Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact Projects Occurring in more than one Region (excluding Nationwide) Western Area Power Administration Right-of-Way Maintenance and Reauthorization Project - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 09/27/2013 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/2015 Expected:03/2015 05/2015 Christopher Wehrli 303-275-5107 Description: Update vegetation management activities along 278 miles of transmission lines located on NFS lands in Colorado, Nebraska, and Utah. These activities are intended to protect the transmission lines by managing for stable, low growth vegetation. Location: UNIT - Ashley National Forest All Units, Grand Valley Ranger District, Norwood Ranger District, Yampa Ranger District, Hahns Peak/Bears Ears Ranger District, Pine Ridge Ranger District, Sulphur Ranger District, East Zone/Dillon Ranger District, Paonia Ranger District, Boulder Ranger District, West Zone/Sopris Ranger District, Canyon Lakes Ranger District, Salida Ranger District, Gunnison Ranger District, Mancos/Dolores Ranger District. STATE - Colorado, Nebraska, Utah. COUNTY - Chaffee, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Grand, Gunnison, Jackson, Lake, La Plata, Larimer, Mesa, Montrose, Routt, Saguache, San Juan, Dawes, Daggett, Uintah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Linear transmission lines located in Colorado, Utah, and Nebraska. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Columbine Gem & Mineral Society non-commercial group use prospecting and "rockhounding" SUP CE *UPDATED* Chris Welker 10/2008 - Recreation management Completed Actual: 09/10/2008 719-530-3974 - Minerals and Geology - Special use management Description: PSICC National Forest unit-wide Special Use Permit for non-commercial group activity involving casual gem and mineral prospecting and "rockhounding". Web Link: Location: UNIT - Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands All Units. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee, Custer, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Lake, Park, Pueblo, Teller. Locations Identified on attached Special Use application and authorization Legal Description Page. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, Occurring in more than one District 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Page 1 of 35 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) 2015 Pike and San Isabel National Forests Special Use Authorization Permit Renewals CE CE - Special area management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2015 Expected:09/2015 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 09/2015 John Brown 719-553-1501 Description: Special use authroization renewals for the San Carlos, Pikes Peak, Leadville, South Park and South Platte Ranger Districts. Web Link: Location: UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District, South Park Ranger District, South Platte Ranger District, Leadville Ranger District, Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee, Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Lake, Park, Teller. LEGAL - Legal description provided on attached maps. blank. Angela Safranek Comanche National Grasslands - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:07/2015 08/2015 Playa Restoration 307-326-2545 (other than forest products) Est. Scoping Start 04/2015 CE Description: Restore 9 playas on the Comanche National Grassland to their original hydrology by filling in the pits and sealing the basin Location: UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District, Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Baca, Las Animas. LEGAL - Section 14, T32S, R53W.Section 7, T32S, R50W, Section 12, T33S,R49W ,Section 8, T33S, R47W,Section 18, T33S, R47W, Section 29, T33S, R47W,Section 15, T33S, R47W. Comanche National Grassland, Baca and Las Animas Counties. IREA Powerline Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/09/2011 CE Expected:06/2015 07/2015 Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: Consolodate six expiring powerline permits held by Intermountain Rural Electric Association into one master permit for a 30-year term. The existing permits cover approximately 65 miles of 7.2 / 12.5 kV electric distribution lines. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District, South Platte Ranger District, Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Teller. LEGAL - Multiple locations. Locations are within IREA's Woodland Park, Colorado service area on the Pike National Forest. Page 2 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) PSICC Wildfire/Reforestation Projects EA UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District, South Park Ranger District, South Platte Ranger District, Leadville Ranger District, Salida Ranger District, Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee, Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Jefferson, Lake, Park, Pueblo, Teller. LEGAL - PSICC National Forest. Buffalo Creek, Hayman, Hi Meadow, Mason Gulch Burns. Pike & San Isabel National Forest Motorized Travel Management (MVUM) Analysis - Road management EIS Description: Analysis of roads and trails on the Pike and San Isabel National Forest Web Link: Location: EA Developing Proposal Est. NOI in Federal Register 12/2015 Expected:11/2020 12/2020 John Dow 719-553-1476 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District, South Park Ranger District, South Platte Ranger District, Leadville Ranger District, Salida Ranger District, Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee, Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Lake, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The proposal covers both the Pike and San Isabel National Forests. John Dow 04/2017 - Special area management Developing Proposal Expected:02/2017 719-553-1476 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Treat excess vegetation around identified electrical transmission line towers. Renew right-of-way permit and approve updated operations plan. Web Link: Location: UNIT - South Park Ranger District, Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Lake, Park. LEGAL - See Attached Map. Select treatments along Xcel transmission line 5145 from Lake County to Park County Colorado. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Bob Post N/A - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A 719-836-3870 - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: Reforestation efforts of the Hayman, Mason Gulch, Hi Meadow, Buffalo Creek Fires through, planting, seeding, natural regeneration, and tsi. Location: Xcel Transmission Line 5145 Permit Renewal and Transmission Line 5145 Vegetation Treatment Project Contact Page 3 of 35 Cimarron Ranger District R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CIM100 Merit Energy Co. (Compressors) - Minerals and Geology - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/10/2014 Decision Cimarron Ranger District Expected:09/2015 Expected Implementation Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 09/2015 CE Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 Description: Merit Energy Co. recently acquired compressor stations from OXY USA Inc. The compressor stations were part of a Forest Service Special Use Permit to OXY USA on 11/30/1998. Merit Energy has requested a special use permit for these existing facilities. Location: UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District. STATE - Kansas. COUNTY - Morton. LEGAL - T33S R40W Section 6 NWNE and T32S R43W Section 33 NWSW. Cimarron National Grassland. Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 CIM101 Merit Energy Co. (Saltwater Disposal Wells/Pipelines) - Special use management CE Description: Merit Energy Co recently acquired 4 disposal wells & 7.36 miles of associated pipelines from OXY USA Inc. The compressor stations were authorized via USFS SU permit to OXY USA Inc 10/18/1995. Merit Energy requested SU permit for existing facilities. Location: Cimaron Allotment Management Project In Progress: Scoping Start 12/17/2014 Expected:08/2015 08/2015 UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District. STATE - Kansas. COUNTY - Morton. LEGAL - Disposal wells - T34S R40W Sec 9, T34S R41W Sec 11 and T34S R42W Sec 5 & 16 Associated pipelines in T34S R40W portions of Sec 8,9,17,20,21,29;T34S R41W Sec 10,11,15,32,33 and T34S R42W Sec 5,6. Cimarron National Grassland. - Grazing management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/22/2013 Expected:12/2015 12/2015 EA Nancy Brewer 620-697-4621 620 697-3580 Description: To continue to permit livestock grazing on the Cimarron National Grassland using an adaptive management strategy that will meet or move toward Forest Plan desired conditions and project specific desired conditions. Location: UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District. STATE - Kansas. COUNTY - Morton, Stevens. