This makes the use of silver epoxy or conductive paint less appealing in creating a conductive ground plane on the transmission side of the array. As a part of this study, four prototype arrays were constructed using PZT and the traditional "dice-and-fill" techniques. 64 4.1.3 Composite Materials In the 1980's a series of papers from the Materials Research Laboratory of Penn State were published describing a new type of piezoelectric material called 1-3 composite (Shrout et al. 1980; Gururaja et al. 1980; Gururaja et al. 1984; Gururaja et al. 1985a; Gururaja et al. 1985b; Gururaja et al. 1985c). This material consisted of small, embedded piezoelement rods (such as PZT) in a polymer or epoxy base (see Fig. 4-1). The placement of these piezoelement pieces was two dimensionally periodic with varying fill ratios of polymer to piezoelement. The use of this new type of material was auspicious for several reasons. First, after placing the rods in the polymer the transducer can be molded to any shape and size. This is an advantage compared to the mechanical limits of grinding a PZT pseudocrystal. Second, the element division of a composite material does not require the material to be diced, but only that the electrode be etched in a particular pattern. Difficult patterns can therefore be created without costly machining. Third, the polymer/piezoelement combination had a lower acoustic impedance to more closely match a liquid coupling medium. Lastly, the small piezoelements embedded in the polymer contain appropriate dimensions to promote a single vibrational mode. They can then be combined to produce element sizes that have similar width and thickness dimensions that previously could not be used due to their low efficiency. Recently, two companies have begun to advertise 1-3 composite piezoelectric materials for high power applications (Materials Systems, Littleton, MA and Imasonic SA, Besancon, France). This chapter will present quantitative measurements of these new materials to investigate their use in therapeutic ultrasound arrays. The results will be compared to diced PZT test arrays. In addition, the benefits of an acoustic matching layer 65 for therapeutic arrays will be quantitatively measured for two sample arrays. Lastly, this chapter will present the results of a 256 element array designed for therapy (see Chapter 6 for therapeutic results). Fig. 4-1: Diagram of a 1-3 composite piezoelectric. The rods represent the PZT and the fill between the rods (not shown) is typically a polymer. 4.2 Methods and Materials 4.2.1 Acoustic Efficiency Measurements All electroacoustic efficiency measurements were made using a radiation force technique (Stewart 1982). Electrical power measurements were made for individual array elements using either an HP 438A Power Meter (Hewlett Packard, Englewood, CO) or the custom built power meters on the ultrasound driving system (see Chapter 2 and Appendix A). Efficiency measurements for powering the entire array simultaneously used the custom built power meters for each individual element attached to the driving system. 66 4.2.2 Maximum Power Measurements The maximum acoustic power was measured by increasing the electrical power to an array element and measuring the acoustic output power until it peaked and began to drop. Efficiency measurements were then recorded at lower powers to measure the effect on the transducer elements. Peak power measurements were performed on all of the composite test arrays except for the therapeutic 256 element array. 4.2.3 Inter-element Coupling Measurements Inter-element coupling was tested by measuring the acoustic output power when adjacent elements were electrically driven in-phase and out-of-phase. Two elements were electrically driven using separate but synchronized amplifiers with power levels such that no irreversible damage was caused to either element. The electrical phase of one of the amplifiers was shifted until the voltage on its transducer element was either completely coherent (in-phase) or incoherent (out-of-phase with a 180 degree phase shift) with the neighboring element. For each material, individual electrical power measurements were made using two Hewlett Packard 438A Power Meters. The radiation force technique was used to measure the acoustic power. Multiple pairs of elements were tested for each array. In addition, measurements of six adjacent elements of the Imasonic prototype array and all 256 elements of the therapy array were taken while being driven simultaneously. In these cases the power measurement and driving signals were provided by the in-house built ultrasound driving system. 67 4.2.4 Acoustic Field Simulation and Measurement The ultrasound fields of the 256 element array were simulated using the RayleighSommerfeld integral over a set of geometrically superimposed point sources as described by Zemanek (Zemanek 1971). The acoustic vibration on the surface was modeled as uniform. All calculations were performed on a dual Pentium II processor 300 MHz PC (Micron, Boise, ID). Automated stepper motors (Velmex, Bloomfield, NY) and a 0.075 mm hydrophone (Precision Acoustic, Dorset, England) were used to scan the 256 element array in a degassed water bath. Rubber matting was placed around the sides of the bath and hydrophone to reduce reflections. The spatial sampling was equal to or less than 0.2 mm. 4.2.5 "Dice-and-Fill" Arrays (*IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of this work was completed by the author while other parts of the work were completed by Patrick Lopath prior to the beginning of this thesis. All of the results were placed in this thesis since they were non-published but help complete the series of tests performed as a part of this thesis. The section subtitles marked with a star (*) indicate that the work was mainly performed by Lopath.) The dice and fill technique was studied by constructing small test arrays (not used for therapy) and prototype arrays (such as the arrays described in other chapters of this thesis used in vivo or ex vivo experiments). The variable acoustic measurements were predominantly made on the test arrays while the prototype arrays were used to indicate the most robust techniques for large array construction. 68 "Dice and Fill" Test Arrays Piezoelectric Material for "Dice and Fill" Arrays Two types of non-composite piezoelectric materials were tested for an array of small square elements: lead zirconate titanite (PZT-4) and lithium niobate (LiNO). The materials were flat and the dimensions were varied from a width-to-thickness ratio of greater than 5.0 in both dimensions to a width-to-thickness ratio of 2.6 (thickness is set by the resonant frequency wavelength). It was the intention that these materials could be used to form large non-planar arrays by either dicing a large curved PZT-4 pseudocrystal into smaller elements or positioning small flat pieces of LiNO on a spherical shell. Kerf Adhesive for "Dice and Fill" Arrays To join adjacent diced elements, five different adhesives from four companies were studied. These are listed in Table 4-1. Manual shear tests of structural integrity were used to rule out some blends of the adhesives. Test arrays (typically just two elements) were created for those materials which passed the manual shear test. Water resistance was tested by submersing the test arrays overnight. Acoustic coupling tests were used to find the best adhesives and to optimize mixing ratios for the multiple component adhesives. 69 Table 4-1: Kerf adhesives tested for diced transducer arrays. Adhesive 1 2 3 4 5 Company Loctite Dow MERECO Loctite Dow Dow Material Names V-1022 3140 RTV-1 Permatex 65A D.E.R. 732 D.E.R. 331 Description two part rubber potting compound Low viscosity silicone High viscosity silicone glass sealant epoxy resin softener epoxy resin Dow DEH 24 hardener "Dice and Fill" Prototype Arrays Using the dice and fill techniques found in the test arrays, four prototype arrays were constructed. A description of the arrays is found in Table 4-2. They were all Three types of cable have been tested designed in the spherical sectioned geometry. using the prototype therapy arrays. Some of the cable properties are listed in Table 4-3. Connections between the piezoelectric material and the coaxial cables using conductive epoxy, solder, paints, and pogo pins* were investigated. Table 4-2: Prototype therapy arrays. Elements Electrode Kerf Adhesive Number of Element 2 Connection Size (cm ) 16 4 16 4 64 1 and Cable Dow D.E.R. 331 (see material 6 in table) Dow D.E.R. 331 (see material 6 in table) Loctite V-1022 Silver epoxy paint/silver Cu/Au electrode/solder 5 m, Belden 28 AWG 5 m, Belden 28 AWG 28 AWG 1) Pogo pins 5 m, 2) Cu/Au electrode Belden and solder 76 1 Cu/Au Loctite V-1022 I electrode/solder 70 5 m, Tensolite 30 AWG Table 4-3: Types of coaxial cable used tested in therapeutic arrays. Manufacturer Belden Tensolite Precision Interconnect Part Number 8700010 30830/41119X-1(LD) 155-0205-7NN AWG 28 32 34 Capacitance (pF/m) 181 78 115 4.2.6 1-3 Composite Materials 1-3 Composite from Material Systems Four types of composite piezoelectric materials were obtained from Material Systems, Inc. (Littleton, MA, USA). These materials were all 1-3 composites using PZT-4 at a resonant frequency of 500kHz. The electrode consisted of silver epoxy (the company did not manufacture solid electrodes). The material data are found in Table 4-4. Table 4-4: 1-3 Piezocomposite obtained from Material Systems, Inc. Material ID MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 Fill Ratio % 30 30 40 50 Polymer Fill Matrix Shore D80 PU Voided shore D80 PU Shore D80 PU Voided shore D80 PU W/H Freq. Ratio (MHz) 0.41 0.41 0.26 0.46 Two test arrays were constructed from each composite material. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 Each array consisted of a 1 cm 2 square transducer which was electrically subdivided into four 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 elements by etching one side of the epoxy into quadrants. The elements were joined electrically to 28 AWG, 1 m Belden coaxial cable using silver epoxy. The transducer was then positioned in an air backed transducer case using a silicone sealant. The resonant frequency for each element was determined by choosing its maximum real impedance as measured on a Hewlett Packard 4193A impedance meter. The elements 71 were electrically matched using simple LC circuitry such that their impedance was 50 Q at the frequency of interest. 1-3 Composite from Imasonic 9 Element Test Array A nine element test array was obtained from Imasonic (Besancon, France). The array consisted of a 3-by-3 grid of square elements with 0.5 cm sides yielding an aperture of 1.5 x 1.5 cm2 . The array had been placed in an air backed casing by the manufacturer with metal electrodes attached to the holder for electrical connection. The type of connection to the composite material (solder, epoxy, etc.) was not disclosed by the company. The front of the transducer had an undisclosed, proprietary acoustic matching layer. The test array was connected to either 1 m Belden or 5 m Tensolite cable using solder to the casing electrodes. The resonant frequency for the array was determined by finding the maximum real impedance for each of its elements as measured on a Hewlett Packard 4193A impedance meter. The elements were electrically matched using simple LC circuitry such that their impedance was 50 Q at the frequency of interest (0.88 MHz). The elements were later matched at 1.0 MHz which was the specified frequency requested to the manufacturer. 256 Therapy Array A 256 element spherical sectioned array was designed to treat a 3 cm 3 volume in a single sonication. The frequency was chosen to be 1.1 MHz to avoid the cavitation 72 threshold of low frequency ultrasound and the increased attenuation of high frequency ultrasound. The element size was determined by maximizing the surface area of the transducer while keeping the element projections of equal area. The array geometry (element size and frequency) were simulated to ensure that the array could adequately shift a single focus within the target volume without grating lobes greater than 10% of the main lobe. The 256 element array was then constructed from a spherically curved 1-3 piezocomposite shell (Imasonic, Besancon, France) with a 10 cm radius of curvature and Although the array geometry has been titled "spherical sectioned" 12 cm diameter. (Ebbini and Cain 1991a), the 1-3 composite material was not "sectioned" by cutting through the material. The array elements were etched on the convex electrode of the array using a diamond wire saw in a pattern whose planar projection is a grid of s (see Fig. 4-2). Unlike the prototype array, the front of the 0.65x0.65 CM 2 squares(eFi.42.Ulkthprttparahefotfte transducer did not include a quarter wave acoustic matching layer. On the back of the array, one end of a small strip of silver foil was directly soldered to each element electrode. Each foil was connected to a 7 m, 34 AWG, magnet compatible, microcoaxial cable (Precision Interconnect, Portland, OR). including the DC capacitance piezoelement/cable and Electrical measurements of the cable conductivity were used to estimate the impedance using a single stage "L" transmission line model (Anderson 1995). Comparisons to the measured impedance (using an HP 4193A Vector Impedance Meter, Hewlett Packard, Englewood, CO) of the cabled transducer were made to verify the model and estimate efficiency losses in the cable. The electroacoustic efficiency of the array's piezocomposite was measured as connected with the 7 m, 34 73 AWG coaxial cable for the entire array and with 1 m, 28 AWG cable for two sample elements. A photograph of the completed array is found in Fig. 4-3. Fig. 4-2: Planar projection of array elements. The elements are shaded and the small triangular spaces on the array edges were used for ground connections and were not powered. 74 Fig. 4-3: Photographs of the 256 element array. 75 4.3 Results 4.3.1 "Dice-and-Fill" Tests Quantitative Results from the "Dice and Fill" Test Arrays Non-Composite Materials Tested for "Dice and Fill" Arrays Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 contain the electroacoustic efficiency data for the PZT-4 and LiNO piezoelectric materials. It was found that for a width-to-thickness ratio greater than 5 that the both materials had acceptable efficiencies (66% for PZT-4 and 49% for LiNO). As the ratio dropped to 2.6 for both dimensions, the efficiencies dropped significantly. The materials offered similar efficiencies although LiNO was somewhat higher. Table 4-5: Square element test array results for PZT-4. X dimension (W/T) >5 >5 >2.6 Y dimension (W/T) >5 2.6 2.6 Efficiency (%) 66 40 24 Table 4-6: Square element test array results for lithium niobate. X dimension (W/T) >5 >5 >2.6 Y dimension (WIT) >5 2.6 2.6 Efficiency (%) 76 58 49 Kerf Adhesives for "Dice and Fill" Arrays Only two of the five different types of adhesives passed a manual manipulation test. These included the Loctite silicone (V-1022) and Dow epoxy combination. After being submersed, both materials experienced a weight gain of less than 1%. The initial 76 efficiency of the test arrays was 78% (silicone) and 74% (epoxy). The efficiency of the array with epoxy kerf dropped to 62% after 10 minutes of 20 W power while the efficiency of the array with a silicone kerf did not drop under the same conditions. Three test arrays, each with two elements, were prepared. The first array did not have a diced kerf but only an etched electrode to divide the elements. The second and third arrays used epoxy and silicone to fill a diamond wire cut kerf (0.3 mm width). The results of interelement coupling tests with in phase and out of phase powering are found in Table 4-7. Table 4-7: Interelement coupling dependence on kerf fill at an average acoustic power of 8 W. Kerf Type Scoured electrode Silicone Epoxy In Phase Efficiency (%) 64.3 67.3 62.9 Out of Phase Efficiency (%) 57.9 66.4 63.2 Qualitative Results from the "Dice and Fill" Prototype Arrays "Dice and Fill" Array Cable Type The three types of coaxial cable were found appropriate for different types of arrays. First, a 28 AWG cable (Belden) was found appropriate for arrays with a small number of large elements since it introduced a small insertion loss and its outer insulation is easy to encapsulate at the array holder. It can carry over 50 W of RF energy into a large element. Its high capacitance and large diameter, however, make it inappropriate for arrays with many elements. The 30 AWG cable (Tensolite) was tested for small elements. Its low capacitance (79 pF/m) and low loss (<0.5 /m) allows the elements to be easily matched, but its stiffness and size contraindicate its use for an array with a large 77 number of elements. In addition, it is very difficult to water-proof (pot) the cables into a holder due to the PVC coating. Lastly, a 34 AWG cable (Precision Interconnect) was tested for an array with a large number of elements. The cable has low capacitance (98 pF/m) and relatively small resistance (1 fl/m for 34 AWG). It can withstand continuous RF power of over 10 W as tested for several piezoelements from 1-2 MHz. It is flexible and small for dense arrays. The high resistance of the cable, however, can cause excessive insertion loss (see composite materials section). Array Grounding for "Dice and Fill" Arrays All of the diced arrays experienced problems with their water facing ground planes leading to elements with poor ground connections. First, tests of silver paint and silver epoxy in the first 16 element array failed in the long term due to exposure to water. The second 16 element array contained a copper/gold electrode and was professionally diced such that small connecting tabs of PZT connected the elements at the corners. Unfortunately, under high power, these tabs broke and cracked the electrode. Solder bridges were used to repair the array. The 64 and 76 element arrays used solder joints at the corners of the elements to connect the ground plane. This works well for large elements but it would degrade array performance as the array elements become smaller and more of their surface area is covered by solder. A technique to deposit a robust metallic ground plane over the kerf's silicone or epoxy was not found although it was attempted. Cable Connections to "Dice and Fill" Arrays 78 The signal cables to the first 16 element array were connected with silver epoxy (Bipax, Tra-con, Medford, MA). The connections worked well for a number of experiments but eventually disjoined from the elements over several sonications. Spring loaded pogo pins were tested* in the 64 element array. There was no difference in transducer efficiency measured between using pogo pins or a solder joint. Unfortunately, the spring loading of the pogo pins tended to push the array elements out of alignment (this array used silicone kerfs). Low temperature solder was found to be the most reliable connector (as seen in the second 16 element array and the 76 element array). Kerf Adhesives for the "Dice and Fill" Arrays Neither the epoxy nor silicone kerf materials was found to offer a long term, robust solution. First, although the silicone was able to water proof the prototype arrays, it did not give adequate structural support for the larger arrays (64 and 76 elements). Second, the epoxy filled kerf gave good temporary support to the 16 element arrays, but over time the epoxy became brittle and broke away from the PZT elements causing the array to leak. 4.3.2 1-3 Composite Materials Tested for Array Construction 1-3 Composite from Material Systems The electroacoustic efficiencies of the materials supplied by Material Systems are tabulated in Table 4-8. These efficiencies were measured using approximately a 2 W input power. The 40% fill material (MS3) had by far the best efficiency. This is most likely explained by the smaller width-to-thickness ratio of the pillars. The efficiency 79 dropped, however, as power was increased to the elements. Fig. 4-4 shows the relationship between electrical input power levels and the output efficiency for material MS3. Table 4-8: Efficiency data for composites from Material Systems, Inc. Material MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 Average Electroacoustical Efficiency (%) 8.6 13.7 50.9 17.0 Range of Efficiencies (%) 3.9-11.2 11.7-16.3 43.6-55.6 12.8-19.1 60 50 - 40 30 0 30 02 20 0 10 0.OOE+00 2.00E+00 4.OOE+00 8.OOE+00 6.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.20E+01 Electrical Input Power (W) Fig. 4-4: Electroacoustic efficiency as a function of input electrical power for MS3 (40% fill material). The points correspond to measurements taken from the eight elements on the two arrays. Two factors limited the maximum power from Material System's piezocomposites: electrode failure and decreased electroacoustic efficiency. In the case of decreased efficiency, the elements could recover. The electrode failure caused complete element destruction. Table 4-9 lists the maximum powers achieved from the four materials before the electrode failed. 80 Table 4-9: Maximum acoustic power from composites manufactured by Material Systems, Inc. Material Average Maximum Power Range of Maximum Power (W/cm 2) Efficiency at Maximum Power (W/cm 2) (%) 5.4 10.0 38.8 17.8 0.88-1.32 2.16-3.04 8.0-12.3 5.6-7.1 0.93 2.76 10.4 6.2 MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 Since the maximum output power levels were so low for materials MS 1 and MS2, reliable acoustic coupling measurements could not be made (low power coupling appeared to be negligible). Measurements for materials MS3 ad MS4 are found in Table 4-10. Table 4-10: Inter-element coupling for Material Systems, Inc. Material MS3 MS4 In Phase Out of Phase % Drop in Output Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) Power 53.0± 3.3 17.5±2.4 50.4±3.4 15.0±0.8 4.5 14.2 1-3 Composite from Imasonic Nine Element Test Array Table 4-11 contains the efficiency measurements at 0.88 MHz (frequency of maximum real impedance) and at 1.00 MHz (specified frequency) for approximately 8 W/cm2 acoustic output power applied to the Imasonic nine element test array using 1 m Belden coaxial cable. Table 4-12 contains the efficiency measurements when the elements were driven through 5 m Tensolite coaxial cable. After driving elements numbered 2 to 4 continuously at 8-12 W/cm 2 for more than an hour, there was no noticeable change in electroacoustic efficiency. 81 Table 4-11: Electroacoustic efficiencies at approximately 8 W/cm2 acoustic power output through 1 m long Belden coaxial cable. Efficiency 0.88 MHz Element # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Std Dev Efficiency 1.00 MHz 61.2 57.6 57.3 61.4 56.5 54.9 53.7 54.0 53.0 56.6 2.92 66.3 64.5 66.4 66.4 68.2 68.6 67.6 65.4 67.7 66.8 1.27 2 Table 4-12: Electroacoustic efficiencies at approximately 8 W/cm acoustic power output through 5 m Tensolite coaxial cable. Element # Efficiency 1.00 MHz 7 8 9 49.8 41.5 47.2 Average 46.1 Std Dev 3.5 Maximum power of the Imasonic prototype array was measured for three elements using the Belden cable and for 5 elements using the Tensolite cable. These data are found in Table 4-13 and Table 4-14. The maximum power, however, did not cause complete 2 element failure. For example, after exceeding its maximum power level of 16.5 W/cm element 2 could still repeatedly reach an output power level of 14 W/cm 2 . For all of the elements, the efficiencies at lower power levels dropped less than 3% after slightly exceeding their maximum power. If the maximum power was substantially exceeded (greater than 10% over its maximum) then element failure occurred and efficiencies dropped up to half of their original values. 