Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2014 to 06/30/2014 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R4 - Intermountain Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Energy Gateway South 500 kV Powerline (EGS) - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/01/2011 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/2014 Expected:03/2015 01/2020 Charles Call 435-865-3730 Description: This proposed 500 kV transmission line is designed to deliver power to Rocky Mountain Power utility costumers in Utah and the intermountain west. Generation sources are located in central Wyoming. Web Link: Location: Greater Sage-grouse Management Direction - Utah UNIT - Duchesne Ranger District, Pine Valley Ranger District, Richfield Ranger District, Price Ranger District, Fillmore Ranger District, Heber-Kamas Ranger District, Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Beaver, Duchesne, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Juab, Millard, Piute, Sevier, Uintah, Wasatch, Weber. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project initiates in central Wyoming and crosses public, private, and state lands in Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Project terminates at the Mona substation in central Utah. - Land management planning - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 11/01/2013 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/2014 Expected:11/2014 11/2014 Glen Stein 801-625-5281 Description: The purpose of this project is to prepare environmental impact statements (EISs) and supplemental environmental impact statements to incorporate greater sage-grouse conservation measures into Bureau of Land Management land use plans and Forest Plans. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Ashley National Forest All Units, Dixie National Forest All Units, Fishlake National Forest All Units, MantiLasal National Forest All Units, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache All Units. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Carbon, Daggett, Davis, Duchesne, Emery, Garfield, Grand, Iron, Juab, Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, Rich, Salt Lake, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Tooele, Uintah, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, Wayne, Weber. LEGAL - Not Applicable. All National Forests in Utah. Page 1 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R4 - Intermountain Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Transwest Express 600 kV Direct Current Powerline (TWE) - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 02/18/2011 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 07/2013 Expected:12/2014 03/2018 Charles Call 435-865-3730 Description: This proposed 600 kV direct current transmission line is designed to carry renewable energy (primarily wind power) from generation sources in central Wyoming to markets in in the pacific southwest. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Roosevelt Ranger District, Pine Valley Ranger District, Richfield Ranger District, Fillmore Ranger District, Ferron Ranger District, Heber-Kamas Ranger District, Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY Beaver, Duchesne, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Juab, Millard, Piute, Sevier, Uintah, Wasatch, Weber. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project initiates in central Wyoming and crosses public, private, and state lands in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. R4 - Intermountain Region Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Cox Apiary Permit Reissuance - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 06/07/2013 Expected:07/2013 07/2013 Anne Hansen 801-999-2158 Description: The Forest Service proposes to reissue a special use permit to allow apiaries at various locations on the Logan and Ogden ranger districts. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Ogden Ranger District, Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache, Morgan, Weber. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations on the Logan and Ogden ranger districts. Page 2 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Uinta Express Pipeline Project EIS - Minerals and Geology - Special use management *NEW LISTING* In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/31/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 06/2015 Expected:05/2015 Project Contact 03/2016 Nelson GonzalezSullow 801-999-2171 nelsongonzalezsullow@ Description: The proposed pipeline would be a 12-inch buried carbon steel pipeline approximately 135 miles long and ancillary facilities. About 14 miles of it would be on UWCNF. Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Non-motorized trail additions UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District, Heber-Kamas Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Davis, Duchesne, Morgan, Salt Lake, Summit. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed pipeline would cross the UWCNF in the Wolf Creek/Upper South Fork Provo River area of the Heber-Kamas Ranger District, and in the Bountiful Peak area of the Salt Lake Ranger District. R4 - Intermountain Region Evanston-Mountain View RD (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Recreation management Completed CE Actual: 02/07/2014 03/2014 Joseph McFarlane 307-789-3194 Description: The Forest Service proposes to add three non-motorized trails to the designated trail system to allow for trail maintenance. The proposed Ruth Lake Climbing Wall, Stone Garden, and Lilly Lake trails are along the Highway 150 corridor. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit. Along the Highway 150 corridor. Page 3 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Roughneck Vegetation Restoration Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Evanston-Mountain View RD (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Forest products - Fuels management EA *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Notice of Initiation 01/29/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 08/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 06/2015 Timothy Gill 307-783-3966 Description: The UWCNF proposes: 3,369 acres of stand clearcut with leave trees; 2,770 acres of two-aged stand clearcut with reserves; 0.75 miles of new specified road construction; 46.7 miles of temporary road construction; and 15.2 miles of temporary road use. Web Link: Location: Smiths Fork Vegetation Restoration Project EIS Timothy Gill 06/2014 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:05/2014 307-783-3966 - Vegetation management Objection Period Legal Notice (other than forest products) 03/06/2014 - Fuels management Description: The Forest Service proposes treatments to reduce both the amount and continuity of woody fuels, to remove hazard trees associated with travel ways, to harvest beetle-killed or infested trees, and to create a mix of tree ages and species. Web Link: Location: Upper Wolverine Trail Reroute CE UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah, Wyoming. COUNTY - Summit, Uinta. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed project is located approximately 15 miles south of Mountain View, Wyoming. The project area lies within Uinta County, Wyoming, and Summit County, Utah. UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit. Smiths Fork watershed approximately 25 miles southwest of Mountain View, Wyoming. - Recreation management - Watershed management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 11/2013 Expected:02/2014 04/2014 Joseph McFarlane 307-789-3194 Description: The Forest Service proposes to reroute a portion of the Upper Wolverine Trail to reduce the erosive impacts that have occurred via the existing trail in the years following the East Fork fire. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit. LEGAL - Not Applicable. T 1 N, R 119 W, sections 2 and 3. T 2 N, R 119 W, sections 34 and 35. Page 4 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Wildlife and livestock pond development Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Evanston-Mountain View RD (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Grazing management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/07/2012 Expected:04/2013 Project Contact 04/2013 CE Aimee Cameron 307-782-6555 aimeecameron@fs.fed. us Description: The Forest Service proposes to develop four ponds that would benefit both wildlife and livestock. Two new ponds would be created, and a ditch and water bars along a closed logging road would be modified o catch water. Web Link: Location: Wright access road special use permit reissuance UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit. West Fork Smiths Fork watershed. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/07/2012 Expected:01/2013 01/2013 CE Bernard Asay 307-782-6555 Description: The Forest Service proposes to reissue a permit for access on and maintenance of a road approx. 14 feet wide and 250 feet long. Ownership of the property to which the road provides access has changed. The new owner will conduct commercial operations Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Indian Creek Exploratory Well Surface Use Plan of Operations UNIT - Evanston-Mountain View RD. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit. LEGAL - T2N, R10E, Section 16. South of the Bear River snowpark on Highway 150. R4 - Intermountain Region Heber-Kamas Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Minerals and Geology On Hold CE N/A N/A Jim Percy 435-654-7211 Description: Approval of Surface Use Plan of Operations for one exploratory oil/gas well on an old, existing well pad. Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Heber-Kamas Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Wasatch. LEGAL - T4S, R12W, Section 26. Crooked Creek area off Indian Creek Road. Page 5 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Upper Provo Watershed Restoration Project. EA Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R4 - Intermountain Region Heber-Kamas Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Jim Gibson 06/2014 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:05/2014 435-783-4338 - Vegetation management Objection Period Legal Notice (other than forest products) 03/14/2013 - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: The project proposes primarily non-commercial thinning, prescribed burning, mechanical vegetation treatments (mowing, mastication), and planting over a period of up to 10 years. Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Box Elder Canyon Fiber Optics Project Planning Status UNIT - Heber-Kamas Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Summit, Wasatch. LEGAL - The legal description includes all or some of the following: Township 2 North, Range 7, 8; Township 3 North Range 7, 8, 9 SLBM. The Upper Provo Watershed Restoration Project is located in Summit and Wasatch Counties, Utah. R4 - Intermountain Region Logan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 06/07/2013 CE Expected:07/2013 07/2013 Anne Hansen 801-999-2158 Description: Syringa Networks has applied for a permit for a fiber optic cable on approx. one mile of FS land along Highway 89/91 through Box Elder Canyon. Cable would be installed underground along the shoulder of the road on the north side of the highway. Web Link: Location: Camp Lomia Waterline/Streambank Repair CE Kelli Taylor 10/2013 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:09/2013 435-755-3626 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Scoping Start 07/23/2013 - Watershed management - Special use management Description: 1. Relocate existing culinary water lines under the stream channel and stabilize 190 feet of streambank. 2. Install two water storage tanks and water metering system in an existing structure located within the permit area. 3. Relocate shutoff valve. Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Box Elder Canyon along Highway 89/91. UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. LEGAL - T113 N R3 E Section 17. Righthand Fork of the Logan River. Camp Lomia special use authorization. Page 6 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Logan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Logan City Dewitt Springs Fiber - Special use management Optic Line In Progress: Scoping Start 07/10/2013 Expected:03/2014 Actual: 03/17/2014 Project Contact 03/2014 CE Ronald Vance 435-755-3628 Description: The Logan Ranger District proposes to authorize two new utility poles to allow the City of Logan to install a fiber optic line that would run from Third Dam along the Logan River to its facility at Dewitt Springs. Location: UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Near Third Dam along the Logan River. Logan City Dewitt Springs Fiber - Special use management Optic Line Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2013 Expected:09/2013 09/2013 CE Ronald Vance 435-755-3620 Description: The Logan Ranger District proposes to authorize Logan City to install a fiber optic line from its existing line at Third Dam on the Logan River to its facility at Dewitt Springs. The project would require the installation of two new utility poles. Location: Right Hand Fork Logan River Fish Barrier Installation UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. LEGAL - Not Applicable. From Third Dam to Dewitt Springs. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Scoping Start 06/06/2013 Expected:07/2013 07/2013 CE Paul Chase 801-625-5112 Description: The proposal involves installation of a fish barrier in the Right Hand Fork of the Logan River to prevent the reinvasion of brown trout, which is a non-native species, following a treatment to remove them. Location: White Rock, Millville, and Providence Allotments UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. LEGAL - Township 12 North, Range 3 East, Section 18. On the Right Hand Fork of the Logan River. - Grazing management EA In Progress: Scoping Start 03/14/2012 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 02/2013 Expected:12/2013 06/2014 Chandler Mundy 775-289-5114 Description: Proposal is to authorize the continuance of grazing on the White Rock, Millville, and Providence Allotments. Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Logan Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Cache. Allotments are located southeast of Logan, Utah. Ogden Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 7 of 16 R4 - Intermountain Region Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Three Creeks Allotment Consolidation Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Ogden Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Grazing management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 08/15/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2013 Expected:03/2014 Project Contact 06/2014 Chandler Mundy 775-289-5114 Description: The proposal is to consolidate 10 grazing allotments (5 BLM and 5 FS) into 1 management unit with 20 pastures on BLM and 8 pastures on FS lands.Management would focus on time, timing, frequency, and intensity of livestock grazing on about 143,000 ac. Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Granite Flat Connector Trail #237 extension UNIT - Ogden Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Rich. LEGAL - Not Applicable. West of Randolph, Utah. R4 - Intermountain Region Pleasant Grove Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/03/2014 Expected:05/2014 06/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Cheryl Butler 801-785-3563 Description: This proposed extension would provide a safer route to connect trail users to the new lower alignment and bridge of the Mill Canyon Trail #040. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Pleasant Grove Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - The legal description of this project is Sections 7 and 8, T. 4 S., R. 3 E., Salt Lake Base Meridian. The project is located in American Fork Canyon (Pleasant Grove Ranger District). Anne Hansen 801-999-2158 Questar Gas Company (Questar) Feeder Line 24 Replacement Project (FL 24) - Special use management EA Description: Questar is proposing to replace a section of its Feeder Line (FL) 24 natural gas pipeline near Highland, Utah. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 06/27/2013 Expected:03/2014 04/2014 UNIT - Pleasant Grove Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project crosses land managed by U.S. Forest Service, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Pleasant Grove Ranger District near Highland, Utah (Utah County). Page 8 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Rehabilitation of Silver Lake Flat Dam. Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Pleasant Grove Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management EA In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 04/11/2012 Expected:05/2014 Project Contact 06/2014 Nelson GonzalezSullow 801-999-2171 nelsongonzalezsullow@ Description: Silver Lake Flat Dam and Reservoir are located in the UWCNF (Pleasant Grove Ranger District) in northern Utah County, within the American Fork-Dry Creek Watershed. Web Link: Location: Tibble Fork Dam UNIT - Pleasant Grove Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project is located in the UWCNF in northern Utah County, within the American Fork-Dry Creek Watershed. - Special use management EA In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 12/31/2012 Expected:08/2014 10/2014 Nelson GonzalezSullow 801-342-5160 nelsongonzalezsullow@ Description: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is proposing to fund rehabilitation of the Tibble Fork Dam in the American Fork Canyon of northern Utah County, Utah. It is located 10 miles north east of the city of Alpine, UT. Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Albion Campground / Cecret Lake Trailhead Turnaround UNIT - Pleasant Grove Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Tibble Fork Dam is in the American Fork Canyon of northern Utah County, Utah. It is located 10 miles north east of the city of Alpine, UT. Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/18/2013 CE Expected:03/2014 07/2014 R4 - Intermountain Region Carol Majeske 801-733-2662 Description: The Salt Lake Ranger District is proposing to construct a short road spur in upper Little Cottonwood Canyon between Albion Basin Road campground entrance and Cecret Lake Trailhead parking lot to serve as a traffic turnaround. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. The project is located near the Cecret Lake Trailhead (Little Cottonwood Canyon). Page 9 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Alta MDP Corkscrew modifications Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* R4 - Intermountain Region Steve Scheid 801-733-2689 Description: Alta is proposing to widen the Corkscrew and address erosion issues in Nina%u2019s Curve ski runs, consistent with their goal of maintaining two summer groomed runs top to bottom off each detachable lift to provide reasonable low snow skiing. Web Link: Location: Alta Ski Area Big Grizzly Lift Upgrade Project Contact UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - R2E, T2S, Sec. PB44. Collins Gulch area at alta Ski Area, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/09/2013 Expected:04/2014 07/2014 CE Steve Scheid 801-733-2689 Description: Alta Ski Area, in Little Cottonwood Canyon, is proposing to implement the Big Grizzly lift upgrade to a handle tow lift within their existing permit boundary. Web Link: Location: Bountiful Lions Gun Range permit renewal UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - T2s, R2E, Sec. PB44. Town of Alta, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County, UT. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/09/2013 CE *NEW LISTING* 05/2014 Pollyanna Popola 801-733-2686 Description: The Bountiful Lions Gun Range is operated by the Bountiful Lions Club of Bountiful, and operates under a special use permit, originally issued in 1959, that will expire at the end of 2013. The Gun Club has submitted an application to renew the permit Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT Expected:04/2014 UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Davis. LEGAL - T2N, R1w, Sec. 17. Bottom of Ward Canyon, Davis County, Utah. Page 10 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Climbing Areas Stabilization projects Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* CE *NEW LISTING* Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Dogwood Picnic Area & "S" Curve area in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 Description: The SLRD is proposing to reroute a short section of the Desolation trail (#019) in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The proposed reroute is just east of the junction of the Mill D to Dog Lake and Mill D to Desolation trails on the Mill D Deso Lake Trail. Web Link: Location: Desolation/Dog Lake trails reroute R4 - Intermountain Region Description: the SLRD is proposing to construct belay platforms that are anchored by barrier rock and/or gabion baskets and to improve the access trails that lead to two climbing areas in Big Cottonwood Canyon - Dogwood and the Pile. Web Link: Location: Desolation Trail reroute Project Contact UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - R2E, T1S, Sec. 6. Desolation and GWT trails below Dog Lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/09/2013 Expected:05/2014 07/2014 CE Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 Description: The SLRD is proposing to reroute a steep and eroded section (approx. 