This article was downloaded by: [Simon Fraser University] On: 02 December 2011, At: 12:16 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Global Public Health Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Collecting injury surveillance data in low- and middle-income countries: The Cape Town Trauma Registry pilot a a Nadine Schuurman , Jonathan Cinnamon , Richard Matzopoulos b , Vanessa Fawcett c e d , Andrew Nicol & S. Morad Hameed e a Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada b MRC/UNISA Crime, Violence, and Injury Lead Programme in South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa c Vancouver Coastal Health, BC, Canada d Department of Surgery, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa e Division of General Surgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada Available online: 24 May 2011 To cite this article: Nadine Schuurman, Jonathan Cinnamon, Richard Matzopoulos, Vanessa Fawcett, Andrew Nicol & S. Morad Hameed (2011): Collecting injury surveillance data in low- and middle-income countries: The Cape Town Trauma Registry pilot, Global Public Health, 6:8, 874-889 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. 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Global Public Health Vol. 6, No. 8, December 2011, 874889 Collecting injury surveillance data in low- and middle-income countries: The Cape Town Trauma Registry pilot Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Nadine Schuurmana*, Jonathan Cinnamona, Richard Matzopoulosb, Vanessa Fawcettc,e, Andrew Nicold and S. Morad Hameede a Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada; bMRC/ UNISA Crime, Violence, and Injury Lead Programme in South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa; cVancouver Coastal Health, BC, Canada; dDepartment of Surgery, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; eDivision of General Surgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada (Received 26 October 2009; final version received 3 July 2010) Injury is a major public health issue, responsible for 5 million deaths each year, equivalent to the total mortality caused by HIV, malaria and tuberculosis combined. The World Health Organisation estimates that of the total worldwide deaths due to injury, more than 90% occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Despite the burden of injury sustained by LMIC, there are few continuing injury surveillance systems for collection and analysis of injury data. We describe a hospital-based trauma surveillance instrument for collection of a minimum data-set for calculating common injury scoring metrics including the Abbreviated Injury Scale and the Injury Severity Score. The Cape Town Trauma Registry (CTTR) is designed for injury surveillance in low-resource settings. A pilot at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town was conducted for one month to demonstrate the feasibility of systematic data collection and analysis, and to explore challenges of implementing a trauma registry in a LMIC. Key characteristics of the CTTR include: ability to calculate injury severity, key minimal data elements, expansion to include quality indicators and minimal drain on human resources based on few fields. The CTTR provides a strategy to describe the distribution and consequences of injury in a high trauma volume, low-resource environment. Keywords: injury surveillance; burden of injury; low- and middle-income countries; South Africa; injury prevention; geographic information systems; injury data Background Injury as a public health issue in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) Injury is a major public health issue, responsible for 5 million deaths each year worldwide, equivalent to the total mortality caused by HIV, malaria and tuberculosis combined (World Health Organisation 2008a). Although the problem is truly global, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that, of the total worldwide deaths due to injury, more than 90% occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC; Peden et al. 2002). Furthermore, for every death from injury, there are many more *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 1744-1692 print/ISSN 1744-1706 online # 2011 Taylor & Francis Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Global Public Health 875 injuries that result in hospitalisation (Krug et al. 2000), and many that are unaccounted for altogether. In LMIC, injury is overlooked as a major public health concern in favour of more visible issues, despite the massive number of lives lost and the large contribution to patient disability and morbidity (Mock et al. 2004, Hofman et al. 2005). For example, many thousands of children and adolescents saved from nutritional and infectious diseases are killed or disabled through injuries sustained in subsequent years (Sommers 2006). Fortunately, injury in children and youth is beginning to be viewed as a major public health concern globally (World Health Organisation 2008b, Hyder et al. 2009); however, improved awareness is needed worldwide regarding the toll of injury in all age groups. Injury is a large public health burden common to many LMIC. Hyder and Aggarwal (2009) describe the much greater toll of injury observed in the LMIC of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, compared with the high-income countries of Western Europe. Similar issues have been highlighted in LMIC in Asia (Consunji and Hyder 2004), and Latin America (Perel et al. 2006). African countries are particularly burdened by high rates of injury (Lopez et al. 2006). South Africa is a middle-income country that is encumbered with a diverse burden of disease, including infectious diseases, chronic and degenerative diseases, malnutrition and childbirth-related conditions and a disproportionately large burden of trauma (Brysiewicz 2001, Goosen et al. 2003). Interpersonal violence and road-traffic collisions are the leading causes of injury in South Africa (Brooks et al. 1999, Goosen et al. 2003, Meel 2004). In 2005, 39% of all injury-related deaths resulted from interpersonal violence (Prinsloo 2007). Despite the reduction in political conflict in the post-apartheid era, interpersonal violence has continued to plague South Africa (Norman et al. 2007), and has actually increased in the past 20 years (Bowley et al. 2002). South Africa has the dubious distinction of being one of the few places where rates of intentional injury exceed the rates of unintentional injury (Norman et al. 2007). The murder rate in South Africa is 56 per 100,000; this rate is over five times that in the USA (10.6 per 100,000; Brooks and Barker 2003). Road-traffic fatality rates in South Africa are also among the highest in the world and in 2000 were estimated at double the global average (Norman et al. 2007). In 2001, pedestrian deaths accounted for more than half of all road-traffic fatalities in South Africa (Sukhai and van Niekerk 2002). Surveillance data from South Africa’s four largest cities (Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg) between 2001 and 2005 revealed that deaths were clustered in the 2044-year age category and that more than half of the pedestrian deaths occurred when the drivers were under the influence of alcohol (Mabunda et al. 2008). The value of injury surveillance and control Injury prevention relies on the availability of up-to-date and detailed information that is acquired through injury surveillance. It is imperative that data on injury are collected and analysed so that public health officials can gain a better understanding of the magnitude and characteristics of the problem, as a key step towards injury control (Krug et al. 2000). Injury surveillance systems are relatively well developed in resource-rich settings; however, they are poorly equipped or non-existent in many LMIC (Mock et al. 2004). There is growing interest in developing injury surveillance systems in LMIC. For example, recent studies have documented the development of 876 N. Schuurman et al. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 injury surveillance systems in Colombia (Gutierrez-Martinez et al. 2007), Thailand (Santikarn et al. 1999), Sri Lanka (Jayatilleke et al. 2007), Ghana (London et al. 2002), Malawi (Samuel et al. 2009), Ethiopia (Kebede et al. 2008) and Nicaragua (Tercero 2007). This study describes the results of a pilot data capture study and feasibility analysis at a hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, as the first step towards the development of an injury surveillance system, the CTTR. The pilot described in this study is the first of three pilot data collection projects designed to successively cover a greater geographical extent of Cape Town. Pilot 2 will begin in February 2010 and will run for 3 months. It will integrate patient charting with the injury surveillance data. Pilot 3, expected to begin in January 2011, will include eight major trauma treatment hospitals in Cape Town. Injury surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa Few trauma registries exist in sub-Saharan Africa and those that are operating are often poorly developed and maintained (Nwomeh et al. 2006). As such, little or no data are collected on injury in these settings, and as a result, its causes and social implications are largely unknown (Mock et al. 2004). South Africa has a system for capturing injury mortality, the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System (NIMSS), which was established by a research consortium, and which uses mortuary data to populate a database of injury-related deaths (Matzopoulos 2005). This system, however, does not capture the full spectrum of the burden of injury in that country, particularly the massive public health issue of injury morbidity. This was deemed too expensive and logistically challenging for the consortium to establish and maintain without considerable financial and logistical support (Matzopoulos et al. 1999). Streamlined hospital-based data collection is an effective method of collecting injury data in resource-poor settings, contributing greatly to our understanding of both injury morbidity and mortality (Schultz et al. 2007). A minimum data-set (MDS) that captures just the relevant information, coded to a recognised standard, may be the best approach for collection of public health data in locations where resources, expertise and time are limited (Tierney et al. 2006). Tierney et al. (2006) describe a MDS used to collect data on HIV in order to manage and monitor patients. Zavala and colleagues (2007, 2008) describe a multinational injury surveillance pilot study at hospitals in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia. Phase 1 of this study was designed to uncover the necessary administration, supervision and human resources necessary for a functioning surveillance system. Kobusingye and Lett (2000) described the establishment