82 Table 4-13: Maximum acoustic power levels for three transducer elements using 1 m Belden cable. Element Maximum Acoustic Power (W/cm2) 2 3 4 Average Std Dev 16.56 19.68 18.04 18.1 1.56 Table 4-14: Maximum acoustic power levels for three transducer elements using 5 m Tensolite cable. Element 5 6 7 8 9 Average Std Dev Maximum Acoustic Power (W/cm 2) 17.72 18.60 17.64 17.24 15.64 17.4 0.97 The inter-element coupling results for the Imasonic prototype array are found in Table 4-15 and Table 4-16. The average decrease in output power due to two elements driven with opposite phases was 13% but ranged up to 18%. When six elements are driven such that their phases alternate between 0' and 180' then the output power drops between 18-32% depending on the input power level. The high coupling most likely is attributable to the solid matching layer on the front of the transducer. Table 4-15: Coupling measurements of adjacent elements at 1 MHz using 1 m Belden cable. Elements 1&2 3&6 4&5 5&8 7&8 8&9 6&9 5&8 Average Std Dev In Phase Eff. (%) 59 60 42 42 47 48 49 49 49.5 6.3 Out of Phase Eff. (%) 53 56 38 39 39 39 40 40 43 6.7 83 % Decrease of Power 10.2 6.7 9.5 7.1 17.0 18.8 18.4 18.4 13.3 5.0 Table 4-16: Coupling measurements of 6 adjacent elements (elements 4-9) at 1 MHz using 5 m Tensolite cable. Input Power Level (W) 6 12 24 36 In Phase Efficiency (%) 56 53 50 45 Out of Phase Efficiency (%) 46 41 34 32 % Drop in Output Power 18 23 32 29 256 Element Array The electroacoustic efficiency of twelve elements of the 256 element array connected to the 7 m Precision Interconnect cable were tested individually using the ENI amplifier and HP power meter. The results are found in Table 4-17. Two of these elements were also tested using the 1 m Belden cable (see Table 4-18). Table 4-17: Electroacoustic efficiency for elements of the 256 element array connected with 7 m Precision Interconnect cable. Acoustic Power (W) 3.07 2.99 2.84 2.82 3.04 3.33 3.26 3.45 3.37 3.68 3.33 4.35 3.29 0.41 Element Number Electrical Power (W) 8.90 117 8.20 118 7.12 119 7.90 120 7.50 121 7.80 122 7.70 123 8.36 124 8.40 125 8.80 126 8.50 127 10.3 128 8.29 Averages 0.82 Std. Dev. 84 Efficiency 34.52 36.52 39.94 35.75 40.54 42.7 42.35 41.23 40.11 41.78 39.21 42.18 39.7 2.73 Table 4-18: Electroacoustic efficiency measurements from two elements of the 256 element array through 1 m Belden cable. Acoustic Power (W) 1.93 1.80 1.87 Element Number Electrical Power (W) 2.97 117 2.88 118 2.93 Average Efficiency 64.97 62.55 63.8 The "L" electrical model estimated that 55% of the electrical power delivered to the therapeutic transducer would be lost in the 34 AWG microcoaxial cable (see Fig. 4-5 for a comparison of the element impedance and Fig. 4-6 for the estimated loss in the cable). 20 5000 Element Impedance without Cable 4000. 0 3000. -20. W 2000 - 0 0.8 0.9 1 -80 0.8 1.2 1.1 Frequency x 1.1 1.2 1 X 106 Frequency 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 x 106 Frequency 0.9 1.1 1.2 1 X 106 Frequency -75 200 -80 180. a- -85 160 1401 0.8 0.9 1.1 1 Frequency Measured Element Impedance with Cable 0.9 106 220 Predicted Element Impedance with Cable -40 -60 1000 0) 1.2 -90 0.8 x 106 220 -70 200 -75 180. -80 160. -85 .a 1401 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.1 Frequency x 16 -90 0.8 Fig. 4-5: Measured and estimate electrical impedances using the "L" transmission line model for the 1-3 composite piezoelements (magnitude on left and phase on right). 85 1.0 - - 0.8 o 0 0 .2.c0.6. -. J 0.4. -5 0.2. o 0. 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.2 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 4-6: Estimated power loss in the 8 m, 34 AWG cable as calculated using a single stage "L" coaxial model. The maximum acoustic power measured for the entire therapy array was over 500 W although the elements of this array were not driven until they failed. Individually, powers up to 4 W per element were measured. The measured interelement coupling for the 256 element array is found in Table 4-19. During the measurements, the individual pairs were powered at about 1.2 W acoustic power per element and the entire array was driven at 250 W acoustic power (1 W per element). Table 4-19: Interelement coupling for the 256 element array. Elements 119&120 119&137 121&136 (non adjacent) All 256 elements In Phase Efficiency (%) 36.5 35.8 33.5 32.4 86 Out of Phase Efficiency (%) 34.8 34.1 33.7 30.0 4.3.3 Hydrophone Scans of the 256 Element Array Single Focus Shifting Fig. 4-7 shows the simulated and hydrophone measured intensity pattern for a single focus that is shifted off the array axis in the focal plane. Fig. 4-8 indicates the simulated and experimentally scanned off axis focal shifting limits of the array. Fig. 4-9 plots the normalized hydrophone measured focal pressure magnitude squared as the focus is electronically shifted along the array axis between 8 and 12 cm from the array. E 10 E 0 -10 E E 10 g4 0 0 * -10 -10 . 10 X-axis (mm) -10 10 X-axis (mm) Fig. 4-7: Simulated (left) and hydrophone measured (right) intensity scans for a single focus at the geometrical focus of the array (top) and shifted off axis 7 mm in the focal plane (bottom) 87 Experimental Simulated 10 -- 10, E * 9 0 e a 0 0 -1 -10 0 -10 -10 10 10' -10 0" 0 -10 . . 10 0 10 0 10 . -10 10 X-axis (mm) -10 0 0 X-axis (mm) Fig. 4-8: Limits of off axis focal shifting in the focal plane (simulated on left and experimentally measured on right). 1.0 3.8 -9 -4 3.6 3.4 E 0 z 3.2 3.0 6( ) 100 80 Array Axis (mm) 120 Fig. 4-9: Normalized intensity hydrophone measurement of a single focus scanned along the axis of the array. 88 Multiple Focus Fields To demonstrate the ability to create more complex focal patterns 16 and 25 focus fields were generated using the pseudoinverse technique (Fig. 4-10) (Ebbini and Cain 1989). The location of the foci are in excellent agreement while the amplitudes of the multiple foci varied by 20% in the 16 focus pattern and 50% in the 25 focus pattern. The array gain (Ebbini and Cain 1989) (defined as the sum of the intensities of the focal points divided by the total power for the array) tends to drop off significantly for patterns which contain more than 8 foci for this array. Therefore, a series of multiple focus fields with less than 8 foci were temporally switched to "fill in" a large volume in the transfocal plane in the porcine experiments. The simulated and hydrophone scanned patterns are found in Fig. 4-11. The focal amplitude vary less than 10%. 89 15 @0 0 -10- E5 0 0 0, 0 0 0 c 0 .D 0 0 0 *0.*@ -5 -10- o o~~C 00 -151 15 oo0*O@e0@, o 000 Obe C 0 e&o 0 ft - o *00 E C,) 0 .S, 0 0. .b -5 0 a 90 0 & 0 0 0 a 10 -151 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 X-Axis (mm) -5 0 5 10 15 X-A xis (mm) Fig. 4-10: Simulated (left column) and hydrophone measured (right column) intensity field of 16 (top row) and 25 (bottom row) focus patterns created in the focal plane of the array. The individual foci were placed in a 5 mm spaced grid for the 16 foci and on a 4 mm grid for the 25 foci. 90 Simulated (b) 5. (a) - Experimental (g) 0@8 0 0. E .U) 0I 0 (h) 0 0 WV we 0 0 -5- e m U)0 5 0 -5 X-axis (mm) 5 0 -5 X-axis (mm) -5 5 0 X-axis (mm) -5 0 5 X-Axis (mm) Fig. 4-11: Simulated (left) and corresponding hydrophone scanned (right) pressure magnitude squared patterns in the focal plane used to create large focal volumes. 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Non-composite Piezoelectric Materials for "Dice and Fill" Arrays The tests of LiNO and PZT indicate that, as expected, particular attention must be taken to ensure proper width-to-thickness among piezoelectric elements. Elements whose dimensions are close to the same size (factor of 3) will suffer significant drops in efficiency. However, elements with only one dimension that violates the proper width-to-thickness ratio may be used if the drop in efficiency is still acceptable. The LiNO and PZT were both found to offer high efficiencies but the LiNO was about 10% 91 more efficient. The drawback of the LiNO is that it is a flat crystal and can not be ground into curved pieces like the PZT. Therefore, PZT was chosen as the material for the prototype arrays. 4.4.2 Kerfs Adhesives for "Dice and Fill" Arrays Silicone (Loctite V-1022) can be used for arrays with large elements and epoxy (Dow DER 732, DER 331, DEH 24) can be used for arrays with small elements (although these arrays will fail over time due to epoxy cracking). A low coupling, robust adhesive for diced arrays with small elements was not found for the dice and fill technique. The most robust prototype arrays constructed as a part of this thesis used the Loctite Silicone but it did not perform well over extensive power tests for arrays with a large number of elements. 4.4.3 Electrical Connections The choice of cable for a phased array is critical for its operation. The cable must be non-magnetic to be put in an MRI, be flexible such that the array can be moved by a positioning system, have low capacitance so that small array elements can be easily matched to 50 fl, have low resistance to avoid power loss between the amplifier and transducer, and have a small gauge to permit a large number of cables to enter the array housing. The small gauge is particularly important for the 256 element array. While each strand of the 34 AWG coaxial cable used for the 256 element array is able to deliver more than sufficient power to the piezoelement, it also absorbs a significant amount of power, thus degrading the electroacoustic efficiency of the overall transducer. transmission line model can be used to predict the power loss. 92 The "L" The loss could be minimized by using shorter and larger gauge cable. However, the larger cable bundle and shorter length would make the transducer significantly more cumbersome and less appropriate for clinical use in an MR scanner. The designer must make a tradeoff between electrical efficiency and ease of use. Since the power lost in the cable did not significantly contribute to the heating of the piezoelectric element and the driving system did not limit the electrical power to each element, it was decided to focus on making the design of the 256 element array more "user friendly" instead of making the array more efficient. There were little signs of electrical damage to the 256 element array or its cable in the therapeutic experiments. As a final note on array construction: the length of cable needed for the 256 element array is an impressive 1.8 km. The best connection between a piezoelement and a cable was found to be a solder joint. It was able to withstand higher powers than the conductive epoxy or paints. Likewise, the epoxy or paint electrodes tended to fail on the materials tested. 4.4.4 Composites from Material Systems, Inc. The transducer performance from Material Systems varies greatly with the composite fill ratio and the element width-to-thickness ratio. For the materials whose electroacoustic efficiency was low, the maximum output power which caused nonrecoverable damage to the piezoelement occurred at power levels below those needed for therapeutic arrays. For example, the maximum power level was less then 3 W/cm 2 for the 30% fill ratio. As a first order rule, the power should be kept at least to V of its maximum. Therefore, of the four materials, only the 40% and 50% fill ratios can yield output powers sufficient for therapeutic purposes. The high efficiencies for MS3 could 93 be the result of two aspects: 1) improved width-to-thickness ration or 2) an optimized fill ratio. The main failure mechanism which limited to the peak acoustical power from the Material Systems composite materials was the silver epoxy electrode. When driven to high powers, the PZT pillars cracked the epoxy coating and caused electrical arcs. The pillars separated from the polymer either before or after this failure. Prior to complete failure there was generally a decrease in element efficiency. Tests of a prototype copper electrode failed due to the lack of electrode adhesion to the polymer. Coupling measurements taken for the 40% and 50% fill materials indicate that inter-element coupling increases with increasing fill ratio. This is counter intuitive since the inter-element spacing of the 50% fill material was greater than the 40% fill material. It is possible that the larger pillar sizes of the 50% material may cross the kerf between adjacent elements such that the electrode of one element is driving the pillar of an adjacent element. The coupling for either material is low enough that it does not preclude the use of the composite materials in phased arrays. In a comparison of the polymer matrix, the voided shore D80 PU matrix appeared to yield slightly higher efficiencies in the 30% fill material than the other polymer and, therefore, appears to be the least restrictive of the two polymers. In conclusion, it was found that the MS3, 40% fill material supplied by Material Systems could produce high enough acoustic powers to be used in a therapeutic array. There were two large contraindications, however, against using this material. First, it contained a silver epoxy electrode which had been shown to fail over time. Second, the 94 company was unable to supply continuous pieces of transducers larger than 5 x 5 cm2 or curved transducers. 4.4.5 Composites from Imasonic The composite material supplied by Imasonic was found to be appropriate for therapeutic phased arrays. It can generate high acoustic powers for extended periods of time without damaging the array elements. The material is robust and efficient. The nine element prototype array and the 256 element therapy array yielded similar interelement coupling results. Despite the measurement techniques used for pulsed imaging arrays presented by the company which claim to offer better than 30 dB isolation between adjacent elements, the acoustic efficiency measurements of adjacent elements indicate that high power interelement coupling can cause non-negligible changes in acoustic output power from the array. The piezocomposite polymer does not isolate elements as well as silicone in a diced array. Nevertheless, although inter-element coupling can decrease array output by up to 30%, the acoustic output power levels are still sufficient for most therapeutic specifications. A comparison between the acoustic measurements of prototype and therapy arrays from Imasonic materials indicate that an acoustic quarter wave matching layer may not offer significant advantages in a piezocomposite monofrequency therapeutic array. The electroacoustic efficiency of the array without the matching layer is higher than the array with the matching layer. Since the arrays are air backed, the apparent loss in the piezomaterial from multiple wave reflections is less than the transmission loss in the matching layer. More importantly, the acoustic matching layer significantly increases the 95 undesirable interelement coupling in an array. The main advantage of using a matching layer in the experiments of this thesis was to protect the ground electrode of the array. After over 100 hours submersed in water, the copper/gold electrode of the 256 element therapeutic array showed little signs of wear. 4.4.6 Acoustic Fields from a Large Scale Array Overall the 256 element array demonstrated that a large phased array can accurately construct field patterns with up to 16 foci without causing excessive grating lobes. There was good agreement between all of the simulated and hydrophone scanned fields although amplitudes for multiple focus fields increasing varied as more foci were produced. This could be due to the fact that the piezoelements were modeled as uniform vibrators which they are not. 4.5 Conclusions A technology to build a robust, large scale phased array was developed and tested. The 1-3 piezocomposite material supplied by Imasonic offered a significant advantage to diced PZT pseudocrystals in the construction of large scale therapeutic arrays. The electroacoustic efficiency and maximum power from the composite material was sufficient for therapeutic applications. By containing a solid, uncut front, the composite material did not suffer from undesirable leaking as did the cut PZT arrays while the composite material still kept the geometry of the array intact despite its air backing. Problems with the continuous ground plane were eliminated. Complex array patterns could be created in the composite material without the need for expensive tooling. The 96 drawback of the material was its higher cost than regular PZT (the composite material used in this research cost $4000 while comparable PZT bowls cost about $400). 97 5. TEMPORAL SWITCHING TO OPTIMIZE THERMAL DOSE 5.1 Introduction Therapeutic phased array ultrasound transducers are advantageous in the treatment of large tumors since they are capable of generating larger lesions than their non-phased counterparts (Cain and Umemura 1986; Ebbini and Cain 1989; Fan and Hynynen 1995b; Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996a). The creation of these lesions is possible through the use of multiple focus intensity patterns which distribute power and create temperature elevations over regions much larger than those from a single spot focus. For multiple focus therapy to be successful, however, care must be taken to reduce near field heating (Hynynen et al. 1993; Damianou and Hynynen 1993; Fan and Hynynen 1995b) and secondary temperature elevations (Ebbini and Cain 1989). An earlier study demonstrated that the rate limiting factors to necrose large tumors included both the deposition of power in the tumor volume and the cooling period necessary between sonications (Fan and Hynynen 1995b). If proper cooling times were not used, sequential sonications could damage pre-focal tissue (Hynynen et al. 1993; Damianou and Hynynen 1993; Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996a) or be blocked by thermally induced cavitation between the transducer and the tumor volume (Hynynen 1991; Hynynen et al. 1993; Sibille et al. 1993; Malcolm and ter Haar 1996). Thus although multiple focus patterns have been shown to yield faster necrosis rates than single focus sonications, the phased array treatments may still require extensive cooling times to produce a continuous necrosed tissue volume (Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996b). 98 To shorten the treatment duration and improve performance of phased array ultrasound surgery, this study investigates a method to rapidly switch between multiple focus patterns such that the thermal response of the array is more uniform, thus lowering peak temperatures using less average acoustic output power. This technique is similar to the temporal switching simulated for hyperthermia treatment (Umemura and Cain 1989; Ebbini and Cain 1991 c), but differs in several key aspects. First, this switching technique is designed for the short duration sonications required in ultrasound surgery. Therefore, an important consideration for implementing this technique is the rate at which the patterns are switched. Second, the primary goal of this research is to increase the tissue treatment volume rate without producing undesirable therapeutic conditions. These conditions include excessively elevated temperatures in the tissue and high transducer output power. Third, while previous research has simulated and tested temporal switching in a water bath, this research experimentally tests a temporal switching technique in vivo for ultrasound surgery using temperature sensitive mapping provided by non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Kuroda et al. 1995). 5.2 Methods and Materials 5.2.1 Phased Array Design A spherical sectioned array introduced by Ebbini and Cain (Ebbini and Cain 1991 a) and similar to the one described by Fan and Hynynen (Fan and Hynynen 1995b) was designed and constructed for application in MRI guided surgery (Fig. 5-1). The array had 16 elements and was sectioned from a single PZT-4 polycrystal and was matched to 50 Q near its resonance at 1.64 MHz using simple inductor-capacitor circuitry. The array 99 was powered by the phased array driving system with 8-bit phase resolution and self leveling 0-60 W/channel power control. R 8cm A Section AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 10 cm Fig. 5-1: Spherical shaped square element array geometry. 5.2.2 Acoustic Measurements The elements yielded acoustical efficiencies ranging from 70% to 80% at 2.5-3.5 W/cm 2 as measured by a radiation force technique (Stewart 1982). Beam plots in a water bath were measured using a thermistor with a 0.25 mm silicone bead or by using a 0.5 mm hydrophone (NTR, Seattle, WA). 5.2.3 Numerical Simulation Throughout this research, ultrasound fields were simulated using the RayleighSommerfeld integral over a set of geometrically superimposed point sources as described by Zemanek (Zemanek 1971). The temperature elevations were calculated numerically using the Pennes bioheat transfer equation (Pennes 1948) and the dose distributions were calculated from a numerical integration of the Sapareto and Dewey model (Sapareto and 100 Dewey 1984) (see Appendix C for details). In all simulations, the spatial resolution was at least 0.25 mm in the transverse axis and 0.50 mm in the longitudinal axis while the temporal resolution was smaller than 0.02 s. All calculations were performed on a multiprocessor IBM PVS computer. 5.2.4 Optimization Routine The goal of the optimization routine was to create a uniform dose over a region of interest during a single sonication time period. To accomplish this, six patterns which covered the possible region of sonication for the given array geometry were chosen as inputs to the power optimization routine (Fig. 5-2). 5 5 (a) -5 -5 0 5 X-Distance (mm) (b) 5 -5 -5 5 5 (d) (c) 0 0 -5, -5 0 5 X-Distance (mm) 5 -5 -5 5 (e) 0 X-Distance (mm) 5 (f) 0 -5 -5 0 X-Distance (mm) 0 0 X-Distance (mm) 1 5 -51 -5 0 X-Distance (mm) 5 Fig. 5-2: Simulated fields for optimization generated using the mode scanning technique (McGough et al. 1994). 