Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 Coconino National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) APS 69kv Power Line Permit for - Special use management Childs-Irving Line In Progress: Scoping Start 08/12/2015 Expected:01/2017 02/2017 CE Judy Adams 928-203-7506 Description: Issuance of a permit to replace the expired Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Hydropower License. Existing 69 kV line that was part of the Childs Irving Power operation and covered under the old license. Has been in continuous operation. Web Link: Location: Fossil Creek Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan - Regulations, Directives, Orders EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 03/29/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2016 Expected:04/2017 05/2017 Charlotte Minor 928-635-8271 Description: Creation of a Comprehensive River Management Plan for Fossil Creek as described in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The project is on both the Coconino National Forest and the Tonto National Forest. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Payson Ranger District, Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Line that travels from Childs substation to Irving power plant area. Includes small sections of the Tonto NF where it crosses Fossil Creek. UNIT - Payson Ranger District, Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Fossil Creek (Wild and Scenic River Portions) - Red Rock District of the Coconino National Forest and Payson Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest. Page 1 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Four Forest Restoration Initiative Rim Country Environmental Impact Statement EIS Annette Fredette - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:01/2019 02/2019 928 226 4684 - Forest products Est. NOI in Federal Register - Vegetation management 03/2016 (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: Landscape-scale restoration on the Coconino, Apache-Sitgreaves, and Tonto National Forests of ponderosa pine ecosystems, designed to maintain, improve, and restore ecosystem structure, pattern, function, and resiliency. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Mogollon Rim Ranger District, Coconino NF; Black Mesa and Lakeside Ranger Districts, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest; Payson and Pleasant Ranger Districts, Tonto National Forest. Mike Dechter 928-527-3416 Rock Pit Development: Coconino and Kaibab National Forests - Road management EA Description: Development of up to 39 rock pits affecting a total of 434 acres on the Coconino and Kaibab national forests to provide materials for surfacing roads to maintain safe and sustainable road conditions. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 07/01/2013 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units, Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. locations throughout the Coconino and Kaibab national forests (see map). R3 - Southwestern Region Coconino National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) APS existing transmission line permit reissuance - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2007 CE Expected:01/2017 Actual: 08/08/2011 01/2017 Steve Martinet 928-527-3418 Description: Reissuance of seven special use permits for APS transmission lines for up to 50 years. These existing facilities and are still needed by APS in order to deliver electrical power to the general public. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Existing APS Transmission lines on the Flagstaff Ranger District. Page 2 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Coconino National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Changes to Motor Vehicle Designations EA - Recreation management - Watershed management - Road management *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 11/17/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 12/2016 Project Contact Expected:12/2017 04/2018 Mike Dechter 928-527-3416 Description: Changes to designations (as currently shown on the Motor Vehicle Use Map)for motor vehicles on roads, trails, and areas throughout the Coconino National Forest Web Link: Location: UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL Not Applicable. Roads, trails and areas throughout the Coconino National Forest. Mike Dechter 928-527-3416 Forest Plan Amendment for Cultural Resource Protection Standards - Land management planning CE Description: To remove unclear or conflicting standards and guidelines in the Forest Plan which suggest the Forest should reach a "No Effect" determination for effects to cultural resources under the National Historic Preservation Act. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Plan Revision for the Coconino National Forest Actual: 11/07/2015 11/2015 UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL Not Applicable. Covers the entire Coconino National Forest. - Land management planning EIS Completed In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 12/20/2013 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/2017 Expected:01/2017 02/2017 Vernon Keller 928-527-3415 Description: Revision of the Coconino National Forest's Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) that guides activities on the Coconino NF such as recreation management and improvement of ecosystem health. For more information, visit Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL Not Applicable. Coconino National Forest. Page 3 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Coconino National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Stock tank invasive aquatic species management CE *UPDATED* Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Mike Dechter - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 02/03/2016 03/2016 928-527-3416 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Description: Establish clearance for treatments of non-invasive aquatic species in sotck tanks to prevent non-native invasive fish and other aquatic species from being reintroduced to downstream habitat with Threatened, Endangeredm and Sensitive fish. