Document 11291101

Program: Computer and Information Science, B.S.C.I.S. ­ Cleveland State University ­ Acalog ACMS™
Cleveland State University Undergraduate Catalog 2014 ­ 2015
Computer and Information Science, B.S.C.I.S.
BSCIS & BSCS Degree Maps
Minimum hours required for the degree: 120
Admission to major: 2.00 grade­point average, a grade of C or better in MTH 181, and a grade of C+ or better in CIS
Major­Field Requirements
The following list is a guide to the academic requirements for a program of student in the Computer
and Information Science major. Each student’s specific program requires the approval of the College
1. General Education Requirements.
Students should see an advisor in the Business College Office (BU219) before choosing electives to satisfy
General Education Requirements in the following areas:
Mathematics or Logic, Arts/Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, Social Diversity and Writing Across
the Curriculum.
2. Seventeen semester hours of mathematics
MTH 181 ­ Calculus I
MTH 182 ­ Calculus II
MTH 220 ­ Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MTH 288 ­ Linear Algebra
MTH 323 ­ Statistical Methods
3. Thirteen semester hours of Natural Science with Laboratory
PHY 243 ­ University Physics I (Writing)
PHY 244 ­ University Physics II (Writing)
A math or science course at the 300 or 400 level (3 credit hours)
4. Computer and Information Science core program ­ 8 courses
Program: Computer and Information Science, B.S.C.I.S. ­ Cleveland State University ­ Acalog ACMS™
CIS 151 ­ Invitation to Computing
CIS 260 ­ Introduction To Programming
CIS 265 ­ Data Structures & Algorithms
CIS 335 ­ Language Processors
CIS 340 ­ Systems Programming
CIS 345 ­ Operating Systems
CIS 390 ­ Introduction to Algorithms
CIS 485 ­ Senior Project
5. Twelve semester hours of CIS core choices
CIS 424 ­ Comparative Programming Languages or CIS 490 ­ Foundations of Computing
CIS 434 ­ Software Engineering or CIS 430 ­ Data Base Concepts
CIS 454 ­ Data Communication and Networking or CIS 480 ­ Introduction to Computer Architecture or
CIS 475 ­ Introduction to Computer Security
CIS 368 ­ Object Oriented Design and Programming or CIS 467 ­ Introduction To Artificial Intelligence or
CIS 465 ­ Multimedia or CIS 457 ­ Computer Graphics
6. Additional 15 semester hours of Computer and Information Science
7. Soft Skill
Choose one course
IST 420 ­ Project Management for IS
GAD 250 ­ Business Communications
Additional Major­Field Requirements
1. In order to declare CIS as the major, the student must have completed one semester of Calculus (MTH 181
) with a grade of C (2.00) or better and CIS 260 (Introduction to Programming) with a grade of C+ (2.30)
or better. The student must also have an overall grade­point average of 2.00 or better.
2. All computer and information science courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better.
3. Any computer and information science course taken without prior satisfactory completion of all catalog
prerequisite courses will not be counted toward fulfillment of graduation requirements.
Students who intend to major in CIS should see an adviser in the CIS Department as soon as possible (no
later than the end of the freshman year), even if they have not yet completed MTH 181 and CIS 260.
Honors Program/University Scholars Requirements
The following upper­division requirements apply for honors/scholars students who select a major in either the BBA
or BSCIS programs in the Monte Ahuja College of Business Administration.
Students will be required to take a minimum of 15 credit hours of upper­division (i.e. , 300­ and 400­level) honors
Program: Computer and Information Science, B.S.C.I.S. ­ Cleveland State University ­ Acalog ACMS™
courses in the College of Business Administration. General guidelines for these credit hours are given below.
However, the specific courses that each student takes will be agreed upon by the student and the student’s
honors/scholars advisor.
Honors Courses
A minimum of 15 hours of honors credits will be taken as follows:
Honors Thesis (required in senior year, three credit hours). Each honors/scholars student will conduct a piece
of original research and write and present a thesis in his or her major area under the supervision of a faculty
member from that department. This new Honors Thesis course will be available in each department and
designated with the following titles and course numbers for each major as appropriate: ACT 499, Honors
Thesis in Accounting; CIS 499, Honors Thesis in CIS; FIN 499, Honors Thesis in Finance; INB 499, Honors
Thesis in International Business; IST 499, Honors Thesis in Information Systems; MLR 499, Honors Thesis
in Management and Labor Relations; MKT 499, Honors Thesis in Marketing; and OMS 499, Honors Thesis in
Operations Management and Business Statistics.
Honors Internship (required in either junior or senior year, three credit hours). Each honors/scholars student will engage in an internship experience in which the student will gain work experience in an
organizational environment related to the student’s area of interest. The student may choose to either sign up
for the regular internship experience within the departments that offer such courses already (i.e. ACT 490,
FIN 490, MLR 490, MKT 490, or OMS 490), or enroll in a new course, BUS 490, that will serve those majors
that do not already have an internship available.
Honors Courses (minimum of nine credits). Honors/Scholars students in business will also be required to
take at least three honors courses within the College of Business Administration, with at least one course
(minimum of three credit hours) within the major. These honors courses will be created via a contract
between honors/scholars student and a cooperating faculty member. The contract allows for any 300­ or 400­
level business or computer science course to be modified to become an honors course. The honors/scholars
· student and the faculty member agree to a contract that spells out how the course will be modified to provide
an appropriate learning experience for the honors student. The contract, including a copy of the revised
syllabus and an explanation of how the honors version of the course differs from the regular version, is then
submitted to the department chair for approval. The student then registers for the honors version of the
course, but attends a regular section of the course that the cooperating faculty is teaching. The honors section
of the course is designated with the regular course number with the letter H added to designate that the
student is enrolled in the honors version of the course (e.g., MKT 301H, Introduction to Marketing). Only the
approved honors/scholars student is allowed to register for the course under the honors number. The
designation of an H course needs to be approved by the director of the university’s honors/scholars program.
Honors credits can be used to replace a maximum of 16 credit hours of required major courses, major
electives, or free electives, with the approval of the honors advisor.
Honors/Scholars Advisor
Each honors student will select an advisor from among the approved honors/scholars advisors in the department.
The advisors will advise honors students and supervise the honors thesis course as well as the honors internship.
The honors/scholars advisors will assist the students in designing their honors experience, including choosing their
honors courses, identifying a thesis topic, and arranging for an internship.
Program: Computer and Information Science, B.S.C.I.S. ­ Cleveland State University ­ Acalog ACMS™