101 The driving signals for these patterns were calculated using the mode scanning technique which reduces near field heating by causing destructive interference along different axial planes of the transducer (Cain and Umemura 1986; Umemura and Cain 1989; McGough et al. 1994). For example, pattern (b) of Fig. 5-2 was created by driving all of the elements with equal amounts of power, but by varying their phases with rotational symmetry. In this case, the center four elements (clockwise) are driven with phases of {0,90', 180',270'} while the outer twelve elements (also clockwise) are driven with 300 increments {0 ',30',...,2700,330'). This creates a destructive field pattern on the longitudinal axis of the array since elements opposite from each other are driven out of phase. Other patterns are created by varying the phase increment in the rotation or by adjusting the element phases across any axis to create destructive interference (see Table 1 for the phase distributions of the patterns in Fig. 5-2). This technique has been shown to decrease the required treatment time for a single sonication of a multiple focus pattern as compared to other methods of pattern synthesis (Fan and Hynynen 1996b). The patterns were selected such that there was a distribution of foci throughout the proposed treatment volume without extensive sidelobes (greater than 10% of desired foci) outside of the three dimensional region of interest. 102 Table 5-1: The element phases (in degrees) used to create the fields patterns found in Fig. 5-2 (see Fig. 5-1 for element numbering). Element (Fig. 5-1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (b) 90 120 150 180 60 90 180 210 30 0 270 240 0 330 300 270 (c) 0 180 0 180 180 0 180 0 0 180 0 180 180 0 180 0 (d) 0 270 90 180 90 180 0 270 270 0 180 90 180 90 270 0 (e) 0 270 0 270 90 180 90 180 0 270 0 270 90 180 90 180 (f) 180 180 0 0 180 180 0 0 0 0 180 180 0 0 180 180 P1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P2 P3 Fig. 5-3: Switching technique diagram. On the left are the pressure plots for the six input patterns. The power levels for these patterns (P1-P6) are determined through a gradient optimization and rapid switching is then used to create an effective field as seen on the right. 103 Fig. 5-3 illustrates how the six patterns were used in the switching technique. Basically, the driving signals rapidly changed between the six input fields to imitate a continuous wave (CW) signal with more uniformly dispersed power in the region of interest. The power levels for each individual field (P1-P6) were determined using a direct-weighted gradient search routine (50 iterations) (Zahradnik 1971) to find the "global" minimum of a mean-squared cost function comparing the simulated dose (Dsim) to a uniform thermal dose (Dideal) over a region (V) slightly larger than the power deposition patterns. (Eq. 1). Cf (Dsim (x,y,z) - Dideal(X, yZ))2 (Eq. 1) In this case the region had a volume of 0.6 x 0.6 x 1.0 cm 3 . The ideal thermal dose of 5000 equivalent minutes at 43 0 C was chosen such that the threshold value for tissue necrosis (240 equivalent minutes at 43 C) (Sapareto and Dewey 1984) was exceeded by a factor of 20, thus reducing the chance of non-necrosed tissue within the region of interest. The switched sonication duration was set at 10 seconds such that the simulations matched the time necessary for the MRI to gather several temperature images during the heating cycle (longer sonications were avoided to decrease perfusion dependence (Billard et al. 1990; Dorr and Hynynen 1992)). Several minutes passed between consecutive sonications to avoid any effects of near field heating. 5.2.5 Switching Rate Theoretical simulations were performed to find the effect of switching rate on the effective dose distribution. To accomplish this task, the dose field was calculated for a 104 ten second sonication which consisted of various pattern dwell times ranging from 30-300 ms for six and for three input fields (the dwell time is defined as the time that each pattern is used in one cycle of all of the input fields). The results of the simulation were then compared to a simulation which had as its input an arithmetically averaged power deposition pattern which was created by directly weighting the previously cycled input fields. The goal of this study was to find the theoretical effect of the hardware switching limitation speed on the generation of an effective continuous wave field. 5.2.6 Experimental Set Up Using MRI Thermometry The phased array was placed in a submerged 3-dimensional positioning system within a clinical 1.5 T Signa MRI (both GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) for sonication in the thigh muscle of four New Zealand white rabbits in vivo (Hynynen et al. 1996). For each rabbit, the thigh was situated at the natural focus of the array and a series of higher power sonications both with and without pattern switching were performed while obtaining temperature sensitive images (Kuroda et al. 1995; Chung et al. 1996a). These images used a fast spoiled gradient echo sequence with repetition time TR = 26.1 Ms, echo time TE = 12.8 ms, flip angle = 300, bandwidth = 7.2 kHz, resolution 128 x 256, field of view FOV = 16 cm, and slice thickness = 3 mm. The time to obtain a single temperature image was 3.3 seconds and some temperature elevation occurred during data acquisition. The time sequence of images included a single image taken pre-sonication, three images during the 10 second heating, and six images during the 20 second postsonication cooling period. After the temperature sensitive images were obtained, proton density and T2-weighted images (fast spin echo sequence with TR = 2000 ms, TE = 17 105 and 68 ms, echo train length = 8, FOV = 16 cm, slice thickness = 3 mm) were taken to demarcate the lesion areas and evaluate treatment execution. 5.3 Results 5.3.1 Simulation and Water Scanned Comparison of Array Fields Phased array operation was initially tested by scanning the transducer in a water bath. Fig. 5-4 compares a few of the theoretical and experimental scans. The four foci pattern which forms a box in the focal plane demonstrates the off-axis spatial limits of power deposition for this given array geometry, therefore outlining the maximum volume which can be necrosed without physically moving the transducer. Discrepancies in the focal width between the simulated and scanned results may be attributed to transducer element misalignment and the relatively large thermistor cross section (0.25 mm). The temporal switching operation of the hardware was confirmed by slowly switching between the different multiple focus fields with the focal plane of the transducer located at the surface of the water bath. 106 4 4 (b) (a) 2 5 0 -2 -4 -4 _ -2 4 -41 -4 4 2 X-Distance (mm) -2 0 4 2 0 X-Distance (mm) 4 -2 (c) 2 (d) E2 0 0 -2 -4 -4 -2 0 2 X-Distance (mm) 4 -4, -4 4 4 (e) (f) 2 0 0 -2_ -2 -4 -4 4 0 2 X-Distance (mm) -2 2 -2 0 X-Distance (mm) 4 -4 -4 0 2 -2 X-Distance (mm) 4 Fig. 5-4: Simulated and water scanned fields for 16 element phased array (a, c, e theoretical; b, d, f experimental). 5.3.2 Optimization Results The optimized power levels for the six patterns in Fig. 5-2 are listed in Table 5-2. There are two main results of the optimization. First, the optimized power levels for each field did not directly correspond to the number of foci of that given field. This is due to an uneven overlap between the temperature and dose responses to the different power deposition fields. Second, the optimal driving powers for three of the patterns {c, d, e} were much larger than the other three patterns {a, b, f} such that the less substantial patterns could be eliminated. 107 Table 5-2: Optimized switching power levels Acoustic Pattern: Fig. 5-2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (M Optimized Power (W 3 1 99 83 46 1 From a practical standpoint, reducing the number of switched fields is advantageous since there is a limitation on how fast the hardware can toggle between various phase and power patterns: 10 Hz was the limitation switching speed of the system used in this research (the minimum sonication time per field was 100 ms). In order to create an "effective" field which represents an arithmetic average of temporally switched fields as if the field were CW, the switching frequency must become very fast as the number of fields increases (see Fig. 5-5). For example, to avoid large errors between the "effective" dose response produced by temporal switching and the theoretical dose response from the average of the six input fields, the fields must be cycled faster than 600 ms (the cycle time is defined as the time to cycle through all of the input fields once). This exceeds the switching rate of the hardware. The three fields, however, require a cycle time below the hardware limitation. 108 3000 "0 2500 0 2000 cU +3 1500 --- Fields MSE 6 Fields MSE (D 0 1000 CM 2 500 00 0 50 100 200 150 250 300 Dwell Time for Each Pattern (ms) Fig. 5-5: Normalized mean square error plots for dwell times comparing the temporally switched "effective" field to the theoretical fields produced by an input field formed by arithmetically averaging the three or six input fields respectively. The error was normalized by dividing it by the optimal dose level. The simulated thermal dose for the optimized switching pattern and a nonswitched pattern (pattern (c) of Fig. 5-2) of the same average power is found in Fig. 5-6. It is clear from the simulation that the non-switched pattern yields much higher peaks and lower dips in thermal dose within the region of interest. One can also see that the switching technique should create a contiguous lesion while the non-switched foci of the same power would leave a center volume of non-necrosed tissue-an undesirable feature when treating a large volume tumor. In order to create a completely necrosed region using a simple four focus pattern, the power and post-sonication wait duration must be increased more than 20% as listed in Table 5-3. 109 108 6 Six Fields Switched 4 - 10 10 10 Thermal Necrosis Threshold -2 -15 -10 0 -5 5 10 15 Distance Accross Focus (mm) Fig. 5-6: Optimization results of simulated dose across the focal axis. The four lines lines correspond to the thermal dose delivered using a simple four focus pattern at 38 W (dashed), a four focus pattern at 49 W (dotted), a switched pattern at 38 W using all 6 fields (solid), and a switched pattern at 38 W using the three most significant fields (solid). Table 5-3: Comparison of switched vs. non-switched fields to produce a continuous lesion of 240 equivalent minutes dose at 43 0 C. Switched Pattern Non-Switched Pattern (b) 38 W W 49 Average Power 59s 71 s Treatment Duration* 58 0 C 71 C Peak Temperature *Treatment duration includes the 10 second sonication and the amount of time for the peak temperature to drop below 430 C. Simulations with varying biological parameters tested the switching technique under higher perfusion and tissue inhomogeneities. First, the simulated perfusion was increased from 1 kg/m 3 s to 10 kg/m 3 s. For a static sonication of 49 W, the dose at its center decreased from 265 equivalent minutes at 43C to 90 equivalent minutes, 110 indicating that even more power would be necessary to cause a continuous necrosis (see The center dose of the 38 W switching technique also dropped but the Fig. 5-7). complete volume still exceeded the 240 minute threshold (also Fig. 5-7). Second, inhomogeneous tissue was modeled by creating a low absorption area (80% absorption as compared to rest of tissue) with a cross section of 0.75 x 0.75 mm at the location of one of the foci for the static and switched fields. The cross axial dose contours are graphed in The switched contour exhibits a small decrease on the outer corner of the Fig. 5-8. necrosed region while the non-switched necrosis experiences a dip in thermal dose within its outer borders. 10 106 . Ct Thermal Necrosis Threshold 10 102 0 100 10 10 -15 -10 5 0 5 10 15 Distance Accross Focus (mm) Fig. 5-7: High perfusion simulation results (10 kg/Ms vs. 1 kg/M3s in Fig. 5-6). The 49 W static sonication (dotted) dips below the necrosis threshold while the 38 W switched sonication (solid) still creates a continuous necrosis region. 111 10. 10 10 10 5 5 U 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 -5 5 0 X-Axis (mm) 10 -10 -10 5 0 X-Axis (mm) 10 -5 5 0 X-Axis (mm) 10 10 10 5- 5 0 0 -10 -10 -5 -5 5 0 X-Axis (mm) 10 -10 -10 Inhomogeneous Homogeneous Fig. 5-8: Comparison of homogeneous tissue and inhomogeneous tissue with a small section of 80% SAR at lower left foci. Contour lines correspond to dose of 15, 60, and 240 minutes for 38 W average sonications. 5.3.3 MRI Experimental Results Fig. 5-9 contains the temperature contour plots experimentally obtained using MRI through the focal plane of a switched sequence sonication and a single four focus sonication (pattern (c) of Fig. 5-2) of the same average power (76 W). One can see from the two plots that the temperature distribution is more uniform for the switched pattern than for the simple four focus pattern. Specifically, the center of the four focus pattern 112 ~--~ ~--~- was thermally "filled in" by switching between multiple focus patterns instead of relying on thermal conduction from the four distant outer foci. Both sonications yielded continuous lesions as determined in post-sonication images (Fig. 5-10). 5 5 .- E E 0 0 C) C) CO) 0 -5 -5 d -5 -5 5 0 Distance (mm) 5 0 Distance (mm) Fig. 5-9: In vivo temperature contour images for (left) non-switched and (right) switched sonications (contour lines at 10, 15, and 20 'C temperature increases) measured using MRI. Fig. 5-10: Proton density weighted image of thermal necrosis caused by (a) single four focus pattern and (b) switched focus pattern across axis. 113 To show that the switched fields could produce continuous lesions at lower powers than a simple multiple focus pattern, a second set of 10 second sonications at 68 W were performed. Fig. 5-11 was obtained after these lower power sonications. Note that the switched pattern completely coagulated the treatment volume while the multiple focus pattern left an unaffected region in its center. This response may be better explained by considering the temperature profiles across the sonication regions during treatment (Fig. 5-12). The switched pattern yielded a more uniform temperature distribution and overall lower peak temperature than the single multiple focus pattern as seen in simulations. 10 al 0" 0 Distance (cm) 10 Fig. 5-11: Proton density weighted image of lesions produced using 68 W average power: (a) switched pattern lesion and (b) non-switched pattern lesion. 114 Switched Focus Four Focus 30 30 (a) 25 25- (b) 20 20CO, CZ, 15 - - ... . .15 Z 10- 10 E 5 5- 0- 0 -5 -10 0 Distance (mm) -5 10 -10 0 Distance (mm) 10 Fig. 5-12: Temperature response across 68 W average sonications in vivo measured using MRI: (a) four focus pattern and (b) switched focus pattern 5.4 Discussion The main goal of this research is to use pre-treatment optimization to improve and experimentally implement the use of temporal switching for a phased array. As a part of this goal, this research presents the first quantitatively measured implementation of a temporally switched ultrasound surgery treatment in vivo. Unlike previous switching techniques, this research did not implement temporal switching only to increase the effective focal volume of an array, but also to improve the treatment conditions such as cooling duration, average power, and peak temperature. The simulation and in vivo results indicate that this goal can be accomplished: temporally switched fields can 115 decrease peak temperature and create regions of necrosis at lower average powers than non-switched fields. A second advantage of optimizing power among a set of deposition patterns is to reveal those patterns which have the greatest effect on the thermal dose delivered to a given volume. By indicating fields which have lesser effects, a smaller set of fields can be implemented such that the required switching rates are not excessively fast. As is expected, an "average" or effective field can be produced at lower switching rates when fewer fields are used. A switching frequency of 10 Hz was fast enough to produce an effective average field as described in (Ebbini and Cain 1991 c) for three fields but not for six. Therefore, given the hardware limitation, it is preferable to switch between the smaller number of fields as long as the deletion of fields from the larger set does not cause a drastic deviation from the ideal dose response of the complete set. A third advantage to pre-treatment optimization is the indication of power levels that are not necessarily dependent on the number of foci within the pattern. The precise power levels of a set of patterns, however, is somewhat forgiving. It was found that a variation of powers using the set {(c), (d), (e)} of Fig. 5-2 yielded similar thermal and dose responses close to the global minimum. Not surprisingly, therefore, the choice of deposition patterns appears to be the most critical feature when designing a treatmentthe gradient search having the ability to highlight those patterns of greatest utility and to indicate the relative power levels for those patterns. These levels can then be proportionally scaled for in vivo treatments which may have varying or unknown tissue absorption. 116 The temporal switching tested in this research could possibly be further improved in two ways. First, the results presented in this study were all performed for a 10 second sonication so that the theoretical and experimental results could be compared (the limitation being the image access time of the MRI). The optimization would, therefore, have to be repeated for different sonication times to correctly optimize the relative power levels. The sonication time was not optimized. Second, a variation of the switching technique would optimize both the choice of field and its relative power for each time segment in the switching period, imitating an adaptive power feedback control. In such a case, the use of an ideal "arithmetic average" field as an "effective" field may not be desirable since the power levels for each individual field would vary during the sonication duration. Both simulated and experimental results indicate that another reason to use temporally switched fields is to decrease the dependency of tissue inhomogeneity and biological parameters. This is due to the fact that the switching technique distributes power over a larger volume than the small number of concentrated foci from a static pattern. For example, in the simulation of the inhomogeneous tissue the static dose response dropped more quickly between the four outer foci than did the dose response of the switched dose pattern (see Fig. 5-8). Various samples of in vivo sonications in this research also demonstrated that the dependency of tissue homogeneity may not be as great when switching is used instead of static sonication (as an example, one of the foci in the static sonication of Fig. 5-11 is greatly reduced). It is hypothesized that a more uniform power deposition decreases the chance that a temperature sink such as a blood vessel will seriously effect the treatment when it spatially overlaps one of the static foci 117 as described in (Dorr and Hynynen 1992). Therefore, while the ability to spread power distribution in ultrasound surgery over a large number of foci has previously been found to be preferable from a treatment time consideration (Fan and Hynynen 1995b; Wan et al. 1996), it may also be preferable to ensure treatment operation. Lastly, this research again showed that magnetic resonance imaging is a powerful tool to detect temperature increases in vivo non-invasively. In particular, the temperature images demonstrate the ability of MR imaging to detect temperature increases of temporally switched fields, illustrating the feasibility of real time monitoring of a dynamically changing sonication pattern. This has important implications toward real time monitoring of ultrasound surgery. 118 6. A LARGE SCALE PHASED ARRAY SYSTEM FOR MR GUIDED ULTRASOUND SURGERY IN THE LIVER 6.1 Introduction This study investigated the use of a 256 element ultrasound phased array for the coagulation of deep seated tissue in an in vivo porcine model (design, construction, and acoustic measurements for the array are described in Chapter 4). It was the goal of these experiments to verify the simulation results which have indicated that large tissue volumes that could be coagulated in a single sonication using a large scale array (Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996a) and to demonstrate the feasibility of ultrasound liver surgery using a phased array. The array was used in a series of in vivo and ex vivo / in situ porcine liver experiments. 6.2 Materials and Methods 6.2.1 Numerical Simulations The ultrasound fields of the 256 element array were simulated using the RayleighSommerfeld integral over a set of geometrically superimposed point sources as described by Zemanek (Zemanek 1971). The acoustic vibration on the surface was modeled as uniform. bioheat The temperature elevations were calculated numerically using the Pennes transfer equation (tissue constants: perfusion = 1 kg/m 3/s, thermal conductivity = 0.48 W/m/C, arterial blood temperature = 33.50 C, specific heat of tissue and blood = 3770 J/kg/0 C, density = 998 kg/m 3 , and ultrasound attenuation = 0.041 119 Np/cm/MHz (Duck and Perkins 1988; Moros and Hynynen 1992)) and the dose distributions were calculated from a numerical integration of the Sapareto and Dewey model (Pennes 1948; Bowman et al. 1975; Bowman 1981; Bowman 1982; Sapareto and Dewey 1984) (see Appendix C for more details). In all simulations, the cross-axial spatial resolution was 0.5 mm, the along-axis spatial resolution was 1.0 mm, the temporal resolution was 0.02 s, and the region of calculation extended from 3 cm to 13 cm from the array and ±4 cm from the axis of the array. The large simulation volume was necessary to avoid excessive simulated cooling from the region's boundaries. To compare the simulated temperature elevations to the MR temperature images, the simulation results were averaged using a uniform spatial filter of the MR voxel size. The phase distribution for the array was calculated using the pseudoinverse technique (Ebbini and Cain 1989). magnitudes. The elements had uniform power All calculations were performed on a dual 300 MHz Pentium II PC (Micron, Boise, ID). 6.2.2 Porcine Model A porcine model was chosen for the experiments to geometrically approximate size of the human anatomy. Six pigs ranging from 30-40 kg were anesthetized using an intramuscular injection (ketamine, 15 mg/kg; xylazine, 2.2 mg/kg; atropine, 0.05 mg/kg) followed by an intravenous drip to the dorsal auricular vein (ketamine, lmg/ml; xylazine, lmg/ml; guaifenesin, 50 mg/ml; 5% dextrose; rate of 2.2 ml/kg/hr). The thigh, abdomen, and/or back of the pig was shaved and cleaned to create a clear acoustic window for ultrasound transmission. The pig was intubated with a 7 mm endotracheal tube to ensure 120 a patent airway but no respiratory assist was given. A naso-gastic tube was used to suction out any air or gastric fluids which extended the stomach such that it blocked the available acoustic window. The animal protocol was approved by the Harvard Medical Area Standing Committee on Animals according to NIH and Harvard Medical School guidelines. In addition to the in vivo animals described above, two pigs were used in ex vivo / in situ sonications of the liver. These experiments were begun less than thirty minutes after the pig expired and were performed across the abdominal wall of the intact animal corpse. Following the experimental protocol the animal was sacrificed and dissected. Gross measurements of the ultrasonic lesions were made and histological samples were taken and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for analysis. 