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Cimarron National Grassland. Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 Lockhart Geophysical Company, GrasslandsLockhart Wave - Minerals and Geology CE Description: Lockhart Geophysical submitted a Notice of Intent to conduct a 3D vibroseis seismic survey; encmopassing approximately 1,000 acres on the Cimarron National Grassland. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 08/29/2014 Expected:08/2015 08/2015 UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District. STATE - Kansas. COUNTY - Morton. LEGAL - T34S R43W Section 14,15,16,23,26,27,28. Cimarron National Grassland. Page 4 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Nustar Logistics - CIM98 - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 09/03/2014 Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Cimarron Ranger District Expected:08/2015 Project Contact 08/2015 Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 Description: NuStar Logistics has submitted a special use application requesting authorization to continue operating and maintaining 4.2 miles of a natural gas pipeline. Location: UNIT - Cimarron Ranger District. STATE - Kansas. COUNTY - Morton. LEGAL - T35S R43W Sections 3,4,8,9,18. Cimarron National Grassland. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Colorado Interstate Gas Co. -COM 20 - Special use management Cancelled R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Comanche Ranger District N/A N/A CE *UPDATED* Description: Upgrade existing Cathodic protection system by drilling a cathodic deep well Location: Equipment Investment LLC COM 113 Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Otero. LEGAL - SE 1/4 Section 28, T27S, R57W. Timpas Unit of Comanche National Grassland. - Minerals and Geology - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/29/2015 Expected:11/2015 CE 01/2016 Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 Description: Construct 3 inch poly gas pipeline approximately 10,057 feet Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Baca. LEGAL - T 35S, R 46W, Sec 13. Carrizo Unit of Comanche National Grassland. Page 5 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Minnie Canyon Recreation Fence Project EA *UPDATED* - Recreation management - Heritage resource management EA *NEW LISTING* Michelle Stevens 719-383-4356 michellestevens@fs.fed .us UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Otero. LEGAL - portions of Sections 34, 35, and 36, T27S, R56W, 6th P.M., and Sections 29 and 32, T27S, R55W, 6th P.M.,. South of La Junta, Colorado on the Timpas Unit of the Comanche National Grassland. ü portions of Sections 34, 35, and 36, T27S, R56W, 6th P.M., and Sections 29 and 32, T27S, R55W, 6th P.M . - Road management Completed Actual: 02/03/2016 02/02/2016 02/2016 Jeff Stoney 719-523-1702 Description: Modifications to 2010 MVUM on the Comanche National Grassland Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT N/A UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Otero. LEGAL - Sections 34, 35 and 36, T 27S, R 56W, 6th PM,. Minnie Canyon on the Timpas Unit of the Comanche National Grassland. EA *UPDATED* R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Comanche Ranger District N/A Project Contact Michelle Stevens 09/2016 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:07/2016 719-383-4356 - Heritage resource Comment Period Public Notice michellestevens@fs.fed management 03/31/2016 .us - Road management Description: The purpose and need of this project is to protect the Minnie Canyon area's many cultural and natural resources Location: Modification of 2010 MVUM for Comanche National Grassland Expected Implementation Description: install approximately 2.25 miles of fencing near Minnie Canyon. Close 0.14 miles of FSR 2187.B, 0.18 miles of FSR 2187, and 0.12 miles of FSR 2188. Designate 5 dispersed camping areas and to incorporate a user-created turn-around loop along Rourke Rd Location: Minnie Canyon Rehabilitation Project On Hold Decision UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Otero. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Carrizo and Timpas Units of the Comanche National Grassland. Page 6 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Roger Tucker Com 112 CE *UPDATED* Comanche Ranger District Expected Implementation Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Richard Bennin 10/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 10/22/2015 620-697-4621 - Special use management - Research and Development Description: Inspect and upgrade existing raptor platforms. Upgrades would include the addition of sticks and branches. Location: Southeast Colorado Power Association (SECPA) - COM 86 Decision UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Otero. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Timpas Unit of Comanche National Grassland. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/18/2013 Expected:08/2013 09/2013 CE Richard Bennin 620-697-4621 Description: SECPA has submitted special use application for new communication use lease for site located in Section 7, T31S, R46W. Location: UNIT - Comanche Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Baca. LEGAL - Section 7, T31S, R46W. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Echo Canyon/Parry Peak/Winfield AML closure - Minerals and Geology In Progress: Scoping Start 06/01/2015 CE Leadville Ranger District Expected:04/2016 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 05/2016 Shiloh Benton 719-486-7417 shilohmbenton@fs.fed.u s Description: The abandoned mines will be filled to remove the hazards they pose. Typical methods of closure include backfilling with native materials, installation of concrete and rock bulkheads, and installation of steel grates, steel panels, or bat gates. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. There are 6-7 mines on Parry Peak and 4 mines at Winfield. Page 7 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) LTF Triathlon Series - Special use management CE *UPDATED* Leadville Ranger District Expected:04/2016 Expected Implementation Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 05/2016 David Lovato 719-486-7416 Description: Re-Issuance of a new Special Use Permit to replace an expired permit. Web Link: Location: Meadow Lakes Mountain Estates (MLME)Parshall Flume In Progress: Scoping Start 10/09/2015 Decision UNIT - Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Lake. LEGAL - T. 9 South, R. 80 West, Sections. 7, 8, 9, 16 & 17. T. 9 South, R.81 West, Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22 &23. T. 10 South, R. 80 West, Sections 19, 20, 28, 29. Lake and Chaffee Counties, CO. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/03/2015 Expected:01/2016 05/2016 CE Shiloh Benton 719-486-7428 shilohmbenton@fs.fed.u s Description: MLME is responsible for the administration of the Plan of Augmentation, which requires the replacement of water depletions caused by pumping consumptive use water from in-house use residential wells. They will install a Parshall Flume to do so. Location: Mount Zion Communication Improvements UNIT - Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. North 38° 57.705%u2019, West 106° 13.633%u2019. T12S R79W Section 29 6th PM. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/17/2015 CE Expected:01/2016 01/2016 Shiloh Benton 719-486-7428 shilohmbenton@fs.fed.u s Description: Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) has submitted an application to operate and maintain microwave antennas in support of Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) operations, used to monitor and control utility owned water sheds. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. R79W T8S Section 35. Page 8 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Mt. Elbert Trail Project - Recreation management Expected Implementation Leadville Ranger District Completed Actual: 03/08/2016 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 05/2017 CE *UPDATED* Loretta McEllhiney 719-486-7444 Description: Establish sustainable trails along the three primary access routes to the summit of Mt. Elbert through realignment and/or reconstruction. Restoration of multiple user-created paths. Trail maintenance will occur over the life of the trail. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Leadville Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Lake. LEGAL - Not Applicable. San Isabel National Forest, Leadville Ranger District. Project located on Mt. Elbert in Lake County, CO. Three Forest Trails: #1480 Black Cloud, #1481 South Mt Elbert, #1484 North Mt Elbert. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) 7 Bridges Trail Bridge Replacement Project Project Contact - Recreation management Pikes Peak Ranger District Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 08/2015 Expected:09/2015 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 10/2015 CE Caitlin Cuddihy 719-553-1496 Description: The project will replace two bridges on 7 bridges trail to provide the best opportunity to maintain public access to a continuous trail corridor. This project also improves safety of Forest Service visitors and employees in a popular recreation area. Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project area is situated in between Mt Buckhorn and Stove Mountain and leads to Jones Park. Legal Description: Township 14 South, Range 67 West, Sections 31 and 32. Sue Miller 719-477-4222 Barr Trail Mountain Race 5year Recreation Event Special Use Permit - Special use management CE Description: Issue 5-year recreation event permit for Barr Trail Mountain Race running race on Barr Trail from Manitou Springs to Barr Camp and return to Manitou Springs. Race is usually held on the third Sunday in July with up to 400 participants. *NEW LISTING* Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 02/26/2016 Expected:04/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Township 14 South, Range 68 West, Sections 1, 2, 10 and Township 14 South, Range 69 West, Section 9. Barr Trail west of Manitou Springs, CO on the east face of Pikes Peak. Page 9 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Bear Creek Watershed Restoration Project EA Expected Implementation Pikes Peak Ranger District Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Janelle Valladares 09/2015 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:09/2015 719-553-1516 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management - Special use management - Road management Description: Travel management, recreation, fish and wildlife habitat improvement, and other activities in the Bear Creek watershed and adjacent watersheds (proposed action revised in Feb 2014) Web Link: Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bear Creek watershed, southwest of the city of Colorado Springs. Sue Miller 719-477-4222 Challenge Unlimited 10-year Priority Outfitter and Guide Permit Re-issue - Special use management CE Description: Re-issue a 10-year priority outfitter and guide special use permit to conduct guided mountain bike tours on the closed section of Gold Camp Road and lower Gold Camp Road *UPDATED* Location: In Progress: Scoping Start 02/26/2016 Expected:04/2016 05/2016 UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Township 14 South, Range 67 West, Sections 22, 27, 32-33; Township 15 South, Range 67 West, Sections 5, 8, 16-17. Gold Camp Road west of Colorado Springs,CO. Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Colorado Springs Utilities Communication Site Lease Renewal. - Special use management CE Description: Re-issue lease use agreement for the operation and maintenance of communication improvements owned by Colorado Springs Utilities for a term period through December 2020. No new disturbance if association with the lease renewal process. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2015 Expected:02/2015 04/2015 UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - NE1/4NW1/4 of Section 18, T.14S., R.68W., 6th PM, El Paso County, Colorado. West of Colorado Springs located on the summit of Pikes Peak. Page 10 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Dunton FLPMA Private Road Permit - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/16/2014 Decision Expected Implementation Pikes Peak Ranger District Expected:10/2014 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 11/2014 CE Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: To reflect property ownership change, reissue an existing permit to new owners Maragaret and Mike Dunton for year round use and maintenance of an existing road (992 feet in length) to access private land. Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - Section 2, T.11S., R.69W., 6th P.M. The access road is located off of Teller County Road 79 near the Ridgewood subdivision north of Woodland Park, Colorado. Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Eagle Lake Camp Communication Restoration Project - Special use management CE Description: CenturyLink is proposing to install a 12-foot mono pole with about 162 feet of ground mounted telephone and electric cable to replace telephone lines and communication equipment damaged during the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire. Location: Friends University FLPMA Private Road Permit In Progress: Scoping Start 03/22/2013 Expected:09/2014 10/2014 UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - SW1/4 Section 12, Township 13 South, Range 68 West , 6th PM. The project area is located about 8-miles northwest of Colorado Springs off of the Rampart Range Road. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/16/2014 CE Expected:10/2014 11/2014 Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: Proposal to issues a special use permit to Friends University for year round use and maintenance of an existing road (approximately 1,250 feet in length)to access private land. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Portion of Section 4, T. 13 S., R. 68 W., 6th P.M. The access road is near Green Mountain Falls about 1-mile east of Highway 24 in an area known as Lofland Gulch. Page 11 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Grbic FLPMA Private Road Permit - Special use management Expected Implementation Pikes Peak Ranger District Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2015 Expected:03/2015 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 04/2015 CE Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: The Forest Service proposes to reissue a special use road permit that expires in December 2014 to Mr. and Mrs. Grbic to use and maintain a driveway to access private land. The existing driveway length across National Forest is approximately 145 feet Location: IREA - Carroll Lakes Powerline Rebuild Project UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - SE1/4 Section 17, T.12S., R.70W., 6th Principal Meridian, Colorado. The private driveway is located off of County Road 51 approximately 6 miles north of Divide, Colorado. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 Expected:04/2016 05/2016 CE Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: Intermountain Rural Electric Association is proposing to reconstruct an existing 7.2 powerline. The project length of the project is approximately 0.85 miles on National Forest within an existing right-of-way. Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso, Teller. LEGAL - Portions of section 9, 10, 19 and 20, T.12 S., R. 68 W., 6th PM. The project area begins in Woodland Park Colorado on private land and continues north across Rampart Range Road to the Carroll Lakes subdivision. IREA West Creek to Trout Creek - Special use management Ranch 7.2 kV Powerline Rebuild In Progress: Scoping Start 05/15/2014 CE Expected:10/2014 11/2014 Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Description: Rebuild an existing 7.2 kV overhead powerline segment approximately 7,819 feet in length within existing 20' wide right-of-way. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - Portions of Section 20, 21, 29 and 30 of T. 10 S., T. 69 W. 6th P.M. Beginning in the community of West Creek and continuing east to Rainbow Falls Park. Page 12 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Pikes Peak Highway Permit Amendment No. 4 - Special use management Expected Implementation Pikes Peak Ranger District Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2015 Expected:05/2015 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 09/2015 CE John Brown 740-534-6500 Description: Constructing a multi-event parking area adjacent to Pikes Peak Highway. Conversion of the staging area for the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Race to a paved surface. Area proposed for parking is approximately 2.1 acres. Location: Pikes Peak Summit Complex. EA Jeff Hovermale 10/2016 - Recreation management Developing Proposal Expected:06/2016 719.477.4201 - Heritage resource Est. Scoping Start 08/2015 management - Special use management - Facility management Description: The City of Colorado Springs proposes to reconstruct facilities on the summit of Pikes Peak. The project emphasizes protection of heritage resources and the National Historic Landmark status, alpine tundra restoration and interpretive elements. Web Link: Location: Rampart Gravel Pit UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - NE1/4 Section 18, T. 13 S., R. 68 W., 6th P.M. Location is mile post 7 of the Pikes Peak Highway. Intersection of Pikes Peak Highway and the access road into Catamount Reservoirs. UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Portions of Sections 7 and 18, T. 14 S., R. 68 W., 6th Principal Meridian, El Paso County, Colorado. The project area is located west of Colorado Springs on the summit of Pikes Peak. Access to the summit of Pikes Peak from Cascade, Colorado via the 19-mile Pikes Peak Highway to the summit. - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 07/16/2014 Expected:11/2014 12/2014 Jeff Hovermale 719-477-4201 Description: Colorado Springs Utilities is proposing to harvest less than 25,000 cubic yards of gravel to complete dam inprovmenets at Northfield and Nichols dams. The gravel originated in the mid-1970 from Rampart Reservoir construction project Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Portion of section 26 and 35, T 12 S., R. 68 W., 6th P.M. Approximately 1/2 mile east of Rampart Reservoir. Page 13 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Decision Expected Implementation Pikes Peak Ranger District Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Jeff Hovermale Replacement of bridge with - Watershed management On Hold N/A N/A bottomless culvert across Trout - Special use management 719.477.4201 Creek on NFSR 339. - Road management CE Description: Forest Service proposes an amendment of Forest road special use permit issued to Trout Creek Road Users Association for installation of bottomless culvert. Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - Section 34, Township 11 South, Range 69 West, 6th P.M., Teller County, Colorado. The area is located about 5 miles north of Woodland Park, Colorado using NFSR 339.C. Jeff Hovermale 719.477.4201 Rideout Property Owners Association FLPMA Forest Road Easement - Special use management CE Description: Issuance of a new special use authorization to replace an existing authorization that expires in December 2014. The authorization is for the use and maintenance of Forest Road 365 to access private lands. Location: In Progress: Scoping Start 07/16/2014 Expected:10/2014 11/2014 UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - Portions of Section 36, T.11S., R.70W., and Sections 1 and 12, T.12S., R.70W.,6th P.M. Forest Road 365 is located in the Manchester Creek area approximately 8 miles north of Divide, Colorado. Michael Welker Tussock Moth Management and - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Control 719-553-1515 719Est. Scoping Start 03/2016 (other than forest products) 553-1400 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: Proposal to implement control measures to slow the spread of tussock moth and minimize vegetation impacts on National Forest System Lands along the Wildland Urban Interface adjacent to Colorado Springs. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - T14S, R67W, Sec 28 and 33; T15S, R67W, Sec 10, 15, and 16. Wildland Urban Interface west and south of the City of Colorado Springs. Page 14 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Upper Monument Creek EIS - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Pikes Peak Ranger District In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/28/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/2015 Expected:11/2015 Project Contact 04/2016 Carin Vadala 719-477-4216 Description: The proposed action is to effectively treat up to 25,000 acres within the 67,000 acre analysis area. Combinations of mechanical thinning with product removal, mastication, hand thinning, and prescribed fire will move toward the desired conditions. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Pikes Peak Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Upper Monument Creek and West Monument Creek drainages are north and west of Colorado Springs along the Rampart Range. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Bald Mountain - West EA *UPDATED* Browns Creek Seasonal Closure - Forest products Cancelled N/A - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Hazardous fuel reduction, forest health, and travel management. Andrew White 719-530-2157 Location: UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - T14S, R79W, sections 27, 28, 33, 34 and T15S, R79W, sections 3, 10, 11. San Isabel N.F., Salida R.D. - Regulations, Directives, Orders On Hold N/A N/A Ben Lara 760-924-5509 Description: Implement Forest Order winter seasonal closure to wheeled vehicles and snowmobiles on FSR 272 Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT N/A R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Web Link: CE *UPDATED* Salida Ranger District (excluding UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - NE 1/4 Sec.11, T51N, R7E NM P.M. Chaffee County, CO. Junction of FSR 272 & FSR 274. Page 15 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Cascade Canyon Interpretive Trail System - Recreation management Completed Decision Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding Actual: 01/15/2015 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 05/2015 CE *UPDATED* Project Contact Brett Beasley 719-530-3953 Description: Approximately one mile of trail, new construction of 800 feet, reconstruction of 1,000 feet. 8 miles west of Nathrop, CO off CR 162. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. USGS quad Mt. Antero, Sec 28, T15S, R79W, 6th P.M. Chaffee County, CO. Sam Schroeder 719-539-3591 Cleveland Mountain Forest Health and Fuel Reduction Project - Forest products - Fuels management CE Description: Forest Health and Fuel Reduction Project on Cleveland Mountain on the Salida Ranger District, PSICC Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Colorado Trail #1776 at Fooses Creek Cancelled - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/01/2010 Expected:04/2016 05/2017 Ben Lara 719-530-3955 Description: Colorado Trail #1776: Construction of approximately 4.5 miles of trail. The new proposed 4.5 miles of trail will be within USDA Forest Service trail standard guidelines. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT N/A UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - T49N, R8E, Sections 19,20,29,30,31,32,. Cleveland Mountain SW of Poncha Springs, Colorado on the Salida Ranger District, PSICC. CE *UPDATED* N/A UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Section 36, T. 50 N., R. 6 E., NM P.M., Chaffee County, CO Sections 1, 2, 11, 26 & 35 T. 49 N., R. 6 E., NM P.M., Chaffee County, CO. PSICC, Salida Ranger District at Continental Divide National Scenic trail #531 and Junction of Colorado Trail #1776 at South Fooses Creek. Page 16 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Cottonwood Gulch Trails Reroute/Construction - Recreation management Completed Decision Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding Actual: 12/19/2012 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 07/2013 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Cottonwood Gulch is at W1/2 Sec. 23, & E 1/2 Sec.27, T50N, R9E, NM P.J. Chaffee County, CO. Cottonwood Gulch. - Special use management Completed Actual: 01/15/2016 02/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Spruce creek drainage, on SFSR 212. - Special use management - Road management Completed CE *UPDATED* Actual: 01/04/2008 05/2008 Chris Welker 719-530-3974 Description: The proposed action involves the improvement to and reconstruction of an existing National Forest System Road (NFSR225A), in order to access private property. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Chris Welker 719-530-3974 Description: Access to an inholding off of NFSR 212 in the Spruce Creek drainage. The driveway will be 256 feet long by 12 feet wide. The driveway exists, this effort is to get it under permit. Web Link: Location: Eve FLPMA Private Driveway Easement Jennifer Ebert 719-530-3955 Description: The project includes potential trail re-routes, construction and maintenance of existing user created trails located in portions of Cottonwood Gulch on the Salida Ranger District of the San Isabel National Forest. Web Link: Location: Eagle Unlimited, LLC, private driveway special use permit Project Contact UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - N ¿, Section 2, & SW ¿, SW¿, Section 35, T50N, R6E, NM P.M., Chaffee County, Colorado. N ¿, Section 2, & SW ¿, SW¿, Section 35, T50N, R6E, NM P.M., Chaffee County, Colorado. Page 17 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Monarch Mountain Ski Area Maintenance Building CE *NEW LISTING* Decision Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Brett Beasley 04/2016 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:03/2016 719-530-3953 - Special area management Scoping Start 02/22/2016 - Facility management Description: Construction of a new 40' x 125' maintenance building because existing shed is not large enough to both maintain vehicles as well house the vehicles to keep out of weather. Location: UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Section 8 T. 49N, R. 6 E., SW 1/4 6th NMPM., Chaffee County, CO UTM %u2013 Zone 13N 4263603, 383961 . Monarch Pass (Hwy 50) Monarch Colorado . Neal Weierbach 719-553-1510 O'Haver Lake Campground and Day Use Area Capital Investment Project - Recreation management - Facility management CE Description: This project focuses on the renovation and re-construction of this 29 unit campground and the adjoining day-use facilities. New site furniture, an improved water system, level camping spurs, tent pads, new toilets, trail improvements are all include Location: Pomeroy Gulch Morley Bridge Stabilization On Hold N/A UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - NMPM, T48n, R7e, sec 12. Salida Ranger District of the San Isabel National Forest. - Heritage resource management Cancelled N/A CE *NEW LISTING* N/A Meghan Mulholland 719-486-0749 Description: Stabilization of historic railroad bridge abutments Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT N/A UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - NMPM T. 51N R5E Section13. Pomeroy Gulch, Chalk Creek. Page 18 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Poncha Loop Management Project EA *UPDATED* Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A CE *UPDATED* Brett Beasley 719-530-3953 Description: Develop a recreation facility for approximately 10 vehicles to park. Develop/construct approximately 300 yards of new motorized singletrack trail. Also analyze 1 mile of existing two-track for motorized use. Location: Re-issuance of District special event special use permits. R2 - Rocky Mountain Region UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - T49N, R8E, Sec 5,7,8; T50N, R8E, Sec 17,18,19,20. Salida RD, PSICC, southwest of Poncha Springs, CO. CE *UPDATED* Project Contact Lisa Corbin 06/2017 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:09/2016 719-530-3956 - Forest products Comment Period Public Notice - Vegetation management 03/21/2016 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Mechanical and prescribed fire treatments in mixed conifer, ponderosa pine and aspen. Management of recreation opportunities including disperse camping and re-routes of the Rainbow Trail. Web Link: Location: Porter Gulch T.H. Decision UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - T48N, R10E, Section 7, Section 13. Porter gulch, Salida RD. Tambi Gustafson 07/2009 - Recreation management Completed Actual: 06/01/2009 719-530-3978 - Special area management - Special use management Description: The re-issuance of temporary special event permits on the Salida Ranger District for May 1, 2008 - November 1, 2008 summer season. These permits will utilize less than 5 contiguous acres. Approximately 11 events. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Salida Ranger District. Salida Ranger District. Tambi Gustafson 719-530-3978 Re-issuence of summer outfitter / guide special use permits. - Special use management CE Description: Re-issuence of temporary special use permits. 2008 season dates approximately May 1 - November 1. Approximately 35 permits. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Cancelled N/A N/A UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. Salida Ranger District. Page 19 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) Decision Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Chris Welker Reinstatement of Seasonal 12/2010 - Land management planning Completed Actual: 04/07/2010 Gate Closure to Fourmile Travel - Recreation management 719-530-3974 Management Area - Road management CE Description: Reinstatement of a seasonal gate closure to protect big game winter range habitat, and limit excessive mud *UPDATED* season wear and tear on specific full-sized vehicle roads and Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) system trails in the Fourmile Travel Management Area. Location: UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Fourmile Travel Management Area - PSICC/Salida Ranger District. Fourmile Travel Management Area - PSICC/Salida Ranger District. Chris Welker Sangre Decristo Cellular, Inc. 06/2010 - Special use management Completed Actual: 04/23/2010 Communications Lease Re719-530-3974 issuance Bald Mountain Facility Description: The Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (PSICC) proposes to CE reissue a Communications Lease to Sangre Decristo Cellular, Inc. (dba) Verizon Wireless, authorizing an existing *UPDATED* cellular communications facility. Location: South Cottonwood Creek Bridge Replacement UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Section 27, T. 14 S., R. 79 W., 6th Principle Meridian, Chaffee County, Colorado. Section 27, T. 14 S., R. 79 W., 6th Principle Meridian, Chaffee County, Colorado. - Road management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/21/2016 Expected:05/2016 07/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: Replacing bridge over South Cottonwood Creek. Web Link: Location: South Fooses/Colorado Trail Reroute UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 10 miles southwest of Buena Vista. - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/08/2011 Expected:04/2016 06/2017 CE *NEW LISTING* Brett Beasley (719) 530-3953 Description: Reroute several sections of fall line trail on the S.Fooses section of the Colorado Trail Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Ronald Reeder 719-530-3972 ronaldcreeder@fs.fed.u s UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Colorado Trail segment from Hwy 50 up the S. Fooses Drainage to the Continental Divide Trail. Page 20 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Projects occurring in more than one District) UAWCD Reservoir Analysis EIS *UPDATED* Expected Implementation Salida Ranger District (excluding - Special use management Completed R2 - Rocky Mountain Region San Carlos Ranger District Actual: 02/13/2014 06/2014 CE Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: re-issue a special use permit for the use of 499 acres of livestock areas on National Forest System lands on the San Carlos Ranger District Location: Black Hills Energy, Inc. R2 - Rocky Mountain Region UNIT - Salida Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee. LEGAL - 1.) Section 5,T50N,R6E,NM P.M., Chaffee County, Colorado 2.) Section 29,T50N,R6E,NM P.M., Chaffee County, Colorado 3.) Section 12,T48N,R8E,NM P.M., Chaffee County, Colorado. 1.) North Fork reservoir 2.) Boss Lake 3.) O'Haver Lake / all facilities located in Chaffee County, Colorado. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) *UPDATED* Project Contact Ben Lara 12/2017 - Land management planning In Progress: Expected:08/2017 719-530-3955 - Recreation management NOI in Federal Register - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants 03/16/2007 - Watershed management Est. DEIS NOA in Federal - Special use management Register 04/2016 Description: EIS level analysis to authorize the issuance of term Special Use Permits to the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District (UAWCD) in order to operate and maintain the North Fork, Boss, and O'Haver water storage facilities. Web Link: Location: Billington Ranch Livestock Areas Decision UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Custer County. - Special use management On Hold N/A CE N/A Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: Reissuance of a Special Use Permit SAN400901 for a power transmission line Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Fremont. T20S, R70W 6th P.M. adn T20S R71W 6th P.M. Page 21 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) East - Central Wet Mountain EA - Fuels management - Watershed management On Hold Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region San Carlos Ranger District N/A Project Contact N/A Michael Picard 719-530-3958 Description: Conduct Fuels and Vegetation Treatments - Designed to reduce the threat of catastrophic fire and restore forest conditions. Location: Locke Mountain ( Fuels) EA Michael Picard - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A 719-269-8700 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Fuels reduction and Forest Health treatments, in the form of mechanical thinning/chipping followed-up by prescribed fire Location: San Carlos Outfitter - Guide Permit Reissue UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer, Pueblo. LEGAL - T21SW68S3032,T21S69WS17,19-21,25-36,T21S70WS23-26,34-36,t22S68WS3-10,15-22,27-32,T22S69WS1-29,3236,T23S68WS5-8,17-20,27-34,T23S69wS1-18,21-27,35-36,T23S70WS11-15,22-24,T24S68WS4-9,1621,27,34,T24S69. East-Central Wet Mouintain Area i. UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer, Fremont. LEGAL - T20S,R71W., Section 25, T20S,R70W., Section 28,29,30,31,32,33, and 34. T21S, R70W., Section 4,5,6,8, and 9. 