of hospital-based trauma registries at two hospitals in Uganda, as a first step towards the creation of a comprehensive injury surveillance system for the country. In addition to the development and testing of a MDS for data collection, a new injury severity instrument was devised (the Kampala Trauma Score KTS) as a simplified method to assess injury severity. Based on the success of the implementation, the authors concluded that trauma registries and a simplified injury severity metric are feasible and valuable in sub-Saharan Africa. Whilst these tools were demonstrated to be important innovations for collecting injury data in low-resource environments, the concept has yet to take hold in many regions. The purpose of the present study was to develop Global Public Health 877 injury data collection protocols appropriate to low-resource environments, building on previous developments in the field such as those described previously. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Methods Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH) is a large, publicly funded tertiary hospital that shares the trauma patient load for the Cape Town metropolitan area with Tygerberg Hospital the other major adult definitive care centre. In addition, there are a number of secondary hospitals that treat injuries. An estimated 11,00012,000 patients are registered at GSH Trauma Unit annually. GSH is one of two definitive trauma centres in Cape Town. However, Cape Town does not have an inclusive trauma system, which means many severe injuries will be treated in hospitals with ICU capacity, rather than in definitive trauma centres. Unpublished data from a caseload assessment showed that GSH only saw 15,000 of a total of 108,000 patients presenting to secondary and tertiary hospitals in the city (Matzopoulos 2005). These data do not, however, differentiate severe injury from general caseload. Whilst GSH treats approximately 11,000 patients annually, the hospital sees a greater proportion of severe injury than most local hospitals, excepting Tygerberg and the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. Assessment of need A needs and feasibility assessment was conducted with the staff and directors of the trauma unit at GSH prior to engaging in designing a data collection protocol. The needs assessment was designed to respond to local hospital-based requirements, dictates of trauma registrars in North America and Europe and examination of the surveillance literature. Chief among the priorities that emerged from the needs assessment was the requirement that the KTS, Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) could be calculated. The form itself was developed through a series of consultations with trauma registrars with the goal of achieving compliance with major parameters of international surveillance. In addition, iterative on-site revisions were made to comply with local data flow needs. GSH was one of the hospitals that participated in the National Trauma Data Bank project in South Africa (Verticalapps 2008). The Head of the Trauma Centre at GSH estimates that 8000 of 24,000 injury patient records were entered during a two-year trial period at GSH. The current system was determined to be ineffective at capturing the trauma population, as information was not gathered for a large proportion of the patients seen in the unit. The purpose of the CTTR is to streamline that data entry process so that it becomes an integral part of the workflow and is thus accomplished despite institutional and cultural barrier to injury surveillance data collection. Creation of the Cape Town Trauma Registry (CTTR) injury surveillance data collection instrument It was envisioned that the Cape Town Trauma Registry (CTTR) could potentially provide a valuable record of all patients who presented to the trauma unit at GSH. It is common to exclude patients from a registry based on a number of criteria, including injury severity and length of stay; however, there is little concurrence 878 N. Schuurman et al. between registries on their choice of criteria. Bergeron et al. (2006) suggest that the choice of exclusion criteria can seriously affect the composition of the observed population and, therefore, the severity of injuries and the utilisation of resources. For the purposes of the CTTR, all registered patients were included. The paper form used to collect CTTR data points was designed to capture relevant demographic, geographic, incident and clinical data as parsimoniously as possible. Ethics approval was received from GSH as well as Simon Fraser University. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Case report form Important resources for the foundation of the CTTR included the study of hospitalbased trauma data collection in Uganda by Kobusingye and Lett (2000), the multinational, multi-phase injury surveillance study by Zavala and colleagues (2007, 2008), and the guidelines for injury surveillance system design published by the WHO (Holder et al. 2001). The CTTR case report form is shown in Figure 1. The first generation of the CTTR form was designed based on the WHO guidelines and the template used in the Kampala study; however, it was modified several times to permit a future environmental scan to determine ecological factors associated with increased risk of injury. The CTTR form was designed to fit on one page for eventual ease of use by the trauma team. The following information was