6.2.3 MR Experimental Set Up The in vivo or ex vivo animals were placed in the bore of a clinical 1.5 Tesla Signa MR imager (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI). Fig. 6-1 is a diagram of the experimental set up in the magnet. The animal is coupled to the array through a water bath suspended above the array. A 12.5 cm diameter MR surface coil (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) was used to improve the imaging signal. Prior to sonication, fast spin-echo T2-weighted images (TE/TR = 72/2000ms, echo train length = 8, FOV = 20 cm, thickness = 3 mm, matrix size = 256x256, NEX = 2, bandwidth = 16kHz) or SPGR images (SPoiled Gradient Recalled acquisition in steady state; slice thickness = 3 mm, FOV = 20 cm, TE/TR = 7. 1/100 ins, echo train length = 1, NEX = 1 or 121 2, flip angle = 450, bandwidth = 3.1 kHz) were used to locate the array in relation to the animal. Temperature sensitive images were taken during a non-destructive low power sonication to locate the array focus and determine the target tissue (proton resonant frequency shift constant = 0.00909 ppm/0 C; slice thickness = 3 mm, FOV = 20 cm, image acquisition time = 6.66 s, TE/TR = 24.3/49 ms, NEX = 1, flip angle = 300, echo train length = 1, bandwidth = 3.1 kHz). Temperature images were then acquired during the sonication time and during the cooling time (typical total imaging time of 150 seconds for 23 temperature images including three images from the 20 second sonication time). These temperature images were used to calculate the predicted thermal dose and tissue necrosis using the Sapareto and Dewey model (Sapareto and Dewey 1984). Post treatment images (T2-weighted) were taken to evaluate the tissue response and measure tissue damage. Amplifier System * 512 channels * 0-60 watts/channel * 20 phase shifting Porcine Model MRase Curfl Water . 50 Q LC Matching 2-Axis Positioning System Signa 1.5 T Fig. 6-1: MR experimental design. 122 6.2.4 Ultrasound Surgery Experiments The experiments were divided into four classes: in vivo thigh muscle (n=5), in vivo liver (n=4), in vivo kidney (n=2), and ex vivo / in situ liver (n=2). All of the results presented were produced in sonication periods of 20 seconds unless otherwise noted. The in vivo thigh muscle and ex vivo / in situ experiments were used to test the array under respiratory motion free conditions. The ex vivo series of sonications were performed in the liver of an expired pig to investigate the ability of magnetic resonance imaging to detect heating in the acoustic obstacles and to evaluate the available acoustic window. The liver sonications were performed using an acoustic window inferior to the sternum into the right and left inferior lobes of the liver, typically medial to the gall bladder. The array was positioned by using the SPGR images to detect bone and cartilage bodies. The kidney sonications were performed inferior to the rib cage and lateral to the vertebral bodies. The kidneys were located using T2 and TI weighted MR images and the focal region of the transducer was positioned at the deepest location in kidney possible. Intentional sonications near bone or cartilage are noted in the results. A series of multiple focus fields were temporally switched to "fill in" a large volume in the transfocal plane in the porcine experiments. The simulated patterns are found in Fig. 4-11. The phase distribution of the array was determined by using the pseudoinverse technique with a phase rotation of the desired focal pressures about the array axis (Ebbini and Cain 1989). The first protocol used patterns (a)-(c) to fill in a volume with 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 cross section (9 effective foci) while the second protocol used patterns (b)-(f) to fill in a volume with a 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross section (24 effective foci). The spacing between foci in the effective grid of foci was chose to be 2.5 mm such that 123 the thermal dose between foci would exceed the thermal dose threshold of coagulation with a peak focal temperautre less than 650 C. Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 show the relative power levels used for the respective fields. The fields were optimized such that the peak intensity of each pattern was the same. Dose optimization was not employed due to its excessive computational needs (the IBM PVS was no longer available for use). The center focus of the large focal volume was not applied as the thermal conduction from the other patterns would heat the center of the focal volume. The patterns were switched at a rate of 18 Hz. Table 6-1: Relative powers used in a temporally switched field with 9 effective foci in a 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 area in the focal plane. Relative Power 1.00 4.46 4.46 Pattern (from Fig. 4-11) (a) (b) (c) Table 6-2: Relative powers used in a temporally switched field with 24 effective foci in a 1.0 x 1.0 cm area in the focal plane. 2 Relative Power 1.00 1.00 1.11 2.60 1.48 Pattern (from Fig. 4-11) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 6.3 Results 6.3.1 In Vivo Thigh Muscle Experiments The array was used to electronically shift the sonication focus in the porcine thigh muscle while recording temperature sensitive MR images. Fig. 6-2 contains the experimental temperature images and simulated temperature fields for a single focus 124 which is electronically shifted along the axis of the array. The power necessary to experimentally generate the in vivo temperature elevations was 1.8 to 3.5 times higher than the power predicted through simulations (see figure caption for power levels). Fig. 6-3 shows the T2-weighted images of the resulting lesion from the axial sonication along with the simulated and experimentally predicted lesion size (measured as 4.5 x 0.7 xO.4 cm 3 ). 140 140. 140 140 r20 120 120 120 '100 100 100 100 80 80 80- 80 60 -20 0 20 X-Axis (mm) 60 -20 0 20 X-Axis (mm) 60 601 (a) -20 0 20 X-Axis (mm) (b) (c) -20 0 20 X-Axis (mm) (d) Fig. 6-2: Experimental temperature images (top) and simulated temperature images (bottom) of onaxis electronic shifting of a single focus. The sequential sonications from left to right were placed at a distance of 10, 9, 12, and 11 from the transducer which was placed 3 cm from the skin of the porcine thigh. The peak temperature elevation were measured to be 370 C, 270 C, 27* C, 380 C from left to right for input powers of 61 W, 61 W, 146 W, and 85 W respectively. The simulated fields were driven such that their peak temperature matched the experimental results. The simulated powers were 34 W, 23 W, 41 W, and 38 W from left to right. 125 .. ....... Fig. 6-3: Lesion produced from the axial shifted sonications of Fig. 6-2. The middle images overlays the simulated predicted lesion size corresponding to a thermal dose of 240 equivalent minutes at 430 C. The right image shows the predicted lesion using the temperature images obtained during sonication and cooling applied to the Sapareto and Dewey model (same thermal dose level). Fig. 6-4 and Fig. 6-5 are temperature images which demonstrate the ability to shift a single focus both across the axis in the focal plane. Fig. 6-6 shows the resulting temperature lesions generated in the thigh. There was some interference caused by the muscle interface in the placement of the off axis foci. Individual foci of multiple focus patterns were detectable using temperature sensitive images in the thigh muscle. Fig. 6-7 shows two patterns of four foci spaced at 5 mm and 20 mm. 126 Fig. 6-4: Temperature images of off axis focusing of a single focus in porcine thigh. The top left image measured a 200 C temperature rise (subnecrosis since the porcine temperature was measured as 33.50 C) at the natural focus of the array (used to localize the focus in the tissue). The top right and bottom images correspond to off axis electrical focusing 7 mm away from the natural focus (the white "x" corresponds to the location of the geometric array focus). The peak temperature for the off axis foci ranged from 40-450 C. 127 Fig. 6-5: Axial temperature image of a focus shifted off axis. The "x" corresponds to the location of the natural focus. This location would be above and to the right of the natural focus in the previous figure. The peak temperature elevation was 360 C. Fig. 6-6: Lesions produced from off axis electrical focusing (see previous two figures). 128 Fig. 6-7: Multiple focus patterns in focal plane of porcine thigh. Each pattern contains four foci at the corners of a square. The spacing between foci is 5 mm (right) and 20 mm (left). The peak temperature elevations were 6 0-7* C. 2 A sample of the temperature response of the switched 0.5 x 0.5 cm focal volume is found in Fig. 6-8. The figures show the temporal and spatial profiles of the cross axial heating produced in the thigh for an average sonication of 107 W of acoustic power (see Table 6-1 for relative powers). Fig. 6-9 shows the post sonication images of the lesion. Fig. 6-10 shows a photograph of the lesion. The lesion cross section measured 0.7 x 1.7 cm2. Images of a second sonication using the same sequence (but only 53 W) were taken in the axial plane of the array. The temperature response and lesion images are found in Fig. 6-11 and Fig. 6-12. 129 60 . 40 20 0 0 S60 60 ~40 40 20 60 80 40 Time (sec) 100 5 0. & 20 s 20 0 -23.4 0 -21.4 23.4 11.7 0 -11.7 Accross Axis (X) (mm) -11. 23.4 11.7 0 Across Axis (Y) (mm) 2 Fig. 6-8: Across array axis temperature response in vivo thigh muscle for a 0.5 x 0.5 cm focal pattern. The images in the upper left correspond to the first four temperature images taken during sonication. The lower right image of the upper left set contains the calculated thermal dose contours (240 and 2000 equivalent minutes at 430 C). The other plots correspond to the peak temperature profile over time and the focal spatial response at end sonication. Fig. 6-9: Images of a 0.5 x 0.5 cm2 cross section lesion formed in porcine thigh. The upper left image is the full temperature image of the thigh at end sonication. The upper right image is a T2-weighted image in the same plane as the temperature image with overlying contour of estimated thermal dose (240 eq. min. at 43' C). The bottom right image is that same image without the contours (notice the existence of a similar lesion 2 cm to the right). The lower left image is a contrast enhanced T1 weighted image of the lesion along the axis of the array. 130 Fig. 6-10: Photograph of lesion in porcine thigh caused by the 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 acoustic pattern. 40 * S 30 I. S 0 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 Time (sec) 100 60 4G '.1 A( 4 'U 2 =1 E 0 -23 0 -23.4 -11.7 0 11.7 23.4 Along Axis (mm) -11.7 0 11.7 23.4 Cross Axis (mm) Fig. 6-11: Along array axis temperature response in vivo thigh muscle for a 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 focal pattern. The images in the upper left correspond to the first four temperature images taken during sonication. The lower right image of the upper left set contains the calculated thermal dose contours (240 and 2000 equivalent minutes at 430 C). The dip (arrow) in the lower right temperature plot is an imaging artifact (tissue interface). 131 Fig. 6-12: T2-weighted images of lesion formed in sonication from Fig. 6-11. same with the exception of the overlaying thermal dose contours. The images are the Fig. 6-13 shows a sample of the temperature sequence of images and the corresponding temperature response in the thigh when the effective 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross section focal pattern was used in a 20 second sonication (average acoustic power from the entire array was 345 W-see Table 6-2 for relative powers). Fig. 6-14 and Fig. 6-15 contain the spatial and temporal response of the sonication, respectively. The average power used in the simulations was the same as the experimental power. Fig. 6-16 contains the T2-weighted images post sonication along with overlaying thermal dose contours predicted using the simulation data and the set of experimentally measured temperature images. The simulated lesion was slightly smaller than the estimated lesion size. Both the MR images and post mortem dissection indicated a lesion size of 3.2 cm x 1.3 cm x 1.3 cm (5.4 cm 3) extending from 5.5 to 8.7 cm underneath the skin interface. Similar lesions were formed as close as 3 cm from the skin surface. Fig. 6-17 contains a T2-weighted image across three of the large volume sonication lesions. contains a summary of the 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 lesions. 132 Table 6-3 20.0 s 13.3 s 60.Os 100.Os 140.0 s Fig. 6-13: Series of temperature images along the array axis during a 20 second sonication period (top) and during the first two minutes of the cooling period (bottom). The array is still underneath the porcine thigh although the orientation of the MR images places the array on the left as sonicating from left to right. 0 ) 30 j: 0 R 20 - *Q 30 201 '. Ib* 0 30 50 A E 10 1,4 10 70 90 110 Along Axis (mm) 130 , 0000. -30-20-10 0 10 20 30 Across Axis (mm) Fig. 6-14: End sonication spatial temperature response of the 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross section focus. The solid line corresponds to a the simulated temperature response and the circles correspond to the MR measured temperature elevations. The arrow indicated the location of muscle interface tissue where the MR signal does not correlate with temperature. 133 co 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (s) 10 V 8 6 I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 2 0 20 40 60 80 Time (s) 100 120 140 Fig. 6-15: Temperature elevations at end sonication in the focus (top) and in the prefocal tissue (bottom). The time plots on the right correspond to the simulated (dashed) and experimental (solid) average temperature in the boxes overlaying the respective images on the right. 134 Fig. 6-16: T2-weighted images of the 1.0 x 1.0 cm2 lesion in the thigh. Image (a) is along the axis of the array and image (b) is in the focal plane. Images (c) and (d) are the along axis image with overlaying thermal dose contours corresponding to 240 and 2000 equivalent minutes at 430 C using the experimentally measured temperature images (c) and simulated temperature field (d). Fig. 6-17: T2-weighted image of the cross section of three large volume sonications (arrows). The lesions used the 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 pattern with an average power of 260 W. The average width was 13 mm. 135 Table 6-3: Summary of large focal lesions with the exception of the ten overlapping large volume sonications. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Average Acoustic Power (W) 172 (40 s) 172 (20 s) 259 (20 s) 259 (20 s) 259(20s) 302 (20 s) 259(20s) 259 (20 s) 302 (20 s) 259 (20 s) 259 (20 s) Lesion depth (cm from skin) 2 12 13 345 (20 s) 345 (20 s) 5.5 5.5 # - 4.2 5.1 4.8 5.2 5.1 4.9 5.5 - - MR measured dimensions (cm 3) 3.2x1.2x1.2 no lesion round 1.1 3.1x1.2x1.2 2.9x1.lxl.1 3.1xl.4x1.2 3.1xl.2x1.2 2.9x1.Ox1.0 2.5x1.lx1.0 no lesion lesion at prefocal muscle interface 3.4x1.2x1.2 2.7x0.9x0.9 Volume (cm 3) 4.6 0 0.69 4.4 3.5 5.2 4.4 2.9 2.7 0 0 Peak Temperature Elevation ("C) 32 20 22 24.5 20 26.1 33.1 27.6 20 17 10 4.9 2.1 35 24.6 Some of the large focal volume sonications were altered by tissue interfaces. Fig. 6-18 shows the results of three sonications (in rows) made near the muscle interface of a 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 focal volume protocol with greater than 30 minutes between successive sonications. From left to right, the images show the end sonication temperature image, a T2-weighted image with estimated dose contours of 240 and 2000 equivalent minutes at 430 C, and a T2-weighted image of the produced lesion. The average temperature in the muscle just under the skin surface was measured from the MR images to be 2.2, 2.5, and 2.3 0C, respectively, verifying that similar power levels were delivered through the skin for each of the sonications. The peak temperature in the focal zone was measured as 33.1, 15.2, and 14.7 0C (from top to bottom) indicating that the ability to focus at the set depth was compromised for the later two sonications. The first row of images show a lesion whose shape was skewed near the interface. The second row of images show a lesion that is barely visible and not well formed. The third row of images show a nondistinct lesion beyond the interface and a definite lesion in front of the interface. 136 I Fig. 6-18: Three large focal region sonications close to a muscle interface. The focal pattern covered a 1.0 x 1.0 cm2 area in the focal plane of the array. The average acoustic power for each of the sonications was 259 W. The images on the left are the temperature images at peak temperature, the center images are the T2-weighted images of the lesion with overlying thermal dose contours, and the right images are the T2-weighted lesion images without the contours. A series of 10 adjacent large focal volumes (1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 ) were performed in the thigh of one pig. The average acoustic power was 345 W. After each sonication, the array was moved 7.5 mm. Each sonication lasted 20 seconds and there was an average of 9 minutes between consecutive sonications. Fig. 6-19 shows the temperature response 137 and lesion formed for the first two lesions. Fig. 6-20 is a T2-weighted image of the complete lesion. It measured 3.8 x 2.2 x 3.0 cm 3 (25 cm 3 ). On gross examination the lesion was the same size. Fig. 6-19: Images of the first (left) and second (right) sonication of the ten overlapping sonications. The top images are the MR temperature images at end sonication. The middle images contain the resulting T2-weighted image with overlapping thermal dose contours of 240 equivalent minutes at 430 C estimated using the MR temperature images. The bottom images contains the resulting T2weighted images with and without the cumulative thermal dose contour. 138 I Fig. 6-20: T2-weighted images of lesion formed by 2 rows of 5 large volume sonications. The images are taken in three planes of the rectangular lesion shape. According to the MR images, the lesion 3 measures 3.8 x 2.2 x 3.0 cm 3 (25 cm ). Histological sample of the muscle lesions presented as fragmented cells with disorganized, non-fibrous, non-striated cytoplasm (see Fig. 6-21). The lesion nuclei were pyknotic. There were some cells within the lesions that appeared to have less damage than the surrounding cells. The results were consistent with other studies (Hynynen et al. 1993; Hynynen et al. 1994). Fig. 6-21: Hematoxylin and eosin stained muscle tissue. The tissue on the left is healthy muscle and the tissue on the right is from a thermal lesion. 139 6.3.2 In Vivo Kidney Experiments One or two sonications were performed in each of the kidneys of two pigs (total of seven lesions). Due to the small thickness of the kidney cortex, the focal region was limited to a 0.5 x 0.5 cm2 cross section in the focal plane (average power of 210 W). Fig. 6-22 contains the MR images of the end sonication temperature and thermal lesion of one of the sonications. A photograph of that lesion is found in Fig. 6-23. Another of the kidney sonications was partially blocked by the intestines and spinal vertebrae. Fig. 6-24 shows the temperature response and lesion formation from this sonication. Table 6-4 contains a list of the kidney lesions. Histological evaluations of the lesions presented cells with pyknotic nuclei and extensive hemorrhagic congestion into the tubules and glomeruli (see Fig. 6-25). The cells contained large vacuoles and the tubules appeared enlarged. The renal findings were consistent with those found for a single focus transducer (Susani et al. 1993; Hynynen et al. 1995). Fig. 6-22: MR images of a kidney sonication. The image on the left is the temperature response of a 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 cross section focus (the peak measured temperature elevation was 240 C). The resulting lesion is viewed in the T2-weighted image in the middle with the estimated thermal dose contours at 240 equivalent minutes at 430 C on the right. 140 Fig. 6-23: Photograph of kidney lesion produced from sonication viewed in Fig. 6-22. Fig. 6-24: Kidney sonication. The temperature image on the left indicates excessive heating in the lower left corner of the kidney next to the intestines and on the right side next to the vertebral body. The T2-weighted image in the middle shows a small lesion in the kidney and tissue damage surrounding the vertebrae. The estimated thermal dose contours (240 eq. min. at 430 C) are found on the right. 141 Fig. 6-25: Microscopic slide of kidney glomeruli stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The tissue on the left is healthy kidney tissue and the tissue on the right is of the hemorrhagic thermal lesion. Table 6-4: Kidney lesions. Organ ID P7S61 P7S78 P7S81 P8S49 P8S59 P8S63 P8S68 Focal Pattern (cm x cm) 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 Power (W) 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 Temp. 26 28 30 25 25 23 40 MR Lesion (cm x cm) 1.0 x 0.7 1.1 x 0.7 0.8 x 0.6 0.9 x 0.5 1.1 xO.7 1.0 x 0.5 1.2 x 0.5 Autopsy Lesion (cm x cm x cm) 1.0 x 0.6 1.2 x 0.7 Not found Not found Not found 1.0 x 0.5 1.0 x 0.5 Comment Vertebral blocking On edge of air filled intestine 6.3.3 Ex Vivo/ In Situ Liver Sonication Fig. 6-26 shows the heating pattern of the large volume focus (1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross sections with an average acoustic power of 302 W) in ex vivo / in situ liver. The peak temperature elevation was 260 C. The T2-weighted image does not show a clearly outlined lesion. The transducer was repositioned and the focal region cross section was decreased to 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 (average power of 212 W). Images of the sonication and resulting lesion are found in Fig. 6-27. In this case, the much higher temperature left a lesion clearly visible in the MR image. 142 "Web- 30- 30 m 0 $i' 0 20 10 t 2010 -AJ 0 0 11.7 23.4 0 -23.4 -11.7 Cross axis (mm) 11.7 23.4 0 -23.4 -11.7 Along axis (mm) Fig. 6-26: Large focal region sonication in ex vivo / in situ liver. The lower plots indicate the peak temperature rise across and along the axis of the array at the focal center. The top, right images are of the lesion imaged post sonication with and without thermal dose contours (damage not seen clearly). To reduce noise in the dose calculation, a temporal filter was used to average pixel temperatures when temporally adjacent measurements were greater than 300 C different. (right) in ex vivo Fig. 6-27: MR images of the end sonication temperature (left) and generated lesion 2 MR measured The . cm 0.5 x 0.5 of section cross a square had region focal liver. The attempted at an average C 530 was elevation temperature peak The long. cm 1.2 and wide lesion was 0.5 cm 430 C) are on at min. eq. (240 contour dose thermal lesion estimated The W. 212 of power acoustic the right image. 