15 miles South East of Canon City. - Recreation management Completed Actual: 03/17/2016 05/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: Convert 20 Outfitter and Guide Transitional Priority Special Use Permits to 10 Year Priority Permits. Web Link: Location: San Isabel Electric - Spradley Road Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Pueblo. LEGAL - Not Applicable. San Carlos Ranger Distsrict. - Special use management On Hold CE N/A N/A Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: ROW - Buried Power Line Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - San Carlos District Spanish Peak area. T31S, R69W. Page 22 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) San Isabel Electric, SAN402403 - Special use management Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region San Carlos Ranger District On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. Permit Number SAN402404 - ROW, Power Trans Line - Renew Permit Location: San Isabel Electric, SAN402404 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. T27S R 72W 6th P.M. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: San Isabel Electric Permit Number SAN402404 - ROW, Power Trans Line - Remewal Permit Location: UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - San Carlos District Different area on the district. T.31S. R.69W. 6th PM. Sangre De Cristo Electric - SAN - Special use management 401610 On Hold N/A N/A CE Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: ROW Power Trans Line -Permit number SAN 401610 Location: Sangre De Cristo Electrict SAN 401614 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - San Carlos District Different area on the district. T44S, R73W. - Special use management On Hold CE N/A N/A Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Description: ROW, Power Trans Line Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - San Carlos District Different area on the district. T44S, R73W. Page 23 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Sheep Mountain Project - Special use management CE Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region San Carlos Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 04/16/2015 Expected:06/2015 Project Contact 07/2015 John Baumchen 575-374-9652 Description: Zonge Inc. submitted a Notice of Intent to conduct a magnetotelluric geophysical survey at seven locations on the San Carlos Ranger District Web Link: Location: UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer, Huerfano. LEGAL - Not Applicable. South Wet Mountains, Spanish Peaks Areas. Slide Mountain - Range Allotment Management Planning - Grazing management EA Description: Update of range allotment management plan for the Slide Mtn. - Cattle and Horse allotment. Location: On Hold N/A N/A Michael Picard 719-530-3959 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - T.27S,R71W., SECTION 31 & 32, T.28S.,R72W., SECTION 4,5, AND 6. APPROXIMATELY 15 MILES SOUTH WEST OF GARDNER, COLORADO. Ron Torretta 719-269-8537 Slide Mountain Parks - Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Prescribed Burn - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE Description: Prescribed burning in approximately 110 acres of montane meadows to improve wildlife habitat for big game and other wildlife species. Location: On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Huerfano. LEGAL - Township 27S, Range 71W, Sections 31 and 32; Township 28S, Range 71W, Sections 3 and 4. Approximately 12 miles southwest of Gardiner, Colorado. Jessica Javernick 719-269-8703 Special Uses Permit Reissuances. Expired Existing Permits - Special use management CE Description: Issuance of a new special use authorization for a new term to replace an existing or expired special use authorization when the only changes are administrative. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2010 Expected:12/2010 01/2012 UNIT - San Carlos Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Las Animas, Pueblo. San Carlos Ranger District. Page 24 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Badger Flats Management Project - Recreation management - Road management EA Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region South Park Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 10/21/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 12/2015 Expected:07/2016 Project Contact 07/2016 Josh Voorhis 970-638-4516 Description: The Forest Service is proposing to implement changes to the existing Forest road system within the Badger Flats management area Web Link: Location: Echo-Beaver Fuels Treatment Project CE Mike Hessler 11/2015 - Vegetation management In Progress: Expected:10/2015 719-836-2031 (other than forest products) Scoping Start 08/17/2012 - Fuels management Description: Approximately 1750 acres of NF lands, consisting of ponderosa pine, mixed conifer, and grass/shrub lands, will be analyzed for fuels mitigation treatments to reduce risk to two subdivisons and other private land parcels. Web Link: Location: Gold Prospectors of Colorado Beaver Creek Placer Mine UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Badger Flats is located just northwest of Lake George, CO. UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Township 13S, Range 72W, sections 26, 27, 28, 33, 34 & 35; and Township 14S, Range 72 W, sections 2, 3 & 4. 6th PM, Park County, CO. It's located 8 miles SW of Lake George, CO; south of Park Cty Rd. 98 and east of Park Cty Rd. 100. - Minerals and Geology On Hold EA N/A N/A Kristen Sexton 719-836-3857 Description: Group and club activity authorizing small scale placer mining using gold pans, sluice boxes and smaller motorized dredges. Occasional backhoe use. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Sections 5 and 8 of Township 9 South Range 77 West. Beaver Creek approximately five miles North of the town of Fairplay, Colorado off of Forest Service Road 659. Page 25 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region South Park Ranger District Jeff Hyatt 719-836-3855 Jefferson Lake Dam Rehabilitation Project - City of Aurora - Special use management CE Description: City of Aurora Water Resources Division requests an amendment to their special use permit to add rip-rap on the upstream face of Jefferson Lake dam, enlarge spillway, extend outlet pipe, level dam crest and extend the toe of the dam. Location: LGPD #2 Plan of Operations N/A N/A UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Sec 10, 11, T7S, R76W, 6th PM. Approximately 25 miles NE of Fairplay, Colorado, on Hwy 285, County Rd 35 and 37. - Minerals and Geology CE On Hold In Progress: Scoping Start 12/28/2015 *NEW LISTING* Expected:03/2016 07/2016 Amy Titterington 719-836-2031 amyjtitterington@fs.fed. us Description: The Forest Service is proposing to authorize the operator a plan of operations to explore for and mine amazonite, smoky quartz and other pegmatite minerals using mechanized equipment. Web Link: Location: Lake George Area Fuels Management project EA *UPDATED* Josh Voorhis 06/2017 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:05/2017 970-638-4516 - Forest products Est. Scoping Start 08/2016 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: The objective of this project is primarily hazardous fuels mitigation through prescribed burning and mechanical thinning. Most locations involve WUI. Other benefits may include: firewood, minor commercial forest products & wildlife habitat imps Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - T12S R71W Section 17. Crystal Creek mining area. UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The general area is around Lake George - extending north to Webber Park and south to Fish Creek. Page 26 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Lovely Lisa Plan of Operations - Minerals and Geology CE Decision Expected Implementation South Park Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 01/28/2016 Expected:03/2016 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 09/2016 *NEW LISTING* Amy Titterington 719-836-2031 amyjtitterington@fs.fed. us Description: The Forest Service is proposing to authorize the operator a plan of operations to explore for and mine amazonite, smoky quartz and other pegmatite minerals using mechanized equipment. Web Link: Location: Michigan Creek Aquatic Organsim Passage CE UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Teller. LEGAL - T12S R71W Section 3. Crystal Creek mining area. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management - Road management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/05/2014 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 09/2014 Expected:08/2014 09/2014 Michael Welker 719-553-1515 719553-1400 Description: Replace a poorly placed, undersized, and damaged culvert at the intersection of Michigan Creek and County Road (FSR) 54 to improve aquatic organism passage while reducing sedimentation. Location: Puma City Plan of Operations UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Michigan Creek Fish Passage Project is located in the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 28 at T.7S, R.76W, Park County, Colorado. - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 01/07/2016 *NEW LISTING* Expected:03/2016 05/2016 Amy Titterington 719-836-2031 amyjtitterington@fs.fed. us Description: The proposal is to authorize the operator a plan of operations for mining. The operator proposes to use hand tools to excavate and develop a previously back-filled mine shaft. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T12S R71W Section 5. north of Pulver Gulch which is 7.5 miles NW of Lake George. Page 27 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management CE Description: reissuing lease to Quest for another 10 year period, no change in scope On Hold N/A Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region South Park Ranger District Quest Communication Tower Lease Reissue - Sacramento Ridge Location: Expected Implementation N/A Jeff Hyatt 719-836-3855 UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T9S R78W S35 SWSW. Sacramento Ridge Communication site. Josh Voorhis 970-638-4516 Return National Forest System Road (NFSR) 669.2c to Administrative Status - Recreation management - Road management EA Description: Changing National Forest System Road (FSR) 669.2c from maintenance level 1 open to the public motorized to maintenance level 1 USFS administration. FSR 669.2c will remain open to non-motorized recreation opportunities. Web Link: Location: Road Permits South Park Ranger District Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2015 Expected:12/2015 01/2016 UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T9S. R77W. Section 9. T9S. R77W. Section 9. Also, see attached map. - Special use management - Road management In Progress: Scoping Start 11/14/2014 CE Expected:06/2015 08/2015 Shiloh Benton 719-486-7417 shilohmbenton@fs.fed.u s Description: The South Park Ranger District of the Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron & Comanche National Grasslands is accepting comments on a proposal granting four road permits to private inholdings located within Forest Service lands in Park Co Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. CR 23, CR 77, CR 46, CR 39. Page 28 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Rock Creek Restoration and Trailhead Relocation EA *NEW LISTING* - Recreation management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management Expected Implementation South Park Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 03/23/2016 Expected:03/2017 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 06/2017 Kristen Meyer 719-836-3860 kristenemeyer@fs.fed.u s Description: The project will relocate the Rock Creek trailhead to the Colorado Trail junction on NFSR 133 for sustainability. NFSRs 814 and 133 would be closed beyond the trailhead. Restoration activities will take place along the Rock Creek riparian corridor. Web Link: Location: Sheep Mountain Management Project Decision UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. West of the town of Jefferson (approx. 6 miles), near the NW edge of the Lost Creek Wilderness. - Recreation management EA *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Scoping Start 12/20/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 03/2016 Expected:08/2016 08/2016 Joseph Carlson 719-836-2031 josephcarlson@fs.fed.u s Description: The Forest Service is proposing to implement changes to some of the existing National Forest System Trails (NFST) and National Forest System Roads (NFSR) within the Sheep Mountain Management Project Area to support sustainable recreation practices. Web Link: Location: Steel Rose Plan of Operations UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T10S R78W S9-11, 14-16, 22-24. Sheep Mountain Area - southwest of Fairplay. - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 02/10/2015 Expected:05/2015 06/2015 Amy Titterington 719-836-2031 amyjtitterington@fs.fed. us Description: The Forest Service is proposing to authorize the operator to mine for gold and silver using mechanized equipment. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T11S R73W section 21. approximately 2 miles southwest of LaSalle Pass in Park County, CO. Page 29 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Tie Hack Road to Trail Conversion (FSR 182) - Recreation management - Road management EA Decision Expected Implementation R2 - Rocky Mountain Region South Park Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 07/06/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 12/2015 Expected:01/2016 Project Contact 08/2017 Sheila Lamb 719-836-2031 Description: This project would convert an existing Forest Service System Road (182) into a Forest Service System Trail (182) and restore a number of road-related resource issues. The existing trailhead parking area would be clearly defined and signs installed. Web Link: Location: Verizon Tower Lease Renewal Sacramento Ridge UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T10S R77W S18 and T10S R78W S2&13. 2.5 miles southwest of Fairplay off County Road 18. - Special use management On Hold N/A Jeff Hyatt 719-836-3855 N/A CE Description: renewal of 10-year lease which expires 12-31-2012 Location: UNIT - South Park Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - T9S R78W S35 SWSW. Sacramento Ridge communication site. Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Camp Elim/Long Meadow Ranch Land Exchange Joint Venture - Land acquisition EA South Platte Ranger District In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 08/29/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 11/2015 Expected:01/2016 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 01/2016 Lisa Heagley 303-275-5624 Description: Assembled Land exchange on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests. Approximately 307 acres of federal land in exchange for 493 acres of private land. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Chaffee, Douglas, Jefferson, Park, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. See Maps on Website. Page 30 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Colorado Mile High Clam & Lobster Club - Special use management Expected Implementation South Platte Ranger District In Progress: Scoping Start 10/17/2014 Expected:07/2015 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 08/2015 CE Brandon Mitchell 303-275-5629 Description: Issue an authorization for a new term for the operation and maintenance of existing facilities, parking, and road access utilized during an annual weekend long gathering of up to 500 persons by CMHCLC. The permitted area is approximately 4.25 acres Web Link: Location: Corral Creek and Molly Gulch Culvert Replacement UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - T8S, R69W, Sec 4. Adjacent to Bear Cree and approximately 1.5 miles northeast of Moonridge, CO just north of Douglas County Route 67. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2015 CE Expected:10/2015 10/2015 Caitlin Cuddihy 719-553-1496 Description: Replacement of the culverts at Corral Creek and Molly Gulch with new drainage structures better able to accommodate fish passage and limit sediment transport. Web Link: Location: UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - El Paso. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Corral Creek Legal Location (Township, Range, Section(s)): T 11 S, R 71 W, Sect. 6 Molly Gulch Legal Location (Township, Range, Section(s)): T 10 S, R 71 W, Sect. 9 . Crossons-Longview Environmental Assessment Forest Restoration Project EA Kris Heiny 10/2015 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:09/2015 303-275-5636 - Vegetation management Notice of Initiation 03/14/2014 (other than forest products) Est. Comment Period Public - Fuels management Notice 05/2014 Description: The South Platte Ranger District of the Pike National Forest is proposing to treat up to 10,000 forested acres in Jefferson and Park counties. The project would restore portions of the Crossons-Longview area to more historic conditions. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Jefferson, Park. LEGAL T.7S.,R.70W.:SEC.21-29,31-36; T.7S.,R.71W.:SEC.31-36; T.7S.,R.72W.:SEC.29, 32-36; T.8S.,R.71W.:SEC.19,16-18; T.8S.,R.72W.:SEC.1-4,10-14,23-24. The analysis area lies along the Districts northern boundary between the communities of Bailey and South Platte. The analysis area covers approximately 15,000 acres. Page 31 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Crossons-Longview Forest Restoration Project EA South Platte Ranger District Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region Matthew Schweich 09/2015 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:07/2015 303-275-5615 (other than forest products) Est. Notice of Initiation 01/2014 - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: Forest restoration, fuels management, and other actions to improve forest health and reduce watershed risk. Location: Douglas County Public Works Weather Stations Expected Implementation UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Jefferson, Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest System lands in the North Fork of the South Platte River watershed. - Special use management CE In Progress: 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 10/03/2013 Expected:04/2015 04/2015 Brandon Mitchell 303-275-5629 Description: Installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment utilized to monitor weather events. Web Link: Location: Hall Valley Road Association UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas, Park, Teller. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Watersheds surrounding the Hayman Fire recovery area. - Special use management CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 11/2015 Expected:05/2016 05/2016 Kimberly Nguyen 303-275-5018 kimberlynguyen@fs.fed. us Description: Propose to issue a special use authorization to the Hall Valley South Side Road Association for a new term to allow continued use and maintenance of existing roadways that access private lands. Location: High Country Travel and Recreation Analysis EA Matthew Schweich 09/2015 - Land management planning Developing Proposal Expected:07/2015 303-275-5615 - Recreation management Est. Notice of Initiation 09/2013 - Road management Description: Considers changes to travel management and the range of available recreation activities. Seeks to provide a variety of travel and recreation opportunities compatible with the subalpine and alpine environment of the analysis area. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Park County Road 60; Forest Service Road 120. UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Clear Creek, Jefferson, Park. LEGAL Not Applicable. Generally all District lands west of Bailey, excluding Wilderness, including the Guanella Pass, Harris Park, and Kenosha Pass areas. Page 32 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) High Country Travel and Recreation Management - Recreation management - Road management South Platte Ranger District Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2015 CE Expected Implementation Expected:07/2015 Project Contact R2 - Rocky Mountain Region 07/2015 Lisa Heagley 303-275-5624 Description: Modify existing travel management system and to better define and implement recreation opportunities to accommodate a range of current and anticipated uses while providing balance with the protection of the resources. Web Link: Location: Horse Creek Restoration CE Brian Banks 07/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:06/2015 303-275-5638 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 06/11/2015 (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: The USFS proposes to conduct soil stabilization and stream restoration work to reduce erosion and sedimentation and improve wildlife habitat in the Horse and Camp Creek watersheds. Web Link: Location: IREA Deckers Highway 126 Powerline Rebuild CE UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project is located southeast of Deckers in T9S, R70W, Sec(s)21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,33,34,35,36 and T10S R70W, Sec(s) 1,2,3,4,10,and 11 6th prime meridian. Brandon Mitchell 02/2016 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:02/2016 303-275-5629 (other than forest products) Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 - Special use management Description: IREA is proposing to rebuild approximately 2.5 miles of existing powerline that provides electric service in the Deckers Highway 126 area. On other lands an additional 1.2 miles would be rebuilt as part of the project. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Clear Creek, Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. NF on the South Platte RD that lie north & west of Bailey, CO including the area around Harris Park, Shawnee, south side of Guanella Pass, Geneva Ck, Hall Valley, Beaver Ck & north Kenosha Pass. UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Jefferson. LEGAL - T9S, R70W, Sec(s)19,20,21,29,30 and T9S, R71W, Sec(s)25, 6th PM. Approximately 3 miles west of Deckers, CO. Page 33 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) IREA Flying G to Stoney Pass Powerline Rebuild CE CE R2 - Rocky Mountain Region UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Jefferson. LEGAL - T9S, R71W, Sec(s) 10,15,21,22,28,33,34, 6th PM. Approximately 6 miles west of Deckers, CO. Brandon Mitchell 11/2015 - Vegetation management In Progress: Expected:10/2015 303-275-5629 (other than forest products) Scoping Start 08/27/2015 - Special use management Description: IREA is proposing to rebuild approximately 1.4 miles of existing powerline that provides electric service in the Stump Road to Lucky Stars Ranch area. On other lands an additional 1.1 miles would be rebuilt as part of the project. Location: Long Hollow Bypass Trail South Platte Ranger District Project Contact Brandon Mitchell 02/2016 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:02/2016 303-275-5629 (other than forest products) Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 - Special use management Description: IREA is proposing to rebuild approximately 2.6 miles of existing powerline that provides electric service in the Flying G to Stoney Pass area. On other lands an additional 2.1 miles would be rebuilt as part of the project. Location: IREA Stump Road to Lucky Stars Ranch Powerline Rebuild Expected Implementation UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - T10S, R70W, Sec(s)22,26,27,35,36, 6thPM. Approximately 1.5 miles west of Westcreek, CO. - Recreation management CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2015 Expected:06/2015 08/2015 Scott Dollus 303-275-5626 Description: Approximately 2 miles of new trail construction to connect trail 770 to an existing section of trail 770. This will allow users of the trail to avoid riding the Long Hollow road. Location: Private Road Access Authorizations UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Rampart Range - Douglas County. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/22/2015 CE Expected:11/2015 01/2016 Brandon Mitchell 303-275-5629 Description: Proposal to issue three special use authorizations (Adams, Myers, Peters) for a new term to allow continued use and maintenance of existing roadways that access private lands. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - South Platte Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Jefferson, Park. LEGAL - T6S, R73W, Sec21 & T8S, R71W, Sec18. Adams & Peters = Deer Creek; Myers = Morrison Creek. Page 34 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Page 35 of 35 Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands