Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 01/01/2016 to 03/31/2016 Prescott National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) AZ Public Service-Salt River Project ROW Vegetation Management with Herbicides EA Tracy Kremer 03/2015 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:02/2015 505-842-3445 (other than forest products) Est. Notice of Initiation 12/2014 - Special use management Description: FS must decide if to allow APS and SRP to include using herbicides as a method to manage vegetation on existing APS and SRP transmission ROW within five National Forests in Arizona. Web Link: Location: CAMP TATIYEE LAND EXCHANGE - 0100 #5004 UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units, Prescott National Forest All Units, Coconino National Forest All Units, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests All Units, Tonto National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Arizona Public Service Company and Salt River Project Rights of Way across the Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto National Forests. See map on website. - Land acquisition EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 03/25/2010 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/2015 Expected:12/2015 12/2015 Randall Chavez 928-368-2106 Description: Exchange of private parcels in the A-S, Coronado, Prescott, & Tonto NFs for Federal lands in Pinetop-Lakeside (T9N, R22E). Would provide land for children's camps currently under spec. use permit & result in consolid. of isolated parcels on Forests. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District, Lakeside Ranger District, Mesa Ranger District, Sierra Vista Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Navajo. LEGAL - T9N, R22E, sec.16, G&SRBM. Along State Highway SR260 within existing Pinetop-Lakeside town limits. Prescott National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Page 1 of 10 R3 - Southwestern Region Prescott National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Prescott National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Thomas Palmer 928-687-1301 Forestwide PNF Big Chino Guide Outiftter/Guide Special Use Permit - Special use management CE Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to reissue an existing priority special use permit for outfitting and guiding (Hunting) for a period of 10 years.Guided hunting activities can occur year round, but are primarily in the fall hunt seasons. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Completed Actual: 09/15/2015 01/2016 UNIT - Prescott National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed activities are for the entire Prescott Forest including eight wilderness areas. Thomas Palmer 928-687-1301 Forestwide PNF Starr Guide Service Outfitter/Guide Special Use Permit - Special use management CE Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to reissue an existing priority special use permit for outfitting and guiding (Hunting) for a period of 10 years. Guided hunting activities can occur year round, majority of the use occurs during fall hunts. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Completed Actual: 09/15/2015 01/2016 UNIT - Prescott National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed activities are for the entire Prescott Forest including eight wilderness areas. Thomas Palmer 928-687-1301 Forestwide PNF Vaquero Outfitters Outfitter/Guide Special Use Permit - Special use management CE Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to reissue an existing priority special use permit for outfitting and guiding (Hunting) for a period of 10 years.Guided hunting activities can occur year round, majority of the use occurs during the fall hunts. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - Prescott National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed activities are for the entire Prescott Forest including eight wilderness areas. Page 2 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Prescott National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Julie Rowe Prescott College Academic - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:09/2016 09/2016 Outfitter and Guide Priority Use - Special use management 928-203-7516 Scoping Start 02/02/2015 (2015-2025) Description: CE The Forest Service proposes to authorize Prescott College to conduct academic courses including new student orientation, adventure education, biology, human ecology, natural history, physical geography, field ecology, *UPDATED* environmental conservation Web Link: Location: Prescott National Forest UNIT - Prescott National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Activities take place in a variety of locations throughout the forest. R3 - Southwestern Region Bradshaw Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Sheila Sandusky 928-567-1120 Communication Site Use Reissues on Towers Mtn. and Mt. Frances - Special use management CE Description: The Bradshaw Ranger District proposes to reissue 30-year Special Use Permits for 15 existing communicaiton sites on Towers Mtn. and Mt. Frances. Location: Eastside Ore Reserve - Gold Basin Supplement In Progress: Scoping Start 07/11/2014 - Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A N/A Kevin Weldon 928-443-8083 Description: This project would include placer gold mining operations on approximately 6 acres of land. Mining activities include mining out two deposits (Pit # 3 and # 4), developing an access road off FR 9262E, and a stockpile site. This is a 15-year project. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT 03/2015 UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T10N, R1W, Section 4 and T13N, R3W, Section 23. Towers Mtn and Mt. Frances, Bradshaw Ranger District. EA *UPDATED* Expected:02/2015 UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T 12 N, R 3 W, Section 11. This project is located east of the Gold Basin Mine south of Wilhoit along the Hassayampa River. Page 3 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Bradshaw Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Susan Johnson Foot Hills Ranch Equestrian - Recreation management Cancelled N/A N/A Outfitter and Guide Priority Use - Special use management 928-443-8075 CE Description: The Forest Service proposes to issue a Priority Use Permit for up to 10 years to Foot Hills Ranch LLC, to conduct *UPDATED* trail rides year-round. Trail rides would consist of 2-10 clients per trip in the Grapevine, Big Bug Creek and Mayer Area. Location: Foothills Ranch Equestrian O&G SUP UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T12N, R1E, Sect(s) 7, 8, 17, 19, 20, 29, & 30. Permittee will operate out of 11680 Finley Rd, Mayer, AZ. - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/20/2015 Expected:01/2016 01/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: Permit year-round guided horseback rides for trips on Forest Service system roads and trails. Web Link: Location: Greater Prescott Area Trails Planning - Mid-Term Project #1 UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Permittee will operate out of 11680 Finley Rd, Mayer, AZ, 86333. - Recreation management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 Expected:07/2016 08/2016 EA *NEW LISTING* Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 03/2016 Expected:10/2016 12/2016 Kevin Weldon 928-443-8083 Description: The Project would authorize mining placer deposits from approximately 11 acres for up to 20 years. Mining would be conducted with suction dredges, sluice boxes, dry washers, high bankers, metal detectors, gold pans, and hand tools Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various areas around the city of Prescott, AZ. - Minerals and Geology EA *NEW LISTING* Susan Johnson 928-443-8075 Description: The Bradshaw Ranger District of the Prescott National Forest proposes improving the Forest trail system in the Prescott Basin and neighboring areas. Web Link: Location: Jack's Project Susan Johnson 928-443-8075 UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Sections 23, 24, 26 & 27 T. 12.5 N., R. 1 W; Sections 35 & 36, T. 13 N., R. 1 W; Section 24 T. 12 N., R. 1 W; Section 36 T. 12 N., R. 2 W; Section 29 T. 13 N., R 3 W; Section 1 T. 10 N., R. 1 E GSRM. Big Bug Creek, Eugene Gulch,Poland Creek, Crooks Canyon, Wolf Creek, and Copper Basin Wash. Page 4 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Bradshaw Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) River Bend Placer Mining Project - Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A N/A EA Location: UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T12N,R3W,Sec11,14,15. The proposed mining project is just south of and adjacent to the existing Gold Basin mine, south of Wilhoit along the Hassayampa River. R3 - Southwestern Region Chino Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CenturyLink Fiber Optic Line and Pole Replacement - Special use management Completed Actual: 11/09/2015 12/2015 CE *UPDATED* Kevin Weldon 928-443-8083 Description: This project would include gold mining operations on approximately 48 acres (10 acres in the Red Hill #2 placer mining claim (PMC) and 38 acres in the Riverbend PMC), with an additional 4 acres for processing facilities, settling ponds, and roads. Web Link: *UPDATED* Prescott National Forest Project Contact Kenneth Simeral 928-443-8010; 4438215 Description: CenturyLink plans to replace the aerial fiber optic line and a number of degraded poles along a portion on utility easement between Paulden and Drake. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T18N, R2W, Secs. 13 & 24; T18N, R1W, Secs. 5, 6, & 7; T19N, R1W, Sec. 32. Between Paulden and Drake. Chino Small Grazing Allotments - Grazing management Completed EA *UPDATED* Actual: 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/2015 Chris Thiel 928-474-7900 Description: The Chino Valley District Ranger is proposing to continue the authorization of livestock grazing on the Hitt Wash, Jordan, Old Camp, Quartz Wash, and Yolo South Allotments; collectively referred to as the %u201CChino Small Allotments%u201D. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The allotments are all located in the Chino Valley Ranger District in various locations around Williamson Valley. Page 5 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Chino Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Quartz Wash, Hitt Wash, Old Camp/Jordan, Yolo South Grazing Allotments Management Plan Revision EA - Grazing management Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 11/2014 Expected:08/2015 Project Contact 10/2015 Chris Thiel 928-474-7900 Description: Analyze future options for grazing on four small range allotments on the Chino Valley Ranger District. The proposal may include new range improvements. Location: UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Chino Valley Ranger District. Chris Thiel 928-777-2211 Smith Canyon and Williamson Valley Allotment Management Plans - Grazing management EA Description: The Chino Valley District Ranger plans to authorize livestock grazing on two allotments with the following five action components: Authorization, Adaptive Management, Resource Protection Measures, Structural Range Improvements, and Monitoring. Web Link: *NEW LISTING* Location: Upper Verde Watershed Restoration Project Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Smith Canyon and Williamson Valley on the Chino Valley Ranger District. - Watershed management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 12/18/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 06/2016 Expected:12/2016 01/2017 Noel Fletcher 928-443-8020 Description: Watershed restoration through vegetation management and possibly road closures Web Link: Location: Walnut Creek Center for Education and Research and Southwest Experimental Garden Array EA *UPDATED* - Special use management Completed Actual: 03/11/2015 03/11/2015 10/2015 Noel Fletcher 928-443-8020 Description: The Prescott National Forest is proposing to issue three special use permits to Northern Arizona University and Prescott College (WCCER partnership) to use the Walnut Creek Administrative Site a 285 acres of NFS lands. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Chino Valley Ranger District. UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T 18 N, R 5 W, Sect 25. Walnut Creek Administrative Site plus 285 additional acres of surrounding NFS lands. Page 6 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Yavapai Ranch Reciprocal Easements Project Project Purpose - Land ownership management Expected Implementation In Progress: 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 03/28/2014 Expected:06/2016 Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region 12/2016 Richard Della Porta 928-443-8013 Description: Exchange reciprocal easements on approximately 18 mile of road. Web Link: Location: Prescott National Forest Decision Chino Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) EA *UPDATED* Planning Status UNIT - Chino Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Northwestern corner of Prescott National Forest in the. R3 - Southwestern Region Verde Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Thomas Palmer AAM Priority River Rafting - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A Outfitter and Guide Special Use - Special use management 928-567-1114 Permit Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to issue to the outfitter/guide known as AAM a 5-year priority special use CE permit for a river rafting outfitter guide operation on the Verde River and Verde Wild and Scenic River Segments. *UPDATED* Web Link: Location: ATV Tours Outfitter Guide Priority SUP UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. Boat launching will occur at White Bridge and Beasley Flats River access sites on the Prescott; take outs at GAP Creek, Childs and Hoseshoe reservoir on the Prescott, Coc, and Tonto. - Recreation management - Special use management Completed CE *NEW LISTING* 09/2015 Thomas Palmer 928-567-1114 Description: The Prescott National Forest will issue a priority special use permit to Arizona Offroad Tours, LLC. The Outfitter/Guide has operated on the forest since 2013. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Actual: 09/30/2015 UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various roads on the Verde District, Prescott National Forest. Page 7 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Verde Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Agua Fria Watershed Improvement Project EA *UPDATED* Noel Fletcher - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 11/16/2015 11/2015 928-443-8020 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: The Verde District of the Prescott National Forest (PNF) is proposing to improve wildlife habitat and watershed conditions on the Agua Fria Grasslands portion of the forest. Web Link: Location: Gila Chub Habitat Improvement Project Project Contact UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T11N - 13N; R 2E - 5E. The project area comprises approximately 100,000 acres on the Prescott National Forest south of Camp Verde and east of I-17. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A EA Albert Sillas 928-567-1124 Description: Improve pool habitat by sediment removal, instream structures, exclosure fences, and removal of juniper tree encroachment in three sites. Web Link: Location: Mingus Mtn. Wildlife Water Developments UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T 11 N, R 4 E, sections 4, 16, 20. Near Sycamore Historic Site/Dugas area. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Special use management Completed Actual: 08/06/2015 08/2015 CE *UPDATED* Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to issue a 20-year permit to the Arizona Dept of Game and Fish to reconstruct and maintain seven existing wildlife water catchments. Location: Reissuance of a Water Development Special Use Permit to Frank and Wanita Melluzzo CE UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Seven various locations on Mingus Mtn., Verde Ranger District. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Sheila Sandusky 928-567-1120 Description: The Prescott National Forest is proposing to reissue a 10-year special use permit for 2 water pipelines, 1 springbox, 600 gallon water tank, and cattle exclosure fence. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Noel Fletcher 928-443-8020 UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T14N, R3E, Sect17. Off Cherry road in Cherry, AZ. Page 8 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Prescott National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Verde Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Rim Country Bowhunters Special Use Permit - Recreation management - Special use management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Sheila Sandusky 928-567-1120 Description: The Forest Service, Prescott National Forest, is proposing to issue a 10-yr special use permit to the Rim Country Bowhunters Association for their existing site located off Cherry Rd in Camp Verde, AZ. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T14N, R4E, Section 16. Located off Cherry Creek Rd & Hwy 260. Thomas Palmer Sedona Adventure Outfitter - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A Guide Priority River Boating 928-567-1114 - Special use management Outfitter and Guide Special Use Permit Description: The PNF proposes to issue to Sedona Adventure Outfitter and Guides Inc. a 5-year priority special use permit for CE a river boating outfitter guide operation on the Verde River and Verde Wild and Scenic River segments. *UPDATED* Web Link: Location: West Mingus Avenue Project UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. Boat launching will occur at Skidmore, Big Notti, Black Canyon, White Bridge, Clear Creek and Beasley Flats River access sites on the PNF. Take outs at Gap Creek, Childs, and Horseshoe resvr. - Recreation management On Hold EA N/A N/A Thomas Palmer 928-567-1114 Description: The Prescott National Forest proposes to develop a trailhead and system of trails, in coordination with the City of Cottonwood, along FR493 (West Mingus Avenue) in the Cottonwood and Clarkdale Area. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Verde Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposed project occurs southwest of Cottonwood, AZ along FR493 (West Mingus Avenue). Page 9 of 10 Prescott National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Page 10 of 10 Prescott National Forest