143 The ex vivo porcine models were used to investigate the ability of MR to evaluate available acoustic windows. An SPGR sequence was used to find the costal and chondral ribs as shown in Fig. 6-28. The 54 second scan time was decreased for in vivo images by changing the number of MR excitations from 2 to 1 and by decreasing the phase encoding resolution from 256 to 128. This decreased the imaging time to 13.5 seconds-a more appropriate breathe hold time to evaluate the acoustic window into a patient. Fig. 6-28: SPGR image of ribs (left) and temperature image (right) of rib heating. Without localizing both the boney and cartilaginous ribs, undesirable heating can be caused. This heating may also be detected by MR. Fig. 6-28 shows a sonication that passed through a rib causing a prefocal heating. Fig. 6-29 shows the sonication heating response in the cross axial plane of ribs at the costal-chondral junction inferior and lateral to the sternum. The average temperature response at several points in the tissue is plotted in Fig. 6-30. The lower two plots of the temperature in bone and cartilage are probably quantitatively inaccurate but may be proportional to the accurate temperature since the proton resonant frequency constant was assumed to be that of soft tissue for all the plots. 144 The soft tissue of the intercostal space (top image and plot) is probably the most accurate temperature measurement. Note that the intercostal space continues to heat up after the 20 second sonication in response to heat being conducted from the adjacent ribs. Fig. 6-29: Rib heating during sonication. On the left is a temperature image taken in the rib plane between the transducer and the focal volume during a large volume sonication. On the right is an SPGR image of the costal and chondral ribs. U12 8 4 0 12 8 ci4 0 U 50 40 30 cL 20 S 410 0. 01 40 80 Time (s) 120 Fig. 6-30: Average temperature elevations in the rib plane for a high power sonication. The temperature vs. time plots on the right correspond to the average temperature of the pixels in the small boxes in the images on the left. The top box is in the intercostal space, the middle box is over chondral ribs, and the bottom box is on the costal ribs. All of the images assumed the same proton resonant frequency shift constant. 145 6.3.4 In Vivo Liver Experiments The array was targeted in the porcine liver using T2-weighted and SPGR MR images. Several acoustic fields were used to sonicate the porcine liver. Fig. 6-31 shows a 2 sample of the spatial temperature response at peak temperature for the 0.5 x 0.5 cm pattern at an average power of 212 acoustic watts. A photograph of the lesion is found in Fig. 6-32. Fig. 6-33 shows the temperature response of the liver when a series of 0.5 x 0.5 cm2 cross section focal regions were placed at 11, 10, 9, and 9.5 cm from the 3 base of the array. The resulting lesion was measured to be 4.0 x 0.6 x 0.8 cm both in MR images and in gross histology. The 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross section focal pattern was applied with an average power of 345 W. The peak temperature rise in the tissue was 280 C. The MR images and a photograph of the lesion are found in Fig. 6-34 and Fig. 6-35. On the MR image the lesion cross section measured 0.9 x 1.3 cm 2 . The lesion measured by gross histology was 2.6 x 1.1 cm 2 . A list of the multiple focus liver sonications is found in Table 6-5. Note that not all of the lesions appeared in the T2-weighted images but the majority of high power sonication did produce lesions that were identifiable using the MR images. 146 Fig. 6-31: MR images of a 0.5x0.5 cm 2 cross section focus in vivo liver. The top image is the temperature response at end sonication (peak temperature elevation 340 C at 212 W average acoustic power). The middle image is a T2-weighted image of the thermal lesion with overlying dose contours of 240 and 2000 equivalent minutes at 43* C. The bottom image is the T2-weighted image of the lesion without the thermal dose contours. The MR measured cross section of the lesion was 1.2 x 0.6 2 cm2. 147 5 '6'7 le Fig. 6-32: Photograph of liver lesion formed in vivo. The lesion was formed from the sonication 2 described in Fig. 6-31. It measured 1.5 x 0.8 cm . 2 Fig. 6-33: The top row contains temperature images of 0.5 x 0.5 cm foci located (from left to right) at a distance of 11, 10, and 9 cm from the array. The peak temperature for the sonications was 390, 430, and 34' C (left to right). The lower row contains the T2-weighted image of the lesion following the sonications with the cumulative thermal dose contours (240 eq. min. at 43* C). The end lesion measured using MR and gross histology was 0.6-0.8 cm wide and 4.0 cm long. 148 Fig. 6-34: End sonication temperature image and Ti-weighted contrast enhanced image of the lesion for a 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 sonication area in vivo liver. The peak temperature elevation was 280 C. The image on the right contains the estimated dose contour (240 equivalent minutes at 430 C). Fig. 6-35: Photograph of lesion formed from a 1.0 x 1.0 cm 2 cross section focus in the focal plane of the array Fig. 6-34. The peak temperature was 280 C. The lesion is well defined but the center is not homogeneous as the smaller lesion of Fig. 6-32. 149 Table 6-5:Table of in vivo liver multiple focus sonications and lesions. Organ ID Focal Pattern (cm x cm) Power (W) 115 Temp. Ele.("C) 27 Lesion MR (cm x cm) Not visible Autopsy Lesion (cm x cm x cm) 2.5 x 0.7 x 0.7 Comment large Overlaps 4 foci at corners of vessel 0.5 x 0.5 cm 2 box 30 s sonication None 15 173 1.0 x 1.0 P5S63 30 s sonication None 15 173 1.0 x 1.0 P5S64 None Not visible 107 0.5 x 0.5 P5S66 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.8 Not visible 33 160 0.5 x 0.5 P5S67 See Note* 1.4 x 0.5 Not visible 212 0.5 x 0.5 P7S4 See Note* Not visible >40 212 0.5 x 0.5 P7S1O See Note* 1.2 x 0.6 36 212 0.5 x 0.5 P7S14 See Note* 1.5 x 0.6 39 212 0.5 x 0.5 P7S27 Sternum heating Faint 1.5 x 0.6 -20 302 1.0. x 1.0 P7S35 Not visible 30.6 302 1.0 x 1.0 P7S50 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.8 1.2 x 0.6 34.5 212 0.5 x 0.5 P8S6 See Note"* 2.0 x 0.7 38.8 318 0.5 x 0.5 at z=12 cm P8S14 See Note" 2.5 x 0.7 42.9 212 0.5 x 0.5 at z=10 cm P8S18 See Note** 4.0 x 0.7 33.6 212 0.5 x 0.5 at z=9 cm P8S22 See Note" 4.0 x 0.7 29.0 212 0.5 x 0.5 at z=9.5 P8S26 2.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 1.9 x 0.9 27.0 345 1.0 x 1.0 P8S32 These four sonications produced lesions measured post mortem but the corresponding sonication is unknown. The autopsy lesions had cross sections of 0.8 x 0.8, 1.5 x 0.5, 1.5 x 0.8, 1.5 x 0.7 cm 2 the cumulative lesion dimension after These four sonications were used to produced a single long lesion. The MR dimensions are of 3 each sonications. The end lesion size measured on autopsy was 4.0 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm P4S71 On histological evaluation, the individual liver lesions could be divided into two regions (see Fig. 6-36 and Fig. 6-37). The outer region contains red blood cells and decreasing density of hepatic cells as compared to normal tissue. The inner region contains small, dense nuclei (pyknotic indications of coagulative necrosis) and very few red blood cells. There are also gaps between cells indicating a breakdown of intercellular matrix. The borders between healthy tissue and lesion were visible to the eye but not as precise at a cellular level. The histological results are consistent with those found for a single focus transducer (Sibille et al. 1993; Vaughan et al. 1994). 150 Fig. 6-36: H&E stained tissue of the large thermal lesion of Fig. 6-34. Lesion Border Normal Fig. 6-37: Liver tissue stained with H&E. The left picture is of the tissue lesion with no vasculature and pyknotic nuclei. The center picture is of the hemorrhagic border between viable and lesioned tissue. The right picture is of healthy liver tissue. 151 Respiratory motion artifacts influenced the ability to extract clear temperature images for some of the sonications. For example, Fig. 6-38 shows a time series of axial temperature images taken during a large focus sonication. In some of the images the heated tissue is not visible. This is most like due to the method of temperature imaging. To measure temperature using the proton resonant frequency, a baseline image is taken before the onset of sonication. Changes in the phase for each pixel are compared to this baseline image. The respiratory motion can cause inaccurate image registration and degrade the temperature image. Occasional images during the sonication, however, do align with the baseline image as the liver moves with the diaphragm leading to valid temperature images. The poor image signal-to-noise and motion artifacts made the nondestructive temperature localization of a single focus unachievable in the experimental protocol. Fig. 6-38: Series of temperature images which were highly affected by respiratory motion. The images were taken in 6.6 s intervals from the onset of sonication (order is from left to right and top to bottom). The image in the upper right corner corresponds to the end sonication temperature map and an arrow has been place pointing to the focus. 152 6.3.5 Heating Comparison of Different Tissues The 0.5 x 0.5 cm2 pattern was used for thigh, kidney, ex vivo / in situ liver, and in vivo liver. The heating and cooling profiles differed significantly both in magnitude and in duration. Fig. 6-39 contains sample profiles from the different tissue types. Notice that only the kidney tissue temperature returned to its baseline in the two minute time period after sonication. 50 W- 50 Thigh: 106 W 40 40 30 30 20 I- In Vivo Liver: 212 W 20 10 10 0 1~ 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 Time (sec) 60 50 W- 25 Ex Vivo Liver: 212 W 60 80 100 120 140 Time (sec) Kidney: 212 W 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 0 ( 20 40 60 Ao 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (sec) Time (sec) 2 Fig. 6-39: Temporal heating profiles of the 0.5 x 0.5 cm focal pattern in different tissues. Notice that the peak temperatures differ significantly for the given power application. 153 6.4 Discussion 6.4.1 In Vivo Thigh Experiments A total of 29 sonication lesions were produced in the thigh muscles including twenty which were produced from the large focal volume sonication. The thigh experiments indicate that large (>5 cm 3), deep seated lesion can be created in vivo in a single sonication, verifying the simulation studies by (Wan et al. 1996; Fan and Hynynen 1996a). While the lesion can be created in a 20 second sonication time, it would be misleading to say that the tumor treatment rate is greater than 5 +20=0.25 cm 3/s since there is a significant cooling time necessary before an adjacent sonication can occur (more than 5 minutes). As demonstrated by simulations for phased arrays (Fan and Hynynen 1996b) and similar to experimental results for single focus transducers (Damianou and Hynynen 1993; Malcolm and ter Haar 1996; McDannold et al. 1998b), the cooling time is necessary to avoid excessive near field heating and undesirable boiling of water in the prefocal tissue. The MR temperature images demonstrate the long period needed to cool near field tissue following a large focal volume sonication. The overlapping sonications in the thigh, however, showed that more than 25 cm 3 could be treated in less than 90 minutes. The interval between sonications used in this experiment may have been longer than required. No lesion was formed in the focal plane for three of the large volume, high power sonications. This was predicted by the MR temperature images. In each case, a muscle interface appeared to block the ultrasound transmission such that there was little or no measurable temperature rise beyond the interface. The temperature images of Fig. 6-18 154 help explain the variable results. In the first sonication, the interface appears to have caused some beam distortion (possibly refraction) and some heating near the interface leading to a lesion with a "bent" shape with a wider region near the interface. The temperature image of the second sonication indicates a wide, diffuse focal region after the ultrasound passed through the interface. The larger focal region led to a lower average temperature and a less distinguishable coagulation volume. The third row of the images indicate that the transducer side of the interface was heated to high temperature leading to a pre-interface lesion. It is possible that cavitation was produced in the interface causing the excessive temperatures and a significant decrease in energy transmitted beyond the interface (a method to detect cavitation was not employed in this sonication). Interface related cavitation events have been demonstrated before (Hynynen 1991; Hynynen et al. 1993). In each case, the temperature images taken during sonication still accurately predict the T2-weighted image measurements of lesion volume in the muscle although the accuracy of the temperature images at the interface is compromised by the lack of temperature dependent proton resonance shift in fatty tissue. The experimentally measured temperature and thermal dose response measured using the MR scanner correlated very well with the simulated temperature distribution for the large focal volume sonications. The same simulated and experimental power level yielded almost identical peak temperatures. The difference between the simulated and measured temperature during cooling is most likely a result of the simulated perfusion being too high (1 kg/m 3/s). In the case of single focus sonications (such as the axial scanning presented in this paper), there is a significant difference (up to a factor of three) between the power simulated and experimentally tested to produced the same temperature 155 rise. This is similar to the results found in dog thigh muscle (Moros and Hynynen 1992) which indicated that the peak intensity of a single focus beam was more highly attenuated than the total power of the beam. This was attributed to possible scattering and refraction of the beam. The large focal volume sonications in this study did not demonstrate this same result and therefore the model used in this study performs better for large focal volumes than the small volumes produced by single focus transducers. This is in agreement with the results from Fjield (Fjield et al. 1998). The in vivo thigh muscle experiments also demonstrate that a well constructed and driven phased array transducer can be accurately controlled without invasive acoustic feedback measures at clinically significant depths. Lesions much larger than the volume of a single focus lesion were produced at depths of 8 cm below the skin. This is deep enough for almost all extremity treatments, breast tumor treatments, and kidney treatments, and it would be enough for some liver mass treatments. 6.4.2 In Vivo Kidney Experiments The in vivo kidney sonications prove that the 256 element array can be used to create large lesions in tissue that has high blood perfusion. This is important since some tumors could exhibit perfusion higher than the non-pathological tissue (Bowman 1984; Bowman 1986; Bowman et al. 1995). Tissues with high perfusion have generally been more difficult to heat due to the heat carried away from the focal region to the rest of the organism. By using a relatively short sonication (20 seconds) the effects of perfusion are minimized in the heating stage of the treatment but are still significant for large focal volumes due to the extensive cooling period (which may last from one to ten minutes). 156 While knowledge of the perfusion rate is critical for some treatments, the MR temperature images help alleviate the need for specific measurements of perfusion because temperature images and corresponding thermal dose estimates can be made for target tissue volumes. 6.4.3 Ex Vivo/ In Situ Experiments The sonications into the cadaver of a pig illustrate that MR can be used to evaluate acoustic apertures and detect undesirable heating in ribs and other obstacles. Unlike traditional X-ray or CT scans, the SPGR MR sequence can clearly distinguish not only dense boney obstacles, but also acoustically attenuating low density cartilage. It is important to note that the liver is predominantly covered by some kind of acoustic obstacle: costal (bone) ribs on the posterior and lateral side of the body, chondral (cartilage) ribs on the anterior side, lung tissue on the superior/posterior edge, and occasionally bowel and/or stomach from the inferior/anterior side. The exact location of these obstacles varies from patient to patient as it did from pig to pig in these experiments. A method to evaluate the location of available acoustic windows is critical for treatment operation and is well suited for the 3D image acquisition available through MR imaging. Some of the acoustic obstacles can be eliminated through simple procedures. For example, the stomach can be deflated through a nasogastric tube. The parts of liver blocked by lung may be cleared by using an end expiratory sonication although the superior motion of the diaphragm would tend to move the liver further underneath the ribs. It has been proposed that the liver or other tissues could be treated by using a 157 phased array to sonicate between the ribs or bones, but this has not been experimentally tested (McGough et al. 1996; Botros et al. 1997; Botros et al. 1998). The MR measurement of the temperature rise in the intercostal rib space would be valuable to evaluate these treatment modalities but future work to quantify this temperature rise in bone and cartilage would be necessary. The ability to measure temperature at the rib level could make it possible to sonicate the liver through the low density cartilaginous ribs. This could significantly increase the available acoustic window for liver treatment. Lastly, the results from this research indicate that any therapy that does induce rib heating will suffer from extensive cooling periods to avoid near field heating between ribs. 6.4.4 In Vivo Liver Experiments To the author's knowledge, this research is the first application of a continuous wave ultrasonic phased array used to produce thermal coagulation in vivo liver and kidney of a large animal model. The in vivo tests indicate that a single 20 second sonication can produce lesions greater than 1-2 cm 3 in the liver through the use of phased array applicators. This research also showed that long overlapping lesions from multiple focus fields can be created in the liver. The in vivo kidney sonications prove that the ultrasound array can be used to create large lesions (>0.5 cm 3 ) in tissue that has high blood perfusion using a single sonication. This is important since some tumors could exhibit perfusion higher than the non-pathological tissue. Tissues with high perfusion have generally been more difficult to heat due to the heat carried away from the focal region to the rest of the organism. By using a relatively short sonication (20 seconds) the effects of perfusion are minimized in the heating stage of the treatment but are still significant for large focal 158 volumes due to the extensive cooling period (which may last from one to ten minutes). The MR temperature images help alleviate the need for specific measurements of perfusion because temperature images and corresponding thermal dose estimates can be made for target tissue volumes. This research also showed that liver tissue can be geometrically targeted using presonication MR SPGR or T2-weighted images, that the heated liver tissue can be monitored during sonication and the cooling period by measuring the proton resonant frequency shift, and that post sonication T2-weighted images can be used to detect liver lesion volumes for lesions formed with high temperatures (but below boiling or cavitation thresholds). One aspect of the experimental MR protocol that could further improve treatment monitoring of the liver in a patient is the reduction of respiratory motion artifact. Although accurate targeting and sufficient monitoring could be achieved in a breathing pig for most sonications, the motion artifact degraded the MR images significantly. The image degradation is well known in the MR field, and patient studies have quantified the motion. It has been shown that the liver has predominantly a superior/inferior motion during quiet respiration with an average displacement of 1 cm although deep respiration can be 10 times that distance (Davies et al. 1994). The image degradation could be avoided by using a breathe hold protocol for the patient or by regulating the breathing through a ventilator. The prior option is advantageous because it would still not require general anesthesia; the latter option is advantageous because the location of the liver could be more accurately positioned. The ex vivo tests indicated that motion free images could be used to non-invasively detect low temperature subnecrosis sonications in the 159 liver. From a clinical standpoint, control of the patient breathing could help eliminate the ill effects of sonicating a moving tissue volume (Vaughan et al. 1994; ter Haar et al. 1998a). While theoretically the array developed in this research could electronically track the 1 cm displacement produced in the liver during quiet respiration, the coordination between electronic focusing and liver localization is complicated. A better method would use a large focal volume in a breath hold technique to ensure that the heating at the focal volume was sufficient to coagulate tissue despite the fact that the liver did not return to the exact position after each respiration. Overlapping sonications could then be used to cover the entire target tissue volume with less chance of leaving small volumes of surviving tissue which could be missed by overlapping a small single focus. The second method to improve MR images would be the use of a more complex MR signal receiver. The RF gain from a circular MR surface coil drops off significantly at distances on the order of the coil aperture. This indicates that a large bore coil should be used for deep sonications. Unfortunately, the overall gain of a coil also decreases with aperture size. Therefore, for deep sonication in a patient, it is recommended that a more sensitive signal acquisition receiver such as a MR array coil be developed. 