recorded: patient demographic details, spatial and temporal information, injury mechanism and type, patient vital signs, diagnostic and treatment information and patient outcome. Data capture A data capture pilot study at GSH was conducted for the month of October 2008 to demonstrate the utility and feasibility of systematic data collection and analysis, and to explore challenges involved in implementing the CTTR in a low-resource environment. Two researchers were responsible for capturing the data and creating the improved registry. Multiple sources were consulted by the researchers to populate the CTTR form. Sources of data included where applicable: patient history and physical forms, nursing notes, ambulance forms, and diagnostic and treatment forms. The sources and steps involved in data collection are illustrated in Figure 2. Geographic location data specifying the injury location appropriate for mapping were obtained from the ambulance or history and physical forms on the patient’s folder if recorded by the health-care team. Preliminary analysis of pilot data A large data-set was created from the successful data capture pilot study. A preliminary analysis of the data-set was undertaken to demonstrate the utility of hospital-based data collection and analysis. A map showing the spatial distribution of injury locations in Cape Town was created. Locations were aggregated to a post code area and mapped using ArcGIS 9.2 (Esri 2006) to illustrate the spatial implications of trauma in Cape Town. Post code areas with fewer than five records were restricted for privacy reasons. Patient street address was available for most patients although it was not recorded for reasons of privacy. Global Public Health GSH TRAUMA DATA FORM Neurological status: Alert Unresponsive [Put patient sticker here] 879 Responds to verbal stimuli Responds to painful stimuli Diagnostic: Xray C-spine Xray chest Xray pelvis Xray upper extremity Xray lower extremity CT Abdo CT Chest CT Head CT spine LODOX ECG Angiogram Ultrasound Other: Race: Black White Coloured Procedures: Other Intubation Occupation: Sm. business owner Vendor Driver Student/pupil Labourer Educator General Assistant Other: Unemployed CivilServant Administration Operation: Referral: Home details: Address: Suture Splint/cast Thoracotomy Chest drain CPR/defib. Other No No Yes (specify) Yes (specify) Suburb: Patient disposition: Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Incident location: Address: Suburb: Setting: Home Work Road School Bar/rest/shop Shebeen Sport/Rec. Other Treated and released Admitted to trauma dept Admitted to ICU Died in trauma dept Transferred to other hospital: Referred to OPD Admitted to other dept Left against med. advice DOA Injuries and Description: Injury date: / Arrival date: / / Assess date: Time / / List and describe all injuries in detail, providing as much information as possible. If the patient has not been injured, write NIL below. Time / Time Arrival method: Own transport Ambulance Referring Hospital: Injury: Blunt Penetrating Other Injury mechanism: MVA-Unknown MVA-Bicycle Fall-same level Gunshot Punch, kick Other (specify) MVA-Pedestrian MVA-Motorcycle Fall-from height Stab, Cut Blunt object MVA-Passenger MVA-Driver Burn Animal bite Unknown Intent: Unintentional Undetermined Intentional- Assaulted acquaintance by: stranger Intentional- Self inflicted family intimate partner Co-morbidities/Past medical history: No Yes (specify) Substance use: Alcohol Drugs (specify) BP: Respiration rate: Casualty Doctor name: Pulse: GCS: Eyes: Figure 1. Verbal: Motor: Total: Signature: CTTR data capture form. Results Using the described data collection protocol, nearly 800 trauma patient records were obtained for the month of October 2008. This represents between 80 and 90% of the total patient volume at GSH Trauma in a typical month. Most of the patients not 880 N. Schuurman et al. Trauma patient registration room Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Patient accounts Trauma wards C5 and/or C12 Other wards, e.g. Ortho, Neuro, ICU ENT, Plastics, etc. No Patient form complete? Yes Patient record complete Figure 2. Data capture flowchart. Multiple sources and locations were consulted to complete a patient record. All patients are registered in the master patient list located in the patient registration room. A record of the discharged patients could be collected from their folder located in the accounts department. Data for patients remaining on the trauma ward or other wards were collected on location. These patients were frequently revisited to complete the patient record, before it could be entered into the CTTR database. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Global Public Health 881 recorded were missed because of an immediate discharge to an outpatient department with non-serious injuries. Table 1 illustrates the fields of the CTTR and rates of capture for the one-month pilot. Note that the CTTR had a significantly higher rate of capture for the majority of fields than what was previously captured on clinical records. It is also significant, for instance, that the question of whether the patient had used drugs or alcohol was captured just 15% of the time, as confirmatory tests were not conducted. Another poorly captured field was the past medical history/co-morbidities of the patient, which was recorded for just 16% of the patients. Also, the setting where the incident occurred and the patient’s respiratory rate on arrival were recorded just over 50% of the time. The poor rate of capture necessitated the exclusion of these fields from further analysis. Preliminary comments from clinical personnel trialling the forms were positive and centred on the idea that the new form allowed for faster and more simplified collection of information from the patient than the multiple, disparate forms of data collection previously in use. In contrast to the CTTR form, an average of just 500 patient records had been captured every month and just seven fields of interest were recorded using the current data collection system in use at GSH, as shown in Table 1. Many important fields were not recorded using that system, including: type of injury sustained, patient home location, date and time of injury, arrival method, injury intent and patient vital sign information. The ability to calculate common ISS is a critical requirement of injury surveillance. Following the data collection period, analysts at Vancouver General Hospital were able to confirm that AIS and ISS could both be calculated from the minimal data-set in the CTTR. In addition, the KTS could also be calculated. Injury patterns Determination of injury patterns for the data was also possible. Table 2 highlights the mechanism of injury for 785 patients presenting to GSH Trauma, broken down by age and sex. Of 785 patients recorded in the CTTR for October 2008, 588 (75%) were male. A majority of patients (60%) were in the 2039 age category. Just 12% of patients were under 20, while only 8% were 60 or over. Whilst there are many juvenile injuries in Cape Town, most children 12 and under are treated at Red Cross Children’s Hospital. Stab/cut was the most common mechanism of injury, and it represented 22% of the total, followed by blunt object with 16%. Pedestrian incidents were the most common cause of motor-vehicle-related injuries, accounting for 42% (73/173) of all traffic incidents. Spatial distribution of injury Figure 3 illustrates the spatial distribution of injury incidents for patients presenting to GSH Trauma Unit, for the month of October 2008. Locations where injuries were sustained were aggregated to post code areas to provide a simple visualisation of areas with a high number of incidents. Generally, high-incident areas exist immediately proximal to GSH in the post code area 7925, which includes the suburbs of Woodstock, Observatory and Salt River. The pattern of high-incident areas extends south-east of the city centre adjacent to the N2 motorway. These highincident post code areas are home to many of the poorest, most densely populated 882 N. Schuurman et al. Table 1. Capture rates for data fields collected on the CTTR form. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Field Sex Age Language Race Occupation Home post code Home suburb Injury post code Injury suburb Setting Injury date Injury time Arrival date Arrival time Assessment date Assessment time Arrival method Basic injury type Injury mechanism Intent Co-morbidities Substance use Blood pressure Respiratory rate Pulse GCS Neurological status Patient disposition Injuries CTTR capture (%) GSH capture (%) 100 99 93 77 75 83 92 75 77 58 98 74 98 90 98 63 93 94 93 92 16 15 95 56 95 87 93 99 89 99 98 N/R 99 N/R N/R N/R N/R 72 N/R N/R N/R 100 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 93 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 45 N/R township communities, including Athlone, Guguletu, Nyanga and Khayelitsha. Raw counts of injury were used for two reasons: (1) much of the population in some suburbs is migratory and reliable census data do not exist; and (2) absolute population counts are more important than rates because they allow design of an appropriate trauma system. Discussion This paper has presented the results of a pilot study that aimed to determine the feasibility and utility of a hospital-based trauma registry in a medium-income country, as a preliminary step towards comprehensive injury surveillance in LMIC. A highly inclusive data capture exercise at GSH in Cape Town, South Africa was piloted over the month of October 2008. The study results include the ability to summarise injury patterns as well as the spatial distribution of injury. Notable is the profound overlap between socio-economically depressed areas and high injury counts. Whilst this is predictable, the scientific evidence renders it more compelling. Global Public Health Table 2. Mechanism of injury by age and sex. Female Injury mechanism Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 883 Animal bite Blunt object Fall from height Fall same level Gunshot Human bite Punch/kick Sprain/strain Stab/cut Traffic bicycle Traffic driver Traffic motorcycle Traffic passenger Traffic pedestrian Traffic unknown Unknown Other Total Male B20 2039 4059 60 Total B20 2039 4059 60 Total Total 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 15 3 18 2 0 6 2 11 0 4 1 0 3 6 8 0 0 1 2 7 0 2 2 1 3 0 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 24 9 51 3 0 8 4 20 0 6 4 1 13 2 7 11 1 5 1 18 3 0 5 4 69 15 18 35 2 17 2 112 1 18 10 3 18 4 12 4 1 10 2 20 2 3 2 0 2 3 11 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 8 101 24 48 50 4 33 5 151 6 22 20 10 125 33 99 53 4 41 9 171 6 28 24 3 4 0 1 0 16 18 12 0 10 3 106 7 4 0 3 0 45 0 0 0 1 0 29 28 20 0 15 3 197 1 6 0 4 2 80 8 23 3 22 3 362 2 20 0 14 0 117 0 4 0 3 1 30 11 53 3 43 6 588 39 73 3 58 9 785 In addition, the CTTR does allow scoring of AIS and ISS, thus making it a useful addition to global injury surveillance efforts. Success of the Cape Town Trauma Registry (CTTR) The high rate of capture for the majority of the fields suggests that allowing for some modifications and linking with other records, the CTTR could fulfil multiple functions, from a record of patient admission to a data registry for injury surveillance and control. The cost of infrastructure and personnel is a serious limitation to the implementation of trauma registries in settings with severely constrained health budgets (Nwomeh et al. 2006). It is not expected that extensive personnel or financial resources will be needed to maintain or refine the CTTR in the future. The value of locally appropriate trauma registries Trauma registries have multiple uses, including: trauma programme evaluation, quality improvement, medical care monitoring, resource tracking, outcome analysis and injury prevention (Watts 1995, Moore and Clark 2008). Current evidence of trauma centre volume statistics and level of trauma care delivery are very useful for resource allocation and quality improvement (Bergeron et al. 2006, Moore and Clark 2008). Injury control in Africa could be vastly improved if trauma registries were implemented which collate data on the full spectrum of injury morbidity and 884 N. Schuurman et al. mortality (Nwomeh et al. 2006). Surveillance of injury mortality is of some use to injury control, however, prospectively kept trauma registries that are able to track injury mortality and morbidity may be more valuable for injury control efforts. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Applications of epidemiological and spatial data analysis Perhaps the most valuable function of the CTTR system is its role as a database that can be used for injury prevention and control. There is a serious need for injury prevention in Cape Town and the Western Cape Province. There is no specific health programme to address injury in Cape Town despite the fact that deaths due to injury are among the greatest contributors to premature mortality (Groenewald et al. 2008). Injury is one of the top five pressing health conditions in the Western Cape, along with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, paediatric respiratory and gastric infections and chronic diseases (Cummins 2002). Western Cape has the lowest overall mortality rate of all the nine South African provinces; however, the injury-related death rate is the highest of all provinces (Bradshaw et al. 2006). In fact, traumatic injury is the leading cause of death in the province, responsible for 23% of total mortality (163/100,000; Cummins 2002). The burden of injury varies greatly within the Cape Town Municipality. For example, in Khayelitsha and Nyanga, two of the township communities highlighted in our spatial analysis, injury mortality rates for males are as high as 333 and 357 per 100,000, respectively (Groenewald et al. 2003). Bradshaw et al. (2006) outline the factors that may contribute to differential burden of injury between different areas in South Africa, including: different patterns of wealth and development, geographic and environmental factors and access to health and other basic services. Alcohol abuse and road safety are two important areas of concern that require urgent intervention, particularly in the poorer areas of Cape Town (Groenewald et al. 2003). For example, future data collection might include testing for alcohol relatedness of injuries in order to determine policy effectiveness of liquor control regulations being tested in the Western Cape (Republic of South AfricaProvince of Western Cape 2008). Prevention programming that targets these at-risk areas and populations will likely contribute to injury control in the Western Cape and South Africa in general. The CTTR system presents an important step towards achieving this goal. Analysis of the data captured during the pilot study was useful in demonstrating the utility of a trauma registry for epidemiological analysis. The disproportionate burden in males and in those aged 2039 may be of some interest to injury prevention planners. Also, the high number of injuries resulting from pedestrian motor-vehicle incidents is of some concern. In addition to the use of the data for epidemiological analysis, the volume statistics may be of use to the trauma unit at GSH for resource allocation purposes. Geography is closely interrelated to the health of individuals and populations (Dummer 2008). For injury prevention, spatial analysis can help unlock explanatory social and environmental factors that may be associated with the risk of injury (Cusimano et al. 2007). Spatial analyses could greatly contribute to injury epidemiology research in LMIC. In India, for example, a spatial analysis revealed geographic clustering of motorcycle crashes, which led to an examination of the crash site and the subsequent discovery of a malfunctioning traffic light (Bagaria and Bagaria 2007). Despite the potential benefit, the few injury data sources that are Global Public Health 885 available in these countries often do not include detailed location information. As such, spatial data collection was a key focus for the development of the CTTR. Our preliminary spatial analysis highlighted the large number of incidents taking place in the poorer township areas of Cape Town. The map in Figure 3 provides a generalised overview of the spatial implications of injury and more detailed analyses can be made with the data collected for the CTTR. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) may hold the key to fine-grain spatial analyses of injury and implementation of these systems into the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Cape Town and other cities will be a great leap towards understanding the detailed spatial implications of injury. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 Limitations and future directions The initiation of the CTTR was based on a 30-day trial data collection period; this was not sufficient time to uncover the full range of issues related to hospital-based injury data collection. In this case, however, the pilot was the first phase of three planned efforts. Pilot 1 was designed to determine whether a MDS could be collected given the hospital’s current data resources, and whether injury scoring could be achieved based on the trial data. Despite the limited trial period, feasibility of the collection of each of the MDS fields was established. In addition, experienced analysts at a large Vancouver Level 1 trauma hospital were successfully able to Figure 3. Injury location by post code area for GSH trauma patients. The suburb areas in the vicinity of GSH and the township communities along the N2 motorway corridor are high-incident areas for injuries sustained by GSH trauma patients. Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 12:16 02 December 2011 886 N. Schuurman et al. calculate AIS and ISS from the approximately 800 patient records. The two planned future pilot studies will augment these initial findings from Pilot 1 in an effort to develop a sustainable data registry for GSH, and eventually for the other hospitals of Cape Town. Upon completion of the final pilot study, the surveillance system can be evaluated according to a framework such as the one recently proposed by Mitchell et al. (2009). This injury surveillance system framework has been designed to conduct evaluations in three key areas: data quality, system operation and practical capability. Injured patients who do not seek formal medical care are not included in a hospital-based trauma registry despite contributing to the overall injury burden. This is a limitation to the CTTR, and indeed to many trauma registries (Moore and Clark 2008). To better capture the complete trauma population in a catchment, other methods are often needed including household surveys and police records (Tercero 2007). Also, to fully capture the complete trauma population in a given city or region, implementation of a trauma registry is necessary at all of its trauma centres (whether designated or de facto). Linking the CTTR with trauma registries at the network of hospitals in Cape Town would provide a more complete analysis of the Cape Town trauma population, and could provide insight into the city’s trauma system (Matzopoulos et al. 1999). Ultimately, what is needed is a comprehensive, centralised registry made up of all hospital-based trauma registries in a country. The development of a global infrastructure to collate and manage injury data from multiple countries may provide the ultimate solution. Jayatilleke et al. (2007) describe the potential for a web-based system to achieve this goal. Completion of trauma data forms by busy clinicians is another concern in hospitals with limited personnel resources. This was a concern at GSH and, whilst increased surveillance compliance was observed through the course of the study, there continue to be a number of negative pressures on compliance. These include clinician time stresses, lack of an injury surveillance culture, poor prospects for longterm sustainability (thus affecting present compliance) and highly constrained job definitions amongst nursing staff. Future research should seek to understand optimal methods of improving data form completion. Conclusions Injury is a major public health issue in South Africa and around the world. Evidencebased injury control based on rigorous data collection is urgently needed. Trauma registries have provided the foundation for important advances in injury prevention and acute trauma care in well-resourced trauma systems. Implementation of such registries in LMIC represents a promising frontier in global efforts to reduce the burden of injury. The CTTR, a trauma unit-based injury database, is one strategy to describe the distribution and consequences of injury in a high trauma volume, lowresource environment. The key characteristics of the CTTR include: ability to calculate common ISS, inclusion of key minimal data elements to permit generalised spatial and epidemiological analysis for the purposes of prevention and education; future easy expansion to include quality indicators; and minimal drain on human resources based on few fields. In addition, the CTTR was introduced as part of a structured rollout as it is the first of three planned pilots. This strategy permits Global Public Health 887 gradual accommodation on the part of the host hospital as well as permitting the team to identify and accommodate local conditions that bear on feasibility. In the long run, epidemiologic and spatial analyses of hospital data may complement existing analyses of mortuary data and create new opportunities for the design of injury prevention efforts and the optimisation of trauma systems. 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