EEC 492/592 Software Defined Radio Spring 2015

EEC 492/592 Software Defined Radio
Spring 2015
6:00 pm to 7:15 pm on Tuesday & Thursday, FH 311
(Additional meeting will be announced for EEC 592 students)
Instructor: Dr. Murad Hizlan
Office Location: FH 338
Work phone number: 216 687 4826
Office Time: 11:15 am – 1:15 pm (M/W),
other time by appointment.
Instructor URL:
Instructor: Dr. Chansu Yu
Office Location: FH 331
Work phone number: 216 687 2584
Office Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (T/TH),
other time by appointment.
Instructor URL:
Prerequisite: EEC 450, CIS 265 (Preferred)
Number of Credits: 3 (EEC 492), 4 (EEC 592)
Course Description:
With the rapid emergence of new standards and protocols in wireless communication,
many functions of traditional radio receivers are being implemented in software. This is
called software-defined radio (SDR). The course contains significant computer and
hands-on project work in order to implement working SDR systems. It will use USRP
equipment and NI LabView as well as GNU Radio software packages. Knowledge of
either communication theory or experience in software programming is required.
Key Concepts:
SDR implementation relies heavily on digital signal processing techniques and require
fewer radio-frequency components than classic hardware-based analog radios.
Consequently, by utilizing software radio algorithms, it is possible to implement radio
transceivers at a very low cost and simultaneously to exploit the multiple benefits a
digital system offers, such as high dynamic range, perfect coherent quadrature detection,
and programmable filters.
A review will be given to reinforce the student’s knowledge of telecommunication
concepts and systems, waveform generation, and analog and digital modulation schemes.
The student will be able to use the hardware elements of an SDR system: the front-end
RF system, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, and field-programmable
gate arrays (FPGAs). The student will then couple these hardware elements with the
software-defined elements of the radio system: sampling, digital filtering, signal
recovery, timing recovery, equalization, and baseband processing. Employing the
hardware and software of the overall system, the student will build a functioning SDR
system. The student will also appreciate the current and future trends in the SDR space,
including cognitive radio systems, and implemented SDRs.
The course contains significant computer and hands-on project work in order to
implement working SDR systems.
Blackboard: The course will be administered using Blackboard Learn (the updated
version of Blackboard CE 6.0). The syllabus, calendar, homework assignments, notes,
exams, pertinent links and grades are available on the blackboard.
* Blackboard Learn:
* For Blackboard help:
Student Expectations:
Make sure you meet the following criteria. These are essential for you to complete this
course successfully.
1. Lab Assignments – About 14 group lab assignments will be given throughout the
semester (one per week).
2. Paper report (EEC 592 only) – Students are supposed to read papers and make two
3. Late Assignment/reports – Lab reports are due on Tuesday (11:59pm) the following
week. Late assignment/lab report will receive a penalty of 10% per day, unless excused.
No late submission is accepted after one week of the due date.
4. Exams and Make-up Exam - There will be 2 tests throughout the semester. Make-up
tests will be given only in the case of serious need and only when the instructor is
notified PRIOR to the test time. In case of a missed test, valid reason must be
provided along with supporting document (e.g. doctor's note). Without proper
documentation, no marks will be given for a missed test.
5. Grading Scheme:
Your course grade is based on your overall performance through the entire semester.
The relative weights for the final grade are the following:
EEC 492
EEC 592
Lab Reports (14)
60 %
Lab reports (14)
48 %
Tests (2)
40 %
Tests (2)
32 %
Reports (2)
20 %
Student Conduct: Students are expected to do their own work. Academic misconduct,
student misconduct, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Violations will be
subject to disciplinary action as specified in the CSU Student Conduct Code. A copy can
be obtained by contacting Valerie Hinton Hannah, Judicial Affairs Officer in the
Department of Student Life or at
It is important that all students do their own work on the exams and assignments.
Failure to do so will result in a Failing Grade for the course.
Last day to drop
(Without W grade)
Friday, January 16, 2015
Last day to drop:
(Without W grade)
Friday, January 23, 2015
Last day to withdraw:
(With W grade)
Friday, March 27, 2015
(with Full Refund)
Examination Policy: The use of books, class notes, cell phones, calculators, and any
electronic devices is prohibited during the examinations. Any form of
communication during examinations is prohibited.
Student work for Course Portfolio: The professor reserves the right to retain, for
pedagogical reasons, either the original or a copy of your work submitted either
individually or as a group project for this class. Students’ names will be deleted from
any retained items.
Expected Outcomes: Upon successful course completion, a student will be able to:
 Understand the basic concepts of software defined radio system which integrates
RF front-end, ADC/DAC, and software systems.
 Learn and design not only new SDR solutions but also learn the limitations and
issues of SDR as well as the corresponding hybrid solutions.
 Analyze performance of SDR system to understand bottlenecks and potential
Course Schedule:
The tentative schedule of topics and their order of coverage is given in the table below.
Jan 13 T
Jan 15 R
Jan 20 T
Jan 22 R
Jan 27 T
Jan 29 R
Feb 3 T
Feb 5 R
Feb 10 T
Feb 12 R
Feb 17 T
Feb 19 R
Feb 24 T
Feb 26 R
Mar 3 T
Mar 5 R
Mar 10 T
Mar 12 R
Mar 17 T
Mar 19 R
Mar 24 T
Mar 26 R
Mar 31 T
Apr 2 R
Apr 7 T
Apr 9 R
Apr 14 T
Apr 16 R
Apr 21 T
Apr 23 R
Apr 28 T
Apr 30 R
May 5 T
Software defined radio
USRP Hardware
Benchmark testing
AWGN Simulator & Modulation
Pulse Shaping
Energy Detection
No class (self-study)
Midterm Exam
No Class (Spring Recess)
No Class (Spring Recess)
Frame Detection
Intro to OFDM
Frequency Correction & Sync
OFDM Channel Coding
*** Buffer ***
GNU Radio
Final Exam (4:00-6:00 PM ???)
(due before