6.5 Conclusion This research has shown the feasibility and advantage of using a large scale ultrasound phased array in vivo for MR guided ultrasound coagulation of large volumes of deep seated tissue. The phased array offers a control and flexibility not available in single focus transducers or in less numerous arrays. The thigh experiments have shown that the theoretical model used in this research can accurately model the response of large 160 focal volumes when large interfaces are not close to the focal volume. This study has also confirmed the ability of MR to detect lesion forming temperature elevations and determine treatment effectiveness post sonication for lesions at clinically significant depths. In a clinical setting, the advances in control will make patient treatment more accurate as well as more clinically feasible. This research has also shown the feasibility of using a large scale ultrasound phased array for ultrasound surgery in the liver of an in vivo large animal model. It has demonstrated the importance of temperature monitoring using MR to detect high temperature elevations and post-sonication lesions in the liver. MR can be used to avoid and detect heating in acoustic obstacles such as cartilage and bone. Using MR guided surgery with a phased array applicator could greatly improve the quality of a treatment as well as decrease its treatment time. 161 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 7.1 Conclusions The use of high power ultrasound to non-invasively treat deep seated tumors is rapidly moving towards becoming a clinical procedure. Currently there are phase 1 clinical trials of single focus transducers in Japan, Britain, China, Canada, and the United States for the treatment of breast, liver, kidney, and prostate disorders. These trials all use fixed focus transducers with ultrasound guidance and no thermal monitoring (the exception being the MR guided breast treatments in Canada and in the Focused Ultrasound Surgery laboratory associated with this thesis). While the few published preliminary results are promising using only image guidance, the need for treatment monitoring and larger focal volumes is well documented. This study has theoretically and experimentally shown that a large scale phased array can be used in conjunction with MR guidance to coagulate clinically significant tissue volumes in a single sonication. In particular, the system was used in vivo in a large animal liver model to demonstrate the feasibility for a future human trial. This study developed a sophisticated hardware design for driving therapeutic, continuous wave arrays. The system implemented automatic phase and power feedback to ensure proper driving signals to the array's elements. It demonstrated (both in acoustic tests and in vivo experiments) that the acoustic output of a well built array can be significantly improved without array specific calibration or invasive hydrophone probes. 162 This study determined techniques and materials adequate for constructing a large scale phase array. These included extensive material tests of both diced PZT arrays and 1-3 piezocomposite materials. It was found that 1-3 piezocomposite materials can generate output powers high enough for the clinical treatment of deep seated tissue despite significant interelement mechanical coupling. By using the composite materials, the drawbacks of diced arrays such as the lack of a continuous ground plane, weakened structural support, limited element size, and complex water proofing can be lessened or eliminated. The use of an acoustic matching layer with a 1-3 piezocomposite material was found unnecessary for the two arrays tested in this study. Overall, two 16-element arrays, a 64-element array, and a 76-element array were created with the "dice and fill" method. Eight 4-element, a 9-element, and a 256-element array were constructed from 1-3 piezocomposite materials. A theoretical study was presented to determine the maximum size of necrosis for a phased array transducer. The theoretical model demonstrated that the limiting factor in large volume coagulation was the extension of heating into the near field between the array and the target tissue volume. A protocol based on limiting the thermal elevation in the prefocal tissue was determined according to the pain thresholds for temperature stated in literature. The theoretical maximum focal volume using this technique was found to have about a 2 cm diameter for most array designs. This study can be used a starting point for basic therapeutic array design. Experimental tests to coagulate tissue were performed using temporally switched acoustic fields from a constructed 16 element array in an in vivo rabbit thigh muscle. These tests were the first experimental demonstration of thermal coagulation using 163 temporally switched fields. MR imaging was used to map thermal fields, and techniques to optimize thermal dose using a large multiprocessor computer were developed. The field optimization technique was shown to decrease the average treatment power and the theoretical treatment time for a large tumor volume. The theoretical studies indicated that treatment variances due to tissue inhomogeneities can be decreased if the switching cycle of the acoustic patterns is sufficiently fast. Lastly, a 256 element phased array was used in a series of in vivo porcine experiments to demonstrate the control and advantage of a large scale phased array for the treatment of deep seated tissue. The array could coagulate large volumes of tissue in thigh (>5 cm 3), kidney (>0.5 cm 3), and liver (>2 cm 3) using a single 20 second sonication. 7.2 Recommendations for Future Work The main target disease for this research has been the treatment of liver tumors. Other organs such as prostate (through the bladder), breast, pancreas, and brain may also benefit from the use of extracorporeal large scale arrays for the coagulation of tissue. However, the recommendations for future work will focus predominantly on liver treatment. The system developed in this thesis is an adequate prototype for animal experiments, but changes to several aspects of the current set up could make the MR monitored treatment of human liver tumors more effective. First, the array geometry could be designed to accommodate the available acoustic window to the human liver. This could include the construction of oblong rather than circular aperture arrays for treatment between ribs or a triangular aperture array to match the acoustic window 164 inferior to the sternum. Second, while the pseudoinverse technique to determine the driving signals for an array was found adequate for small numbers of foci, a more effective technique to optimize the thermal dose field using a large number of simultaneous foci could further improve treatment operation. The temporal switching technique developed in this thesis helped alleviate the problem, but new, less computationally intensive methods to optimize the field distribution would be valuable for real time treatment. Third, techniques to reduce the physical array dimensions (mainly depth) would be helpful in the space limited bore of an MR scanner. From a clinical perspective, this study recommends that the treatment of liver tumors be performed with a patient breathe hold. This could be done under voluntary patient control or through the use of a mechanical respirator. There are several reasons that this would improve the treatment: 1) the target tissue could be more accurately delineated in the presonication MR image, 2) the thermal imaging would not suffer as much from motion artifacts that can distort the ability to monitor the treatment, 3) the coagulated focal volume would be more easily formed since the thermal elevations could be localized at a stationary position rather than a moving target, and 4) multiple overlapping focal volumes could be more accurately placed for the treatment of complete tumors. Although the 20 second sonication demonstrated in this thesis is short enough for a patient controlled breath hold application, it is the opinion of the author that respiratory control using a ventilator would yield more repeatable results and should be used if the patient can undergo general anesthesia. Lastly, several MR techniques need to be implemented before the full potential of a MR guided ultrasound phased array surgery can be realized. First, surgical treatment 165 software including 3-D segmentation techniques to automatically localize the liver in relation to both boney and cartilaginous ribs is needed to avoid acoustic obstacles for real time surgical procedures. Second, new imaging sequences to eliminate motion artifacts from the temperature images could greatly improve the ability to monitor liver treatments (even if respiration is controlled, there is still a small motion artifact from the beating heart). Third, it is recommended that the ultrasound array be designed in conjunction with MR coil technology such that the MR coil is optimized to monitor the signal intensity at the focal tissue depth of the ultrasound device. development of MR coil arrays for deep seated sonications. 166 This could include the 8. APPENDIX A: ULTRASOUND DRIVING SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 8.1 Introduction This appendix is offered as a more detailed description of the phased array ultrasound driving hardware system described in Chapter 2. This appendix will cover the basic system architecture and circuitry implemented to drive phased arrays of multiple sizes and shapes. This documentation will focus on the analog portion of the individual driving system channels. The embedded software and communications techniques will be briefly discussed but, as they were not prepared by the author of this thesis, they will be documented in other reports. This appendix assumes little RF design knowledge from the reader since it was prepared for an audience of therapeutic ultrasound researchers. Parts of the discussion, therefore, may be simplistic for a reader associated with more complex RF design principles. The documentation will attempt to explain in a simplified manner the operation of the system while the references can offer more detail and circuit theory. 8.2 System Block Diagram Fig. 8-1 is a picture/block diagram of a completed ultrasound driving system. The system is based on distributed control. The user interfaces with the system using a PC. Software such as a hyperterminal window or custom written applications (Visual Basic or Visual C) along with associated .dll files have been written for the PC (a laptop in the photograph) to communicate with a embedded single board computer (x486) found in the 167 control box of the system. The embedded computer directly communicates with the ultrasound driving cards as well as controls the system frequency generator, enables/disables the 48 V DC supplies, and interfaces with emergency shutdown switches. PC Control Control Box x486 Embedded Controller Frequency Generator 48 V DC Supplies Ir Ultrasound Driving Cards Matching Cards Array Fig. 8-1: Photograph and block diagram of ultrasound driving system. The ultrasound driving cards communicate with the embedded controller through a serial bus from the embedded computer to the ultrasound driving card racks. The address of each card is determined by the rack address (set with a rotary switch on the rack backplane) and by the hardwired location of the card in that rack. The system can be expanded to 16 racks of 16 cards for a total of 1024 driving channels (4 channels per card). The RF output of the ultrasound driving cards is fed to a second rack of printed circuits cards, each with a simple inductor/capacitor circuit to electronically match the 168 array elements to 50 I. Each array must be matched with a set of these cards for the system to operate properly. The array is then attached to the output of the matching cards through a set of 64 line coaxial cables (cables on the right of the photograph). The fundamental analog unit of the system is the ultrasound driving card and this will be the focus of the rest of this appendix. 8.3 Ultrasound Driving Cards Fig. 8-2 shows a photograph of the ultrasound driving card. Each card contains the digital and analog circuitry to drive four 50 fl loads (or ultrasonic elements which are matched to 50 fl). The right side of the card (furthest from the edge connector) contains most of the digital circuitry: the 68HC 11 microcontroller, memory, addressing chips, DACs, ADCs, and the phase locked loop circuitry. The left side of the card contains most of the analog circuitry: voltage switching regulators (connected to the bar heat sink) and their corresponding passive circuitry, switching FETs on back of card, filter components (large toroids), and dual directional couplers (small upright toroids). The analog circuitry for the first channel on this card is found in the upper right corner of the analog sections. The other channels proceed in numerical order counter clockwise. Appendix B contains the complete schematic of the card. 169 Fig. 8-2: Photograph of an ultrasound driving system card (front view on top, and back view on bottom). 170 Fig. 8-3 contains a block diagram of the ultrasound driving card. This differs from the block diagram found in Chapter 2 since it only contains the subunits which appear on the printed circuit board. The inputs to the card include the power supplies (+5,-5, +7, +48 V), digital frequency clock (running at 16 times the RF signal output), RF voltage from the transducer side of the matching cards, and the communications signals to the MCU from the embedded controller. The output signals include the high power RF sinusoid and communications measurements to the embedded controller. Each of the subunits in Fig. 8-3 will now be detailed. Communication Commands Addressing MCU Memory ADC 48 V supply Peak Detector DC-to-DC Down Converter Common Clock Phase Shifting Phase Correction DC-to-RF Conversion RF Filtering Power Coupler - RF Out Phase Detector Phase Detector Transducer Voltage Fig. 8-3: Block diagram for the ultrasound driving system card. 8.4 System Subunits The subunits can be divided into three categories: power, phase, and control. The power category is responsible for generating and regulating the high power sinusoidal voltage output. The phase category is responsible for generating and regulating the phase 171 of the output sinusoid. The control category is responsible for establishing the set points of voltage and phase while monitoring the circuit to verify proper operation. This appendix will describe the analog circuitry of the power regulation loop and the phase correction loop. 8.4.1 Power Loop Overview The power category contains the high power DC-to-RF converter, the supply DCto-DC down converter, the output RF filtering, and the power measurement components. The circuit architecture was chosen to produce a high DC-to-RF efficiency such that the amount of heat sink bulk was minimal. However, the circuit was not optimized to reach its ideal efficiency although a significant amount of bench work was spent adjusting the Fig. 8-4 contains a copy of the power loop circuit operation to appropriate levels. circuitry from the schematics in Appendix B (Channel #4 on card). C50 C49 0.01pFTl 3.31&F TI11 Q10 107 +4 0.19 F C.5 AC 401F 1R2 E C DL4148 D25 C52 IRF634S 200pF L13 L14 10.2pH 7.4pH T2D 10:10 7. "2 .1pF FT50-77 2400pF48 C53 54 112 9D 00 1 C136 RFout4 1F m450 74 LT107 V o50 D28 DL4148 R4LD27 D-4148 C59 C57 D30 674 C58 D29 DM2U148 L38 22pH 2K >U53A Vrefl4 R 39 C2K Fig e -4: C03p 1wer r41 0 C61 .IP01 LMC6484 D32 D148 R4p DIA18 C6 100-If2K UB 1143 look: C64 0.01lpF 7Vfor4 LMC6484 CH4Poer SetLM64 Fig. 8-4: Complete power ioop circuitry (from Channel 4 of schematics in Appendix B). 172 DC-to-RF Conversion Topology A schematic of the DC-to-RF converter is found in Fig. 8-5. The purpose of this subunit is to convert a digital 0-5V RF square wave at the ultrasound driving frequency into a high power sinusoid from a DC supply. The converter was designed to be a combination of the class D and class E amplifier in a push-pull topology. The two active switches (IRF634S FETs) are switched out of phase by the FET driver IC MC34152. The high pass filter circuitry and diode between the FET driver and the FET prevents Drain to source continuous FET conduction in the case of a lost RF clock input. capacitors are placed in the circuit to create signals consistent with a class E amplifier. The DC voltage supply is coupled to the switches through a large inductor and a center tapped transformer to act as a DC current source for the active switches. The AC drain voltages are transmitted to the RF output through the center tapped transformer. From DC Supply +7V C50 C49 3.3pF 0.01pF Ull RF CLOCK4 Q10 2 C51 OAPF . U2AA L4R34 p DL4648 200pF T1O 10:10 MC34152 200pF S634S 74AC04 FFle Filter To IlF C2T C52 I341342 0. K DL4148 Shutdown4 1005D 48 Fig. 8-5: Schematic of the DC-to-HF power converter. 173 Class D and class E amplifier are discussed extensively in (Baxandall 1959; Senak 1965; Raab 1973; Sokal and Sokal 1975; Raab 1977; Murray and Oleszek 1979; Sokal 1981; Kazimierczuk 1984; Granberg 1985; Kazimierczuk 1986; Avratoglou et al. 1989; Kazimierczuk and Tabisz 1989; Kazimierczuk 1993; Sowlati et al. 1995; Koisurni et al. 1996; Sowlati et al. 1996). The basic principle of these amplifiers is the use of an active switch which is driven on and off at the frequency of the signal to be created. A class D amplifier typically is characterized by a two pole switch (two FETs) with bandpass or low pass filtering to produce a voltage or current sinusoid. A class E amplifier can be defined as a subset of switching amplifiers that fulfill the following: 1) the voltage rise across a transistor drain is delayed until the transistor is off, 2) the voltage across the transistor drain is zero when the transistor is turned on, and 3) the slope of the drain voltage of the transistor is zero when the transistor is turned on. Raab calls the circuitry which meets these requirements exactly an "optimal class E" and he calls a circuit which falls short of these requirements a "suboptimal class E" (Raab 1977). The circuitry presented in this appendix can be classified as "suboptimal class E." The basic class E amplifier introduced by the Sokal's is found in Fig. 8-6 (Sokal and Sokal 1975). The circuits consists of a large inductor (LI) which converts the voltage source (Vcc) into a DC current. The transistor (TI) is used as a switch with its drain capacitance paralleled with an external capacitor (Ci) to eliminate fast voltage spikes. The tuned circuit (C2-L2-R) is determined to guarantee that the resonance of the overall circuit is damped such that the class E requirements are met. The switching frequency is chosen to be slightly higher than the resonance of the tuned circuit assuming a high Q. The component values can be determined either numerically or through some 174 simple equations if assumptions are made about the tuned circuit bandwidth. Equations for the choice of element values are found in references for Class E amplifiers. Vcc Li C2 L2 Ti Fig. 8-6: Basic class E amplifier. The circuit used in the ultrasound driving system is a variation of the basic class E amplifier. The most obvious modification is the implementation of a push pull architecture. Raab suggests the implementation of a push-pull class E amplifier using an individual DC choke current source for each switch and a transformer to couple the switches to the tuned circuit load (Raab 1977). The ultrasound driving system in this research utilizes a single current source inductor to feed both FETs through a center tapped transformer. Components The IRF634S Power MOSFET was chosen for its large drain-to-source breakdown voltage (250V), high drain current rating (5.1 A at 1000 C and 10 V), its low drain-to-source on resistance (0.45 fl), medium output capacitance (190 pF), and its fairly fast turn on and turn off time (20 ns). It also has an integral reverse diode with a maximum forward voltage of 2.0 V to clamp the signal of the push-pull topology. The shunting drain capacitors were chosen to be surface mount mica capacitors for their low loss (Q>6000) and small lead inductance. 175 The transformer was constructed from a multiaperture core of a Nickel zinc material (material 43 Fair-Rite) with 24 AWG magnet wire (10 turns on secondary and 5 turns on each primary winding). It was chosen for its relatively high permeability up to 2 MHz (850) and relatively low parallel resistance at 1.5 MHz. The core size was made as small as possible although it led to difficulties in transformer construction. The DC current supply inductor was a high current, surface mount inductor from Vishay Dale (maximum DC resistance 0.12 ft rated at 2.8 A). Motorola's MC34152 high speed dual MOSFET driver IC was chosen for its fast rise and fall times for capacitive loads (15 ns) and an AC logic inverter was used to produce sharp edges for the driver. Electrical Waveforms Fig. 8-7 shows a typical drain voltage and the corresponding secondary current for a 1 W RF output to a 50 fl load at 1.5 MHz. Notice that the circuit operation is not a pure class E response since the voltage and its slope are not at ground levels in the switch turn on time. This overdamped resonant circuit presents as a "mitten" shaped waveform (the "thumb" the mitten is the upward voltage ring). This is similar to the response at 60 W (Fig. 8-8) although the relative power loss is less. Similar plots at 1.1 and 1.8 MHz are found in Fig. 8-9 and Fig. 8-10. From these plot, one can see that proper class E operation occurs at a frequency between 1.5 MHz and 1.8 MHz (at 1.8 MHz, the tuned circuit is underdamped). A plot of the FET gate and drain voltages at 30 W are found in Fig. 8-11 through Fig. 8-13. The transformer primary center tap and secondary voltages are found in Fig. 8-14. 176 SOOMS/s Tek E 623 Acqs T I..... ....... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ...... .... . ... ... ... ... ..... ........ .... ... ... .. .... . ... ... ... ... .... ..... .... ... .. ... ...... .... . ... .. .. ... ... .... ..... .... .... .. .... ... ... ... .. ... ..... wE .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 24 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... &Wjj 5V Ch2 10UmV M 10uns . . . . . . . ... Cli -L. 13 V 14 Aug 1998 17:18:51 Fig. 8-7: FET drain voltage and transformer secondary current for a 1 W RF output signal (2mA/mV for current on Ch 2). Tek SOOMS/S 331 Acqs .............................. ...................................... ................. .......... ............... .... .......................... .... .......................... .... ............... .......... ..... .................... .... ... ...................... ............ ......... .... ........ .... ....... ....................... I.... .... !..L' .... .......................... .... .......................... am1 soy Ch2 50 V .............. M 1O0ns Ext % 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 15:58:25 Fig. 8-8: Superimposed FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output (1.5 MHz). In this case, the push-pull architecture is not very well matched as is evident from the different peak voltages across the FETs. 177 50OMS/S Tek 1841 Acqs .............. ............... ............. ................................. -T- ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .......... ... ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... EJ .... .......................... .... .......................... .... .......................... .... ......................... .......... ... Lqw SU V U12 50 V m i0ons EXt -L 1.3 V 14 Aug 1998 16:00:21 Fig. 8-9: FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output at 1.1 MHz. TekOM SOOMS/s 1259 Acqs .......................... ....................................... T............ I . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . El .................... . ........................ Am 5U V Ch2 50 V M IOOnS EXt X 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 16:02:19 Fig. 8-10: FET drain voltages at 30 W RF output at 1.8 MHz. 178 409 Acqs Tek@M SOOMS/s ................. .............................. ...................................... ................. I ........... ... ........................... ................. .... ......... ................ ... . ......................... ..................... ................... ........................... ......................... ... ................ ... .................... Lim 5 V Chi So V M i0ons Ext % 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 15:50:01 Fig. 8-11: FET gate and drain voltages at 30 W RY output at 1.5 MHz. 368 Acqs_, 2GS/s Tek 11 F.................................... : a........... ................................................ : ...................... j LM .... . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . ..... ...... ...................... .. ... .......................... ........................ ... ................... ...... .......................... 2-+ .... 5 V Ch2 3 V M 25ns Ext X 196MV 14 Aug 1998 13:19:30 Fig. 8-12: FET drain and gate at FET turn on time (1W, 1.5 MHz). 179 Te 887 Acqs kjst3 2GS/s .T............... w. .4 5 . ......... i. h2 5V M 25ns Ext I 196mV 14 Aug 1998 13:18:13 Fig. 8-13: FET drain and gate at FET turn off time (1 W, 1.5 MHz). TekhtWU SOOMS/s .. .......... M 1291 Acqs T ......I ................. ................ .... .... .. .. .... .. . .............. . ...... .............. ..... ... .. ..... .......... .... .... ........................ ... .......................... . .............. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-+ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lem 100 v C12 100 v M IOons Ext I. 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 16:08:47 Fig. 8-14: Voltages at the transformer primary center tap and secondary / filter junction for a 60 W, 1.5 MHz signal. 180 DC-to-DC Down Converter Topology A DC-to-DC switching converter is used for each channel to scale the system's 48 V DC supply down to a lower DC level as a source for the DC-to-RF converter described previously. This converter is based on the LT1074 (Linear Technology), 100 kHz voltage switching regulator in a buck configuration. The converter operates in both a discontinuous and continuous mode depending on the desired RF output power (the breakpoint is at about 20 W). The voltage sense feedback signal originates from the RF power measurement circuitry (described later) and is compared to the power set point through an operational amplifier integrator. A schematic of the DC-to-DC converter is found in Fig. 8-15. LT1074 +48V 5 C59 C 0.01 pF U12 _ 4 I7 I L15 47pH 57220p C64 Fig. C60i JC58ToLd 220pF 0.01 pF D30 8-15: MC63 10 Dtf 100 O4 PCw4 Poe eebctSga Fig. 8-15: DC-to-DC buck converter schematic for Channel 4 on UDSC. 181 For the novice, a number of excellent texts exist on switching converters. Two of these are: Power Switching Converters by Ang and Switching Power Supply Design by Pressman (Ang 1995; Pressman 1998). In addition, Linear Technology has published a number of application notes are useful (Application Notes 25, 35, 44, 46). A basic diagram of the buck converter operation is found in Fig. 8-16. The converter uses a switch which is opened and closed at a fixed frequency but with varying duty cycle. The inductor, capacitor, and load act as a filter such that a DC voltage appears at the load. The duty cycle of the switch is regulated to control the output voltage, output current, or other parameter from the circuitry (in the ultrasound driving system, the switch duty cycle is regulated by the measured RF forward power delivered to the load). When the switch is closed, the DC voltage (VDC) appears across the reversed clamp diode (Dl). Assuming the load is being regulated at a constant DC voltage, current flow through the inductor (LI) begins to flow towards the load and capacitor (Cl). If LI is chosen appropriately large for the switching frequency (and the capacitor/load shunt), the current increase is linear with time. When the switch is then opened, the current magnitude through the inductor begins to fall linearly as a function of the new voltage across it (voltage is clamped to the diode drop on left and the load voltage on right). If the inductor current does not fall to zero (at which point the clamping diode reverse biases and clamps off the current), the buck regulator is running in continuous mode (for continuous current). If the current through the inductor does fall such that the current is cut off by the reverse bias of the clamp diode then the regulator is running in the discontinuous mode. 182 LI SW Load VDC C1 Fig. 8-16: Symplified schematic of a buck converter. Most switching regulators are designed to operate at a fixed output voltage with variable current depending on the load impedance. However, the regulation of the ultrasound driving circuitry is designed to fix the output DC voltage such that the DC-toRF converter delivers the desired RF power. Therefore, this regulator was designed to step down the 48 V input supply voltage from 0 V to 45 V depending on the desired output power. The advantage of using a switching regulator instead of a linear regulator is its high efficiency. The losses in the DC-to-DC convertion can be attributed to losses in the conduction current through the forward biased diode (sometimes called a DC loss), resistive losses in the inductor and capacitor (sometimes called AC loss), and losses in the active switch and DC supply. The disadvantage of the switching regulator compared to linear regulators is increased noise commonly presenting as an AC ripple on the output voltage level. The AC ripple on the DC output voltage is a combination of two factors: the ac current being stored as a voltage on the capacitor (C1) and the ac current flow through the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor. As the ripple voltage could be contained to a small level, the swtiching regulator was chosen for this design to produce a more efficient and compact power regulator. 183 Components The LT 1074 voltage switching regulator has a 100 kHz switching frequency and a maximum 60 V input voltage rating. It can be configured in a buck configuration with output voltage between 2.5 and 50 V. It is rated at 5 A and therefore can supply the necessary power for the ultrasound channel. The regulator is also fairly cheap and there is plenty of data about it. Linear Technology's Application Note 44 is very helpful and one of the examples in it was used as a starting point for the power regulation circuitry. The flyback or clamp diode (D30 in Fig. 8-15) is a Schottky barrier rectifier. It can chosen for its ability to deliver up to 3 A of continuous current and 100 A or surge current. It also can handle up to 60 V of reverse bias (for the 45 V pulses of the VSR). The filter inductor (47 jiH) is a pre-wound C&K pot core inductor that is rated for 3 A and a maximum DCR of 0.022 fl with minimum ET of 90 V s. The filter capacitor (C58 of Fig. 8-15) is a radial lead 220 pLF electrolytic capacitor rated at 50 V and 890 mA rms ripple current at 100 kHz. The estimated ESR is 0.3 fl. C62 and R42 are a frequency compensation network for the VSR. These are set to avoid large overshoot of the VSR at start up. Their values were taken from the suggested values in the Linear Technology application notes (see App Note 25 and 44 for a discussion on how to empirically determine appropriate values). The op amp integrator circuit is part of the feedback network for the power control. The feedback diode (D3 1) is used to protect the VSR from high voltage inputs from the feedback op amp and to compensate for the internal diode drop of the VSR (see Linear Technology Application Note 44). 184 Waveforms Fig. 8-17 contains typical voltage waveforms for the buck regulated DC voltage and the output voltage of the switching regulator. The buck regulator changes from discontinuous mode to continuous mode at about 20 W. Fig. 8-18 contains the AC output ripple for various powers. The ripple is less than 2% for all powers. The filter inductor AC current is plotted in Fig. 8-19. At 20 W RF power, the AC ripple current is 2.5 A (pp) which appears as a 200 mV (p-p) output voltage ripple indicating an ESR of about 0.1 fl. The DC current was not directly measured but for the 1 W and 20 W RF power levels it is estimated to be 0.26 A and 1.25 A respectively (from the current graph in discontinuous current mode). This indicates that the DC-to-RF converter presents as about a 20 fl DC load to the DC-to-DC converter. TkEEE sOMs/s 1199 Acqs (a) TekEE 4 - 2+-- + -.4+ + [+- {--T-*- + 7' -- T+ - + nz 2V TekEEE2OMS/s 2oMS/s 540 Acqs .(b ..... 2+ -- 1 -+ M Is 1 4 Aug 1998 14:42:4 1544 Acqs -- - + - --- - --- oV TekUEE20MS/S - -- M - + - %2" ' 6 174 Acqs 1 4 Aug99 15:36:9 (d)+ (c) ...t ............4 ..... .... ....U t 2-. MUI z2V M1 2' M . 5jas Ih2 20.8 V 2 20 14 AUg19 15:34.:449 Ch2 20VM 25PS Ch2 20.9 YV 19 14 Aug 1999 15: 33: 11 Fig. 8-17: Regulated DC voltage (CH 1) and VSR output voltage (CH2) required for RF I owers of (a) 1 W, (b) 20 W, (c) 30 W, and (d ) 60 W. Note that the vertical scale for CH1 chan ges. The appropriate voltages were 5.5 V, 24 V, 30 V, and 40 V. 185 2MS/s TekE g 20MS/s AcqsiTek 2161 -. M M fit~ ~ -. .. -i -i - 11i 191 Acqs ....--.. 2-' Tek I g20MS/s = Aug 191 14 14:45:1 243 Acqs Cnz 105MVN M 20V TekEEN 20MS/s Ch2 2.59S 1. 172 Acqs 20.K V 14Au Averages: 256 Ac + .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 le t [on ...... ...... JTh ...... Sample U 2 Peak Detect SMS/s) q . ............. ............. . q I ......... .... J ... ... ... ............ .... Envelope 9 t 7 2-s M 46 2 ..... mVI 4 20V4 W M2. h ! 2 X 20.9V 4. -,i' o fter ItS utoni Aug 6i.1 15:20 14 Fig. 8-18: AC output voltage ripple (CH) for RF output powers of 1 W, 20 W, 30 W, and 60 W. The output ripple is 1.8% of the DC voltage at 1 W output but only 0.8% at over 20 W. lek U 20MS/s ThkUEU 20MS/s 182 Acqs 404 Acqs (b. (a) -44 4 1+ -..-..-.. 1.2 h~ .h . . .... 4 -..- Tk U Lni 1000 11?: 4 Aug 12: 04 540 Acqs 20MS/s Idu v *mKa-sssmrv +-...- m M2.5sJ cii -, ino v log 14:Au% 17: 10:20 T- (c)j 14 M. W .......... IN Chi 2eV flu sogmv C Mzsps Chi I. 23.6 Fig. 8-19: VSR voltage output (CH1) and filter inductor AC current (2 mA/mV, CH2) for RF output powers of (a) 1 W, (b) 20 W, and (c) 60 W. 186 Fig. 8-20 shows a plot of the center-tap AC current and the voltage at the drain of Notice that the current is one of the switching FETs for the DC-to-RF converter. relatively flat but has large switching spikes approximately one-tenth the size of the DC current. TekMKoU SO0MS/s 881 Acqs .. .. .. .. .. . .... .. ... ........ ......... ... .... ... .. 7 1 -+ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Chl 20 V L2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 20mV . .. . . . .. . . . M loans . . . . . . . .... . . . . Ext . . . . . . . . . .... X 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 16:36:29 Fig. 8-20: FET drain voltage (CH) and AC current into the (2mA/mV, CH2) at an output RF power of 10 W. The DC current is estimated to be 0.9 A. The current spikes are on the order of 80 mA. RF Filtering Topology Fig. 8-21 is a schematic of the filter for the RF output of the transformer. In the original design plan, a 5-pole Chebyshev 50 ft to 50 ft filter was to be implemented. However, the filter did not work very well and was replaced on the desktop by a 4 pole 187 low pass filter that converts the 50 fl magnitude load to a higher magnitude impedance at the transformer. A plot of the voltage transfer function is found in Fig. 8-22. L13 L14 To Load s T1 0 10 turs C5 4p . ,.. '5 3. 2400pF .. 18 00pF 5 turns Fig. 8-21: Schematic of filter for Channel 4 on ultrasound driving card. Fig. 8-22: Simulated voltage transfer function of filter. Components The filter capacitors are through hole dipped mica capacitors (high Q) with a voltage rating of 500 V. The inductors are iron powder toroidal cores wrapped with 24 AWG magnet wire. 188 Waveforms Fig. 8-23 shows a typical input and output voltage waveform for the filter powered at 60 W. 3588 Acqs SOOMS/s TeklWUO .......................... Mu .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-+ .... . EWJ . ................................ .......... ........... .......... ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 V C12 . . . . . .... 100 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . M 100ns Ext . ~X- 1.5 V 14 Aug 1998 16:15:1 9 Fig. 8-23: Input (CH) and output (CH2) voltage waveforms for 60 W of RF power delivered to a 50 11 load. Power Coupler/Diode Detector Topology The RF power is measured by using a dual directional coupler and a compensated diode detector (Grebenkemper 1988; Grebenkemper 1990). A circuit diagram of the dual directional coupler is found in Fig. 8-24. Assuming that the transformers are ideal with 189 turns ratio of k (18 in the actual system) and setting the coupler standard impedance R to 50 Q, then the function of power delivered to the load PL may be written as k2 1 V) R V +(I+ k 2 )V*] PL =(Vf where Vf is the forward power signal and Vr is the reflected power signal (* represents complex conjugation). These voltages in turn are determined by the load impedance ZL and driving voltage VD as written in the following equations: I Z 2 (1+ Vf =-VD1 -+( k 1 Z + Z 2 k3 + k +2 k) R Z V,.=-VD 1 (1 - -) R 1 2 Sk3 k Z R Notice that when Z is matched as equal to R and k is large, then Vr is zero and 1 Vf =-- VDk PL fVf R' Since the maximum rated power for the ultrasound driving system was 60 W into a 50 f load, the peak voltage at the load is 78 V. The turns ratio was chosen as 18 to keep Vf under a 5 V magnitude while not saturating the toroid or causing significant insertion loss. It is important to note that the voltages called "forward power" (Vf) and "reflected power" (Vr) are proportional to the voltage magnitude presented to the load and scaled by factors comparing the mismatched between the load circuitry and the 50 fl ideal case. 190 Therefore, a measurement of "reflected power" power during an ultrasound sonication mainly represents an electronic load mismatch and not necessarily ultrasonic waves which have been transmitted, reflected off of an acoustic barrier, and received by the ultrasound transducer. While this condition can and does occur in some circumstances, it is more likely that a high reflected power indicates a faulty cable or poor electronic matching for an ultrasound channel. The degree of mismatch will regulate the amount of actual ultrasonic power transmitted (see Chapter 2 for an acoustic plot). Dual Directional Coupler ................................................ Output of Amplifier T1 Load Impedance Z Matching n 1 k Transducer T2-= R IR Fig. 8-24: Schematic of the dual directional coupler. A schematic of the tandom match diode detector (Perras 979; Spaulding 1984; Grebenkemper 1988; American Radio Relay League 1989; Grebenkemper 1990) is found in Fig. 8-25. The simple detector consists of a diode connected to a low pass filter with cut off of 160 Hz (or a decay time constant of 6.3 ms). The tandem match op amp circuit compensates for the diode drop at low power levels. This accomplished by the matched diode (D29, D32) in the feedback loop and the compensation resistor (R38 and R41). The value of the compensation resistor is smaller than the resistance of the low pass filter. This is because the voltage across the low pass filter resistor represents the average current flowing through the source diode (D27 or D28). The peak current through the 191 source diodes (at the peak voltage) can be significantly higher than the average current. Therefore, the feedback compensating resistors (R38 and R41) are smaller than the low pass filter resistors to increase the current through (and voltage across) the feedback diodes for a more accurate compensation at low power levels. Vf Vr D28 DL4148 D27 DL4148 lOOK R38 ]O.O01F LMC6484 DD32 2K D148 U53B R43 lOOK _-C64 C.6F LMC6484 Fig. 8-25: Compensated diode detector circuitry. Components The dual directional cores are 0.5"diameter ferrite toroids (material 77, Amidon) wrapped with 24 AWG magnet wire. The 77 material was chosen for its high permeability (about 2000 up to 1.8 MHz) and high saturation flux density (4000 gauss, estimated flux density was 700 gauss for 70 W into a 50 fO load. The diodes were ultrafast switching Schottky diodes. Waveforms Fig. 8-26 shows the output voltage of the RF amplifier and its sensed voltage by the dual directional coupler for a 50 fk load at 1 W. 192 TekM 2997 Acqs SOO500Ms/s T................................. 00M...../s....2997.....Acqs... .. AI 1 -+ Chl 500mV M 10 V M lOOns Ext 200mV X 14 Aug 1998 13:55:25 Fig. 8-26: Voltage wave forms of output voltage (Ch2) and dual directional voltage (Chl) for a 1 W power into a 50 il load. Tek Run: 500MS/s Sample lADMd ....... T ........................ ... ....... ............................ .... ......................... ... ........................... .... ......................... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... PAm ! 11 11 Lfjq 101,111,11.4.111,1110, .111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2-+ ... am 5;0,0,, V, M 100ns; Txl' ...2;0'0"i V- 14 Aug 1998 14:21:47 Fig. 8-27: Input (Chl) and output (Ch2) of the op amp compensation circuit for a 1 W load. 193 Transient Response of Power Loop A block diagram of the model of a the transient feedback loop is found in Fig. 828. The power loop contains two feedback paths. First, a low frequency path flows through the power measurement components back to the integrator. Second, a high frequency path exist through the frequency compensation R-C circuit. Most of the block transfer functions are straightforward to compute with the exception of the DC-to-RF converter. This was measured empirically instead of being modeled (see Fig. 8-29 for equations and values). Fig. 8-30 contains a transient response plot of the output voltage at turn on to 60 W with a fixed DC voltage supply (power loop disabled) which was then modeled as a single pole response. Fig. 8-31 shows the simulated DC response time of a step input indicating a stable response time of about 40 ms. The response time with the power feedback was a bit faster, measured to be 10 ms (see Fig. 8-32). The difference between these measurements is most likely due to the simple modeling of the VSR internal response or the simple model of the DC-to-RF converter. Input Gain Power Set - - (s) Integrator H s(s) VSR VSR Filter DC-to-RF converter Ho s) Hi(s) H,(s) Point E Freq. Compensation H,(s) Power Feedback H -jI"(s) H Fig. 8-28: Block diagram Amplitude Detector Ha, (s) of power feedback loop for transidnet analysis. 194 Output sRde ResrCj + Rde 2 s Lf (Rde + Rsr)Cf + s(RdeReCf + Lf + RRdeCf + RResrC) + Rde + 1e6 +5e5 ) = )s where: sCyp C 4 is the frequency compensation capacitor(0.1 uF) +1 S Hv(s)=- RvjsC, + 1 (s) = + sCint + Pb Rv 1 + 1 Hi.,(s) RvIb is thefrequency compensation resistor (100 ohms) Rde is the effective DC resistanceof the Class D/E stage (20 ohms) Cf is the VSR filter capacitor(220 uF) sC Lf is the VSR filter inductor (47 uH) Resr is the equivalent series resistanceof Cf (0.1 ohm) Hvsr (s) = Gvsr R, is the DC resistanceofLf (0.02 ohm) Hd,,( s) = -/n RIb is the powerfeedback resistanceto the integrator(10k ohm) Cnt is the integratingcapacitor (0.15 uF) Hpjb(S) -p Gvsr is the voltage gain of the VSR compared to inputpin Vc (15) n is the turns ratio of the power meter (18) Fig. 8-29: Transfer function equations for transient analysis. Tek Run: 5OMS/s Sample r -r ErM I1 L A.: 179 V @: 92 V ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 2- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .... .... ...... ----------------------------... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ........................... ............... 2-* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ......................... .......................... .... MjJ so V Ch2 5 V M l Is Ch2 -. 4.2 V 15 Aug 1998 08:55:39 Fig. 8-30: Transient turn on response to 60 W output power at 1.5 MHz using a fixed DC supply voltage. 195 Step Response 18 16 14 12 10 -0 8 E 6 4 2 0 005 0 0.15 0.1 0.2 Time (sec.) Fig. 8-31: Power feedback response from a step input change. Tek Run: 1OOMS/s Sample N- I Delay Time: 10.0007325ms A:16I A:: 162 V Time Base @(:. -77 V Main Only WF Intensified Delayed Only . .. ... .. ..-... .. -.. .. -.. 2-+ +Delayed Runs 10.0007325m millI 30 V ime Bse Trig Ch 2 igger Position 256 M 2.5ys D 500ns Ch2 472 V 1 Set to Min Fit to Screen off Fig. 8-32: Transient reponse time to 60 W output at 1.5 MHz using the power feedback 196 loop. 8.4.2 Phasing Loop Overview As described in Chapter 2, the object of the phasing loop is to regulate the phase of an individual channel such that its output electrical sinusoid is in proper phase as compared with the other array elements. The loop consists of three sections: phase generation, phase correction, and phase detection. The timing circuitry to coordinate all of the channels is done using the fast edge, AC logic ICs and a synchronized control signal (Step Stack) and the distributed high frequency clock (running at 16 times the ultrasonic frequency). Phase shifting Method The input clock signal to the ultrasound driving card is operating at a frequency 16 times the ultrasonic frequency. As described in Chapter 2, this input clock is put through a modulo- 16 binary counter with a preloaded offset such that the divide-by-8 output is a 0-5 V square wave of the desired ultrasound frequency with a multiple of a 22.5' phase shift. This signal is then put through a programmable delay chip to gain the fine phase resolution. Components The counter chip is the 74AC163. This chip has a maximum frequency of 90 MHz. The fine delay is gained through the Dallas 1021 8-bit programmable delay line with 0.5 ns increments. 