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Stock tank locations in watersheds that include Camdidate, hreatened or Endangered fish habitat on the Coconino National Forest. Coconino National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) R3 - Southwestern Region Steve Martinet NPG Cable of - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Arizona/Suddenlink Issuance of 928-527-3418 New Permit Description: Proposal to re issue a permit to NPG Cable/Suddenlink for existing aerial and buried television cable lines on the CE Red Rock and Flagstaff Ranger Districts. *UPDATED* Web Link: Location: Coconino National Forest 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District, Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Several locations on the Flagstaff and Red Rock Districts. Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 4 of 16 R3 - Southwestern Region Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest A-1 Mountain Grazing Allotment Project Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Grazing management EA In Progress: Scoping Start 12/23/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 05/2016 Expected:10/2016 Project Contact 11/2016 Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Description: This project would determine whether and to what extent a term grazing permit would be issued to continue livestock grazing on the A-1 Mountain Grazing Allotment through an environmental assessment. Web Link: Location: Deer Hill Trail Public Access Connector Trail UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - This allotment is located within all or portions of T21N R6E Sections 1-3, 10, 11, and 13-15; T21N R7E Section 7; and T22N R6E Sections 34-36 of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. The allotment is flanked on the east by of the City of Flagstaff and on the west by the Maxwell Springs allotment. - Regulations, Directives, Orders Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 07/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: Construct a non-motorized trail segment connecting a public easement within the Timberline Subdivision to the existing Deer Hill Trail on the Coconino National Forest in Sections 5, Township 22 North, Range 8 East. Location: El Paso Natural Gas Co Installation of Ground Bed, Rectifier and Campstone Generator CE *UPDATED* 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Township 22 North, Range 8 East, Sections 5 Gila and Salt River meridian. Flagstaff Ranger District proposes to construct 3 non-motorized trail segments connecting public easements at the terminus of Brandis Way, Copeland and N. Linda Ln. within the Timberline Subdivision. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Steve Martinet 928-527-3418 Description: Install a new Cathodic Protection System within El Paso Natural Gas Company's existing 120 foot right-of-way on lands administered by the Coconino National Forest. Location: UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. On lands administered by the Flagstaff Ranger District. Approximately 8 miles southeast from the Peaks District Office and due north of Forest Service Road 9149T. Page 5 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Flagstaff Ranger District 2016 Special Use Permits Reauthorizations and New Authorizations. - Special use management CE Description: Propose to reissue approximately 12 special use permits in various locations that will expire in 2015. Uses include private road use permits,ADOT's Oak Creek Rim Maintenance Camp, waterline/springs/storage tank infrastructures and weather stations. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Flagstaff Ranger District Planting Project In Progress: Scoping Start 02/25/2016 Expected:04/2016 04/2016 UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations on the Flagstaff Ranger District, Coconino National Forest. - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 Expected:08/2016 09/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: The Flagstaff Ranger District is proposing to plant multiple locations across the district which were deforested due to wildfires. Location: Forest Road 128A Improvements. UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Activities will occur at multiple locations across the Flagstaff Ranger District. - Recreation management - Road management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 05/2016 Expected:12/2016 03/2017 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Northern Arizona Shooting Range is located east of Flagstaff, south of the Winona Exit (#211) on I40. - Recreation management - Special use management Completed Actual: 03/29/2016 CE *UPDATED* 03/2016 Patrick McGervey 928-535-7300 Description: Reauthorizing special-use permit for horse trail riding and sleigh rides. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Description: In order to provide safer access to the Northern Arizona Shooting Range, the Arizona Game & Fish Department is requesting the ability to improve Forest Service Road 128A. Location: Hitchin Post Stables SpecialUse Permit Reauthorization Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Southeast of Flagstaff, off of Lake Mary Road (FH3). Page 6 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Lockett Meadow Vegetation Management Project CE Jessica Richardson - Recreation management Developing Proposal Expected:07/2016 07/2016 928-527-8219 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 05/2016 jessicalrichardson@fs.f (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: This project would address the interrelated needs to reduce meadow encroachment from ponderosa pine, to remove identified hazard trees within the designated camping area, and reduce created and natural fuels. Web Link: Location: Marshall Lake Improvement Project CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - This project is located with in T23N, R7E, Sec. 23 of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. Project area is located 15 miles north of Flagstaff off Hwy 89 in the heart of the San Francisco Peaks. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management - Road management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:05/2016 05/2016 Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Description: AZGFD is requesting to do road improvements, increase wildlife habitat, and wetland modifications to the project area to improve wildlife habitat quality and diversity at the wetland by increasing water runoff and retention. Location: McCormick Pit Native Material Site Project Contact UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Marshall Lake is located about 12 miles from Flagstaff, AZ off of Forest Road 128. - Special use management On Hold CE N/A N/A Judy Adams 928-203-7506 Description: Proposal by Coconino County obtain a permit to continue disposing of native dirt and rock flood debris in the McCormick Pit. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Section 8, T23N, R8E. Along Hwy 89 north of Sunset Crater. Page 7 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Mt Elden/Dry Lake Hills Recreation Planning - Recreation management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A EA Brian Poturalski 928-527-8264 Description: This project is planning for non-motorized recreation for trails, special uses and facilities in the Mt. Elden-Dry Lake Hills (MEDL) area. The next round of public involvement will be related to alternative development in summer 2014. Web Link: Location: Mt. Elden Hang Gliding Launch Site Special Use Permit UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Project area encompasses the Mt Elden/Dry Lake Hills area north of Flagstaff, AZ, and includes Forest Roads 420, 556, and 557. The forest boundary marks the southern and eastern edges of the project. - Recreation management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2018 CE *UPDATED* Description: This is a project that would re-issue a Special Use Permit to Arizona Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association to continue use of NFS lands and roads for access to an established launch site location and construct two new sites. Location: NAU Parks & Recreation Backpacking Outfitting & Guiding Special Use Permit UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - T22N, R7E, Sec. 36 SW ¼. The project area is located in the southwest portion of the Turkey Park area on top of Mt. Elden. - Recreation management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Expected:07/2016 08/2016 Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Description: The Flagstaff Ranger District is proposing to issue a outfitting and guiding priority special use permit (FSH 2709.14 53.1m)to the Parks and Recreation Management Program at Northern Arizona University for the purpose of outdoor education. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Brian Poturalski 928-527-8264 UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Backpacking events will take place at a variety of Locations in Wilderness Areas on the Coconino National Forest. Page 8 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Flagstaff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Turkey Butte/Barney Pasture Forest Health Restoration - Fuels management - Watershed management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 05/02/2012 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 06/2016 Expected:02/2017 Project Contact 05/2019 Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f Description: This project is designed to reduce improve forest and watershed health in the Turkey Butte and Barney Pasture area. Project activities would include thinning of small and medium diameter trees and prescribed burning. Web Link: Location: Wedding Planner Outfitting & Guiding Special Use Permit UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Including all or portions of: T19N, R4E, Sec1,2,12,13,24-26,35,36; T19N, R5E, Sec 1-36; T19N, R6E, Sec 19,29-33; T18N, R4E, Sections 1,2,11,12; T18N, R5E, Sec 1,2,4-9,17,18; T18N, R6E, Sec 5-7. West of Highway 89 and East of Sycamore Canyon Wilderness. South of Oak Creek Canyon Natural Research Area, and North of the Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness. - Recreation management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 05/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: The Flagstaff Ranger District proposes to issue a Priority Special Use Permit for Outfitting and Guiding Services to a wedding planner. This permit would authorize up to 10 weddings/ year at established locations. Location: Coconino National Forest Jessica Richardson 928-527-8219 jessicalrichardson@fs.f UNIT - Flagstaff Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Weddings will take place at a variety of locations on the Flagstaff Ranger District. R3 - Southwestern Region Mogollon Rim Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Steve Martinet 928-527-3418 2016 Mogollon Rim Ranger District Communication Leases Reissuances - Special use management CE Description: The Mogollon Rim Ranger District will be processing requests to issue new communication leases for current lease holders at the 5 Mile Communication Site. Analysis will also include treating "potential" hazardous trees. Web Link: *NEW LISTING* Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2016 Expected:10/2016 11/2016 UNIT - Mogollon Rim Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - 5 Mile - Rim Communications Site is located on the Mogollon Ranger District, Coconino National Forest, Coconino County, State of Arizona in Section 15 / 16, T. 12 N., R. 8 E., G&SRBM. 5 Mile Communication Site along Hwy 87 north of Strawberry. Page 9 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Mogollon Rim Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Buck Mountain Lookout Tower Viewshed Project - Forest products - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/07/2014 Expected:05/2016 Project Contact 05/2016 CE Matthew Engbring 928-477-5026 Description: The project proposes to thin trees and reduce fuel loads around Buck Mountain Lookout Tower to extend the viewshed, improve the ability to detect wildfires and to reduce the threat of fire that could destroy the tower. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Mogollon Rim Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Buck Mountain LO: T15N, R9E, Sec. 20, SE SE 1/4, G&SRM. Forested stands around Buck Mountain Lookout. Susan Lankford 928-477-2255 Camping Areas for Group Gathering Special Use Permits, Mogollon Rim District - Recreation management CE Description: Large group camp sites are proposed for issuance of temporary Special Use Permits(SUPs) for groups of 75 or more people or for recreation events that involve a fee. Camping areas of two to five acres are proposed at various locations on the District. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Cragin Watershed Protection Project *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Mogollon Rim Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations are proposed including: Long Valley FR 702 and Dines Spring FR 321A among others. - Fuels management EA Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 In Progress: Scoping Start 02/24/2016 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2016 Expected:09/2017 10/2017 Polly Haessig 928-477-5007 Description: Fuels reduction over about 64,000 acres within and adjacent to the watersheds that drain into the C. C. Cragin (formerly known as Blue Ridge) Reservoir. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Mogollon Rim Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not defined at this time. Within all/parts of East Clear Creek-Blue Ridge Reservoir, Miller Canyon, Bear Canyon, Webber, Pine Creek, Windmill Draw-Jacks Canyon, Long Valley Draw and East Clear Creek - Clear Creek watersheds. Page 10 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Hutch Mountain Communication Site Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Mogollon Rim Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:07/2016 09/2016 CE *UPDATED* 9205K and 9202Y Road Rehabilitation Project UNIT - Mogollon Rim Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 9 East, G&SRM. Hutch Mountain off Forest administrative road 135B on saddle near fire lookout. - Watershed management - Road management Completed EA *UPDATED* 02/2016 Tony Papa 928-203-7532 UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 9205K is on the east side of Cornville along County Road 30. Forest road 9202Y provides connectivity between forest road 618 and the Forest Glen neighborhood of Lake Montezuma. Marc Stavropoulos - Land management planning In Progress: Expected:08/2017 09/2017 928-203-7517 - Grazing management Scoping Start 04/01/2011 mastavropoulos@fs.fed. - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public us (other than forest products) Notice 01/2017 - Watershed management Description: Analyze the conditions on the Apache Maid Range Allotment and its potential to continue to support livestock grazing with the principles of Adaptive Management. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Actual: 02/16/2016 Description: The 9205K & 9202Y roads are open, but these routes are made up of a network of dozens of miles of intertwining unauthorized routes. This project will delineate the road alignment and parking, and block and obliterate adjacent unauthorized routes Web Link: Location: Apache Maid Rangeland Management Analysis R3 - Southwestern Region Red Rock Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CE *UPDATED* Judy Adams 928-203-7506 Description: Proposal to construct a commercial communication facility, including building, tower and solar power structures to provide improved wireless and other communication services in the area. Web Link: Location: Coconino National Forest Project Contact UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Red Rock Ranger District. Page 11 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Red Rock Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Cathedral Rock Trailhead Toilet - Recreation management Completed Actual: 01/19/2016 01/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Cathedral Rock Trailhead in Sedona, AZ. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 11/14/2014 Expected:08/2016 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* Judy Adams 928-203-7506 Description: Proposal by private developer in coordination with Yavapai County to improve Chavez Ranch Road from Cathedral Vista Road to private property, including road construction. Web Link: Location: Cornville Community Trail Jennifer Burns 928-203-7529 Description: The Cathedral Rock Trail receives over 80,000 visitors per year. Most visitors start their hike at the Cathedral Rock Trailhead. The Forest Service proposes to install a vault toilet at this trailhead to address human waste issues and protect water. Web Link: Location: Chavez Ranch Road Improvements Project Contact UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T17N, R5E, Sections 23, 24, and 26, G&SRM. Near Upper Red Rock Loop Road, Old Post Trail and north side of Crescent Moon Ranch. - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A CE Jennifer Burns 970-295-6612 Description: Construct a trail on National Forest Lands adjacent to Cornville's existing Windmill Park. This trail would be an extension of the existing trail in Windmill Park. Location: Cornville Motorized Single Track Trail UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T15N, R4E, Section 3. Town of Cornville, adjacent to Windmill Park. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/04/2015 CE *UPDATED* 05/2016 Sarah Belcher 928-203-7521 Description: Construction of a 27-mile motorized single track trail that includes the establishment of a parking area and obliteration of adjacent non-system routes. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Expected:04/2016 UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. East of Cornville, just south of the intersection of Yavapai County Roads 30 and 78. Page 12 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Red Rock Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Fossil Creek WSR Interim Management (2015) - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/16/2015 Expected:02/2016 03/2016 CE *UPDATED* Jennifer Burns 970-295-6612 Description: Implement additional interim management actions to protect Fossil Creek Wild and Scenic River (WSR) values and improve public safety. Short-term actions include using a reservation system and temporary entry booths to manage day use and camping. Web Link: Location: Fossil Creek Wild and Scenic River Geotechnical Soil Test Project Contact UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Red Rock Ranger District on the Coconino NF and Payson Ranger District on the Tonto NF. - Recreation management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/16/2015 Expected:01/2016 01/2016 CE Jennifer Burns 970-295-6612 Description: Conduct a geotechnical soil test within the Fossil Creek Wild and Scenic River corridor in the vicinity of the historic Fossil Creek Bridge. Evaluate soils to determine if there is potential for a replacement bridge adjacent to the historic bridge. Web Link: Location: Girdner Area Trails Planning - Recreation management CE *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 01/12/2016 Expected:08/2016 01/2017 Jennifer Burns 970-295-6612 Description: Up to 10 miles of non motorized multi-use trails will be proposed for the area near the Girdner Trail west of Sedona and north of SR89A. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. On the Coconino NF the WSR is accessed from State Highway 260 on Forest Road (FR) 708, approximately 5 miles from Camp Verde, Arizona. The bridge is located in the middle segment of Fossil Creek. UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Area near the Girdner Trail west of Sedona and north of SR89A. Page 13 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Red Rock Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Ike's Backbone - Grazing management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 04/30/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 03/2016 Expected:09/2016 Project Contact 10/2016 Marc Stavropoulos 928-203-7517 mastavropoulos@fs.fed. us Description: Evaluate the vacant Ike's Backbone grazing allotment for closure due to infeasibility of managing grazing on it because of size and topography. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Ike's Backbone grazing allotment. Julie Rowe 907-228-4111 Issuance of Outfitter/Guide Permits for Hiking and Trailhead Transportation - Recreation management - Special use management CE Description: Issuance of outfitter/guide permits for hiking and trailhead transportation on the Red Rock Ranger District. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Sedona-Oak Creek Alternative Transportation Study Completed Actual: 03/11/2016 03/2016 UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Red Rock Ranger District. - Recreation management - Special use management On Hold EA N/A N/A Nicole Branton 928-203-7501 Description: The proposal may include a shuttle operation, bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The proposal also may include new construction of additional parking areas or facilities, and modifications to vehicle access and parking at existing recreation sites. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Recreation sites on State Hwy 179 North of the FS Visitor Center and Ranger district, Cathedral Rock trailhead and road, and Recreation sites on U.S. Hwy 89A from Sedona Uptown to Oak Creek Overlook. Page 14 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Coconino National Forest Soldiers Pass Motorized Use EA Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Red Rock Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Special use management *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 02/28/2012 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2016 Expected:07/2016 Project Contact 08/2016 Julie Rowe 907-228-4111 Description: Analysis of motorized use on Soldier Pass Road and how to bring it into compliance with Forest Plan direction for social encounter levels. Use currently exceeds capacity. Web Link: Location: Tobias/Flynn Road Access UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - T18N, R5E, Sections 1 and 36. Soldier Pass Road. - Special use management EA *UPDATED* Expected:08/2016 - Recreation management Completed Actual: 03/18/2016 08/2016 Justin Loxley 928-527-8213 Description: Construct a handicap accessible viewing platform at the V-V cultural site Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Judy Adams 928-203-7506 UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Area near Chavez Crossing Group Campground in Sedona. CE *UPDATED* 10/2016 Description: Proposal to construct a road from SR179 to private property across Oak Creek from Poco Diablo and Chavez Crossing Group Campground in Sedona. Proposal is the result of litigation requiring the Forest Service to provide an easement. Web Link: Location: V-V Viewing Platform In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 12/15/2011 UNIT - Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. V-V cultural site. Page 15 of 16 Coconino National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Page 16 of 16 Coconino National Forest