2,500 %u2018) of trail in Big Cottonwood Canyon from the Mill D trail (#1158), below Dog Lake, to the Desolation trail (#1159). Web Link: Location: East Hickman Trailhead UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - T1S, R2E, Sec. 5. Trail #s 1158 & 1159, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County, UT. - Special use management Completed CE Actual: 05/09/2013 06/2013 Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 Description: The Salt Lake Ranger District and Tooele County are proposing to construct a new trailhead on East Hickman Canyon of the Stansbury Mountains in Tooele County. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Tooele. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project is located in east Hickman Canyon of the Stansbury Mountain in Tooele County. Page 11 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Farmington City Water Storage Tank Special Use Permit Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Pollyanna Popola 801-733-2687 Description: Farmington City is proposing to construct a water storage tank to include within their current special use permit Web Link: Location: Great Western Trail (GWT) reroute UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Davis. LEGAL - T3N, R1E, Sec 29,. Proposed lacation in Lower Davis Creek area, Farmington City, Davis County, UT. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: The SLRD is proposing to reroute a short section of the GWT (approx. 700 ft.) just west of the junction of the Old Red Pine Trail (# 1315) and Old Red Pine Road in upper Mill Creek Canyon. Web Link: Location: Grit Mill & Climbing Access Management Plan EA Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - R3E, T1S, Sec. 33. Great Western Trail in Upper Millcreek Canyon, Salt lake County. - Recreation management - Heritage resource management - Watershed management In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 08/14/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 03/2014 Expected:05/2014 07/2014 Steve Scheid 801-733-2689 Description: The Salt Lake Ranger district is proposing, as part of the Wasatch Water Legacy Partneship, to develop a climbing access manangement plan, including a trailhead, at the site of the Grit Mill in lower Little Cottonwood Canyon. Web Link: Location: Lambs Canyon Trail reroute CE *NEW LISTING* - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 Description: The SLRD is proposing to reroute three short sections (approx. 0.5 miles combined) of the Great Western Trail (# 1900G5) in Lambs Canyon to move the old trail out of the riparian area and to improve the grades and drainage. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - T3S, R2 E, Sec. PB43. Lower Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - R2E, T1S, Sec. 19, 24, 25. Lambs Canyon in Salt Lake County. Page 12 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Mill Creek Dam Removal and Restoration Project. EA Decision Expected Implementation Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Project Contact R4 - Intermountain Region Paul Cowley - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:04/2014 05/2014 801-999-2177 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants 215 Comment Period Legal - Watershed management Notice 08/11/2013 Description: The purpose of this project is to restore watershed function and aquatic ecosystem to more closely match historic conditions in Mill Creek Canyon. Web Link: Location: Mill D Cabin Area Fuel-Break Planning Status UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - The project is located in the southwest corner of Township 2 South, Range 2 East Section 27. The dam is located just upstream of Porter Fork in the Mill Creek Drainage. - Fuels management Completed CE Actual: 11/12/2013 12/2013 Christine Brown 801-999-2150 christineabrown@fs.fed. us Description: The Salt Lake Ranger District is proposing to implement a fuel-break demonstration project in the Mill D North Fork cabin area in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Web Link: Location: Patch Springs Fire Rehabilitation CE *NEW LISTING* Michael Duncan - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:04/2014 05/2014 801-236-3415 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 12/12/2013 (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: In August 2013 the Patch Springs wildfire burned 31,010 acres on the Southwest Side of the Stansbury Mountain Range in Tooele County Utah.The State DWR proposes to treat approx. 