197 Phase detector Method Class D/E amplifiers are not linear, and therefore their output phase will change depending on power level and loading. This variable phase is unfortunate for arrays whose elements are different sizes and impedences. For this reason, the output phase must be detected and regulated to guarantee the desired electronic phase into the transducer. The output phase is regulated through one of three feedback signals which are multiplexed into the correction circuitry. The first feedback signal is the default disabled feedback signal. This signal originates directly from the phase shifting circuitry and does not require any conversion back to a 0-5 V square wave. The second type of feedback signal is sensed between the amplifier output voltage and the matching circuitry. This is called amplifier feedback and it passes through a detector circuit to convert the high voltage sinusoid to a 0-5V square wave. The last type of feedback comes from a source external to the ultrasound driving card, generally from between the transducer matching circuitry and the transducer. This is also a high voltage sinusoid that must be detected and converted to a 0-5 V square wave. It is called transducer feedback. Fig. 8-33 contains the detection circuitry for channel 3 of the ultrasound driving card. On the left are the two high voltage sinusoid inputs PF3 (transducer feedback) and RFOut3 (amplifier feedback) and the feedback disabled option is represented by RFClock3. The inputs of the multiplexer (74ACT253) determine which of these feedback signals are input to the phase correction circuitry. The detection circuitry for the amplifier and transducer feedback are almost identical. They consist of a circuit using a 198 high impedance input resistance (5kfl) grounded through antiparallel diodes into a comparator chip. This was used to convert the voltage sinusoid of up to 200 V p-p down to a t 0.5 V square wave. A simple resistor divider was not used since the small amplitude sinusoids would yield very small input signals which can approach the noise level of the card. The antiparallel diodes force the voltage to be above noise. +5V U51 R117 5 T0 MD353 IOOK DCO 0 U49A 210 Y C 42 R119 10K D58A W Fig. 5 D58B E C ifd 2 &e 5 8 MAX901 8-33: Phase detection circuitry. Components Again, AC or ACT logic is used for these circuits to avoid dull edges. The antiparallel diodes are schottky barrier diodes with low capacitance (10 pF) and fast reverse recovery time (5ns) such that they do not cause undesirable phase shifts in diode charging time. Maxim's MAX9O1 comparator is used to convert the signals to digital square waves. Phase correction Method The necessary phase correction error signal such that the feedback signal and the set point phase are coincident is accomplished by using a phase locked loop (PLL). A schematic of the phase correction circuitry for channel 3 is found in Fig. 8-34. The PLL 199 used is the Philips 74HCT9046. Basically, the PLL compares two input signals and adjusts a voltage controlled oscillator according to the relative phases of the inputs. If the output of the oscillator controls one of the input signals, the oscillator frequency and phase can be "locked" such that the input signals are synchronously phased. In this applications the input signals to this circuit include the desired phase signal from the phase shifters (Phase Clock 3 to SigIn) and the phase feedback signal (to Comp). The PLL uses an internal phase comparators which has a 3-state output current pump to either source, sink, or shutoff current through pin PC2. This current is pumped into a damped integrating capacitor (R66 and C147) to produce the low pass DC voltage for the internal voltage controlled oscillator (Vcojin). The output of the voltage controlled oscillator (Vco-o) is then fed through a gating circuitry and the input of the DC-to-RF converter. The stability of this loop is controlled by the additional circuitry of the PLL and was determined using the 9046 data sheets. First, the frequency locking range was chosen using a center frequency of 1.5 MHz and a locking range of t 0.4 MHz. Using these requirements the PLL values of RI (R70), R2 (R69), and C (C145) were determined. Second, the output of the comparator was low pass filtered using a passive filter with damping (R66 and C147). This filter crossed the unity gain around 10 KHz. The magnitude of the output current pump (or sink) was determined by the Rb resistor (R68). The other circuitry connected to the PLL is to monitor for proper operation or to instigate a safety shutdown. For example, the circuitry connecting the input phase clock signal and the INH (inhibit high) pin is designed to shut down the PLL if there is a loss of input clock signal. This prevents the oscillator from randomly ringing in the case of input 200 loss. The output of another phase comparator (PCI, an exclusive-or comparator) is used through a low pass filter as an indicator that the output signal is locked (this is then fed to the microcontroller to cause a software shutdown if the PLL does not lock in a specified time). Lastly, the output of Demout mirrors the input voltage to the VCO such that the output frequency of the PLL can be monitored by the microcontroller. +5V R92 1K D51 DL4148 7 R95 I D63 DL4148 5 C156 P.asLf Tn45 Fig. pF ni 8 R129 U50 N PCI R66 CnBsoe abckdarm c4 12 R69 Phase Feedback Signal the wsod R Comp ci o O.IpF 9 10 RK i abu 2 1010 IK\ ECO: Add Component Fig. 8-34: Phase correction circuitry using the 74HCT9046 PLL. Transient Response of Phase Loop Fig. 8-35 contains a block diagram of the phase correction circuitry. The gain blocks are determined through the PLL's external circuitry as described in the part specification sheet. The DC-to-RF converter and the phase detector were modeled in a first order as constant unity gains. The simulated results yielded a locking time of about 400 Ls. Experimentally the phase was found to lock in about 200 201 ss. Voltage Controlled Oscillator Low Pass Filter Phase Cornarator Phase Shifted Clock DC-to-RF Plant o RF Sinusoid KDE - K,cO KK Phase Detector Kde Where: 5 R 4=Lowpassfilterresistor (1000 ohm) 4 x )T I+ sR 4C2 / A +sR 4C2 I /17 = = K C2 =Low passfilter capacitor (0. 1uF) fL=Lock band (0.4 MHz) A =Gainof internal erroramplifier (105) 2 fL x 2)7 Vf~ - 1.1) - 1.1 V, =DC supply voltage (5 V) Fig. 8-35: Block diagram for transient analysis of phase correction. Step Response -... 0.1 . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . E 0 1 2 3 Time (sec.) Fig. 8-36: Simulated transient locking response of PLL. 202 4 5 6 x 1T4 9. APPENDIX B: PARTS LIST AND SCHEMATICS 9.1 Parts List QTY 4 4 8 16 Part No. 415-0932 2843010302 FT50-77 10KH-ND 2 74AC04SC-ND 1 74AC08SC-ND 4 74AC163SC-ND 1 74AC32SC-ND 1 74AC541SC-ND I 1 74AC74SC-ND Designator L3,L7,L1 1,L15 T1,T4,T7,T10 T2,T3,T5,T6,T8,T9,Tl 1,T12 R109,R110,R1l1,R112,R113,R114,R11 5,R116,R117,R118,R119,R120,R121,R 122,R123, R124 U2,U44 U26 Description Inductor 47pH Dual Apperature Core 0.5" Torroidal Core IOK OHM 1/2W 5% CARBON FILM RES U32,U34,U40,U42 U14 U13 IC 4-BIT BIN CTR SYN RE SO16 IC QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE SO14 IC FACT OCTAL BUFF LINE DR SO-20 IC DUAL D FLIP FLOP TRI-ST SO- U43 IC HEX INVERTER SO-14 IC QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE S014 14 2 74ACT253SC-ND U47,U51 IC DUAL 4-INPUT MULTIPLEX 1 766-163-R1K-ND RP1 RES-NET 1K OHM 16DIP 8RES 1 766-163-R4.7KND 8 BCX70KCT-ND RP2 1 H2131-ND J2 SO16 SMD Q3,Q6,Q9,Q12,Q13,Q14,Q15,Q16 8 IRF634S-ND 40 1 4 4 1 Q1,Q2,Q4,Q5,Q7,Q8,Q1O, Ql1 LL4148CT-ND D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D7,D8,D9,D10,D1 1, D12,D13,D15,D16,D17,D18,D19,D20, D21,D23,D24,D25,D26,D27,D28,D29, D3 1,D32,D49,D50,D5 1,D52, D61,D62,D63,D64,D65,D66, D67,D68 LM4040AIM-5.0- U24 ND LMC6484AIMU4,U7,U10,U53 ND LT1074HVCT-ND U3,U6,U9,U12 1_ MAX51OBCWE- U25 RES-NET 4.7K OHM 16DIP 8RES SMD TRANS NPN 45V SMD SOT23 HEADER 2MM 6 POS SMT RT/ANGLE HEXFET 250V 8.1A N-CHAN SMD220 ULTRA-FAST SWITCHING DIODE S/MT. IC PREC VOLT MICROPWR 5V REF S08 IC CMOS QUAD OP AMPLIFIER S014 IC 5A STP DN SWITCH REG T0220- 5 IC QUAD D/A SERIAL 8BIT SO16 ND 1 MM74HCOOMND 1 MM74HC138M- U21 IC DUAL 2 IN NAND GATE SO14 U23 IC 3-8 LINE DECODER S016 203 ND 1 MM74HC165M- U22 IC PAR IN SERIAL OUT SO16 U29,U30,U31,U33,U37,U38, IC 8 BIT SHIFT REGULATOR SO16 ND 8 MM74HC595MND 25 P1.00KFCT-ND U39,U41 R1,R2,R12,R13,R23,R24,R34,R35,R52, R54,R59,R66,R7 1,R76,R79,R84,R85,R 92,R95,R100,R1O1,R127,R128,R129,R RES 1.00K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 130 4 P1.00MFCT-N R7,R18,R29,R40 RES 1.00M OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 1 P1.62KFCT-ND R46 SMD RES 1.62K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 20 P10.0KFCT-ND RI 1,R22,R33,R44,R47,R48,R49,R57,R RES 10.0K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 58,R61,R63,R69,R70,R73,R108,R125,R 24 P100FCT-ND R9,R20,R31,R42,R131,R136,R137,R13 132,R133,R134,R135 RES 100 OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 8,R3,R4,R14,R15,R25,R26,R36,R37 12 P100KFCT-ND R6,R1O,R17,R21,R28,R32,R39,R43,R8 RES 100K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 0,R86,R96,R102 8 P12.1KFCT-ND R5,R8,R16,R19,R27,R30,R38,R41 RES 12.1K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 1 P2.2MECT-ND 4 P24.3KFCT-ND 4 P365KFCT-ND R50 R83,R88,R99,R104 R56,R60,R68,R72 RES 2.2M OHM 1/8W 5% 1206 SMD RES 24.3K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD RES 365K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 2 P4.75KFCT-ND R126,R45 RES 4.75K OHM 1/8W 1% 1206 SMD 3 P5637-ND C65,C66,C68 330UF 10V HFQ ALUM RADIAL 8 P5766-ND C9,C10,C25,C26,C41,C42, 220UF 50V HFQ ALUM RADIAL C57,C58 CAP C70,C71 22PF 50V CERAMIC CAP 0805 SMD C137,C145,C148,C158 560PF 50V CERAMIC CAP 0805 C1,C17,C33,C49,C73,C75,C77,C79,C8 1,C83,C85,C87,C89,C91,C95,C97,C99, CAP 3.3UF IV TANT TE SERIES CAP 2 PCC220CNCTND 4 PCC561BNCTND 23 PCS2335CT-ND SMD C101,C103,C105,C107,C109,C160 4 SK36DICT-ND D6,D14,D22,D30 DIODE 60V 3A SCHOTTKY SMT 1 X428-ND Xl 12.000 MHZ QTZ CRYSTAL(HC-49) 2 4 2 8 U18,U19 L4,L8,L12,L16 U45,U49 C4,C8,C20,C24,C36,C40,C52,C56 EEPROM Inductor 22pH SM IC QUAD COMPARATOR SO-14 CAP 200pF 500V Mica SM CAT28C64BJ IHSM-5832 22pfH MAX901BCSE MC18FD201J 4 74HCT9046A U46,U48,U50,U52 PLL 69 140-CC501B103K C2,C 1,C 12,C 13,C 1 6,C 1 8,C27,C28,C2 CAP 0.01pjF 50V Ceramic 0805 9,C32,C34,C43,C44,C45,C48,C50,C59, C60,C6 1,C64,C72,C74,C76,C78,C80,C 82,C84,C86,C88,C90,C94,C96,C98,C10 0,C102,C104,C106,C108,C1 10,C1 1 1,C 112,C I13,C1 14,Cl 15,C1 17,C I18,C 119, C120,C121,C122,C123,C124,C125,C12 6,C127, 204 140-CC501B103K C128,C129,C130,C131,C132,C133,C134, C135,C159,C161,C162,C163,C164,C165 21 140CC502Z104M C3,C7,C15,C19,C23,C31,C35, C39,C47,C5 1,C55,C63,C69, C139,C141,C147,C149,C154, C155,C156,C157 4 4 4 8 4 2 4 1 140CC502Z104M CDV19-FF182J03 CDV19-FF242J03 PT1060-E DS1021S-50 MC34064 MC34152 MC68HC11KOCF N3 8 MMBD353LT1 CAP 0.1pF 50V Ceramic 1206 C14,C30,C46,C62 C6,C22,C38,C54 C5,C21,C37,C53 L1,L5,L9,L13,L2,L6,L10,L14 U27,U28,U35,U36 U16,U15 U1,U5,U8,U11 U17 CAP 0.15 use 0.1 pF 50V CAP 1800pF 500V Mica CAP 2400pF 500V Mica Inductor Torroid Cores 8-bit delay IC Undervoltage Sense FET Drivers Microcontroller D53,D54,D55,D56,D57,D58,D59,D60 SS DIODE SOT23 T/R3K 9.2 Schematics 205 A a 0 6 __________ Ji 1 RFout RFout PFI PF2 4 3 5 7 5 11 +7V +48VC +48V MISO1 i.MOSI JSCK J_SS -JEnable JRecord Power JStepStack JCard Reset -J 161 +5V -5V +7VC - 1 1 23 7 29 31 33 57 41 45 47 3 51 PF4 Phase Feedback 53 PF4 RFout3 RFout 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 01 53 55 2 . 2 4 6 6 10 12 12 14 14 1 J 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 36 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56A SS 6 JRoRecord Power JAStepStec_ 16 0+48V JCard 1 4 J-Enable M - +7V 1 23 JMOSI JSCK Rse J-161 A1 A2 A3 A4 Y Y2 AS A7 Y6 AS Ye Y3 Y4 8 17 'mos 4 SCK ss 1S Enable Stp Stck Card Rset SG1 2 24 CA6 CAS -JCA5 CA4 CA3 CA2 CAI 270 32 34 36 G2 74AC541 CAO .- 1le +5V 40 3-- -5V 42 44 46 +7V JLSCI RxDG 4 6 52 SCI RoD 3 +5V 74HC32 56. R126 4.75K CON56A SCt TxD 10 JSCI TeD 74HC32 +5+ C65 330pF 10V +,V 0 J2 I J_-SCI J-SCI RoD 4 MODE SELA MODE SELB 3 +7V TxD 2 C66 10V 330pF CONS -5V C66 1330pF 110V Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC, Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Input Section Size Iocument B (Doc) a I I D )a Number C r n 1995 Sheol 0o o Aa a +5V SPI Address Table RP2 4.7K 0x00 NOTE: Upon startup. the SPI address ducoder must be written to with a vozero value to load ihe cord into the shift register. 1 U22? 10 11SE CAO CAI - -a--res -- 12 14 CA2 OxO 0x02 0x03 0x04 Co05 C 0 xO 0x07 Card Address Shift Register Power ControlDAC Unused Unused Phase Shift I Phase Shilt 2 Phase Shift 3 Phase Shift 4 3 D CA3 CA4 4E 1 CAS CA 1 6 a CA7M OH H 15 LK INHC 9 GSDO --X H 7 74HC165 3 U2F 74AC04 +5V 46 SPI y Y YI1 1 A5Y SPI 1~ 13 3C C Gt G2A _EAG2 (3y4 YYG4 Y5 Ys Y7 10 Pssell' Ph S912' Ph:Sel3' E P hsS*14' 74HC138 I, +-7V 0) N'. R52 1.00K - --= Vref +5V U2?5 RESET= LOAD So l SCLK 14 j 10 EUI CS SDI SDO CK DGND VSS F U24 LM4040-5 4 REFCDt OUTA OUTB OUTC OUTD Power Set CH2 Power Sal CH3 Power St CH4 Power Set CHI AGND5 ' Brigham and Women s Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC, Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Serial Peripheral Devices 549 a 11 )aIe: 0 Documasn Nomber IV (Dcc} hursday November C 30 1995 hoat 10 of 12 V A45 4.79K V MC34064 P46 1.62K U44F 0.IpFcog 74AC04 +5V +V +5V +V Ule '47 48 - 10.5K o.OK R125 10.0K MODE MO D. MC34064 10.0K 49 OD~TeY MOD SK. I XOUT - __ ?W VppO 4k Vrf VAl 4L I V.f4 t 1. R-PAC. t D3 D4 t AS 05 Do D Flw 0 AP C I 1 DATA0_PCo DATASPCI DATA2_PC2 DATA3PCS DATASPC DATASPC" DATA7 PC, XA13-P 0 XAIO4PGGI XAIIPO2I XA IPGS3 AVVe PL;3 EaPL 4 XA I7_PG4 XAtSPoll 00 7HC Pert PHO 2 PW. rP. PW4-PH3 MSPD, MOS 01 AG A - -E ADDR14_P9S ADDRIS..P7 72 RDPDO T..DPD UI.SOCPDZ I A4 A12 ADDRI2_P94 PASIC3 PAIJ C2 PAD:C I IOCI PASIC4. 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Ive sh"I . 10 12 I OUT IN --- SEA -- 1- --- CLK CA -- -I - OF s a" P, 74 -- , H'I SEA -'1-- 4Po"O' - a oo OW P=o SEA CA RCLK OCC SRCLR 00 RCLK OF a 00 --- - 3 IIA - RCLK 74HCSO O ENP NTK OUT E SA~03 QPh"*e Clocks Pa/0 CA o DIN P3 D D1IPSI.0oT SACLA . P 0' 00 a's 8 - f -81021,1o S 164CS 0E OF CLK' IRL OF OH OF* 4 .,v -,--2-. 74MCSOS SE DC 9 -tS -o -t-1I I Phasel4" G 0N 74"C69S OUT SA -- . CLK CIOckS RO SEA I , CP +5v RCLK j gi c IN - . 74ACJ63O F C . A a 0 ~ SE .. P-0,0 .5 IsA A OUT 1 IN P2 -s DS10218SO0 74HCSOS - I E - '-'' ' CA S -ICC CW NCO I-IA . A 0.3 CLA CLA 74ACIS30 I SDI tDtl gotc toAo ___________ JI ___________ J ,Sv .5 UZE - CLE 744AACC7 4 Brigham and Women's Hospital DepIUYt OCd.A ,M0 of 80.1" A*~ 115 C (Doot M* I C A a I +5V +5V R76 R109 10K 1.00K Rto 00K D49 U45A DL4148 MMO0353 PF1 013 OCX 70 102 R79 1.00K 0530 10K D53A 2+ Hill 10K MAX901 - 061 U46 DL4140 INH C37- U458 D548 R112 10K c 560pF C154 11 + MME>353 RFoutl T R12 7 PCI PC2 IA 677 I Rb 2 13 1.0 15 .00K R56 Phase Clocki 0.IpF 14 R57 C139 -=. R2 10.0K 365K Sig_,n 12 MAX901 TCr62 0.01 pt R04 4- 5 054A PLit OK - 0 Vco-in R58 R83 Demout Ri1 24.3K - 10.lOK Camp ShHdown Vco-o 3 RF CLOCKI 74AC00 74HCT9046A R132 RF I CO CLOCKE: y 7 2Y 2 9 1Cr 1C2 tC3 2C 112C0 12 2Cr RF CLOCK F 84 14 1IG Shutdown2- DL4148 U48 ECO: tlfrpts ISS end add jumpers l00K 055A PC1 CIA PC2 7 Rb 2R126 // 13 15 JPL12 y 1.00K l C1K R59 1.00K 0.0l '' I C0 *385K Sig_ln Phass Clock2 12 R2 C141 =-0.1pVF Veoan 0 R88 Demout RK3 10. 24.3 RI 3 9 INH R6 DL4148 = 12 . - 4 4co Camp HFIF CLOCK2 Shutdown2' MAX901 R133 I- . 13 056B D56A 10 74AC05 74HCT9046A U450 MMBD353 10K C158 560pF O.1pF U45C 0558 IIS10K RFout2 C155 --. KG 0 + 5 R85, 1.00K ROs 5 MM0303 R114 10K BX70 2G 74ACT253 R5V HI 13 10K PF2 A 2 ECO: Add Component D50 2C3 PFA PFA1 Shutdownl ----A-^.*%10.k\ +5V _ ECO: Add Component / 10.0K Brigham and Women's Hospital Department or Radiology/MRI LMAC. Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston. MA 02115 MAX901 Phase Correetion. Ch ze 0 ale: . 1& 2 Document Number (Doc) Saturday, December 02, 1995 C Sheet E 2 o 12 ID a IE I +5V +5V -!R92 R117 PF3 R0K 1.00K Rge 10K U49A 100K MR1 37 057B 2 D057A 1 D51 DL4148 > 4 1.00: U50 D63 MAX90i OL4148 R129 INH PCI CIA PC2 CIS Rb 2 13 514 10K RFout3 R120 tO U498 C145-E 560pF C= 156 MM6D353 08 058BSA 7 PL13 1.00K a 8 0.1pF OD58A Phase Clock3 -::- 10.0K T R70 C147 0.lpP 3 Vco in Demout R2 10 R99 24.32C I II 365K 15 K 1. -=ot R .04 1.00K 14Sigin A69 MAX901 ] R66 15 . - -10.0Kp Vcoo ~Comp Vo J RF CLOCK3 ' ShutdownX 1074AC08 74HCT904BA R134 0 - RF CLOCKr 4 RF CLOCK 2 1 Y 10.0K iCI 1C2 1C3 ECO: Add Component R4100 1.00K 2C0 2Y 2 132C2 2C3 2- D52 DL4148 X0 U52 5INH 1 D64 L.20 74ACT253 ECO: LiM pis ISIS and add jumpers +5V R121 100K MMB0 35 pvF T 713C1.00K C CI APhase Clock4 E R73 U49C -=::-10.0K RIOS Si-n 12 R2 CIAHCT946 3 MAX901 RI123 10K MMBD 353 R124 212365K RI O.IpF 4C85 R 4 24.3 COM C4 9 Demout10 _ CLOCK4 74ACOS R15Fff Brigham and Wo men's Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC. Room 007 13 ECO: Add Component " 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 0.0K till. MAX901 Size a )ale: A RF 11~ hudw4 74HCT9046A 15 0606 SD60A 10K f Vco-in U49D RFout4 R72 14 11 1.00K 1 7&7 10 K 12 059 ~0591: PL14 C148 10 PF4 R122 10K 0 "=~ RI02 10K DL414_ 2N PCI PFA14 Shutdown3 S ;hntdown4 4- +5v 7 c Phase Correction. Ch 3 Document &4 Number Ia. Doc) ,$aturday, eC Decombor 02, 199hoo 3 of 12 7 3 4 5 a +7V ECO:Add Components O.-01pF 3.pF U R13 Shuldownl - 0D5 100 RF CLOCK 1 D14148 7 2 F6345 0.IpF I 014148I RI 1.00 1 10.2pH 7.4pH T2 TTSO-77 2:10 Ce 1s OOpF d CB 02 RF634 j0.1p L2 GRFout1 200pF 1C2A L1 C4 FTSO-77 20pFs O.lpF R2 1.00 74AC04 MC3415 200pF DL4148 R3 so Note.: Use two ohm reshlrors 84 0 Note: Use to .__ IO0ohm resistors a +48VL D3 L U3 0.01p VSW 4 0Y6i 22pF C12 IC O.Ol pF1 SK36DICT FB DL4148 L4 LT107447pH VIN CIIF4+C9 :I CO 220pF B D4 DL4148 _ R5 DS 22pH DL4148 K _12.1 UAA R0 - I R7 Shutdownl LMC6484 .C13F C14 0.15pF BCX70 07 Cl R8 08 12.1K 014148 Cl R9 DL4148 4- <=Vreill 3 100 C U41 Cis 7 5 0.1pF RIO lOOK U4C S.OlpF CJVorl LMC6484 Rif 10 10.0K LMC6484 CHI Power senE Brigham and Women's Hospital 1) 1) Department of Radlology/MRI LMRC, Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 iola Amplifier Stage. Channel I ze s 8 ale: 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 + 5 1 a I Document Number C (DoC) Tuesday, November 07, 1995 7 hee I of S 12 2 3 5 -- 1 71 - -T +7V ECO:Add Components 3.3pF 0.01pF R13/\ Shutdown2 U5 A 00L6 D4148 RF CLOCK: C 7 2 10 <=RFout2 T4 . T5 T30-77 C210 - 24 0p C22 . 1800pF C23 l05 - p3 74AC04 C24 RF634S 1.00 -- FT50-77 .A 200pF R13 MC3415 7.4pH 10:10 U2B .- 10.2pH 200pF D9 DL4148 1.00 4 L6 04 0.1F 3 15 DL4148 r R14 R15 50 Note: Use Itwo lohm resistoers 50 Not: Use two 100ohm resistors 9 a +48V us LT10 VIN C27 . VSW DL4148 + LS DL4148 R16 4 D14 C25 220pF 0.0lpF D12 L7 47pH C28 SK36DICT F8 0.01lFp C26 220pF 22pH . 12.1K D13 L4148 0 2 F -~T U7A < 3 121 29 C Vro[12 LMC6484 -C30 0.l5pF RIO Shutdown2 RCX7O C1.00M _ D15 Dig Rig 0L4148 R20 100 K .12.1 Ml DL4148 U78 C31 X 0.1 pF R21K U7C ~ --4 , 21OpF Vfor2 LMC8484 R22 10 10.0K LMC6484 CH2 Power So Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC. Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Amplifier Stage, Channel 1 2 13 1 4 + 5 3ieI a Document Number {Doc) oC )&Is!: November -----------L Tuesday, 07, 2 Metl 1099 I 5 Ol a 1 3 2 4 a .7V C33 33 . C34 T pF .O pF A U8 RF CLOCKT 2-RFa34s 0. 1pF 1.00 U2C - 4 P L10 10.2pH 7.4pH --- 51 a-, 4 200pF D17 014148 R23 5 > L9 C 2400 08 0.IpF 74AC04 I C40 200pF R24 MC341D R25 50 Noe: Use r.te rohs D67 Shutdown3 EOADdmL41n48a 100 U9 Nate Use two lO0alim -reslitrs meintra C41 220pF FB DL4149 L12 022 SK36DICT 1 C44 JL 0.01pF a 0 20 47pH VSW VIN + R26 50 ECO:Add Components +448V C43 FT50-77 04148 1.0 R137 0.OtpF C38[TA - 3[IRFE34S RFout3 TT50-77 T7 C37 10:10 p[ C39 - TB z: I S DL-4148 R27 C42 220pF 1321 22pH K -12.1 DL4148 UIOA -4 V <=vfefl3 3 0 R28 IC45 LMC6484 -OK C46 00p O.15pF R29 Shutdown3 B9X70 R30 023 1.00M owr StjO DL4148 024 CN1 R31 100 OL4148 S12.1K UIOB C47 T O.IpF R32 C48p ___ -- = Vfor3 LMC6484 R33 UI0C 8 10 10.OK LMC6484 CH3 Power SoE:> Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC. Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA 02115 fIll. Amplifier Stage. Channel 3 Size 1 1 2 2 3 3 I4 1 4 4 a|| % )a 6 0Ocumont Number Tuesday, November 07, 1995 o heet a 12 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 1 L13 L14 10.2pH 7.4pH a +7V C50 C49 3.3pFT 0.01pF A o U11 >l RF CLOCK 1 010 3 R34 01446 1.001 U20 C52 200pF 020 I.IpF 9 -------- 4 IRF634S -1 T0 C53 2400p C54 - 1800pF 5F34S 4 T50-77 1010 - C56 0.1 pF FT50-77 200pF 026 74AC04 MC3415 100 DL4148 R36 R37 50. 50 138 D8 Note: Us: two to Shutdown4 100 -. DL4148 U12 0.01pF D27 ECO:Add Components +48V 5VIN 4 VSW D28 DL4146 DL4148 47pH ~ L16 ---C8Oji FB 220PF Note: Use I"toohm resistors resistors a LT1074 JRFout4 Tit 0.01Tp SK36DICT T T C58 220pF 22pH -- R38 D29 12.1 K DL4148 z U53 R39 Cot1p - LMC6484 .1p -=0=- C62 0.15pF 1,-I Shutdown4 1CX70 1.OOM c - D32 R41 031 L4148 R42 100 S12.1 K c DL4148 U539 7 C53 0.lpF 1004K UO3C 01pF ~EJVfor4 LMC6404 R44 8 9 10 10.0K LMC6484 CH4 Power SeC Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Radiology/MRI LMRC, Room 007 221 Longwood Ave. Boston. 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APPENDIX C 10.1 Pressure Calculations for the Phased Array (Zemanek 1971) The pressure field from an ultrasound element through a lossy substrate can be modeled as: p(r)= ip0 ck 2z e-ik''~' e-pd ,f dA r-r where po is the tissue density, c is the speed of sound, k is the wavenumber (2r/X where X is the ultrasonic wavelength), r is the coordinate vector (x,y,z) of the pressure poin, r is the coordinate vector of the incremental source area of the complete transducer area A, A is the attenuation coefficient in the lossy material (absorption and scattering), d is the ray distance in the lossy material between the source point and the location of the desired pressure point, and u is the complex surface velocity of that source (magnitude and phase). For an array with N elements, the pressure at a given point m corresponding to a location (xm, ym, zm) is given by: Pm ipck N n=1 eikrni e-pd UndA rmn where subscript n corresponds to the driving signal of the nth element of the array. This model neglects temperature, non-linear, refraction, and scattering effects on pressure calculation (scattering attenuation lumped with absorption). A.2 Pseudoinverse Technique (Ebbini and Cain 1989) The pressure at a set of points can be derived from a transfer function hn, equal to 219 hm =ipckf e-ikl e-" dA z 2 A rmn such that p = Hu where p is an m x 1 vector corresponding to a set of pressures at m different spatial locations, H is the m x n transfer matrix, and u is the n x 1 vector corresponding to the driving velocities. This matrix can be inverted such that given a set of desired pressures at given locations, the driving signals can be calculated. This can be accomplished using the pseudoinverse. The matrix form of the transfer function can be written as: H = XSY* where X and Y are unitary matrices and S is a rectangular matrix with diagonal elements corresponding to the eigenvalues of H. The pseudoinverse is then given by: A H =YSX* where + indicates pseudoinverse, * indicates the complex conjugate transpose and S^ is formed from S with the diagonal elements replaced by their reciprocal. 10.2 Intensityand Specific Absorption Rate Calculations (Hynynen 1990) The time average power absorbed <q> by the tissue at location (x,y,z) is (when the effects of shear viscosity are small for a CW, monofrequency signal) can be modeled as: < q(x,y,z) >= a p2 (x,y,z) POv 220 where a is the absorption coefficient, po is the tissue density, and v is the speed of sound in the tissue. 10.3 Bioheat Transfer Equation (Pennes 1948) The tissue temperature response can be simulated using the bioheat transfer equation: cdT(xy,z,t) dt = kV 2T(x,y,z,t) - wcb(T(x,y,z,t) - T) +<q(x,y,z,t)> where po is the tissue density, ct is the specific heat of the tissue, Cb is the specific heat of the blood, k is the thermal conductivity, w is the perfusion, Ta is the arterial blood temperature, and T(x,y,z,t) is the temperature at location (x,y,z) at time t. 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