2,100 acres of NFS land by aerially seeding and chaining. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - T2S, R3E, Sec. 17. Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake Couty, UT. UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Tooele. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Southwest side of Stansbury Mountains in Tooele County. Page 13 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Silver Lake Boardwalk replacement Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Salt Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/09/2013 Expected:03/2014 06/2014 CE Project Contact R4 - Intermountain Region Matthew Zumstein 801-733-2670 Description: Proposal to replace the boardwalk, located in BCC. All existing boardwalk, bridges, and fishing piers will be replaced in current location and the boardwalk will be widened from 6 to 8%u2019 to better accommodate visitors with disabilities Web Link: Location: Snowbird MDP 2014 projects CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Silver Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County, UT. - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/12/2013 Expected:06/2014 08/2014 Steve Scheid 801-733-2689 Description: Snowbird is proposing to construct downhill mountain bike trail segments accessible in Gad Valley and relocate the building that formerly housed the Gad 2 lift drive assembly to the snowcat staging area, just south of the Gad Valley pump house Web Link: Location: UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Gad Valley & base area at Snowbird Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. Steve Scheid 801-733-2689 Utah Department of Transportation Reynolds Peak Weather Station - Special use management CE Description: UDOT is requesting to construct a new weather station south of Reynolds Peak that would provide weather observations and would enhance avalanche forecasting above the BCC highway (SR 190) Web Link: Location: Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 07/09/2013 Expected:02/2014 07/2014 UNIT - Salt Lake Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Salt Lake. LEGAL - T1S, R2E, sec. 7. Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt lake County, UT. Spanish Fork Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Page 14 of 16 R4 - Intermountain Region Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) Ault Forest Boundary Fence Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Spanish Fork Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Grazing management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 06/02/2013 Expected:02/2014 Project Contact 03/2014 Renae Bragonje 801-342-5267 Description: The proposed action is to build a 0.75 mile of new fence along the Forest Service and BLM boundary. The fence will be a 4-strand barbed wire fence. Web Link: Location: Lavanger Hollow Livestock Corral UNIT - Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Tooele. LEGAL - T9S R5W Section 2. The project is located in the Spanish Fork Ranger District. - Grazing management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/07/2014 Expected:04/2014 05/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: This is a joint proposal between the Spanish Fork Grazing Association and the Forest Service to re-locate their corral facilities along the Highway 6 Corridor to a new location in lower Diamond Fork Canyon. Web Link: Location: Santaquin WUI Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 03/2014 Expected:08/2014 09/2014 Lanson Stavast 801-794-6777 Description: The USFS and the UDWR are proposing to improve undesirable fuel conditions within the Santaquin canyon area. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT UNIT - Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - T9S, R4E, Section 9, NE 1/4 of SE 1/4; T9S, R4E, Section 10, NW 1/4 of SW 1/4. The new proposed location is known locally as Lavanger Hollow Flat. - Fuels management CE *NEW LISTING* Renae Bragonje 801-342-5267 UNIT - Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - T10S R1E sections 12, 13, & 24 (USFS) 12, 13, 14, 15, & 23 (UDWR); T10S R2E sections 7, 18, &19 (USFS). The project is located in the Spanish Fork Ranger District within the Santaquin canyon area. Page 15 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest District) South Utah Valley Electric Service District (SESD) SUP Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R4 - Intermountain Region Spanish Fork Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management Completed CE Actual: 02/07/2014 Project Contact 03/2014 Anne Hansen 801-999-2158 Description: To issue a 50 year term permit to South Utah Valley Electric Service District (SESD) for a buried power line along the shoulder of the Nebo Loop road beginning at the mouth of Payson Canyon and ending at the White Pine Communications site. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Spanish Fork Ranger District. STATE - Utah. COUNTY - Utah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project is located in Spanish Fork Ranger District. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/01/2014 04:44 am MT Page 16 of 16 Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest